The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Firecast: The Worlds 2024 Predictions on I AM Liberty

Episode Date: January 4, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We have to hit the reset button and create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age and filtering all the way up what is it that gentlemen wish what would they have is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take. As for me, give me liberty or give me death. Firecast here on the I Am Liberty show tonight. Glad to be with you, PBN family. I'm in the backyard i'm podcasting from the fire ring
Starting point is 00:01:29 got this great little i didn't know what i wanted for christmas you know what i mean like they you get to a certain age it doesn't matter what it is it's like i don't i got everything so i told my wife you know i, I need a good firing outside metal, something nice. And she got me a beautiful stainless, I guess it is, or steel firing with the American flag whipped into it, cut out of it. And I said, you know what? I got a few things that I got to do on our routine on our January. What's it called anyway? Hit the ground running or something like that.
Starting point is 00:02:13 What is it? Set the tone. The set the tone routine for January here at PBN. And there are a couple of things in that routine that required my attention today. I needed cold exposure, so I figured we could do the show outside, get a little cold exposure. And I also needed, I got a weekly fire to build, right? So I said to myself, you know what, let's spend some time out in the cold. I made...
Starting point is 00:02:47 I didn't want to drink coffee. You know, I'm trying to avoid this late coffee business. I didn't want to drink coffee, I said to myself. If I'll be up till midnight, I got too many good video games I'm playing right now. Oh, God, the gaming world is on fire right now. Man. At the end of the workday, I always marvel at the amount of things I get done a day because there are so many good games to play right now.
Starting point is 00:03:18 And I say, you know, if I drink a coffee, I'm up till 1 o'clock in the morning. It's that simple. The body wants to sleep, but the mind doesn't. The brain is awash in the caffeine. It can't handle it. Sometimes. Sometimes it doesn't even matter. I'll go right to bed.
Starting point is 00:03:33 But sometimes the brain just gets awash in the caffeine and it can't sleep. And me, when I get to the point where I lose control of my thoughts, it's like an avalanche. It's like a tsunami. I keep a lot of that stuff under wraps. Not like terrible thoughts, but just the creativity, the ideas, the what can I get done in this amount of time. You know what I mean? What can I get done in this amount of time? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:04:08 I thought about green tea. Green tea I don't drink a lot of anymore. I probably need to drink a little more. Sometimes I drink green tea, guys, and it makes me just nauseous as can be. And I didn't want to do that this late in the evening. I figured I was asking for that. So I went with the lesser of the three evils. I went with the sugar.
Starting point is 00:04:37 I got myself a thermos of hot chocolate out here to do the I Am Liberty show. Hot chocolate, mini marshmallows, Swiss miss, whatever it is. Out here by the fire. I was standing by this fire earlier today, which is just magnifico right now. And, you know, I had about two or maybe three years ago now, I had adopted the log cabin fire lay. Do you have a chosen fire lay? Like when you start a fire, do you have a fire lay that you choose above all? Like there are really like fundamentally two fire lays that I ever even consider.
Starting point is 00:05:27 The one that I use prime, sorry, I was drinking hot chocolate. The one that I use primarily though is the log cabin. It's so effective. The airflow is unstoppable. The little, you know, the living room, if you will, of the cabin is just the perfect, it's just perfect. You know what I mean, if you know, if you can handle kindling and, and, you know, starter and stuff like that, then I don't know, you know, I put a little of my Bigfoot fur down in there, I took some pine, tiny little pine branches, broken up very small, lit, lit the Bigfoot fur, put the pine branches in, and then just grabbed fallen wood that was mostly wet off the ground and allowed the fire to lick that rather than stuff it down in there. I'll tell you what.
Starting point is 00:06:22 I'll tell you what. While I was watching the fire, what always... Fire's an interesting thing this day and age now. Now, I am going to get to predictions tonight. This is going to go, though. This is going to go the way of the I Am Liberty show right now, just so you know. JB, what's up?
Starting point is 00:06:42 Garden girl in chat, I see you. Oh, so you think I got some garbage green tea? Garden girl in chat, I see you. Oh, so you think I got some garbage green tea? Is that my problem? I mean, I like tea. It could, well, you know what too, JB, it might not be the tea. It could be the user. It could be the brewer. You know what I mean? I could be brewing like death tea, using too much. That could be the deal too. But anyway. I want to talk about fire for a minute. Because I was watching this fire. It was raging.
