The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Future of Surveillance, Virgis 58

Episode Date: September 15, 2024

The current state of surveillance and the future of this technology....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the Changing Earth podcast with author Sarah F. Hathaway and co-host Chen Gibson. Blending survival fiction and fact to bring you entertaining education that will help you dream, survive, and thrive. And now, here's your hosts, Sarah F. Hathaway and Chen Gibson. Chapter 58. Cole waited for evening to fall before seeking out Sergeant Bennett. The refugee curfew had come and gone, but the streets were filled with activity. The landowners attended shows and danced long into the night. Cole slunk through the streets trying to stay incognito. He knew Bennett would be at the training warehouse still.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Waiting in the dark by the corner of the building, he listened to a young man trying to seduce a young landowner woman. The young lady won the argument and the man agreed to take her home. Cole's attention was drawn to the sound of the warehouse door opening and Bennett walked out alone. Silently sneaking up behind him, Cole whispered, Bennett whipped around ready to fight but recognized Cole's face in the faint light. Damn, Virgis, you can't sneak up in the dark like that. You're going to get yourself shot. Cole told him quietly. I'm leaving in the morning and we have to talk. Let's go get a drink, Bennett suggested. I don't know that we
Starting point is 00:01:32 should be seen together, Cole informed him. What do we need to talk about, Bennett asked curiously. Erica, what about her? The Mercs gave me permission to use my resources to get her out of here, Cole informed him. Not understanding the complication, Bennett said, then take her legally. She's a refugee. She's not, Cole enlightened him. Bennett chuckled at his comment. Are we talking about the same Erica?
Starting point is 00:01:58 The lone survivor, Cole clarified. Bennett looked unsure. But how do you know? General McClintock cross-referenced the federal databases. She's not hard to track. She's been here for nine years. Why didn't anyone? Her children. Bennett stumbled over his words, looking at Cole with wide eyes. Landowner children. Do you know what a mistake like that would do to a FEMA director's career? The board would strip his authority and throw him in with the refugees. And how would a FEMA director avoid that, Cole asked.
Starting point is 00:02:35 With a confident voice, Bennett explained, he would give Daniel permission to go out on a mission and then send them on a solo mission where they could be disposed of quietly. Cole chuckled nervously at Bennett's comment. That's pretty specific, but he'd probably do something like that. He just did that a couple of days ago. I took the uniform to Daniel as his birthday present. Understanding that they were already out of time, Cole noted. Then the wheels are already in motion. She can't go out on that mission. The resistance needs her, especially without William. She can lead the people to freedom.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Bennett looked concerned. That's a tall order for one little lady. She can do it. You know she can. Oh, she can do it. But it will be a hard road ahead. I love that woman like a sister. It's a lot to ask, Bennett admitted. The alternative is civil war, Cole told him flatly. Honestly, Merc Command is already discussing it. Damn, Bennett commented, looking
Starting point is 00:03:40 at the ground. He kicked some sand around with the toe of his boot. We're going to get Cassidy out simultaneously, Cole informed him. And why are you telling me all this, Bennett wondered. You've trained Erica. You know she is the one we need to peacefully restore this country. Somehow we need them in the same place. We'll only get one shot at this. Will you help us, Cole requested. Bennett needed little time to think. I'm not willing to help use her as a pawn, but I am willing to get her family out of here so Matthew doesn't kill them. That's all I'm asking, Cole responded. Well, I would ask one more thing, but I bet you'd say no. What's that, Bennett wondered. Come with us, Patrick. Join the Mertz, Cole offered.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Bennett shook his head negatively. I can't, Cole. Someone has to be here to help stop the corrupt slave trade and keep tabs on the feds. The invitation stands if you change your mind. I've got to get back. Staff Sergeant Bingham will know the plans. Coordinate your move with him. Will do, Bennett responded as he walked away, lost in thought.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Cole left in the twilight of the night, headed for Reno. They arrived home early in the morning, and Johnny was waiting when he got there. How did it go, Major? Johnny wondered. Hands down, one of the worst things I've ever had to do, Cole admitted sadly. And Monroe messed Chappie up pretty good. I would have too, Johnny agreed. Cole laughed. I didn't say I blamed him. Did you get to see Cassidy, Johnny wondered? No, it would have been too obvious, Cole admitted sadly. Bingham and Bennett are on the same page in coordinating with Chappie. Chappie's trying to get word to King and
Starting point is 00:05:23 Rydell. They came in with you from Peach Springs, right? How come they weren't adopted out? There's only so many landowners. Not all the refugees can get adopted out. I guess that makes sense, Johnny admitted. Does it, Cole asked, because none of it should. Johnny laughed at his joke. I'm going to get some sleep. It was a long night, Cole told him. But Johnny. Yes, sir, Johnny responded, making eye contact with him. Make sure you and Jessup stay ready to leave, Cole informed him. Will do, sir, Johnny said before exiting through the door. On the brink of blackouts again, as power demand reached an all-time record high overnight,
Starting point is 00:06:04 slivers of the Golden State plunged into darkness. Tom says it expects to continue with Stage 6, running blackouts for the rest of the week. A scheduled outage on Thursday, but the one that happened Sunday, it wasn't scheduled, it was unexpected, and it lasted longer than a day. Point Zero Energy has given me the American-tested, American-assembled, reliable solar backup that I've been looking for. Their Titan solar generator is American ingenuity at its finest,
Starting point is 00:06:32 with a removable, expandable lithium-ion battery, 2,000 watt-hour, 3,000 watt high-efficiency inverter. So what does all that mean to you? It means the Titan can charge your smartphone for 88 hours, your laptop for 35 hours, a CPAP for 108 hours, your refrigerator for 26.8 hours. Get to today
Starting point is 00:06:56 for the all-American solution to backup power. You're listening to pbn you will pay us back the stability Hello and welcome back to the Changing Earth podcast. This is episode number 464, season 15, episode 58. Hey, Chin, what's up? Chin's up, y'all. Can you hear me now? Chin's in the house. Oh, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Wait, talk again, because it might be my end of the technology now that's going to screw up. Oh, nice. I jinxed us. Yeah, you did. Okay, hold on one second. I've got to go back to my notes. Yeah, we will be clipping this out of the record. No, this is the good stuff. Yeah. What is it?
