The Prepper Broadcasting Network - I AM Liberty: Prepping from Zero

Episode Date: April 4, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to P.B.N. Your path back to stability. What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. Forbid it, almighty God. I know not what course others may take. As for me, give me liberty or give me death. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Yes. It's going to be one of them. America 24. Grievance du jour. America at war. Hey! Somebody get Lady Liberty up off the floor. America galore.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Traipsing up and down the streets of conspiracy and truth. Drunk and deplorable. Nothing rhymes with the chloro. Checky brown in my mind. Rigid in my spine. Hoping to change the times. Making little more than dimes over here. But it's all for the climbs.
Starting point is 00:02:33 America evermore. Where's Joe? Joe? Joe, what do you know? Fell down the plane steps. That was a rainy night, Checky Brown, City Walk. I am Liberty,
Starting point is 00:02:57 intro, freestyle, for your viewing pleasure. Listening pleasure. Thank you for joining me tonight, folks. I do appreciate you. Please tip your waitress. Visit Check out the wares.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Check out the wares. If you are new, go to or your podcast provider, and subscribe. Join the ranks. We are coming back from the dead in 2024. We started this year out. I started this year out a little nervous about the stats.
Starting point is 00:03:43 We took a hit in the new year. The world getting worse and worse, And somehow less people listening to PBN And all of a sudden You're back Coffee 9.07pm Unbelievable I'm starting from zero tonight PBN family I'm starting from zero tonight, PBN family.
Starting point is 00:04:06 I'm starting from zero for you, okay? I thought about, you know, even Glenn Beck tonight is doing a prepping 101. You know, my father the other day told me, everybody's talking about prepping, everybody's talking about prepping. Yeah, of course. Of course they are. Of course they're all talking about prepping. Of course. Of course they are. Of course they're all talking about prepping. What else can they do? If you have a quarter of a mind, you know that these are the steps that one must take.
Starting point is 00:04:38 I do worry. I do wonder often how much of this we are capable of absorbing. Do you ever wonder about the sheer absorption rate potential of the human mind? What are we really capable of absorbing? Like, what are the maximum limits? What are the upper limits of what humans can absorb in a day? How much horror? How much misery? How much anxiety? How much How much horror, how much misery, how much anxiety How much stimulation in general You know, like three, four years ago I used to say That I think by about 10 a.m. the average American's mind is totally roasted
Starting point is 00:05:16 Just overstimulated and destroyed By 10 a.m. And the rest of the day you're just pumping yourself with social media and talk or video or something to keep you going. Hey, might be earlier than that now. I have those days. I don't know if you guys have those days. You know, I'll get up and I'll put on Chantris.
Starting point is 00:05:49 You want to hear some weird, you know, what I haven't done for you, what I've, what I've historically done for you in the past PBN family is I've always told you about things that I'm doing and, uh, you know, about the things that, not often music, although Checky Brown is one of those things. But a lot of times talking heads, shows, podcasts that I listen to that I really enjoy. I have been listening in the mornings and in the afternoons to a, I guess you would call her a spiritual artist. Goes by the name of Chantris Seba. Chantris Seba. lady with a great voice and dreadlocks usually sitting in a field with another guy with quite frankly the uh the most spiritual mullet you'll ever see and a fine mustache to boot and a hand pan or an acoustic guitar. These guys, they do it, man. They just do it. I mean,
Starting point is 00:07:09 it's impressive. But I find myself listening to things like that in the morning. By 9 o'clock, I'm usually making breakfast, watching Glenn Beck's First Hour Live. It's the best thing that's on. Then I might tune into a podcast. And my time midday rolls around. Doing what I do, which is writing, I can't always listen to people talk, so a lot of times I have to just listen to gobbledygook, which is what I really like about the chantress, is that it's not really lyrics.
Starting point is 00:07:46 You know, it's really interesting. But by the time 12 o'clock rolls around some days, I'm so high on caffeine and distortion and titillation that I need a lunch break of nothing. I need a lunch break to just sit there and drool for a minute. And I think about the average person a lot, I wonder. I wonder how many people are in that boat. I wonder how much a human mind can take.
