The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Gleeming Information from Conversation, Virgis Ch 45

Episode Date: April 28, 2024

How to gain valuable information through structured conversation. Have a plan and execute....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the Changing Earth Podcast with author Sarah F. Hathaway and co-host Chen Gibson. Blending survival fiction and fact to bring you entertaining education that will help you dream, survive, and thrive. And now, here's your hosts, Sarah F. Hathaway and Chen Gibson. Chapter 45. Cole danced until the sweat beaded thickly on his brow and dripped from the ends of his hair. As he approached the table, he noticed that Ginger had joined Monroe and Chappie. Monroe was telling her a story from the Great Quake. And then Chappy says,
Starting point is 00:00:46 maybe the underwear bomber is on the plane, Monroe said, chuckling. Chappy, you always come up with the best lines, Ginger told him, laughing heartily. Hello, Ginger, Cole said, sitting in the chair. There you are, Cole. Nice to see you relaxing, she told him with a wide smile. Drink, Cole asked, pouring himself a drink. No, thanks, she replied politely. You sure? The night is young, Cole urged. Before she could answer, Bennett approached.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Blushing from the warm greeting, she replied, Ginger Russell, and you are? Patrick Bennett, but you can call me anything you want, he replied politely, kissing the back of her hand. She's already spoken for Patrick, Monroe corrected. Lucky you. What do you see in this slacker, Ginger? Bennett asked, chuckling at his joke. Must be his exceptional sense of humor, she teased back, kissing Monroe on the cheek. Patrick, are you over here giving sweet ginger a hard time, Alex wondered, as he and Nicolton rejoined the men at the table. Nah, I'm just wondering when she's going to lose the zero and get with a hero, Bennett joked. Eager to talk with Bennett more,
Starting point is 00:01:56 Cole suggested. Come on, Patrick, I want to show you this loadout. Ready for some air himself, Bennett agreed. You can't go wrong with guns or girls. The party extended beyond Dolores' place, but out on the street, the armed guards maintained order. What brought you back, Bennett asked, as the men traversed the parking lot. Why do you stay in, Cole countered. I've always believed in my mission, Bennett explained. I can respect that. The roundups were tough, Cole told him. We got so much of the fallout from California. Vegas has always been about rescuing people, Bennett defended. And the re-education programs, Cole wondered, entering his
Starting point is 00:02:38 office. A necessity to keep order, Bennett answered. Cole went to his desk and poured them both a drink. Twirling the liquid in his glass, Bennett prodded. You never answered my question. What brought you back? I really didn't have a choice, did I? Cole told him flatly. The feds decided my home was in the Badlands. The tsunami destroyed my home, so I'm a refugee.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Cole drank the liquid from his glass, put the cup on the desk, and went to a table in the center of a small sitting area. He sat down on the couch and pulled on the top of the table. The center square of the table lifted up. Cole moved it aside, revealing a beautiful rifle. This is my baby, Cole told him, picking up the weapon and handing it to Bennett. Nice, custom from barrel to stock, Bennett stated, admiring the craftsmanship. I've collected the parts as a go. She's just about perfect now, though. I just found that trigger mechanism,
Starting point is 00:03:38 Cole told him, pointing out the parts. Beautiful, Bennett declared, handing it back to him. parts. Beautiful, Bennett declared, handing it back to him. And what about you, Patrick? Are you a refugee, Cole wondered. I'm from Texas originally, but I never went home after the quake. I was stationed in California and stayed in Vegas after that. I guess I am, Bennett answered. Did you ever question the FEMA initiatives, Cole wondered, putting the weapon away? Honestly, I was too busy to think about it much, Bennett replied, as they walked back towards the club. If you believe in the cause, why did you ask them to reassign you, Cole asked. It's necessary, not enjoyable, Bennett admitted. Is it necessary? You remember the chaos, the roundups.
Starting point is 00:04:25 You of all people should understand the necessity of it, Bennett defended. It's the other reason that brought me back, Cole admitted. See, you know what I'm talking about. The orders keep us alive, and rules maintain order, Bennett stated, opening the club door. I can't disagree, Cole responded as they approached the table. Did you have a nice time polishing his barrel? Alex asked Bennett with a wide grin. Don't be jealous, honey, Bennett teased back as he sat down. Where's Monroe and Ginger, Cole asked Chappie, pouring himself a drink. Ginger was tired and Monroe took her to bed,
Starting point is 00:05:01 Chappie explained. Lucky dog, Bennett interjected. Those two certainly got close, Alex noted. I think it's going to be a permanent thing, Cole admitted. I think you're right, Cole. She's been acting strange lately, though, Cole explained. I haven't seen her have a drink for weeks. She's just taking a break, Major. She's fine, Chappie assured him.
