The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Focus in the Crazy, February Changing Earth News

Episode Date: March 3, 2025

Distractions can undermine your peace of mind. Take charge and find balance in the chaos. Stay informed on February's Changing Earth News—earthquake and volcano activity is at unprecedented levels!T...he Changing Earth Series Novels, available at Leave a review!Signed copies available at your  Changing Earth Gear at Become a subscriber and help the Changing Earth world go around!Don’t forget to leave a review or like and Subscribe to the YouTube channel.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the Changing Earth podcast with author Sarah F. Hathaway and co-host Chen Gibson, blending survival fiction and fact to bring you entertaining education that will help you dream, survive, and thrive. And now here's your hosts, Sarah Sarah F Hathaway and Chen Gibson Hello and welcome back to the changing earth podcast this is episode number 479 I think This is the March show and so we're doing a monthly monthly update and oh my gosh. There's so much changing Earth news. So What's up? Y'all oh my goodness, so good like our green room
Starting point is 00:00:56 We just like sit around and talk forever before we oh we got to start to show. Oh, yeah I know I was like we gotta actually do this or we're just gonna have a couple hours of recorded combo going on here Lots of ketchup to do when I don't get to see everybody It's always good yeah, we were texting stuff all week long but it's good talking to you It is, it's always good. It's always so much better. Yep. So Wow, like we were saying there's just there's just too much. Ah So, wow, like we were saying, there's just too much. Wow. I mean, I'm just floored.
Starting point is 00:01:28 We could go all day on political stuff. Goodness, so as we could. And I'm sure it's been the conversation around many tables of the audience. So, today we're gonna do a show on staying focused. On your family focused on your family on your to-do items like wow I was I was so focused. I went to a meeting a week early Whoops
Starting point is 00:02:01 That's what happens So much going on, you know, Oh, I just don't even know. So, um, I struggle a lot with that because I just have so many hats on during the day. Yeah. So, um, let's do a little change in Earth catch-up. Season one is the remix is airing if you haven't checked it out. It's pretty darn cool brought it up to snuff. If you haven't subscribed to the new YouTube channel changing hyphen earth, please do so or that one has the potential to be monetized and really get us the push we need to get
Starting point is 00:02:41 the project to Hollywood. So if you haven't subscribed to it, please go over there to YouTube changing-earth and Check it out subscribe and then you'll get all the new episodes as they're uploaded I tend to do like the premiere and stuff for them every week Also, if you've read my stuff, please head on over to Amazon, drop me a review. That would be great. Again, we're trying to get the, the pushes there so that everybody knows how great the change in earth series is and we can get some investors to invest in the series and getting into the TV series.
Starting point is 00:03:19 So if you head on over to Amazon, drop me a review, that would be great. If you've heard my books, you've read my books. Um. I really appreciate everybody who goes and takes time to do that. It makes just a huge difference in the long run on all the sales numbers and things like that over Amazon. So please do that. Last on the list, I would always talk about Prepper Camp tickets. Prepper Camp tickets are available. They're ready now, but we do have a wildfire over in that area. So guys, we're going to need your prayers that is quickly put out. Those people have been through enough, not specifically the Orchard Lake campground, but that surrounding area has been through a lot and definitely don't need a wildfire ripping through the area so please pray for... It's up to like 600 acres or something like that.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Yeah they had a grip on it I saw that because they didn't even make the weekly numbers this week surprisingly enough on Nebraska. The Carolinas are starting to light up. week, surprisingly enough, on Nebraska. But Carolina's are starting to light up. Yes, they are. Which is weird. So let's just, um, everybody say some prayers. It's my gut feeling that there's some underground stuff going on and wait till you see these earthquake numbers and what's going on with our planet.
