The Prepper Broadcasting Network - JOES OUT! HARRIS V TRUMP 2024

Episode Date: July 21, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This just in PBN family given to me to me by a secret, top secret, top top secret, secret confidential source, also known as my wife, who briefed me earlier this week about the Y2K of 2024. Joe Biden is out for the 2025 election. Kamala Harris is in. Joe Biden will be napping between now and the and and november and uh you will be looking at an election that is harris versus trump 2024 an election that seems almost unlosable by donald trump who's been shot in the name of freedom and liberty versus a shell of a human being, fundamentally, a shell of a cackle, and I have no idea how anything in this country could happen other than a
Starting point is 00:01:15 Trump victory. To me, it is almost starting to feel fixed, not fixed in the sense that it's something bad, fixed in the sense that it's something bad. Fixed in the sense that it's a surrender. I had an amazing quote in the chat. The chat was on to it long before I was. I was actually boxing when my wife came in the door. And news came in. Enjoying my day, you know, Sunday. Sweating to death.
Starting point is 00:01:52 That nub in the chat room, in the open chat over at Element. If you're not in Element, you're missing out big time. Go to, live show, join Element. Welcome Gen X Prepper to Element. She had some trouble getting in, but I'm telling you folks, while it is a little bit of a pain to get into Element sometimes, the initial, you know, getting through the door, it's well worth it.
Starting point is 00:02:18 You know, you put a couple hoops in the way of people and you find out, wow, you get an astounding group of people to talk to and hang out with. Because the idiots, they don't want to jump through hoops. They just want to leave a comment and, you know, get back to drooling on themselves. But that nub longtime listener member here at the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Great guy came out in the open chat and said, I think Joe Biden dropping out of the election is the most unifying thing he's did in his entire presidency. And if I could applaud you that nub, I would. But I have a phone in one hand, okay?
Starting point is 00:02:50 Do I have an applaud soundbite? We used to. No, I don't. But, yeah. So, look, I'm sitting down here by my broccoli sprouts at the moment. I'm sitting down. I told the members. I didn't tell.
Starting point is 00:03:04 I don't know if I told the members, I didn't tell, I don't know if I told the regular audience, but I told the members that we're going to go fall garden this year. We're going to go pretty, pretty strong on the fall gardening. It's something I threaten to do every year, never really get around to doing it. And to be honest with you, I'm going to break a rule that I, that I really don't break ever See, the thing about my garden year over year has been a reduction of diversity. Really. My perennial plants and native plants are tremendously diverse. My annuals, not a lot of diversity.
Starting point is 00:03:43 You know why? Because it's a pain in the ass and it doesn't yield. For me, anyway. For me, I find that, you know, you spend a lot of time, quote-unquote, learning what doesn't work when you go super diverse. So, for me, from a food production standpoint, I grow stuff that works. Period. I have honed in on things like leafy greens, things like radishes, things like all kinds of beans. Beans do really well in my soil. What else?
Starting point is 00:04:14 Cherry tomatoes tend to do really well. Big tomatoes, not very well. I don't grow big tomatoes. I lean on other people for big tomatoes. I lean on neighbors. I lean on other people for big tomatoes. I lean on neighbors. I lean on community garden. I used to lean on my father-in-law, who was the absolute master at growing enormous tomatoes. And by the dozens and bushels, he's gone. His garden is here, but, you know, he's gone.
Starting point is 00:04:37 And, man, I wish I could. If there was one person I could sit down and talk to about all this stuff in the country right now, it would be him. It would be my father-in-law. I mean, I'm lucky enough. Look, I can go talk to my father, my own father about it. Now we finally got him into Virginia. But, you know, I do miss sitting on the front porch drinking a Coke with Conrad talking about the lunatics in politics.
Starting point is 00:05:02 So, yeah, I mean, the thing about preppers, guys, that I've come to understand is all news is layered with prepping. All news is buffered. All good news, bad news, all news is buffered by preparedness. In other words, when we take these stories in, we're weeding the garden or we'll soon to be or we're, you know what I mean? Like, I'm doing this podcast, like I said, next to this bed. then we're weeding the garden, or we'll soon to be. You know what I mean? I'm doing this podcast, like I said, next to this bed, and I had no idea, first and foremost, how quickly broccoli sprouts. I mean, I know that broccoli sprouts have a nutrient, maybe it's a nutrient, in them called sulforaphane.
