The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Headlines and Hidelines w/ IC

Episode Date: November 30, 2024 at the Black Friday Catalog! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. You're playing back the stability here. what is up everybody looping the intro you're listening here on stream yard Not today, bitch. Not today. What's up? What's up, everybody? How's it going? I hope you guys have had a great holiday. I was wondering this morning, laying in bed, whatever will we do if the headlines stop becoming the punchlines? In other words, if the media writes itself in two ways, writes itself wing journalist class, if you call it that. They don't report the news, okay? But what they do is tremendously creative in the way that they manipulate and mold the world around them into white men bad, right? in shackles, the way that they.
Starting point is 00:02:07 And they can do that, you know, they do that weird. It's wizardry, right? It's like, you know, like when a wizard is crafting a spell. And he moves his hands, you know, like all around the ball of it. And there's a ball of energy in his hands and he's conjuring, you know, i picture these guys writing articles that's what i picture i picture like this con you're conjuring these ideas into a transgender woman is the same thing as a cisgender woman you know what i mean and then they put the headline out and you read it and you go like and And it's better than most comedians. Like the runaway radical, professionally offended left wing journalists slash writers slash freelancers who get paid so much money.
Starting point is 00:02:57 It would probably take my breath away. They've been better than most comedians truly through all this you know now the comedians are like all hurting they're all like hurting right you know you've seen it all the comedians are hurting right now they're following joe joe rogan what political class am i in now to ask elon i mean good good on them look it's like i've always told you we are entering a very trying time not from a prepping standpoint not from a buy my book buy my this buy my that you know stock your shelves buy the ammo one of the toughest parts about the time we're entering into, and I braced you for this a couple of years ago because I wanted you to have
Starting point is 00:03:49 time to think about it, right? Because you got to wrap your head around these things in big time. One of the best things you can do in crazy ass times is get ahead of an idea or get the idea, hammer it down, get ahead of how it's going to look in real life and just, know work it work it like a dough and the thing that i and this is straight from god by the way i have no doubts this is straight from god reading the bible you know whatever however you you know whatever kind of antenna i have out to the you know to the heavenly father that's where That's where this is from. This is not an idea of mine.
Starting point is 00:04:27 I don't come from this kind of background. You have to understand. I don't come from people like this. I don't come from, I come from, you know, pit Viper neighborhood. The tough thing that a lot of us are going to have to do, and it's going to happen in the grand before it happens, probably in the macro before it happen in the grand. Before it happens. In the macro. Before it happens in the micro.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Is forgiveness. And I've told you that. I've told you. You've heard me say it before. You know. What we have to focus on is forgiveness. What we have to do. Is figure out how to make a place. For people.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Who have made. Astounding decisions decisions since 2020. You know, there's a whole class of people out there who have made astoundingly bad decisions from 2020 on and have said incredible things to probably to you online, maybe even in person. They put out incredible statements in sort of their like false bravado that we all get a little bit of on social media. Like the whole world got a hold of that false bravado and said things like the unvaccinated are killing everybody. Remember? If you vote for Donald Trump trump you're less than human like all those kinds of crazy things that people said and and uh i've been sitting here you know enduring you watch it all you watch the people that like you know you see these people you like
Starting point is 00:06:02 you see them in real life you see them in digital life and you're like, oh, whoa. But even people in real life, you know, like during the masking and all that kind of stuff. The time has come for the right for people on the right, for people like you and me. Look, we are the path back to stability. We have to keep the path open. We're not a gated community. Stability is not a gated community. And one of the toughest things is going to be looking at somebody.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I'm sorry, I haven't talked until I talk to you, and all I've been doing is drinking coffee. Is opening that path up and saying, look, you messed up is what it is. Let's get you as self-sufficient as possible. Let's make you a part of this community that, you know, little by little. It takes tact. You know, it takes. I don't know if everybody has it. I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:07:05 I don't like to say that kind of stuff. It makes me sound like I know how to do everything really good and you don't know what you're doing. But it just that's what it takes. You know, I mean, it's like it's like a feeling out process, you know, it's like boxing. It's like dating. You know what I mean? It's those kinds of things. It's like, how close do I get?