Starting point is 00:04:40 So everybody just stay really vigilant. Um, wildfires used to be something that like oh well maybe if you're you know on in Texas or you're in California you gotta worry about the wildfires Montana that kind of thing but oh that's not gonna happen here. Hey man things are happening everywhere so make sure you have your go bag ready make sure you're practicing the five minute evacuation. Five minutes goes by really fast. Especially when you're standing there staring at your house being like,
Starting point is 00:05:10 what am I gonna take with me? Okay, well you better know what you're taking with you way before that moment ever comes. So just a tiny bit of practice with your family goes a long way, long way. I know, because I've been through there multiple times and we the five minutes hard it's hard mark to hit well once you practice it a couple times it's actually not that tough. You'll know where everything is and just amen. That would be my recommendation. I'm probably too slack
Starting point is 00:05:43 where I'm at Love it too comfy here So I know you know, but I've got some some stuff spread around now that would have to be gathered and whatnot So I'm I'm just as much blame as everybody else So make sure you guys figure out that five minutes five minutes out Grab your important stuff as far as your paperwork titles house deed if you have it
Starting point is 00:06:12 Any kind of insurance documents your birth certificates is there all be in the same area where you can grab it easy You know with your with your go bags your guns every all your stuff Okay, so there's my rant say some prayers there's no prayer yeah say some prayers all right so let's get into staying focused on home right yeah it's so many distractions right now. Yeah, it's a five-dimensional chess game going on on every Level of anything right now and I feel like Everybody's just been holding their breath Right, I don't know
Starting point is 00:07:16 It went from being positive to a lot of positive to now we're like, come on. Right. Start seeing some fruit from this. There's a lot of blockades up. Yeah. There's a lot of blockades up. And they're really trying hard to make Trump and Vance look like idiots. So that's my opinion on that one. But my faith is going to lie with the Lord first. And then, but the way they're rapid firing all this change, it really does require some faith in the man that we voted for as well.
Starting point is 00:07:51 And that's tough. We've been hurt. We have some serious PTSD going on in the United States, as far as trust goes, on both sides. For as far as trust goes on both sides, you know Nobody really can trust anybody and right now Things are just going too fast is to keep your grip on it So it does require a little bit of faith and the people that we elected actually get the job done and follow through So I'll see well And there's we're so our culture is so used to wanting that instant gratification
Starting point is 00:08:26 Yes, so you know like we're here. We fought the battle. We got the election we won and now we want to you know See all the spoils, but it's still Continuous battle every day. Yeah, and they're just I think the reason why they're doing so much like that is because And they're just, I think the reason why they're doing so much like that is because, um, they, there's not, you know, everything that every move that they make is litigated. Um, there's blockades up against them. There's the deep corruption within the government that's trying to blacklist. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:00 So if they can just like, I always had the analogy, like there's so many snowballs rolling down the hill that even if you were the best person in the world and you could stop one of those snowballs and be like, yeah, we stopped the snowball. Well, there's like 80 other snowballs rolling down the hill at the same time, right? What was that crazy TV show that it was like the obstacle course that they had all those different like
Starting point is 00:09:26 oh um mxc i think it was called oh my good and you were like trying to jump over stuff and not fall in the pool and all this stuff it's yeah and they had the american gladiators too that was pretty good yeah that was good yeah yeah that's what i'm saying it's like it's like it's a gauntlet it's almost like Trump brought in that whole cabinet so he could start pushing every single snowball at once. So that he had to. Yeah, exactly. He absolutely has to work.
Starting point is 00:09:54 He can't do onesies because they'll just swat it away. Right. He has to keep them on their defense because the minute the machine takes over, it's so much harder to free. Yeah, exactly. So I still have faith there. You know, I've never been like 100% in on Trump, but I do like the things he says. I do respect the way he came out of being shot.
Starting point is 00:10:21 I do respect the fact that he's never drank alcohol, never done drugs, and he's never been in like, you know, those just really nasty type of situations that we're seeing nowadays. So I tend to respect his moral values more, which I guess gives me that trust and gives me a little bit of faith that he is really pushing for the right reasons. I just have to believe that. Anybody who said the same thing since I was one years old, you know, that I don't want to be president, but if it gets bad enough that I have to, then I will, you know, and
Starting point is 00:11:01 now we're there. It kind of reminds me of the founding fathers who, I mean, they gave up, you know, personal fortunes. Like, Trump, I mean, they'd have been better off not to get involved in the political scene and work everything from the back offices, you know, the boardrooms and the cigar bars. And once you enter that light too, you know, there's just so much pressure on top of that, you know, of everything, everybody criticizing you, every little move you make, step you take,
Starting point is 00:11:37 movement you make, you know. I had shared that video of the Trump Zelinsky interview that They they analyzed all this the body language from it and By the end of it, you're just like, oh, yeah this guy came in With a completely different agenda Not ready to listen not planning to do anything. He had told them previously and So when you you know when you watch it on that you can see what's happening but they spin it every which way so you just...