Starting point is 00:07:14 It's not raging like that anymore. It's beautiful. Don't get me wrong. I mean, it is what it is. Actually, it could use a kick. It could use a poke. I was going to bring a poker out here too and I didn't. I may have to grab something on the commercial break. Oh, there's a shovel just over yonder. It would be perfect. A metal shovel too. I'm sitting in this precarious setup of two chairs that I feel like if I step away from it, the whole thing will fall apart. You know, like the mic stand will fall over and the computer will fall
Starting point is 00:07:45 into the fire. It's one of those situations. And it's not that big of a deal because, you know, the fire is doing what it needs to do. But I had this giant raging fire going earlier, you know, because the kindling was burning and the flames were high and it was, you know, a lot of pine. So the, you know, for those of you who don't know, like if you can start a fire, if you can decide, or if you, if you're grabbing wood, whether you're in the woods or whatever the situation is, if you're starting a fire, um, the resin in the pine wood is phenomenal, you know, and it burns hot, but it burns quick. Something like oak, you know, it's going to burn. It's hardwood, pine being softwood.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Resin is softwood, so it's great for getting going. But like I said, it burns out quick. So, you know, you start with your pine and then you add your hardwood, which burns hotter and longer. No, more consistent heat longer pine actually burns hotter but a shorter time to burn anyway so the resin is burning this these flames are licking up in the air and i'm watching the fire and what came to mind was a group of men that are incredibly capable men in this world who have virtually no idea how to start fire or have or have had virtually no idea how to start fire. And then I showed them, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:09:21 But men, not men who are like stuck in an office like I've had my share of those guys out too but I'm talking about guys who can do things guys who can rebuild engines guys who can build structures from the ground up like alone you know what I mean I'm talking about you know those kind of men and you get them around some logs and some sticks and it's like you realize that the connection between man and fire is failing. And then I started thinking about the fire in men in general. you know, with suicide, with depression, with all these things that are happening, it's hard for me not to draw a parallel between, you know, our disconnect from actual physical fire and the lack of fire inside us. The lack of fire and passion inside the average man, right?
Starting point is 00:10:27 And then I just sat there and watched the fire burn for a little while and was grateful that I took my lumps in fire making and, you know, I've done it as many times as I have. So I don't know. I like to draw these correlations. I like these correlations. Do you know that? I do. I do. I'm always trying to i do i'm always trying to find i'm always trying to find the path to get people on that's why we that's why i recently added or changed sort of the subheading of the prepper broadcasting network the tagline to the path back to stability i'm always looking for these paths i'm always trying to figure out these routines and these paths to put people on so that they can, do you want to know what it is? So they can feel as good as I feel. That's what it is. It comes from that. You know, I'm not worried about feeling as good as another guy. I'm not worried about doing as good as another guy. Like
Starting point is 00:11:22 I wake up and I'm a happy dude and life is good and I want that for other people and that's that's it you know and the balance the balance between that and paying the bills is what PBN is that's what work is for me in general right it's the balance between my ability to be genuine with you my ability to try and help you improve, and also knowing that I can't give everything to everybody, right? I know that doesn't work. I know that the giving away of things to people doesn't help them in many cases.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Sucks, but it's the truth. Yep, JB in chat says I didn't know what I didn't know and now I can't go back oh oh you're talking in reference to brewing tea I love a good cup of tea don't get me wrong you know I like to stand behind disaster coffee and pretend like you know I I'm now I drink coffee every day of my life. OK, I love it. I love. Disaster coffee in the morning, it's well, I've said it before in the air many times, I think about coffee at night before bed sometimes and I'm like I'm like a kid with sugar plums dancing in my head. Do you know what I mean? Like I'm laying there.
Starting point is 00:12:48 The covers are pulled up. I got a pit bull curled up under my left armpit. I have this pit bull named Link. He sleeps under my left armpit every night, curled up. He's the coolest dog ever. I mean the coolest. But that's where he likes to sleep. And I'm laying there with the covers pulled up, and I'm smiling to myself sometimes.
Starting point is 00:13:09 I'm giddy of the caffeine that's coming my way in the morning. And I wake up, and even if I don't want to drink coffee, I put the coffee on first. Anyhow. We're talking show predictions, right? JB in chat's drinking Pandemic. Pandemic's our best seller. It's our best coffee. It's our best, I mean,
Starting point is 00:13:31 as far as like palatable, affordable, enjoyable to the masses, Pandemic is it. You can't beat it. I prefer Tsunami. That's my favorite. I wish I'd, well, no, I don't actually't beat it. I prefer Tsunami. That's my favorite. I wish I'd, well, no, I don't actually.
Starting point is 00:13:48 See, my son named Tsunami. So I really, I have a special place in my, he also named Supply Drop. I got a special place in my heart for Tsunami. But it's also my favorite. I mean, bar none, my favorite. Now, our crazy expensive common ground coffee is unbelievable also
Starting point is 00:14:09 but coffee so expensive and that one is the best I mean it's from the best it's from the coffee region of the world the Uganda Sippy Falls I mean it's outrageous but I'll tell you what you know every one that we do is good. It's wonderful.
