The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Get Home Plan and OPSEC ON 10

Episode Date: October 7, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to P.B.N. Your path back to stability. How do you get the family back together when chaos strikes and everyone's separated? What is your emergency plan for October the 7th, 2024, the anniversary of terrorism? The anniversary of Joe Biden's $100 million gift to Iran? The anniversary of Israel's 9-11? of Israel's 9-11. Actually, in some ways, when you go sheer percentage of population lost,
Starting point is 00:01:14 you know, more, greater numbers. But what is your plan? One of the fundamental things that you can do to address your family's preparedness is create a plan, create a rally point, create duties and responsibilities for getting everyone back home. I write this all the time and I don't say it as much as I should say it, but your home is your survival headquarters. Your home is HQ. Your home is the best possible place that you can be until your home is in imminent danger, right? But for the most part, if you're away from home, your number
Starting point is 00:02:00 one concern should be to get home. If your number one concern isn't to get home, though your home is not in imminent danger, you've got the wrong plan. There's nowhere, unless you have another home or, you know, a literal bug out location that is stacked. But there's literally no other place and no better place for you and your family to be. This goes without saying, but, you know, as preppers, we do a bit of fantasizing. As preppers, we do a bit of overthinking and over, you know what I mean? And sometimes we can get away from this idea of getting back home. We're all out here looking for a magical sort of communications device that will allow us to be able to say, hey, there's something crazy going on. The cell towers are down. Electricity is down.
Starting point is 00:02:55 It's an EMP. It's a whatever. But I can call you on the phone, right? We're all looking for that. We're all looking for the satellite phone solution, the mesh-tastic solution, and so on. Nothing wrong with it, right? But for the most part, unless you're traveling insane distances, and even if you are traveling insane distances, distances, having a plan about, just very simply having a plan for who's going to go get who in terms of people with transportation. So who has transportation capability in the family? Who's
Starting point is 00:03:37 going to go get who? You're responsible for getting them, bringing them back home. You're responsible for getting them, bringing them back home. You're responsible for them, getting them, bringing them back home. You're responsible for getting them, bringing them back home. You're responsible for them, getting them, bringing them back home, right? Then step two, should you not be able to get to them, what happens, right? Come back home. Should you get them and not be able to get back home, what happens? Rally point, meeting point, some sort of a place where you can get to, and then we come and get you. Truth be told, you can make this plan as complicated as you want, but that's kind of about as complicated as it needs to get. And none of that needs to happen. Of course, everything's better with more communication. But none of that stuff that I just talked about needs to happen with something in your ear. Right? If you know
Starting point is 00:04:33 that your spouse is responsible for picking up one of your children from a school, and then they're supposed to be home from that school in a certain amount of time. Right? And you know after hours and hours pass, you haven't heard from them, nobody's come home. And they know there's a rally point. So the roads are blocked. There's violence. There's chaos.
Starting point is 00:04:56 There's destruction. Whatever it is, we have to make our way by foot to the rally point. And then you will go find your spouse and your child at that rally point, either by a vehicle or on foot, and then work together to get back home. You follow me? The one thing I would add to that is, and this is why geocaching is such a cool skill, a fun skill, and also an awesome tool. Coded or covert messaging at rally points should a rally point no longer be usable. In other words, you get to a place that is a rally point and you realize nobody's getting here
Starting point is 00:05:41 or it's dangerous to stay here. nobody's getting here or it's dangerous to stay here. So we have to leave a message for whoever's coming to meet us here. But we don't want to stick a note on the side of the tree. You know what I mean? So we got to leave a covert message. Rally point. We're at rally point number two. We've taken the back roads to get home.
Starting point is 00:06:06 It's going to take longer, But we're circling around this problem And we're going to make our way Whatever Right I'm telling you this as a reminder Because I'm going to get this in writing And this is going to be something for our members In writing or something you can buy
Starting point is 00:06:22 Sort of like This is To me this is fundamental you know this is a fundamental the problem that preppers have that people have in general which is chaos strikes in the middle of the day and i'm at work and she's at work and he's at school and she's at school and they're at school and the dogs are at day camp and the grandkids are over here and i gotta pick them up or whatever the situation is right right? And it's a problem that I think we overthink. And it's in the back of my mind right now because I'm in a good situation
Starting point is 00:06:50 today, but it is the 7th. It is the anniversary of terrorist filth. The terrorist filth had their great celebration. By the way, Hamas leaders are celebrating it somewhere, somehow, even though it's been a mass genocide by Israel for a year straight. You know, for a people who can, like, create almost anything with science, they really are conducting a poor genocide of the Palestinians, I will tell you that. But maybe not the day to joke about murder, right? Maybe not the day to be cynical about murder. I told you this time last week it'd be a good thing to do some local intelligence. I will be the first to admit I did zero local intelligence that I haven't already done. I didn't add on to any intelligence.
