The Prepper Broadcasting Network - FROM THE ARCHIVES - May 2021 NBC GUY AT RURAL KING

Episode Date: May 30, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It came from the archives. Well, hello everyone out there in Internet Radio Land. This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy. And I am out and about. I am free from the warden. Yes, I am on the loose. I just got out of, what do they call it, Rural King. Rural King, man, what a nice store.
Starting point is 00:00:40 It's kind of like if Walmart and Tractor Supply had a baby that's what World King reminds me of it's all kinds of stuff tractors guns they have guns here they had a special one a 12 gauge shotgun man I want one but I already have a few. But could be good bartering material, right?
Starting point is 00:01:12 Oh, I don't know. I don't know. Gotta prioritize your preps. Gotta prioritize your money. Anyway, I picked up some fruit trees. We had a peach tree die on us. So I got a replacement peach.
Starting point is 00:01:30 The warden told me to pick up this pecan tree. So I hope that does well. They warranty them for a year. So I'm pretty sure it's either going to grow or it's not. And in a year's time, we're going to know. Gosh, there's so much going on so much going on did you listen to james's show last night uh you got to tune that in that was that was really good and and tuesday night the uh patriot power hour guys were were spot on and and i don't know what they did, but their sound was fixed.
Starting point is 00:02:08 They both came in right at the right levels. And I love their chemistry. Yeah, we should play that game. What is it? Conflicted. We should play that. We should all, we should get all the hosts on a Monday night and play that game. I think that would be too awesome.
Starting point is 00:02:32 And then the father and son duo, we went from the dynamic duo to the father and son duo. The next generation, and they did a thing on boomerangs more history than you ever wanted to know about the boomerang but uh it is it is kind of true now way back way way back when i was in high school they had a thing called shop class. And in the metal shop, we had a foundry actually. We had a small furnace and a foundry and I actually cast and poured a metal boomerang. Yes, yes. It was made out of aluminum and tin. And I still have it.
Starting point is 00:03:31 I still have that thing. And it's brutal. It is brutal. It will hurt you if it hits you. I'm surprised. You know, nowadays it'd probably arrest you if you had something like that. Surely couldn't do it in school. But I cast, Wham-O had this plastic one.
Starting point is 00:03:54 So I used that as the mold. And then I, you put it in this sand and you make a cast. And then you pour the metal into the mold. And then when it cools, you break it out. And I milled it down. I got it on the milling machine and milled it down and it flies. It flies. And boy, it's rough.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Now, it will probably snap in two if you actually hit something really hard with it because it's not you know cast aluminum is not very it's kind of rigid not very flexible but it uh it definitely flies um what what else was I going to tell you? Oh, the mayor of DC has banned dancing at weddings. Uh, crazy, crazy crap going on in our country. Uh, police officer was fired, uh, for, for saying the obvious truth about Black Lives Matter. And, uh, it's unbelievable, unbelievable what's going on. Just, uh, the left, the left is taking control of our country. And it's unbelievable, unbelievable what's going on.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Just the left, the left is taking control of our country and they are in the driver's seat. And the rest of us, you know, if we don't sit down and shut up, we'll be investigated for voting for Trump. will be branded as terrorists and white supremacists no matter what color you are, Carl B. Carl B. is going to be a white supremacist for voting for Trump. Oh my God. Carl B., our Friday night guy,
Starting point is 00:05:40 is a Jamaican American. Friday Night Guy is a Jamaican American. And it's just too crazy what's going on in our country. Carl B. has the number one and number two show. Hey, and don't forget our new Saturday night show. Aiden, Aiden Tate, the last American. He had a great show. It's interesting that he talked a lot of the same stuff I put on the Daily Audio Cache. Now, I don't know if he listened to my Daily Audio Cache and it sparked something.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Or great minds think alike. Maybe that's what it is. I know that preppers are a different kind of woke. Preppers, a different kind of woke. There's a t-shirt right there. I'm a prepper, a different kind of woke. Yeah. Sometimes I crack myself up.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Hey, I want to thank everybody for listening. Don't forget Dane D. tonight. Gun Metal Armory. He always has some great shows. And when he has Archangel Dynamic on there, it's fantastic. Also, when he brings the Mistress of Medawon, it's like Dane kind of pays attention more. I don't know. She straightens his act up. So
Starting point is 00:07:07 don't forget to listen to Dane D. Gun Metal Armory tonight and oh I'm going to get an interview with the organizer of the Prepper event that's going on in Ohio next weekend. So one. One week from Friday. It's a three day event. It's a Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Starting point is 00:07:36 It's called. Survival Boot Camp. There's going to be. Many many classes. And lots of vendors. And you can camp out there it's i'm going to do the interview and post it probably friday night so you're going to have a double bower friday again how about that you get all kinds of content here prepper broadcasting here at Prepper Broadcasting. Oh my gosh, and I have,
Starting point is 00:08:10 well, I can't even say it. I can't say it because we're still just in the thought process stage, but I've been thinking a lot about it. A lot. And this came out of Monday night's show with Sarah Hathaway. So you're just going to have to stay tuned. Maybe
Starting point is 00:08:31 maybe we'll put it on the members only side. What James and Sarah talked about. And I was just kind of listening. But I thought it was a great idea. And I want to help out any way I can so we'll put it on to members only
Starting point is 00:08:49 if you're not a member you should sign up I mean it's very inexpensive like 60 bucks for a year and you get so much more you get videos hammer time
Starting point is 00:09:04 all kinds of stuff on the members only side members only so much more. You get videos, hammer time, all kinds of stuff on the members only side. Members only. Sign up today. Okay, everybody out there in radio listening land, this is Dave Jones signing off from the parking lot of Rural King. Take care and prep on.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid Commander and I'm holding The Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy, M.D. In this great book, you'll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You'll learn about assessment and stabilization. You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. Look, 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Get the Prepper's Medical Handbook today at Again, that's the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy.

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