Starting point is 00:14:29 There are far worse businesses to be in than the buying and selling of coffee. I'll tell you that much. 2024 predictions, chat room, feel free to fire at will, okay, if you want to talk, any predictions on your mind, feel free, and they don't have to be, you know, profound, they don't have to be Nostradamic, though I do have some Nostradamus for you today, and it's kind of wild, before we get rolling on that, actually, you know what, I'll talk about it when we come back from the break, let's get the break out of the way. We'll talk about our Food Security Network Masterclass coming at the end of the month. And then we will get to I've got risk events to watch out for in 2024.
Starting point is 00:15:16 I've got Nostradamus 2024. I've got 10 predictions for 2024, the Kiplinger letter. And we'll get into it right after these messages. All right. Talk to you soon, PBN family. Don't go nowhere. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments? is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prep or mind can dream up.
Starting point is 00:15:46 has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase. with stage six running blackouts for the rest of the week. A scheduled outage on Thursday, but the one that happened Sunday, it wasn't scheduled, it was unexpected, and it lasted longer than a day. Point Zero Energy has given me the American-tested, American-assembled, reliable solar backup that I've been looking for. Their Titan solar generator is American ingenuity at its finest, with a removable, expandable lithium-ion
Starting point is 00:16:46 battery, 2,000 watt hour, 3,000 watt high efficiency inverter. So what does all that mean to you? It means the Titan can charge your smartphone for 88 hours, your laptop for 35 hours, a CPAP for 108 hours, your refrigerator for 26.8 hours. Get to today for the all-American solution to backup power. We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Also, don't forget about our friends at Good friends, Prepper Camp. Awesome preps over there waiting for you. Okay, real quick, before we get rolling into predictions, we got plenty of time for you to plan for this. First and foremost, so we're going to be running a master class, okay? Typically, we were doing them monthly, bimonthly for a little while there, and then we stopped. And now I'm bringing you the big one. I'm bringing you the
Starting point is 00:17:53 Build Your Own Food Security Network Masterclass, which is just, it's everything with food. Since 2020, I've been sort of racking my brain and building this food security network of my own. And what it comes down to is just I want to be 99.999% certain that my family doesn't go hungry no matter what's going on. And this is how I've got there. This is exactly the way that I've gotten there. And it's a lot. There's a lot to discuss. There's a lot of doors that people don't open that you can open.
Starting point is 00:18:41 And I'm excited. I'm excited about it. So it'll probably be about an hour. An hour and a half long master class. It's going to be January 31st. 9 p.m. Eastern. That's a Wednesday. It will go up eventually as a paid course.
Starting point is 00:18:57 It will be free to members. Like all of our master classes. And I'll. I'll get you guys a sign up form. If you reach out to me. I can sign you up for it if you're not a member. I'm going to tell you right now, the class is going to cost as much as a membership, so that's up to you how you want to handle that. The class is going to be $60.
Starting point is 00:19:19 So just become a member. You know what I mean? If you want to sign up for just a class, that's up to you. Seems silly to me. I'd recommend you just become a member. It's going to be a great course. We'll walk away from there. I can't like with all the masterclasses I do.
Starting point is 00:19:38 I can't make you do the things I tell you, but I can tell you the things that I do and how they make my life way better. All right. Food security network, how to build it. Let's get into the prediction. So just to clarify, guys, these are not predictions of mine. All right. Like we, I don't know. If you want me to do that, I can do that too. But in all honesty, I'm not that interested in doing that. I'm reading Forbes. Risk events to watch out for in 2024 by Mike O'Sullivan. I cover the economic and financial world outside of the U.S. for the U.S.
Starting point is 00:20:24 I got a picture of Nikki Haley here. This Forbes article, if I remember, is the one... No, no, this one's decent. Yeah, this one's decent. David Skilling and I have published a note on the main themes for 2024. At the very end of this, we outline a small number of wildcard events. They're not predictions, but developments we think
Starting point is 00:20:44 are sufficiently likely to be watched seriously. He opens up with, and this is very interesting and something that didn't even pop up into my head. And this is how you know you're being manipulated by the, this is how I know I am being manipulated by the enemy. And who's the enemy in this case, Russia and China? Why is Russia my enemy? I thought we're supposed to say stop the war in Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:21:15 We are supposed to say that. That doesn't mean I want Putin to come to my house for Thanksgiving, right? He's a lunatic from the Soviet Union. He's a killer, monster, who if the balance of power shifted, he would macerate us. Do you understand that? Autocratic regime change is the first, the very first prediction in this Forbes article, and I think it's brilliant. prediction in this Forbes article, and I think it's brilliant. The regimes in China and Russia are opaque, but are under significant economic and political stress. You see, this is something that I don't talk about. This is something that the news doesn't talk about enough. And it is the fact that when... You see, we have an enemy internally, and we have an enemy internally and we have an enemy abroad and the enemy internally controls
Starting point is 00:22:07 the propaganda so of course the news makes you feel like your nation is falling apart and the leadership is crap and so on and so forth um and don't get me wrong our leadership is crap right now for sure. But it's no glittering, golden-framed photograph in China or Russia either. History shows that regime change is often a surprise. 2024 is the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, a surprise event. Autocratic regimes may look stable, but both Mr. Putin and Mr. Xi are looking hard to keep domestic politics under control. Regime change is possible with implications that would shake the world. Now, of course, regime change also doesn't mean things get better for us.
