The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Life Goes On and Tulsi Should be VP

Episode Date: July 26, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are your lizard overlords. Stop listening to these preppers. Eat your crickets. Fight in the streets. Own nothing. Eat your crickets. Fight in the streets. Own nothing. And love it. What? Sorry, lizard overlords, but we need to get out today.
Starting point is 00:00:41 We need to be outside. We need to be enjoying what is the last leg of July. Yeah. What's up, PBN family? I'm not in front of the shore today. I'm not in front of the webcam today. You know, the sun has finally come out after a few days of rain. I hit the absolute jackpot on seeding.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Oh, my God. Threw a bunch of fall garden seeds in the ground a week ago and got like a week of rain. And they're all sprouting, except for my pumpkins. The pumpkins will need to be... The pumpkins may need a little more time. We did something funny that I'd never done before. And it's so simple and so ridiculous. I went away for vacation and put...
Starting point is 00:01:37 I was gone for like a... You know, you guys know the deal. I was gone for a week. You know, the whole spider bite situation in bed. You know, the whole spider bite situation in bed. We come back and I didn't have anybody come water the garden. I didn't have, like I told you all, I didn't have a tremendous annual garden this year for summer stuff. But I came back and one of the things that it suffered the most was my bush beans. I had four pots of bush beans at the front of the garden fence. And, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:07 they never make it in the house, just so you know. I told you for years, kids eat raw vegetables. You know, the problem with vegetables is the amount of cooking. The problem with vegetables in kids has never been, it has never been the vegetable itself. My whole life I ate canned asparagus as a kid. I barely touched it. It was mush. It was chemically flavored mush. And it was so bad.
Starting point is 00:02:40 You know what I mean? And then I had grilled asparagus for the first time and I said, this is not that. My kids the same way. You know, I take vegetables that they eat raw, cook them very minimally and they'll be like, eh, not so much. several things, you know, growing here on the property because the kids love raw vegetables. And one of the, their favorites this time of year is, is, are the pole beans, pole beans, bush beans, whatever, you know, I usually grow pole beans, but this year I did bush beans. They, I don't know, just wanted to do that. I came back, they were browning and they were dying and so on. And I, and, and the, some of the pods were dry were dry you know the pods get dry and then you harvest the seeds you do harvest seeds right you don't spend all this time on a garden just to let all the seeds fall to the ground and die and get eaten by birds you take the seed pods you can identify the
Starting point is 00:03:39 seed pods right this is silly if you're not taking advantage of this and really what they say and i never do this but what they say is that you should take the first seeds like the first seeds that come off of the first fruit are some of the best i've never had issues with re-sprouting seeds so i don't worry about that too much but that's what i've read and heard. But I was sitting out there and Jake was looking, my youngest was looking for one of the, you know, there were some that were still able to eat. And there were some plants that were still producing. And he was looking for one. He was looking for one that was mature enough to be eaten. And he found one and he ate it.
Starting point is 00:04:18 And I said, yeah, these are in bad shape, buddy. And I took one of the dry pods and handed it to him and i said take the seed out and just stick it back in the ground next to the one that's dying and we did that with all of them and now they're all back you know and it was just one of those weird like i don't think i ever did that i don't think i ever took a like an english pea and stuck it back in the ground while the english peas were growing and had a new English pea grow. I don't know. It's nothing outrageously innovative.
Starting point is 00:04:53 But it was just one of those weird moments where you make a connection for a kid and they go like, oh, that seed goes in the ground and creates the same plant. How crazy. But it was also the simplicity of it. So as they were dying off, we used the dry seeds to bring them all back. Now they're all back. But it's been good, man. The rain has done great.
Starting point is 00:05:14 The Swiss chard, the broccoli is blooming, or is sprouting. Everything looks good over here on our side. And today's the day to get outside and enjoy it. You know. Today's the day to get outside and enjoy it. That's what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:05:31 I'll be working outside today. Both you know manually. And also you know doing the computer stuff. Computer work that I do. The writing. The writing. The planning. All of the above
Starting point is 00:05:45 We're still running our Y2K 2-4 discount code for membership If you want to get involved Thank you to all the new members Funny enough We've had more $5 a month members join than we have
Starting point is 00:06:06 had fifty dollar a month with the code members join and i think that's just a reminder of the membership as an opportunity uh and of course you know the fact that well people are cut off at the knees economically speaking. I understand it, but I still, you know, the best bargaining chip I can give you in terms of a tidal wave of preparedness is our membership. You know, it's just, it's become a monster. And we've just added,
Starting point is 00:06:38 the first episode is out now, members, if you haven't seen it. Many of you have not seen it based on the numbers, so make sure you check it out. Family Gear. Family Gear is you check it out. Family gear. Family gear is out now, man. Simple. Me and a piece of gear yapping, telling you how and why.