Starting point is 00:07:31 How far should I stay away? You know, and you create sort of this environment where you guys can ping ideas back and forth. You can converse briefly in passing, maybe in the neighborhood or at the school or at the job or whatever it is. And then before long, you know, you, this is your duty. OK, I make no bones about it. You don't have to agree with me, but I think this is your duty. It's my duty. It's our duty. You make a an environment where someone can come up to you and say. I thought it would be a lot worse under Trump. Right right you want to create an environment where someone can come up and say i just i just watched this crazy documentary about the vaccine i can't believe it and and you don't go this is what i've been trying to tell you you dumb ass you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:08:19 you got to create that environment where you can be like, what was it all about? What's it called? I'll watch it. You know? And it's going to be hard. It might already be hard for you. And it's going to be much harder for different kinds of people. You know? I'm pretty good at taking shots.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Because I like people, man. And I also understand life is a long and arduous journey. You know what I mean? It really is. It's a long and arduous journey. Morning, Jay Ferg. I'll set up a new live for you this morning. I wasn't sure if you were going to do it or not.
Starting point is 00:09:04 I figured you might want to enjoy the The weather But no problem What time do you want to go on? Do you want me to get off? I can get off at 8 We don't have to do headlines Give me, let me, let me know
Starting point is 00:09:17 Give me 30 minutes And I'll do I'll do some headlines with everyone But Yeah, so that, you know There's always a trying I'll do some headlines with everyone. There's always a trying... 9 o'clock Phoenix Survival Live. You're getting a double dose of live this morning on PBN. I bet you Jordan's live is going to be awesome.
Starting point is 00:09:41 I'll let her divulge all that, but I'm sure it'll be a good one. because, yeah, well, I'll let her divulge all that, but I'm sure it'll be a good one. So drinking coffee, thinking about the trials of forgiving people who told you that, you know, you were toxic and you were a Nazi and, you know, all of the above. You're killing everyone with your unvaccinated little rat children running around the people around you who put the signs up in the in this in the front yard that basically said you know anybody who votes for donald trump is is uh mentally deficient
Starting point is 00:10:22 you know all those kinds of things, all those wonderful things. You have to look those people in the face. And more importantly than that, you have to say, you know. Welcome back to reality. You know, this is what it is. It's not going to be easy. But it's really the only option. They'll never do it. That's what you have to understand do you know what i mean if it were the if the shoe were on the other foot
Starting point is 00:10:51 it would never happen if kamala won the presidency and you were like well you know what i kind of wouldn't mind weaseling my way in back into the mainstream you wouldn't be allowed in there, you know. And one thing I've learned in life, folks, maybe one of the most important lessons I've learned in life is know thyself. To thine own self be true, right? To thine own self be true is one of the most important quotes ever. And it sounds stupid because it's old and it's classic. What to thine own self be true, what they don't explain, what that doesn't explain is
Starting point is 00:11:35 you will constantly be tempted to do as little as everyone around you. Right? Because it hurts and it sucks um when you do more than someone or when someone drops below the bar in your life and and you're like man i'm carrying this weight like i'm cat i'm carrying this weight and this is a lot of weight. What happens if you don't? Like a lot of people get it mixed up. They read Hamlet, you know, and they think it's like, be yourself, be your unique, incredible self.
Starting point is 00:12:25 But I think what he really meant is you can't change because people change. The worst thing you can do is decide, I'm going to do less, I'm going to be less, because the people around me are less, or are doing less, or are being less. That is one of the great pitfalls in life. Whether you're in a relationship or you're at a job or whatever the situation is. And all of a sudden you realize this situation has changed.
Starting point is 00:12:57 They're doing X, Y, and Z. I'm doing A, B, and C. And A, B, and C is way harder. Screw it. I'm going to do X, Y, and Z. I'm going to do it like they do it oh it's it's terrifying just saying it out loud makes me scared saying it out loud makes me scared you know what i mean because then you forfeit you that's the quickest way to forfeit you you want to forfeit who you are and your your potential and your capability the quickest way to do that is to say, well, they're not doing it, so I'm not going to do it either.
Starting point is 00:13:32 You know what I mean? It's brutal. It's the worst thing you could do. Because now you've lost control of your own starship, baby. You are gone. You are gone out into deep space, and you'll be looking at the worst people and going, well, what are they doing, man? I'm only going to do what they do. No, to thine own self be true, PBN family, when it hurts.
Starting point is 00:13:52 To thine own self be true when it stings. To thine own self be true when you're exhausted. To thine own self be true under any and all circumstances. You know, if you feel the pull to do more and to be more, then you have to do it. Right? What one can do, one must do. Now, I said what one can do, one must do a long time ago. I didn't even know it was biblical.
