The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Get BIGGER than this BIG Year

Episode Date: January 5, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 this just in you are alive you are aware you are capable you are effective and you can survive and thrive through the year 2024 despite the anxiety despite the anxiety, despite the, I don't know. Why are we crowning this year champion already, huh? We've crowned 2024 champion of doom, and we haven't even got a punch in yet. Right? The bell hasn't but hardly rung. We're only five days in, and I'm guilty. Don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 00:00:42 I'm as guilty as anybody. It all does seem like it's coming to a head in 2024 and you know I've got a list of symptoms here before me laid before me through the uh the gray man brief that I use for PBN daily news they're brutal they're terrible Dave Jones called me yesterday with another terrifying story. You know, first-person accounts are what make me nervous. First-person accounts are what make me worrisome. It's one thing to find out about a lunatic in L.A. who did a thing, and you find out about it from a news outlet, or you find out about it from an alert service,
Starting point is 00:01:25 a news outlet or you find out about it from an alert service and you realize that that news has happened and made its way and traveled and so on and so forth. But the chaos, when it reaches you through first person account, that's a different thing. Dave Jones gave me a ring about the issue he talked about last night. I think he talked about it last night. He may not have, actually. I haven't checked. But he gave me a ring about that issue, and if he hadn't talked about it, I'll bring it up. Well, I'll tell you. Fundamentally, in Loudoun, somebody drove a vehicle through the front of a firearms store and stole all long guns and shotguns, well, all shotguns and rifles, no handguns, all shotguns and rifles. He didn't hear about this through the news. He didn't, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:21 he heard about this through a person who shopped there. And it's that sort of first person chaos that reminds me of something that Dave said about pandemics. I'm good at correlating, you know what I mean? I don't know. I'm good at, I'm good at tying the strings from one thumbtack to the next thumbtack like on a detective board and what dave used to say to me about the pandemic is you know one of the things we really need to look out for is when people start dropping dead around you you know in other words you see footage out of china people seizing and dying in the hospitals instantly um that is what it is you hear news about people dying in other places you see numbers going up up in a way these numbers are not you know what i mean they're numbers they have to be verified maybe they're wrong you know there's all
Starting point is 00:03:17 that but if your neighbors start dropping off from a pandemic you you know, people you know, people in your community, that's when you say to yourself, it's time to really disappear into the house, into the bug out location, into the bug in location, whatever, and take this thing as seriously as possible. And since we never saw that, that, you know, that was one of the metrics that we used to decide, okay, this thing mustn't be as bad as we all think. Now I'm seeing sort of the same kind of evidence in terms of collapse. Collapse evidence, we're looking at pandemic sort of spread in evidence. Now we're looking at collapse evidence and it's got to the point where, what are you seeing? You know, what are you seeing?
Starting point is 00:04:11 There's a rise in violent crime across big cities in America, right? That's a statistic, that's a news headline, so on. When you start reading that people have been robbed and people have been murdered and cars have been carjacked in your area, your neighbors, right? The people close to you. It's a different thing. It's just a different thing. Now, all of this is not to get you down. All of this is to help you understand that there are moments when we must rise to the occasion.
Starting point is 00:04:49 And you've got to figure out what rising to the occasion means for you. Rising to the occasion might mean packing up and getting the hell out of wherever you live because it's too dangerous now. Rising to the occasion might mean what I talked about a couple days ago, which is maybe I need to upgrade this EDC. Rising to the occasion might be fortifying the home for breaking. Rising to the occasion might be going to City Hall and talking to people in City Hall and saying, you better get this under control. This is not the way our city is supposed to be run. Our city is supposed to be run. Right? I don't think the voice of the people is loud enough.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I think that's one of the fundamental issues. I don't think the voice of the people is where it should be. In all the cacophony of the day. You know? And I think that's because everything has evolved. Except for the outlets for the people. Everything has gotten louder and louder and louder. Except for the voice of the people.
Starting point is 00:06:02 The voice of the people needs a megaphone. It needs... What's the voice of the people? Think about it. Like, when are you heard? You go to, like, school board meetings, town hall meetings, city hall meetings. You write emails. Email silence. You know, an email is essentially silence.