Starting point is 00:05:28 His thought pattern was disrupted as Jennifer snuck up behind him and whispered in his ear, You going to stay the night? He turned and kissed her neck. With an offer like that, how could I say no? Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid Commander, and I'm holding The Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy, MD. In this great book, you'll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You'll learn about assessment and stabilization. You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Look, 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the Prepper's Medical Handbook today at Again, that's the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy. Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy. You're listening to PBN. Your path back to stability. Hello and welcome back to the Changing Earth podcast. This is episode number 444, season 15, episode 45. So normally I would say, hey Chin, what's up? But today we're saying, hey Dave, what's up?
Starting point is 00:07:01 You got to unmute yourself. Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. Hey. That's what happens when you're the co-host. I bring you in sooner. Yeah. Well, and I'm the backup, you know, co-host. My backup hitter today. Yeah. It was pretty last minute.
Starting point is 00:07:17 So I really appreciate you coming on. Oh, no problem. This is the unskilled backup co-host. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You're way better at the show topic than i am i'm just saying so oh oh let's see what we got so coming up um you are more than welcome to come back next week as well dave because we're going to be doing a blooper show um we've reached
Starting point is 00:07:40 the end of season three of the Change the Earth audio drama. So if you guys, you can go binge season three all the way through now if you want. Oh, my gosh. I'm not saying it's the best. Like, wow. It is the best I've heard. Okay? It is unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:08:03 You'll be hanging on every word. i was really happy with the end um i got a music upgrade and uh it just really went 3.0 at the end so exactly how did you like the uh when she enters the arena yeah right yeah i can picture it in my mind yes bg i was like oh i mean i don't want to pat my own back but like nailed it as far as the sounds went i was so selective like trying to find the right presentation so yeah that was good stuff uh and season four is going to be off the chain. I'm already working on episode three right now. So, and most everybody has all their lines in. So we're rolling.
Starting point is 00:08:52 It's, it's good stuff. So next week we're going to do the blooper show, little break from Virgis. And then on the 12th, we're going to do women of prepper camp show. So we'll have Jane on we'll get
Starting point is 00:09:08 Rhonda on we'll get some good guests for you guys just Jane is gonna fill it up I gotta hit Jordan up so but that's fun I've always wanted to do the Women of Prepper Camp show and I put it off every year and then I don't
Starting point is 00:09:24 do it so I put it on my calendar on purpose this year. And, of course— I am going this year. Yes. I'm going to set up the substitute. I'm going to get an extra day. You know, last year, it was just— It was miserable without you.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I mean— Oh. Yeah, we missed you big time. So they got to have the photo bomber in there for one thing. And you didn't get to hear my anti-kidnapping and sexual assault class, which went really well. Yeah. I've heard great things about that. Yeah, I've gotten a couple opportunities to teach it.
Starting point is 00:10:02 I've heard great things about that. Yeah, I've gotten a couple opportunities to teach it then. I feel blessed to just be able to help people, you know, with audiences that aren't in the preparedness community. It's all new to them. And so very eye-opening for a lot of them. So very good stuff. Oh, and timing, too. I mean, the timing couldn't be better with the uh the movie uh what was it uh the sound of silence right yes um i had actually been
Starting point is 00:10:34 researching tim ballard for like years before that that's why i wrote dark days in denver the way i did and really why tj became the character he is is because of tim dallard and everything i learned from him yeah and i had to bring it to the forefront i was like look at this like huge problem guys and we're worried about slavery in the past i understand it was a really big deal but there's a lot of people still being held as slaves today. Yeah. There is more people, and I bring this out in my history class, there is more people being held slavery and captive today than there was when it was legal.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Yes. It's really sad. Yeah. And not a lot of people come forward forward and talk about it and it's such a problem and they're here in the united states even it's yes yeah everybody's like oh well that's other countries no no it's your country yep yeah you need to think that board at walmart is full of people all the time yeah yeah and here. And here in Texas, we get Amber Alerts on our phone. Like whenever a kid goes missing in the state, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:50 and you just get them day after day after day, and you're just like, oh my gosh, something has to be done. Yeah. Well, Texas is a big state too. Yeah. And it can be like a lot of times it's parents and custody issues and things like that. But, you know like a lot of times it's parents and, and custody issues and things like that. But you know, a lot of times it's not so. Alrighty. So Virgis' episode today was actually a bonus episode. It's really, um, a scene that I wrote that's not included in the audio drama
Starting point is 00:12:21 because I had to show like what Virgis and Bennett were doing when they weren't there at the table. So we had to follow Virgis on that journey. So it was it was fun to put together that one. And basically Virgis is just trying to get information out of them and you know, see feel Bennett out like will he come over to our side?
