The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Is God Speaking Through the Epidemics of Lonesome and Suicide
Episode Date: November 26, 2023Something to consider...
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We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network.
What is up, PBN family?
I hope everyone had a phenomenal holiday, holidays, rolling days into holidays and laying around days or shopping days.
Hope you spent time with family.
And all of the above.
It is one of those times a year where God.
Yeah, God.
I wasn't going to say God.
I was going to say so much.
You're reminded of so much.
Because you're brought together with people who you probably should be with more often.
But maybe don't make time for.
I want to give you a scenario, okay?
All over where I live and some surrounding areas, we see Wawa's popping up. The Wawa
giant mega gas station. Got everything, they make every kind of food, you know what I mean?
They make every kind of food, you know what I mean?
And growing up right outside of Philly, the Wawa, you went to the Wawa like every morning.
You know what I mean? It was just part of, you went there at least like once a day it felt like.
And an interaction in the Wawa was so tribal.
And this is all I knew growing up, you got to understand.
Because of the sports, because of the genuine appreciation and pride for the area.
Or just the pride in your prospect and the prospect of your neighbors in general.
It was such a tribal situation
to go into a wah-wah-wah, and it is the juxtaposition of what interactions are here and now these
days. It's the total opposite, because there is no interaction most of the time. So you
would go in and get what you get, maybe talk to the clerk if you ordered food or ordered rolls.
Back in the day, you didn't even order food.
You just ordered rolls and lunch meat, right?
Well, you didn't even order the rolls.
The rolls were in like a barrel.
They had those giant deli pickles in a barrel.
They had rolls in a barrel.
They had lunch meat you could purchase.
It was a very different thing.
And the structure itself was like a little they were little
convenience stores they'd had no gas just a small parking lot you rolled in there
eventually they made breakfast and things like that and the breakfast was good too sandwiches
you know and you'd walk in there and all the promos would be philly oriented flyers eagles
sixers phillies right you'd walk in, all the magazines would have the sports teams usually on the front cover or the back cover.
And when you got in line, you know, most of the time, that's what people were talking about.
And it wasn't like, man, we got to win last night.
You know what I mean?
It was deep.
It was deep talk. It was deep talk about, you know, we're five out.
We got to win these next three if we're going to make it to the playoffs. I don't know how we're
going to do against Tampa. Everybody knew the starters, every starter. You know what I mean?
It wasn't like, it wasn't like the quarterback. Like I know who the quarterback is. Like you
knew every player, you knew everybody on the offense, defense, you knew who was hurt, who wasn't hurt, who was coming back, who was
playing good, who was playing like shit, and you talked about this stuff in the line, you know what
I mean, you would talk about it, you can't believe McNabb, well, you know, the leg, I don't know if
he's healed yet from the leg all the way, it didn't look like it was, and you were surrounded by these people who were your people.
You know what I mean?
There was no, there was no guessing.
There was no like, well, this guy must be from out of town.
He don't know what the hell's going on.
Every once in a while, like a cowboy guy fan would walk in and you would get ridiculed
or we would be quiet and nice for some reason.
But frankly, you know, it was, yeah, it was pretty much, it was pretty much a tribal
upbringing, you know, and we even had pride in our high schools, not me so much, I kind of hated
school, but the general, the general area had pride for the schools and the areas, and, you know,
where are you from, Linwood, Aston you know, where are you from? Linwood,
Aston, okay. Where are you from? Oh, so you go to Chi, okay. That level of community and
you know, that's not even talking about the level of community in a place like Marcus
Sook where you lived on top of each other. So you had community whether you wanted it
or not. You know what I mean? And in in an area like that we also had that strange thing where everybody was related
you know what I mean where it was like my uncle Bob lives across the street my aunt
uh bet lives down the street my next street over my cousin Ryan lives behind us in the alley
not in the alley but there were houses that were down an alley. Um, it was,
you know, you were surrounded. There was no loneliness. You know what I mean? Loneliness
was not a thing. Like you had to self-impose. Like as teenagers, my sister and I had to
self-impose loneliness, go up in the room, turn music up, hide in order to achieve our,
you know, our angst-riddled teenage loneliness
we required at that stage in our life.
But it was damn near impossible to find loneliness.
You could find plenty of depression.
It wasn't an easy time coming up, you know.
But I think about it in terms of what we're witnessing now.
And I'm as guilty as anybody, you know what I mean? but I think about it in terms of what we're witnessing now. And, uh,
yeah, I'm as guilty as anybody,
you know what I mean?
