The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Jonathan Rose and The Prepper Bar on I AM Liberty

Episode Date: August 1, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, almighty God. I know not what course others may take. As for me, give me liberty or give me death. And I said, how do you like it? they like i already used it i'm like what
Starting point is 00:00:48 they're like yeah i uh you know my community uh especially in farming we do a lot of bartering anyway and uh i pulled out my prepper bar and uh and i i used it for some uh grains and and whatnot that i purchased so it's it's funny that in terms of real world practicality we're not there yet right but in terms of people being resourceful and and and understanding the value of true currency uh people already accept it so that's pretty mind-boggling to me yeah i mean it we're definitely at a point where crazy change can happen you know i would say pre-2020 i would have thought very differently about us ever being able to get to a point where we use something like a small piece of silver as uh as currency in a retail setting now i just think anything's possible as you know yeah when you watch the
Starting point is 00:01:41 go ahead i'm sorry jonathan. Go ahead. No, no. I was just saying when you look at currency, I mean, you just go back not too long ago, you know, pre-1964 quarters, dimes, half dollars, you know, they were 90% silver in them. So the value in those tremendously obviously shot up. And obviously the government and the U.S. Mint stopped using real silver and coinage because they figured out a way how they can make it much cheaper right with like copper and other
Starting point is 00:02:11 alloys but um you know even even coins used to have 90 worth of silver in them yeah i mean a lot of people in our prepper world they go for those they buy bags of junk silver just to have it you know that's a big thing in our world there's value there um but yeah it just seems to me like you know we sell a lot of those oh do you guys sell junk silver also yeah so we're a precious metals company and we really specialize in iras and 401ks people rolling over retirement accounts to protect them from the uncertainty. And obviously, when you get to roll over an IRA or 401k, you get to pick what type of metals you want in there. So, you know, people may want coins or bars. But over the years, you know, people have asked us, hey, how am I going to spend this?
Starting point is 00:03:02 How can I use this? You know, I want something that's going to be liquid. So that's technically listening to our clients. That's how the Prepper Bar was actually conceived. There was actually a need for it. So the Genesis Gold Group was flopping people's 401ks into gold and silver IRAs. People had concerns. IRAs, people had concerns. You answered that concern by creating what is essentially a credit card sized silver bar that breaks down into, now stop me if I get any of this wrong, that's 10
Starting point is 00:03:34 half ounce. No, I'm sorry. Lay it out for me. 10 half ounce, five tenth ounce and four quarter ounce. Is that right? Yeah, that's right. So it's like four quarter ounce is that right yeah that's right so it's like a credit card i know we're not on video here but if people were to imagine like a something slightly bigger than a credit card but it still fits in your wallet the top row consists of fractional pieces that you can break off so you have 20th of an ounce and then below that you have four uh quarter of an ounce and below that one two three four you have five tenth of an ounce. And then below that, you have four quarter of an ounce. And below that, one, two, three, four, you have five tenths of an ounce. So it's really divisible and fractional into three different sizes. So it's the only bar made in America today that's fractional. And it's
Starting point is 00:04:21 something that we're really proud of because there are products uh that are remotely similar but not the same that come out of sweden uh a switzerland excuse me called the val convi bar uh but they're more expensive you can only use one grand to break break them off so uh and there's a big premium to bring them over here to the us so um you know we wanted to make something that was more affordable to clients. And it consists of just over 62 troy ounces of silver or gold, which is just 62 grams, I should say. So 62 grams, which is just about, you know, just two troy ounces in gold or silver. Okay. So each bar is right around two ounce got it and they're poured here in the states right that's a big deal yeah that is a big deal you know something we're
Starting point is 00:05:10 very proud of they're uh manufactured and uh minted at the sunshine mint in nevada which is one of the most respectful uh reputable mints in america today the sunshine mint man yeah that's uh you know when you have a when you have silver in one hand you understand sort of the safeguard of it when you have it in in these usable sizes that's what gets preppers eyes because then you start to understand all right i'm not going to bat with i always used to complain on my shows about going going into a collapse situation or an economic collapse with one ounce gold coins and i would be like man you're gonna be just taken advantage of if you really need something you're gonna have to pay a gold coin for everything you need so yeah you know having having the ability to break this thing apart, even all the way down to the – what is it?
