The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Guest Jason Nelson on Food Crisis and How Prepping Went Mainstream
Episode Date: January 22, 2024
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Your garden is the resistance. Late day rapid fire daily audio cash what is up pbn family
it is monday preppers live i see her on the horizon we're going to talk to jason nelson today Jason Nelson today, former combat veteran, disabled veteran.
He's got a great background.
He's got some very interesting things going on in his world.
And he wants to come on to discuss why prepping has become popular.
And I like that take.
I mean, we know why it's become popular, but I'd like to get Jason's take.
I'd like to get a take on a number of things that he wants to talk about tonight,
like the global food crisis and what he's doing over at his company, Prepper All Naturals.
And we'll see what we come up with.
You know, two Preppers on Prepper's Lab.
I've never talked to Jason.
It's very rare that I do it.
But they reached out to me and wanted to have a conversation.
And I said, all right, well, let's do it, and let's do it quick.
Let's get them on here, right?
So join us tonight, Jason Nelson, live, 8 p.m. Eastern, Preppers Live, and yeah, let's get to it.
I popped out of the shower, but just before showering and then getting on the microphone,
I was on day B, day B of our daily routine. What can I tell you about what's happened to me through
this routine schedule all through the month of January? In all transparency, I started on the
second. I don't know how many members out there took
advantage of this. I'm working on February. February's routine is going to be a little
different. But what I want to tell you about my experience with the January prep routine,
the set the tone routine, pretty straightforward. I've never dry fired my weapon as many times
as I did in January
I've never practiced
unholstering and dry firing my weapon
as much as I did in January
automatic upgrade
just an absolute automatic upgrade
just like that
I mean that's the power of routines.
You know what I do?
I haven't done the family activity yet.
I haven't looked at the schedule.
I forgot.
We got to get that done.
So, January comes to a close here very soon.
Don't forget we have the master class on the 31st, 9 p.m.
I think it's next Monday, right?
7, 29, what?
How does that work?
What did I do wrong?
Oh, I'm sorry.
It's a Wednesday.
It's after the I Am Liberty show.
The 31st, 9 p.m., build your Food Security Network Masterclass.
Members, you get in free.
If anybody else would like to join, feel free to reach out.
I'll make sure you can get a link and get in there.
The cost of the course will be $60.
It'll be an hour and a half plus.
Well, it'll probably be an hour plus.
Let's go with that.
We'll do some Q&A at the end.
well, it'll probably be an hour plus. Let's go with that. And we'll do some Q&A at the end.
And the goal is so that you don't have to worry about the food crisis we'll probably discuss on tonight's show, fundamentally. What else we got before I hit the road? I don't want to waste too
much time. Not that this is a waste of time, but I'm nearing the end of Monday here. It's been a
very productive Monday, and I want to keep it rolling.
You know what I mean?
Keep it rolling.
What else?
We had some great shows over the weekend.
I posted no clips today.
I've been posting show clips all over the world, and I posted nothing today.
I didn't have a chance to sit down and really listen.
I think that's about it for me, PBN family.
I do appreciate you guys.
Listen, it's a wild world out there, okay?
Things are not what they seem.
Business Insider today posted this.
People are using cash transfers like basic income to pay rent,
and it shows just how badly a housing crisis solution is
needed that's wild okay low-income americans are struggling more than ever to afford housing
homelessness has reached record highs the u.s is short an estimated four million homes and a
growing number of people who are eligible for government housing assistance aren't getting it
but unlike other government benefits like medicaid will automatically go to those who need it.
Listen, you heard what I just said, right?
Where's it at?
The pandemic cash has run out, blah, blah, blah.
Given the importance of a new form of housing assistance
that doesn't say it i can't find it in the article i guess i could control f real quick
but anyway uh cash transfers are paying the bills right
is that what is that what we're talking about. Cash transfers like basic income to pay rent.
All the while we are being told, more jobs, great economy, right?
The Biden economy is great.
You should most certainly vote him again.
Give him another four years to destroy everything.
All right, PBN family.
I can't afford to go on a rant right now.
Join us tonight for Preppers Live.
Please get, listen, February's routine is going to be free.
It's going to be out to everyone.
January's was not.
It was members only, okay?
It will be like that sometimes. January's was not. It was a members only, okay? It will be like that
sometimes, but February will be free. February will be comprehensive. February will be tough.
Join us, okay? Like I said, one month, one routine, not even one month, 20 days,
and I already have seen vast improvements in how much I'm handling a weapon
just from the routine scheduled dry fire practice. Talk to you soon, PBN family.
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