Starting point is 00:08:16 You know, how long is the Neuralink guy going to last? How long? When do they put the ads up on the Neuralink that you can't skip? You just wake up and there's an ad in your face. I can't see you, honey. I can't see you. I'm watching a Carvana ad. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:38 I don't think it'll happen. I saw Vanilla Sky when I was a teen. I watched Vanilla Sky in the movie theaters. How did I get into Vanilla Sky in the movie theaters. How did I get into Vanilla Sky in the movie theaters? What year did that come out? There is no way I was 18, was I? That movie was crazy for a young kid to see. Like nine times out of ten, that's what it was.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Yeah, December 14, 2001. Yeah, December 14, 2001. So I was, in 96, I would have been 10. Plus 4. Let's do this really good, right? So I was 15 years old sitting in the movie theater watching Vanilla Sky. No wonder life was so good growing up. Yeah, kid, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Go ahead on in there and watch that film. It's a good movie. I mean, you know, depends on what you can take in the movies. This is another thing, right? Sex, violence. Like, how much of that
Starting point is 00:09:42 can you take? How much can go into brain? Do you know what I mean? I think we're already kind of seeing like the upper limits of it. You know, the movies, they're changing a bit. The movies are certainly changing a bit. And I think they're going to get even more prudent as the years go on. going to get even more prudent as the years go on. I could be totally wrong. But what I want to talk about tonight is sort of, I wake up in my bed and it's April 4th, 2024. And I never jumped into prepping. I never, well, how do we want to frame this? Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:34 I never jumped into prepping. I never got into it. I saw it on the periphery. I didn't, you know, I went zero. I wake up, I go take a pee. And from out of the mirror, an arm grabs me by the neck. And it's me, looking back at me through the mirror from an alternate universe. And I'm yelling at myself like Flash to Batman in the Dawn of Justice.
Starting point is 00:11:05 What a dork. What would I tell myself? What advice would I give myself? What would I tell myself? In other words, I look out back, it's a grass yard, there's a swing set. Right. No chickens, no gardens.
Starting point is 00:11:24 There's no gun safe. I still got the same P95 Ruger I always had. And maybe a shotgun. I bought that pretty early on. I don't know if I was into prepping when I bought that. I think I was though actually. So probably the old P95. My wife's not carrying a gun.
Starting point is 00:11:45 All the things, right, that we've done through all these years. There's no hydroponics hum driving me crazy out on the front porch. What they don't tell you about the hydroponics is the maddening hum. It's just the way I got it set up right now. It's kind of maddening, actually. The kale in the hydroponics system is finally getting somewhere where I feel like I haven't completely failed. I just took sprouted basil and added that to the system. And in all honesty, PBN family, if I get kale and I get lots of basil out of this experiment, I'm going to be very happy. If I can step out on the front porch, grab a bunch of delicious basil,
Starting point is 00:12:27 walk back in the house, make pesto, finish my tomato sauce, whatever, eat a caprese, then I'll be happy, you know? If it's anything less than that, you'll never hear me say the word hydroponics again. I can promise you that. This is year three, version three of that system. And I'm telling you, I'll go outside and plant. If I planted those kale seeds that I planted, if I planted them in the ground, I'd already be eating kale. Now that could be user error. I don't know, but it doesn't matter to me at this point. I'm done being a scientist with that. I'm done figuring it out. Some things just have to work. They have to yield. You know how many results. You wouldn't get chickens five times in a row and have them produce one egg. I have so many eggs. It's the best.
Starting point is 00:13:26 It's like gold. It's what it feels like to me when I have an abundance. It's gold. It's like knowing tomorrow, the coffee, the bacon, the eggs. I mean, really, with coffee, bacon, and eggs, good luck screwing my morning up. You know what I mean? So had I started from zero, PBN family, what would I do?
Starting point is 00:13:59 If I woke up April 4th, no preps, nothing, zero, Nathan, nada. Where would I begin? Now, there will be a bit of advice giving from future self to current self, but it's probably worth noting. All right? Get these commercials out of the way. We're going to get into this prepping from zero here on the Prepper Broadcasting Network. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down
Starting point is 00:14:26 and highly affordable monthly payments? is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your Prepper mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase. Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid Commander, and I'm holding The Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy, MD. In this great book, you'll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid.
Starting point is 00:15:12 You'll learn about assessment and stabilization. You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. Look, 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the Prepper's Medical Handbook today at Again, that's the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy. PBN family, come in. I need your help. I need backup. The Collapse Survivor app has killed me off two times now.