Starting point is 00:06:09 What's the smallest derivation? A twentieth of an ounce. A twentieth of an ounce. Yeah, I called it a half ounce. That was me misspeaking. The twentieth of an ounce pieces. Yeah, that's – and in these prepper groups, in these prepper communities that are popping up in various places, I could see this stuff being used for currency right off the bat, sort of in the same way that you were talking about homesteaders. Yeah, 100 percent. I mean, a lot of people would say to us with even with the one ounce coins, hey, you know, I don't have a hacksaw in my back pocket.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Right. How am I going to use it? Right. And then the same thing is if they start going to tenth of an ounce pieces, you know, a couple of things happen. Their premium shoots up on these things. And again, they don't have the portability of having like a like a credit card sheet with three different sizes that's compact. You can carry with you. So it kind of really ticks all the boxes and solves a multitude of issues. And really what we're providing here is utility for people who prep by keeping precious metals on them that can kind of fit any shape, size or need.
Starting point is 00:07:15 So it definitely checks a lot of boxes. Yeah, I love that. I love when a product, when you see a product and right off the bat, one of the first thing you think is somebody sat down and thought what are the problems with you know silver as currency or whenever you see a product where it looks like someone sat down and really thought out what the problems are and came out the other end was with something that checked all the boxes it's there's something to that man so i appreciate you digging into that thing for the silver
Starting point is 00:07:45 enthusiasts of the world and the gold enthusiasts so you guys have a gold one too right for those who are interested we do we do the the gold just launched so we launched with the silver um and then the silver and then the gold just became available and it's funny um we have this website i'm on it and yeah, and then on there, the gold wasn't available, so we had a notify me list. And we had over 500 emails of people that want notifications when they came online. So as soon as they came online, people obviously started buying them. them you know to date the silver prepper bar i'd say within the past 30 days we've probably sold about nearly 20 000 units just of the silver prepper bar so wow um yeah we haven't kind of gone national with this thing yet which we're about to but uh there's definitely a huge huge
Starting point is 00:08:39 demand for it and uh obviously there's only you know one one place people can get these so uh you know where where we have a our printing presses minting about 10 000 units um a week and we'll probably you know be be upping that here shortly so what do you mean by national so you know there's a lot of uh we've done that kind of some soft launches right now. But once we advertise it nationally, that means, you know, across America, whether it be advertising channels, you know, a lot of show hosts want us to talk about it and just. Oh, I see. OK. Larger, larger advertisement. A larger advertisement marketing plan. Yeah, I've been selling these in more of a controlled setting so things don't kind of go too haywire on us. Smart, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Yeah, there's still customer service and fulfillment and questions that need to be answered. So we've just kind of been finding out what those questions are and you know people's feedback and comments so we can make any adjustments accordingly if we need to i'll tell you what jonathan i wish i had a prepper bar not long ago i was uh our network in particular has 15 hosts and we do a lot of different things outside of just podcasting you know we do things. And one of the things we did over the winter was we split up a bunch of pigs to freeze and keep for long-term meat and all that kind of stuff, plus it's delicious. And I wound up paying in silver.
Starting point is 00:10:21 I wound up paying my buddy Dave, Dave Jones, the NBC guy. Absolutely a madman. We love him. Infamous at PBN. I laid out a bunch of silver bars on a cooler that had my meat in it and handed it off to him. So I kind of forgot about that when you talked about the homesteading group. But, yeah, we'll be doing a beef purchase in the winter this year, I think. And we may be doing gold and silver, too, there.
