The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Matter of Facts: Current Events
Episode Date: December 11, 2023 the showMerch at: at Amazon: American Insurgent by Phil Rabalais: at MantisX:*The views and opinions of guests do not reflect the opinions of Phil Rabalais, Andrew Bobo, or the Matter of Facts Podcast*Covid 2.0 might be brewing in China, GOSAFE is another assault weapon's ban with some cute terminology, and Andrew manages to screw THREE rants out of Phil this episode. Matter of Facts is now live-streaming our podcast on YouTube channel, Facebook page, and Rumble. See the links above, join in the live chat, and see the faces behind the voices. Intro and Outro Music by Phil Rabalais All rights reserved, no commercial or non-commercial use without permission of creator prepper, prep, preparedness, prepared, emergency, survival, survive, self defense, 2nd amendment, 2a, gun rights, constitution, individual rights, train like you fight, firearms training, medical training, matter of facts podcast, mof podcast, reloading, handloading, ammo, ammunition, bullets, magazines, ar-15, ak-47, cz 75, cz, cz scorpion, bugout, bugout bag, get home bag, military, tactical
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Welcome back to the MatterFacts Podcast on the Prepper Broadcasting Network.
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I'm your host, Phil Rabelais, and my co-host Andrew Bobo is on the other side of the mic, and here's your show.
So, welcome back to Matter of Facts Podcast. I still have the man cold because it is exactly one day recording after the last time y'all
heard from us but through the miracle of post of pre-recording and post-editing y'all are hearing
this a week later. So bear with my nasalliness. I promise by the next time you'll hear from me
I will hopefully be either dead or better one or the other yeah um yeah yeah nothing else to
say phil phil sounds like he has a frog in his throat and his left nostril feels like he's had
napalm poured into it all right but you know he's crying about it dude man cold is a thing i'm
telling you women do not catch the same cold virus as men i'm convinced of it no women just keep pushing through the guys are just like oh
well that which it may be since we're starting off talking about my man flu let's talk about
what's going on in china right well actually i do want to address one thing before we get going
and that's um prepper camp oh yeah we do need to start doing the i want to i want to
start that off if you are going to prepper camp or if you're thinking about going to prepper camp
tickets are on sale now so head over to uh check out their tickets the
tickets for 2024 are on sale um you need that you need your ticket in order to get a campsite.
So once you get your ticket, you can then contact Orchard Lake and put in for a campsite.
So just wanted to put that at the top of the show.
Yep, and the tickets are as cheap right now as they are going to be.
Traditionally, the ticket prices creep up closer to the event we get. And Rick and Jane have sold this event
out every year that we've been going that I'm aware of. So
don't wait to the last minute. You will be upset with yourself.
You'll kick yourself in the butt. And you'll miss out on the opportunity to meet the two of us
and Mrs. Matterfacts. Because all three of us will be
at Prepper Camp this year hopefully down
in the vendors area again doing interviews meeting meet and greeting it'll be a good time y'all
really don't want to miss this nope so all right now on to the news i was gonna say it even if you
don't care about meeting us because i mean we're just too loud mouse with majestic beards i might
add you know there's still rick Rick and Jane and all the subject matter experts
and all the classes and all the networking.
I mean, it is a really, really good event.
As a matter of fact, if you're watching this on YouTube,
there is a playlist for Prepper Camp 2023 that has,
I think it was eight or nine interviews you and I did.
Between the interviews, the morning shows and all that.
It's all there in one playlist. And like, that's what we did the entire weekend. We just
killed ourselves over the mic. So watch that. It'll give you a good kind of flavor for
what we do at Prepper Camp. I'm hoping that if we, if I have my, uh, my that if I have my other bestie, my wife, with me this year,
that maybe I can get her to like, you know, when she breaks away from the booth a little here and
there, she can go catch some video of classes and we'll have extra content to kind of help promote
camp. But obviously with just two of us and the recording schedule we wound up agreeing to, that was not going to happen.
I don't think we left the booth except for bathroom breaks and food.
Yeah, it was fun.
But anyway, get your tickets.
So get your tickets.
In the meantime, Chinese pneumonia, COVID 2.0, or something else.
