The Prepper Broadcasting Network - I have set before you LIFE & DEATH

Episode Date: July 14, 2024

Choose life, PBN Family...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil. In that I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in his ways and to keep his commandments, his statutes, and his judgments. That you may live and multiply, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land in which you go to possess. But if your heart turns away so that you do not hear and are drawn away and worship other gods and serve them, I announce to you today that you shall surely perish.
Starting point is 00:00:55 You shall not prolong your days in the land which you cross over the Jordan to go in and possess. I call heaven and earth as witness today against you that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life that both you and your descendants may live. There's Moses
Starting point is 00:01:27 talking to his people and reminding them of the covenant with God and reminding them that they have the power to decide. And it is up to them to make the choice between life and death. And from the moment that the assassination attempt on Donald Trump
Starting point is 00:01:46 Was conducted This was all that was ringing in my ears It's all that was ringing in my Give you the choice between life and death Because that You know The world will be Wrapped up in conspiracy
Starting point is 00:02:04 Now It could be For decades who knows The world will be wrapped up in conspiracy now. It could be for decades. Who knows? We just don't know. But I can tell you right now I'm seeing things you couldn't even fathom in terms of what's being put together in your head. In fact, in people's heads about what happened. You're going to hear about it tonight. After the Changing Earth podcast. I just read a.
Starting point is 00:02:32 A graphic. A. Chart. Put together by Future Dan. That is so comprehensive. I'm not even really smart enough. Or versed enough in the terms to understand it i mean i think i get it for the most part but it will be interesting to hear his take
Starting point is 00:02:51 because he is he is on the road of conspiracy and he's way down he's way down the road he's like one of the main guys down in the chamber with the torch leading others so i'll be interested to see his take in full in sort of full description but most importantly to me with the you know with all these sort of controversies and conspiracies that will come out over what happened is you know the motivation the biggest thing to me is what what's motivation, number one, to set up so many moving parts? And how then do we describe the failure of the effort? You know, in other words, to have a bunch of moving parts to make it look like some random Antifa guy from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, Western PA, takes a shot at the president and gets killed,
Starting point is 00:03:48 why create that narrative if it resulted in a, you know, a bullet shooting through the president, top of the president's ear? I don't know. My instincts tell me different, okay? I'm not going to spend all my time on this. I'm not going to spend my life on figuring out how exactly it happened and who was behind it. Mainly because, you know, there's a bunch of people doing it very close to me already.
Starting point is 00:04:19 So why? The reason I'm getting to you so late, I had this planned over coffee this morning. And this is an important thing to remember too, PBN family. You know, I had plans. Yeah, my son and I were to go to the gun show at the Richmond Raceway this morning, and we did. And we walked around and we talked about life. We talked about things other than what happened yesterday. And we looked at guns
Starting point is 00:04:48 and there were a bunch of people there talking about life and doing life and looking at guns. I don't know, you know. To be honest with you, I was kind of surprised to get there around 11.30
Starting point is 00:04:59 that it wasn't nearly as packed as I thought it would be. nearly as packed as I thought it would be. Not a lot of stories to tell. You know, it was a gun show. There was a lot of cool stuff, a lot of great guns,
Starting point is 00:05:15 a lot of cool ammo, tactical gear, so on and so forth. It was life. You know, it was life. Not death. All my, I have to give you my instinctual look. I have to give you my high level and instinctual overview of what matters in all of this.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Number one, because like I said, I'm not a student of these massive JFK style conspiracies. I don't get excited about it. And, you know, with me, if I'm not excited about it. And you know. With me. If I'm not excited about it. It's not going to be good. So. Again. Future Dan.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Ben the Breaker. The Banksters. I think. The NBC guy. They're all going to be on later tonight. And talking about this stuff in detail. What I can give you. You all know the facts by now. You all know what's being said and what's been said.
Starting point is 00:06:07 You know about the shooter's name and who he is and who he was and what his life was like. You might even know what his mother was like, that he lost his father and his father was the owner of the AR-15 and his father was a veteran and so on and so forth. And so on and so forth. You know. You take disenfranchised youth.