We have,
and I think it's because everybody's such a mix up now,
really the,
we haven't adapted to transient,
we haven't adapted to transient communities yet.
You know,
I think we are too, you know, like I think it's happening. I think we are adapting to transient communities yet. I think we are, too.
I think it's happening.
I think we are adapting to transient communities.
But we have not done it successfully.
And that's where we are on a lot of things.
We haven't really done it.
We haven't really figured all this new stuff out.
And it's resulting in problems.
That's all it is.
So because we're transient, because we don't all live in Southeast Philly and root for the Eggles and root for the Flyers and root for the, you know what I mean?
Then this conversation piece devolves into, you know, what are the higher and higher plateaus of things that we can talk about that capture the most people?
Because then we have something in common, you know? So we'll talk about that capture the most people because then we have something
in common you know so we'll talk about like the biggest stories we'll talk about the biggest stars
we'll talk about them you know what i mean or politics because politics is one of the things
that when you're splintered or fractured as a community you could at least have that in common
right like you can at least have that in common oh Right? Like you can at least have that in common.
Oh man, I hope they don't bring that new highway
through the neighborhood down the street.
You know what I mean?
Because everybody knows.
We never talked about...
I didn't know shit about politics growing up.
I didn't even know who the governor...
That didn't matter.
It had no bearing on our lives whatsoever.
And we never talked about it because we always had things to talk about that were way better than politics.
You know what I mean?
But because we are a transient world now where people move from one place to another, meet someone, move across the country, move out to the suburbs, move into the city by themselves, right?
We're doing all these things all the time.
It's harder. It's harder to find that common ground. By the way, I drank some common ground
yesterday. I hadn't had it in a while. Oh, my good God in heaven,
God, it's expensive. Just telling you right up front. It's like the best coffee in the world,
literally. And from Uganda, Sippy Falls, Falls but good Jesus it was good midday yesterday um
so I got on the you know I whenever I go work out it's a guaranteed podcast
you know I don't always publish them I don't always bring them to life but
it's it's a guaranteed one it's just going through the struggle, sitting in the sauna.
And I get tunnel vision too when I'm out in the gym.
You know, my friend Matt was sitting next to me, like in the sauna, like sitting next to me.
And I didn't even know it was him.
It's not a big sauna.
There's four guys in there.
You know what I mean?
That's packed.
He was sitting up high.
I walked in.
I probably looked right at him.
But, you know, post-workout, it's's different I'm kind of tunnel vision in the gym but anyway I look right at him
whatever boom he leaves you know I do my 25 whatever I did 30 I think I did 30 minutes
because I was kind of trying to outlast this guy sitting next to me little aggro little aggro came
in he was there before I got there I, I'm gonna outlast you here if
it costs me a heart attack, um, but anyway, so I pop out of that thing, and the guy who was sitting
up there, higher, on the high seats, um, said, hey, buddy, or said, hey, man, and I just turned and I was like oh hey hey man and walked away um and you know I
thought he was just a weird guy being nice a weird guy being nice and uh and then I it hit me I heard
the voice and I'm walking back and you know I'm in my boxer so it's not like I want to have a
conversation and it's why it hit me and I'm like oh god that was And it hit me. And I'm like, oh, God.
That was Matt.
So then I went back when I was heading to the shower and talked to him.
He was still sitting outside of the sauna, cooling off a little bit.
And I was like, what's up, man?
You know, whatever.
We had our little conversation.
You know, nothing big.
I should have asked him how the family was, how the holiday went.
But I didn't.
I wanted to get in the shower.
I was dying.
And the reason I bring that up is because that's how we exist now you know what I mean we exist in this sort of tunnel world this tunnel vision world um I didn't I didn't go up in the gym very much when I lived
up north and when I went to the gym I wore my hood up and hid from everyone because I was
remaking myself in those days you know what I mean mean? I was, there was no time, you know, the gym is work. There's a time for war and a time for Philly's talk. And that's,
you know what I mean? Um, but anyway, I get out of the gym, I get to the car and I had all,
a lot of thoughts on my mind this morning about God. I listened to the Glenn Beck Covenant. I'm going to do a show about that.
I think we need to make that covenant as a network.
I do.
I think we all should take it.
We should read it to our families.
We should make that covenant with God in America.
And go to and read the covenant.
I think that's something that I'd like to do network-wide.
I know the hosts would be up for it. What I'd really love to do with it, to be honest, is record it.
It's like record reading it. Me reading it, the hosts reading it, maybe you guys reading it.
Almost like a Boy Scout oath, you know what I mean? And then mix it all together into one enormous group of voices.
