The Prepper Broadcasting Network - HE LIVES!!!!

Episode Date: June 19, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good day, PBN family. You have forced my hand here on this, uh, I guess what you can call your I Am Liberty show for today. Most of the time I don't talk about vacation, but what has happened, until vacation is over, but what has happened is the healing from the infection has backed into vacation and has left many of you out there wondering if
Starting point is 00:00:47 the intrepid commander is alive, doing well, dying slowly and miserably and painfully. Should they send cards? Should they make arrangements? And so forth. Now I was falling off from the infection before heading off on vacation, and now that I'm on vacation, I've missed a couple shows, no daily news in the morning, I didn't even put a prepper's live up, because Monday I was actually in bed the whole day, and night, and afternoon, and evening, Monday was my true rest and recovery day and turned out that's
Starting point is 00:01:27 what my body needed more than any medicine at all. It's just a full day to rest and that you know that was it. I mean from from then on I've been feeling great. Definitely not uh clinging on for dear life okay. So you got typically I don't talk about vacation until vacation is over. This is an operational security maxim, you know what I mean? The idea that, hey, I'm leaving my home, hey, I'm in another place, hey, things are very different. Sorry, my sister's texting me pictures right now. Usually I don't talk about that stuff, you know, until I'm back and it's over. And then I let you guys know, hey, I went on vacation last week.
Starting point is 00:02:16 And, you know, nobody really questions things. But because we've backed into it with the infection, it starts to feel like the commander's fading into uh the abyss you know what's really happening here um so all is well and thank you guys all of you out there who did reach out i mean i don't want the rest of you to think that just because I'm sick it's your duty or something like that but this show right here is a direct result of those of for those of you who reached out so you know like a lot of people reached out through numerous avenues because what it looked like to them because I don't share information about my vacations, is, you know, the commander is sick and it's getting worse. And I haven't heard from him in days. So people have reached out, you know. How you doing? Are you alive over there? What the hell is going on?
Starting point is 00:03:23 Where's Preppers Live? Where's PBN Daily News? Something must be really I have anything to do with you guys, really, fundamentally. So I'm down here on the Strand. You know, the curtain is up. The operational security is bust. So there's no point in playing around anymore we're down here on the strand it's a magical place for me it's a thought-provoking place it's a very strange place to wind up when you're a person like me because i grew up just north, six blocks north of Debauchery Street. Debauchery Street, also known as Second Street in Marcus of Pennsylvania, was home to a bar that was visited often by Blackbeard the Pirate. And he had a girlfriend who lived across the way from 2nd Street as well. And that home is still largely the way it was all those years ago.
Starting point is 00:05:00 And it's been now made into a memorial fundamentally. It's called the Plank House down there in Hook. And Blackbeard has been a big, you know, he's always like a big part of growing up down there, and the questions about his treasure and all this kind of stuff, and there's even a church down there, St. Cat, I can't remember what the church is called, St. Thomas's? I can't remember what the church was called, St. Thomas's? And the church down there had this little plastic plexiglass window that allowed you to look down into a tunnel that was supposedly dug out by Blackbeard also.
Starting point is 00:05:40 And, you know, there were rumors about treasures down there and so on. And when you're a kid, you know, you're a little kid, you could walk into this cemetery and freak yourself out, talk about ghosts and goblins and pirates. And for those of you who have read Christmas Hook, you know that that tunnel plays a very important role in the main character's final nightmare. In the Christmas hook.
Starting point is 00:06:11 But what's magical about a place like this for me is, you know, we had no aspirations growing up, my wife and I. We had no real aspirations about, like, we want to, you know, have a family and wind up vacationing down in the Outer Banks. It wasn't really a motivation of ours. It just sort of started happening. That's when I found out about the history of Blackbeard and Oka Croke Island and the museum down here. And I don't know, you know, how everything in life is cyclical like that.
Starting point is 00:06:44 And I don't know, you know, how everything in life is cyclical like that. You find yourself in these situations where you're like, oh, these wires from a different time and a different point in life are connecting. And it just is what it is, you know. There are always things, you know, there's fishing. There are all these things down here that, I don't know, they just seem to be part of that cycle. You know? And I don't know, you know, the sun rises on the beach and the sun sets and all that kind of stuff. The end of days and the salty breeze.
Starting point is 00:07:27 They give way to other memories from other times and other shores in my life. And I don't know how you guys feel when you go on vacation. Vacation, this traveling vacations thing, this was not a part of my life until I was an adult. Like my family, we didn't go on traveling vacations. We weren't like, well, school's out. It's time for vacation. You know what I mean? It's a very weird thing. So whenever I'm out here,
Starting point is 00:08:06 especially when we're doing things that are rare or just out on the beach. It's not a one-time thing. It's a constant thing. I'm always looking around and looking at my sons and they're having a blast. And I'm always like, man, what a life it has been thus far, you know? What a life it has been, far, you know. What a life it has been. The gratitude for all this stuff. It's tremendous. It's tremendous.
Starting point is 00:08:33 It's an amazing place down here. But man, oh man, was it rough getting here. I can tell you that much. It felt like things weren't going to work out for me. Like things weren't going to come together. Felt like we might be tapping out. Or I might be spending more time at home than anywhere else. But then the healthy body came roaring back. Not without medicine. not without antibiotics, not without the help of Tylenols and Elderberry and all kinds of immune enhancing remedies and stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:19 It took a lot. And it took a lot because I wasn't resting. So keep that in your back pocket. Put that in your medical kit. One of the reasons I love the Joneses infirmary, the Joneses at their homestead have a sort of a deployable infirmary set up in their home.