Starting point is 00:08:13 I don't know how this thing gets changed. We were just talking. I know. Well, it's going out. What's going out live to the PBN crowd? Oh, that's what changed. Blame it on the PBN. Yeah, blame it. He's in the PBN. Yeah, blame it.
Starting point is 00:08:26 He's in the green room. Yeah, there we go. He's in there pushing buttons on us. Now the crowd can hear you. Hey, y'all. And we also have Ellen in the house tonight. Hey, Ellen, what's going on? Hey, good day.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Literally. Yeah. Literally in the house. Yep. to sarah yep we got the double mics going all the well you know we had to upgrade for family feud we had a lot of us in here so the changing earth studio received a little update okay um if you guys are out in the live room please let me know if the sound sounds good. I think I have everything working proper now. Should be good to go. Alrighty, so news on the docket.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Well, the big news, why Ellen is into town this time of year, is Prepper Camp 2024. We are on the doorstep. Tickets are sold out. Campsites sold out. Every Airbnb within 100 miles probably sold out. So if you're just getting arrangements for where you're going to stay, it's probably going to be in your vehicle in the parking area. But we got to see the schedule.
Starting point is 00:09:47 It looks phenomenal. Chin is having technical problems tonight, so he's not DJing the chat room. Or else he'd be like... I could be able to put in those web notes, the links. Yeah, I'd be like, hey, Chin, throw that up
Starting point is 00:10:02 so they can see the schedule. But the schedule um but the schedule is out you just go to uh check out all the cool classes and uh start printing out your schedule so you know exactly what you want to go to already um other happenings the audio drama episode eight is going live this week so that's the next chunk of um audio drama episodes five to eight so we'll have to see where it ends up the members already know where it is where it's going to end up they've had that for a week so if you want to become a member just head on over to changing earth become a member really appreciate you helping the Changing Earth world go around, everybody.
Starting point is 00:10:47 All righty. So, Virgis, we're almost to the end. And given that Prepper Camp happens not next weekend, but the weekend after, we won't have a show. So my suggestion at the beginning in the green room there was that we just do two chapters next week so we can finish off virgis before we head out for prepper camp and i think that's a solid idea i think we'll just do that it's your idea yeah you know i'm i'll come up with the best ideas i'll just pat myself on the back a little bit that that was great that was great idea so usually my last chapters of my books are are like a couple paragraphs anyway so um we'll just do it that way that way we're
Starting point is 00:11:35 on a new material when we get back and what we're gonna do um my thought is that we go through um season three of the audio drama and pick out a bunch of cool survival information from it and we'll just do shows based off that info. Because there's a lot of really great nuggets that I threw in there. I should have like a little... You know how they do those shows that are like
Starting point is 00:11:58 you watch it and it tells you all about the shooting of like what happened during the filming? Yeah. Right? So I want to have like a little oh survival tip you know oh yeah the little pop-ups yeah if you're watching a movie and they have the little pop-ups yeah yeah i don't know how to do that in an audio drama with to figure that one out it's gonna get kind of annoying but uh last week virgis met with alex to set up the plan this week he met with bennett and then he returns home to reno hoping that everything's just gonna go smoothly
Starting point is 00:12:35 and uh they're gonna be able to break erica and cassidy out of the camp in one foul swoop. So we'll have to see how that goes for them next week. But today, given that we have Ellen in the house, I wanted to do a little conversation on the future of surveillance technology. Now, guys, I am a woodlands girl. I enjoy hunting and fishing and shooting, and technology is more Chin's realm. Not tonight.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Right. I know the tech guy. Then it is mine. So we're going to walk through this and just talk about a lot of the concepts that have to go with the technology. And obviously they weren't using any of the surveillance technology. On our former president today. Holy crow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:31 I want to take a minute. And just say a prayer for Mr. Donald Trump. That he. You know. Keeps being blessed by the Lord. And can do good things for our country. So. Let's just say that little prayer for him.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Alrighty, so surveillance technology. Current state of affairs. Ellen, why don't you tell us a little bit about how it was to travel in today's surveillance-heavy world now? Yeah, sure. It was definitely a journey. So I departed from canberra airport which is our one of our regional airports where a close way will live 55 55 minute flight
Starting point is 00:14:15 from there to sydney and then i've gone through all security and everything like that at canberra airport and then i have to do it again in sy Sydney. So I get out of domestic airport and stay within the secure area, get the bus over to international airport and go through security again. Then they go through and look at my passport, all that sort of stuff. And then for the US, you have to actually say those, so the security guards, not customs, security guards will come around and actually ask, what's your purpose in America? Why are you going?
Starting point is 00:14:50 All this other stuff. Prepper camp. Prepper camp. No. Visit my sister. Go visit my sister so they'd be there for almost three weeks. no worries you know where you are and i'm mind you i've already filled this all out in the visa application so the online
Starting point is 00:15:13 esther we don't have to go the full visa we just have a like an arrangement between government so it's like an online form cost me 14 us or whatever it is that's all. All of that is in the S already. It's already pre-done before you even get to an airport. Yeah. It's got to be done and paid for before you get to the airport. So I did all that. Anyway, had to go through security again at Sydney airport. Then get my passport goes in.
