The Prepper Broadcasting Network - If I Dont Who WIll Chin Gibson on Preppers LIVE!
Episode Date: March 12, 2024
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You're listening to PBN.
You're playing back the stability here. P.B.N. family, welcome in.
It is Preppers Live Monday night.
If I don't, who will?
That's the title of tonight's show.
For you Dragon Ball Z freaks out there, that might resonate with you too.
In another note real quick, Akira Toriyama, the absolute manga genius who created Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Super, and so on and so forth died over the weekend.
And, you know, everybody dropped the weight of their squat by five pounds in the gym, I think.
I may actually do a whole dedication show to that guy because he had Dragon Balls.
He was such a big deal in my life as a young man.
But so that pays homage to that side of things.
You really got to be a Dragon Ball Z nerd to know that reference.
But more importantly than that is this concept that we're going to talk tonight about,
which is if I don't, who will?
Because we have the dark horse of the prepper broadcasting network with us tonight a guy that you don't hear from very often and you won't hear from very often and if you want
to get to know chin gibson uh and you don't know him too damn bad he come to prepper camp and
listen to pbn on sunday nights But he did something that I thought was,
you know, we're all looking for some kind of action to take. What's the right action to take?
You know, maybe you're formulating that in your own household, maybe at your job,
maybe beyond, maybe in some kind of group. And he, I'm going to let him tell it because,
you know, that's the way a show like this should go.
But he did something that I really liked and I thought was important to bring up, especially now, especially in March.
We got a lot of time to act on it.
Chin, you're with us, my man.
Hey, Chin's up, y'all.
How you doing?
Hey, I want to know, I sprung forward, but is this Sunday or did I spring forward into Monday night?
It's definitely Monday night on PBN.
No, you can't say that because you were on last night.
I heard you.
Yeah, Sunday night.
I heard you.
And you're in the multiverse now.
You're in a variety of different appearances, which is great because we love some chin.
The way I met chin probably worth talking about real quick before we get into what you were up to um i met chin by voice which i don't know
i don't know if that happens to a lot of people i don't know how many people in well you said
you've met more than one person by voice, which is pretty impressive, I must say.
That's kind of an impressive thing.
Well, walking around Prepper Camp, you just have to listen.
Because so many of my friends in the universe are podcasters, right, or authors.
And, you know, between doing audiobooks or podcasts, I know what they sound sound like and i know basically what most of them look like but i could listen and hear people and i could just key in and say
hey and i'd have the leg up on them because they never knew what i looked like yeah that's pretty
creepy oh god i never thought about that i quit take it away, Chin. James, I've been listening to you for years, man, for like years.
I was mowing the lawn way back when I was a newlywed, I think, listening to you.
That's crazy to even hear.
Yeah, right?
Because it feels like I've been doing it for like three years.
Just like with Sarah.
I mean, now you guys are real-world friends.
We met podcasting and writing books and stuff,
but it,
the internet actually brought people together to be real world friends.
So that's pretty cool.
Oh yeah.
It does that.
I mean,
we look,
we talk bad about a lot of things that are technological that have really,
I mean,
my whole life and the greatness therein is built off of the bat on the back of internet connection, wifi. I mean, my whole life and the greatness therein is built on the back of internet connection, Wi-Fi.
I mean, my longest client, and I don't want to divulge too much information about him, but my longest client, suffice it to say, is Eastern European and lives in Eastern Europe.
You know what I mean?
It's like, yeah, I'd run into him, sure, in Richmond. So, you know, it mean it's like yeah you I'd run into him sure in Richmond so you know
it's done a lot but so tell us about your adventure chin you had yourself a bit of an
adventure that I think uh we all need to consider I left um I lived in Charleston for years a couple
decades and we decided the wife and I decided we wanted to get out of the city
and kind of get back to our roots in the woods. And so we moved to a very rural part of North
Carolina. And since I've been here, I've been trying to find my way, right? And find purpose
and stuff. So, you know, I've met with the the sheriff i've met with some of the local town
mayors and talking with a neighbor he got me involved in um going to the county political
party meetings right um not like picketing or anything but just going to meetings and that's
where i found out about um you were doing palestine ceasefire stuff, right? Yeah, you know me.