Starting point is 00:12:14 there's so much information to try to digest to make your own opinions. Yes. So so many distractions, right and beyond that I thought the balance the idea of talking about balance with your family was great because Without all this political stuff going on without all the stresses from our planet going on, you know full-time job And I have a family and they're still you know cooking and laundry and repairs right everything that Everything else um dedication to prayer gotta make time for God every day. That's gotta be a priority
Starting point is 00:12:58 I'm also an author producer So I'm producing shows Writing scripts doing all this stuff at the same time plus I Practice MMA and train my body about five days a week. I have the small homestead and I like to sleep No, you don't You can't prove that by me Yeah, that says the one that was up at four o'clock in the morning woke up this morning I think he just catching up with me. I just can't sleep all night anymore. Oh, I was the one that was up at 4 o'clock in the morning and then woke up this morning. Oh, I think you just catched it over with me. I just can't sleep all night anymore.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Oh, I was just up all night long. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, but I slept a little this morning. So, I would like to kind of think of myself as somebody who knows what it's like to jump. And I have been... I have been... made myself so busy before and I say it specifically that way. I have made myself so busy, right? With my goals, my dreams,
Starting point is 00:13:55 my bullshit, me, me, me. And passing my husband in the hallway, like we don't even know each other anymore. You know, and tapping out of my kids lives that um i can tell you it is important to find that balance or else you're gonna lose everything every so that's really really great so i did some rules rules. Number one on my rules was hard work, God first. If you don't make time for the Lord studying his word, he's not going to make time for you. And you would much rather walk in his blessings than not. So I do all this stuff. How do I fit in time for prayer? Right? I really like the Halo app. Oh, yeah. The Bible in a year. Father Mike is awesome.
Starting point is 00:14:53 So when I'm doing my morning walks, I listen to a half hour of a Bible read. And it's awesome. And, you know, I just listen to it. I think I'm going on my third year again so like I've already listened to it one year, two year, now I'm going on my third, right? Yeah I did one of those audio vibramen years a couple years ago. Yeah you know you just get so much out of it you get to hear the word. Father Mike's great, he does great analysis and really Father Mike's great, he does great analysis and really just teaches you how to live and think in the word and be there.
Starting point is 00:15:30 The other thing that my family does is after we eat, we read from the Bible. That's good. Yeah, so we'll read like one section of Daniel, we're just finishing up Daniel, and a psalm or something like that you know so and everybody in the family reads it and then we can talk about it reflect together Christians always end to study and you know oh well it was it the Romans or this or that and because he's into the wars and whatnot so it's a great way to not only have God in your life, but also make your family a part of it together. And then of course if you have a church that you love to go to, you know, church on Sunday, that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:16:16 I just haven't found our fit here in Texas. Yeah. It's a challenge. It is. It is. It's a challenge. It is. It is. I grew up in a really small town church. And I haven't found that since. It's just...
Starting point is 00:16:32 I grew up Roman Catholic, so I do like the Lutheran is very much the same, but not Catholic. And so I do like the ceremony of that service. And a lot of times out here, it just feels like, what band do you like the ceremony of that service and a lot of times out here it just feels like What band do you like the best? Yeah, that's what I have it. It's Like I didn't come to hear a band. Yeah, I came I love music and it's cool, but it's it I Feel like it's too much I feel like it's too much
Starting point is 00:17:07 Slash yes Yeah, one lights going and everything. I was like, oh boy, you know, we're out so Okay, number two on my list is Remember without your support web network. You're nothing So you just heard what I do during the day. If I didn't have Brock behind me, um, you know, he's just a great father and really cares about the boys and what's happening in their life and helps me can dinner and with laundry and everything.
Starting point is 00:17:46 We're a team. We're 100% a team. And if I didn't have that and my boys behind me, there's no way I could do what I do at all. So the minute that you get so busy that you don't take time to say thank you and you don't take time to listen to their day and find out what's going on with them and really connect with them. And like when you ask them questions, actually listening to their response and caring about how their day went, not just like thinking about what you have to do next. That's a bad moment. And that's the, that's the moment you're either growing together or you're growing apart with every relationship in your life. So the minute you start growing apart, if that's somebody you don't want to grow apart
Starting point is 00:18:34 from, you better figure out how to grow together again. I think that's some of the value of doing the daily Bible study, read prayer, whatever, having that quiet time. Yeah. It brings out a lot more. Instead of all the distractions pounding through your head bouncing around. Right. Ping pong. It's not like, oh, let's scarf down dinner so we can get to the next thing.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Yeah. Right. That's not like, oh, let's scarf down dinner so we can get to the next thing. Yeah And you're trying to juggle three things, but when you're actually just reading out the Bible Thinking about the verse it slows you down and it lets you start Concentrating right and that's why I like the Lord gave us the Sabbath because we weren't made to be slaves And we weren't made to work seven days a week. So we just have to keep in mind that there is a point to that rest and you deserve that rest and that's something that's hard for me. So uh because I would just go go go. Because I would just go go go
Starting point is 00:19:48 Um, everyone has ups and downs in their life and If you're not there for them when they need you, they're not gonna be there for you either. So Choose who you care about and be there for them make sacrifices. It's important We like to believe that we're like, oh it's all about me. It's the me show in America. No. Once you have a family, you have a spouse, you have a serious responsibility to that person. And you're going to need to make some sacrifices. And so are they. And that's what it's all about. Okay, number three on my list is don't lose track of yourself. Right, you gotta take care of you too.
