The Prepper Broadcasting Network - GGO - NBC Sunrise

Episode Date: February 18, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everyone out there in internet radio land, this is Dave Jones, the NBC guy, and I am on my way. I am on my way. Let's see. It is 640. The sun is just now peeking up over the horizon, and I wanted the guys to experience sunrise. There's some strange phenomenon that occurs. I'm sure someone out there knows about it. I don't know why it does this, but the temperature actually drops right at sunrise. And I did not want to be there to distract them at sunrise. So that's why I'm where I am right now. And how did it go last night? Well, those guys, they did well. Now we had emergency procedures in place and I was monitoring the posts, keeping up with their progress, and they were also in a three, you know, different type of text
Starting point is 00:01:31 we were using in the back channel, and we had procedures where they checked in, and the intrepid commander's phone died. He was charging it. He missed a check-in and uh he he was the last one to arrive at the uh the final place so i think that's going to cost him a couple points i'm not sure how i'm going to score all this just yet but uh you'll hear all about it. We have plans to do an after action and whether or not they go on to phase three will depend upon how tired they are right now and well let me explain to you all what phase three is and and it's team building. Okay, now they've already come together as a team, and what I'm going to do is give them three tasks to perform simultaneously.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Well, the first thing I want them to do is to pick a leader, one person to be in charge of the team, and that person to pick a number two person. And then the three tasks are build a shelter, build a fire, and get water. And those three tasks, they need to do simultaneously. And we'll see. We'll see. But they are probably pretty wiped. We'll see. Okay, PBN family, I got to sign off because GPS is going to talk to me again,
Starting point is 00:03:29 and I don't want you to know where we're at. Take care.

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