Starting point is 00:06:26 It's clear to me that the people need a bullhorn. You know, there was a time when you could stand in the city square and shout your concerns and your issues. There was a time when you could walk up to a politician on the street and talk to them and say to them, Hey, look, this is not how we wish to be represented. There was a time when we had a voice. Now, those old means of having a voice still exist to some degree now. You know, you're talking about taking the most popular presidential candidate off the ballot because he's such a bad guy, we can't even wrap our heads around how bad he is.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Although, if he is Satan incarnate, as everyone says, wouldn't it be very easy to defeat a man like this? In other words, if Donald Trump is taking money from foreign entities and spurring riots and insurrection. And he was such a bad and awful person. Wouldn't it be easy for the people of the United States to say, Okay, we won't vote for him. But what it really comes down to is the people need a new megaphone.
Starting point is 00:07:48 The people need a YouTube channel. The people need an Instagram presence. I'm talking you, me. And it can't be, it cannot be. You know what the people probably need is a podcast, something like that. It can't be my channel, your channel, his channel, her channel, this channel, that channel, right? That's division. There's no power in that.
Starting point is 00:08:24 We need an I Will Be Heard YouTube channel or podcast where I'm just going to give it up now. You want to take it and run with it, you can take it and run with it because now it's all coming together in my head. We need a podcast or a YouTube channel where each episode is an issue and then you get, you know, I don't know how many voices, a hundred, a hundred different voices and opinions from across the United States to give their two cents on the issue of actually an actual diverse range, you know, not like diversity the way that they say diversity, but an actual unbiased, diverse voice of the people. And sometimes those issues are going to be state associatedassociated, city-associated. And we want these videos and these podcasts to get millions and millions of downloads and views. Right?
Starting point is 00:09:10 That's what you want in a situation like that. You want the people, the voice of the people to be heard. Because fundamentally, the issue in the United States today is that we're hardly a peep. In the dissonance, we're hardly a peep. And even when our voice is heard, what's the repercussions? Now, if we find ourselves with a megaphone once again,
Starting point is 00:09:41 then maybe we have a chance of changing something. once again, then maybe we have a chance of changing something. I don't know. It's time for some next level prepping. It's time for some next level thinking in 2024, PBN family. That's what it is. You know, it's time to get above and beyond the basics fundamentally. You know, it's time to start because I talked to the followers over at Instagram yesterday for 30 minutes or something like that.
Starting point is 00:10:13 All about the fact that everything around us is evolving. We're evolving. And we got to be aware of that. You know, we got to be aware of that. We need to draw the path. We have to draw the path of where we want this thing to go. Because right now it's chaos. It's chaos.
Starting point is 00:10:33 We've got to figure out how to knit the Constitution into all that we do. And then we have to figure out the path we're going in the future. But all of it is contingent on you and me being self-reliant and independent to the best degree that we can. I mean, it's essential. We cannot be dependent. We cannot be dependent on government money. We cannot be dependent on government protection. We cannot be dependent on... Because government protection doesn't work anyway, by the way.
Starting point is 00:11:04 You know, I often wonder what it would look like to have a war in this country if you don't want to call what's happening at the southern border a war in this country, which I think it's time we start calling what's happening at the southern border a war on American soil. I think we should refer to it as the first war, the first invasion of a foreign power into the United States. Is that true? I mean, in these numbers, it's most certainly true. So the first wide-scale invasion, because we are being invaded.
Starting point is 00:11:37 It is a war. How's it not a war? I wonder who drove that car into that gun shop and took the rifles and the shotguns. You see, when you grow up reading history, when you grow up learning about war through history, this is what I've realized. It's hard for you to understand the early stages. One of the things that history in school and even history books and history movies suck at is the early stages. One of the things that history and school and even history books and history movies suck at is the buildup. Because it probably takes years and years, right? This is why I say things like SHTF is here, we're already in it. This is why I say things like we're
Starting point is 00:12:20 in World War III, which, you know, day by day is becoming a ho-hum. It's becoming a no-duh. This is why I say that there's a war on being conducted on American soil, and it's, you know, the front lines of the border, the southern border. Because when you look back, that's what you'll see. When you look back on this moment in history, you're going to say, you're not going to say all the death and dying that came from that southern border being wide open and all the human trafficking and human suffering and pedophilia that came from that southern border being wide open. At least we helped the migrants find their way to the free world and do something with their life. That's not how you're going to look back at it. You're going to look back at it and say, we should have closed that border earlier
Starting point is 00:13:16 because we let in the first wave or subsequent waves of Muslim terrorists, attackers in the war, Iranian backed or Iranian themselves, soldiers, Chinese, you know, antagonists, whatever, however you want to look at it. and maybe even people from communist dictatorships in South America or just gangs from South America who decided, you know, they can conduct their own version of street war in the United States. They can gather their casualties through weapons and drugs. You see, asymmetric warfare is what we're living. You're not going to see Russian tanks land on the beaches of the United States. You're not going to see Chinese tanks roll through the desert sands of Mexico into the United States for some great World War II style blitzkrieg. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:14:28 Instead, you have this creeping suffocation of a war that is being conducted all around the world digitally and physically and also right before your very eyes in your very own nation through your southern border. How do you combat that? How do you combat that? Well, that's common ground, right? The first thing you need is to be solid enough in your makeup to even be able to consider combating that.
