The Prepper Broadcasting Network - GGO - BB4 Keep On Truckin

Episode Date: February 18, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Urban Survival Simulation This is Gotham Get Out This is Gotham Get Out, doing pretty well. I'm on mile 6 now, so assuming i don't get lost i'm nearly three quarters of the way done found my first cache things are moving along definitely a mental game like you'll be hungry and then you're not hungry and then you're cold and you're not cold and it just keeps going back and forth it's uh but keep on keeping on especially when you're moving it's actually easier to just keep on one foot in front of another.
Starting point is 00:00:49 I'm a little worried once we actually get to the hide site, for lack of a better term. We're going to freeze our nuts off. But sorry, I should be explicit on this one. Sorry, my apologies. Anyway, it's going well, going well. No sign of the other guys yet, except for future Dan's package was missing from the cache so he got there first but it was closer to him than to me so it makes sense um what i'm gonna do i just kind of stop by to warm up a little um get out of the wind at least i'm in this kind of like enclosure uh out of the wind drinking the rest of my water i'm gonna leave one of my water bottles here in the dumpster so
Starting point is 00:01:23 i'm starting to pick up a little bit more stuff and i'm gonna get to my second cache pretty soon so i've been carrying a you know one and a half liter water bottle in my hand i'm just about done drinking it gonna throw it away got a couple more in my bag some other stuff long story short when i get to this next cache i know i'm gonna have to leave some stuff so might as well drink the rest of this water put it away, yeah, feeling pretty good, we'll see how it goes, ladies and gentlemen, still pretty darn early, still only 808, and we're not getting picked up for another 10 hours from now, so wish me luck, all right, see you on the other side.

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