Starting point is 00:14:17 I didn't know it was from the book of James. I swear to you, I didn't know. I just felt it. I just learned it through life. I just felt it I just learned it through life I learned that if you don't do the things that you're capable of doing then you'll already you're already filling the bag of regrets what one can do one must do it should be it should the whole quote should be dot dot dot or else you know what I mean because the or else is really what powers you in that it's the idea of like i'm gonna look back in 20 years and go well i could have done that but instead i did this because it was easier right i don't know just is what it is i was supposed to
Starting point is 00:14:55 talk about news headlines with you i will i've got very little planned today working out after this my sister's in town my wife is pretty much busy the day, so it's going to be kind of an anti-anti-in-the-kids day. I don't know what we're going to do, but it'll probably be indoors because it's not terrible out. But. Was that a vehicle outside? Hang on a minute. I think we're under attack by Russia. Did you hear that too, dogs?
Starting point is 00:15:36 I've got several indicators close by. Like real close to my home. That will always tell me what's what. But I had my headphones on. I don't know. I had my... It sounded like a UFO and bombs were going off in the distance. Apparently not.
Starting point is 00:16:03 I haven't been sleeping well this morning i woke up feeling good it's the first like good night of sleep i got in days what i want to do now is headlines and hide lines 16 minutes into the show this is this is how you know i'm firing on all cylinders when i have a topic show topic and i it takes me 16 minutes to get to it that's how you know I'm firing on all cylinders. When I have a topic, show topic, and it takes me 60 minutes to get to it, that's how you know I'm good. If I jump right into the topic and, hey, everybody, we're talking headlines and highlines today. Let's get into it. Like a YouTuber, I'm not being me. I'm doing another version of me that is supposed to be more palatable for more people or something. I'm not being true to thine own self when I do it that way.
Starting point is 00:16:48 When I come in and I give you the stream of consciousness and all that, that's the real me. And I don't even know if it's in demand. I don't even know if it's in demand. But at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter that much, right? As long as I can pay the bills. So here's the thing, guys. I've been out of the loop for a long time. A very long time.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Probably the last three days, I haven't touched a headline. I haven't looked at headlines one iota. I don't know what's going on in the world.'ve been enjoying life i hope you have too so what i thought we'd do is we'd go to the compromised um drudge report because the drudge report has become a comedy show in and of itself right and take a look at the headlines america's fat and happy they've gone out and shopped to some degree they don't shop like they used to in the physical world. And that's sad. Top headline, sheriffs gear up for mass deportations. Now, the question is. On this one, will the sheriffs do. Sort of the liberal sheriffs are liable to do what the pardon me do what the Second Amendment sheriffs did.
Starting point is 00:18:10 If you remember during the Second Amendment attacks, there were a lot of sheriffs that were like, Nah, we're not taking anybody's guns, so you guys can forget all about that idea. You guys forget all about that idea. You know, really, really cool that you passed that law or that rule or that the ATF has decided Americans can't have this or can't have that. But the truth of the matter is. It's we're not we're never going to we're never going to, well, really stand against our oath, right? And that's a beautiful thing in my opinion now i was also supposed to tell you that the black friday catalog is up and still rolling strong go check her out it's in the link is in the show description um so let's look at drudge sheriffs gear up for
Starting point is 00:19:00 mass deportations you know nobody really knows what that's going to look like anything you read on that's kind of all speculation at the moment i think people are but but here's the place to do this stuff because drudge is completely compromised right smaller brains fewer friends how ai will change humanity's future did you did i post that thing on ai i can't remember i did a show that was supposed to be about one thing and wound up being completely about artificial intelligence. I don't remember what it was. I don't know. What did you guys think of the 90s Thanksgiving show? That was a fun one.
Starting point is 00:19:41 As lead in popular vote shrinks, is there really a mandate? What's that mean? A mandate. Vance depicts himself as wife for Thanksgiving. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. He's weird again. In victory speech on November 6th,
Starting point is 00:19:59 Americans had given an unprecedented and powerful mandate. Oh, I see now. If there ever was a mandate, this isn't it. Says Hans Noel from Georgetown University. Now, I don't know if there's a person on earth that I appreciate and trust more than Hans Knoll from Georgetown University. I've never heard of him. He's from a university, which when I see university, I immediately think another compromised entity out there in the world. Got me, folks.