I was super gluing my hands to the pavement. There you go.
That's the spirit.
Don't try that in this small town.
I'll tell you that much.
There's a lot of 4x4s running around.
They don't break for super glued people on the highway?
Might not stop, you know.
Don't break for super glued people on the highway.
Might not stop, you know.
So anyway, I never ever – the only thing I did with elections was go in and – I was joking.
I pulled the lever back in the day when it was literally pulling the lever.
And this year I volunteered to be a poll observer.
Yeah, this piqued my interest when you said that. I never thought about the people that work at the polling location to actually facilitate.
They're paid, but they're paid like when you're a juror.
You get paid a couple bucks.
It doesn't even buy you one.
So at least in our county, they're paid, but they're not really paid anything to talk about.
But those people are basically volunteers.
There's three judges.
There's a couple poll workers and then you can have up to three observers per party political
party and i was like well let's just start easy i don't want to be like two um all the rules and
regulations and stuff i rather as an observer you're just kind of being there watching if
anything crazy happened like if a busload of people come in
and they just looked at a place and you just didn't feel comfortable,
then that's where my role would have really come into play.
But, yeah, so that's what I did.
So when you say my role would come into play, what does that mean?
So as an observer, i said there was um
two observers plus uh like a floater um an at-large observer so as a location dedicated
location observer i was uh assigned a four-hour block so i was told when to show up and what time i could leave
um and and i was given basically free reign of the vote voting location i could walk around
like if you were at the little kiosk voting i could be walking around you i'm not allowed to um
I'm not allowed to record your voting.
I'm not allowed to interfere with your voting.
But I could take notes, which I did. And every hour they would call out the tally of votes.
Not who they voted for, but a total sum of votes.
So every like every hour I'd write that down. If there's like if there's a ballot that was cast incorrectly or did not feed into the machine, that ballot had to be handled in a certain way like disposed of and
the voter could get a new ballot so i mean i just took notes every time something like that happened
i would just write it down just in case if there was something
that got called out at least i could say at this time i witnessed this event happen you know yeah so you you basically are there kind of like
a witness in case you ever get called up like if you think about it in court you're just a witness
and then um if anything happens and they get called up they would ask you for your um
what you saw the thing the thing about this that really intrigued at first of all it was
you know i always joke around maybe i'm not joking but i always say on there that maybe we all should
run for office because i know it would be better you know it's it's like having you know good
players on the sidelines you know that's like the american theme of politics
anymore it's like your best players are sitting on the bench and we're carting out the aocs to
represent the people huh but who wants to get dragged through the mud who wants their private
lights yeah exactly picketing outside your house and all this other crap who wants that i mean
you're right you did That's a good point.
And that's all valid.
So what I liked about this idea is that, you know, maybe we can get more people involved in the process.
But you see, that's kind of base level thought when it comes to this what really got me excited was what would the 2020 election have looked like if the pbn family even if it wasn't every listener even if it wasn't every host
how would we have discussed the 2020 election outcomes if we were or at least a large portion of us were uh doing exactly what you're going to
be doing right in other words if we had i don't know a hundred percent i don't know what happened
on in in that election but i would have loved it if you were at a place and if sarah was at a place
in texas and dave was at a place in virgin Virginia and you guys could come to me and say, I didn't see anything.
Or, yeah, it was a little.
Well, so when we were like, we went to a little training session.
It was like a two hour training thing just and they gave us a handout on what we can do, what we can't do, just the basics.
can't do just the basics and we were given a um a website address which basically if you type that in and i had it like a hot button on my phone but um it would take you to a website that was a
form and you would fill out like on that form is it was how to report an issue right so screenshot yeah yeah it was how to report an issue
and it would be like your name um contact information uh to locate the where you were
what you noticed time just like a little and it was just a simple way so they would
they would receive the information consistently, no matter who.
You know, it's not like I typed an email this way. You typed it this way. You were flowery.