Starting point is 00:20:29 You can't just be like running from everything to everywhere. Which is one of the reasons why we went to monthly podcasts. Because I was just trying to do too much all at once. So, make sure you're engaging in activities that better yourself. So obviously I'm an exercise freak. I love working out. I love staying self-defense ready. I'm never going to be a victim ever. I don't care how old I get.
Starting point is 00:20:55 I'm going to keep training because I love being able to teach elderly people that yeah, you can still defend yourself. You know, you're good. At least you can die defend yourself you know you're good um at least you can die trying you know but also if you're not really into exercise and you're like that's just really not my gig then learn learn learn teach yourself a new skill uh do something paint uh you know do something for you that you always wanted to do That takes you to that meditative space and maybe it is meditating
Starting point is 00:21:31 But for me working out, uh, you know, i'm not thinking about anything else So much but yeah, I think we need to get to Times when we just focus on a project or The event item as opposed to trying to handle So many things at once Yeah, so you can like Stay in that space It sounds counterproductive because you feel like you have to get all this stuff done
Starting point is 00:22:12 but it And thinking if you say okay Monday is going to be the day that I work in whatever the yard then you got to work in the yard on Monday and you get it done as opposed to only getting a tenth of the yard done and then Bounce around something else and then that zaps your mental Energy as well because you you You get home you walk into the house and you see all this stuff that isn't done, right?
Starting point is 00:22:41 It just pulls that energy right out of you. It's just so overwhelming and then everything else is so overwhelming. Yeah. Yeah. This winter was cold, cold, cold and we had planned to be a lot further along on our new chicken coop build out but we're getting there. It's gonna be sick when it's done. I'll put up some photos and stuff. We're getting there.
Starting point is 00:23:01 We got the pad all done. Because out here, okay, so a little bit of a squirrel look, look at our episode on focus and I'm swirling, but you know, we talk about like, um, things that you've done, like gardening that you've done in one area when you move, it's different. Right. Well, even with raising chickens out here. There's so many fire ants Right and like one of my chickens was killed because of fiery It's cuz like once the ants find out that there's like food source there You're giving them scraps all the time
Starting point is 00:23:36 Then you're attracting ants in and then also the mice out here like burrow under the ground and they will create these holes Right by the chicken feeders. So the chickens will kill them, but you know, they're not always sitting right on the feeder. So what we're doing is we're doing all concrete pad for their like living area without that we have to go to grassy area, you know, when we let them outside. But that way we can hose it down, the ants can't get to them, it's easier to control, you can't, you know, mice don't dig up there. So it's an investment to get that pad done. But in the long run, the chickens will be healthier for it because they're not under threat so much. So we had to do that before we went any further with adding more birds to the flock and whatnot. So we're getting close now and it's gonna be cool.
Starting point is 00:24:33 It's gonna be cool. But there you go. Like you gotta be ready to adapt and change when you're in a new area. To the new threats. To the new environment. And boy are we gonna need a lot of that changing earth news is buddy okay couple more notes I want to make so rule number four the more you do the more you do the more you do the more you do Right see a pattern. Yes My mom used to tell me the more you read the more you read the more you read the more you read
Starting point is 00:25:12 Right, and it's true like the more you read the better you get at it and everything was the same thing with what you do If you spend 15 minutes a day on a scale by the end of a month You are going to be really close to being a master at it. Just 15 minutes a day on a skill by the end of a month, you are going to be really close to being a master at it. Just 15 minutes a day. It's incredible. So there is time to do everything that you want to trust on that one. But make sure you're balanced. Make sure you're balancing things and not losing focus on what's really really important. So you need a game plan and you need to stay out of the scrolling. Yeah, I think the game plan is crucial. Mm-hmm. You can't just like
Starting point is 00:25:59 Neanderthal to the day. Right. Yeah, I have this this this this this this this this. I'm just like, Oh, it's all in my mind. I write lists and I have notebooks. And so what's on the list for today? Boom, boom, boom. Once I get those things taken care of, then I can work on something I actually want to work on. Usually my audio phone or spending time with my family. So the other, my last note is a quote from the chosen
Starting point is 00:26:29 Matthew says um with all this noise that's going on It's nice to know that I only have to do one thing Wake up and follow him Having jesus in your life will calm your mind And give you focus and give you direction and give you Um take down your anxiety levels and your fear because you can trust that you know you're on the plane with Jesus at the wheel you're in the car with Jesus at the wheel you can trust that he's there driving your car along and all you got to do is make sure you're doing your part to navigate
