The Prepper Broadcasting Network - GGO -- Intrepid Cdr, Banksterbrkr, & FD Team Up

Episode Date: February 18, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Gotham Get Out Alright, we finished. We are a team. We are here. Gotham Get Out Phase 2. Congratulations, gentlemen. We did it. Phase 2 team event. Yeah, okay. So James, how'd it go? It went really well. I was never really cold, to be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:00:47 I had to slow down a little bit because I was getting sweaty. But I was just as warm as you could be, man. Well, our hands have been a little bit cold while we were waiting to get teamed up here at the end. Oh, well, you were waiting on me. That's my fault. Well, temperatures are dropping, too. So, this isn't over. It's going to be at the end. Well, you were waiting on me. That's my fault. Well, temperatures are dropping, too, so this isn't over. It's going to be surviving the night. But the good news is I think we found everything it takes to make fire in multiple ways.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Oh, man. Yeah, the Joneses definitely hooked it up. They hooked it up. How was your trip, Bankster Breaker? I wasn't terribly cold except a couple times I got in a couple wind alleys. I wasn't terribly cold except a couple times I got in a couple wind alleys. It wasn't horrible, but it was 15 miles an hour and it's 28 degrees. Windchill's a little nippy. Made me remember back at Purdue when I had to walk to class in that type of weather.
Starting point is 00:01:37 When I would stop to broadcast or stop to look at the caches or whatever, that's when I started to be like, oh, it's cold. I would drink my water and be like, oh, it's cold. I would drink my water and be like, oh, it's cold. I honestly didn't drink much water for that reason. I need to hydrate. How much water did you drink? Not a whole bottle or anything. Let me take my backpack off for God's sake.
Starting point is 00:01:56 I actually need to drink a lot, by the way, because I did not drink much. I probably only drank 48 ounces. Maybe less than 48 ounces. That's all I drank. It's freezing. I left it on the outside. You's freezing. That's way even less than me. I left it on the outside. That's all?
Starting point is 00:02:06 You drank a third of a 12-ounce bottle? That's it? Wow. So you drank four ounces. That was it. I drank four of those. Dang. So you and I.
Starting point is 00:02:17 So we got plenty. And I still feel dehydrated, but it's cold. I didn't want to get too cold. But actually, a couple of times I had to slow down, especially going up a couple of hills. Yeah, you feel it, right? I did a couple of shortcuts, and I was kind of going up a hill quickly. Then I realized, oh, shit, I can feel the sweat dripping down my back. I've got to stop.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Yeah, that was the deal for me. So, James, for the audience, can you describe in general terms, this is OPSEC-y, your word. Love it. But generally, where we're at tonight and what we're going to try to accomplish yeah so we're we're largely in a relatively sort of a thin layer of snow covered park that is uh half hardwood half evergreen and we're going to go off into these woods now and we've been pretty well equipped. So this is, you know, you were worried about the lighting. Yeah, I was.
Starting point is 00:03:10 But there's a lot of ambient light in the suburbs. It's not bad right here. Yeah, I'm worried about it in there. You can still see your hands. You can see your objects. I think we'll be okay. I'll say this. I mentioned this in one of my daily audio caches.
Starting point is 00:03:21 We got some glow sticks, too. Exactly. We got a lot of those. My bank strip breaker, one of my daily audio caches. We've got some glow sticks, too. Exactly. We've got a lot of those. My bankster breaker. One of my, you know, tonight when I was going through solo, an individual portion, about how actually if it was a grid down bug out, it would be pitch black out. Yeah. Lighting would be a different matter. And then security would be obviously for real.
Starting point is 00:03:42 And now you've got a significant challenge. How do you navigate with light and i swear to god you just like and not give you a position and just not stepping in a hole and breaking your leg too yep oh yeah that's definitely so i i stayed mostly to sidewalks and move fast one guy was walking his dog and said something to me, and I was like, kept on cruising right by. Because I almost got hit by a car, and a guy pulled over and said, hey, you got to look left and right.
Starting point is 00:04:13 I almost hit you. No way. I was like, oh, I'm done. And that was before I knew I was already at last. But, again, this isn't – first time you saw any of this terrain was today. Oh, yeah, I've never even been there. How many wrong turns did you think you made? Oh, nothing, zero. Okay, well, that's good.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Oh, no, I was good. The only trouble I had, I was sitting down drinking, planning. I went from each cache then planned my next move accordingly to the next cache. You know what I mean? And as I was looking over the map i was like i don't remember where this place was because in my head i was like outback outback outback and then i realized if i search an outback it may not be there yeah so it was good you know so a little bit of admin move to ensure we we were safe right we're using text messaging we got our phones we're obviously
Starting point is 00:05:05 doing uh broadcasts on the phones we're now at our cars but we're not warming up in our cars we're we're using them to charge our phones and replenish water and that's just for safety off in the distance we got a large brand name hotel and passed out a mall in the distance, we got a large brand name hotel and passed out a mall. In the distance, we have multiple lights. You can see rows of townhouses. This is serious suburbia. You possibly can hear the traffic behind us. This park is, you know, on the edge of suburbia, tucked in between two eight lane highways.