Starting point is 00:15:41 You put it in the reader. You scan it. You don't get stamps anymore. Don't get't get stamps you know how it was like cool like i traveled to these places no you don't get the stamps anymore yeah goes in a reader of course they all come with us like a smart card in them now in the passport and then they read that and then you did get a photo taken, so no glasses, no hat, no nothing. Just your photo is taken. Then you can cross over into the departure area. Into the Twilight Zone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Yeah. And then you're in the secure area. But I was already in the secure area. Stayed in the secure area. Yeah. Do it again. Do it again. So that was all that.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Answer all those questions and then arrive in Dallas. And then get there and then luckily the arrival hall wasn't as busy as it was last time so i got pretty through pretty quickly um yeah and same again scan the passports take photos they already had my fingerprints from last time so they don't have to do that again but ask the same questions fingerprints even yeah they took fingerprints last time yeah do you put the point you put your hand over on the um scanner yeah and then you can go go through and then i had to go through there out into the ether go around so still within the secure zone but go through security again so three times wow yeah and get sniffed by the sniffer dogs and all this
Starting point is 00:17:08 is just for a visit like if you were coming to live here illegally i'm sure it would have been a much easier process 100 just wait for the waters at eagle pass and get over all right yeah oh so yeah that's where we are now um i know that like my martial arts instructor went to taiwan when he came through china when he walked up to the desk they already knew who he was hello you know his last name come on up see how easy that was yeah it's like way easier because they're just facial recognitioning right boom boom boom boom boom um now i did see this really trippy mask last night that like it's like a thousand dollar mask and you it was crazy you put it on and you just look like somebody completely different so like humans always
Starting point is 00:18:00 mission impossible right well that one was a000. People have a lot more money than that to spend. Governments have a lot more money than that to spend. I mean, that wasn't just insane to me to see that. But what my thought was when I saw this was, you see, people will always find a way. Right? The technology will get better, always people just always keep thinking around this stuff so i wonder ellen is that only coming into the united states or do you know if that's the same process for any international flight uh i can't remember what it was like last time
Starting point is 00:18:40 like have you ever flown into a different country before you came to the u.s um yeah that's what i meant no i haven't done it and i don't know what the what that process and you're always out on ship when you are going to different countries so yeah they did ask they did ask if if i was transiting through the u.s okay if i was going to transit and um but that wasn't i didn't answer yes so I didn't that's one of the things that I've heard about the illegals is that they're saying like it's like a short term stay but then they end up just
Starting point is 00:19:12 oh yeah you should have downloaded that app you could have got like the EBD card or whatever right you could have had endless money I have commitments in Australia you could have left endless money. I have commitments in Australia.
Starting point is 00:19:29 You could have left the car with me, dude. I would have taken it. With friends like us giving you helpful comments and helpful tips. Okay, we're not leading Ellen astray. I just applied for a new job. I'm getting out of the military and going can work work as a screw in uh tasmania so hopefully i get that got our fingers crossed yeah so for better or worse this technology so we go i always fall back to ben franklin i can't help it every single time it's like when you give up your liberty for security that's that's when you
Starting point is 00:20:07 don't get either yep you don't have freedom you don't have liberty you have nothing left and i understand like yeah it's risky it's risky to be free it's it's dangerous you have to actually have faith in other human beings and allow them to make their own choices. And guess what? They might make the wrong ones and have to pay consequences for that. But that's what it's all about. You're going to hear offensive things. You're going to hear things that you don't agree with.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Move on. Scroll on. Move on. Right? You're going to wake up in the morning with leprosy because you got exposed to a different you know idea than what you agree with so um of course i'm gonna fall that way um i do understand like um for example the ring cameras i wouldn't i would never put one on my door because I don't want there to be a network of surveillance technology. I think that it's really scary.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Yeah, but the next time you drive or walk up and down your community, look at how many of those there are. Have them already, right, where they can make this network of like... Yeah, it's there. Yeah, how to track people, how to track vehicles. They can just access these cameras along the way. They give insurance discounts for them. So they're incentivized.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I had one in the front, one in the back when I lived in Charleston. And there was some break-ins and the cops actually came to everybody's door and asked if we noticed anything. They said, could you check during these times, on these days? Then the camera would let you send the video.
Starting point is 00:21:58 I could send them a clip of what it was. It wasn't like they took the camera. When I moved into the mountains, I'm'm like that ain't coming with me now and i do understand like the the reasoning behind uh you know say you're 80 years old and you really need to know who's at that door before you open it you know um there's all kinds of i can understand it's it's like there's so much good right all this technology there's so much good that can be done with it until some goofball decides to corrupt it and do bad things you know what i mean absolutely it's
Starting point is 00:22:43 like that whole like uh smart homes and stuff where you walk in and the lights come on and the temperature adjusts the way you want it and the shades go up or down that's like awesome right until they they start watching your patterns and and you know they're like well you you're supposed to be at work and you're coming home at this time you know right yeah they monitor everything the shutdowns in the cars they want every car to have a kill switch okay well that's great if somebody's like drinking or driving i totally understand like the excuse behind that but what's to stop them from saying well you're not allowed to travel outside of your travel zone
Starting point is 00:23:21 boom your car doesn't work oh shut down your whole house yeah no power you've already used too much this year you've already used too much so you know they're starting to put smart meters in the houses in australia where they can turn around and turn the power off when the power when the grid's under pressure so yeah that's it's scary like what if what if someone's on a um a c-pap machine or i've been i've or I've got – my husband does fish. He keeps aquarium fish. Get the power turned off. We've lost thousands of dollars' worth of fish.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Yeah. Then you've got to invest in the Jenny, all that stuff. Which I've already got. But, yeah. Yeah. It's not going to – that generator is not going to power what we have. No. And for long term and then, you know, is it natural gas or something? But yeah, that generator is not going to power what we have. No.
Starting point is 00:24:09 And for long term, and then, you know, is it natural gas or something? Then they can control that or, you know. And the more that generations are used to already being surveilled, well, that's normal. You know, that's just what normally happens. Out here in Texas, they're not allowed to use the street cameras, you know know to like take your picture if you run a red light oh yeah they don't allow that out here um i love that because you know they're not like constantly it's it's still a free place to live you know um so of course there'll be some people that decide to blow the red light and, you know, take that risk and everything. But what kind of, you know, when you put those streetlights on and now everybody's under the gun and you're being watched all the time, what does that do even to the human psyche? I can tell you as well.