Starting point is 00:05:44 And sulforaphane is, like like really good for you, man. Dr. Rhonda Patrick, my nutritionist. There are digital experts or experts that exist in your life through the digital sense only. I may be one of them in your head and in your lineup. But there are experts out there in the digital world that exist. And if you find the right ones, if you can sift through the shit and find the right ones um they'll help you for the rest of your life and dr ronda patrick is one of them and she was on a sulforaphane sulforaphane kick for a long time and she was sprouting massive amounts of broccoli sprouts freezing them and putting them in her
Starting point is 00:06:19 smoothies for just for that one component um and now i see why because yeah i just planned these so we're going pumpkins and you know uh we're going sorry my little dog is having a seizure over there a seizure of fun um we're going pumpkins and we're going beets and we're going swiss chard and i already had squashes, fall squashes growing. Lavenders and what else? Kales, those kinds of things. But, you know, for the thing I was getting at is for the cauliflower and for the broccoli, these are things I never really grow.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Never. I've seen them done really well in the area area but never in my own backyard so i'm interested to see how they do could be a failure but we'll see you know that's all part of the deal fall garden going heavy i might do some more pumpkins i i started reminiscing of a garden i had some time ago when i had baby the the little mini pumpkins, you know, the jack, what are they called? Jack, what do they call? Something, Jack B. Littles or something like that. And they had taken over the garden fence and it was so nice.
Starting point is 00:07:35 As the leaves were turning, the fence of the garden, which was much smaller back then, was overtaken by these Jack B. Littles. And it was literally like they were woven into the fence so we may do a little more we also have a tremendous amount of children in the neighborhood now and new parents so I'm thinking about doing some Jack B. Littles up on the hill so that everybody who walks by can take one you know what I mean community's a thing PBM family you know if if you wake up in the middle of November in a cold sweat because somehow Kamala Harris won, you'll still have your neighbors. They'll be the ones closest to you. And you'll be able to sit there and say to them, so what now?
Starting point is 00:08:20 Now, I haven't thought about what now. And that's definitely another thought and another issue for another time. But I do. I did want to get on. I wanted to get on for a quick sec. Oh, totally forgot. So if this news scares you to death as it scares me all weekend. Okay? All weekend, those of you who are not members, we are running a membership special just out of the sheer chaos. This is just sheer chaos special. No holiday special, no anything good's happening in my life. Well, that's not true. We did hit 100K subscribers over at Instagram. That's crazy. I don't know why we don't have 100K listeners to the podcast, though. That doesn't make sense. We're going to have to fix that. But anyway, Y2K24.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Promo code Y2K24 and you get your annual membership for $50. $50 for a full year of content, a full year of member videos, member podcasts, member documentation, free courses, first looks at all kinds of stuff from things that we're producing, new shows that are coming out, new intros, new outros. The members got the first look at the world of Ready when it came out, all that kind of preferential stuff. That's all.
Starting point is 00:09:43 These guys pay the bills. They help pay the bills, they are fundamentally a, uh, the heart of the machine. Okay, so if you've been thinking about becoming a member, this is the weekend to do it. I might just carry it all next week. I'll probably carry it all next week, but don't delay. You never know with me. I'm a little bit nuts, okay? So, promo code Y2K24, and that's just because of the big internet outage. It gave me the idea. Let's run. Let's give these folks some good news, something to be excited about because clearly things are way out of control in our world. You can grab hold. You can grab hold. And the best way to grab hold is to get on that path back to stability, to get moving towards self-reliance and independence, folks. Okay? I'm going to go look at the acorn squash. This gooseberry has taken off like you wouldn't even believe.
Starting point is 00:10:49 And I think what we're looking at on this left side of my yard is the beginning stages of our first Rick Austin style food forest. You will find out how it goes. But we have many of the core elements of the food forest happening now. We have our apple trees. We have our bushes. We have our perennial bushes. We have our... We even have our vining plant right here.
Starting point is 00:11:17 If we started running these acorn squash up. I think they're acorn. It might be butternut. I don't know. These squash that I'm petting right now are in the hugelkultur bed. And I didn't think anything good was going to come of this bed. Because what no one tells you about a hugelkultur bed is you're building an ant mound. They don't tell you these things.