I just said two words and fired it off. It was consistent reporting in from the field.
And I also was given a hotline, a phone number. So we could all call a phone number
and report something as well as
type up a quick, and you could put
pictures or notes or
attachments or anything you wanted
to that form.
So imagine
you were talking about 2020. Imagine if
the PBN family
was all spread across the country
witnessing, they kicked us out because there was a leaky water pipe or some crap like that, right?
if more people were witnessing and reporting it and the um the party that was felt offended by that action could have taken action sooner yeah you know what i'm saying i just think for the overall
health of the nation that we should have more influential people at the polls. You know what I mean?
So it was by county, right?
I think if anybody wants to get involved with this, check with their county political party organization, right?
And that's how I got involved was I went to a county party meeting.
got involved was I went to a county party meeting and that, you know, they're always looking for volunteers to do this, that, you know, put out signs or knock on doors or all that kind of stuff.
And then they're also looking for poll workers, which are the paid people or poll observers,
which are the volunteers. And I said, well, you know, I don't really want to be too involved in rules and regulations on my first go around.
I'd like to just test the waters and see what it's all about.
So they set me up with this.
And I think if we – I mean I was there to witness anything. If someone from my party, political party, did something wrong, we were told to report it because they would rather it get dealt with right away than to be a big splash in the news, right?
Oh, yeah.
person you know cast two ballots well they didn't cast two ballots they one ballot was kicked out it was scrapped there's all kinds of forms that the poll workers had to fill out to scrap a ballot
and then they were given a second ballot and that was the only one that was actually read
into the machine and counted so you know yeah it's, it's this weird volunteer job that I never would have thought of in a million years.
And if people got involved, now I don't know, you know, let's say like I don't know how many of these positions are available in the entire country.
available in the entire country but i feel like if people got involved the right people got involved in this um people who could be vocal about the process the way that you are right now
it would do exactly what we need in this country which is build confidence back in the voting
process because i feel like neither side of the voting class right
now is going into November like, I think everything's going to be on the up and up in 2024.
It's the highest number at the end of the night.
They're the winner, right?
And I mean, this is what we need as a nation right now.
What we need as a nation is something authentic.
You know, a politician can't do it.
I don't care who it is no politician is going to be able to get up on the television and say the voting process is sound
trust me we've done the work you know what i mean it'll never work for like for um like me i'm
pseudo retired kind of sort of whatever so i could actually take the time to do it.
But take a day off and go, you know, like even people that are working could take it.
And you become part of the event, not just, you know, like a bystander who goes in, throws a switch, and then leaves.
You know what I mean?
Yeah. Oh, yeah.
you know what i mean yeah oh yeah it's got me thinking pardon me it's got me thinking um
to feel it out a little bit and maybe rather than do a political sort of pundit podcast here on pbn it's got me even thinking about seeing how many like poll workers i can fish out to come do a podcast throughout the
throughout the political season because those people are the people these people like all the
early voting all that i mean i could have i could have been an observer during early voting as well
i actually did it on the day of Super Tuesday, but they have
poll workers.
If you go to vote early,
the poll workers are like the people at the computer
that check you in and
what part of you...
And I see that ID.
Yeah, well, some places.
Everywhere I vote,
you've got to use IDs still in Virginia.
Yeah, we have to have it here as well.
As evil and racist as it is, I have to show my ID.
Try to go get a six-pack at the 7-Eleven.
Yeah, right, exactly.
Gray guys like us still get carded.
Which is more important for the function of this country, the six-pack or the voting every two years or whatever.
No doubt about it.
Yeah, I think that would be a project worth undertaking, if only as a service to the nation.
You know what I mean? To be able to say like this podcast is talk to X amount of poll workers between, you know, April and October.
And this is you know, these are the people and this is what they see. This is what they do.
It's not this mysterious sort of, you know.
It'll get people talking to each other. Like, so at our voting precinct, there was – I was one of two for my party there at the same time.
There was actually nobody there from the other party observing, which was, I thought, kind of strange.
strange but um for the the workers for the so there's three judges one from each party and then there's there's the head judge which is so you'll have like two for one party one from the other
party and judges and then the poll workers i think have to be one from each party. So we have this mix of all parties in the same room
working for the common cause, right?