Starting point is 00:24:58 When you do sales checkout at supermarkets, you get video. When you go through drive-thrus like McDonald's, they're videotaping you. Like there's a camera right on you when you go through drive-thrus like mcdonald's they're videotaping you like there's a camera right on you when you go up to the screen it's just where will it end yeah um the atms of course have been that way for a long time because for your protection which so everything like you say jayden right well we're gonna keep you safe and sounds good at first but then then what they do with all that data. We're kidding. And the other one that I really clung to when I heard this was the tech companies,
Starting point is 00:25:35 they have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders. So if they're developing the surveillance technology, they have a responsibility to sell their product so they can make their shareholders money. And what is their product? Exactly. It's a restraint of your freedom is their product. And so they have the responsibility to sell this.
Starting point is 00:25:58 So they have to make it attractive to Americans in general. And then there was a conversation about how far China is in their surveillance technology and how if we're going to keep up with technology to technology, we have to just start deploying this stuff in the United States. We've got mobile phone detectors now,
Starting point is 00:26:23 red light cameras, speeding cameras. What else we got um just community cameras in like hot hot zones like places popular sidewalks that kind of thing and then we haven't even talked about the cash yet so oh yeah so um like i have to for my job i have to go through rigmaroles of having a security clearance and all that sort of stuff if i go out and get cash continually from one place and it happens to be within an atm within a um a bar that's the closest one to where i live they will see that and say no you're spending your money on on gambling because we can't gambling because you can't prove where you've used that money because you've taken cash out instead of using your card. And now, it's actually making it very, very hard to use cash in Australia because one,
Starting point is 00:27:15 the supermarkets don't hardly hold it anymore. There is very, very little. They're taking away the ATMs. They're slowly downgrading. The bank, physical bank locations are closing, and basically forcing us to use our cards. And it's scary. There's a big pushback at the moment for it.
Starting point is 00:27:34 People are saying cash out day, pay for cash only. Lots of businesses are now going card only instead of cash. If you've ever been young, it was so cool to have a credit card. It was so easy. You didn't have to worry about, oh, I was going to go out, and if it costs $20, I better have, you know, $25 in my pocket to make sure I could, you know, if you had a card, well, you could just whatever.
Starting point is 00:27:58 You could just run the card. We're good, you know, whatever. But they just suckered you into it. They made it simple. They made it simple. They made it easy. Yeah. And additionally to that, so what they actually got us with and what we're struggling with is what they call Afterpay. And I think they've got a version of it in here in the U.S. as well.
Starting point is 00:28:16 So it's basically like take-home lay-by. So you go in or lay-away, you call it. So you go in and you say what you want to buy. you go in or layaway you call it so you go in and you just say what you want to buy and you've got the app on your phone and say i've got this product is five hundred dollars you go and scan that you don't you don't pay anything up front you can take the product but it gets taken out of your out of your account didn't fortnight later so split into four payments interesting they just automatically do that for you yeah crazy and there's their fee for that of course um there is a fee um they actually charge the retailers for it
Starting point is 00:28:51 it doesn't charge they don't charge the consumer anything for it but yeah it's the retailers passing it on to you i mean exactly right yeah i mean yeah it's like here the states they got smart with that credit whoever the fees use the cash or credit but now if you pay credit it's like here in the States, they got smart with that. The fees. They used to cash or credit, but now if you pay credit, it's always more money. Yeah. Yeah, so that's that. And yeah, I've got my limit is $3,000. So you can't go get a $3,000 item, just take it home, and they're just going to bust it into four pay events for you,
Starting point is 00:29:22 and you're going to start paying. Which is just like a credit card, though is it is but it's easier a lot more easier to use and and basically they are now because i realize that it's forcing a lot of people to get a financial stress but they are now doing a credit check before you apply for these things but we did they weren't even doing a credit check they weren't even doing credit test yeah try that out how much. How much is your own responsibility? I mean, I should know whether I can afford to buy something. I shouldn't be, oh, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:29:55 I couldn't just have that $3,000 item. Right. You said I could leave with it. Yeah. You need to have the responsibility to not take the $3,000 item and know that you can't afford the three thousand dollar item yeah no one thinks that they just go and do it and it's caught us out a few times it really has and initially you could only use it for what they say you could use it for um so um buying a computer where going to camping stores all that sort of stuff now a version of that system if you if you uh behave yourself and don't get any late
Starting point is 00:30:32 payments you can get get up and use it basically like a debit card you can pay for groceries pay for everything everything yeah uh-huh crazy no i knew that australia was doing the push to the central bank money before we were but that is like i say i've always said that is the that's end game that's full-on they control they know they monitor whatever you're spending it's going to be it's going to be known no more cash and that's where they want to go. Because Americanos are balking cash so much, I've seen a new version where they actually put the chip
Starting point is 00:31:12 in the dollar, in the bill. So you can still have your cash, but now there's chips in your money and they can turn it off. It's not worth a dollar. Yeah. It's not worth a dollar anyway so right get back to yeah i saw that the latest i was like okay this is just they're just gonna find a way so that's
Starting point is 00:31:35 the thing like americans are like no no no no no we don't want that we like our life we like being free they're like well what if we just package it this way for you? What do you like that better? You know, oh, did you see that you're under threat now? Right? I mean, you probably just need that thing. That would be better, right? It's going to be safer. You want to keep your kids safe.
Starting point is 00:31:55 I mean, that's really important. So, and of course, that's important to all of us. You know, that's how they did all the green initiative. Of course, the planet's important to us. We all live on it. We want to to live a nice place for our kids and they just use it as a way to tax the heck out of everybody and uh you know blow through communist agendas so just on that i just i i've had this conversation with sarah already but so massive big green push in Australia to have renewables,
Starting point is 00:32:27 all that sort of stuff. They actually, the Australian government have actually passed it that there will be no petrol, new sales of petrol cars by 2030. It'll all be electric. And they're ripping down, you know, putting, ripping down trees, putting wind turbines on ridges, taking down all the trees and stuff like that. But if you want to tear something down and put a house up, no, you can't do that. You've got to protect the tree. You've got to protect the tree, but they're happy to, you know, acres and acres.