Starting point is 00:12:46 Right? And like I was saying in the green room, this is something I really struggle with. I'm not the best at, like, I'm way too honest and candid of a person. You can see, like, what my intentions are kind of written all over me. Yeah. So I'm the worst. I'm, like, always like, Brock, you've got to vet people. Because I have no idea So I'm the worst. I'm like, always like, Brock, you've got to vet people because I have no idea. I'm the worst. So I did do some, I did do some research, but I've got you on the show. And so you had some tips for us. So let's jump into it. Well, yeah. Okay. First of all,
Starting point is 00:13:30 Well, yeah. Okay. First of all, with my police background, you want to, when you interview someone, you want them to spill their guts. So in order for them to do that, you have to ask open-ended questions. And the open-ended questions are like, you know, what did you do? How did that make you feel? Uh-huh. You know, you open it up so that there is just a wide swath of the way they can answer this. That's an open-ended question. When you start getting into specifics, then they clam up.
Starting point is 00:14:06 You know, what time was that? Right. Because they know you're digging on a specific item then. Right. Right. Another thing, if you want people to feel comfortable, and you got to do this up front before the interview, you got to relax them. So you might offer them a cup of coffee, something to drink, you know, talk about something that has nothing to do with what you're there for.
Starting point is 00:14:36 And, and this is when I was in sales. Okay. There's three things you can always talk about. The house, the family, or their junk. Or their junk? Their job. Oh, their job. I was like, their junk, like at home or like personally? No, you know what they do for a living. Yeah, got you. Same page.
Starting point is 00:15:03 What you do for a living. If you say that, oh, they're going to give you. Oh, yeah. Or this is a really nice house. When did you guys move in? Oh, they'll give you the history. The history. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:15:19 Yeah. And if they have pictures in their home of their family, you know, you can say, wow, I see that you have a really big family. And then they'll go on about their oldest, their youngest. You know what I mean? Yeah, fair enough. That has nothing to do with why you're there. But it relaxes the people and starts getting them to answer questions. And establishes that baseline trust
Starting point is 00:15:47 with them yeah like i'm not here to just sling something at you you can trust me right right yeah and then once you do that then you can start narrowing in on the subject that you really want to talk about yeah that is one thing that I've really developed as far as my communication style, because I am so direct that I'm like, hey, take a minute and listen to what they're actually telling you instead of just being like, oh, this is the next point I need to make. Yeah. Yeah. And then there's a way that you can answer any objection.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Okay. And it's called feel felt found okay so they come up with an objection you know they're totally against whatever you said i know how you feel i felt the same way let me tell you what I found. Oh, I like that. Okay. So feel, felt, found. And then you go over how this is better than, you know, what you're thinking or this is the solution to the answer. Feel, felt. I like that. I'm taking notes. I found, cause I used, um, heart here, acknowledge, repair, thank. It's like whenever I'm handling a problem with a client, you know, oh, I understand. Um, you know, listen to them. I acknowledge your problem. I try to repair it and then thank them for bringing it to the issue, to the forefront so i can address it in the future right yep yep that's a good one though oh yeah i i feel feel felt found i i felt the same way
Starting point is 00:17:35 you know you're empathizing with them let me tell you what i found yeah and it really acknowledges their feelings there too so they feel like they've been heard. And that's always most important of like, oh, they really understand where I was coming from. Yeah. Yeah, that's a good one. Well, and if you want to get into strong interrogation techniques, okay, this is where you start making people feel uncomfortable and and this is how you make them feel uncomfortable is you deprive them of you know food water you let them sit for a long period of time. Okay. So that they feel uncomfortable and like exposed so that when you do offer them a drink, do you want to drink a water?
Starting point is 00:18:37 Oh, yes, absolutely. I've been here for three hours. Yeah. You know, and then that, that opens the door. So these are, these are little techniques. When you bring someone in for questioning, you want to, I mean, it depends upon the situation, but you want to make them feel uncomfortable and, you know, you're depriving them of certain things, like even going to the bathroom. You're depriving them of certain things, like even going to the bathroom. Okay? Hey, I'm sorry it took so long. Do you have to go to the bathroom?