Starting point is 00:27:06 You know, you're your one task to move the whole thing for Alrighty You ready for change in Earth news? We're gonna seat build up. All right, you better be captain has turned on the fancy Yeah, hang on for this one You better be. The captain has turned on the fancy system. Yeah. Hang on for this one. You're listening to KBN. Your path back to stability.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Food storage and preservation are at the heart of self-reliance. Our sponsor, PackFreshUSA, features made in America products. I shop for mylar bags and oxygen absorbers for my home food storage. But they do all kinds of products. Go to and check out their Prepper University and order their box set of Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers. It's a 7 mil 100 pack of Mylar bags, oxygen absorbers, labels, and even a food storage guide. Dream, survive, thrive. This is Changing Earth News.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Okay, Changing Earth News for February 2025. So it's going to had a big corona hole. It was like gigantic and other than that there wasn't too much like CME activity. Just some world storms. I've been hearing more and more stuff that they've actually found life on Mars that like they've known about it for a while. There's lichens and stuff up there. So I think that we're going to be doing some really cool stuff with space at the end of my lifetime here. So excited about that. Okay, February 1st to the 8th. So listen to some of these earthquake numbers. On the first there was 528. So if you recollect 400 is a lot of 2.0 or more per day. 400 is a lot. 5 and on the fourth 842.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Okay? Insanity. It's crazy. I've just never seen... You know how long I've been doing this. It's just really... That's not even the worst. Brazil has been having major flooding. This is Brazil's flooding time of year, but they're having
Starting point is 00:30:10 big big floods. We're gonna see them all month long down in Brazil. Same area as last year pretty much. Tunzania, flooding sweeping away vehicles and homes, and even the USA, West Virginia, got hit on the first massive flooding. And then they had the frozen ground, so that water had nowhere to really sink into. Australia.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Southeastern Australia, Victoria area, they had multiple bushfires at the beginning of the month and Then in comes the rain up north as well northeastern Australia. They had the worst flooding up there. They've had in 60 years six months worth of rain in three days Yeah two dead one missing lots of evacuations Two dead, one missing, lots of evacuations. Sicily, Italy, all the islands like the Mediterranean are just getting totally flooded right now. A lot of them. Buenos Aires in Argentina, they're having these huge wind storms with massive amounts of hail coming down. Trees
Starting point is 00:31:20 down, property damaged, roofs being ripped off, very close to on whole you type stuff there Then we had forest fires start up in Chile 150 hectares so that's like You know 260 280 200 on acreage so you know that's like doubled up for acreage seven homes destroyed and los palos there's no injuries but this is up in the mountains um spain southern spain heavy flooding massive rains again if you remember that area has already been wiped out once like valencia got hit really really hard so they've just been
Starting point is 00:32:08 getting more and more rain there which is again on that area of the Mediterranean which is really interesting to show how much flooding is happening there. In Japan they had four feet of snowfall in 12 hours which broke its national record since it's been recording which is i mean japan a while yeah japan right argentina got hit again another violent storm comes through then we're over to the fourth namibia flash flooding there death reported when a vehicle was swept away western Russia they had a cyclone that brought in heavy snow and wind 45 mile an hour winds five foot of snow comes down South Africa they had a big wind storm rain trees just coming down lots of property damage
Starting point is 00:33:04 roof ripped off again same same type of stuff. One person died in that storm. On the 5th, 756 earthquakes. On the 6th, 767 earthquakes. So our numbers are just still just pushing, pushing. California, two people died in Sonoma California the atmospheric rivers came in at the same time we're talking 90 mile an hour wind power outages of all that going on landslides the bonus was at least it wasn't Southern California on the burn zones so I mean then Argentina again that after they've already had these two flooding incidents, then they get a month's worth of rain in eight hours.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Adding the whole debacle. Same thing in Brazil. They had 7.8 inches in 24 hours. Seven people died landslides and electrocution. Got to have your waders like, would you get electrocuted if you had waders on because of the rubber? No, I don't want to try. Right? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Geez. I don't want to try either. Shin, go walk out there. But if you got to walk through this water, man, it would be crazy sauce. OK, but have you ever worn waders out into the water and not get wet? Yeah, fair. Well, yeah, it always comes in side Yeah Well, that was when I wrote day after disaster with the raft, you know, whatever you're on a raft
Starting point is 00:34:41 Right, um It's a little splash or paddle boat, right? Um, okay. So Jordan, Saudi Arabia, they had a big dust storm up there. 30, 37 mile an hour winds. Northern Ecuador is also getting flooding. I know. Um, one of our listeners has family there in Greece, Santorini, thousands of earthquakes, Santorini, we just don't know if it's going
Starting point is 00:35:06 to blow or not. That is a super volcano that is capable of doing some big, big damage to our planet. 5.2 was the most powerful quake so far. And so they evacuated that whole island. It's a huge tourist attraction. But there's actually this volcanic field just north of Santorini that could also be some of the earthquakes are coming from there as well. So it could be like all new earth, all new volcanic eruptions as well, which would be crazy. But there's definitely something happening over there. Then Campy Flagray is also over there. Another big volcano that can do a lot of damage. They've been making a lot of noise.