Starting point is 00:07:40 I will be monitoring things like Broadcastify today, which is a great app. You can listen to your fire departments and so on. Twitter is a great bit of intelligence to monitor. If things happen, start to happen, see something happen, it will show up on Twitter if it's national news or even if it's just severe terror attack. And on top of that, you know, you'll also get great information from fire departments, EMS, through Broadcastify. Chin taught me about Broadcastify about two, no, I'm sorry, four or five years ago now. And it's always on my phone. It's a great tool. You know what I mean? It really is a great tool
Starting point is 00:08:25 But today's the day Today and tomorrow likely If anything's going to happen In this country related to Pro-Palestinians Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Insurgent, militant Splinter cells
Starting point is 00:08:42 It would be really hard for me to see a day like today or tomorrow go by without any kind of terror situation. We have enough to deal with, don't get me wrong. But I told my own son, who's the only one away from the house today. I told my own son, who's the only one away from the home today right i told my own son who's the only one away from the home we're lucky enough that everyone else is home just to uh you know keep your eyes out if anyone's lurking let people know yada yada yada um because that you vigilance is the key pbn family vigilance duty honor these are these are the only roads forward now you get that right
Starting point is 00:09:29 vigilance, duty, honor these are the roads like we are we're living through a crazy time and it could get incredibly crazier right we're seeing all the signs.
Starting point is 00:09:46 And I don't even mean biblical. Because I'm not a student of the biblical signs. I mean, we have Florida getting ready to get hit by Milton again. Right? Florida's getting ready to get hit again. In something that's serious. Could be category four, you know? So, it becomes very clear to me watching all this.
Starting point is 00:10:08 It's like the sort of standard fare lifestyle of the average American has changed and has to change. And yeah, that's all it is. There's nothing you can do about it. Priorities have to change to some degree. The concept of like, I think the concept of the public good has to change to some degree. In other words, it's not the federal government's responsibility to care for people in disaster zones. And even if it is their responsibility, they're not going to live up to it anyway, so who cares? Right? No, we have to rally our voices. We all have voices now.
Starting point is 00:10:52 We're all lucky enough to have phones and voices and so on. Podcasts and, you know, social media. And we have to rally and we have to donate and we have to help as best we can. You know, we're struggling ourselves, many of us. But we've just reached this moment. You know what I mean? See, I always thought self-reliance and independence was this opportunity. What is an opportunity?
Starting point is 00:11:18 I always thought it was this choice. Maybe that's the word I'm looking for. I always thought it was this choice that you would get to, you know, you get to decide, do you want to be self-reliant and independent and join our little club? But it's becoming pretty clear to me that it's self-reliance and independence or death or misery, right? Or suffering. Because that's what it looks like out there. That's what it looks like out there that's what it looks like you can drive yourself absolutely insane over all varieties and all manners of chaos that are happening whether it be pricing or availability or crime or emergency and natural disaster and all of it can culminate because truth be told we're entering an
Starting point is 00:12:06 age of ineptitude at government it's either an age of ineptitude or an age of of people being people and funds being spread so thin as america tries to fund everything i read this morning that we're sending money to lebanon now to help the people out in lebanon who israel's been bombing so like no matter who we bomb or who the good guys bomb, we send money over to both sides. We send money to them, we send money to the bad guys, the good guys, everybody gets a little money, and then the people in North Carolina are drowning in mud.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Sorry about the dog. I don't know. He wants to make his podcasting debut on the trampoline over there. But all the lights are blinking, folks. You know what I mean? They're all blinking. The lights are blinking. If we as a nation, if we are we, we the people, not left and right,
Starting point is 00:13:00 but if we the people elect Kamala Harrisris then we just have to understand what that means you know that means that we are welcoming a dark age that means that we have been so we've been dug so shallow we've been made so shallow as a people that we cannot stand the idea of a guy who says things we don't like and maybe does things we don't like or has a persona that we don't like and we're willing to throw away the entire nation and the world by the way you know if america goes so goes the world there's no look at the world who's propping up the world right now who's always propping up the world who will always be propping up the world propping up the world, who will always be propping up the world?
Starting point is 00:13:51 They say that Putin, you know, in Europe, they said that Putin was going to keep forging through Poland, right? Oh, he's going to go right through Ukraine into Poland and beyond, like Hitler. Everybody's Hitler when you're left winger. And it occurred to me that will never happen, first of all, not with America around. The only way it would ever happen is if we were to fall. If we were to fall and Putin could say, oh, it's just the EU? Well, let's pull another million men out of jails and off the streets and throw them at this problem, and maybe we will take Poland.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Maybe we will go for half of Germany. Who knows? Let's see. If we as a nation elect her, then we just have to, I mean, this is another major paradigm shift. You know, the Prepper camp contingent, the folks that went to Prepper camp Prepper Camp contingent, the folks that went to Prepper Camp and survived all the hurricane mess, they have this saying, it's adapt or die. It's not their saying, but they've sort of reinvigorated the adapt or die message, the overcome and adapt message. And that's, you know, in that moment, that's what they were motivated by because that was the choices they were giving. But in the larger scheme of things, this is where we're at right now. You bring a Kamala Harris on board as the leader of this country.