Starting point is 00:15:51 The current simulation I'm trapped in is almost too believable. You will also get real-life threat alerts from Fortitude Ranch and have the option to manage your entire prepper inventory. Go to the App Store, download the Collapse Survivor app, and be prepared to test your might. Hello. Welcome to the podcast. Present your vaccine passport.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Enter your social credit score, and be sure you have enough remaining carbon credits to enjoy today's show. PBN Family, your garden is the resistance. Back to it, PBN Family. So what advice given? Where would I start? Where would I begin if I woke up? April 4th, no preparations whatsoever. You know what would probably be fun?
Starting point is 00:17:00 Also, if you're out there, I do have Skype open. And I did promise you all that I would take calls tonight. Let me verify the call-in line. You could also give us a ring and talk about whether or not, or what, rather, information or advice you would give. You guys know me relatively well. The call-in number is 804-767-7171. No, I don't have it memorized. 804-767-7171, okay?
Starting point is 00:17:39 If I'm going through something, you know, the motivation here, in case you haven't caught on yet, there's new people every day getting into prepping. What should they do? And instead of me going, the first thing you need to do is you need to go out and you need to buy. Right? I thought this would be a fun way to do it. So if you feel so inclined, dial in 804-767-7171 and give the commander advice on how to do something with his Sundays other than watch football.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Before I got into preparedness, guys, there are some things that I had going for me, right? Fisherman. Spent a lot of time in the woods and waters because of that. Pretty fit at the time. All the physical fitness and some of the self-defense training, not all, but some of it, the core basics of boxing and heavy bag and that kind of stuff were going on. So, and of course, you know, at the time I was a chef, so food preparation, ingredient recognition, butchering skills, that kind of stuff, inventory management, all of food, food safety. You know, I, a lot of times I play this game where I'm like, I wasn't in the military, so I wasn't really worth a damn coming into prepping.
Starting point is 00:19:16 And that's kind of a lie. That's pretty much a cop out on my side. I brought a lot of things to prepping, um, that I didn't have to learn that I didn't have to prepping That I didn't have to learn That I didn't have to take advantage I didn't have to take the time to really hone in and learn You know what I mean The cooking and the food preservation And that kind of stuff Were things that I had done
Starting point is 00:19:40 At a professional level For years Right And fishing too Fishing's a big one. But outside of that, pretty useless. Pretty much ineffective. Writing, trying to get books published,
Starting point is 00:19:56 trying to get some kind of weird fiction published or anything, nonfiction, diaries. Married, one child. Or at this point, I'd be married with two children. They wouldn't be in public school because my wife, even when I wasn't prepping, was all about getting the kids into a good school. That was her experience. I was in public school. And you know, that's why I don't go to the circus anymore. Because I lived it. So the first thing that that I would do, I guess I'd wake up and I'd say to myself, the world is very crazy. You know, it's very crazy. I'd be watching some movie downstairs on Amazon
Starting point is 00:20:46 Prime or Netflix or something. And I'd be saying, you know, the world is getting very crazy. You know what? I may have had a garden. I did always have gardens. Now that I think about it, gardens were always important because I always wanted good tomatoes. So I may have had a little garden. I wouldn't have any perennial plants. There'd be no perennials out there, so if it were April 4th, I wouldn't really necessarily have a garden. At best, I'd have radishes popping through the ground maybe and maybe some English peas just starting to peak up
Starting point is 00:21:16 depending on the year. And beyond that, nothing. Beyond that, nothing, right? I'd be thinking to myself, I probably would be doing some level of threat analysis, right? I guess the first step that anybody would take is some sort of threat analysis, right? Like, I wouldn't be a rich guy. I'd be in the food industry. I'd probably still be working for Feedmore, the food bank here in Richmond, Virginia, because I really did enjoy that job. It really saved me, pulled me out of the rigors of restaurant and corporate catering, gave me a chance to be much more of a family man than I ever could have been. Nothing like now. But, you know, from chef to a guy who worked a nine to five, it's way better life off on the weekends. So, I think the very first thing that I would do is probably on a sodden spring morning.