Starting point is 00:35:50 So it's definitely eyes on that region still. On the 6th we also had violent storms that hit Tennessee. Two tornadoes came in. Two people died. Others were injured in that incident. That was an EF-2 and an EF-1 that came in EF-1 also hit Kentucky did a lot of property damage over there So then in Japan, we're talking complete standstill Due to this snow accumulation in the central part of Japan one person dead
Starting point is 00:36:23 28 others injured because you just it's just so much snow. You can't do anything about it. So then flooding in Northern Iran, thousands of people evacuated there as the rivers breached the banks. Canada had this multi-vehicle pile up because of this huge snowstorm that hit Quebec. One person died, 11 people injured.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Indonesia is always getting socked. They had unusual tidal waves come in, 13 foot waves coming in off the ocean into their city. And rain caused even more flooding there along with those tidal waves. In Bolivia, they had heavy rain as well. 23 people have died there since November. Completely flooded. 332 homes gone. Thousands of people evacuated. It's like you can see the pattern. These unusual rain storms are just everywhere now.
Starting point is 00:37:28 rain storms are just everywhere now. In China because of the rain they had a large landslide in in Sheshewan province one person dead 28 missing 10 homes destroyed two people were saved out of that rubble but now like so much time has passed they're really doubtful that they're gonna be able to rescue anybody else out of there So prayers for the family who lost, you know, their people there Northern Iran they now have a heavy snowfall comes in rather nor the Russia also had one but like Iran I would think Iran would be much more less likely to get this huge snowstorm than Russia would be much more less likely to get this huge snowstorm than Russia. Severe blizzard, 62 mile an hour winds, zero visibility there in Russia, and then a 7.6
Starting point is 00:38:11 earthquake at the Cayman Islands. The Cayman Islands have been making more noise as of late and that's kind of an unusual earthquake spot. We don't usually see them a whole lot down there. Alright so the ninth, let's get back to our earthquake numbers ninth 668 earthquakes 10th 791 the 11
Starting point is 00:38:38 1215 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger That is insanity. The 12th same thing 1126 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger. And then on the 13th- Is there like a record of how many? I don't know. I don't know what the record is. That's a really good question. I've never seen numbers like this like ever
Starting point is 00:39:11 13th 914 So like yeah, we had this massive grown hole and yeah, there wasn't a lot of like really big ones You know above a 6.0, but they ones, you know, above a 6.0, but it was rocking. Let's see, Philippines, severe flooding. Five people died when their vehicles swept away hundreds of hectares of cornfields destroyed over their major agricultural damage. Two people dead again in Brazil. And I ran, they had a huge pile up accident.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Nine people were injured there because of the low temps, the snow and icy roads. Peru, their rainy season, because it is rainy season down there, hit hard crops, homes, damaged. Two people died in that last storm that came through there. And then in Chile, like on the other side of the mountains, right? Intense heat, 107 degrees Fahrenheit. Um, they had these huge wildfires go off multiple across the country in the central area there. One person did die.
Starting point is 00:40:23 14 people were arrested in connection with those fires. So somebody actually out there setting some of those fires, which is sickening. Yeah. In Australia, New South Wales, Victoria flooding, 21 rescued, which last we heard, you know, they were burning. Now they're flooding. Brazil hits again. we had an EF
Starting point is 00:40:45 one near Pensacola in Florida which left a trail of destruction injured three people there Spain southeastern Spain tornado super unusual to happen in Spain got a tornado there in Indonesia Indonesia, the island Barley Island flooded. They had 3.2 feet of water so they had to be evacuated. Italy, Aetna erupts. In Argentina, Central Western Argentina, so this is kind of over by Chile, 618,000 acres on fire, two people dead, hundreds of homes destroyed, worse fires in the last three decades, affecting two national parks.
Starting point is 00:41:35 It's going to take over 200 years to recover the forest that's being burned by these wildfires. So that's that's being burned by these wildfires. So that's... that's horrible. The Andes Mountains also have a lot of lithium in them. So you have to wonder. You know, I hate to wonder. But you do have to wonder.