Starting point is 00:33:01 And whole mountains, right? They're leveling off whole mountains. Whole mountains of wind turbines. To put up wind turbines. And solar panels. All the land we've lost to solar panels. There's farming land that we've lost to solar panels. And they're no longer making any vehicles in Australia anymore.
Starting point is 00:33:17 They're importing everything. Yep. The last one closed, I want to say five years ago. So GM, Holden for us, GM closed their last, the last factory. That's crazy. It's like a, it's like a floating California out there. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:34 And then here's the crazy bit. So we have one refinery left in Australia. One. Yeah. For oil. For oil. So is that what's going to, like, collapse the whole world? Is our world interdependence instead of being self-reliant upon us?
Starting point is 00:33:53 You know, is that why the preparedness community kind of gets so attacked? Because, oh, you're speaking about self-reliance. We don't want self-reliance anymore. We want global reliance. Yeah. And I can tell you you like being being from an island nation it's like doesn't take very much at all to shut off the shipping lines and we will be basically useless in two weeks yeah sorry but an island nation but it's not like
Starting point is 00:34:17 it's you know cuba right no or indonesia the size of one of our states it's like it's a like the size of our... If you put Australia on top of the United States, what are we talking about? I think you know a little bit bigger if you include Alaska. Right. Wow. If we don't include Alaska, we're just talking continental.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Yeah, you put it on top of Paw and Paw. Yeah, but America's a little bit bigger, right? Yeah. The outline. Yeah. but not much i bet that it's more about what are your natural resources right right and the center of it yeah so the opposition government has said that and what if they look if they win the next election they all say they said that they're going to put um nuclear power in So, however, they've made it very, very, the current government has made it very, very hard
Starting point is 00:35:07 for the new government, which they will win, the new government, to do that because they've stopped the development of a mine in the Northern Territory to get uranium. So, it's, there's moves and counter moves. It sounds the same all across the globe you know this is a very global agenda yeah and that's obvious at this point i mean i i wish like um
Starting point is 00:35:35 more people are talking about the options like literally you know i've never been like i'm i'm behind trump i hope he wins this election um but i've always been kind of standoffish um just because um i only talked about things that i'm educated about i don't like to to get it you know there's no sense in having a political debate if you're not educated in the topic that you're talking about but the fact of the matter is if you're voting for kamala you're voting for global governance i mean that's what we had with biden that's what we're going to have with kamala these are not strong leaders these are not people who are going to you know they're half you know baked half the time and um you just it's just not a not a strong leader who's going to be able to push, take our country forward into new areas of innovation and exploration that we really need to be going into so that we can make positive changes instead of walking through our old glick.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Yeah. Yeah. And it would be really interesting if, hopefully trump gets up what putin would do they always get along pretty well yeah right he will most yeah mutual respect right i'll back off you back off hopefully it's not like you have to they have to love each other just have to work things out yeah yeah and they have issues they work them out we should be able to do that we've worked together on you know space exploration we've worked together on multiple things this is all it's you know in my opinion it's for the military industrial complex
Starting point is 00:37:18 because they have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders to make money trump shut them down basically for four years they weren't making anything so uh whenever the global regime got back into the place where they are then okay fire up that uh old war machine because we have a fiduciary responsibility to our shareholders to make these companies work and that's their product. So that's what they're going to sell to you. It really always comes down to business and money every time. You just have to follow that trail. See where it leads you. I still want my nuclear subs.
Starting point is 00:38:02 So how, in my opinion, the only way they're going to roll this out on the American people is with a big enough perceived threat. Yeah. So it's got to be civil war. Look at what's happening on your streets, guys. We got to have a military presence. We got to have the surveillance technology up. And to me, I think that's why so many immigrants were allowed in to just drive that stress of the population.
Starting point is 00:38:30 It wasn't just allowed in, too. They were dispersed throughout. Dispersed, placed, flown in, trooped in. I mean, paid to be here. So it's going to be an interesting problem that we have now i'm not going to get into any of the details there because there has been some horrific stories already coming out about um big problems so um i hate to like bash on people you know um what but we did the topic of the refugee camps and we could have easily built some kind of city out in new mexico that could have been like the transitory station for these people if they were really
Starting point is 00:39:14 seeking to like asylum from their country and whatnot and it would have given that like a staging area like ellis island used to be and we would have been able to integrate people into our society much easier without this stress and this mess I mean it's the same way they pulled out of Afghanistan it's just bloop here it is that's a mess there oh we made another mess oh don't look at that we're already over here what are you doing so I don't know i think brock told me 16 or 12 of the last 16 years have been uh democratic presidents for the most part because bush you know was pretty much in line with them and uh we're expecting something different to happen if we continue down the same road i don't know i don't think so so just gotta get the inflation in the control which is ridiculous well that was self-perpetuated as well but because
Starting point is 00:40:15 you're gonna own nothing by 2030 and be happy about it so we gotta stress put stress under yep so yeah giving people these access to these things and then putting them under financial stress where they have to get assistance. Yeah. Yeah. And I don't want to even get into the policies, the unrealized gains and that kind of taxes is insanity.