What in the hell is going on?
what in the hell is going on i would say in china but this is already spread into europe and supposedly there's cases in the u.s now too yeah so china's been seeing an uptick in uh pneumonia
in children lately and the it's getting bad enough to where the who which i mean we all trust with our lives because they know exactly what they're talking
about um they basically i mean they've come out and said there's no evidence of international harm
but i think they said that about covid as well uh but yeah so i mean there's a bit and it's spread
it's spread over to the uk uh and also there have been some cases and are upticking
cases in ohio and massachusetts just saw a big uptick and but the the thing about massachusetts
they're saying that it's just because it's that time of year uh kids are when they see an uptick
with rsv uh in kids so they're they're kind of putting it towards that but uh it keep every time
everything i've been seeing about the uh about china is it's an unknown pneumonia unknown like
they can't they can't say what if it's rsv they can't say if it's like if it what pneumonia like
they can't say they're not saying what it is And they're being very cryptic about it, which they always do.
You know, yeah.
So, but with this, I mean, I joking around, I think I joked around with you a couple of
days ago was get your toilet paper now, because if we know, if we, if anybody learned anything
from COVID, the first run is going to be on toilet paper which should happen
soon if it does happen but uh no i'm kidding uh hopefully people learn their lessons and they're
stocked up but uh i don't think anybody learned their lesson from last time i think those of us
that were like strapped in and ready for all hell to break loose are still strapped in and ready for
all hell to break loose because that's what we do. And I think all the lemmings are just following the lemming in front of them off the cliff.
I hate to say it that way, but that's just the point of view I've come to.
Yeah, and that's the thing.
There are some countries that are already actually saying people like, I have it right here, it says,
they're advising elderly very young and those
with poor immunity to avoid travel to china so again this is just another one of those
things that it's popping out in china uh and and i mean the biggest thing though is this china like
they're so if you look at some of the cities there they're so pushed together it's crazy uh but well i mean an extraordinarily high population density
if history is taught as a thing is just a recipe for a friggin mass outbreak of anything because
it's impossible to get a separation when people are living on top of each other in high rises. The other problem you're running into with China is that, like,
China historically is going to be very unwilling to share information
with the rest of the world.
So, I mean, if COVID taught us anything,
it's that we can depend on the Chinese Communist Party to tell us exactly nothing
if it is in our best interest or against their best interest.
Exactly nothing if it is in our best interest or against their best interest.
So if this is just an outbreak of pneumonia, they're not going to tell us any different.
And if this is another, another escaped bioweapon, because that's what COVID was, and anybody that wants to disagree with me, go on ahead and get the pitchforks and the torches, because that's what happened.
Even our own government now agrees that's the most likely scenario.
They're not going to tell us that.
And if this is a side effect from something that was administered to their population a couple years ago,
they're not going to tell us that either.
So I look at this situation very similar to the way I did during COVID.
China is a black hole.
There is no information to be found in that
entire country. Nothing that comes out of that country is trustworthy. It's like my supposition
about honesty is like virginity. Once you convince me you're a liar, I don't believe anything you
ever say ever again. Because it sounds funny, but I mean, being serious, like if you lie to me one time, I will always question what you tell me from there forward.
Even if it sounds true, I'm still going to question it.
And China, not the Chinese people, but the Chinese Communist Party fall into that boat.
And so, I mean, so one of the article, like, so I found an article on Reuters that basically says, like, experts, and I'm using quotes for experts.
For those of you who are listening, I'm using quotes.
We've got to put the air quotes in.
Experts for quotes.
Basically, they're not necessarily concerned.
chalking this up to the ease, uh, the, the ease up of the, uh, the COVID restrictions,
uh, basically letting people out of their house and not controlling them as much. Uh, that's what they're, they're chalking this up to is basically everybody's mingling now.
And so they said they saw similar tick upticks with, uh, with sicknesses, different sicknesses
as different countries, uh, released their population back into the open world.
So they're not really concerned about this.
But, I mean, it is that type.
It's that season.
People have been getting sick.
I mean, I know a lot of people that are constantly sick.
You're sick.
Case in point.
So, I mean, a coworker of mine texted me yesterday and was like yeah it
sucks on your day off you you catch something and it sounds like his daughter was sick and he caught
whatever she had luckily i don't have any kids so i haven't been catching any of this crap but uh
yeah my my wife works as a school teacher she has like 300 little petri dishes man
they are dude they are jerk they are little adorable walking germ factories.
So, I mean, the thing is, though, is, I mean, the reason why we're talking about it is it's something to just watch.