Starting point is 00:20:45 But we're just going through headlines. I haven't done headlines. I haven't looked at headlines. I even haven't. As terrible as it is. I haven't even looked through the PBN headlines. Because I get a news feed. Right from like the news.
Starting point is 00:20:59 I get a news feed from ground news. And then I get the best news feed of all. Which is from. Element. And the I get the best news feed of all, which is from Element and the PBN hosts. It's the best. I mean, it's the best. And it's not just the best for me. Because sometimes it's not really like, sometimes things show up and I'm like, eh. Right?
Starting point is 00:21:18 But, mm-mm. That's where the good stuff is. The 22-year-old who was on the brink of being euthanized and changed her mind. This is insanity, this euthanization thing. This euthanization business is absolutely insane. I can't believe it. I can't believe it would ever be allowed first of all we're really good at suicide
Starting point is 00:21:48 you know what i mean like it's terrible but it's the truth eggs and bullets ammunition hits grocery stores this has to be a costco this has to be a costco thing because costco is just going all prepper they're going so prepper i'm almost looking at my sam's clubs thing and going like i don't know american rounds baby oh look how sweet it is wow see this is a story that goes out in the mainstream right and it's supposed to scare you i think let's let's read the the the what is this thing called again subtitle a dozen eggs and a dozen bullets ammunition hits u.s grocery stores since this summer ammo can be purchased from vending machines and located in stores in oklahoma
Starting point is 00:22:39 alabama and texas the company behind them plans to expand the initiative nationwide in the coming months it's called american rounds and american rounds is an ammunition vending machine it's like straight out of video game world it's like something my kid would tell me to do and if we're playing like a vr gun or gun game and we're running around and dad go to the vending machine use your coins huh the vending machine go to it coins. Huh? The vending machine. Go to it. Okay. Oh, here's all the ammo. There's, you know, whatever. Now, Michael Achari. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:16 He could go either way, this guy. If there's one thing that the four main candidates in the U.S. election in November, Republicans, Donald Trump, J vance democrats camilla harrison tim waltz had in common it was that they all own guns it's like a it's like it's as crazy as the diddy parties i can't play all four of these people guns can you believe it it's number two on the list okay anytime anybody like is surprised about guns and ammunition and access to firearms in in the united states you have to tell them it's number two on the list you should not be surprised number one say what you want number two get a gun this is the nation this is the instruction manual for the nation you know what i mean it's not like it's amendment 13 15 23 no the first thing say what you want
Starting point is 00:24:15 second thing buy a gun people i can't believe i can't believe and they don't they sell guns in less places now than ever before. Trump, who was ultimately the winner of the election, was convicted in a lower court for falsifying documents. Great. His firearms license was recently revoked. Come on. But he still keeps a small arsenal in his various mansions, which no one seems willing to seize oh okay now we know who are uh we know who mikhail ikari is from el pays el pies el pie i don't know i've never heard of this it's an it's a non-english speaking entity no one seems to want to seize his firearms. Hmm. You see, that's what the Europeans and the Latinos,
Starting point is 00:25:11 they always give me that. Now, you don't hear it as much from the Latinos, but you hear it from the Europeans a lot. The Europeans, they love doing this number on you. Don't you think you guys have so many murders because you have so many guns? You have so many murders because you have so many guns you have so many guns in america yeah well you guys have so many muslims in europe why do you think all the churches are burning down right and you can't even stop them that's the scary part his firearm license was
Starting point is 00:25:39 recently revealed nothing strange in short in a country country where one third of adults own firearms and guns are present in 44 percent of households. So only 44 percent of Americans have made it to the second item on the list. See, that's depressing to me. I'm not sitting here going to cry over the fact that 44 percent of households have guns. I'm lamenting the fact that we need to get, you know, 56% of Americans to get to number two. Everybody loves number one. Amendment number one. Everybody loves it. They hop on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:26:13 They say whatever the hell they want. But the fact that 54% of Americans haven't even made it to amendment two yet, you know, we got to get moving. Since last July, diehard enthusiasts of rifles, shotguns, and revolvers have had a new way to stock up on ammunition. I don't think they're diehard enthusiasts. I think anyone would buy ammunition from an ammunition vending machine. What a cool idea just to see it. just to see it. Kimberly Chandler, reporter from the AP,
Starting point is 00:26:46 contacted American Rounds, and a spokesperson for the company confirmed that this was a pilot initiative set to expand throughout the U.S. in the coming months. We should get them on. I'd like to talk to the folks at American Rounds. Oh, boy. Maddie Keys, a 22-year-old recent college graduate and occasional contributor to Slate, shared her unsettling experience. Despite having no knowledge of firearm handling and no license to own one, she went to a store in town of Noble, bought eggs, a packet of Chinese noodles, probably more dangerous than the ammunition, and a dozen bullets.