Starting point is 00:40:38 How about the unrealized losses? Yeah. Those don't count. Can I carry that forward? Yeah, that doesn't count. No, no, forward yeah that doesn't count no no no no okay i love that i love that angle chin yeah yeah oh i planned um i think i'm gonna lose money on this investment so uh where's my money back for that yeah i'm gonna realize that my taxes right now that loss for my taxes yeah yeah finally yeah that finally. Yeah. That's a great point. It's like my car's value went down.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Can I deduct that loss? I thought it was going to be a collector's item. Yeah, me too. My Dodge Caravan? For sure. That's what I was thinking. Dodge Caravan. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:19 I was going to have it fully restored. It's a piece of Americana. Yeah, that's right. No, that's truth, though. You want to go one way. Yeah, but not the other. And gee, I wonder why. And then if we allow that to happen,
Starting point is 00:41:39 they're going to go after the investments next. So everybody's like, oh i'm safe i'm in the stock market well guess what that's just yeah con people and to put money in there so so they had money to play with for their own right more gambling yeah another form of gambling all right guys so we're getting real with you today. Happy, happy. Yeah, that was a pretty real conversation. I was just like, if we don't, if we don't, you know, everybody's got to wake up a little bit and be like, no, that's not okay. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:15 That is not okay. I don't think that we, like, I can understand from the international travel point of view, okay, so we're trying to keep terrorists out. Having to go through two checkpoints in Aussie you know before you even get out a little crazy because you already did it once so they did so they do that to ellen right who's as far as we know yeah as far as we know she's an upstanding citizen in this global community right right but had she like taken a boat into mexico and they'd just gone for a little hike across the border she'd like a free ride here's some hotel
Starting point is 00:42:53 tickets here's a bus you know airplane not worried about immunizations or i'm sure we could have got her a flight into lake ashville they would would have loved, you know. Springfield? I mean, yeah. Sarah was going to be waiting down on the border for me. Yeah, I was just going to go pick her up. I mean, it came on. Yeah, but then you would have to caravan with Sarah and the family. Come on.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Would you rather get a free airplane ticket up? Yeah, free airplane ticket. Come on, you're not ticket, money spending card. But then you're on the government's dime. Yeah, you feel that way. Thank you, Ellen. That's why we're friends. That's why we're friends.
Starting point is 00:43:35 The government doesn't make a dime. It's Sarah's dime and my dime and everybody else's dime that got collected into the government. Don't get me started on that. There's a lot of things that's happening in the Australian military right now that I cannot talk about. The government doesn't fund anything. Yeah, it's true.
Starting point is 00:43:52 It's true. All they do, they're just the redistribution hub. Yeah. So one of the biggest things, and I can't talk about most of it that's happening, and this is not anything in regards to technology or whatever we're getting. It's personnel wise that they are allowing now because our recruitment is that bad.
Starting point is 00:44:12 People with HIV. It's absolutely sickening. Yeah. Like imagine, you know, that's just, you got to trust the people you're with. Ah, situations. Wow. you know that's just you got to trust the people you're with ah situations wow so let's do our part against the surveillance technology there's a class at prepper camp on de-googling phones we're going to talk about that we'll do a show on that one because chin actually has the info on it he's just been super busy lately so i haven't been able to work it out
Starting point is 00:44:46 of them but i'm gonna give you a couple months to settle in and get things done right i know you've been crazy every time i talk to you about a different piece of something my computer my phone my tablet right yeah no and i just know like where i'm gonna be and what i'm gonna have in my hand but i'll try to be on the show so well we well, we'll talk about, you know, taking care of your phone, doing that kind of stuff. And we got to just be vigilant. You know, we can't be complacent. It really isn't that hard. And I mean, I've been running a de-Google phone for a while now.
Starting point is 00:45:20 It's a little different because there's there's some I don't get the bing, it's going to rain in five minutes notice anymore, which is kind of cool. But that's all stuff that they, you know, here, have a little piece of candy. First one's free. Take the goodies. And then you take the goodies and you're hooked right in. That's off the way the apps were on. You would still get the alerts. No, because they were tracking your location.
Starting point is 00:45:48 They're tracking everything about you. So that would take away your ability to get tornado alerts then. No, I still get the, like, what's that called when the kid's missing? Amber alert. Amber alert. Why would I not know? Tornado alert runs on the same as the amber okay so you still get that it just gets pushed pushed out to all the cell
Starting point is 00:46:10 it does like your phone started doing it when you got into texas right yes because it just pushes it at you because your phone is in here yeah so we go off the off the tower i had apps on my other phone and they, they did location and it would know if there was, it was awesome because it would say you're going to, it's going to rain in five minutes or thunder in your area. And I'll be damned if I didn't have rain start in five minutes. It's, it was like awesome. It was way better than the weather, man.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Yeah. But it's all because they were tracking your location. My father-in-law used to say the best weather app was a rock. You just throw it outside. If it's dry, it's sunny. It's the leaves on a tree because you could see them blowing or they flip over. Yeah. They flip over.
Starting point is 00:47:03 You see the underside of a tree leaf. You know it's coming. Right. There's a bad gust of wind coming in. And if it gets wet, then it's raining. It's raining. You're a mess. Right?
Starting point is 00:47:15 Yeah, he was a crack up. So, no, like I say, be vigilant. And how many times are you just talking around your phone and you're like, oh, I was really thinking about blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. For those of you who have Facebook, use Facebook. And now your Facebook just pops up with that stuff. Oh, man. Do I have a story for you?
Starting point is 00:47:33 Right. So as soon as I arrived here, my Facebook feed was all American ads. That's crazy. It just switches over. Yeah. Yeah. It knows where you are. It's tracking you.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Because even these apps are all feeding to each other too. Like all the Google and YouTube and all that stuff cross pollinate. They're all sending stuff back and forth. Right. See, that was the dumbest thing they ever did was annihilating me from Facebook because now they can't track any of that. Like, duh. No, you know, actually having that. Like, duh. No,
Starting point is 00:48:05 you know, actually having that cord cut, like I just quit using it. And then you realize like, I don't need to use it. What's the big deal? Yeah. Like my phone,
Starting point is 00:48:17 I can still do most of anything. The biggest thing is the notifications. I don't get a lot of the, but it's nice. Cause I'm not like ding ding ding all the time right i have to turn mine off i get like yeah ding-a-ding-ding like all the time i just leave my phone sound off so i don't get like when i get email and stuff i don't get dinged all the time because i don't like that notification has to go through google play you would have had to
Starting point is 00:48:42 download the app through google and. And so Google's like, oh, you just got an email about this. You just got an email about that. You just got an email about this. And if you think they can't survey that stuff, like, yeah. All right, we better get into some changing earth news. I'm just chilling.