And make it a podcast.
Make it a gigantic, enormous covenant of a podcast that exists forever.
That we can, you know, send to people and say, like, this is the power.
This is what's happening right now.
You know, while so much hell is happening on earth, this is happening too.
So I had that on my mind, and I had, you know,
I've had this whole turn, you know, give God a chance in 2024 is really what I'm going to push to people, you know, it's what I'm going to, not just podcast network, but it's what I'm going to
push to people, particularly people in hell, you know, people who are going through shit, it's like,
you know, we've tried everything, you know, what haven't you tried, you're on pills, you're in
therapy, you're working out, you're eating right, you're doing yoga everything you know what haven't you tried you're on pills you're in therapy you're working out you're eating right you're doing yoga you're doing right
if you're still going through and it works on a world scale too right because it's like we've
tried everything with with the world and what's the situation right we've met we've bowed down
to putin we've shook hands with putin we made deal deals with Putin. We told Putin to go to hell. You know what I mean?
There are problems out there
that man cannot solve.
I mean, the biggest one is
in Israel right now.
It's like, what?
This idea that we're going to somehow
bomb our way out of martyrs in Israel.
We're going to shoot our way out of martyrs
in Israel.
I really do believe that
we're an ebb and flow species, man.
You know, we are this ebb and flow
species and I think that
that God speaks to us in these
darkest times and I think
that this epidemic of loneliness and suicide
is the voice of God.
I do. I think the people calculating up the data and laying it out there are a miracle. And they're laying it out to us
and they're saying, and that's exactly what it is. It's the voice of God saying, guys, like,
maybe pay attention.
Things aren't going well.
This is not going the way we thought it would go.
This is not how it's supposed to go.
There are more people on the planet than ever before. You're lonely.
And look, if we can't unite around the eagles,
if we can't unite around our neighborhoods
and our schools and our communities
which is a lot harder than you think
but there are a lot of opportunities now
then why not try to unite around our God in 2024
why not unite around that
those principles
why not unite around our nationality
our nationality?
Our nationality is almost one and the same because it was born of God-given rights.
So we find ourselves in this situation and, you know,
I just think we need to give the signs they're just due.
Right? We need to give the signs they're just due. Right? We need to give the signs they're due.
You're looking out into the world and you see what's happening in the world and you go, wow, how can this be happening?
This is wild out here.
And you say to yourself, we had George Bush,
we had Barack Obama run the world for a little while,
we had Donald Trump run the world for a little while,
we had Joe Biden sleeping in class. We had Donald Trump run the world for a little while. We had Joe Biden
sleeping in class.
We tried a lot of things.
Every one of them seems to
take us further and further away from God.
Maybe it's time we try
in 2024.
What's always fun to me is to talk about God to my children
Particularly religions
You'll talk to them and you'll explain to them things
And you'll say to them things like
You know, what's happening in the Middle East
It's happening because they have two different religions
And they'll automatically say, what's the difference?
And you'll say, well, they all come from the Jews, essentially.
They all come from the Judaic tradition.
And that's even more confusing to someone whose mind hasn't been warped yet,
like a little kid, like an 8-year-old or a 12-year-old.
And you'll tell them why they're killing each other,
and you'll say things like,
well, you know, the Jews and the Muslims believe different things
about God and about prophets,
and the Christians and the Jews believe,
and the Christians and the Muslims believe different things about
whether or not Jesus was the son of God
And not, you know what I mean
And the kids will say
What else?
What, that's it?
Yeah, that's why
That's why they have built a missile system
To surround their entire nation
That's basically
they have a disagreement that they just cannot work through for 2 000 years or whatever however
old islam is and uh it's really fun to talk to them about that kind of stuff man because they
get it they get it they see how close we are to peace, and they're like, oh, God, this is embarrassing.
I also like to talk to my kids about what a magnificent species we are,
because we can rally around that, too, you know.
We can rally around the fact that we are, you know, the distraction of aliens,
my kids ask me about aliens, I used to be one of those alien guys that were like,
an odds guy, I was an odds guy, you know, it's like, oh, the galaxy is however many, you know,
it's big, so it's a good chance that something else is out there, can't just be us. You know what? I don't really believe it anymore.
I think it is just us.
I think it is just us. I really do.
Why do I think it's just us?
The more you study,
the more that you study the way things look out there in the world, out there in the universe, and the more you study our history,
the more you go like,
whoa, the universe is a death hole.
I mean, look at Mars.
Look at Mercury.
Venus' atmosphere is made of sulfuric acid.