Starting point is 00:06:32 And you mobilize them. And the more we learn about this guy. The more we realize. That kind of sounds like what it is. With this kid. It sounds like. His first friend group. Was a group in discord online who you know finally took an interest in him outside of just bullying him and making fun of him and that's no fun way to grow
Starting point is 00:06:55 up you know what i mean and it sucks but it is you know life and it has been happening probably since the dawn of time so i wouldn't say that the bullying of an individual. Can turn them into someone who decides to take a shot at the president. But I do think that the shooter was a creation of our world. I don't think that he was a creation of the lizards. I really do think that he was a creation of this world. He was a creation of our departure from the concept of choose life or choose death. Our departure from God Almighty and the principles of our nation, the decency the fact that this kid was a young white male from the Midwest.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Not necessarily the, I guess, I don't know. I don't know where the Midwest starts. But a, I guess, Western PA doesn't really qualify. Maybe it does I don't know But From a rural area Bethel Park PA
Starting point is 00:08:11 I've never even heard of it until yesterday Who grew up with a liberal mother You know Public school The whole thing When you grow up The way that these kids are growing up, you know, you're a demon. The white man is a demon.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Men are demons. White men are the worst of them all. They're a scourge on the earth, and all the terrible things that have happened, including climate change, the very things that have happened Including climate change The very thing that's going to end the world Is, you know Just is what it is
Starting point is 00:08:51 It's who you are, it's a part of you You can't wash it off You take that into account With the fact that the world has changed so rapidly It's almost impossible for us to keep up with Is the world ending? Is it not ending? Are the volcanoes going to erupt tomorrow
Starting point is 00:09:08 when the sea levels rise to swallow up Bethel, PA and me and my mom? I don't know. Should I even consider a romantic relationship? I know I probably shouldn't have kids. It wouldn't be very responsible of me as a good liberal to have children, bring children into this world.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Now, I have read that he's been at a few different events. A few different Antifa appearances, Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, I think. And, you know, this speaks to this idea, you know what I mean? This idea that I found people. I spent my middle school and my high school running for my life and I finally found people through Discord. And it feels good. It feels good to find somebody who cares about me and doesn't make fun of me
Starting point is 00:10:06 and sort of aligns with what I align with. And my mom's real proud because I'm, you know, even though I'm a registered Republican, I'm hanging out with these people who seem to get it. They seem to get what my mom's been telling me all these years. And that feels good, too. It feels good to not just be a problem for my mother because I'm always getting bullied at school and so on. And that feels good too. It feels good to not just be a problem for my mother. Because I'm always getting bullied at school and so on.
Starting point is 00:10:36 This is just what my instincts tell me, PBN family. They tell me that, you know, and look, look at the suicide data, man. And why is this on my heart so bad? I don't want you to think it's because I'm looking for a reason to forgive what this kid did. I don't want you to think that this is a big bowl of empathy for this one young white man. It's because I study and I listen and I am enraptured and have been for probably two years now on the topic of dudes giving up on life. I'm blown away by young men who haven't even hardly lived giving up on life, whether that be giving up on relationships with women,
Starting point is 00:11:21 whether that be giving up on working, whether that be giving up on America and moving away Whether that be giving up on Life altogether and committing Suicide I am totally Roped in To this concept
Starting point is 00:11:40 To this cultural movement That is growing and insane. Not insane in a way like it doesn't make any sense, but insane in its scope. This is merely a reminder of how dangerous it is to disenfranchise young men at large. Because they become susceptible To anything and everything Particularly if there's camaraderie And family
Starting point is 00:12:11 And all of the above Available And my gut tells me that This kid was gonna do something And he was gonna to do something. And he was going to go do a terrible thing. But his friends would applaud him for it. And I think he thought to himself, I don't really understand why I'm here.
Starting point is 00:12:37 I don't have any great aspirations. You know what I mean? I think that the best thing I could possibly do with my life is to use it to take the life of Donald Trump who I've been told for the last I mean for all of my my teenage years fundamentally if you think about the kid right the kids at 20 years old so from the time he was 11 12 years old his mother's probably been railing about Donald Trump the media has been railing about Donald Trump the most popular people in the world celebrities world been railing about Donald Trump. The media's been railing about Donald Trump. The most popular people in the world, celebrities, world leaders, railing about Donald Trump. And here this kid is who's been bullied his whole life. And finally it's getting traction.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Right? He's finally, I got some Antifa buddies. You know what I mean? Thinking the most worthwhile thing I can do in my stupid life. In his Instagram profile, it even says life sucks slash 20 years old. If that's legit. So you got a kid who spends most of his time sitting up in his room playing Call of Duty. He's out of school, which is a detriment in many ways.
Starting point is 00:13:44 You know, kids don't like to admit it but you leave school and he was a smart kid he was got a math award and stuff like that all that goes out the window all of a sudden you stop getting prizes you're not on a football team you're not on the you know basketball team you're not around your friends all the time whatever the situation is it's like retiring to some degree and you realize it's like retiring to some degree, and you realize it's like, okay, laid before me is the bleakness of life, the bleakness of life where people can't seem to afford houses, they can't meet girls, you know, the girls they meet are crazy, they can't, you know what I mean, they lose their girls to other guys who have more resources, and so on, it's just a bowl of heartbreak, and misery,
Starting point is 00:14:21 and depression, and you know, maybe 20 years is enough. Maybe this is my opportunity. What are the odds that I ever get a chance like this again? Maybe I'm naive. Maybe I'm over-influenced by the fact that young men in this country are lost. Lost because the traditional rug has been pulled out from under them. Particularly white men have been just told to go to the back of the line and forget about, you know, give the best positions up to minorities, give the best positions up to women.