Starting point is 00:11:49 They just show you how amazing everything's going to work out for you and you're never going to have any problems. One thing we do good at PBN is we admit defeat, man. We will admit defeat. You know what I'm saying? Like when things go wrong, we'll say, well, that was a bust. In fact, I got to get you guys a picture of my hydroponic system. It was absolutely ransacked overnight overnight something ate every one of my kale plants down to the nub
Starting point is 00:12:12 i'm gonna have i'm gonna i'm gonna start a nest of eagles in my backyard for any little thing this never happened to me before i looked out the window this morning drinking coffee and i looked at the hydroponic system and I was like, is it not running? What's something looks weird. And I look out there and I see zero kale. And like two nights ago, I was standing there looking at the kale and I was like, oh, this is good because I had put some new Swiss chard in it. And I'm looking, I'm going like, okay, what happened? Gone. Eaten down to the nub. Everything. The whole thing's gone. So I guess we're going to be doing some fall, different fall stuff in there as well.
Starting point is 00:12:53 I wonder how, hmm. I wonder how some squashes and stuff would do in there and some pumpkins. That'd be kind of fun. Not a root vegetable, you know, more of a fruit producing vine up. It would vine up all over that thing. It would run to the sun. It would follow the sun out into the yard. That would look kind of cool. That might be something to do. We may have to try that out. Harris v. Trump 2024. Get your popcorn, PBN family. The debates are going to be like nothing you've ever seen in your life. And now we don't have a situation where we've got a guy who's old and tired and napping, so there'll be debates.
Starting point is 00:13:43 I guess has to be careful how he treats the lady, if you will call it that. You know, ladies will be watching. They don't want to see Donald Trump beating up on a lady, even if she is a corrupted kind of an idiot. And still don't want to see it, so don't go too crazy on her, Donald. I think if he keeps this demeanor of sort of patience, sort of laid-back confidence, he'll largely be unbeatable. They'll have to do a plutonium sushi on him to get him out of there. They'll have to do a plutonium sushi number on him. You know, if I were him, I'd be on the phone with Blackwater, to be honest with you. I'd, I'd be on the phone with a military contract, a group of assassins or something along those lines and be like,
Starting point is 00:14:26 you know, we're going to have one of you guys with one of my Secret Service guys at all times. And this is just my own personal decision. I'd get the most American, fervently American personal security guards I could find. So maybe not Blackwater. I'd be like, if you don't have a bald eagle tattooed on your back or chest, you can't work for me. And I'd have those guys surrounding me if I were Donald Trump. So it's a wild time, folks.
Starting point is 00:15:01 I don't know what people do. You know, physical fitness really works for me in terms of dealing with anxiety and stress and all that and the stress of what's happening in our country. Obviously prepping, you know, you see fitness and while you don't hear me mention the prepping things that I do every day, I work out every day. You know what I mean? And those two things in my head are the same thing. Okay? Like physical fitness in the various ways that I do it.
Starting point is 00:15:33 And if you're a member, you know you have the prep or fit and health backlog to understand it. And the routines. Then you know. You know, that's part of the deal. But whatever it is you need to do to deal with these kind of situations it's a wild world out there folks I promise you though, we'll survive Trump and Kamala
Starting point is 00:15:53 what's most unnerving and what I'd really like to hear and I may even call my congressman and ask them but what I'd really like to hear and I think if the government was run by people who cared about the American people at all, then someone would come out, be it Kamala or anyone from the government, high level, and say, look, you may be worried because you don't know who's running the country. You may be worried because you don't know who's running the country.
Starting point is 00:16:35 You may be concerned because if Joe Biden is saying he's dropping out for the next election because he's unfit, then what makes you so confident that he's fit right now? Here's the plan to govern the United States on the lead up to the election while we have an unfit president at the helm to me that's a no-brainer you know what i mean it's a no-brainer let's tell these people who's running the nation so that it doesn't exist a vacuum where they worry about it and of course we won't see that instead we will see we will make believe we have a president For the next three months Well in fact we'll make believe we have a president for the next six months Which is why I've said I think that the three month par level for your preparedness by November
Starting point is 00:17:20 Is the bare minimum In other words you need to be able to stand on your own two feet From November to the bare minimum. In other words, you need to be able to stand on your own two feet from November to January, bare minimum. You need to be able to stay warm, feed, water, care for, protect, all of the above, your family. It's very rare preppers put a par level on things, you know, for a group because it's hard, but I'm very comfortable telling you, put away what you need, develop the skills that you need, develop the fitness
Starting point is 00:17:51 and health that you need to stand on your own two feet for at least three months. Talk to you soon, PBN family. Don't miss the Changing Earth podcast tonight. Always epic. Sarah Hathaway, Chin Gibson. Talk to you soon.

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