Starting point is 00:23:00 It could be things get much worse for us right he talks about a viable third party US presidential candidate that's not going to happen I don't even know who the who's the libertarian candidate for president I don't even know who it is let's look it up
Starting point is 00:23:20 libertarian presidential candidate 2024 tell me something AI Let's look it up. Libertarian presidential candidate 2024. Tell me something, AI. Oh, it hasn't selected a nominee yet. Okay. So who are the nominees? Who are they?
Starting point is 00:23:40 Aaron Auvoir. It almost looked like Aaron Auvoir, which was kind of funny. Presidential Election Candidate Party, Aaron Avoris. Libertarian Party, Antonio Gannon. Antonio Gannon? I don't know. I don't know enough about it. I almost joined the party not long ago, to be honest with you. I was so pissed off at the situation we were in back in 2020. Who knows? Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they're
Starting point is 00:24:13 right. I felt like I was wrong about that, but maybe they do pick somebody. And maybe the Libertarian Party finally unites the people. I'm at the point where I'd vote Libertarian Party finally unites the people. I'm at the point where I'd vote Libertarian. Sure. Why not? What else could go wrong? Cyber shock. This is a very interesting one to see on Forbes, too.
Starting point is 00:24:44 I've been talking a lot about cyber attack lately on water and on infrastructure. The coronavirus was a major global shock from 2020. But a cyber virus could also be a first-order global shock. There have been recent events from Ukraine to the massive disruption to DP World in Australia in November. The risk of cyber attack on a broader scale, e.g. impacting financial institutions worldwide, should not be discounted. The scramble for rare places. This is a big one.
Starting point is 00:25:20 The scramble for rare places. The scramble for supremacy spills over to terrains such as space. That's China, the Arctic, and the deep seas. China and Russia are stepping up Arctic activity and undersea gas pipelines and telecom cables in Europe have become the subject of recent attacks. From staged attacks on satellites to sabotage of energy and communication infrastructure and non-rules-based competition for deep-sea minerals. Geopolitical rivalry will take on new forms in 2024 and beyond. There's fallout landing on me right now. Fire fallout.
Starting point is 00:25:59 So they're Forbes' risk events to watch out for in 2024. I think it's not bad. I'm going to be honest with you. I don't know why they didn't mention civil unrest. If you're going to write a risk events to watch, but then it's also international. This writer is an international writer. If you're writing domestically,
Starting point is 00:26:19 you have to mention that civil unrest is already a big deal. What I love about the civil unrest threat that we're facing too right now is that for years and years and years the FBI came out and said the most dangerous thing, the most dangerous domestic group in our nation are these radical white supremacists, you know what I mean? And I'm still waiting for them to come out and do something. Most of the time these white supremacists. These legitimate white supremacist groups.
Starting point is 00:26:53 These neo-Nazi groups come out. And they look like they paused. They paused Baldur's Gate. Long enough to come out in March. And then ran back home to play. Oh, God. Should we do Nostradamus or should we do Kiplinger? I know nothing really about Kiplinger, but I read it. I know nothing about the website, right? Kiplinger. However, personal finance website, they got some really good 2024 predictions
Starting point is 00:27:27 i was pretty impressed i thought they did a good job um but we could get nostradamic first it's short let's do it this from the post nostradamus the internet's so bad. The internet is so bad, it's unfathomably bad. I don't mean the connection. I mean the way that it works. I have pop-ups and sign-ups and real estate and videos popping up. And real estimate pop-ups and real choice selling pop-ups. And Rob Schneider woke up in America and all I want to do is read your stupid article in the New York Post.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Why do I have to, like, I feel like I need to put my guard up physically, like my physical boxing guard up when I go to one of these media websites. Brutal. Media websites? Brutal. Nostradamus, a 16th century French astrologer known as the Prophet of Doom, has few foreboding predictions for 24. The year brings continued global strife, including war on the seas,
Starting point is 00:28:47 royal turmoil, and humanitarian disaster. What he writes is pretty interesting, particularly about China. He talks about Prince Harry becoming king, too. Persistent attacks on both himself and his second wife. Oh, no, I'm sorry. That's not him. One of the passages in his long text says that a king of isles will be driven out by force. I don't know. That's pretty cool. You know, but I'll tell you what, though. Nostradamus says a king of isles will be driven out by force.