And in mine, in rural America, we all got along.
One lady from the opposing party brought in cookies
and put them in a little lunchroom,
and we all got to eat them.
So what I'm saying, if we all can to eat them you know i mean it was so what i'm saying if
we all can get together and spend time together it might help ease some of the wounds that the
country is feeling right now oh it would definitely yeah get it just getting together in general
at a computer and making posts and little jabs and yeah it doesn't – it's not healthy.
Actually, you know, working together and doing things together kind of – I think it's a little more healthy.
It's so hard to be who you are in the digital world.
No, no, no.
I think it's – I think that's who you actually are.
When the pressure's on and you're standing in front of somebody you don't know,
you know what I mean?
That's your human incarnation.
The guy that you are when you're logged in as anonymous35417 on Twitter,
that's a different thing.
That's a dark shadow of who you are.
You know what I mean? That's like's like i'm gonna just mess with people to school if you had a problem it usually happened on the playground right yeah
now it happens like 24 7 exactly and it wouldn't happen if it happened in real life i mean how many
people would argue with people that they argue with every single day of their life if they had to do it face to face?
They wouldn't do it.
You know what I mean?
Just think about your career.
Like, how many knock-down, drag-out political arguments did you get in in your entire career?
You know what I mean?
Whatever it was.
It's like, it doesn't happen.
We were all cordial in the office
it wasn't worth trying not to you know yeah i think that has a lot to do with it is a lot of
people are masquerading as warriors in the evening on social media you know what i mean like showing
the world this side of themselves that doesn't really exist because when they're in front of people who they think they disagree with vehemently they're like you know your kids are really good uh
football player i like him he's good he's got good integrity you know what i mean like those
are the conversations that you have with with people it's not like you know i noticed you had an Obama bumper sticker on.
Let's fight.
It just doesn't work that way.
I like to put on your baseball hat.
Yeah, exactly.
I've been wearing this MAD hat.
This Mad Gear company reached out to me on Instagram,
and they make these really cool... They're a competitor now of ours, Chin.
We're going to have to sabotage those bastards.
No, I'm just kidding.
It's not a thing yet, but it's kind of a thing.
It will be soon.
It's the new hip retro.
Yeah, you guys are going to dig it.
I just don't have the time to promote it right now.
Now I'm taking on another podcast on top of it also.
Oh, the lines. The lines of projects shit um but anyway it's it's got a nuclear bomb going off on it they do all kinds of like digital uh what is it like 32-bit artwork that has to do
with nuclear bombs going off because the mad representation
is mutually assured destruction.
that's one of those baseball caps that when I
go pick up my son, I notice a lot of people
looking up, looking above
my eyeline.
I think they're more concerned that it says mad
and it's a white guy with a shaved head right now.
Like, more
than anything. But, more than anything.
But, yeah, exactly.
Nobody has ever said a word about it.
Let's get in the car.
Move away, move away.
Yeah, that's more like it, right?
Nobody's ever been like, let's discuss politics now.
So I think you're on to something, man.
I think you are legitimately on to something.
And how do you think people would feel though right if i because finding these people would be tough to bring on as guests easier to well
i would have to contact the offices right the republican and democrats of certain places
i think you would have to make connections.
I don't know that you could just cold call the offices.
I mean, you might.
I don't know that you'd be able to just cold call them.
Say, hey, we'd love to.
You might be able to, like the coordinators.
I could press release.
I can write a damn good press release.
You could probably call around to the offices
and ask to talk like the volunteer coordinators yeah it's them about this role because they're all
having hard times getting like i actually i was four hour block um but i worked an eight hour block because they didn't have anybody back
filming behind me so i'm like well you know i got chocolate chip cookies here i can eat a couple more
so so you're thinking there might be a ton of help to be had across the nation you might be
yeah you might be able to get um able to write articles or get interviews because they want to use your soapbox as a way to get the word out that they need more help.
Here's a question.