Starting point is 00:49:01 I know. I'm just chilling. Play the funky music. It's coming. Come on. Dream. Survive. Thrive.
Starting point is 00:49:17 This is Changing Earth News. All right. Changing Earth News. Alright, Changing Earth News! So, today is September 15th, 2025. We have a major X-class flare that went off the sun yesterday.
Starting point is 00:49:38 X-4.5. It was just a short duration flare. Jump on your YouTube and check it out, though. Because it was just a short duration flare uh jump on your youtube and check it out though uh because it was really cool to see it will just be a glancing blow that's going to hit us on monday but um because it was so large it's still like kind of worrisome. One of the comments was, even a semi hurts at a glancing blow, right? So minor disruptions are expected from this storm. Some of the systems might go down. For example, AT&T, some of the gaming systems, Discord, stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:50:19 That's on the more sensitive side. How about banks? I think we're going to be okay there um it's not like a deep-rooted um um internet problem as long as all that system stays right i mean that's the forecast of it people are gonna tell you different things but ben from suspicious observers he's not one to blow it up as far as like oh this is gonna be horrible or whatever right so i think he's looking at it pretty realistically but it was a major event the what's called the emerald spire um it was huge compared to what it normally is so um that was pretty crazy to see we We have wildfires out west.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Situation was not improving as of very early this morning when I was doing my research about 1 o'clock. And so that situation, it did get better as today went on. They're having some cooling out there, so that's a good thing. And then we had hurricane francine run into louisiana but you guys have someone sitting right off the coast of the carolinas right now as well so it's gonna be heads up on that one okay september 9th 2024 we had 351 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a 5.5 in central the central eastern pacific rise
Starting point is 00:51:46 uh ring of fire was really active central asia was really active with earthquake activity and there was a 5.3 near we walk papa new guinea and then i've been getting all of my language corrected by ellen today for that area which I appreciate because I have no idea. We walk, but we don't fall down? No, we walk. Yep. And I'm sure I slaughter it. So sorry to everybody out there slaughtering your countries.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Go ahead and leave me a message about it, though. I'm fine with that. In Uganda, this one's going to be really bad. The Nywamba River flooded, claiming two lives in Casis. It's a big flooding problem going on down there. Severe flooding also in India. This is their normal monsoon times, but it's been significantly worse this year. Multiple districts affected there.
Starting point is 00:52:40 The Boyles Fire in Northern California burned down 30 structures on the 9th. And the Bolivian wildfires, we are talking 3.8 million hectares of rainforests now gone off the face of the earth. It's a really, really devastational disaster that's going on down there. And the 3.8 million hectares figures out to about almost 9 million acres. So that is really, really sad. I've seen some big fires in California, and I have no idea still what 9 million acres would look like. And I have no idea still what 9 million acres would look like.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Fuego volcano erupted, causing an earthquake from that activity. Volcano activity is still crazy, guys. September 10th, there was 327 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 5.7 in the South Atlantic Oceans. Near. Jin's favorite. Oh, South Sandwich. South Sandwich. Finally up there on the list. Typhoon Yagi. This is over hitting Lower Asia.
Starting point is 00:53:56 It is hitting Vietnam. It is hitting Myanmar. It's hitting Thailand. It is doing some big time damage 200 people at least dead in vietnam it hit miramar today what was my mom saying like 900 people there i didn't write that note down but it was like 900 dot in the flood flooding flooding itself and landslides that cyclone is doing some mega damage over there um central florida also experienced heavy flooding uh tuscany italy was hit with a hailstorm 120 mile an hour winds oregon is struggling to tackle over 20 active wildfires in their state
Starting point is 00:54:40 september 11th 2024 347 earthquakes are 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a 6.3 in the bismarck sea near papadugiddy two earthquakes near albuquerque new mexico they were upwards of a 2.5 so that's pretty big for new mexico i saw there was more activity in texas today uh francine made landfall in lou in Louisiana as an official hurricane down there, did some widespread damage, not nearly as bad as some of the ones we've seen in the past, though it didn't go up to like a five or anything like that. On September 12th of 24, there was 338 earthquakes, our 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 5.2 in the North Pacific Ocean near Japan. Our 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 5.2 in the North Pacific Ocean near Japan.
Starting point is 00:55:28 A 5.8 earthquake hit Pakistan. The tremors were fell all the way to India. Both the bridge fire and the airport fires are prompted the emergency declaration in the state of California with over 100,000 acres burned. The line fire is also burning in that same area and then ohio is having droughts in the south uh affecting their pumpkin crops there so that might affect some prices of pumpkins at halloween time september 13th 2024 363 earthquakes are 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a 5.7 in the philippine sea near japan there's a 4.7 earthquake that shook la um that is the 14th 4.0 or bigger this year that is the most since 1988 which is when they had a really big earthquake that took down the bay bridge
Starting point is 00:56:19 oh i think that was was that road road, remember that raised elevated roadway? Yeah, it had two levels. Yeah, that's the Bay Area Bridge, yeah. And that one took, yeah, that was a big disaster. So there was the one that hit on Super Bowl Sunday, too, that did, like, some damage to the, I don't know if it was Super Bowl Sunday, but it hit the stadium. No, it was baseball.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Oh, yeah. The World Series, right? Yeah, the World Series. Yeah, big event. So that would happen. So that's kind of some interesting activity. It's really not slowing down. It just keeps shifting.