Starting point is 00:29:25 And they think it means Prince Harry becomes the king of England. But you know what it might also mean? It could also be that 2024 is the year that the monarchy breaks. It could be the year that the monarchy breaks. It could be the year that the monarchy breaks. It could be the year that the nation of the United Kingdom breaks under the immigrant nightmare, right? And maybe the king
Starting point is 00:29:56 of Isles is driven out by force by civil unrest of one degree or another, right? Like here we are, our nation's being overtaken and we have this king sitting up in this mansion doing nothing. Nostradamus predicted combat and naval battle in the year 2024. And he said that, quote, a red adversary. Yikes. A red adversary will become pale with fear putting the great ocean in dread that's an interesting one man a red adversary that was a hot chocolate pause i apologize
Starting point is 00:30:38 this one's pretty telling too he wrote the dry earth will grow more parched, and there will be great floods when it is seen. Yeah, the climate activists get all excited about that one. Through the death of a very old pontiff, a Roman of good age will be elected. Of him it will be said that he weakens his sea, but long will he sit and in biting activity. So the people think that maybe Pope Francis' time is coming to an end in 2024. He's got lung inflammation and breathing problems from the flu. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:27 That's Nostradamus. That's him giving his two cents over there. I don't know. What do you take for it? I don't know. Who knows? Look, if the guy can guess and get remotely close from the 1600s or whatever, good on him.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Right? Good on them. All right, so the 10 predictions for 2024 from Kiplinger Letter are, they're good too, man. The financial ones in the beginning are kind of silly. But, you know, they don't, I got to remember that these financial institutions live in a different world than we live in. They think a different way than we think. The economy, number one, the economy will dodge recession. The economy will,
Starting point is 00:32:14 barring an unforeseen shock to the system a year ago, we believe recession was likely in light of the classic warning indicators that were flashing. Yet the economy has proved unexpectedly strong. indicators that were flashing. Yet the economy has proved unexpectedly strong. Many of us in the prepping community, we believe that we're already in recession. And that's because of how you define a recession, you know? I mean, the stats are the stats. I mean, the definition is the definition, and you look at it before they decided to change it.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Kiplinger's calling for an end to the rise in inflation. He said inflation will finally get mostly reined in. Look for the headline inflation rate to fall to 2% for the end of the summer, but then turn higher ending the year around 2.7. Core prices, inflation that strips out food and energy costs will trend down so so that what they're saying is food and energy are still going to be expensive and then price is inflated but if you pull them out then inflation looks decent um rate cuts they go on to say, number four,
Starting point is 00:33:25 the housing market won't see much of a rebound. Why is that? What's going on in the housing market? How come every house that pops up in my email, because I'm always looking at houses just for fun, how come every house has to be bought by cash? How come every house gets sold for $100,000 more than it's worth and $30,000 more than asking? There's something diabolical going on with these massive brokers Black Rocks, they're buying up houses like crazy.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Yeah, it's hard not to think Great Reset when you see that going on. In general, homes will get fewer offers than this year, and the more offers will require home inspections and other contingencies, which is a good thing. Which is a good thing. Which is a good thing. We want our youngsters, we want our young people to be able to come out of college or graduate high school and get a decent job and be able to afford a nice home. That's what we want. You know, there's no mistake about it, right?
Starting point is 00:34:37 That's what we want. That's what we want America to be about. Odds favor a 2024 presidential rematch yeah maybe number seven congress likely to okay a significant immigration reform bill i i can't even imagine i can't even i can't even imagine how do you reform something that is completely broken? What do you mean reform? What's that mean? How do you reform something that's absolutely shattered? Actually, it doesn't even exist, really.