I'm almost thinking this thing should be a standalone.
In other words, rather than it be a podcast that pops up on PBN, maybe we
do it as a standalone altogether. You know what I mean?
You could almost do two things. If you want to do that, to talk, to get interviews, I
would also try to find some kind of you don't have you have your monthly
challenges we need to you know get the pbn family out there yeah i agree i agree out here in your
county i mean i am not one to go knocking on doors like we said in the green room i'd rather
be a support staff on the outside of the the stage not in the spotlight. So I'm not going to run for office probably.
But I've been trying to find ways to help,
ways to get involved, and ways to network.
Yeah, I dig it.
The other thing that's happened since this—
Hold on one second.
Hold that thought.
Let me run a quick ad.
I'm going to let these dogs out.
They're too damn feisty right now.
And refill my coffee and then we'll get get back to exactly what you're about to divulge because i know it's gonna be cool give me like uh 40 seconds
quick question when's the last time you practiced with your firearm my last trip to the local gun
range cost me over 200 It's time to add the
iTarget Pro to your firearms training routine. iTarget uses an app that runs on your phone
and a laser bullet that goes into your own firearm. Right now, save 10% with the offer code
PREPPER when you purchase the iTarget Pro system at This is the perfect dry fire tool for our monthly training routines.
That's the letter
Offer code PREPPER.
Man, that iTarget is something, PBN family.
Give yourself one.
No joke.
No jokey. That thing is special. All right, Chin, that's all I needed. that I target is something, PBN family. No joke. No
jokey. That thing is special.
Alright, Chin, that's all I needed.
I needed to kick them dogs out of here and
refill my Blackbeard the Pirate
coffee mug up for this next half.
Those beasts.
Yeah, those beasts.
Nobody heard that. I was muted.
I was muted.
They are my beasts, though, man man you wouldn't even believe it if
you saw what goes on in my bed with those dogs i've got a king-size bed man and i'm relegated to
like uh well actually i mean a lot of them treat me as as though they're blankets i'll wake up
draped in pit bull right You know what I mean?
But, yeah, they are beasts like the rest of us.
Anyhow, let's get back to the topic at hand.
You got to love the canines.
Yeah, so what I was saying, by going to these volunteer meetings and to the county political meeting,
it wasn't really a rally or anything.
It was just kind of a meeting,
and they would have people come and speak at it and stuff.
I met people in my voting precinct,
so basically my community, my local community,
who were like-minded.
We actually ended up exchanging phone numbers and emails.
Mish-tastic stuff. We actually ended up exchanging phone numbers and emails. And I –
Mess-tastic stuff.
I talk mess-tastic and emergency comes.
There you go.
But that all came out organically.
Just – it's not like I went – but they were talking about sheep and raising goats and raising chickens.
I mean it just happened.
It just happened.
Jones had a very familiar outcome when he went to the Chamber of Commerce,
when he was getting ready to get real deep into Prepper TV.
He went to some meetings there, met some business owners,
met a bunch of people, and they were all cool.
I think rurally that's probably going to be pretty common.
I have to imagine if my meetings will be a little more diverse.
But I bet there will be a lot of cool people there.
And it could be – I mean people love to garden or remember the grandparents gardening or whatever.
And you're going to network with people.
You're going to find either they're a plus or a minus
right but at least you'll well as preppers we do i do think we have a duty to rescue also
you know what i mean i do a lot of rescue work
and what i mean by rescue work is i talk to people like a normal human being supposed to.
We can do that still.
It doesn't have to be like, before we get into this conversation, who do you vote for in 2020?
How many fruits do you have put up?
Yeah, there you go.
So we have normal conversations, and then I'll just slowly – the one good thing for me is people ask what I do for a living.
And I can't, I have no ability to get around it anymore.
You know what I mean?
I used to be able to like, well, I used to bandy about depending on the setting and say I'm a writer and I write blogs and e-books and stuff.
Now I just get right to it.
Because then I can see.
just get right to it because then i can see i have enough work experience to my i'm on my resume that i can tailor the conversation whichever way i need to ah that's nice i mean i can pull that
off pretty well but i'll tell you when you tell people you write about how to prepare for the end
of the world um you get they tell you more than you just told them without saying a word.