Starting point is 00:41:59 7.9 inches of rain in Ontario along with 37 mile an hour winds in back to the United States in Mississippi. They had a big tornado come through. It harmed businesses, homes, no deaths. Then on 13th in Italy, 2.5 inches of rain in one hour on Alba Island, flooded homes. Then we have the atmospheric river line up with Southern California. Not good at all because now that everything was burned out, now you're looking at landslides. So they had that all come through. Big mess down in Southern California. Plus their homeless population there is, you know, it gets a little moist so... I'm sure I'd love to be on that street. It's just gross.
Starting point is 00:42:59 On the 14th we had 1,034 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger. Northeastern Australia they had cyclone Zelia hit. 132 mile an hour wind so that is a cap for equivalent. But in cyclone. So cyclone spins backwards from where hurricane is. spins backwards from where hurricane is. Great Northern Highway had to close down and that cut off supplies to some areas because of that tropical cyclone. And Catalina in Greece, two days of rain, 5.9 inches.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Just massive flooding, cruel, more people dead, two people died, 30 injured because this bridge Collapsed because of all the flooding and two miners were killed in a landslide there Uruguay here's a new one on our list from the 15th violent 93 mile an hour golf ball size hail 34,000 acres of crops damaged in that storm in Uruguay, Sweden, intense snowstorm, they had a 95 car pileup, a hundred people injured, two people severely. Japan or China also had a big like hundred car pileup because visibility just got so low and people just kept coming over this hell and running into the pile everybody.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Back to the United States, southeastern United States got hammered by the storm. 700,000 people out of power from New York to Alabama, little spots along the way. Hundreds of highways closed, 17 people dead in that storm, one person in Georgia, one in West Virginia, 15 people in Kentucky. In 24 hours there was one month of rain that came down in that system. So you can see I'm really kind of concerned about Fort Peck Dam up north. I mean I just talk about this all the time, but with the amount of earthquake ramp up that we're having and then the amount of these
Starting point is 00:45:10 unusual rain storms that...if Fort Peck went, I mean the whole central breadbasket of the United States is in trouble. So hopefully we get some of our money redirected at our own infrastructure. Right? In Quebec, 38 inches highest total in history since 1941. Not 38, yeah 38 inches highest total since 1941. They just had two major storms come in so quickly. That's what made it so unusual with 56 mile an hour winds up there. The Rio Grande in Brazil, they have 62 mile an hour winds down there. Hail hundreds of businesses and homes damaged in that hail storm.
Starting point is 00:45:59 And then in the United States, this is a really a natural one. But in Detroit, did you see the pictures of Detroit when they have it like this this water pipe exploded? Yeah, and then it just freezes because it's so cold It's like 90 people had to be rescued out of there and their homes are just uninhabitable Because now it's filled with water that is from like that movie was it? 2012 or so was that movie where there was like that it's in freeze. Oh day after tomorrow. Yeah But yeah, it's just like that it was crazy They say was just old infrastructure
Starting point is 00:46:42 925 earthquakes on the 17th the numbers numbers are still up there, still continue to be up there. There was a rare tornado down in South Africa. Northern Chile, they had heavy rainfall with flooding up there, so again, you're looking at the situation where it's like 107 in central Chile and they've got all these wildfires going and just up north of that there's all this flooding happening you know we've seen this over and over and over again just these streams are more and more amplified. Botswana they had a heavy rain widespread flooding flash flooding killed seven the dams are literally overflowing um madagascar they had a severe storm there 11 people dead
Starting point is 00:47:31 um south africa got hit again this is southeastern africa nine people lost their lives in that flooding incident they had 7.2 inches of rain in eight hours major infrastructure damage Ecuador back on the flooding list northern Turkey that intense snow in Istanbul but they you know they have the mountainous area there so I mean that's not so unusual 21st 22nd 23rd we're still looking at numbers 895, 761, 712, at least they're coming back down. More snow falling in Japan, but the temperatures are expected to rise. 22 people killed in the Kentucky flooding.
Starting point is 00:48:21 South Africa wildfires in Cape Town, Table Mountain National Park. They have 140 acres there. Not huge, but it is one of their big national parks there. On the 27th, 600 earthquakes are 2.0 or bigger. Afghanistan, they had 39 people lose their lives in hail and flash flooding incident there. And then the 28th, 6 people died in Durban that's in KwaZulu-Natal from flooding. India they had flash flooding causing damage and there was a 6.1 earthquake in Nepal as well.