Starting point is 00:09:44 And one of the things I favor most about that is just the concept of the rest and recovery. Sort of a deployable infirmary setup in their home. And one of the things I favor most about that is just the concept of the rest and recovery. And the capability to pull that off in one place. And the short distance between that place and the bathroom and the layout of it is really smart. Done really well. Because the sleep, the ability to get sleep. These things are paramount. You know in recovery.
Starting point is 00:10:14 This is why. Powerful pain and fever reducers are so important. Like one of the things that you can stock up on for dirt cheap. Is you know. Doses upon doses of ibuprofen. Giant bottles. Pills. And I'll tell you right now man.
Starting point is 00:10:37 When it comes down to rest and recovery. That's what you need. And I know there's like a. There's a movement to not fight the fever. You know, let the fever work and all that kind of stuff. Fever will kill your ass, first of all. So, that, I mean, people used to die from fever all the time. So fever will kill your ass. I mean, there is something to be said about, you know, letting the fever work a little bit.
Starting point is 00:11:05 But if the fever is what's keeping you up at night, if the fever is compromising your rest and recovery, then it ain't helping. You know, you need your sleep. You need your rest and recovery. It really all, at the tail end of this thing, it really all came down to rest, recovery, hydration. And the antibiotic. You know, that's really what it came down to. It came down to don't get your stupid ass out of bed. Bring a bottle of water to bed. Liquid IV. Elderberry.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Lozenge. When the fever starts coming back, take two ibuprofen. Just forget about the fever altogether. There's no more discomfort. I had fever for days, you know what I mean? And then I just cut it off completely. No more fever. It's all about comfort.
Starting point is 00:11:56 It's all about sleep. It's all about rest and recovery. Put a good movie on. Fall asleep, in and out of sleep, rest. The good thing for me was I never lost my appetite. I ate the whole way. So that was big. That was big.
Starting point is 00:12:19 You know, vacation, particularly if you don't fly, is a tremendous time for you to practice your vehicle preparedness or to heighten your vehicle preparedness or to hone your vehicle preparedness or change your vehicle preparedness, you know. One of the things we've learned to do with my little truck even is how to travel many bicycles. You know, how to travel many means of what that becomes is an alternate means of transportation, right? In other words, if you can travel bicycles with your vehicle
Starting point is 00:12:56 and then your vehicle dies or is compromised in some way, now you have another mode of transportation. For us down here, it's leisure, right? It's entertainment. It's something to do. Get everybody on bikes. You know, there's a gang of us. We all get on bikes and sometimes we bike to ice cream or whatever, you know, something like that. But it's good to test the might of your vehicle, your ability to pack that vehicle out. And all those things, you know, and see what you're really capable of. Goes a long way, makes a big difference when you understand what your vehicle is capable of. What kind of medical do you want to travel with on that trip,
Starting point is 00:13:45 what types of armaments, both concealed and in the open, do you want to travel with in that vehicle, you know, your daily to and fro might look a little different than your vacation, might still be prepared, but it might look a little different than your vacation. Might still be prepared, but it might look a little different than your vacation prep, right? Fundamentally, the get home is what vacation prep is all about, right? Like if you had to boil it down. When you prep in vacation, for vacation, whatever the situation is, the get-home process, the get-home weaponry,
Starting point is 00:14:38 the get-home vehicle prep to keep the vehicle running, all that kind of stuff, that becomes mission number one. Things go crazy, it's time to get back home. What do we have to do to get back home? For us us it's very important to focus on this at a place like the outer banks because you know you're a couple bridges um there's a couple bridges between you and home that if something happens to them you're you're a citizen of the outer now. And I give a lot of thought to that too when we're down here. Don't get me wrong. Serious issues to address.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Not the least of which being water. In a situation like that. So. Those things become a reality on vacation as well, right? You got to figure out what that all looks like. What's it look like if you suddenly become short-term, mid-range, maybe even a long-term citizen of place you're vacationing? And it can happen a lot quicker than you think. You know, we often run ourselves through the EMP process. What happens if we
Starting point is 00:15:49 get struck with an EMP and I'm at home and the weather's nice out and my house is full of food and so on. But what happens if you're three days into a vacation and that EMP hits and you're in Costa Rica? You're on a Bahamian island, right? You're on Hawaii. You're a citizen now. You know, if you've airplaned to your destination and there's only one way in, one way out type of thing like that, island. Well, you're just a citizen now. You might not have the documentation, but that's what you are.
Starting point is 00:16:32 So, you just got to understand that. Recognize those things. And prepare for them. You know, I'd say in most cases, when we're on vacation, one of the first things we're going to have to think about is water. You know? Because many people are shore, many people are island, many people are in those sort of situations. Environments that are dominated by the presence of salt water. The wind The wind kicking up PBN family
Starting point is 00:17:11 What can I say It's a beautiful week thus far It's going to probably rain as a beautiful week I think we hit the jackpot this week In terms of you know Temperature It's going to probably rain. It's a beautiful week. I think we hit the jackpot this week. In terms of, you know, temperature and cloud cover and such. Now I'm going into some serious wind. I don't know how disruptive that is.
Starting point is 00:17:42 But I did want to get with you guys and give you an update. Let you know. It's going to take a lot more than a spider to take me out. Don't worry about that. And the reason things have been a little slow on the output for me. Has nothing to do with me healing anymore. Has everything to do with me. Enjoying my family for a week. And as I said, as the week goes on, expect an uptick in how much you hear from me. I can only take so much rest and relaxation before
Starting point is 00:18:18 I'm chomping at the bit to produce. It's what I love. You know, something electric about being with you guys, about being a part of this thing we call the Prepper Broadcasting Network. All right. I'll talk to you folks soon. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments? is your answer to bug out land hunting recreation and whatever else your uh prep or mind can dream up has properties in texas new mexico colorado oklahoma arizona utah go to check out the properties use the promo code pbn and get a hundred dollars off your purchase

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