The Prepper Broadcasting Network - GGO - IC #2 w/ Ben at Shop

Episode Date: February 17, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Urban Survival Simulation. This is Gotham Get Out, and I am with Ben the Breaker of the Banksters. What's going on, James? How you feeling thus far? You were a seven in the car. Where you at now? I'm about the same, but I'm a little colder. There we go. Okay. So what's going down now is we're at the shop. We're at the Winter Survival Shop, which is basically a thrift store.
Starting point is 00:00:38 And Dan is inside doing his shopping. He won the Rock, Paper, Sc and dave jones just went in to peek on him and i'm up next and then ben and any uh any thoughts on what you're going to be looking for in there yeah well if you ever do rock paper scissors go with paper i went with scissors which is wrong everyone comes out aggressive with the stone with the rock and you need to use paper so i mess up there what am i looking for looking for a really good hat number one number two at least two upper body layers even if they're relatively thin like two maybe like a long sleeve uh you know turtleneck plus a hoodie might be good i don't even think i'm gonna need like a winter jacket per se but if i find one for the right
Starting point is 00:01:19 price i might get it but uh head you know something for my head and at least another layer or two for uh upper body is definitely what i'm looking for i like it i like it i'm definitely looking for head coverage neck coverage carrying capacity and uh whatever else little wonders i can find if i can find a butane torch i'm all over it well you've already had a great idea i think and that's what are we going to do to prepare for our actual destination while we're going there and picking up some tinder and trying to find those type of uh you know things to scavenge you know of course we're having these boxes and you guys can go listen to dave jones how he created them but i'm hoping to find some legit stuff in the real world. That'd be nice.
Starting point is 00:02:06 If I find an old backpack or a couple of plastic bags from the grocery store, I could use shit like that. A gasoline can. Don't drink out of it, though. All right, guys. Well, we should be getting swapped here in just a minute. So, you know, Gotham Get Out, number two for IC. Yes, sir.

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