The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Is it too early to garden?
Episode Date: January 2, 2024
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pbn family the gardens are bare but it is time for us to start thinking about what they should
look like come spring what will your gardens look like come spring will there be things popping up
before you even start seeding i have uh strawberry plants that have yet to die from the cold. I don't
know what they put in these strawberry plants, to be honest, from, where are these things from?
Stark's Bros. Stark's Bros bare root strawberries I planted two years ago, three years ago.
Two and a half years, let's go with that, two and a half.
And they live through everything i mean
they're not producing obviously but they never freeze and die off and they just come back come
raging back in the spring to give us strawberries um routine heavy year 2024 okay routine heavy
year i've got kettlebell work to do today i've got dry fire training to do today
why do i have that to do today because i put it on a routine and i shared it with you
you see the greatest trick the commander's ever played is convincing you that this podcast and
this podcast network is to get you prepared the things that you guys push me to get done and how much better you all have made me
is uh it's worth it all i mean it really is um but we developed these routines and like i said
today we have uh or at least i have still to do some i got a walk to take too. I got a very special walk to take, I think, after lunch with my little guy to, uh, finish
up what needs to be done on day B of our January routine.
Now, I'm going to let you in if you're not, if you're not partaking in the routine, if
you're not a member or if you're not, um, if you pay close enough attention, let me
tell you this much.
You'll probably figure out what the routines are.
But, you know, what's $60 a year, to be quite honest with you, when you think about it?
It's about as much as you'll spend on coffee this month, probably. So anyway,
we have a family focus each month. We're going to have a family focus each month.
And, you know, that's as much for you as it is for me and as much for your family as it is for anybody else's family
because, you know, getting the family involved is always kind of tough.
One of the things that I think is,
or one of the easiest ways to get family involved in preparedness
is in the garden I am always late to the party when it comes to the garden uh I don't know I just
in my head I just haven't made I mean this year I think I have but in years past I have never made
that sort of jump from like start thinking about the garden before the end of February.
You know, in my head, it's always like springtime.
Let's start thinking about garden.
Truth be told, man, thanks to you guys.
Thanks to people like Volcana, Breezy Can, Garden Girl.
Thanks to you guys.
I'll bring up garden in mid-February.
Mid to late February.
And these folks will be like, yeah, we got all
kind of plants sprouting inside under grow lights. It's looking real good. You know what I mean?
And I'm always like, dang, I got to get rolling. So I thought that a great reason to get outside
with the family, a great reason to gather together and talk preparedness with the family would be to talk about it.
What should we grow this year, guys?
You know what I mean?
What do you want to eat this year?
What should we grow?
Are these squirrels terrorizing you, Bowser?
You know what I mean?
What should we eat?
What should we have access to?
What do you guys want to eat?
Because I'm going to tell you something, man.
What do you guys want to eat?
Because I'm going to tell you something, man.
When my kids were both little, particularly my eldest, we grew a lot of stuff, a lot of different stuff.
One of the things that we grew a ton of, because it was cheap and easy, and I liked it, was kale.
Now, I never would have fathomed in all my years that kale would have been something that my kid would have wanted to eat.
And both of my children grew up eating more kale out of the gut.
Well, it was a toss-up between kale and pole beans, to be honest with you.
But the kale was the biggest surprise, you know.
And we found it pretty amazing that planting these kale plants
was such a, such a hit for our little, you know, when I say little, I mean,
as early as they could walk, and I think they really enjoyed the idea,
they enjoyed watching dad rip the kale leaves off and eat them, and then they started doing it
themselves, you know, I've always been a huge proponent of raw
vegetables for children i think that you want your kids to eat vegetables you feed them raw
vegetables you know if you can feed them raw vegetables out of the garden that's even better
but my kids have largely grown up on this concept of like cooked vegetables not favorable. Like, they might mess with, like, a steamed broccoli.
You know what I mean?
At a restaurant.
But aside from that, man, they don't really want much to do with cooked vegetables.
Now, if you sit them in front of a plate of raw vegetables, what are you trying to do, buddy?
My dog is just trying to love on me right now.
I think it's because I'm standing at the fence with him and he wants to jump the fence and leave.
But if you put a plate of raw vegetables in front of a man, they'll destroy it.
And most kids will.
I think parents mess up when they start doing that.
Oh, try my garlicky and thyme marinated grilled asparagus.
It's delicious.
You know what I mean?
They don't like that stuff.
At least my kids didn't.
So wrap your head around garden, folks.
Get your head around garden.
And when I say wrap your head around garden,
I want you now to think about things like sun.
Now's the time to think about things like sun, okay?
So consider, you know, what's the time to think about things like sun Okay So consider What's the sun look like
When you are
Where you are planting
What's the sun look like
How are you watering your garden
This is another big one to consider
How's the water getting to your garden
And what's that going to look like off grid
In other words if you go and turn the hose on every day
To run some sort of
water, watering, you know, drip irrigation, whatever, what's it going to look like when
that's not around anymore? These are all important things to consider. And now's the time to do it.
Also, you know, what's the compost pile looking like?
You know, what does that whole operation entail for you?
How much are you bringing dirt in to top off raised beds?
Do you have enough compost to top off raised beds?
What kind of weird...
I have threatened you guys, and maybe I'll finally do it this year.
It has been kind of hilarious.
Now, it should be a running joke amongst you listeners.
I have been for years
threatening to do
a hugelkultur bed
and I have
everything I need to do it.
I've just never gotten around to doing it.
The only thing I don't really have is
a good spot actually.
I could do a little mound right here.
But anyway, if you want to do something weird like that,
you want to mess with microclimates, with permaculture,
if you want to add fruit trees, all that kind of stuff,
now's the time to figure it all out.
Now's the time to get your head wrapped around that and do some planning.
So think about that garden, man, because before you know it, this winter
is going to be over and you're going to be wrapping your head around food production.
Listen, I told you guys this. I did a big old Instagram poll and asked people what are
they interested in? What do they want to know about? And by far food production took the cake by far i mean by lengths
so you know the the reason it took the reason that food production takes the cake is because
it's it affects everything you know it can it can protect your family from numerous things not just
collapse right but people know about pesticides they they know about, you know, malnutrition, all this kind of stuff, obesity in the nation.
One final thing, PBN family, don't forget about protection of your garden scape, okay? You got
dogs, are you going to add chickens, are you going to add animals? If you add anything to your
backyard, it's going to destroy your garden if you're not careful. So now's a good time also to
think about, quote-unquote, garden security, if you will, right? Like, how are's going to destroy your garden if you're not careful. So now's a good time also to think about, quote unquote, garden security, if you will, right? Like how are you going to protect
these plants that you invest all this time in? Because the animals in your life, not just the
squirrels that come and steal your tomatoes or the rabbits or whatever, but the animals that love you
and you do like, you know, all your snuggle-up time with,
they'll go in there and dig out of the garden bed in 15 seconds and ruin everything.
Ask me how I know.
I'll talk to you soon, PBN family.
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