You know what I mean? You watch their eyes, and some people will light up and be like,
oh, that's really cool.
And some people will be like, you'll see the fear and the caution,
and then they'll, like, calm it down and go back to talking to you
like you're a normal person again.
But you can get a good read on people.
At least, you know, that's my experience. But from there, you know, then you can start to feel read on people. At least that's my experience.
But from there, then you can start to feel people out and be like –
a lot of – go ahead. I'm sorry.
How you register, right?
So that's going to be the party that you're going to be going to for the meetings.
So it's not like you're going into the other camp.
Oh, I see. So it's not a mixed bag.
Yeah. So you basically know but like at the at the polling precinct that i was like i know that the dems one lady
raised sheep and they both had chickens i mean you know it wasn't
It wasn't – so I think you'll be within similar-minded when you go to the – and, I mean, you're in the same neighborhood when you're – if you work your own precinct.
Yeah, my precinct is a scary situation in terms of voting.
I don't know how – I don't know how it could be so one-sided.
But I saw the results from my precinct,
and it was like 15% Republican vote for the mayor.
Yeah, ours was probably... We were...
I wasn't allowed to literally, like, checkmark because you couldn't record.
I was a solid 70, 75% ours going down.
Yeah, I mean, that makes sense.
In those rural places.
But I think that, you know, things keep going in the direction they're going.
It's not going to matter as much anymore, I don't think.
I don't even know if it matters as much anymore as it does, as it did in 2020.
Political affiliation, in other words.
in 2020.
Political affiliation, in other words.
You know, because the Democrats are getting
beat about the head and neck by the Israel
supporters, slash transgender,
slash whatever other cause
comes up that day.
The butter cake got stalled out, right?
Trying to get to the state.
Exactly. So I think, you know,
it's a blessing and a curse,
Jim. The chaos will bring us together because we will have common ground again.
right from your community so if you see him at the gas station or you see him at the supermarket you could say hi you could say what a oh man i couldn't believe you came out what a crappy you
know it rained so hard not like downpour or what a gorgeous day we were so you know so there's like
icebreakers there too yeah yeah that's a good point and it's a nice it's a nice thing it's seen you know yeah
oh definitely and it's a nice thing to see people you know yeah with it with the world being as
transient as it is that's another thing that's gone that you don't realize is gone right you
know what i mean it's like the the whole seeing people that you know walking down the street because you know almost everybody right
yeah like i went to the same high school as my dad did so how how yeah you know everybody i know
that it was my neighborhood was just like that my neighborhood was uh generations old yeah yeah
that's how mine was so everybody, we were like cousins with everybody.
You know what I mean?
Like when dating age came around, we were just like a questionnaire.
Her last name is Walls, not Walton.
Is that okay?
One second.
Get right back to you.
Yeah, let me make a couple calls.
I never heard of her, but you never know before you get in too deep.
No, man, I think you're on to something, Chin.
I really do.
And these are the types of things that are, like,
hiding right under our noses where we're over here like me,
like, let's get both guys off the ballot altogether.
That should be easy enough to do.
And you're over here like, how about we just go work in our
in our you're telling me that the community guy supposedly apparently allegedly to go work in the
community a little no i like that politicians like i am not kissing all the babies and shaking all the hands.
That's just not my role.
Yeah, it doesn't seem appealing.
You're right.
But A, it lets me see more of the community.
And B, it lets me give something to the community to help it function, right? We were talking in the green room that I am not really going to be a volunteer fireman, you know, just running up and down
with a red light on the top of my pickup.
Physically, that's probably getting past me.
But I got to find ways to, you know, I feel it's important to give back to your community.
So this was one way I thought I could do it.
No, man.
It's huge that's it that you know and i'm always surprised at um the lack of
service from some of the most depressed people that i know and some of the most sort of uh
issue issue concerned or sort of issue inspired people that i that I know. Do you know what I mean?