Starting point is 00:57:00 It's centered in middle America, and then it shifts down to South America like it did today. And then it'll shoot up to North America and shift down to South America. So it's interesting. We're just going to keep our eyes on that. In the Philippines, Mount Canlun, I'm sure I kill it, erupts after 337 earthquakes in 24 hours. So that one was definitely making some noise before she went. Francine left Louisiana. Lots of flood cleanup going on there.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Thailand got hit by Yagi. Landslide concerns, big time. They've been getting just soaked over there. Indiana farmers are desperate for rain as their drought is worsening so that one little sloth through there swath through there and it's weird because we've been getting so much rain in other areas and then some areas are just left without uh 300 or on september 14th of 2024 there was 321 earthquakes are 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a a 5.3 in the Philippine Sea near Guam. There was a 3.4 earthquake that hit San Jose in California, and there was a 4.1 earthquake in Texas.
Starting point is 00:58:12 There's major flooding concerns over the Czech-Polish border. So if you haven't seen this story, Central Europe is just getting hammered by severe flooding. I think their death toll is up to seven, but it is across France, Austria, Germany, and then moving over into Poland and the Czech Republic. So that is a unfolding situation. It got worse actually today and there's more rain expected to come this week. So it's not going to get better anytime soon. In Nigeria, the situation also grew worse. We've been talking about the flooding that's been going on there for a couple weeks. One million people are now displaced after a dam collapsed due to all the rain. Two million people affected by the flooding there.
Starting point is 00:59:02 In Zimbabwe, quite a different story. So we're talking northern Africa, southern Africa. They are having severe drought, which is affecting water levels in their lakes, which they rely upon for fishing and things like that. And it's causing a lot of widespread malnutrition. Today, the 15th, most of the uh as far as earthquakes was in middle america and south america but it's also interesting because there's normally activity in central
Starting point is 00:59:33 asia which is normal but it actually started just slashing down into southern asia as well and that could be because yagi came through there but it was a significant line down and then also from say it proper for me vanuatu there you go from it doesn't even spell it's not spelled that way from vanuatu all the way up the um ring of fire all the way up into russia so So it was just interesting activity that I don't normally see and pretty heavy. 478 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger. I mean, so we had that X-class activity, boom, instant uptick in earthquake activity. There was a 5.5 earthquake in Indonesia. That's our big dog for the day. 4.5 at Kilauea in hawaii and then the central european flooding just growing worse and worse okay so we were up last week with our volcano numbers never seen 35 before and all
Starting point is 01:00:35 the years that i've been recording numbers and we're still there this week um we actually went up one for unrest and the same for minor activity so they added another volcano to the list um this week it just keeps growing it seems so we're at 92 now definitely going to keep my eyes on the volcano numbers because that's insane i've just never seen that many before ever and uh you know the the big explanation is that we have this alignment of our gas giants coming up october 24th there's going to be a time when the earth is the only thing that's on the one side of the sun and everything else is aligned on the other so we'll see i don I don't know. You know, there's been lots of things that come down the pipeline. We'll just keep an eye on it.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Interesting theory to watch. In the United States for wildfire, our preparedness level is at a five. There are 62 fires. Three of them are new. 2,485,000 acres on fire. Six of those fires are contained at this time. Number one state on fire is California with eight fires.
Starting point is 01:01:51 574,000 acres burning. One of those fires is contained at this time. I've seen California numbers alone in the millions though. So it's still a pretty decent year for them, I'd say. Number two on the list is Idaho. They have 22 fires actively burning, 430,000 acres on fire. No new fires, none of them are contained. Number three state is Oregon.
Starting point is 01:02:18 22 fires also burning in Oregon for a total of 372,000 acres. No new fires, none of those are contained. Wyoming is number four on the list with four active fires for a total of 68,000 acres. There are two new fires, but one of those is contained. So they're making headway, and hopefully they're getting a lot of cool weather this week, which should help those firefighters get those fires out. All righty. So that's the change in earth news the volcanoes man i can't believe it crazy i just saw i just saw i noticed that uh the west coast of uh canada just had a 6.6 oh Oh, really? Like just got that notice right now?
Starting point is 01:03:07 Yeah, since we started the show. Crazy. See, that's what I'm saying. It's like bouncing between South America, then boom, back up to North America. And like day by day, sometimes it's South America happening, and sometimes it's up on the North America. Middle America has just been getting wild. I don't know. they've had constant activity the same thing happens on the ring of fire by australia it goes from vanuatu
Starting point is 01:03:33 up to russia but sometimes it doesn't go all the way down it just stops in indonesia so we have the activity there and then it'll bounce bounce bounce bounce so oh crazy stuff we have new zealand looks like it was the queen charlotte sound new zealand got rocked today too and the queen charlotte sound so is it i wonder if that's up further north british columbia yeah it's north of vancouver yeah yeah what that would from what i've seen, I would be watching the Cascadia fault line right now. Yeah. Because that energy usually comes down into there or towards Yellowstone,
Starting point is 01:04:11 and then it comes down around the North American Crayton. So, interesting. Breaking news. Breaking news. You heard it first here. It'll make next week's list. Yeah, exactly. It will be on next week's list. Yeah, exactly. It will be on next week's list.
Starting point is 01:04:28 All right, guys. Well, Chin, thank you very much for coming. I know you're so busy, so I always appreciate it. Actually, I enjoy sitting down. There you go. You get a break. Take a break. Chit-chat with friends.
Starting point is 01:04:40 That's right. Ellen, thank you very much for coming. My pleasure. Coming on the show. Even though I made very much for coming. My pleasure. Coming on the show. Even though I made this mistake and came a week early. Oh, she's got to hang out with me for like a whole week now. Yeah. But I'll be on next weekend.
Starting point is 01:04:55 We'll be working. Yeah. So. All righty, guys. Head on over to if you want to find out about the audio drama, the social medias I am on, the YouTube channel, any of the goodies,, all the new covers. They look beautiful. So head on over there.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Check it out. New merch. The merchandise is really, really cool. Great quality shirts. So check that out. And until next time, dream survive thrive thank you for joining sarah and chen for this episode of the changing earth podcast don't forget to pick up your copy of day after disaster without land the walls of, Battle for the South, Dark Days in Denver, and The Endless Night at
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