The Prepper Broadcasting Network - GGO - BB2 Emotions During SHTF

Episode Date: February 17, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Urban Survival Simulation This is Gotham Get Out Gotham Get Out, I'm about two miles in. About 17 minutes a mile. I'm not going too fast, but I'm not going too slow. I'm definitely looking around for things to scavenge, but I'm also realizing there's a bunch of junk that you can waste a lot of time and effort trying to bring that ain't worth shit.
Starting point is 00:00:43 On the other hand, there are invaluable things. So I'm still looking, but I'm also keeping a good pace, don't want to get too hot, yes, hot, that's correct, been going relatively fast, I'm not sweating, but I'm getting a little overheated, so I kind of decided to do a little check in with you guys, make sure I don't sweat it out too much. Once I start getting cold as hell again, I'll start moving a little faster. So I want to talk about emotions. Yes, the manliest topic of all time. Emotions.
Starting point is 00:01:21 I'm not going to get into my life story, but the location we are doing this exercise is very close to a place that I lived at for more than six years. And had a lot of good times and a lot of bad times around this area. And I've only been here a couple times driving through in the past couple years since I moved away. But I'm literally like that smack in the middle of where I used to always go. Every single portion of the route I'm taking tonight, I've walked or biked at some point. Usually not in a contiguous fashion. So anyway, what does that mean? Well, think about this, guys.
Starting point is 00:01:57 When stuff is hitting the fan, you're going to be panicked. You might even be scared. You might be pissed. You're definitely not going to know what the heck's going on if the power's out you don't know about your family you don't know about your dog you don't know about nothing you're gonna be so frantic and freaking out i'm not feeling frantic and freaking out now but i am feeling a little oh melancholy miss the old days things could have been better blah blah blah it's true it's also just the fact that I haven't been here for so long Plus also
Starting point is 00:02:29 I haven't eaten for 26 hours I think I'm getting a little loopy So what does that all boil down to? Whatever Your particular situation is When stuff hits the fan You're going to be an emotional basket case Or at least that's the initial reactions of your body, but are you able to get yourself under control, determine, get other people
Starting point is 00:02:53 under control too, might be a lot of people panicking around you, need them to take action, not panic, right, if all the power goes out, EMP, big explosion, who knows what. So, yeah. I'm already feeling a little bit better talking through this. That's good. And in the end, I was like, well, I could just stand around here, reminisce about the old days and complain. Or get my ass moving. Move forward.
Starting point is 00:03:21 March into the future. That's what we're doing. We're still moving here. Bend the breaker. Patriot Power Hour. It's going well. I'm not that cold. Not that cold. I am concerned about, uh, once we all stop for four hours overnight or six hours, but hopefully we'll find some fire starter guys. This is a lot of fun. You guys got to get out there, get out there and enact some prepper plans. You'll find out a lot of fun. You guys got to get out there. Get out there and enact some prepper plans. You'll find out a lot of stuff doesn't work like you thought it would. But on the other hand, you actually might find out you're a little more capable than you thought.
Starting point is 00:03:52 I don't know. We'll find out. It's still early in the night. But I'm having some fun. Making sure to keep my emotions in check. Stay motivated. Let's go, baby.

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