Starting point is 00:19:10 Yes. Yes. Please let me out of here so I go to the bathroom. Yeah. Yeah. Swenson knows all about those ones. I had to research that kind of stuff. I had a friend who was a former member of a bikeriker gang we'll just put it that way and uh he um
Starting point is 00:19:28 walked me through a lot of the you know interrogation stuff that they used to do which is horrific to listen to but i couldn't i don't think that way i couldn't come up with ideas for like you know going that dark oh it was it was kind of tough so well let me give you an example and this is i am not recommending this to anyone but i i purchased for 50 bucks this dog shock collar oh the dog shock collar yeah well yeah my dog he barked a lot but you know he is just plain stupid yeah okay and i thought man i put this on him and i shock him and uh bucky just is stupid and i'm shocking him so i put that thing back know, I couldn't take it back. It was past the time you could take it back. And I'm like, you know what, on a human being, that would be a great interrogation. you could if you're close you could wait like we can park cardboard with them and stuff but like yeah it's not gonna be but if you were like tied down and somebody was shooting you
Starting point is 00:20:50 tied to a chair oh yeah i'm like this would be the best dog shock collar on no oh man good thing i didn't have doug on for this show um yeah that you just stay tuned to the changing earth that's all i gotta say if you read my books all the way through um so but my thought is if you were like in a community surviving post-apocalyptic and you have the opportunity to kind of just have a conversation with somebody who's from another community like obviously the game is going to be like learn as much as we can with telling you as little as we can and both sides would be thinking that same thing exactly so like obviously i'm not the person you want to say send because I'd be like so we're hanging out like you got all this you know and I wouldn't you know I know what's legit what's not when to keep my mouth shut and
Starting point is 00:21:53 when to open it but I'm still not the best of like um it's more like I'll give you something you give me something I'll give you something you give me something so I'll give you something, you give me something. So, you know, you just don't want to give too much. And when you're talking to someone like that, it's kind of like playing poker. So you got to look for their tells. If they're looking down and to the left, you know, maybe they're not telling you the truth on on whatever you just said you know so you gotta look or maybe they're jiggling their foot because they're not really comfortable with what's going on you know they're just nervous right and you could kind of pick that out through like ask them a question that's an easy one for them where are you from kind of thing or something like that where they'd answer really quickly you know and then throw one that you that you're curious about so or you know
Starting point is 00:22:53 here's one that opens people up people that are preppers or police officers hey that's a really nice piece you got there what is that a sig oh yeah fair enough yeah all about my gun and now you know what they look like when they're being honest yeah if they haven't oh yeah or is that a gerber oh i'm a buck this is gerber you know yeah for fair enough i'd be talking all about Teddy, my Tavor. I'd be like, so Teddy's my best friend. Right? Because you're proud as heck of that. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:23:34 I'd never thought I'd own that thing. So that's sweet. I got to tell you, that's sweet. It's a part of me. I found it $1,000 less than I've ever seen it before. I just had to. I found it at $1,000 last time I've ever seen it before. I just had to. I had to. My husband actually made me, so to speak.
Starting point is 00:23:51 He was like, hey, there's the gun you always wanted. Why don't you pick it up? I'm like, because I'm going to buy it then. He's like, yeah, pick it up. No, it's the best. You just opened up? I did., pick it up. No, it's the best. You just opened up? I did. Right there it is.