Starting point is 00:10:51 That's something to consider. Yeah, those kinds of transactions are, like I said, they're becoming more and more popular. And people are reaching out, at least in our communities. People are doing things like connecting with farmers, connecting with people, butch butchers that kind of thing in a way that makes sense to them and aligning themselves with people who understand the value of stuff like this you know and like i said it seems more more possible than ever that that maybe you may walk into a walmart one day with some kind of silver something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Well, the main thing is, is that we call it wealth in your wallet, right? So, you know, if we ever go to a cashless society or your credit cards aren't working, you know, it's like a wallet in your wallet, so to speak. So, you know, if you need it, I'd rather have it and not need it than have it and something bad happen. Right. So in terms of the versatility and being prepared, it really just kind of gives you that that peace of mind. And, you know, and after some of my homesteaders told me they they've already been using it and I realized there's actually, you know, real world case scenarios where people are just already beginning to use it. know, real world case scenarios where people are just already beginning to use it. It just kind of made me realize that the outreach of the different types of demographics that would be interested in
Starting point is 00:12:10 the Prepper Bar was kind of much, much kind of wider than we originally thought. So they're also available to go into people's IRAs and 401ks. So like I mentioned, you know, we have Genesis Gold Group and Genesis Gold Group helps people with IRAs and 401ks. And when people put metals in there, people have to also take distributions. And when you take a distribution, the client has the option of taking the cash or taking possession of the metal. And a lot of times, 90 to 95 percent of our clients want the metals in their hand. Right. Because that's the security that's the mindset of people that if they don't hold it they don't own it plus people want to be
Starting point is 00:12:51 able to pass gold and silver uh down to their family it's like a legacy yeah so the fact that it's a legacy piece but you also have the utility that it's spendable, tradable, partable. You know, it kind of really just gives you that real world environment and use cases that people are looking for right now that they haven't been able to obtain before, you know, with big bars or even fractional coins, because even they're heavy and not portable. So this, again, gives you the ability to break off pieces of metals into three different sizes, tenth of an ounce, quarter of an ounce, and twentieth of an ounce. So you really have that versatility there. And the fact that it comes in silver as well as gold is just something I think is super smart
Starting point is 00:13:38 because both of those metals are going to continue to go up in value, in my opinion, especially when we have the state of the economy that we're seeing today with the debt ceiling and the bank failures that we're going to see more happen, instability overseas, whether it be Russia, Ukraine, Israel, the Middle East. So definitely, I think in the near future, we'll probably even have some silver shortages. We've seen that before. And when that happens, you'll probably see premiums go up but i think that's not too far away yeah man you're speaking our language you know we're preparing for all these all of these eventualities i think what the average person should understand uh feel free to use this if
Starting point is 00:14:21 you want but i think what the average person should understand about cash and precious metals is they can't be cyber-attacked. You know, this cyber-attack situation. See, we've reached a point with cyber-attack, Jonathan, where the updates, what happened last Friday was an update to thwart cyber-attack wound up shutting down the whole system. So now it's not just hackers that we're worried about shutting our banks down shutting our you know everything down it's it's also just the sheer uh i guess the sheer size and scope of these massive updates that we have to undertake to stay safe from these hackers and you know i don't know to me that's a system that seems like it's on borrowed time because oh i don't know I don't know how you can combat a growing AI, an intelligent AI that's growing and getting better and better every day combined with hackers who want to steal money from banks. I don't see how you can combat that unless you have tangible assets.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Yeah, I 100% agree with you. I think you hit the nail on the head there. You know, again, it wasn't even a cyber attack. It was a software update. And if you think that's going to be the last one, you know, you have to be pretty naive and you have to understand that, you know, when someone miskeyed a piece of code and hit the update button, it took out the entire world economy for the past few days, right? Flights were canceled.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Bank deposits disappeared. Couldn't get money out of the bank. And these are very scary but real-world realities that set in. And then when you kind of bring up things like, I'm not sure if you guys cover what we call CBDC, Central Bank Disaster Surve oh yeah sure oh that's terrifying than anything absolutely you won't even be able to buy silver anymore using your cbdc probably yeah that won't make the approved list no definitely not and that's why you know having
Starting point is 00:16:19 having a usable barterable asset such as gold and silver is even more important because with CBDCs, it's just a form of control. They want to know what you're spending, how you're spending, where you're spending, right? So again, you know, dollar tracing, that's what central bank digital currencies are about. And as we head towards a digital dollar, which scares the heebie-jeebies out of me, I'd rather have physical assets as a form of payment than a digital dollar where people can track and know my movements and really control you on what you can buy and what you can't buy
Starting point is 00:16:54 just by turning something off and on. So that's very scary, but something that's coming our way. Yeah, it's terrible, man. It's terrible. And like I said, the beautiful thing, though, Jonathan, the deeper we got into prepping over the years and all that kind of stuff, the more the problems started to pile up. It was clear that the majority of solutions already exist.