Like, it would seem that if you're driven by your woes and your depressions
or if you're driven by your desire to want to help people
all the way on the other side of the world,
that maybe you would spend more time in service.
I think that's a lot of what the depression in the country is about.
You know, you have to serve.
It's such a fulfilling thing in a world where things are not nearly as fulfilling as they used to be.
Day-to-day life, you know, because of our digital umbilical cords.
But I like it, man.
I appreciate you coming on and giving us the lowdown on it all.
I guess the best thing for people to do, correct me if I'm wrong,
is what is the office they contact?
Your county.
So you could probably go to whatever political party you want to do.
Just type that party into Google, right?
And then drill down to your county office.
And I'm sure, like, my county has a website.
And then they typically have a monthly meeting.
They typically have fundraisers, which, you know, whatever.
Like, if you have, like, fairs and stuff, they usually have a booth at that,
like the fall festival kind of stuff.
Join the team.
No, that's not it.
There's got to be, like, a volunteer action.
What's that?
that's not it there's got to be like a vol and take action what's that convention filing form work in gop politics volunteer there we go yep okay so i mean there's
there's state level there's national level there's state level and there's county level
and but all of them will be initiated come November.
Yeah, and I got involved through the county level because it was in my hometown here,
or my town that I'm living in.
And I went to a couple meetings,
a couple monthly meetings,
and I said, yeah, I'll sign up to volunteer.
I don't feel like I can be a judge yet,
but I'll be more than happy to be an observer.
That will let me get my feet wet.
So maybe the last thing we should talk about before we head out is what's the hierarchy?
So if someone gets there and is like, this is for me, I'm going to the poll observer hall of fame, but I've got to work my way up.
going to the to the poll observer hall of fame but i gotta work my way up yeah so observers entry level and then a poll worker is like the people sitting at the computers typing okay yeah typing
and then they're also what to do yeah they or they could be the uh the person that helps you
feed it into the tally machine. Those are work.
People that you actually engage with are poll workers.
Poll observers are just wallflowers.
Pit bosses.
I'm not allowed.
Yeah, I'm not supposed to be talking to.
If somebody asks me a question like, where do I go for this?
I tell them to go talk to a poll worker for instruction.
I'm not supposed to give them any instruction. I'm not supposed to give them any instruction.
I'm not supposed to sway them one way or the other.
I'm just there to watch.
If I see anything that doesn't match up with what I was told were the rules of engagement,
then I report it to the – so it goes poll observer, poll worker,
and then there's a judge, and then there's – judge and then there's what's the lead
judge so there's
two judges
one from each party
and then there's
one superior judge
over top of the two judges
Roger like if they had to vote
on something if something happened then
should we cancel this ballot or not
they'll vote.
And, you know, like a majority would, you know, there's three of them.
Yeah, you know what I also like about this?
This isn't about, like, militant takeover.
It's just participation in the process, which I think is what we need.
It's what's supposed to happen in a court, right?
A court of law.
The judge is not supposed to be a political official.
He's supposed to say, here's the laws.
Here's how we're supposed to do it, right?
Did you do it right? So the judge is just there to make sure that the machine is opened and closed properly, that the tallies are being processed, that the sheets, the paperwork is being processed properly, secured properly, transported properly, and to give any guidance to the poll workers if they have a question well i mean i
didn't just mean the triangle and then the poll workers and then the observers are are just the
wallflowers pretty much yeah i didn't just mean the judges though i meant the idea of getting
involved in general seems more like the right thing to do and less like we got to get on the
pta to stop these perverts you know what i mean that kind of language oh at least in my precinct
they were just trying to facilitate the vote not which way to vote yeah Yeah, yeah. They were there to help people check in properly,
get their ballot properly,
understand how they fill out the ballot,
and then have their ballot entered into the machine properly
so it was tallied properly.
I'd really like to see a lot of people get involved in this
here at the network,
and then come come you know
wednesday afternoon no matter what happens in november um yeah we can at least we can at least
not be staring at the black mirror and and telling google to tell us what really happened or waiting
for what's the guy's name who did the mules thing to tell us what happened.
You know what I mean?