Starting point is 00:22:27 A cobalt blue spring morning. You know those kind? They're my favorite. Those spring mornings where you're up, the coffee's on, maybe something's on TV, the rain's falling, the sun's trying to come up, but it really has no effect. And all it does is turn the world outside like Egyptian blue. And I sit there and I look at that and I'm like, oh my God. I never want it to go away. Like a hoodie on, you know what I mean? A movie on, a hoodie on, a coffee on. The whole of life on.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Your finger on the pulse of the universe I mean, they're the best I don't know how many people even see them, take notice But this time of year, you can catch them If you wake up early this time of year, you can catch them There's a lot of rain around the nation right now So keep your eyes peeled for those cobalt mornings And enjoy them
Starting point is 00:23:24 They inspire a great greed in me Keep your eyes peeled for those cobalt mornings and enjoy them. They inspire a great greed in me. You know, I realize like a thousand lifetimes wouldn't give me enough of these rainy blue mornings. So with that as my setting, I'd be on the couch, you know, contemplating local threats. Antifa, you know, BLMs and the rioting populations, Palestinian spray painting or Palestinian movement rioters, protesters, whatever you want to call them, pardon me, spray painting things on trash cans and on buildings in the city, I see it. Wondering to myself, if they spray paint free Gaza on a building, is that enough to keep them at bay?
Starting point is 00:24:20 Or is that just the beginning? Do you understand? or is that just the beginning? Do you understand? Wondering, of course, about food, but probably wondering about World War III and about nuclear war and about probably overestimating the size and scope of a nuclear weapon hitting Washington, D.C. Never even wondering about a nuclear weapon hitting Norfolk, right? For what? Why?
Starting point is 00:24:56 In the mind that I had before all this prepping madness, that would have never crossed my mind. Ports, defense, you know, naval yards as attack points. None of that existed in my head. I would have said, yeah, you blow up the White House. The Russians will blow the White House up or the Chinese. That makes sense. Independence Day, alien style. alien style. So I imagine I would be brought into sort of like a deep anxiety over, you know, just that, the threats that loom. I'd have to imagine that I would address food first. I would address food first. And if I were in the position where I had a small garden, and that's all, and hadn't done anything to try and get chickens legalized here or ever had chickens, I have to imagine what I'd do next would be the same thing I'd tell you guys to do. And if you can't grow anything,
Starting point is 00:26:03 if you're in a suburban or even an urban situation where you're shaded out by big, beautiful trees that you love, you can't get chickens, you know, whatever. is I would start to develop a deeper relationship with the people from the farmer's market down the street. That's what I would do first. We wouldn't have a community garden, so I wouldn't have that either. That was clearly out of preparedness. That whole initiative in my neighborhood came straight out of prepping as a means to bring our community together. And it, you know, it has its ups and downs.
Starting point is 00:26:53 So, yeah, I think food would be the first thing I would address. I would likely address it with budget in mind and probably begin by putting boxes of food on the pantry and cans of food in the pantry. Because I would understand the potential of long-term storage of canned food. I would understand boxed dry goods and that kind of thing. I would probably move towards Mountain House and those types of things. They would make more sense to me than putting rice in five-gallon buckets. Not that I wouldn't understand the concept of having lots of rice in the house, but maybe I
Starting point is 00:27:41 would never have imagined taking a sack of rice, putting it into a metal metallic bag that heat seals and putting it in a bucket. I probably would, if I had the money, I probably would, um, purchase some survival food. I think I'd go that direction. You know, Survival food. I think I'd go that direction. I might even fall for something like a Four Patriots ad. You know what I mean? Buy a 72-hour kit.
Starting point is 00:28:22 And I say fall for because not that a Four Patriots 72-hour kit is not a great thing to have on hand. It's just my cost for bucketing food up myself is so much different and better. So I have to imagine that food would be a thing. Food would be a thing. It would probably be one of the first things. It would probably be one of the first things. I have to imagine that. And this, I'm going off of some of the steps I did take before I was a prepper, but as I was awakening. And I remember it as clear as day. I remember watching the Flores guy.
Starting point is 00:29:02 I can't remember the Flores guy's name. Ray Flores or something. Mark Reynolds is with us. What is up? Garden Girl. I'm so sorry. How you guys doing? Thanks so much for joining in. Mark Reynolds says, just saying hello and hope all are staying as sane as possible in crazy times. Well, I'll tell you right now, man. It helps to be prepped up. But I remember watching this Flores character on a show that you guys may have watched as well. Let's see if I can find it. Flores, survival host. I'm pretty sure find it. Flores Survival Host.