Starting point is 00:17:20 It's just up to people taking action and stepping into waters that aren't they may not be uh comfortable with you know what i mean or they may not be educated in and gold and silver is is just one of those uh one of those lanes that you turn into and go oh if i got gold and silver and i got some cash then when the atms break i not like 90% of people who are suddenly stopped in their tracks. Yeah, yeah, I'd agree with that. We have a saying in our industry, when it comes to gold, you don't wait to buy gold, you buy gold and wait, right? And it's so true today. And if people say, well, I can't afford gold, then, you know, people should start looking at silver, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:04 say well i can't afford gold then you know people should start looking at silver you know buying silver and and the silver prepper bar you know is very inexpensive and um i think with the utility that it covers it's a great way to kind of get introduced to not only owning precious metals but to add to your kind of prepping um you know your your're prepping you know bars and everything that you have like so you probably have a prepping kit a bug out bag whatever it is you know prepper bars are just something that people should be holding on to just in case of of an emergency or something that they can use you know for practicality reasons yeah yeah i mean that's what it is you know it's it's all part of the whole self-reliance and independence puzzle. But it is a part of it.
Starting point is 00:18:48 It's hard to prioritize all those things. But I do think that tangible wealth is an essential. It's an essential because you can... The beautiful thing about the Prepper Bar, too, that I was thinking about before our interview is you can create an economy with it. And thinking about before our interview is uh you can create an economy with it and what i mean by that is if you started to stack if you started to stack uh prepper bars exclusively and you started to buy things in a in a collapsed situation depression
Starting point is 00:19:20 recession whatever you know wherever we're headed uh and you started to buy things or barter with neighbors with things with these smaller derivations of silver, then eventually they're going to have it, and then other people are going to gain it. Over time, you're going to have the ability to circulate small amounts of silver throughout your community because the majority of people you're going to be surviving alongside are going to be community members anyway.
Starting point is 00:19:45 So now you have these smaller derivations of silver circulating, and I feel like that would stick. I don't see why people would want to move away from that. It's kind of built into their blood. Yeah, and it's peace of mind, and that's what people are looking for. Like I said, you know, we, we listened to our clients. They were asking us for something spendable, tradable, portable,
Starting point is 00:20:11 and there really just wasn't anything on the market, uh, that kind of checked all the boxes and that was specially made in America. So, um, you know, being able to check all those boxes is, is, you know, anytime you can have something innovative that kind of pairs with something that's legacy worth and has been around for years and has never changed, that's always a win in my books. It's a good formula, yeah. So I think, yeah, so I think, you know, just based on what we have here, it's a real winner for lots of people that are looking for assets like gold and silver, but looking for the utility aspect of it as well. So how do you guys feel about or what is the climate of people in the Genesis group sort of moving their ditching the classic 401k? Do you guys see a lot of that? Is that something that's happening consistently or is it less popular?
Starting point is 00:21:07 that's happening consistently or is it is it less popular oh no i i'd say that's probably you know the driving force of our of our main business over here is people who have iras and 401ks and you know they're they're turning on the news and they're seeing you know 34 trillion dollars in debt and and bank failures and and the threat of really economic collapse. And they want to get their chips off kind of the Wall Street casino. So by rolling over an IRA tax-free, penalty-free, they can shift into, you know, precious metals and particularly gold and silver. And they can have the security and peace of mind because a lot of people who have these retirement accounts have worked hard for many, many years.
Starting point is 00:21:44 And they want to preserve and hold on to what they've got. So, you know, again, gold and silver ticks that box. And then people that want, you know, metals that are also, you know, liquid, tradable, spendable, they can also even put assets in there like the prepper bars, as we're discussing. Yeah, it's so weird how there is a dollar. Well, I guess we could call it like a debt amount there's a debt amount in an economic sort of climate that and it varies you know based on the person but there is a time and place where the debt reaches a certain point and and the economy reaches a certain point where you start turning to silver. Because I started probably 10 years ago. Yeah, I mean, gosh, I've been saying...