Anytime that you see a large outbreak of anything, and I don't care what country it is, you should take it seriously in a way to where you should just sit there and okay if this does jump if we
do have a COVID 2.0 what can we do to prepare for it and look at it now and start because I mean
I when COVID first came out and not to like backtrack back then but when COVID first came out
I'd watch the map and I could see that I could see the the flow of it going around the country
going around the world starting from China going around the world and I could see the flow of it going around the world, starting from China, going around the world.
And it was like, okay, so when it does get here, because it's going to be here.
And that's the thing is with this, especially RSV, I mean, it's so common among kids.
They're saying pretty much any child under two years old
has probably had this at some point.
And like they're saying
that it's so common now.
So it's just one of those things
of just CYA.
Stock up on
some bleach, stock up on some
disinfectant stuff just so you guys
can just disinfect, especially if you have
Disinfect backpacks and stuff like that when they get home.
I mean, you never know what – you can't be too safe with certain things.
And I mean, I'm not saying like scrub them down in bleach every time they get home from school or whatever because you can't protect them 100% of the time.
But just you can prepare your household to try to be, you know, you might have to wipe
things down. It's, it's that it's flu season. I mean, I've been wiping, I mean, I live, I'm single
and I live by myself, but I still have been wiping down counters and I've been, you know,
like cleaning a little bit more than I, than normal, just because it's like, okay, well,
I don't want dust to get in there because dust can affect you if you're, you know, you start
sneezing and allergies and all kinds of stuff. So just take those precautions. It's,, okay, well, I don't want dust to get in there because dust can affect you if you start sneezing and allergies and all kinds of stuff.
So just take those precautions.
It's that time of year.
I also think it's worth pointing out that don't ever discredit how much damage and how much assistance you can give to your own natural immune system by making sure that you're getting sufficient vitamin D from being outside,
sufficient fresh air, make sure you're not vitamin deficient at anything. I mean,
a lot of people kind of joke and sneered at that during COVID, like, oh, you think vitamins will protect you from a virus, but it's freaking true. Like any, anybody with a fifth grade
understanding of biology understands that our immune systems are constantly fighting off
bacteria and viruses from
outside of our bodies on a literal constant basis. It's how it works. If we had no white blood cells,
you'd be dead inside 24 hours because the bacteria on your skin and in your own body would kill you
immediately. So like, I think there's something to be said that if you are overweight, if you're
eating a lot of crap, if you're vitamin deficient because you're eating a lot of crap, if you're eating a lot of sugar and a lot of things that cause inflammation, you stop all that.
You take better care of your body.
You go get some exercise outside in the fresh air and some sunshine.
You would be freaking amazed.
This cold is the first time I've been like legitimately sick in a very long time.
Is the first time I've been like legitimately sick in a very long time.
And it's purely down to the fact that my wife and I have lost a substantial amount of weight and been taking better care of our bodies.
I mean, my wife used to get sick literally monthly because she works at a freaking school, you know, like that's just a recipe to get the sniffles every time you turn around.
But she doesn't get sick anywhere near as often as she used to and again i look at it as we did all this work to take better care of our bodies and we're not getting sick as often yeah
convince me that's coincidence no i no i agree i mean that's the thing is i've been getting back
in the gym and i'm down 10 pounds now which is a start it's not nearly what with you guys but
uh i've changed the way i ate uh i've been eating I've, I've changed more to like the paleo diet, um, high meat
intake, high protein, uh, less carbs, but, uh, but yeah, no, I mean, I've changed the
way I ate and I feel great.
Like I actually feel a lot better.
My, um, I still get it every once in a while, but, uh, since I've started changing the way
I ate, my acid refluxes went down.
It's still there because I'm still fat.
I still need to lose weight, but it's went down a lot.
Here's a question for you.
Did you have joint pain before you started all this?
A little bit.
Like knees, hips, back?
Yeah, a little bit.
Has that been getting better?
A little bit, yeah.
I've noticed since I've lost 10 pounds, again, I still have a lot to go, but I've noticed the knees and stuff like that.
But here comes the question. Here comes the question there is no real answer for.
Obviously, if you're dropping your weight, it's going to be easier on your joints.
There's no debating that. But there is also evidence that eating a lot of carbs and a lot of sugar and a lot of processed food increases inflammation in your joints.
So by going towards this kind of quasi-paleo diet you're talking about where it's like, let me guess, lots of meat, lots of eggs, staying away from carbs, cutting out sugar.
All that is also reducing all the sources of inflammation you used to be consuming all the time.