Starting point is 00:29:47 I'm pretty sure his name's Flores. Is that him, Jace Flores? Better known by his screen name is Filipino from what the buh-buh. Is that him? That might not be him. No, that's a survivor guy from the Survivor Show. I don't know. I can't remember it.
Starting point is 00:30:10 But basically, the show was an urban survival show. And this guy was making his way through sort of an urban environment. And he was showing you where to get gasoline from a gas station, how to take the cap off, how to siphon the gas out. He was showing you how to cross a bridge using paracord and a grappling hook, which I don't think that method would ever work now that I think about it, for the average person anyway. For the average person, anyway. So, I remember clearly watching this guy while I was updating the locks and deadbolts in my home. And this was early, early, early, early.
Starting point is 00:31:00 I think I was home with my son, maybe. I can't remember all the details. But I think my second order of effects would be fortification of the home. Fortification of the home. Now, there's a good chance I would have never heard of a company named, the company that produces door armor, which is a really great prep, guys. You know, it's just basically steel plating for your door frames. You know, it makes them impossible to crowbar, right? And you can install the steel plating on your hinges. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Your hinges. You can also install the steel plating on from Door Armor. I should contact those guys and see if they want to be a sponsor here at PBN because the Door Armor is legit. It's been on my house so long that I forget about it. It doesn't even cross my mind. It's weird, right? It's one of those preps that's been around so many years, 10 plus years. You don't have to think about it.
Starting point is 00:32:12 You don't have to worry about it. It's called door armor. And it sits right there. You install it, drill it into your wall, into your door frame, deep screws, same thing with your hinges. You can put plates, metal plates on both your strike pad, your striking pad, strike panel, what's it called? Anyway, you fortify your entire door, essentially. And, you know, you'll wake up before anybody winds up getting in. You know, that's assuming you have no other alarms of any kind. I wouldn't be out there rigging up tripwires.
Starting point is 00:32:52 But I can tell you I would probably begin by upgrading the security in my home. If it were 2024, April 4th, 2024, I would invest in probably solar floodlights. Solar floodlights are great. They work well. They're super bright. They're super affordable. I think I got solar floodlights around here for like $35 each. Highly effective.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Motion sensitive. The whole thing right why do you get the solar you get the solar so that the worst case scenario you got a floodlight right you want a floodlight in the worst case scenario you want a floodlight when there's no power right that's when you want a floodlight so you know set it up properly make sure it That's when you want a floodlight. So, you know, set it up properly. Make sure it gets enough sun and you have floodlight. That's an important one for me. Put that up. Put some kind of exterior excess lighting.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Remember, this is not me preparing. This is not me waking up and the world is collapsed. This is me waking up and realizing the world is collapsing, and I'm totally unprepared for it. That's the concept here. And we've deduced thus far that I would first begin with a threat analysis. I wouldn't know what a threat analysis was, but I think just by nature of living on the planet and reading the day-to-day news, you would start to tell yourself, you know, there's a lot of threats. Let's order these things in likelihood of killing me and my family, right? I guess I would create probably, in the midst of addressing food concerns and security concerns,
Starting point is 00:34:56 I would probably create, along with threat analysis, some kind of a window of time. Do you know what I mean? And I would have to imagine that window of time would have to be November. I think I would say, all right, we've got to give our all because we're not exactly sure what's going to happen after November. And by January, it could be much worse, right? By January, we could be looking back longingly for November. Because in January is when, if Donald Trump is to win the election, the House will have no problem because they're incapable of – in the same way that white people are incapable of experiencing racism, the Democrats are incapable of conducting an insurrection. So don't worry. They won't be hauled off to sit in a jail cell for six months or solitary confinement while they wait for their trial. Don't worry. But I'd give myself some kind
Starting point is 00:36:12 of time window, some kind of time frame when we're going to get all this stuff done by. How much of this stuff can we get done realistically? Though I didn't start carrying a handgun until 2017 i think with the having lived through the pandemic having seen the blm riots having you know ever gone on twitter even once um i think pretty soon after those things i would consider what what's it going to take to carry a firearm every day? What's the concealed carry permit process? What do I have to do to be able to carry a firearm?