Starting point is 00:22:27 Go ahead. Yeah, no, Jim, I've been saying for years. No, I've been saying for years, debt does matter. And we're $34 trillion in debt. Every 90 days, we are paying $1 trillion in interest on the existing debt. And to kind of put that into perspective, that $1 trillion we're paying in interest every 90 days is more than our US national defense budget. So we're spending our US national defense budget every 90 days, which is just absolutely insane. And you can't keep expecting to print money, spend money without there being
Starting point is 00:23:05 any ramifications. So, you know, if you had a child and you did give them a credit card and they kept spending and you had to teach them fiscal responsibility, right, at some point, you'd probably cut them off. And if they couldn't pay back that credit card, that payment, their credit score goes down, right? And they become uncreditworthy. Well, that's what's happening to the U.S. right now in the U.S. dollar. And that's why you have other nations, BRIC nations, they're called Brazil, Russia, India, China. They're banding together, creating their own currency, backing it by assets like gold and silver. And where does that leave the U.S. dollar? In the dirt. That's where it leaves it. So the reliance and the power
Starting point is 00:23:46 of the U.S. dollar has fallen to the wayside. And it's a pivotal election year. I think the market won't crash this year because both sides of the economic parties want to keep everything the status quo as they fight their own battles, right, to kind of get into power. But I think next year, we are about to see a financial meltdown that we've never witnessed before. And that's really where you're going to see the power of owning assets such as silver and gold. And silver is very undervalued, by the way, in my opinion. I've been in the financial markets for 30 years. I used to be a massive gold bug. And it's only until the past few years ago that I've kind of I still love gold, but the role reversal and understanding the really purchasing power and the industrial use for an asset such as silver.
Starting point is 00:24:32 So I think we're really going to have a very bull market here for silver and I'm very bullish on the price. Anybody can get in, you know, that's the difference. price anybody can get in you know that's the difference when i was 26 years old and working two jobs and and just barely getting by had my first kid i still remember at the end of the the week getting my paycheck and saying like i could put 20 into an ounce 25 whatever it was back then with shipping like i remember having almost no extra money and being able to buy silver. And that's the massive difference, especially in an economic climate like we're in right now between silver and gold for me.
Starting point is 00:25:14 And what I think for common people who are saying, do I want to dip my feet into these weird assets that I can't take to Walmart and buy food with? Do I want to dip my feet in that? I'll do it at $35 an ounce, or I'll do it at, you know, two ounces for $140 with a bar that's designed for that kind of use. But will I do it for, you know, $6,000? Maybe not.
Starting point is 00:25:39 You know what I mean? Yeah. I used to listen to a guy years ago. I don't know if you listened to him too he wasn't super probably wasn't like on major networks but he his name was brother john f and he was riding that sort of undervalued silver uh ideology so hard and he really he really helped me understand the true value of silver you know not the not the spot price every day but the true value of silver and that's big that's big for people to understand
Starting point is 00:26:10 oh yeah absolutely there's there's definitely real world uh cases for silver you know even even just industrially right now there's there's if you look to the chart of the industrial use for silver it's it's skyrocketing upwards when you look at electronics um you look to the chart of the industrial use for silver, it's skyrocketing upwards. When you look at electronics, you look at, you know, manufacturing of electric cars, you know, the government has put a mandate out there that all cars must be electric by 2030. You know, good luck with that. I don't think we have the infrastructure to even make that happen, but that's what they're trying to do. While a lot of these electric cars, they use a lot of silver components. So the industrial aspect right now of silver is through the roof. You look at medical usage, you look at solar panels, again, semiconductors. The usage for silver right now is just growing and growing and growing. And new silver mines aren't popping up. In fact, they're dwindling. So, you know, at some point in time, we are going to run into a supply and demand issue.
Starting point is 00:27:11 And I've seen this happen before. And that's when premiums really shoot up. So, you know, people that are looking at purchasing silver, you know, I think right now is a great price point. When you look at the silver to gold ratio you know when that access cross that's the buy sign we're definitely on that right now so from my geeky economic standpoint of view because i used to work for merrill lynch morgan stanley um you know i'm very switched on on how these markets kind of tick over um you know from that standpoint on the finance side you know silver is very undervalued but when you look at it more from a use case study and a and understanding gold and silver a real currency
Starting point is 00:27:50 it really doesn't matter what the the economics of it are it's just having that deep belief in understanding why you need to be holding on to assets that are real that come from our ground rather than fiat currency that can be mass produced and devalued at any given time. Yeah, I like that concept of buying to hold too. I think that's important. I know that's sort of like the crypto mindset too nowadays, but that's really worked for me over 10 years. It has worked for me, the buying and the holding.