Starting point is 00:15:05 in your makeup to even be able to consider combating that, right? So you need to be solid enough in your makeup to be able to even deal with that. Are you there? Some massive amount of Americans are on SSRIs to deal with getting up and going to work. Getting up, going to work, coming home, doing the family thing. You know what I mean? So we've got a long way to go ourselves. I know when people talk like this and when we start to list the symptoms of the American illness
Starting point is 00:15:36 and the American condition, if you will, that it's easy to think that everything's done. It's all over. There's no coming back. I don't believe it. I don't believe it because we don't know what we don't know. I don't believe it because throughout history there's always been men and there's always been women who've done things that you've just never seen coming. Inventions you've never seen coming.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Things you've never seen coming. You know? And we're on the cusp of a lot of that as well. So at the end of the day, I don't buy into the nonsense that you can't affect anything. A lot of people get into that headspace, right? This idea that, you know, you can't really affect much. You can't do much. There's a lot of things going on in the world. That you can't do anything about. Kind of.
Starting point is 00:16:34 But then again. You have to ask yourself. Have you put any effort into that? Or are you just assuming that? I want to see effort. I know I could do much more. know I could do much more Oh I could do I could do much more
Starting point is 00:16:48 There are things that I could do here In Richmond, Virginia That I'm sure could change things But I don't do them I choose other things I choose comfort things I choose family I choose those kinds of things
Starting point is 00:17:03 So don't lie to yourself And say that, you know, I can't affect things. It's too big. It's too corrupt. It's too this. It's too that. You see, when the majority of people say that, then it stays corrupt because the corrupt people don't think that way. They think, oh, let me get in here and do some crazy stuff, make some money. Let me get in here and do some madness and make some money let me get in here and do some madness and make some money
Starting point is 00:17:25 of course i can i can get in here and corrupt some things and make some money i know some guys who can do some deals or i know this i could do that sorry about the buzz sorry about the buzz but the PBN family is waking up So that means I gotta hit the road I'm gonna step into my favorite cafe And I'm going to I'm gonna build this world
Starting point is 00:17:55 That we call the Prepper Broadcasting Network Okay I thank you guys Thank you for everything I hope you're doing your routines Those of you who are involved in the routines, we are setting the tone for 2024 in January. I'm 75 squats and 75 push-ups into my Rogan 100. I don't think I could qualify my morning out in the bitter cold as cold exposure. I don't think it's coping. I've been cold enough for long enough. I think today may be a little bit of an Arctic plunge day.
Starting point is 00:18:33 I want to try to film this for you because it's always funny. Um, mile run, you know, we got stuff to do today on the routines. We got, we got routine stuff. Mile run. You know, we got stuff to do today on the routines. We got routine stuff. Okay? Please get involved in these things. Please get involved.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Okay? The reason I'm doing this, this is not easy. This is going to get harder as the year goes on for me probably. The reason I'm doing this is because I want something in your face. Something you can check, check, check box and uh and become something greater three months six months nine months twelve months down the road because i know you have it in you it's just a matter of the routine right all right pbn family please do me a favor support our great sponsors uh we will have an uh uh rerun of the strange truth on later today they're all great
Starting point is 00:19:27 they're all carl b at his finest so enjoy it and uh where do i want to run here yeah i'll talk to you soon what if i told you you could own land for 200 down and highly affordable monthly payments. is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prep or mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase.

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