Starting point is 00:27:27 As I walked through the parking lot to my car, I couldn't suppress the feeling that I'd just evaded some incredibly faulty security measures. Because surely it can't be that easy to buy bullets. But it is. Maddie. Maddie. Maddie. Do you know how many things you can kill people with that you can buy that are that are going to do you way better than bullets especially you because you don't even have a gun you do realize that without a gun you can't do anything with a bullet right
Starting point is 00:27:59 well i had a buddy a couple buddies in my school we weren't smart but i had a buddy, a couple buddies in my school. We weren't smart, but I had a couple buddies who used to take bullets from their dad and then hit them with rocks and try to shoot the cars through the woods. They tried to crash down on the rifle rounds with an anvil rock with an ammo cartridge on it. And then a rock on top of that one, you know, a slam that one. And,
Starting point is 00:28:30 and one time they finally got a, a round to fire. The back of the round came off and shot my buddy in the chest. It didn't like go deep or anything, but it was just there underneath his, like the meat. Oh, those guys were so much fun john and carl thank you for getting me through middle school at the very least maybe
Starting point is 00:28:52 some of high school so anyway maddie's uh got ptsd now because she bought uh 12 i wonder what she bought that's what i'd like to know what did 22 year old maddie keats buy she bought 12. I wonder what she bought. That's what I'd like to know. What did 22-year-old Maddie Keats buy? She got 12 of them, so she probably bought like some 5.56 ammo because she knows it's the most deadly round in the American arsenal, or maybe shotgun shells, something like that.
Starting point is 00:29:18 But anyway, she's got PTSD now because she walked up and bought bullets, even though she's probably got a chef's knife she walked up and bought bullets even though she probably got a she's probably got a chef's knife at home that could stab straight through a human being right she drives a vehicle by the way and driving a vehicle you know is the vehicle is one of the more deadly things on in existence how many people die every year from car crashes. But no, you touch to the bullets with your egg noodles and your eggs. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:51 It's a weird disconnect. It's a problem of it's a lack of exposure. You know what I mean? That's really what it is. It's a lack of exposure. You got people out there who've never touched a gun. They've never heard a gun go off in real life. The only thing they've ever heard is a left-wing idiot go off in real life.
Starting point is 00:30:10 They've listened to left-wing idiots go off in real life their whole life, and they see a bullet, and they think it's going to turn into one of those bullet bills from Super Mario. It's just going to turn around, and a grin's going to rip across its face, and then it's going to start chasing them you're gonna have to run maddie's gonna have to run around her apartment jump over chairs oh my god these bullets baby boomer homeowners got rich from skyrocketing house prices now they can't find retirement housing okay let's see let's see let's see carl b new york times bloomberg this is from zero hedge so this is one of the headlines okay we talked about some of the headlines now we're talking about the
Starting point is 00:30:57 headlines new york times in bloomberg barry rutger study DEI makes people hostile. Oh, imagine that. Imagine that racism and sexism makes people hostile. It took the brilliance over there at Rutgers to figure that out. Are they planning a false flag event in London? This is new. This just came in from Carl B. I was nearly floored mr houston looked through hundreds of webcams across london could not find a single one that was live see for yourself one of the webcams over westminster bridge displayed last image it was on 2 september 2024 uh they're
Starting point is 00:31:41 planning a false flag event to blame on russia I think it's the only explanation that makes any sense to my mind. They're planning a false flag, a terror attack on London, which they'll blame on Russia so that they can trigger an all out whole society mobilization by all the Western powers against Russia. Uh, yeah, I don't know about that. I don't know how much I'd buy that. I don't know if I'd buy that. You know, this idea that Putin is going to take over all of Europe seems really weird to me. I don't think people get that it takes money and resources and people to wage war. You know what I mean? And I't think putin is in a position at all to do any of that putin is like one pipeline away from broke you know what i mean and he's the one of the one of the biggest pipelines that's funding him was was given to him by joe biden of all people which is always great that That's great. You notice a pattern?