Starting point is 00:28:23 And I've even used silver. I've sold silver off for vacations and stuff like that um you know and if you do it at the right time it's you it's not like you take a loss anyway if you watch the market a little bit you know i'm not i'm not a type of guy who wakes up and looks at spot price every day you know it's not my thing really but it's it it has utility today it has utility now it it really does so i work closely with people like even mike lindell from my pillow you know uh i work with him closely and and he has prepper bars in his hand actually and and he loves them because it's his he calls it his rainy day money because uh you know, when you know what hits the fan, he says he uses it as rainy day money. And I always kind of get a rise out of that because that's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Like he's kind of hit the nail on the head. He understands the value. A lot of people kind of put this stuff away. But if you need it, you could spend it. But if an emergency comes up, guess what? It's not like a house that you've invested in, which can take a long time to sell. Right. It's something that's very liquid and you can turn it, turn it back into cash. So that's always been some of the allure of gold. Right. And silver.
Starting point is 00:29:35 But the fact that you can now keep it in a wallet, you know, pull it out like a credit card and and have a use case scenario or you get trapped somewhere and you really need to pay somebody uh or get yourself out of a tight spot it's it's it's really just kind of no different than like a you know swiss army knife or something you'd have on you just to make sure that you've got all your bases covered yeah and the other thing you know in terms of actually selling silver this day and age and gold uh from my experience i don't know how much of this you get into jonathan but places i go physical you know i sell good gold at brick and mortar and i recommend everybody have a brick and mortar place to do that kind of stuff because you know it great that you can sell it online and ship it and they ship you money
Starting point is 00:30:22 back but when you know you see what happened fr, if that happens for a long period of time, then you can't sell your silver anymore because you don't know who's buying. And if they're reputable. So you want to start that relationship now. And when I go, I tend to see the way things are priced and the way things are sold, if it's unique, it adds value. If it's unique, it adds value. You know, if your gold guy and your silver guy is not sitting on a stack of prepper bars and you go in for a little rainy day money and you have this prepper bar that they've never seen before, you're going to get good money for it because he knows he can sell it for good money. You know, so there's value in that too.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Yeah, at that point, it would be worth a lot more. So again, when you look at the whole scenario, the top down, you kind of look at the economy from 15,000 feet. And I always tell people, Jim, we don't have a crystal ball, but we have a pretty good roadmap and we know what's coming next. And that's why it's a prudent man that foresees danger and prepares. And that's why, you know, it's a prudent man that foresees danger and prepares. And that's what we're doing. You know, we're preparing. I have many friends that are preppers, many friends that, you know, believe in, you know, lead as in bullets as a commodity and guns and just making sure they have, you know, plenty of water and resources and, you know, freeze-dried food and, you know, and one of those other resources is having, you know, plenty of water and resources and, you know, freeze-dried food. And, you know, and one of those other resources is having, you know, like something like a prepper bar now that they can use
Starting point is 00:31:52 and hopefully not use it, but if they do, they have it. But again, knowing that it's something that they can turn back into cash if an emergency comes up. Yeah. I mean, I think people like that should look at it through a different lens. I think they should be buying these things to use them. They should be buying silver to use them and they should find ways to use them because we haven't closed the door on running an economy on tangible assets.
Starting point is 00:32:20 The government can try to do it, but that doesn't mean that the people will do it. So long as retailers take it and then up the chain suppliers take it, then that's that's the deal. You know, that's all that you really need to make happen. And that is the best way to stand against something like a digital currency coming from the government. And to me, that's a worst case scenario i can't think of anything worse than a government that's already overly and overtly tracking people and everything that they do to then have their hands in every purchase that they make and questions and databases filled
Starting point is 00:32:57 of everything you've ever bought and why and how and know also know exactly where to come when they need a certain thing you know when that shortage of silver comes oh well we just go knock up at jonathan's door we know he's got some you know what i mean right yeah so so true so yeah no um i i definitely understand what you're saying i think it makes makes a lot of sense i've always been a big believer in gold and silver you know it's just you know just even as a child I obviously wasn't a prepper as a child. I kind of definitely prep way more now. But, you know, my grandfather used to give me gold and silver coins as a child, which I still have and I've given to my children. And they're worth a lot more today than they were back then. So I just always had a love for,
Starting point is 00:33:41 you know, precious metals. I never thought I'd be in a situation where I would now be needing it more than ever, or even have a situation where there's a product out there now that I can use something that I can spend. And I know you're an advocate for trying to spend it now. I have these bars. I have a lot of people on air and I show them how they break up. So I'm glad I don't have to break up another one right now because I have so many of these little pieces in my desk of the smaller pieces that break apart. But I'm telling you, you get this in your hand. This thing's very robust. I'm hitting it now. You can hear that noise. It's not flimsy. It's very robust, but it's also pliable. And as you start plying it, you know, there's creases along the bar.