Starting point is 00:05:44 And it's got a little low ground in there and i think we found everything it takes to make a fire oh yeah so ben uh maybe uh share with james we talked to dave about this a minute ago the strategy on the fire tonight well i know we're going to try to first off have uh you know start it the most difficult way first we're going to try to, first off, have, you know, start it the most difficult way first. We're not just going to use our easiest tools. We're not just going to go lighters and candles. No. Well, I found half-used lighters, so we got that.
Starting point is 00:06:14 That counts. Oh, you found them. Yeah, I did. Oh, I thought you got those in a cache. No, at the, yeah, we came across donation stations, right? It had stuff out in front of them, and lo and behold. But, yeah, we got all kinds of things that the Joneses put into caches that are going to be more challenging to make fire.
Starting point is 00:06:36 So we're going to start there. I don't know how to phrase it. I'm glad we got the caches we got. But after the first cache, and then subsequently the second cache i wound up dumping yeah stuff that i had found so that's a good thing to talk about we talked about that before did you we we i got to a certain point where i hit my load capacity yeah uh i was i was traveling up a road and there was a tub on the ground, and I hadn't reached any caches that had food yet.
Starting point is 00:07:09 So, you know, now I'm at hour 25, which in the big scheme of things is nothing, but at 25 hours of eating, you feel it. Sure, yeah. And I came up on this plastic tub about 12 inches by 12 inches, you know, and it was loaded with all these little bottles yeah and it was dark and i look walked up and although my eyes saw that they were painting supplies my subconscious was just hoping there was something to eat like little bottles of soda was kind of how i was thinking they were that's funny yeah the i i happened to some really cool stuff i had a hose at one point i didn't know what i was going to do with it but i had it
Starting point is 00:07:51 found that at that low at that low area and then uh i somebody smashed a guardrail on one of the main roads that i was on and it you know the separators are all wood okay wood was all smashed and it was dense wood dry right and I threw that in my book bag you brought that no I threw it out because after I had to make choices yeah after I got that uh nice the big bed roll thing I was like I'm not letting this bed roll this thing is too valuable we're going into the woods there'll be wood there I did get a little bit of wood though I did get some scrap wood not too much i hope to get more i have what counts as tinder and i have what counts as kindling oh okay but the wood itself in those woods got snowed on last night so this fire is not a foregone conclusion keeping it going is
Starting point is 00:08:42 going to be the challenge because we don't have anything to split wood with we don't have anything to make real fuel you know what i mean for a fire so that's going to be the challenge it's going to be dead wood we we go and collect yeah there is a fallen one right here too but the uh see if you can see it actually sideways yeah but you know breaking it down we're going to have to use the the method of sliding a log into it prop the log up like maybe on a rock yes get our good fire our small fire going and prop some kind of hopefully maybe a split log onto it right i think that'll be our best bet because we can't split wood now we obviously don't want to attract attention in a real scenario or in this simulation tonight there's no posted signs that
Starting point is 00:09:26 say we can't do what we're doing here there's no signs that say you can't be in the park at night but we don't want to press our luck so we're going to be in some depression very concealed the chances of anybody coming in here are little to none not as cold as it is tonight. But I think the takeaway for me, and maybe then you can comment on this idea, is you start off and you're looking for anything that makes possible sense to scavenge. And then you hit your load capacity. And now you've got to make choices. And now once you know you're at full capacity, you move out. And then you're seeing other stuff available in your environment.