Starting point is 00:36:53 You know? Now's where it's getting interesting, right? Because we're talking about the first steps. And I'm somewhat guessing. You know, it's all hypothetical. But I'm telling myself that I would do a threat analysis. I would concern myself with food. I would concern myself with security of the home in particular, and then I would concern myself with firearms and protection in that regard.
Starting point is 00:37:28 I think that's pretty good. I'm going completely off the cuff here. I think that's pretty good. I think that's a pretty good start. I wonder when I would get to water. Now, see, we do have a creek. So it may take me a long time before I think about water the way that I need to think about it. You know, I think it would take a long time for me to realize, oh, I need water. I need a way to clean water. I need a way to filter. I need a way to, you know, boil, all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Because remember, I wouldn't have any skills whatsoever in terms of bushcraft outside of fishing and whatever rudimentary navigation I learned just from being in the woods. I mean, I've only really been failed by navigation once in my life. No, twice. So I got a pretty good instinct In terms of, you know, finding The sun and
Starting point is 00:38:29 You know, all that kind of stuff Wilderness survival skills Could come up Could come up next You have to understand And a lot of people don't know this part of my story But it's a part worth telling. It's a very interesting
Starting point is 00:38:47 bit of intrepid commander lore. When I got here, I guess they didn't change the mail over effectively. And I started getting these magazines from my neighbor. I'm sorry, magazines from my neighbor.
Starting point is 00:39:06 I'm sorry, not from my neighbor, for the person who lived here before me. And I started getting these magazines called Cheaper Than Dirt. I don't even know if they're around anymore. I know they got a website, but they used to mail out hard copy magazines, sales magazines, monthly. And I'd get this Cheaper Than Dirt magazine, man, and I'd look at the front of it, and the front of it was all guns and gun parts and ammunition, stuff I didn't care about, and, but then as you got to the back,
Starting point is 00:39:35 it started to get a little weird, it started to get a little spy geary, it started to get a little preppery, started to get a little gas masky, started to get a little gas-masky, started to get a little hidden compartment-y, a little survival cash-y, a little ammo can-y, right? And in a way, those magazines started to turn me. They started to turn me. It turned out the guy who lived here before me was ill. It was part of the reason they were selling. And he died, you know. I'll never forget it under the house. This big metal chest. Not really a chest, big metal container with a hinged lid. And I drug it out one day, thought it'd be filled with spiders and stuff, but I wanted to see what, you know, it's my house, what's underneath of it. It's my house now.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Responsible for this stuff. And I opened that thing up and it was full of all kinds of stuff. All kinds of hunting, camping and trapping gear Some urine For scent A single man tent A beautiful orange beanie that I still wear today Blaze orange vests, paw traps. What else was in there? Just a variety of these items that were all related to sort of outdoorsy stuff,
Starting point is 00:41:21 hunting, trapping, camping. And I always joke that when I lifted that lid, the condensed spirit of the man who lived here before me who was way more switched on than me, right? Because he was getting these cheaper-than-dirt magazines and he was also doing those kinds of things. I always joke that that spirit possessed me in that moment. Like his spirit came out of that metal container and possessed me. And from then on, it was just him battling for my attention,
Starting point is 00:41:56 pushing me in the right direction. And I don't know, man. It always seemed that way to me. I know it's a wacky way to put it. It's a wacky way to put it it's a wacky take but it always felt that way to me it really did it always felt like he had a hand in it
Starting point is 00:42:14 there was some kind of a hand in it all so those things would have been found eventually and I have to imagine that That bushcraft and sort of survivalist skill thing Would be where I'd go next Because I, like many people Would not have a bug out location
Starting point is 00:42:37 I, like many people, would understand that If I had to leave in a hurry And something were to affect the roads or my ability to use my vehicle, that we would make that error that so many people make, which is we're going to head to the woods to live. You know what I mean? And overnight, I'm going to go from 9 to 5 chef to militant bushcraft, hunting, fishing, trapping expert. And my family's going to love it. And they're going to live in a hut made of sticks. And they're going to stay warm all winter in a hut made of sticks with a fire in it. And we're all going to eat well on tubers and
Starting point is 00:43:27 tiny fruits and meager rations of meat that we have to figure out how to preserve over months. And that's my bug out plan. That's going to go well. And this is one of the reasons I always caution you guys to like, calm down with the bushcraft shelter building. We do bushcraft for preppers on the membership side, and we do it because there are some bushcraft skills, trapping, wood carving, amongst others, fire making, of course, that I think are really essential. But truth be told, there's a lot of stuff out there you shouldn't be wasting your time on. If you want to do it in your free time, that's another thing, right? But learning to build an A-frame, learning to build a lean-to shelter, it's not high on the, shouldn't be high on your priority list. You should be saying to yourself, I need a better answer. For if my family and I are thrust out of our home,
