The Prepper Broadcasting Network - GGO - IC #3 Last Flight Out of Gotham

Episode Date: February 17, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 urban survival simulation this is gotham get out all right last flight out of gotham folks we're here in the jones mobile and we're actually in the midst of a a deep talk about when to bug out. Well, when you get preppers like this together, the question was, when do you bug out? When do you know it's time to go? You know, what is the thing? And we talked about, well, there must be a wave.
Starting point is 00:00:48 thing. And we talked about, well, there must be a wave. And it starts up slowly where people are leaving, but they don't know why they're leaving or where they're going. And then there's a massive departure, exodus. And then that drops off like a rock because there's just less and less people. off like a rock because there's just less and less people and and james was saying well it's probably less chaos and i said yeah because people are chaos and if there's less people there's less chaos and dan mentioned the bug out equation which i think is probably worth talking about i think that's i think that's a cool way to look at it i didn't author this but ben and i talked about this on Patriot Power Hour probably when we joined Prepper Broadcasting Network in 2020. And the formula I saw is you measure the risk of staying where you are compared to the risk of the bug out, the movement, plus the risk of where you're going, your destination. Obviously, the whole conversation of bugging out is you have a pre-planned location that will be lower risk when you arrive there, right?
Starting point is 00:01:57 But you've got to factor in the risk of the move, which we're going to simulate and exercise and practice tonight. I mean, that's largely the whole threat, right, is the move tonight, aside from maybe being seen. But, yeah, the vast majority is going to be the elemental impacts on us and what we can sustain. So Dave Jones is on. He's about to be on his flight out of Gotham. Sustained. So Dave Jones is on, he's about to be on his flight out of Gotham. And we are sitting here in the lot. And it is our last chance for either or any or all of us to say, you know what?
Starting point is 00:02:32 This is a bad idea. Let's forget it. The volunteer mission is your last chance to turn back. We stopped at the destination and dropped off the last caches and we were outside for maybe 15, 20 minutes and they were already shivering. But there's a physical reaction you get when you fast where you get chills. You'll get chills even if it's warm. And I think it's your body adjusting, you know, the internal thermostat. So this is going to be interesting. Each one of these guys has not eaten in, what, 20 hours?
Starting point is 00:03:18 What time even is it? Yeah. About 20 hours. Yeah. About 20 hours. Yeah. About 20 hours. Yeah. About 20 hours.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Yeah. So, and I'll tell you, I know what's in those boxes, and it might be a lot longer before they open. I had three pulled pork sandwiches at 7 p.m. last night. Okay. That was it? Yeah, last meal. What did you have? I had, you know what I had?
Starting point is 00:03:42 This is perfect for this. I had eggs from the Jones Homestead, and I had bacon from the hog from our, what was that operation we had? The swine. What was the swine? Yeah, when he came up and got it. Oh, yeah. What did we call that one? What did we call that one?
Starting point is 00:03:57 Was it Operation Swine? It could be. Anyway, long story short, I was like, if it's going to be my last meal before fasting go on this it'll be all from the jones homestead well and these guys have been talking about nothing but food the whole time we went around the route well the route is encrusted with markets and restaurants that's probably why i mean fast food restaurant oh yeah deep fryers you can smell it from outside. Every type of food you want around here, literally. Yeah. One of the drop-off locations used to be an outback.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So since we're only doing this tonight, this isn't real world and this isn't for days or weeks on end. No. But for tonight, what's the criteria that you're willing to eat something that you find? Oh. I think it'll be a food safety concern. You could go a little longer if you think it's going to make you sick. Food safety would be my only concern.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Flavor, nutritional value out the window. But in the environment that we're sitting in, we're looking outside. This is suburbia, mid-Atlantic suburbia. What might you find? The ground rules, mid-Atlantic suburbia. You know, what might you find? The ground rules, though. We're not heading into stores. We're not talking to people. Yeah, yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:05:11 And you went to, we went past a sushi place, and they had a dumpster, and a sushi dumpster would be, oh, my God. That's below the line. Yeah, that's. For tonight. That's what I mean by food safety concern. If I'm going to eat it and regret it in a day or two, probably not going to go for it. But all that said. Day seven, no food.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Sushi dumpster probably gets above the line. Well, maybe. Depends, right? You could die from it, too. It's been a little freezing the whole time, definitely. You could definitely die from dehydration. That's exactly what I was about to say. Funny enough, is if people took food from display cases and what?