Starting point is 00:48:59 And then up in northern Japan, they start having the largest wildfire they've had in 30 years. Right? So again, you have this huge snow instinct and then wildfires going on right there. And then we had everything that's going on in the Carolinas as far as wildfires. Nebraska is actually burning pretty bad right now. They have two big fires going going it's 50,000 acres on fire there in Nebraska um not contained at all we're almost it's probably at 51,000 right now um Florida has a good wildfire going on uh 1,350 acres and then Alabama's number three on the list with two wildfires at 1,100 acres so a lot more states on the wildfire list than I would expect to see. But most everything's in that,
Starting point is 00:49:50 you know, 600 acre range, including North Carolina right now. So for all February, we had 24,501 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger. That's a 71% increase from the last month. That is a whole lot. I really was expecting not to see that. So anyway, as far as volcanoes erupting, well, we had 38 erupting last month, we still have 38 erupting.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Okay, that sounds good, right? Yeah. Minor activity, 40 showing minor activity, that's up to from last week. So did they come out of the unrest category? No Unrest category also went up by 20 or by 2 to 26. So we have a hundred and four volcanoes of volcanoes on our planet showing activity right now, which is Way higher than I've ever seen before And given all the earthquake activity that we just had,
Starting point is 00:51:07 I would expect to see more pretty quick. So, uh, it's gonna be interesting. Right? It's always the planet against the people. Which one's gonna... right? The people stabilize a little bit. Mother Nature's like, yeah, here, hold my beer. You're racist, no kidding. Just insane.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Those are crazy numbers. I've never seen like a thousand in a day. That crown hole was pretty massive. I would not be surprised if it was on the same days. I don't line them up when I'm researching. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was. Cause that corona hole was like... it was like the sun was like eating itself or something. It was like the whole center of it. But nothing like, you know, that's gonna make big news like the earthquake in Turkey or you know, something of that nature. I guess that's the bonus. That would be the last thing they need in Southern California right now.
Starting point is 00:52:21 something California right now. That just be ah, just dropped the curtain shows. Yeah. Ah, I got your Hollywood pun there. So yeah, it's, uh, it's really getting interesting out there. We'll just have to one more month and we'll be back and we'll get to see what it what it did.
Starting point is 00:52:52 But that's my prediction for the month. I think we're going to see even more volcanic activity. Honestly, it hasn't stopped. It's been up for like what? At least probably six months. How long have I been like, whoa? Probably six months, I would say. All that being up that high.
Starting point is 00:53:14 I'll have to go back and check my notes, but that's a lot. You searched for your notes when you said the average is 400. Cause right after that, it went. Yeah. It's true. We're like, on the average, you know, if we see like 405 on the line. But yeah. And now we've got 1100. Yeah. Honestly, because I watched another program to get some of my news and she was reporting the earthquake numbers and so I went and
Starting point is 00:53:48 Double checked all of the earthquake numbers and I was just like whoa. No way. That's what the volcanic Observatory is reporting to Huh, this is like, oh where are you getting your information from? You know, I'm a fact checker. I'm a fact checker. I was like, whoa. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:13 All right, guys. Well, get on out there. Head on over to Amazon, leave me a review. Head on over to YouTube, leave me a review. Head on over to YouTube, changing dash Earth. Subscribe like, comment, subscribe. Right. Is that what they say? That's right. Like, comment, subscribe. That's what keeps everything rolling.
Starting point is 00:54:34 And yeah, the more we can do, the more we can do. We can get this ball rolled in and get to see changing Earth on the big screen. So that'd be the the end game game. I really appreciate it anyhow. If you guys have topics, things like that, since we're only coming to you once a month, you know, make sure you reach out and let us know. We definitely, you know, we can always, we can always work things into the show so feel free we love hearing from you guys You can do that at changing earth series comm that's pretty much the hub everything's there
Starting point is 00:55:11 I'm back on Facebook Twitter well X All that good stuff, so if you want to reach out there, that's fine as well But yeah, I plan on we do we got april april showers bring me flowers Coming up next so gardens will be going in my garden better be done before then Or here in texas or i'll sign way behind But my peach tree is already in full bloom. I mean it'll be But my peach tree is already in full bloom. I mean it'll be
Starting point is 00:55:48 Boss just talking to Rick and he had some Some fruit trees or start the blue and he was that very happy, right? Yeah So ours always goes off about now though, and then we'll have peaches and like April It's really tough on the tree because we're gonna have those big wind events coming through you know but hopefully we keep all of our roofs on our stuff this year every single roof on things that i own had to be replaced last year so uh we're good with roofs for a while yeah yeah it's crazy crazy here Crazy here. Alright guys, so if you need any more information head on over to changing earth and until next month remember dream survive thrive. Thank you for joining Sarah and Chen for this episode of the Changing Earth Podcast.
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