Starting point is 00:44:26 the next step should not be the unforgiving wilderness. Because other than right now, there's really no good time to have a family completely entirely living in the woods for extended period you know like right now is about the best time um because there's no bugs it's relatively uh warm at least in my neck of the woods it's gonna get cold tomorrow but it's relatively warm decent you. You're not going to freeze. Um, and you know, those conditions are important. It's not too overgrown. You can get around a little bit. You won't be, you know, punished by poison ivy or oak or sumac. But before long, the bugs will come, the ticks will come, the chiggers will come, the mosquitoes will come. The hot temperatures. Sleeping at night when it's 79 degrees in the woods is not nice, not fun, really.
Starting point is 00:45:32 And now imagine being piled on top of your family with it. Do you know what I mean? So, but I imagine I would fall into that trap. I think a lot of people do fall into that trap, and I don't think it's because there's anything wrong with them. I don't think it's because it's a lack of intelligence or anything like that. It's just so many things about prepping. The average person doesn't know,
Starting point is 00:45:59 and they don't even know what they don't know, right? They're putting this thing together in their head under complete stress. And no matter when you got into prepping, that's likely the case. It's likely the case that you got into this thing under duress. You weren't living a great life looking around saying, man, everything is wonderful. Instead of going out on a hike this weekend, I'm going to put rice in buckets for the fun of it.
Starting point is 00:46:32 You know what I mean? You don't get there that way. You arrive at the doorstep of preparedness because you're scared, you're nervous, you're worried. So then you're forced to make decisions with that in the back of your head. And, you know, they can't all be great. They can't all be great, right? Good night, Mark. We do appreciate you, my man.
Starting point is 00:46:52 And, yeah, dig deep into this group. Got a lot of good people here. They're over there in the Element chat, folks. You go to You go to the live show up there on the nav bar. And you can join the live show. You can join the live chat. It's very easy. Go in Element, sign up. And if you like it, if you go in the live chat and you're like, man, I like this Element business. This is kind of cool. Encrypted chat room just for the PBN family. I like it.
Starting point is 00:47:26 chat room just for the pbn family i like it i got a bunch of rooms i'll invite you to okay if you're a member and you're not in element you're doing yourself a grave disservice we have a members only room i put all the notifications to new members content into that members only room members first looks, podcasts, all kinds of stuff comes through that members only room in Element. Please get in there. If you're not in there, reach out to me. Say, hey, I want to get in there. It's great. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:59 So. I'd play around with this idea for a while that I'm going to be Tarzan because I wouldn't be able to wrap my head around my family's needs, I don't think, and desires and the very realities of the people that you're going to be surviving with. the very realities of the people that you're going to be surviving with. It's not like what we did a month ago, two months ago now, with Gotham Get Out. What Ben the Breaker of Banksters, Future Dan and myself, and Dave Jones did that day, that night,
Starting point is 00:48:48 I would never want to do that with my family. If that were the situation that I were in with my family, and listen, we were outfitted really well. Like if it wasn't so late and so cold, we could have made an even better shelter and been even kept even warmer. But to imagine being in that situation with my family, it's really, really bad. Really bad, you know? So, you know, just being aware of that. Overestimating my abilities, probably another thing I'd be doing. Lamenting budget, probably a thing that I'd be doing. Lamenting that I only have this amount of dollars to put into the survival of my family, which is a problem that all preppers, particularly early on, struggle with, right? I've only got this much money to put into prepping this week, this month, whatever,
Starting point is 00:49:44 and the freaking world's falling apart. I have to imagine that eventually I'd wind up at backup power, probably before first aid. I'm sure there are certain medications, medications certainly over bandages and things like that, maybe hydration, that I would store in excess. Because in my head it would just make sense. But as far as the learning of skills and the acquiring of books like William Forgy's Prepper's Medical Handbook, I wouldn't have any of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:24 I wouldn't have the giant doomsday book of medicine, you know, which is a great one. I wouldn't have that stuff. For what? I wouldn't have Dave Canterbury's Bushcraft First Aid. I don't know how long it would take for me to get into prepping deep enough where I would say to myself, I need these hard copy books. And then to figure out what those hard copy books even look like.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Which ones I need. I do have a book list, a reading, a master sort of reading list that I need to get you guys. It's a collection of books. Sort of all about, sort of like the reading list you would want to have. It's pretty cool. One of, you know, the 7,000 projects I'm working on at any given moment.