Starting point is 00:32:47 There's a little pattern going on, right? Joey shows up. Hey, you go, Iran. Here's some money. Make life better for your people. And immediately following is the war in Israel, right? Joe shows up. Here, Putin, we're going to make sure that this pipeline runs into Europe and feeds you with all kinds of money for your fuel.
Starting point is 00:33:11 We're helping the Europeans out, see. They're going to be warm because they're so stupid they stopped producing their own natural gas and coal and things that actually keep people warm when it's cold. So they have to depend on monsters for their heat. Sort of like us and our antibiotics, you know? And then you get surprised because they say, oh, well, looks like we've got some people by the balls.
Starting point is 00:33:31 We might as well roll in. But I don't know about this false flag business. You know, I don't think... I think the UK is not nearly prepared for war the way they say that they're prepared for war.
Starting point is 00:33:45 The UK is fighting a civil war. They just are afraid to admit it out loud because they don't want the world stage to be mad at them. But in the next five to 10 years, it will become very clear and very well known that the United Kingdom is struggling to maintain its status and its identity as the United Kingdom is struggling to maintain its status and its identity as the United Kingdom. Right? I don't remember who said it. I didn't say it. I can't take credit for it.
Starting point is 00:34:15 But someone I read or was listening to said that the first nuclear-armed Muslim-dominated country will be the United Kingdom. And I think that's pretty spot on. I think that one's pretty spot on. So, you know, you've got things to concern yourself with, man. It's no joke. Where's my man Chin? I thought I saw my man Chin come through. Oh, here he did with the... yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Manchin, I thought I saw my manchin come through. Oh, here he did with the, yeah. About 64% of foreign nationals encountered in the Panama between 2021 and October 2024 came from one of five countries. Hold your breath, PBN family. One of 15 countries, the vast majority, Afghanistan, China, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Kurdistan, countries the vast majority afghanistan china cuba iran iraq libya kurdistan and i never heard of this country my whole life mauritania nigeria north korea syria tajikistan turkey uzbekistan and venezuela
Starting point is 00:35:19 illegal immigration continues to be a high national security threat yeah that's why that's that's why they made number two number two right that's why second amendment two is second amendment two folks illegal immigrants encountered in the darien gap january 2010-24 well pbn family it's a very interesting world out there. Headlines and hide lines. Know the difference. Know where you get your news.
Starting point is 00:35:53 British lawmakers vote to legalize assisted dying after emotional debate. So the British are killing themselves. Right? You think the Muslims are lining up for assisted dying over there? Who's lining up for the assisted dying treatments? Who do you think? So the Muslims are sitting there licking their lips and saying this little island is ours.
Starting point is 00:36:18 The British are killing themselves and each other. And then they're going to go to war with Russia, which will just basically wipe all the men out and then that's it it's it's islam forces for the taking as michael savage used to say it's londonistan all the way baby uh yeah hey i don't know i'm not look i'm not over here making bold predictions what What do you think would happen if the UK went to war with Russia? Do you know what I'm saying? So what's happening is the bluff game. What's happening is the same thing that happened in World War II.
Starting point is 00:36:55 How do we get the Americans to stop this? How do we get the Americans over here to end this? We need the Americans to come over here and help. And that's exactly what it is. It's an old story. You've got a crazy cousin. You know what I mean? You got a crazy cousin who likes to fight and you got yourself in a pickle and he don't want to fight your battles anymore. And all you can think is, how do I get my cousin over here to beat this guy up? Because he won't leave me alone. And I keep messing with him.
Starting point is 00:37:23 here to beat this guy up because he won't leave me alone and i keep messing with him the headlines in the guidelines bbn family putin's dj daughter living in paris under a pseudonym i don't know who cares about that who cares what a stupid story costco cuts book section that's kind of dumb uh rapper caught on video beating concert goer cops investigating now here's a good one no this is not a good one this is a stupid one i saw neolithic so i got excited study finds neolithic societies less sexist than previously thought oh i'm sure i'm sure i'm sure that the Neolithic peoples were just shining, shining examples of democracy for the left. All right, folks, I got to get out of here. We got Phoenix survival coming next. Head on over to PBN family dot com right now with the promo code Black Friday.
Starting point is 00:38:20 You get 25 percent off membership. Do it. Black Friday, you get 25% off membership. Do it, okay? Don't waste your time. And definitely don't fall into the Trump slump like many people did in 2016. I don't think it'll happen, this go-round. You never know, but it could, right? This is the membership site for those of you who are live streaming.