Starting point is 00:10:06 And you got to do a rapid assessment. You got to say, all right, what condition is it in? Can I make use of it in any way? And now I got to a point where it was like, I don't want to take off of my shoulders and unload how I'm moving because it's working to swap something. But I did a few times when it was valuable enough. But there was other stuff that there's stuff I could have right now that we probably could have upcycled and demonstrated something with. More carrying capacity, maybe a shopping cart
Starting point is 00:10:41 if I really wanted to play the homeless thing up. I came across a lot of cool stuff so did you did that happen for you well actually my first uh daily audio cash while i was going through i said i was looking for a bunch of stuff and i didn't find much and nothing and i decided i was just gonna try to hightail it out of there instead of really scavenge for stuff because i figured the caches would have better stuff anyway i got some dry cardboard uh and that's the only thing i really hung on to i i found like some like uh metal pole that i had for a little while and i threw it out so you did find kind of dumb left behind only really the metal pole and like uh more like cardboard i kept some of it but yeah i didn't i realized a lot of it would
Starting point is 00:11:26 be junk and it'd probably be a waste but also you guys totally outdid me with regard to your scavenging so uh i was not very creative but it also helped me move so but uh maybe i should have gave it a little bit more but i was looking especially you know before it got really dark out and i hit some dark areas of the road then then I couldn't see anything on the ground, but even, but you know, the first hour it was bright. I didn't really see much. And most of it that I did, I did put back. Yeah. So the takeaway is if, if, if you have to move out of an urban area and do a bug out in that manner, the load carriage that you've got is is key but i don't think you can necessarily you know plan to be able to move and not have to make choices on
Starting point is 00:12:15 what you might find along the way oh definitely yeah did you guys find at uh i was passing a big, well-outfitted building. I'll just go with that at one point. And making moves with my body and with my mind, and I was thinking about how much gaming in these scenarios affects your mindset. Yeah. You know? Like, I don't know. I was making choices with food and with water early on
Starting point is 00:12:43 that were exactly the things I would do in certain survival video games. And it wasn't like, what would I do in the game? It was like, you know, let's go easy on the water. It's early type of stuff. You know what I mean? And then sort of like the evasion of certain areas or the cutting down to certain. I don't know. It just felt like I had training in this stuff that I don't have.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And I was sitting there thinking like man a lot of this stuff does come from that like that the mindset aspect of it right you know of like i'm in an herbal you know getting into that sort of mindset i think was easy to do because of the gaming so at this point in the individual competition let's do a few let's each try to come up with two things that if we had to do it again we want to sustain that kind of success and two things that
Starting point is 00:13:33 we wanted to do a little bit better. And to stimulate the thought I kind of already have mine in mind so if you don't mind I'll go first. Yeah. So i'd like to sustain the luck i had finding great stuff but then again i did have my eyes scanning the whole time i meant to be doing that but i did find stuff including insulation that is perfectly great to
Starting point is 00:14:00 sleep on and a comforter to sleep with that i had no expectations so my first my cash was first cash was you know beyond expectations because mine too it was i had a milky way in mind oh man so i'd say you know you know luck is the result of you know you know working hard at it too right and and and that happened for me so i'd like to sustain that if this ever happens again and i have to actually do this and the other thing i'd like to sustain is just keep my wits about me to try to upcycle a few things before i got here yeah and and and it wasn't necessarily easy it was it was hard before i had any food once i had a little bit of bite to eat off my first cache,
Starting point is 00:14:46 I could apply more mental power, but I felt the mental drain. For improvements, I don't know where the black paint I found went or the paintbrushes, and somewhere the original car antenna that I picked up was lost. I don't know um was was lost i don't know it was lost and because of the nature of the routes we had three starting points but we had two common caches it turns out that in my my second or my uh my my first broadcast beyond expectations uh i was behind the dumpster in the light. It turns out that Ben had reached the same cash area shortly after me. And then he came strolling through and I screwed up because he wasn't going to know I was there.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Luckily, I'd finished my broadcast. He wasn't going to know I was there. But I saw him coming around the corner and then I ducked behind the dumpster and left my bag on the ground. Yeah, I saw the bag. And he saw my bag, so I guess there's a compromise there. But another sustain is I had the time to look. I think I found your tracks coming into the first track, too. Yeah, if you were back there and there were tracks, it probably were mine.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Just cruising right around by the mcdonald's well i went behind so when i crossed the street i went into that gully behind all those shrubs yes but i did walk up out of there at one point did you walk past the drive-thru i did not walk past the drive all right then i didn't find your tracks that's where i saw the tracks see i got freaked because once i passed the mcdonald's there was a dude in a pickup truck on right off that little cut area like you know how you have the parking lot and then there was a little cut and he was sitting there car running yeah and i was like what the fuck is going on here you know what i mean i didn't know i was paranoid with the caches i was definitely paranoid so i'd say my sustained is at least trying to look for people's tracks i don't think i found james in this case all right who's up two two sustains and two improves uh i like i definitely think that the uh
Starting point is 00:16:51 i definitely think that the um the caches could come later i'd like for them to come later i felt that a lot of my drive dissipated oh and also probably if we didn't communicate what we got, I think that would be better also. I didn't tell you anything. That was good. When you showed me four cans, I was like, oh, we're going to be good. Oh, that didn't. I found cans of soup. Yeah, and I also got a whole cooking stove set in one of my caches, so we're having soup tonight.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Oh, sweet. Okay. I thought those all came out of it. So. I found those. My primary Mary concerns were food, heat, shelter tonight. You know what I mean? And everything I was thinking had a lot to do with that in fact if we were to do the crafting thing harder or better i think the
Starting point is 00:17:46 conditions being a little less cold would would make me want to would make me want to do some stuff right because 95 of my head is like we got to beat the cold tonight we got to beat the cold everything you think about is we got to be and now you got food now i got a milky way all right i don't even care we just got to worry about the cold tonight so if it were you know a springtime or something like that then it would be like did you make a weapon no i was going to i found a license plate on a bridge and i was like all right i'm keeping this and then i i don't know if you guys saw it did you guys try to find my first cash because i did leave it relatively close by because i left a lot of stuff so in full disclosure to the audience we put caches at two points but there was also donation centers yeah and this is saturday night i did get
Starting point is 00:18:32 a shirt and there was a lot of extra stuff won't even fit in the donation bins anymore oh yeah and and and that's where i got a billy club i got got a comforter. I got another bag to carry stuff with. I jokingly walked past those books. And I found four cans, two cans of soup and two cans of beans. I had no idea that they were found. Because I got an onion from Maria, so I thought they packed them. I know the onion came. Well, maybe the onion came from Jones.