Starting point is 00:05:49 Maria is asking, did they chicken out yet? She knows. And I said, no, not yet. She knows the cold better than all of us probably. Well, Dan, you said each route is about eight miles, right? About eight miles, right? About eight miles, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:14 So, and urban terrain, they could take shortcuts, but then you run the risk. Risky business. Yeah, of taking that shortcut and finding a fence that you can't cross or a swamp. That was my concern. We're not in city core. So maybe the name of this election is slightly misleading. We're not getting out of Manhattan. We're not in the concrete jungle yet. No, this is suburbia.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Suburbia. Mixed residential. I think Manhattan would be worse. Plazas, commercial, industrial. Escape from New York. Maybe that's another Azure highlight in the future. But for today, we're just going to get out of suburbia. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:51 And I would say squirrels are on the menu. You can kill one. Yeah, or trap one. Okay. Squirrel's good. They each have a multi-tool. Yeah. So it's definitely possible. Oh, I could break a They each have a multi-tool. Yeah. So it's definitely possible.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Oh, I could break a squirrel down with a multi-tool for sure. Yeah. Yeah, that's no problem. Squirrel ain't bad. Squirrel tastes great. Oh, yeah. To us. To us.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Especially if it's hot. We've got a fire and a hot squirrel. It'd be great with a little wild onion. Oh, yeah. Now you're talking. I think fire's a possibility. It's're talking. I think fire's a possibility. It's not raining. Oh, fire's a definite possibility.
Starting point is 00:07:27 But it did snow last night. Yeah, it's a definite possibility. We got about an inch and a half of snow on the ground. We're going to strip that cedar tree we just saw damn near bare on our way into camp. We'll at least have that, if nothing else. Yeah, that'll definitely light. And the goal is to make it to sunrise where new guru is going to come down and tell us how we did yeah well ivy in hand yeah well that was one thing we talked
Starting point is 00:07:53 about water we got to get you guys started off with some water because um who knows no i'll tell you what, though. That little berm right there when we pulled into the park has plenty of snow on it. Yeah. We can definitely fill that little pot I bought up with that and have some hot water, which that will be a game changer, I'm telling you. We get some hot water. No, I'm not going to tell you. No, none of that.
Starting point is 00:08:22 We're too close now. It's all possible is what you want to say, right? Everything is possible. Everything. Everything is possible. There's multiple ways to get to that part right there. But the fatigue, the wind, it's a bit windy out. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Yeah, it's windier than I thought it was. We're expecting a low of 22 degrees Fahrenheit at about 4 a.m. The wind is going to take our willpower. And again, we chose to fast starting yesterday. So it's 24 hours at kickoff at the start point without food. By the time we finish, we're out towards 36 hours. Although we can eat anything we can find once we start. True.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Might have to get into some winter. See, we got no light in the woods. That's going to be tough. We've got to find some kind of light source. Because then we can at least scan the ground for you know the vestiges of some kind of root see there's something about this though this there's a lot of ambient light in suburbia yeah it's not as i hope that it's as dark as you might think i hope that it is a little lit up that would be nice although you know what's the closest thing to where you guys are? That neon looking building?
Starting point is 00:09:29 That office building's parking lots have lights that are lit all the time. You might be. Maybe. We may have some. And then you're going to have the highway at the back end. That's got to be pretty decently lit, right? Oh, yeah. So some residual light from that.
Starting point is 00:09:43 It's pretty far down there. Yeah. lit right oh yeah so some residual life that's pretty far down there yeah well here's something worth talking about for anybody who does cross like if you go through that um if you go happen to go through the golf course it's late season i don't even know if they'd be any good to eat but the cattails will still be there and they suck when they're good but you know it's something if to get there i wouldn't want you to get the root out because the root though it's starchy is going to be underwater and you can't do that in this kind of weather yeah but if you can nab a handful of cattails low low as low to the root as possible they may i mean they're
Starting point is 00:10:23 going to be frozen it's when you cook them fresh they're already jelly in texture and terrible so i'm not sure how bad they would be but it is a wild edible i mean so so coming up and scavenging food is is part of the all viable it's all viable trying to upcycle whatever we can find for fire and light you're talking about, but also makeshift weapons, additional clothing, light sources, camouflage, load care. If you found a trash bag, I would put that trash bag on just to block the wind. Yeah, that would be great. Cut holes for the arms right under
Starting point is 00:11:06 my coat you know actually my under my brother oh yeah right under the coat i'd put it we we were going hunting it was like the first day of deer season and our parents property had like nine acres and at the back was just open farmer's field. Okay. And deer came in there all the time because they had a little pond. Sure, yeah, eaten. Well, he comes over. He don't have a raincoat on. It's drizzling rain. It's cold.