Sounds like something from a comic book, right?
It's like something from a comic book.
Oh, he comes from the planet Venus where the air is sulfuric acid. That's why he's so tough. Look at the
moon. The moon is destroyed, man. The earth has been damn near destroyed. Life started
on this planet, scientists believe, 3.8 billion years ago. Okay?
The cataclysms that not just us, but species related to us, would have had to survive over 3.8 billion years, we can't even fathom.
We don't know shit. We can't fathom what happened with the sun, what happened with passing through other systems in the galaxy?
I mean, we have no clue.
You know what I mean?
What we know is somehow we survived everything all the way up.
That's what we do know.
What we do know is planets like Mars, not so lucky. Could have been bacteria
on Mars, definitely was water on Mars, not so lucky. They didn't survive. That planet
didn't even survive. I think species eradication is pretty common. And I really do.
I think species eradication is something that is pretty common in all of this.
And I think what happens and what has happened in the past is that species have been eradicated.
I mean, we know it to be true.
We know about extinction events, dinosaurs. We know about extinction events with, you know, a variety of creatures.
So we know that's a possibility, right?
So I think to myself, it's like, what on earth, how on earth do the monkeys survive long enough to build skyscrapers, right?
How do we survive all these years?
And then, you know, even as we become erect, oh boy, that's not what I meant.
Even as we start walking erect,
you know, we're still fighting and battling and warring
and killing each other and eating each other
and killing other things,
and other things are killing us,
and cataclysms, and the sun, and the comets,
and the starvation and disease.
You think the first time our species dealt with a pandemic or
something along those lines was like those documented ones hell no man and we knew less
right we were like chewing the bark of trees back then we didn't even know we didn't even
know herbal medicine like we know it now so i don't think people make it i don't I don't think people make it. I don't think things make it. I don't think life makes
it as long as we've made it. Do you know what I mean? I don't think sentient, soft, big-brained,
long birth or long post-birth growth cycle sort of creatures like us make it.
It's a miracle that we made it.
In fact, see, you can talk about evolution and you can talk about our evolution
and people who are Christian can get upset because they think it's about talking badly about God.
I look at this whole situation and say, how could there not...
The more I studied ancient man, all the way up, the more I said to myself, how could there not be a God?
Seriously, how could there not be a God? Seriously, how could there not be a God?
The things that we figured out, the catastrophic things that we survived,
the stories that were passed on about the floods,
how could there not be a God?
You think it was happenstance that all that shit got passed on
in various places in the world.
We can unite around how special we are and everyone needs to understand how special people are.
It's amazing that in one breath, the radicals on the left can say that the most important and interesting person of all time is a man who changed into a girl or vice versa.
But they can't wrap their head around the fact that the human race is the most amazing thing on the planet.
They'd rather see the human race expunged unless you have a grievance or a transformation to make.
They'd rather see the human race expunged unless you have a grievance or a transformation to make.
I don't understand it, but it's...
I tell you, we can rally around that too. We can rally around our humanity.
We can rally around just how special we are to the galaxy, because I don't think we're ever going to run into anything like us.
I don't think something's going to appear in the sky one day and be like, oh man, look at this advanced race. Because I think they would have been
squashed by the universe a long time ago. Do you know what I mean? Do you understand disease,
predators, predators? What the hell's a predator? Matador? Predators. cataclysm on the planet galactic level cataclysm like these
things happen all the time and species go bye-bye whole planets go bye-bye whole suns whole solar
systems go bye-bye if you don't think that there's a protective hand over the beautiful blue planet, I don't know how else to explain it.
It's the greatest case of good luck of all time, the human race.
And now I think, I don't even think the people are turning their heads back to God.
I almost feel like God has stepped in and is turning people's heads back to God. I almost feel like God has stepped in and is turning people's heads back to God.
He sees the nukes. He sees the Middle East. He sees what's about to happen. And I feel like,
once again, that enigmatic force, that whatever force that is,
is turning people, myself included, back to him and saying, well, what else you got?
Go to and check out the covenant.
Let me know how you feel about it.
I think we need a commitment.
And there's no point in me recreating something that's done well.
I think we need a commitment as an acute community,
as the PBN family.
And I think we can share that commitment
and really turn people on
to this idea of, you know,
trying God in 24.
As we roll into
the most divisive time
probably of our history,
the most dangerous time
of all our lifetimes
probably in terms of warfare,
now's the time.
We may not have another chance.
All right?
I appreciate you all.
Signing off.
I will talk to you soon.
It's going to be a massive week here at PBN, so buckle up.
See you.