Starting point is 00:24:10 See how bad I am? Yeah. Yeah. But you could do that with anybody. Any piece of gear they're carrying. They made a decision. They went through a thought process to buy that backpack, that belt, that whole shirt, whatever they're carrying. And if you want to open.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Yeah, their pants. Yeah. If you want to open them up and get them to relax. Hey, those are really nice. Where'd you get them yeah and you're fluffing their skirt at the same time because you're like giving them props for for their decision making skills to carry that that piece that item yeah oh that's so good see and not only that if if you're in a grid down situation and you got the wagon circled okay the person that does the interrogation cannot be the person
Starting point is 00:25:11 that did the capture okay it has to be someone else you speed them we used to have a an acronym for capturing. It was it wasn't salute-durn. Size, activity, location, unit, time, and equipment. That's salute. That's a salute report. It was something else. When you capture someone, you
Starting point is 00:25:43 speed them to the rear. The S was speed. And that was to get them to the person that was going to open them up. And that person in your group has got to be the person with the best skills. So it's a thing. And you blindfold them. You put a bag over their head, they can't see anything about your operation. And no one takes that off until the person that's going to talk
Starting point is 00:26:17 to them talks to them. And no one talks in front of them about anything that they can hear, that they can listen to, because they're gathering information all the time too. Right. No matter what their disposition is, whether they become a part of your group or they get released or whatever, whatever their disposition is, they're gathering information whether they get released or whatever whatever their disposition is they're gathering information whether they know it or not so you never talk anywhere that they can hear you yeah is um anytime i've been in like a bad situation when i was younger i've been in some
Starting point is 00:26:59 sorry to say but um immediately i start like memorizing landscape and all that kind of stuff of like you know where does every step take us and how would i get back kind of deal yeah yeah so even with a hood on i'm gonna be doing the same thing how far am i walking what directions are returning what language are they speaking do they have have an accent? You know, and when they bring them back to get interrogated, you might want to take a zigzag. So it seems like a long ways. You know, from where I got captured. Yeah, fair enough. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Zigzag path. Another thing that they did in the military, when they captured someone, they booked their boots. Okay. They did what? They took their boots. Oh, got you. Okay. So they would not run.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Uh-huh. Because you don't want to leave with bare feet. And it's also uncomfortable. And it's a thing that the interrogator can give them back fair enough hey hey your feet are hurting uh they brought you here i told them not to take your boots off would you like your boots back i love that uh- Yeah. And then they're like, yeah, definitely would like my boots back. Yeah. You can watch out for even once you give them back to them, like, what are they, what signs are they displaying?
Starting point is 00:28:33 Like, looking like, oh, yeah, I'm finding this escape route, that escape route. That would be the tough part. Just the basic condition of their boots. Mm-hmm. You know, those boots are are new and they're in good shape oh that's so true in a in a post-apocalyptic situation uh-huh yeah that unit's well supplied or because are they just trashed on their last limb yeah. The boots are wore out, duct taped twice to just show you like they're desperate. Yep.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Because that would put your group in even more danger if they were that desperate. If they're well supplied, you probably don't have too many worries unless they just want more. Right. But if they're desperate, they will just throw caution to the wind to come at you. Sarah, I don't know if this is where you wanted to go with. I mean, it's been a great combo. I'm just saying. These are what I love.
Starting point is 00:29:36 How do you think my author brain works? So the other thing that I was checking out too is just going into difficult situations you know um as far as like having those difficult conversations because that I've managed a lot of people in my life and learning how to communicate effectively is like as important as going to the gym each week it's really like a muscle you have to flex and keep learning. So instead of avoiding these really difficult conversations, you can manage them better. Well, I will tell you this, that as a police officer,
Starting point is 00:30:21 I observed how interracial communication is. Like if I had a black partner and I went into a black family's house, they would open up to him and they wouldn't say crap to me. And it's the same way with a woman. and they wouldn't say crap to me. And it's the same way with a woman. If the thing happens to a woman, they won't open up to another man. So maybe the situation depends on,
Starting point is 00:30:58 hey, you captured a woman. Maybe you should have a woman talk to her. Right. Yeah. Yep. Because she'd be much more willing to open up about like maybe how she's being treated there or things like that yep exactly whereas with another man she just thinks it's another situation beat on some more or something. The same, yeah. But to another woman, she may open up and just spill. Right. Well, and, you know, that's a technique I use in my books a lot, actually,
Starting point is 00:31:34 is like the women and the guys. Like the women that are promiscuous can get a lot of information out of the guys. Oh, absolutely. You've got to send in your spies yeah yeah so i think in for in order to improve that skill having clear goals is really important of like having a clear goal in your mind because i think that's where i get kind of lost is I'll just get caught up in the conversation and let it move. But when I have to like host a show,
Starting point is 00:32:13 for example, or moderate a panel of speakers, we have to kind of reach certain areas. And so I have to direct that conversation. It's more of like actively conversating instead of just passively conversating. Yeah. Well, in recording, whoever is asking the questions cannot write down the answers. Or if you have a recording device, just record the whole thing but if you're interrogating someone else has to write down everything that
Starting point is 00:32:47 that person says because as soon as you take their eyes off and you're looking down at a pad that means you're not interested anymore and they stop yep it breaks the continuity of the conversation yep you want it to keep flowing and you want 100% attention on that person. Every little influx of emotion, you have to be able to key on to get more. That's a really good point. And it makes you really nervous when somebody else is writing down your responses. Exactly. It's just a horrific feeling.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Someone they can't see who's off to the side or in the back. Yeah. And they're writing down what they're saying, everything, taking notes. That makes sense. Yeah. That's the worst.