Starting point is 00:11:33 It's November. I don't have a raincoat. We put trash bags on us, cut holes in it like this. And they were light blue trash bags. Oh, wow. And he says, if any deer see us they're gonna fall over for laughter i've seen blaze orange before but what is this nonsense blue color we could see like robin's egg blue oh wow crazy yeah but i could see. So just for the ground rules of Gotham Get Out,
Starting point is 00:12:05 this is an exercise in the real world where we're avoiding people. We're not talking to people. Getting interactions with anybody, especially the authorities, is an automatic loss. And it's a competition between the three of us, so we're going to try to take this honestly uh other things uh we're not going to trespass we're not stealing anything we're not taking anything that is is not clearly just refuse or discard debris but and and and i you know it's
Starting point is 00:12:41 only 24 hours so i don't want to lead people to think that we're going to be dumpster diving tonight. But Dave has set up basically the simulation for that with the cash boxes, right? Yeah. So in the event that you were in a scenario where you did need to leave an urban area and you had to do it with stealth and you had to do it quickly and you had to find things that uh you need we we've developed a an exercise to try to simulate that tonight first of its kind see how it goes i'm i'm excited i'm excited to find something to eat right now actually i'm excited i'm excited i don't know how excited i'll be in hours into this thing. Well, you know, I've already alluded that there's stuff in them boxes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:29 But it's not the pockets. I'm sorry. It's just not. That was a joke. So if you're thinking, We're banking on that box. Some of Maria's cooking. I got to get to that box.
Starting point is 00:13:44 You will be sad. No jars of bean soup, huh? There is stuff in there. No blueberry oatmeal? No. Sorry. They're good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:58 For those of you who don't know, you go to Dave Jones' house, you eat like you've never eaten before in your whole life. She's making food right now for you guys tomorrow. Oh my god. Yeah. I mean, you know, if we go on to phase three, after phase two, you may not want to do phase three.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I'm ready to say I might be passed out. I don't know if I should eat. Phase two plus a meal, you're probably going to lose a lot of willpower. It's going to be like... I'm ready for home. meal, you're probably going to lose a lot of willpower. It's going to be like. I'm ready for home. Yeah, exactly. I need to recuperate.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Get home and God only knows what's waiting for you there. So we're what? We're two hours? No. No. Hour 45 out from launch. Pretty much waiting for the sun to set. We have to pre-position the cars.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Oh, true. This is a safety factor yeah okay um and then and then uh i take you around i guess dan should be last because he's got to tell me where to drop you guys what do you think you know the routes better than all of us well we just reconnoitered them. Yours is longer. I'll ride. We'll all ride together and drop you off first, James. Drop Ben off next. And then I'll help Dave get to my drop-off point.
Starting point is 00:15:15 And from there, it's Gotham Get Out. We're getting out. Yep. All right, ladies and gentlemen. This could be the last time you hear from me. I salute you. Awake. Enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:15:30 It's going to be fun. We're going to be touching base too along the way. So have fun. We didn't really talk about the – let's solidify that real quick so the listeners know what to look for. Do we want to do like a top of the hour half hour last quarter of hour you know we would like to touch base on the walk right and and sort of convey our suffering or at least i will for sure i think it's going to be impromptu it's going to be when we stop to have something to talk about that's a good point too because definitely cat oh and then dave jones has asked us to to talk through the cash
Starting point is 00:16:05 boxes yeah when you open it up i would like to hear your thought process about what you find and uh your reaction god damn it dave what the hell kind of a fork he's rubbing it in so we're on different routes, all intersecting at two different points where caches have been laid. They're just, you know, cardboard boxes with a bunch of stuff sitting in them. And what about when we cross each other's paths? I think what we ought to aim for is if one of us can actually sneak up on another one of us without being detected, that should be some bonus points, shouldn't it, Dave? That sounds like auto win.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Yeah, but do your paths cross all that much up until the end point? Towards the end points, and then we're all headed to the same finish line. There is a potential to come across each other. Well, let's say the first one there, you know, he hides. That's true. And then as someone else comes up, they have to reconnoiter to see if they are the first one. That's a good call. You know, and yeah, whoever surprises who.
Starting point is 00:17:21 But if we do happen to arrive at the same points, we're going to grab our box and separate. We're not talking to each other because this is an individual event until we hit the finish line. Right. We're going to take our time at the finish line, report it to you, Dave. And then once all three of us are at the finish line, we're going to go into the team event. Yeah. Where we're just going to make it to the sunrise together. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Yeah. Well, we're just going to make it to the sunrise together. Yeah. Yeah. And then tomorrow, I'm going to come here, try to be here at 6, and evaluate your campsite setup and everything that you did and made. And I have some specific questions I want to ask. Because they have to do with. Well, you'll see. And then.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Then we all pack up and go to my place. For a phase three. Fully clothed. Yeah. Well, with your. Your. fully clothed. Yeah. Well, with your... Do we have to maintain our thrift gear for phase three? I would think, yeah. Yeah, I guess that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:18:33 We'll get a warm-up on the ride. But you're going to be augmented with a couple things. Oh, okay. And then you'll have specific... Is one a flamethrower? No. It's an augment there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:49 All right, folks. Well, we'll be touching base soon. Stay tuned. Wish us all luck. We're going to need it tonight. Okay? See ya.

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