So it's kind of like,
which one's doing the work? Who knows? I think they both are. But I know that from my perspective,
before I changed my eating habits, I was having issues with my right hip, which
has been a problem since my mid-20s. I was told when I left the military that a hip replacement was in my future, eventually.
Like, there's no way around it.
It was already making noise at 25.
So there was no future for me with that hip.
It was going to have to be replaced eventually.
I was just trying to push it out to, like, my 50s and 60s before I had to suck it up and get it done.
trying to push it out to like my 50s and 60s before I had to suck it up and get it done.
I'd reached the point in my late 30s where when I would get out of bed in the morning,
my hip would pop loud enough to wake my wife up sometimes. Since I've done this dieting,
and I'm down to like 227 as of this morning from 255. I started 255 at the Matterfacts camping trip that was this past April.
The heaviest I was was Prepper Camp the previous year where I was 262.
So from 262 down to 227.
And yeah, my hip doesn't pop anymore.
Doesn't hurt.
My knees don't hurt.
The worst I get is I get a little bit of stiffness when it's cold.
But that's it.
So whether it is the weight or the lack of inflammation or both i don't know i
just i i am the it sounds like this really crunchy hippie thing about treat your body like a temple
but i'm going to tell you i'm a believer if you stop if you stop eating crap your body starts to
yeah but we're not on a workout uh show so uh we digress but we are on a prepping show and if you don't take care of your
body it's not going to take care of you well but that's the thing though is going back to the uh
the rsp and the sickness and stuff like that uh yes this does affect primarily the elderly
children and then people with weak immune systems but with it being just the flu and cold and flu
season as it is just take care of yourself get back in the gym
sweat it out if you have to uh but start eating start eating better start going for walks like
what you and uh gillian do and you know and everything and uh it's you'll see a big i mean
you'll see a big improvement on your health uh especially just if you especially if you get sick
all the time you'll see a big improvement so if you could start off if you get sick all the time, you'll see a big improvement. So if you could start off, if you could start off by cutting,
cutting any amount of highly refined sugar.
So anything that's high fructose corn syrup,
cut that out of your diet and start by walking five miles a week.
So just do that.
Now, when I say cut high fructose corn syrup,
I mean, that's going to be soft drinks.
That's going to be a lot of stuff you're eating right now but if you just do those two things i promise you you'll
see a difference very quickly yeah yep so but yeah take care of yourself that's all i gotta say about
that though yep go safe needs to go to hell yeah so this was introduced actually last night by, oh, who was it?
It was, I think this was Martin.
Somebody that is the reason why Tarring and Feathering needs to be brought back in his style.
For the sake of our agents listening, that was a joke.
No, it wasn't.
I'm just kidding.
For legal purposes, that was a joke.
So anyway, what this is is the Gas Operated Semi-Automatic Firearm Exclusion Act.
Basically, if it's gas operated, they want it gone.
So instead of saying assault weapons ban, they've rebranded.
So they've decided well no people you
know we can't use assault weapons the assault weapons ban that's getting struck down no so they
they rebrand it call it something different same it's exactly the exact same thing it's just uh
it's just different so what were you gonna say i have questions about this. Well, yeah. Do you want me to keep going?
Yeah, go ahead.
Go ahead and keep going.
So I'm on their website, and so let's just read about it a little bit.
The Go Safe Act regulates firearms based on the inherently dangerous and unusual lethality of their internal mechanisms.
and unusual lethality of their internal mechanisms.
So apparently their internal mechanisms make them more deadly,
not the projectiles that come. I'm holding my comments until you're done.
Yeah, please.
Parents, you might want to hold your kids' ears for this episode.
Oh, come on. You'll be fine.
No, I don't think I will be.
As opposed to focusing on cosmetic features that manufacturing can easily
modify and if if enacted the bill would regulate the sale transfer and manufacture of gas operated
semi-automatic weapons by establishing a list of prohibited firearms that's what they always do
preventing unlawful modifications of permissible firearms, mandating that future gas-operated designs are approved before manufacture,
and preventing unlawful firearm self-assembly and manufacturing,
which ghost guns, stuff like that, which we can get into too.
So really quick, I want to say specifically exempt our single-shot rifle rifle shotgun or handgun breach loading rifle shotgun or handgun smooth
bore rifle or handgun which that I mean I guess we're gonna have muskets now or something
muzzle loading rifle shotgun or handgun bolt action rifle shotgun or handgun, lever or pump action rifle or shotgun,
and single or double action revolver.