Starting point is 00:19:01 I don't know. You never know. But, yeah, what did I say? Two things I would improve and and two things what that you you would continue to do based on your performance oh the clothing was perfect okay yeah the clothing was absolutely perfect yeah it was great the whole stuff was the best jacket the whole setup was good as far as warmth um what else worked out really well well we can come back to you i don't yeah i don't know i didn't have too many problems give it some thought and here you go thanks to breaker two sustains and two improves sustain i didn't not
Starting point is 00:19:37 only did i not get lost but all every shortcut i took was the right decision and every shortcut i did not take probably was the right decision not to take it there's at least two that I'm thinking of where I'm almost positive if I took them after I kind of thought about it more and saw where they would lead to yeah I probably would have had to circle back so navigation navigation number one number two hmm Number one. Number two. Hmm. I was very fast. I felt like I was fast, even though you beat me, Future Dan, and you totally out-scavenged me.
Starting point is 00:20:13 So maybe not. I felt like my stealth was pretty good, and I was pretty fast. But my scavenging and upcycling. I mean, upcycling, I pretty much got nothing. But the race portion of it, you'd say sustain the pace. Sustain the pace. Sustain the pace. You know what would be fun
Starting point is 00:20:32 for the next go-round would be to do neutral ground totally. Oh, yeah. Because I feel like I probably had a very different time than you guys had. You did. I would have got lost.
Starting point is 00:20:45 And I had a lot of fun. But we did start you at an extra donation center. Did you get anything out of that? All I took was that little shirt right there and just went on. Because I wanted to get some mileage behind me. That place was actually really easy to navigate, though. Because there was some townhomes back there and i just stayed all in there off the main road most of it until i got to the first intergalactic uh base
Starting point is 00:21:11 and then i decided to go out to the rogues i didn't want to play around with them but yeah i had a good time any other improves or sustains gentlemen my improve would be uh maybe be a little more creative kind of well there's two reasons i think maybe the scavenge i got i felt a little too pressured maybe as you i think you were saying james that you're worried of the security part so you like got the cash and got out of there asap yeah that's kind of what i did too both caches i had an issue okay and in a way like that's a good thing on the other hand that was like prime area to look for other stuff too and i totally just was like i gotta get the hell out of here because really
Starting point is 00:21:49 where those caches were were the only well-lit areas after that i went through the second cache was so bright right the uh oh yeah the yeah your first my second i think that thing was lit up yeah yeah and i had the same scenario there was a truck parked over in a weird spot in the lot and i was all paranoid and i'm looking over there and i was like oh boy i don't know there might be somebody in there and that's dave see you in the morning he's going to bed all right good night dave jones thank you for all your help we'll be doing broadcast tonight if anybody's up we'll probably do another we'll be doing broadcasts tonight if anybody's up. We'll probably do another couple of these. I've got about 50% battery.
Starting point is 00:22:28 But we're in the team phase event. And if we expand this event, this Servathlon, to survive with multiple dimensions, you've got to scavenge, You've got to upcycle. It's a race. And you've got to vanish. Gray man or just completely hide. Four dimensions. They balance each other.
Starting point is 00:22:56 But if we can upscale this event, then the teams could form. Oh, yeah. And there could be multiple teams. And so this portion tonight is really a prototype of what this event could become. Yeah, exactly. Then we might have to add hunt to it. Hunting to it. Not hunting, but maybe team hunting.
Starting point is 00:23:16 You know, like if we're all going to settle in a certain area at the end, maybe, you know, you get points for finding a team. So this is almost like a prepper new kind of adventure racing geocaching oh yeah but there's other dimensions to it right so tonight's extra dimension is we're going to survive the night out here temperature's going down to 22 we got uh we got some stuff 10 49 p.m eastern and we're going to sign off this broadcast but after we get make some attempts at a fire at least we'll be back on stay tuned stay tuned

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