Starting point is 00:06:55 And that's it. As simplistic as it is, it's not something I do very often. Gear everywhere. Bags full of it. All kinds of very often gear everywhere bags full of it all kinds of stuff kids bags full of it um and i just rarely ever talk gear and it's because i'm not super like hyped up about it like it's in other words it's not it's not even in my my uh what's it called? My peripheral vision Now when I get The utility of it
Starting point is 00:07:28 I really enjoy And it makes me excited And that kind of thing But it's just I'm not a gear guy by nature But being a prepper You know over the years I've acquired things that are
Starting point is 00:07:40 Essential Absolutely essential And you should know about them You should know about the variety of stuff Things that are essential. Absolutely essential. And you should know about them. You should know about the variety of stuff that I carry and store and all that kind of stuff. So that's what Family Gear is going to be all about. I think you guys will enjoy it. What else is on the docket?
Starting point is 00:08:02 Oh, well, we don't need to talk about that. We talked about that already. Carl B. will be up at noon don't miss it don't know if you guys saw the news about uh the arson attempts attacks arson attacks in the rail system in france on the lead up to the olympics of course that was those those were probably conducted by uh american christ Christian white male extremists that took a plane over there to mess with the Olympics. Probably those MAGA Christian white male white supremacists that did that. Definitely wasn't radicalized Muslims who are literally prying the nation of France apart and the UK and many other places in Europe. They didn't make mention to them at all. You know, what would be so sad?
Starting point is 00:08:49 What would be so bad? What would be so horrendous about the media just reporting that, you know, we suspect that it could be radical Muslim extremists? What would be so bad about that? I can't wrap my head around what would be so bad about just saying we suspect it might be Muslim radical extremists, seeing as how they don't seem to want to integrate into French society. Like just this sheer idea of saying something like that. Is so crazy.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Our distance from the truth. Is fundamentally the problem. With our society everywhere. That's it. Our distance from the truth. Our absolute. Like. Shaking terror. Of saying the truth.
Starting point is 00:09:42 That may make people uncomfortable. Is. Absolutely you know know, driven everyone crazy. It's driven everyone crazy. It's allowed monsters to take control of everything. It's allowed Kamala Harris to even be considered a presidential nominee. She's a candidate for president. She's basically the president. Who is the president?
Starting point is 00:10:04 Did you hear the NBC guy? I i mean he hit the nail on the head if joe biden's unfit to run then he's unfit to be president i said this before too but he said you know who's who's got control of the codes are you telling me you're gonna wake joe up if putin says fuck it right now and just starts launching if he says says, you know what, these incursions by the European Union, I'm just having a bad day. The coffee sucks. I haven't killed anyone in a while. This is just not working out for me.
Starting point is 00:10:34 I'm going to send a message to the West. And let's just say that Putin launches a nuclear weapon at France. He wouldn't do that because the Olympics are going on now. Let's say he launches one at the United Kingdom. Just a little tactical-nactical. And we get news of it. And all of a sudden, the nuclear football is on the desk. The briefcase, the big old black briefcase comes out, hits the desk.