The 500 mules.
I can't.
Waiting on D'Souza to tell us what really happened.
You know what I mean? issue that we rallied at the uh the capital for it last year i think the smart thing to do is to go
okay well things went poorly in 2020 what can i do to assure that things are better in 2024 and i
think this hits the nail on the head it's's not tremendous commitment. It's not like, oh, you've got to be here five nights a week.
It makes sense.
You can sign up for multiple days if you wanted to because the whole early voting period, you could be there for that as well.
But it's just a – you have a four-hour block that you work.
You're allowed to stay longer.
you're allowed to stay longer but if you leave early then your your space is is held open until the next block is supposed to start yes and i have to imagine that if you rolled into a place
and things were seedy you would probably know like right off the bat like it'd be weird if i saw
buses pull in like one after the other after the other and do it because we had a station outside where people could vote outside if they couldn't facilitate getting into the building.
Like if the line was long or if they didn't have access.
if they were like had some kind of medical issue or something that they couldn't like
walk into the building i got you yeah so that's what it was mostly for that's my understanding so i don't even like bus after bus after bus i might have got on that website and said okay
at this time i saw a bus that had to have at least 50 people in.
At this time, five minutes later, I saw a bus that had to have another 50.
You know, they might want to send somebody higher up to come over and look and see what's going on.
You know what I mean?
Yeah. Oh, sure. Yeah. Yeah. That's an interesting one for sure.
But I meant just the atmosphere of the people you were working with.
Oh, yeah.
It was very cordial.
Like I said, one lady was bringing in baked goods.
So that always set the tone.
I feel like if you first started, we kind of looked at each other like,
are you friend or foe?
But after the first hour,
we understood what we were.
We weren't at each other's necks or anything.
I wasn't there to tattle on anybody.
I was there just to observe.
And they got it.
They understood my feelings.
And it's just being courteous to other people's i know i wouldn't
roll in there with a well you couldn't wear like political party stuff and we're stuck in this
stupid loop my my nascar let's go brandon ball cap on
we're stuck in this dumb loop where we're trying to figure everything we've already figured out
again you know what i mean like just what you said like just being cordial to people oh i can do that
we can just get along yeah you get along
oh man well i think that's a good place to wrap it up, dude. I really appreciate you coming on.
I'm totally embarrassed that this is the first time you and I have had a conversation on air, just you and I.
I think that's crazy, but it is what it is.
We've had many good conversations in real life.
I don't know how Sarah Rangel would be into doing it once a week, but she's got superpowers.
And she knows whatever
jiu-jitsu karate kick my butt well i i like it because then i get to hear you once a week
you know otherwise it would be like does chin really exist or is he just a figment of my
imagination at prepper camp right but uh all right pbn family you got your marching orders more
more on this i'll poke and prod you.
Maybe we'll add this to the April routine and see if we can get you guys involved.
But, yeah, I appreciate it, Chin.
You went out there.
It's lined up for November, right?
Say what?
It'd be fun to have some PBNers lined up for November.
Oh, it'd be great, man.
It really would.
And not only that that it would do
them good you know it's gonna do you good to be a part of the process if you if you don't get the
results you want yep you know and maybe even if you get the results you want i'm the type of guy
who i don't trust anyone so i'll be like i don't know maybe maybe republicans did cheat who knows
yep you know so if you're there at least you could say well i know what happened in my office and i'd I'll be like, I don't know, maybe Republicans did cheat. Who knows?
So if you're there, at least you could say,
well, I know what happened in my office,
and I'd love it if all of you guys got involved,
and we could say, here's 20 different perspectives from polling places around the country.
I don't know if you'll catch vans with boxes of ballots
coming in in the middle of the night,
but I have a feeling there might be some guys out there with some nogs on
that might be looking for that kind of stuff this year.
Post it up far, far away, but close enough to be able to be like,
what's going on here?
All right.
I appreciate you, Chin, in all levels of our relationship.
It's been a blast getting to know you.
And that's it, PBN family.
Prepper's Live, a wrap, on to Tuesday.
We will talk soon.
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