Starting point is 00:33:41 When you're like, I've had to do some tests with teachers, you know, and they ask you and then they're writing and you're like, what are you do some tests with teachers you know and they ask you and then they're writing and you're like what are you writing what are you doing yeah or um i do a lot of uh pitches for my tv show yeah and sometimes people don't turn the video on right so you're on video like pitching this and their video's not on so you can't even judge like did they just understand what i just told them yeah you know it's like pitching to a brick wall so you can't like read
Starting point is 00:34:13 them and feel them so like you say when their eyes go down now right that is broken yeah you don't know if they're like really with you or just, uh, just sitting there to take notes. Yeah. If you have a recording device, don't let them see you turn it on. We're going to start this meeting. Yeah. Yeah. Bye.
Starting point is 00:34:39 That is a shutdown for sure. Yeah. Alrighty. I think I'm good. I really like that. I think we're in a good space. Good space. So I've got to pick your mind a little bit.
Starting point is 00:34:56 We're into the audio drama a little bit more because I know you're the man who helps me out with so many characters. You're the man who helps me out with so many characters. And so I've been trying to get you some good characters. They're going to last. But, you know, I got to tell everybody. I just want to know if they're going to die. So I don't have to put a lot of, you know. Oh, no, I'm definitely not telling you for sure. For sure, for sure.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Look, I think everyone's dead or dying so far. I mean, I think the last lines I sent to you for the general, general McClendon. No, no, no. Nope, spoiler. And you're wrong about that one, too, by the way. Really? Yeah. Yeah, you're wrong.
Starting point is 00:35:43 I want to see how that comes out yeah i know that's what i was gonna call you out on i'm like oh don't think so fast but um you're not the only one who's like oh man like guys it's really a post-apocalyptic fiction you know you get that right like you know i know people get attached it's it's awesome not everybody lives it's been a ton of them yeah right that's what i'm saying so we just don't know who is going to like make it through yeah so yeah that's half the fun of it. I guarantee. I'm not out of accents yet, so I'm good. I guarantee there are going to be some surprises coming up this season. I actually have a really great character for you, though.
Starting point is 00:36:37 I can spoil this one if anybody knows my books. It's Gears' character, so you get to play a Viking warrior. Oh. Yeah. Great. books it's gears character so you get to play a viking warrior and yeah yeah yeah that'll be your like coup de grace character for you because um he's a he's a pivotal guy and um he'll be a lot of fun for you to do so i was like yeah let's give dave he's massive yes's like, he believes in the Viking gods. And he will, yes, he'll smile and Valhalla. During the show, how about the episode, episode eight, I believe it is, where Erica takes the stand for her kids when Vince is dying. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Yes. And. Yes. And the audio. Oh, my gosh. It was great. Yeah. I used that was Brad's song from Five Times August. Oh, OK. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:37 It fit in perfect. It's from his the first CD. I can't remember what it's called, but it's all his old songs, which some of them are phenomenal, obviously. And that one's called like the fight. And it was just so perfect. It just laid in.
Starting point is 00:37:53 It was perfect. Yeah. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Yeah, that was a good one. What, what,
Starting point is 00:37:58 what was another, like, if you had to pick one of your faves out of this, out of this season three? Oh, gosh. I know. When they meet meet train what's that when they they meet up on the train everybody i mean it's like yeah like a whole intersection of oh my gosh yeah when when virgis has taken her through the wall? Yes. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Yeah, definitely a suspense moment. Like, Sergei's right there. Yeah, and I can see them, like, fingering their sidearms. Right? You know, like, okay, I'm not going to draw, but if he draws... And Sergei's like, can I pull this off without? Right? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:38:50 I could see their faces weighing it, measuring it, and they're just talking. And I know you know, and you know I know. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it was great. It was great. Nice.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Very cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was great. It was great. Nice. Very cool. I was curious which one was your, was your favorite. Yeah. Like I say, this, uh, this season's going to be, we start out square in the action and it just never stops. Uh, these are some of my most like exciting books coming up. So, well, I really liked the season three was based on the walls of freedom and that is one of my favorite books that i've wrote um that i've written because
Starting point is 00:39:32 i did so much of the wilderness survival information in there and then we had to create the whole world of like what society really looks like now outside of the badlands you know yeah so that was a challenging book you should uh pick that one up one time have you read uh any has diano been reading them well she hasn't started she got on a uh some kind of a horror thing oh got you she's in a kind of a goth mood right now so oh she is so wow she brings it she's like i want justice for margaret if she comes to prepper camp she just might give doug a beat down there i'm telling you oh well you know what i i think uh i'm gonna put it if she wants wants to come, she's more than welcome. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:40:29 We'd have a huge bit of the cast there, for sure. Doug will be there teaching this year. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Oh. Yeah, because you missed him last year. Radio listening land, if you want to meet Virgis.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Yeah. Come to Prepper Camp. radio listening land if you want to meet virgins yeah i'm a repricant virgins uh swenson of course erica and my whole family the moors yeah um uh you know james does uh monroe or hall now Paul now. Yeah. Yep. I, I, uh, I can't listen to, uh, the matter of facts guys without thinking Virgis. Right. He, everybody's been doing such a great job. I mean, he really stepped it up and,
Starting point is 00:41:18 uh, I actually have like a few, a few professional performers in there now. And, um, it's been really, really cool to do i see i get to hear my friends voices every day because i'm working on the audio drama pretty much every day so i get to hear your guys's voices like all the time it just makes me happy so it works
Starting point is 00:41:38 it's so much work though uh but so much fun, too. If anybody is wondering where I get a good deal of the music from, there's a site, Epidemic Sound. A lot of the new songs are coming out of there, and I'm not allowed to post them on my website. And if you're falling in love with a song, you can go to YouTube. The whole series, the whole Changing Earth audio drama is on YouTube now. They passed every copyright, everything, which was great. What?
