The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Kicking National Preparedness Month Off with a BANG!!!

Episode Date: September 1, 2024

Amazon Deals Members Lifetime Membership Deal

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello. Welcome to the podcast. Present your vaccine passport. Enter your social credit score and be sure you have enough remaining carbon credits to enjoy today's show. PBN Family. Your garden is the resistance. PBN Family, your garden is the resistance. PBN Family, National Preparedness Month is upon us. And we are taking no prisoners on day one, just so you know. Okay? Just so you know, we are taking zero prisoners on day one. Now, I can't promise you that we're going to be a sustained effort through the whole month. I mean, we always have a powerful end of month because of Prepper Camp.
Starting point is 00:00:54 But it's day one, and we have a culmination of things, deals happening, opportunities, tips. There's a monarch butterfly sitting here looking as beautiful as anything on the planet Earth. It's a gorgeous day. I'm walking to the coop to let the chickens out. Oh, you guys need food. This is what we got going on. Okay, I'll take it from the top.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Step one, or item number one, which is completely and totally free, is going to be 30 days of tips from the Prepper Broadcasting Network hosts, myself and Dave Jones primarily. He did ask for some cool music intro, so I got to get him an intro made this morning. What's up, girls? So you're going to start with that. 30 days, 30 tips from Dave Jones, the NBC guy, and myself. I don't even, I got so much to talk about. Well, maybe I'll come upon a tip organically. Yeah, I got one already, actually. So we got the tips.
Starting point is 00:02:13 The birds are insane. Here's a tip, okay? Pay attention to the birds. And the goings on on the planet. Animal sign and animal significance is a real thing. Ryan Buford's wife hit a bird in a way that I've never seen it happen. Yesterday. It got stuck in the grill.
Starting point is 00:02:41 And you won't hear about this because he doesn't do a show anymore. It looked like a hawk or an eagle of some kind. I'm not sure. A young one. But then I saw a picture of it late last night. And it almost looked like an owl in the face a little bit. I'm not too good with different bird species. Especially when they're young.
Starting point is 00:03:01 The birds have been really weird around here. The hawks have been devastating. They're killing everything. They've killed two of my chickens already. Picked them up, flew away with them. I've never seen them do that successfully once. The birds are crazy. Across town, they're doing the same things.
Starting point is 00:03:27 So animal sign and animal behavior is my prepper tip for you today. Pay attention. Pay attention to what's going on with them. They know things, you know what I mean? They sense disturbances in ways that we can't. And if you pay attention to animals on a daily basis, which you should anyway, because it's fun. And it's a reminder that you're part of this world, not just the digital, it's a good thing, you know, it is, it's a good thing, something weird going on with the birds, around here anyway, and when I say that, and then also I'm saying, you know, here in Virginia it's weird, all the way out in the Virginia, it's weird. All the way out in the West Coast, it's weird. So it's something going on.
Starting point is 00:04:10 All right. So with Prepper Tips, that's number one, off the ground and running. Number two is a little more isolated an offer, but it's very cool. I've talked about it to the members on the membership element room. I know not all of you members are out there. Many of you members listen to the podcast exclusively. That's your only communication with us. I'm offering something I've never offered before to the members for National Preparedness Month.
Starting point is 00:04:39 It's not something I do a lot. I'm sorry I'm getting buzzed. I'm getting buzzed by the only person I want to get buzzed by right now, but I'm going to hold off and I'll talk to them later. We're offering lifetime memberships, 25 of them. 25 lifetime memberships, okay? National Preparedness Month special offer. You have to be a member already To take advantage of this This is to pay you guys back
Starting point is 00:05:09 For four years of support Here at the Prepper Broadcasting Network Essentially 25 first come first serve Lifetime memberships They'll be $250 And then you never pay For membership again
Starting point is 00:05:25 for the rest of the history of the Prepper Broadcasting Network. And in about four years you get your money's worth. And that puts you right about 2030. And we all know how interesting that's going to be. We all know how interesting that's going to be. But I have to imagine that prepping will be rocking about as hard as it can rock. And the elites will probably be doing everything they can do to secure their Agenda 2030 plan. So to you members out there, again, it's a limited amount. We'll see how it goes.
Starting point is 00:06:00 I may do more. $250 and you never pay again. You're a member for life. Okay. We're selling the memberships with silver for the first time ever as well. Okay. So $250 cash, 200 or eight ounces of silver gets you a lifetime membership here at the Prepper Broadcasting Network. I've never sold anything with silver before. But again, our members are the real deal. Our members are, you know, this is something that they have. I know it. I know many of you. I know you've got silver in your coffers and I know you might even be thinking, you know, I'd like to use this for something instead of just stacking it all.
Starting point is 00:06:47 So that's my opportunity to you. 25 limited. Once they're gone, they're gone. I got a bunch of thumbs up in the membership chat room. I have to imagine now in another hour or so, the email will be going out with the link to the membership, uh, lifetime membership opportunity. If you're a member, you'll get that email. If you're a member and you don't get that email, then just reach out to me and I'll get you a link. Just reach out. We'll make it happen. This is not a hard thing to
Starting point is 00:07:16 do. Literally just making you a lifetime member rather than a year to year. Or some of you are even on the month to month program. Get off that month to month program and just take care of it for a lifetime. Because we ain't going nowhere, man. We got too many hosts. Our hosts got too many kids. There's a good chance the Prepper Broadcasting Network could be around for two lifetimes. I mean, fundamentally. Think about it. So, again, limited amount, 25 lifetime memberships, $250 or 8 ounces of silver. As soon as the physical silver is in my hands, you're a lifetime member. If that's the way you want to go about it.