Starting point is 00:15:03 That's what your job is now. You've had it good enough for long enough. I don't care if your life's ruined. We're here for progress and you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs. And I feel like, just like I said on January 6th, you beat people to death for 10 years on a subject. You tell them they're no good for 10 years. Some people can't handle it. Now, I also think the failure came from the fact that they were in Trump country. And the DEI installed head of Secret Service was a woman who probably was not the most qualified.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Was guaranteed was not the most qualified, was guaranteed was not the most qualified person for the job and decided, hey, we're in Butler, Pennsylvania. This is deep red country. You know, good enough. We've done good enough. We don't have to worry about somebody coming out of the woodwork to shoot Donald Trump in Butler, PA. This is his world.
Starting point is 00:16:04 And of course, you know, they got that all wrong. So I don't know, some of you might be let down. Some of you might be upset that I'm not sitting here telling you that it was Bill Gates and his friends and, you know, they all figured out that this, based on the way that the stars aligned and the timing and so on and so forth, that now was the time to take out Donald. You might not be satisfied with the fact
Starting point is 00:16:40 that all throughout this world, even in America, you know, the most explosive breakout song that Richmond, North of Richmond, described this situation exactly, you know? And it resonated with people. Young men are putting themselves six feet in the ground because all this damn country does is keep kicking them down. It's an epidemic. It's an absolute epidemic. And while it's terrible, and you made the decision to do it and you got what you deserve for doing it, in my opinion,
Starting point is 00:17:21 it speaks to something much greater. It speaks to something much greater It speaks to the fact that you can't have a nation You can't have a civil society if you abandon young men If you abandon young men And let them out there And it's not our responsibility to save these kids either That's the hard part And it's not our responsibility to save these kids either, you know? That's the hard part.
Starting point is 00:17:51 It's not. I mean, if you decide to, okay, but it's not. And we make them weak where it's the worst, and we never make them strong where they can handle life, it seems like. But I'm telling you right now you know hopefully donald trump doesn't have another repeat another copycat situation right hopefully we get the man into office it's what we all want it's what we all know needs to happen. These are our two choices. Choose life or choose death. But I want you to think about a world where men are on roofs with sniper rifles or AR-15s or some other weapon. And it happens much more often. And it doesn't require a president to come to town. Because disenfranchised men join groups. Do you follow me? I mean, this is as old as time.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Disenfranchised men join groups. They join gangs. They join the Taliban. We get people all the time. We're wondering, why are these Brits flying over to join ISIS? What the hell is going on with that? What is happening in Europe?
Starting point is 00:19:06 Why are so many people joining the ranks of the Muslims? I don't get it. It's because disenfranchised men, young men, have fighting value right? And they this
Starting point is 00:19:21 can easily be built into something like this because of camaraderie. You know, you think about a boy who is by himself with his mom looking out into the bleakness of the future and thinking, man, these Antifa people are all I got. I live in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. I'm the laughingstock who got made fun of all through high school. Like,
Starting point is 00:19:45 what is my future here? What am I doing? Antifa and repairing the nation through the murder of Donald Trump was probably the North Star. Look, he made a terrible choice. Nobody got in his way, and he got shot in the head for doing it. And I think it's exactly the way things are supposed to go when you try to kill a president. I also think that he was... I need to hear more about what happened between the time he was noticed and the time that he got those shots off. You know, that seems to be the fishiest thing of all.
Starting point is 00:20:27 But in my heart of hearts, PBN family, it seems like... It seems like this script reads just the way that it is. Because it's just the way that it is. It seems like the DEI leadership of the Secret Service probably didn't really like Trump to begin with, probably thought, ah, he'll be fine. He's in his country with all the rest of the racists and never expected a lone ranger like this kid to show up
Starting point is 00:20:59 all hopped up on Antifa Discord chats with his dad's rifle and take a shot at the president and miss. If there was a grand conspiracy to have the man killed, why would he not be dead? If you were going to choose someone to do the job, why would you not choose someone with prior military and potential sniper experience? You're telling me there's nobody from the military who has any experience shooting at
Starting point is 00:21:31 distance who is a left winger? That's not the way the country works anymore, folks. Choose life, PBN family. Zoom out, okay? Donald Trump was Almost assassinated yesterday He's made a full recovery Now it's time to zoom out And to say to yourself
Starting point is 00:21:55 You know Where do we go from here Well I think if you're going to be a member Of this society you need to have the most Succinct message possible If you get you're going to be a member of this society, you need to have the most succinct message possible. If you get, you know, talking to people. You need to encourage the people around you to choose life.
Starting point is 00:22:20 There's a side in this that wants to kill Russians. There's a side in this that wants to kill Jews. Kill presidents. Right? There's a side in this that wants to kill racists. That wants to kill fascists. And kill the unborn. This is all from one side. This is the death side of the dice.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Who do you want to kill? Probably nobody. Right? want to kill? Probably nobody, right? Choose life, PBN family. Enjoy the shows today. It could all turn out that I'm as wrong as wrong could be. But I don't know military as well as most of the hosts here. I don't know conspiracy as well as many of the hosts here. But I know people about as well as anybody. So let's go with that. Talk soon.

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