Starting point is 00:42:16 Yeah. I know. I was very careful, you know, to make sure that I'm using the right sounds. So you have a YouTube have a youtube changing earth yeah yeah just look changing earth or go to sarah f hathaway f like foxtrot yeah okay they're all on youtube again i've listened to it i think three or four times now i'm gonna listen to it again right yeah give them a like that'd be awesome yeah absolutely and i did some cool shorts for the show over there as well um but on youtube when you click on it youtube gives you the
Starting point is 00:42:54 names of the songs in it so you can see exactly which song is in exactly what episode so that's pretty cool a lot of people really like the soundtrack absolutely running running running running i know i was like they are running that is yeah it was just the perfect song for it so and i have some that are saved like i love this song and it is being saved for this specific part of the show. Like, and it's two seasons from now, you know? So yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Well, I'm going to jump into some changing earth news. You want to stick around or are you going to, are you going to jump? Well, I'll mute myself and stick around. Okay. Sounds good.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Let's go ahead and play some of that news music. Cause we have some crap. We have some stuff crack-a-lacking right now dream survive thrive this is changing earth news today is april 28th 2024 we've been having a lot of m-class solar flares not really earth directed but the sun's just been clicking them off just like nobody's business also coronal holes more incoming some leaving so we're still on earthquake watch, which has been one of the big stories of the week. On the 22nd of April, there was 416 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, the biggest of which was a 6.1 in Hulian City in Taiwan.
Starting point is 00:44:35 There was a 3.3 earthquake in North Carolina, and a hailstorm in South Carolina left cars and homes damaged. Alberta, Canada, and BC, they're already kicking off their wildfire season. They have 118 active fires, and they were evacuating people out of Burgess Creek on the 22nd. There's also been multiple wildfires popping up in Polk County, Minnesota, came up in the news. popping up in Polk County, Minnesota, came up in the news. And then on April 23, 2024, there was 369 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 5.8 in Huyen City in Taiwan again.
Starting point is 00:45:17 So there's been big, big earthquake swarms going on in Taiwan, and also there was earthquake storms going on in Yellowstone on the 23rd. Arizona started having some wildfires. They've been kicking it off. Cochise County, I just saw that. I thought that was the best. So Cochise County, that's in southeastern Arizona. They've been having a lot of wildfires out there. On April 24th, there was 419 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, the biggest of which was a 5.4
Starting point is 00:45:47 in Chichijima Island in Japan. Southern China had heavy flooding. At least four people died in that event. It was in Guangdong. They were evacuating. And Athens, Greece, the skies turned totally apocalyptic as dust from the Sahara started invading from the Sahara. And Libya also got hit with that dust, northern Africa, that area. New Zealand was hit by Cyclone Gabriela. They did report a death out of that event. And then New Jersey had a big wildfire in one of their state forests. Italy also had one of their forests on fire, 2,000 acres burned in Florence.