Starting point is 00:35:20 I mean, think about it. What are you reforming? An immigration reform right now would be like, let's make an effort to check everyone who comes over the border. Let's make a pinch point where everyone must cross the border at the same location. Let's simply send people back who just pop up and show up here. What do you think about that? Decent? House Republicans will impeach Joe Biden. There is no clear evidence of impeachable offense yet.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Forgot your comma. Time will tell on that, but Senate Democrats are sure not to convict. The impeachment inquiry that the House GOP passed this month opens the door to tougher investigation of the president's son's business dealings and tax cheating charges. A recent series of closed-door depositions will soon give way to high-profile hearings on Capitol Hill.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Biden engaged in influence peddling scheme with his son, Hunter. Yeah, yeah, of course. It's going to be rough. Garden Girls is talking about homes in Texas. She says, House across from us, 1,000 square foot smaller than ours,
Starting point is 00:36:38 sold for $100K over asking cash, then sat empty for a year because they couldn't rent it for the crazy price they were trying to get. It's terrible, right? I mean, imagine the life that could have been lived in that house by a young couple who has a family, raises the kids, and so on, right? Number nine, this is an interesting one And very political Speaker Mike Johnson will have the worst job in Washington
Starting point is 00:37:09 The Speaker of the House is going to struggle To hold his GOP caucus in line Given how internally divided it can be Plus, come January He'll be down to just three-vote majority Which could slip to two votes After February's special election He won't be booted out like the predecessor, McCarthy.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Republicans can't afford another bitter fight over a speaker in an election year. But he'll be constantly herding cats to pass bills over the Democratic nay votes. Wow, I didn't get this far down. Holy crap. Holy crap, I didn't get this far down. Holy crap. Holy crap, I didn't get this far down. I honestly didn't see this one.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Number 10, a new era of VR headsets that can win over regular folks. Apple's much-awaited foray into VR is a big reason, with its Vision Pro costing $3,500. What regular folks are spending that kind of money? Don't underestimate the tech giant's ability to sway consumers to try and eventually buy a niche gadget which hits Apple Store shelves. Are you telling me that's a good deal? The Vision Pro costs $3,500?
Starting point is 00:38:20 That's literally $500 more than a MetaQuest 3. I said $3,000 more what could it do that's worth $3,000 more market leader meta and others continue to push the envelope with capable low price and high-end products the quest 3 headset runs for 500 the quest pro 1000 expect meta to unveil low price models in 2024 um wow i didn't expect that i'm really interested that in all the things that we talked about in this thing um yeah we get into vr interesting all right what about me What about me? What about me? What do you know about me? Almost nothing.
Starting point is 00:39:16 That is an incredible book. That's from an incredible book written by the now deceased Anthony Bourdain, who thought it was a good idea to kill himself after living the life that he had lived and doing the things that he had done. I mean, this guy was, you know, Anthony Bourdain, Jamie Oliver, Thomas Keller, these people, Michael Roman, these people were everything I wanted to be at a time. You know, there was a time when they were everything that I wanted to be at a time. There was a time when they were everything that I wanted to be. And I learned at a very young age that the worshiping of idols is always fruitless. Always fruitless. You want me to tell you a story?
Starting point is 00:40:07 Tell you a story about worshiping idols and how dangerous it is, particularly people of fame, right? So I'm going to tell this as raw as possible because this is a raw story. But I'd rather do the reminiscence gig with you right now than I would make predictions about. 2024 is going to be crazy. You won't believe. I'm going to give you a little taste of the reminiscence. I'll give you a little taste of what a heathen you're dealing with. Or what I was at a young age.
Starting point is 00:40:37 You probably have children, some of you, that were the age I was on this... Couldn't have been a cold night couldn't have been a couldn't have been a winter's night had to be a fall night or a summer night in philadelphia pennsylvania we were approaching the electric factory my cohort and i we were set to watch an amazing show by the way. Absolutely wonderful.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Couldn't be better. Actually, couldn't be better. I mean, this was a show that was put together perfectly. We were watching the opening act, Slipknot. They were going to come out and do a small set. This is early Slipknot, before they were very popular, okay? We're watching Slipknot go to town at the Electric Factory in Philadelphia, me and my bandmates and our girlfriends.
Starting point is 00:41:35 And I remember I was waning in my garage band fervor at the time. You know what I mean? No, no, no, no. I'm thinking of the wrong show. I'm thinking of the wrong show. I'm sorry. This was Cold Chamber and Machine Head. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:41:56 I thought it was Slipknot, Cold Chamber, Machine Head. That may have been it. I can't remember who opened for Cold Chamber at this show, but we were there for Cold Chamber. Maybe it was Machine Head. I don't know. It was an awesome show. Every time I went to see Cold Chamber, it was always great. We were obsessed, absolutely obsessed with these four people. I particularly was obsessed with the lead singer. He was my hero.