Starting point is 00:51:21 So I'd want to shore up food. I think if I started buying survival food, then that might turn my head and my attention towards water, possibly. But I know for a fact I'd want to keep the cell phones on. I'd want to keep the lights on. I'd want to keep some entertainment on. That'd be a big deal. I was accosted by my brother-in-law when I bought a generator. I'll never forget it.
Starting point is 00:51:47 And actually, I think I would have a generator because I didn't buy the generator because I was a prepper. I bought the generator because when we got here, we got a lot of trees, big, beautiful trees. It's an old neighborhood. And when I got here, they were falling into the power lines all the time. So our power was out all the time until my wife and I said, you know what, let's take our tax return this year and buy a generator. So we would have that. So maybe I would consider having more gasoline on hand. That could be something.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Backup power solution is very important. Would we know that? We may consider an evacuation, maybe something like that, an evacuation plan. I'm not sure. It would be a slow and prodding process, you know. Because it is. And that's what you have to remember. Particularly if you're listening to this, taking notes and going,
Starting point is 00:52:52 maybe I should start this way. It may, I mean, it may work. You also got to consider the skill set you come with and how that affects your early days in preparedness. But not until eight years in, in all honesty, seven, eight years, something like that, did I start to say, like, I'm getting somewhere now. You know, the first two years of prepping, well, I didn't have the resources that are out there now. But there were still some decent resources, you know.
Starting point is 00:53:27 But those first couple years, man, I was doing all kinds of things wrong. I was thinking wrong. I was buying the wrong things. I was packing the wrong things. So you'd have to add in for that, too. You've got to add in for those failures. But it really is one foot in front of the other. You know, if you're ill prepared or not prepared at all, it really comes, or even if you're very prepared, it is still the myth of Sisyphus, right? It's pushed the rock up the hill every day.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Now, at my point, it really does become a lot about maintenance, I'll tell you that much. You get to where I am now, and you start to worry a lot more about maintenance of preps and of prepping processes and of skills, right? Because when you're new, you start acquiring new skills. And when you acquire a new skill, you're like, oh, this is really cool. But then as years go on, that skill that you acquired begins to diminish, and you've got to step the game up, bring it back to life, hone it, shave it, sharpen it, right? I wouldn't have my people. I wouldn't have the great hosts here at the Prepper Broadcasting Network. I wouldn't have Rick Austin and the
Starting point is 00:54:57 Prepper Camp family over there. That would be the greatest wound of all. That would be the gaping, chest-sucking wound that would make it the hardest. If I woke up tomorrow completely unprepared, is that I wouldn't have my team. I wouldn't have my local community. I wouldn't have my Virginia preppers. I wouldn't have my greater United States PBN family,
Starting point is 00:55:38 U.S. and Canada, right? All of you incredible people who, you know, Whether you know it or not Play a role in my overall preparedness And the best thing that you can do If you're listening to my words right now Trying to take things to the next level Is to dig into this PBN family I mean it really is
Starting point is 00:56:02 I'm going to end it there folks I hope you enjoyed the little thought experiment Probably worth doing to yourself Learn a lot But it's 10pm folks I've had it It's been a hell of a long day I'm gonna sign off I'm going to sign off.
Starting point is 00:56:25 I'm going to go lay in my comfy bed with my wonderful wife and dream sweet dreams without care. I hope you do the same. Talk soon, everybody. See you. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another
Starting point is 00:56:45 great show and visit us at

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