Starting point is 00:15:25 I mean can you imagine the cabinet that Kamala puts together? and put together a swell group of Gotham City's finest villains, the rogues gallery of Joe Biden will pale in comparison to Kamala Harris. We'll never have... See, here's the outstanding thing that you have to understand. We'll never have more of a warning than we have right now. There will never be more of a blatant ineptitude running for office and damn near getting there. There'll never be a more anti-democratic candidate in the history of America, or at least in an America that I still call America. You'll never see anything like a candidate that has just been dropped into your lap
Starting point is 00:16:06 and said, oh, here's your candidate. You'll never see a more federally, a more Fed-driven, traitorous situation than this. Never. And we just have to be aware of that. And should she get in, you've got to understand that the paradigm shifts.
Starting point is 00:16:25 The world shifts. You might say to to yourself i'm out of here this is the last straw i've done my time in society i'm going to colorado i'm going to uh you might go to and go to look at the mount blanca valley ranches that are selling five acres for $12,000. Water rights included. Not bad. Not a bad piece of land. Large home sites, mountains in the, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:52 snow-covered Rocky Mountains. Streams on site. These are pretty beautiful. Rocky Mountain views. You will be within minutes of the Rio Grande River. 11,000 acre Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge borders the properties. Yeah, Mount Blanca Valley Ranches.
Starting point is 00:17:15 You might see me at the Mount Blanca Valley Ranch. Yeah, go to They've got some great pieces of land for sale for cheap because you may this may be your year you know a lot of people are going to do a lot of things if we see this again you know what when the way i consoled you all last election was listen joe biden's going to get his crack he's going to get his at-bat He's going to get to go and show us all How amazing liberalism can be And he did
Starting point is 00:17:50 He got his at-bat And what I thought was going to happen was Everyone would go, wow, that was just terrible We'll never do that again And I underestimated the whole system And the people, right? I underestimated the whole system and the people, right? I underestimated it all. I underestimated people's willingness to just end all things, ruin everything.
Starting point is 00:18:19 It's not all darkness and misery, okay? But we just have to be aware of the world we're living in now. There are great things. You know, I'm going to bring my Prepper Camp talk to the membership side. We're going to do that for all the members. I didn't make it to Prepper Camp. I've had more than one person email me and say they didn't make it to Prepper Camp and they really wanted to hear my talk. So we're going to do it on the membership side. And, yeah, enjoy it. It'll be another one of our master classes.
Starting point is 00:18:51 It's a good topic. It's a great topic really going into the age that we're going into. We're at the beginning. We're only at the beginning. I was talking to Rick Austin this morning, and I said we're only at the beginning of this prepper craze. That's it. We're just at the beginning. For those of us who are paying very close attention um it always feels like you know it's really this is the high time for prepping but I really do think this is merely the beginning
Starting point is 00:19:16 that's all so good stuff for any of you out there who are living Breathing Enjoying this moment You know that life is made better by self-sufficiency Life is made better by homesteading and by prepping I've got a box in my living room right now That has two quail cages in it And we're going to assemble those And put them in our shed
Starting point is 00:19:44 One of our sheds And then we're going to head those and put them in our shed one of our sheds and then we're going to head out and get us some quail and start that chapter in our life you know i think those who are welcoming the darkness those who are bringing on the dark age driven by camilla and and waltz fozzzie Bear Waltz. That's what he looked like to me on that debate. He kept making faces, reminded me of Fozzie. But anyway, I think those people are fundamentally bored to death.
Starting point is 00:20:16 You know? I think they're bored to death. I think they're, I don't know. Who cares? I don't want to diagnose people. Who knows anymore? I am giving up on that whole figuring out of people thing. I think the best thing that we can do as preppers in this modern age is to show the world the benefits.
Starting point is 00:20:39 And ask the world the question. Ask the people the question. What world do you want to live in? Do you want to live in the world where you walk out your back door and pick some herbs and grab some eggs and live that kind of a life where you're in tune with this thing? Or do you want to live in a world where everything is dictated to you by the government, everything is censored for you because you can't handle differing opinions. Everything is
Starting point is 00:21:07 modified and magically produced for you. You could get a stipend from your government. You can get medicine from your government. You can get therapy through your government. You can get cell phones through your government. You can get everything. Everything through big pop of government.
Starting point is 00:21:24 So long as you don't dare in any way, shape, or form step out of line. And so long as you stay up to date on your lib speak. That's my take. A little political. Some of you might not like it. It is what it is. I'm a person.
Starting point is 00:21:42 You're a person. We're not the same people. We don't have the same brain. We disagree on things. It doesn't matter. Go on about your day. Listen to the beginning of the show. Take the advice of the preppers on this network. One day, you too will be faced with a terrifying
Starting point is 00:21:59 and terrible emergency situation and you're never going to say, I sure wish I argued on Twitter more. You know what I mean? All right, PBN family. I'll be live tonight. I don't know what we're doing for Preppers Live, but I'll be live tonight.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I got plenty in the can, and I don't know what it is. I've been away from the microphone for a few too many days. Not sure, but... We'll see how the seventh goes pay attention okay situational awareness on 11 carry strapped the whole nine yards ready don't be a victim do not let these people these monsters these cretins these heretics get the upper hand. Don't let them bring their brand of terror to our nation. Talk soon, folks.

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