Starting point is 00:42:21 He was my hero, and thank God that I grew up in a time with real parents as opposed to right now, because Des Fafara of Cold Chamber had tattoos all over his face and painted fingernails and and funny hair and piercings everywhere. Right. And I wanted to look like that guy. That's what I wanted to look like. wanted to get the tattoos the whole nine yards right and you know parents back then were like yeah it's okay yeah sure sure that's gonna happen you know there was no you know you couldn't whine you couldn't be like i want to be a cat and your parents are like well let's buy you a costume let's try it out you know what i mean my parents like hell no you're not getting tattoos on your face what the but they would let us go you know my parents always let me go they let me go out into the wild you know we didn't get dropped off you know what i mean we took a bus to the train station
Starting point is 00:43:15 then took the train to philly and we were in philadelphia we were in kiladelphia right probably 2001 something like that and uh bombing around teenagers you know i mean probably if it was 2001 then i was probably about 14 15 years old okay which is bananas my son's 12 years old i would i couldn't imagine him being in philadelphia by himself i couldn't well it's a different philly now too but anyway now let me give you a taste of the darkness okay here's the darkness um i was an extremely jealous boyfriend to a woman i dated a girl she was on a woman kids extremely jealous so jealous it was unbelievable you know it was out of control it was othello i mean it was straight up othellic jealousy and uh she had to deal with it and and she dealt with it pretty well um but i couldn't fix it i
Starting point is 00:44:14 couldn't fix myself and the jealousy ate me alive and i was there implicitly to go home with another girl and it was a girl in our group. You know what I mean? And it had been planned and all. You know what I mean? It was bad. It was terrible. It was awful.
Starting point is 00:44:35 I look back on it. It was awful, right? But it was all part of, you know, we were friends. No, don't worry about it, baby. We're just friends. And she was going to come sleep over my house because we were friends. You know what I mean? No big deal. Everybody's friends. We're just friends. No, don't worry about it, baby. We're just friends. And she was going to come sleep over my house because we were friends. You know what I mean? No big deal. Everybody's friends. We're just friends. And, uh, oh God, what a, what a terrible situation to be in. I can't believe the person that I am now to think about how the, how insane jealousy drove me is it's wild.
Starting point is 00:45:03 It's wild. So, so all that's playing under the show also, right? And, you know, as a young guy, right, I didn't want to go out with this girl. You know what I mean? I think what I wanted was to do something that would make my girlfriend feel the way that I felt all the time because I was little I was little I shouldn't even been having sex yet you know what I mean I was so little like I see people who are 14 15 years old I look at them all I see is a little person you're little but it was what it was now we found ourselves in this crazy situation because these these older girls that we knew the one of the two who i was after um they were like hey well all you
Starting point is 00:45:54 do is go out back of the electric factory and the tour buses are out there and sometimes people are out there sometimes the acts are hanging out out there so my friend John Lewis and I who have been carrying around a boombox and listening to cold chambers since we were you know 11 or something like that we were like oh we got to go meet Des I mean let's just go at least go back there and see and we go back there and somehow we wound up backstage. I think we walked through the back of the electric factory door and we found Dez standing there with two bottles of red wine and he was blasted already. And we had this picture with me on the left side and him on John Lewis on the right side.
Starting point is 00:46:46 I don't even know where that picture is anymore. I probably burned it. And there he was, you know, and we had this picture. It hung on my wall for a very long time. It was this guy that we had idolized for so long. And we were there. I mean, we had reached the top of mount crumpet you know what i mean we were there with des and we were joking with him and you know laughing and i look
Starting point is 00:47:14 back now and think like wow how weird must that have been this dude was probably in his 30s he was hanging out with two like 15 year olds in the backstage hammered right and uh and that's when things took a terrible turn because we walked back outside to find the girls they're getting loaded onto the tour bus and we're like oh man we're gonna go see the tour bus and they're like no only the girls can come on and my girlfriend i told her don't go on the tour bus you're crazy you know what I mean if you go on there like I had any room to say anything with my intentions right but she didn't wind up going on but but the girl I was after did and her friend they both went on and uh and I remember sitting there just being like oof now they were 18 okay at the time so it wasn't an underage girl thing um but the rest of the band was on there and i would have loved to have meet them and i
Starting point is 00:48:11 just in that moment i realized like everybody's just human everybody's just human with the same problems and the same desires and the same struggles and the same sufferings and the same shortcomings, you know, they might sound good behind a microphone. They might look good behind a camera, whatever the situation is. Instagram and Facebook and social media and everybody's filtered and everybody looks great and everybody sounds great and everybody talks great and everybody's got everything good and you got nothing and you suck and I'm great. It's only ever been a letdown for me. And I think it only ever can be a letdown. You know, like how could it be anything but a letdown. When you worship a human. And you look upon them like they're a god. Then the only thing that you can expect. Is some sort of otherworldly blessing.
Starting point is 00:49:16 To come from them. Right. And then you realize like. Oh this is just a guy. This is just a guy who does terrible things just like me that's what i felt like that night do you know what i mean i was like we wish we were all shoved aside so that the girls could go up on the bus because they wanted girls on the tour bus because they were rock stars and the uh the love that we had for that band, you know, it didn't matter.