Starting point is 00:46:33 On the 25th of April, there was 437 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, the biggest of which was a 5.1 in the North Pacific Ocean. They have had at least 22 earthquakes that were 5.0 or bigger in Taiwan in the last few days. So that earthquake swarm just kept kicking and really it hasn't been holding up very much. On the 26th of April, there was 386 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 6.0 in the Indian Ocean.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Tanzania has seen some massive flooding. 155 people died in that event so far. Nebraska had an EF3 tornado touchdown. On April 27th, there was 450 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 6.5 in the Indian Ocean near Jakarta. There was a 2.9 earthquake in Gladstone, New Jersey, a 6.5 in the Marianas Trench that day, and that 6.5 in Java. In Kenya, 45 people have died and thousands are displaced as they deal with flooding. They also had a ferry that was carrying people trying to get across the river that was completely swept away. Moscow also saw flooding on the 27th due to the massive amounts of snow melt in Iowa. There was 10 confirmed tornadoes on the 27th. And then India saw a forest fire in uh uterhan which is right near um well it's in northern india iowa had 10 confirmed
Starting point is 00:48:09 tornadoes on that day i think already said that one april 28th 24 there was 399 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a 5.3 in aichi japan texas uh dallas fort worth so that's today folks we had rain that caused flooding submerging vehicles they were performing water rescues there southern russia we've been talking about it last few weeks they're still dealing with massive amount of flooding in the south with mudslides now happening and more snow melt coming in oklahoma at least 16 tornadoes have touched down today at least two peoplees have touched down today. At least two people have lost their lives, unfortunately, including a four-month-old. So just north of us got really, really insane.
Starting point is 00:48:53 30 people were injured in sulfur. In China, Guangzhou was hit with a tornado as well. And then Nebraska and Omaha are also dealing with tornado touchdowns today. Just a mess pretty much from the south to the north. Storms popping up all along that area. And from what I've been watching on the weather channel, there's supposed to be more storms like that, just backing it up. Not really an end to that pattern so far this spring. As far as volcanoes erupting, this is the most volcanoes I've ever seen erupting on planet Earth in all of my years now of recording volcano numbers. We have 33 volcanoes actively erupting.
Starting point is 00:49:37 That is up one from last week. Nine of those are in Indonesia. Nine of them alone are in Indonesia. I, that country is just, um, they need some prayers. Uh, then showing minor activity, 21 volcanoes showing minor activity. That's up three from last week and 27 showing unrest, which is down to, but we actually added two to the list from last week. So lots and lots of volcanic activity going on on planet earth right now. As far as wildfires in the United States, we only have 3,940 acres burning total. That's from four, four large fires. There was 10
Starting point is 00:50:19 new of them, 10 new fires, but nine of those are contained. Arizona's our number one state on the list. They have two large active fires, 2,314 acres. Colorado's number two on the list with one large active fire, 1,475 acres. And then Virginia, still coming in on the list, one fire, 150 acres burning. So there you go. There's our changing earth news. acres burning so there you go there's our changing earth news uh big takeaways are volcanoes and the earthquake activity which i don't really see slowing down uh this week due to the state of the solar energy yeah now if you go to where sarah got all this information you know, Ben, that's suspicious observers. I mean, that guy.
Starting point is 00:51:07 And I've noticed an uptick in strangeness. Right. Yeah. It's getting quarkier. Not from him, from our planet. Yeah. Just doing insane things. And Mars.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Yep. Mm-hmm. Just doing insane things. And Mars. Yep. And it's weakening. And that's causing a lot of the things that we're experiencing. Because things weren't like this about 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Yeah. The extremes are just going to become more and more extreme as we go. Until we see that flip. and things can settle back down but it's going to be a wild ride till we get there yeah i definitely recommend everybody check out suspicious observers um yeah i like i don't get i get my solar information from him which is the backbone of what i report on for the changing earth, you know? So, and then I just try to take trends from our planet so I can back it up and show like, look, we got crazy stuff going on. Um, it's not hard to see the patterns for sure. Well guys, that's all I got you for you tonight, Dave. Thank you so much for coming on.
Starting point is 00:52:25 I appreciate your time and late notice jumping on with me. You're always a blessing to have around. Well, thanks. Happy to pinch hit. Yes, sir. Appreciate it. All right. Are you going to be able to pull the ending off?
Starting point is 00:52:40 Yeah, come on now. I think so. All right, guys. Until next time, remember, dream. Survive. Thrive. Thank you for joining Sarah and Chen for this episode of the Changing Earth podcast. Don't forget to pick up your copy of Day After Disaster, Without Land, The Walls of Freedom,
Starting point is 00:53:07 The Walls of Freedom, Battle for the South, Dark Days in Denver, and The Endless Night at If you love the Changing Earth series and podcasts, become a supporter while you're there.

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