Starting point is 00:38:45 You see all of this very interesting content. You get also this red target site here is free books you should go get that because it's well worth it but we got video series podcasts blogs all about prepping different topics different things books you know the whole thing um we've got series that are clearly defined too so it's not just like this survival content one way you can get it is like that like you can come in and go this way and get the sort of run down
Starting point is 00:39:15 you know we have air travel preps we got my review of a online boxing game for VR that is one of the best workouts you'll ever get natural medicine book giveaway in Hall. Understanding the Trump resist. Oh, yeah, this was a members only, wasn't it? Understanding the Trump resistance force.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Very good. Very good podcast there for members. My thoughts on survival caching. I found a great company. I got to wear those people down. They make a really cool product. You know, all kinds of stuff. Dave Jones and I see on Quail. Oh, did I tell you guys I got Quail those people down. They make a really cool product. You know, all kinds of stuff. Dave Jones and I see on Quail.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Oh, did I tell you guys I got Quail out back now? Cheap, cheap. So you can get it in sort of blob form. You get the content that's on my mind, the things that I'm working on. But we also have it broken down into a few different series, right? We've got the Prepper Fit and Health series. So the Prepper Fit and Health series is all fitness related. You know, it's all about fitness.
Starting point is 00:40:11 There's workouts. There's routines. There is all the kettlebells in Christ was a great one, man. We should do that again for December. We started this all in December. We're doing it. I'm making the executive decision right now i'll go to the board later we'll go i think yeah yes this is it we're going
Starting point is 00:40:32 to do 20 days of fitness and skip scripture kettlebells and christ is coming back december 1 this is how the routine started last year so we might as well end this way trials of the lynn quay oh that was a rough one um prepper fit in hell the deck of pain is so good prepper fit in health strava challenge yeah so all that stuff you know if you want to get in shape you really want to get in shape prepper fit and health's a great place for that we got bushcraft for preppers we got our entrepreneurship podcast make things happen actually i. Actually, I think I recorded. Did I put that up yet? I recorded a new one. No, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Yeah, no, I didn't. So tons of stuff. 25% off. Use the promo code Black Friday. And this time next year, dude, everything will be different. I'm telling you, if you're trying to make improvements, you got a big list of member discounts. We need some fresh member discounts, too.
Starting point is 00:41:31 I need to put some new member discounts in there. We've got good stuff, but we need to make it bigger. All the courses are free. 21st Century Home Security. I've got to get the Food Network course up in there. This is a lot of good stuff. This one I did with Dave Jones, the NBC guy, the 21st Century Home Security. Everybody should listen to that.
Starting point is 00:41:50 That's a huge one. Okay, Go to the website, sign up, 25% off. I think it's like $45 or something for the year. $48? I don't remember what the 25% deal is exactly, but it's way under $100 for a year membership. You get access to all this stuff and everything that's going to come out, everything that will come out. Do it. And click the link below because you got to dig deep into the crazy Ultimate Preppers Black Friday catalog. got to dig deep into the crazy ultimate preppers black friday catalog man it's phenomenal it's an amazing feat that we've created here with our great hosts and their books and their offerings
Starting point is 00:42:31 and incredible uh our incredible uh sponsors right we got our amazing sponsors they've done incredible stuff we got their deals in there this is for those of you who are streaming. I got the cover of it up. There's a great giveaway for a chest rig in there. There's a free book in there. There's a link to read the Christmas hook, my Christmas story in there. You can read that for free. There's a link in the Black Friday catalog. A lot of good stuff, man.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Amazing stuff. Amazing stuff. Amazing stuff. Food storage. Solar power. Great discounts. Backup antibiotics. Great discounts. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:16 You got to go through it. There's tons of awesome stuff. All right. Thanks, guys. Thanks for tuning in on this impromptu Saturday morning. It was not something I had planned i woke up like i said it just kind of came to me while i was laying there in bed and said you know i have been out of the media for a long time i've not looked at any headlines in a very long time let's go get a first take with the pbn family all. I leave you with an ad from our wonderful sponsor,
Starting point is 00:43:46 PacFresh USA. And we'll talk soon, folks. See ya. Reservation are at the heart Thank you. But they do all kinds of products. Go to and check out their Prepper University and order their box set of Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers. It's a 7-mil 100-pack of Mylar bags, oxygen absorbers, labels, and even a food storage guide.

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