Starting point is 00:08:01 I'm kind of excited about that. I think that's kind of fun. But that's my deal to you incredible members. Try to get 25 of you off the $60 per year. Or, you know, see, because the problem is eventually we're going to have to raise our prices. We can't be $60 a year for 10 years. I mean, we can be. But I don't know what people are going to do to me on the cost side of running things. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:24 So lock it in. Lock it in. Lock it cost side of running things. You know what I mean. So lock it in. Lock it in. Lock it in. Lock it in. National Preparedness Month. And the other thing I put out this morning. Because I've been rocking and rolling man. I told myself I'm not going to do anything this Labor Day weekend.
Starting point is 00:08:39 It's been about the busiest weekend I've had. I was out all day yesterday. I was supposed to never leave the house. I was ready to hermit in. I had eight cups of coffee left when I left the house. It's funny how the best laid plans of mice and men work out. Until the wife shows up and says, Hey, let's go thrift shopping for Halloween decorations.
Starting point is 00:09:00 And you're out at 4.30 in the afternoon. You got to cancel your Warhammer plans and reschedule your Warhammer plans. You know how it goes. So I'll be playing some Warhammer with my neighbor at noon today. And then I've got to cook out with another group of neighbors later. And you realize like this idea of having a nice quiet weekend, probably for the birds anyway. But I woke up early this morning and I knocked something out that I thought everyone would enjoy
Starting point is 00:09:30 and I'll link to it down below in the show. It's also posted up at It's also on our Twitter right now. It's in Element right now. It's on Instagram. It's on my Facebook pages. All that kind of stuff. It's all spread out there already. You might have seen it already.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Amazon's putting out some pretty awesome Labor Day sales. I took about 7-8 items that I saw. 7-8 items that I think are big money savers or are items that I really enjoy. I'll give you sort of the alpha and the omega. There's a 1,000-watt Jackery that's like 50% off. Okay? I mean, if you've been wanting to do that, Phil Rabelais from the Matter of Facts podcast is a Jackery guy.
Starting point is 00:10:20 He's always said great things about them. He always has his at Prepper Camp. I've seen it in action. They're a good brand. They get the job done. You know I'm a.0 energy guy myself. American assembled, American tested. That's just how I roll.
Starting point is 00:10:32 But they ain't on Amazon for 50% off today. You know what I'm saying? So we got the Jackery kind of the alpha. And then you have a whole list of different deals in that article it's an article very little writing mostly links and short description of what it is vacuum sealers grow lights on great discount uh one of the cheapest things on the list that I think is just you know I just love them I don't know Maybe it's because my kids used them when they were little in their rooms and stuff like that. But those little lanterns that pull apart and as you pull them apart, they light up. You know what I mean? They got like the two metal handles.
Starting point is 00:11:14 They sort of slide open like a canister. And as they open, bing, the light comes on. You know, kids can operate them things from the time they're like two. Like my two-year-old son could turn his lantern on. You know what I mean? Just by pulling. And I just always loved them. I always loved the design. They're not a fancy thing. They're not an expensive thing.
Starting point is 00:11:35 They're very cheap. There's a four-pack of them for like 20 bucks or something like that. I don't remember exactly. And I said, you know what? I'm going to include these things because they brought me so much joy. And there's efficacy over the years that we're going to go with these as well. So link down below. Check out the Amazon deals if you're in the market for some Labor Day prepping deals.
Starting point is 00:11:56 They got Baofeng radios on sale too. Cool stuff. I called the Baofeng radio sort of the rite of passage for all preppers in the article. I thought that was kind of funny. That sort of the rite of passage for all preppers in the article. I thought that was kind of funny. That's like a rite of passage. Did you get to the Baofeng radio portion of your prepping journey yet? When you buy a Baofeng radio and you pull it out of the box and go, so what in the cuss am I supposed to do with this thing?
Starting point is 00:12:21 Because everybody said I should have one and now I got one. I don't know what to do with it. because because everybody said i should have one and now i got one i don't know what to do with it all right folks i think that's about it it's sunday no reliance uh but you probably will hear from dave jones the nbc guy and you will definitely hear from sarah over at the changing earth sarah if you're listening i'm gonna get you your lines either today or tomorrow Come hell or high water I'm sorry for the delay Yeah, it's PBN guys Listen to last week if you haven't My new show Surviving America was out
Starting point is 00:12:54 We had Rick Austin on Monday With the Matter of Facts guys Dave Jones was incredible this week We had some awesome shows man Herbal Medicine for Preppers Awesome stuff This week we had some awesome shows, man. Herbal medicine for preppers. Awesome stuff. Awesome stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:10 All right. I'm getting out of here. Check the links below. Think about that lifetime membership if you are a member. Prepare yourself for National Preparedness Month. It is here. And, yeah, who knows where we'll be in another two, three months, right? Put the pedal to the metal, PBN family.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Remember what I said the other week. Today you're a prepper. It might not be that way in three months, right? There could be a time in the very near future where you go from being a prepper to being a survivor. I'll talk to you soon. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments? is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prepper mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase.

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