Regulated, detachable magazine with over 10 rounds of ammunition,
any unlawful modifications,
and get this, machine gun conversion devices.
That are already highly regulated.
Yeah. So yeah yeah so on their website
if you're if anybody's actually at all interested just type in go safe act but on their website they
have a cool little flow chart that is this firearm semi-automatic yes or no if it says no sale
manufacture and transfer the firearm is not regulated regulated. And then it goes through and if it says yes, yes, yes, yes.
Does the rifle or shotgun have a permanently fixed capacity of 10 or less?
Does the handgun have a permanently fixed capacity of 15 or less?
If no, sale, manufacture, and transfer of the firearm is regulated.
And so exemptions include.22 caliber rimfire or less, bolt-action rifles, semi-automatic shotguns.
We already covered that.
So, look at this.
This protects Americans' Second Amendment right.
It's literally on their website.
The Go Safe Act protects Americans' constitutional right to own a gun based on a firearm's established use for self-defense, hunting, or sporting purposes.
The Go Safe Act accomplishes this by including exemptions based on a maximum ammunition capacity
according to a firearm's individual class, a rifle, shotgun, or handgun.
The capacity must be permanently fixed, meaning the firearm cannot accept a detachable high-capacity magazine
that would increase the number of rounds that can be fired before reloading and makes reloading easier.
So what's funny, though, is in the bill text, so can you guess?
If these firearms, if this stuff is so dangerous don't you think that they would
like hey we don't want it for anybody like nobody can have these firearms at all they're so dangerous
we need them they're weapons of war again quotes weapons of war that are only for the military guess who is exempt police officers police officers
are exempt so they can have them but the common person cannot because they're so they're so
dangerous that the common person can't handle them but a police officer who i mean i've seen
cops with negligent discharges. I've seen accidents.
I mean, cops are just accident prone as the individual.
They're exempt.
So what were you going to say?
Do you have something to say, Phil?
I have so many things to say.
So let's start with.
I'll give you five minutes.
Parents, hold your kids' ears.
What in the hell does the internal operating of a firearm have to do with how lethal it is?
Because best I recall, a.22 bolt action will penetrate a skull just freaking fine all by itself.
Second of all, I don't know if anybody's ever heard of freaking, you know, single action society or freaking seeing somebody run a lever action in anger.
But you can get a hell of a lot of ammunition on target real fast with one of those. And that is specifically exempt by this freaking law. And while we're on the subject, does it do any, I know these people,
okay, we said it before the show started. I, I, I try, I try really hard. I have like a base set
of principles I live by. I try not to assume malice when stupidity will adequately explain somebody's behavior. I have tried really, really hard to assume that maybe, just maybe, the difference in my opinion and these idiots might have to do with a lack of knowledge or might have to do with a misunderstanding.
Maybe, just maybe, if I could find the right set of words to get across to them, we could bridge the gap and meet in the middle.
And they could see my point of view that these weapons are very, very useful for self-defense purposes. But no, I think I've just reached the point at which I am so far past giving these freaking dishonest, lying bastards one freaking inch that they are lying.
They know they're lying. they know they're being dishonest
and their outright attempt is to ban or regulate out of existence the majority of semi-automatic
firearms in the country period in discussion what how andrew can you think of any semi-automatic
rifles that are not gas operated because i when this hit yesterday i sat down and tried to think about it and the number away a lot well okay like my my wife's freaking uh remington 74 auto i think
that might be recoil operated maybe but this bans almost all of them almost or it turns the entirety of the country into freaking california which has worked out
swimmingly by the way because they're violent crime raiders through the freaking ceiling
and the last i check whether you get your head cracked open from a freaking somebody
hitting you from behind or you get shot it ends up being about the same trip to the emergency room.
See, the reason why this pisses me off so bad, at the end of the day, after all of that is said, after the fact that this bill is just freaking dishonest on the face of it, that the attempt to ban commonly used firearms is so egregious and so obvious.
The part of this that pisses me off the worst is the hypocrisy of it because of course they have to exempt law enforcement and of course their own security
details have to be exempt from it because god forbid any of these freaking people who are so
dead set on the civilian population not being able to defend themselves god forbid they have
to take their chances with everybody else like we do they get to keep their protective details
they get to keep the guys with the friggin' scary black rifles.
They get the full auto rifles, the SBRs and the cans
that we have to beg the government's permission to get.
How dare they live in the ivory tower
while they demand that we live in the slums
in terms of firearms rights.