Starting point is 00:34:27 And you can just start, you know, a couple of twists and it breaks off in your hand and you have the different sizes. And, you know, you could be breaking off a $5 piece, a $10 piece, a $35 piece. So it's just really, really cool in that way. So it's just really, really cool in that way. And there hasn't been anyone that I've talked to or or has put this in the hand that hasn't said to me, oh, my God, this is amazing. How do I purchase one of these? Even for one of my kids birthdays, he went to have a twins. They're 11. My son had a party he went to. And obviously I got the child a an age appropriate present, but I also gave him a proper bar. And that evening I got a phone call from the dad saying, oh, my gosh, you know, I've been a gold and silver buyer for years. This is the coolest thing I've ever seen. What is this? So I was just kind of explaining it to him. And it's amazing,
Starting point is 00:35:21 you know, when you put one of these things in people's hands, or they just kind of, you know, see or understand what this is all about. You know, it's really kind of like makes sense. It's like a light bulb moment. And that light bulb moment is, is not only is this a good idea, but I need one of these, this is something I should be holding on to regardless. So that's, I think, that's the beauty of this is that people realize, Hey, I, I needed this. I didn't realize I needed this until they actually see it. Uh, but it's, it's just really, you know, one of the coolest innovative things I've seen, like I've said for a long, long time and anything that's kind of innovative, um, and robust, such as the Prepper bar, it always gets my vote. That's a beautiful thing, man. What else can you tell us about it,
Starting point is 00:36:08 or is there anything else to tell us about it, any new releases or stuff along those lines that are incoming for Genesis Group or the Prepper Bar itself? Well, if your listeners are interested in just learning more about protecting IRAs, they can go to just because, you know, we have e-guides and educational pieces that kind of explain how to protect an IRA with precious metals. If they're interested in the Prepper Bar, they can just go to And for your listeners, Jim, if they go to checkout and put in the promo code PREPPER, P-R-E-P-P-E-R,
Starting point is 00:36:45 PREPPER, they'll get 10% off the price of the silver and 5% off of the price of the gold. We do have plans in the future for different types of prepping innovative products in gold and silver. But right now, as we speak, the printing presses are kind of in overdrive, just beginning to kind of keep up with demand as we launch this. So, again, they can go to and find out more just about the product and whether or not they want to purchase it is another thing. But just to kind of understand what the product is, how it looks, the utility of it. And I always say getting an education is always the first step to everything. But again, I may be a little bit biased, but I've been in this business and the precious metals arena for 30 years,
Starting point is 00:37:35 and I've never seen anything like this before. Well, that's about as good a reference as you guys are going to get, PBN family. So check out And if you're not into tangibles yet, again, silver is highly accessible. I'd recommend it. And probably most importantly is figure out who's buying and selling in your area or close by and get to know them. Well, Jonathan, we appreciate you, sir. Thanks so much for coming on.
Starting point is 00:38:04 It's been a great show. And sounds like you've struck gold, my man, or silver on the prepper bar. Thanks for letting our audience know about it. Yeah, no, my pleasure. Anytime. I'm just appreciative that we can kind of share the message, share the passion,
Starting point is 00:38:22 and talk about something really innovative and new to the market market that they're hearing it from you first. Excellent. Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid Commander and I'm holding the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy, MD. In this great book, you'll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You'll learn about assessment and stabilization. You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. Look, 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the Prepper's
Starting point is 00:39:05 Medical Handbook today at Again, that's the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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