Starting point is 00:49:45 It was irrelevant. Our idols cared not of our passions. And I never worshipped another man after. Never. There wasn't another man that I ever desired to meet, that I would go out of my way to meet that i would want to meet you know what i mean and it wasn't just in music it was in everything because i at at that age as wild a life as i had lived at that age oh my god it was crazy um i i saw everything i needed to see
Starting point is 00:50:23 in des and in the rest of the band. I realized it was just everybody's people. Everybody's people, good and bad. So in a way, I guess I should thank them. You know? It taught me an incredible lesson. They didn't shake me out of my crazy jealousy, though, I'll tell you that much. That took a heartbreak.
Starting point is 00:50:43 That took a devastating heartbreak. You know, a languishing, rolling around the bedroom floor, crying and whining, you know. Life's changed forever. I'll never get over it. Sing myself to sleep at night. Record my thoughts on a yellow. No, no, no, it was a black, small tape.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Remember the little small tape recorders? I was so wrecked um when we broke up that I had to talk into this tape recorder at night to fall asleep and then my guitar player and my band dated the same girl and that's when I. Because people are just people and you can't expect miracles out of them because they're not gods. They're just crazy as people like me and you. It's wild PBN family. So my prediction for 2023, people will be people. People will be people. They will be who they can be given the circumstances that they're in. Right? That's my prediction for 2024.
Starting point is 00:51:54 My other big prediction? Here's my other big... My final say on the show this evening and my big prediction for 2024 and we can... We can talk about this you know at the end of the year but i can promise you this one will come true okay and it is you are what you do every day you will be what you are
Starting point is 00:52:20 today because of the things that you do each and every day. And come the end of 2024, you may change. And if you follow us here at the Prepper Broadcasting Network and do the things that we're going to do in 2024, you will change. There is no doubt. You do the routines that we're doing, you will change. There is no doubt about it, okay? I want to read some things before long, before we head off. JB in chat says, I learned that
Starting point is 00:52:53 when I was working in the studios in LA, everyone was an alcoholic and the music scene or addiction was rampant. Garden Girl says, my sister and some of her girlfriends went to an R. Kelly concert when she was 15. They loved him. Got offered to go backstage. They were getting picked up and couldn't. Thank God they didn't go back. Hoof. Hoof.
Starting point is 00:53:14 You know, I went from loving Colt Chamber to loving R. Kelly, man. It was a sad day when we found out that guy was a total perv. It's like, God, man. But it is what it is, man. People will be people. People will be people. And only if they're trained and willful about it will they be able to rise above those things.
Starting point is 00:53:41 You know what I mean? There's no secrets. There's no magic. Do you know what i mean there's no secrets there's no magic do you know what i'm saying like if i were laying around doing nothing no physical fitness no no willpower no diet no uh family no no anything putting me in tough situations i have to climb and claw my way out of then yeah that's i would be a man of his circumstances. That's what I would be. I would just be another man, not a free man because you can't be free this way, right? You can't be free when you're a man of the circumstances.
Starting point is 00:54:18 When you're a man or woman of the circumstances you're in, there's no freedom there. the circumstances you're in. There's no freedom there. When you resign yourself to the fact that the world is this way and all I can do is just suffer it and I can't change anything. Well, there's no freedom in that. There's no liberty in that. There's so many people in our country who feel that way now. There's so many people marching in the street right now who could be bettering their life. But instead, they're telling themselves this great lie when they wake up, this great lie when they go to bed, and it's that the American dream is dead, and it's racist, and it's evil, and white people are bad, and they make you feel bad, and they need to be punished. And it's in that mindset that you go crazy. It's in that mindset that you lose all of your freedom. Much better for you to wake up every single day and look around the world and say to yourself, what I do, what did I do to put myself in this situation. Because even if you have a laundry list of things that you've done wrong in your life,
Starting point is 00:55:29 even if you've done things, terrible things, listen, I just told you something absolutely terrible that I did, right? I was with this girl for like three years. And I was like, I got to cheat gotta cheat on her and i gotta do it with one of our friends and i gotta come with some elaborate ruse to make it work because if you believe that you can't affect anything you can't fix yourself you can't fix anything you're just built into these circumstances this way then you'll always be worthless. You'll always be. You'll never have freedom.
Starting point is 00:56:06 And you'll always be trapped. And so many people are trapped. In their own mind. And I'm telling you right now. Willpower. Routine. Those things. Always deliver you.
Starting point is 00:56:22 From that sort of trapped situation situation that you find yourself in. All right. Get your act together, PBN family. It's 2024, all right? I'll talk to you guys soon. Garden Girl JB, thanks so much for joining me tonight. I really do appreciate it. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow with PBN Daily News. All right.
Starting point is 00:56:46 See ya. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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