The Prepper Broadcasting Network - GGO - BB3 Cache Site #1

Episode Date: February 18, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Urban Survival Simulation This is Gotham Get Out Gotham Get Out, Ben the Breaker of Banksters here At cache site number one. About five and a half miles in. Got a few more to go. Got another cash site to hit before I get to the final site. The good news is, well, there's good and bad news.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Bad news first, there ain't nothing to warm me up in here. Nothing to eat. Good news, it's all very lightweight, so I can take everything that's here. I have some cordage, or actually more like twine. It's not 550 cord, it's like twine or thicker than string. I think twine is the right name, I don't know. We've got a couple light sticks. We've got two big plastic
Starting point is 00:01:05 bags, which if it was raining, these would be invaluable. But that's it. That's it. Um, looks like future Dan came by and, uh, I'm not sure. I think his package is gone. He would have probably got here before me just based on the route but we'll see james is still here though so with that said travel's been decent i'll tell you this guys here's my little tip from the last hour i've been walking in areas that are well lit and areas that are totally dark obviously i'm trying to stay towards the dark to say gray man but you get a little depressed a little scared a little like the fear of the dark as iron maiden song goes like i'll know exactly where i am but as soon as i hit pure darkness i'm like shit do i really know where i am and i do but can you
Starting point is 00:01:57 imagine bugging out and not really knowing where you're going my point is if you're bugging out, hopefully you'll have a compass. But try to plan your bug out. If there's a few places you go that you know, you know, school, work, your in-laws house, whatever, 30, 40, 50 miles away, know a route. Know a couple routes. Even travel those routes by car multiple times just so you can kind of understand it so you won't have that panic mode where you're like, oh shit, where really am I? It's dark. It's cold. Oh my god, where am I? Where am I? No, don't let that happen to you.
Starting point is 00:02:36 So, anyway, there's a little prepper tip. Nothing special. I'm on my way to cache site number two. See you guys on the other end.

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