Starting point is 00:11:04 And they pull out the, and they pull out the codes and they pull out all the information and they say, okay, we got to make a choice. Who's making the choice? Who's making the decision? And if we have minutes to make a decision, it's not Biden. They're going to call people in. They're going to call military in. They're going to call people in.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Kamala Harris is going to make that decision? You know, Kamala Harris, there was a reason my instincts told me that J.D. Vance was a bad pick right off the bat. It wasn't necessarily that he was a bad pick. It was just a ho-hum. You know what I mean? It was a ho-hum pick. It was, ah, J.D. Vance. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:47 It sounds like a guy who runs a local ad. You know what I mean? Come down and see me, J.D. Vance. Come see us. We'll take care of you. We'll give you a good discount, you and your family. J.D. Vance. Kamala wouldn't even exist If Trump
Starting point is 00:12:07 Would have got Tulsi Gabbard in there Like I wanted If Trump's VP were Tulsi Gabbard right now You see Tulsi already minced Kamala Harris She already did it She already dismantled her Live in a debate
Starting point is 00:12:24 It's like To put it in combat sports parlance You would say Decisive knockout Right It's like these people have already fought And And
Starting point is 00:12:37 And Tulsi hit her with like a wheel kick And knocked her out You know or like a flying knee knockout Decisive Complete KO unconscious Arm up in the air seizing The whole nine yards
Starting point is 00:12:56 It's a done deal You know what I mean Now you have this hillbilly Elegy southern White dude Who has to face off against the You know what I mean? Now you have this hillbilly elegy southern white dude who has to face off against the first female black president in the culture war. And you can tell already what the atmosphere and the climate is and what the angle they're going to use will be.
Starting point is 00:13:20 And that's exactly what it will be, folks. It will be the mean white racist guy um who attacking you know america's first chance at true unity through a black female president the first of its kind all could have been neutralized all could have been completely and totally decimated by a candidate for vice president or president who would be far superior to Kamala in every way. In every way. Trump should have went with Tulsi. Please, somebody. Please, somebody.
Starting point is 00:14:00 I'm going to start emailing Tulsi soon. This is, I mean, come on. It would have been, they always say that Donald Trump is a hyper genius playing super 3D chess and all that kind of stuff. If that were the case, then I feel like he would have saw this coming. I feel like he and his team would have said, you know, Kamala's coming or Michelle Obama's coming or something like that. So let's get a female candidate on the ticket who is competent. Like instead of the ultimate attack on DEI is not to say we need a woman because we need a woman, but it's to say this woman is a great
Starting point is 00:14:39 package and she'd make a great president. And there's not a lot of people out there like that highly presidential you know what i mean but then again you never know you know she might not take trump's shit either you know trump does some crazy stuff and tulsi's pretty much uh i don't know to me she appears to be pretty much like dedicated to the truth and dedicated to speaking her mind. And I think that might not fly in a Trump presidency. Who knows? You know, she might say, you know, what did you send that tweet out for at 3 a.m., Don?
Starting point is 00:15:18 But I don't know. We could have killed Kamala Harris in the political sense before she even had a chance to take birth as someone to run against Donald. And it would have been as easy as Tulsi up there. Tulsi up there with Kamala would have been absolute mauling. Again, it would have been fight two. The rematch. Another decisive knockout. The vice president not only skewers whoever her stupid doofus candidate. Doofus is exactly what I see when I see all the candidates that she's putting up there.
Starting point is 00:15:53 One word comes to mind and that's doofus. And, yeah. So, I didn't really even plan on going into the political, but I guess I went into the political. The truth of the matter is, PBN family, cascading puffy white clouds are rolling across the blue sky slowly. The encroaching hickory and the freaking oak and crepe myrtle are taking over my backyard. They need to be trimmed so bad. It's affecting everything that needs sunlight.
Starting point is 00:16:30 And I'm sitting here looking up at the sky with you and thinking, you know, all this stuff just goes on. It doesn't care about Kamala Harris. It doesn't care about Donald Trump. It all just goes on. And we have the ability to get outside of it all too. Believe it or not. Believe it or not, we have the ability to get outside of all the chaos. Just imagine if you didn't touch a phone or turn on a screen or a radio for a week.
Starting point is 00:17:00 We might very well need to create an entire event based on that, right? Rerooting. That's where I started, talking about rerouting. All right, folks. Listen. Take advantage of the free stuff. Take advantage of the cheap stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Go get your membership, all that. I have a newsletter coming out for everyone. If you want your copy of the 50 must-read books to survive doomsday, you've got to go to and sign up for the newsletter. And the book comes immediately to you. I don't send a bunch of newsletters. I send about two a week.
Starting point is 00:17:42 One usually for some kind of an offer or update and the other for our election preparedness campaign. I guess the final thing I'll say before getting off and hopping on Instagram is three-month par level. I really do believe that our whole community should buy in, our whole nation should buy into this concept of, with what's coming, we need a three-month par level to survive it. That's what we need. We need a three-month par level of preps and food and water
Starting point is 00:18:15 to assure that however this thing goes down, we're ready. Talk to you soon, PBN family. It's always a pleasure. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments? is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prepper mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase.

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