That's the part of this that pisses me off the worst.
Because show me a politician who says, terms of firearms rights that's the part of this that pisses me off the worst because and that's
because show me a politician who says i think firearms are the devil i want to ban them i am
eschewing my secret service detail i do not want guns around me period discussion i still think
he's stupid but at least now i have a tiny little bit of shred a tiny little shred of respect for
him because he's putting his money where his mouth is.
And if he gets assassinated, I guess he proved his points that guns really are the problem.
But it's the ones who try to ban guns but cling to their own.
That's the part that pisses me off the worst.
That's the part of this that makes me lose my crap.
Because until I have a Secret Service agent or a police officer posted in my front lawn
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, paid for by tax dollars
to make sure me and my family are safe,
I don't want to hear a word about that scary black rifle behind me.
I don't want to hear a word about it.
Because the police aren't the ones defending this house.
I am.
Okay, Andrew. about it because the police aren't the ones defending this house i am okay andrew now my blood pressure has stopped just short of the point i would have a stroke i have a meme that i've been
saving for just this occasion when you cooked a really good four minute long rant out of me
the floor is yours what do you think you kept it under five minutes that's okay um what i i am drawing a freaking blank on the
rep's name from louisiana who likes to torch people on the floor oh there are so many
oh uh kennedy is from louisiana no not kennedy i don't remember now it he uh he's bald his glasses
oh oh he from louis Yes. Look it up.
Clay Higgins.
But do you know his backstory?
No, not exactly.
But we don't have to get into that right now.
No, let me give you the short version.
It makes him so much freaking cooler.
Before he went to Congress, he was a sheriff's deputy down here.
And he literally put out a PSA ad on the local television basically challenging any local gangbangers that
wanted to get into shootouts with cops bring it we will stitch you up and send you send you home
in a bag this guy has a reputation down here in louisiana of being freaking old testament law
enforcement like if you are polite you pay your taxes you stay out of trouble he's cool with you
very i mean like even amongst his local, he has a reputation of being a very fair law
enforcement officer.
But his reputation is also that if you try to hurt people, if you try to hurt kids, if
you do dumb stuff, if you commit violent crimes, his officers are greenlit to deal with you.
So anyway, is he your rep or no?
Who's your rep?
He's not, unfortunately. my rep is nowhere near that cool
well what i was gonna say was we need to because i feel like he'd be the one to do this
but i feel like need to write him even if i mean who i guess he doesn't even have to be a rep to write them but uh write him and i want him to he needs to do a bill
that basically says if you are a person that is protected by any kind of secret service if you
are protected by police like i mean the the the campus police you know in dc and all that crap
if you are at all protected i have a protective detail at all,
and you submit one of these bills, you are directly affected. This applies directly to you.
Like that needs to be, I don't think it'll go, it won't go anywhere, but it's just one of those
things where it'd be nice to have somebody submit a bill that says, Hey, if you do this, you get this.
Like, it directly affects you.
But anyway, I digress.
So anyway, I want to really get into, before we move on,
I want to get into the penalties of this.
Because in the writing, in the text, it is actually,
in the text it specifically says that there will be a gun buyback program,
which I don't understand how they can buy back
something that the government never owned but basically it's i don't trust the federal
government enough to sell them a firearm sorry just can't good yeah right they've demonstrated
that they're psychopaths in the past and i'm just not comfortable exactly so um i'm pretty sure the
federal government would actually fail a background check if uh those actually did anything but they don't just they just background it's a backdoor registration but anyway um so anyway
they uh the penalties include uh let's see let's get all past the mumbo jumbo legal crap uh whoever
violates subsection vrw of section 922 shall be fined and not more than five thousand dollars and in prison
not more than 12 months or both for each offense so each each gun uh so go through your safe and
in your head and tally up how many years you'd be in prison whoever while in uh possession of a gas
operated semi-automatic firearm in violation violation commits or attempts to commit any other federal offense punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year shall, in addition to the punishment provided for such offense, be fined no more or not more than $250,000, imprisoned a term not less than two years and not more than 10 years or both.
So, yeah, that's interesting.
So just to really piss off some politician out there, just me thinking out loud, do you know how simple it is to bypass that law?
Pretty simple.
pretty simple yeah to everybody with an ar-15 take your hand guard off remove the gas tube and then uh thread the gas block for a small allen-headed plug and you just converted your
ar-15 into a straight pull repeater no gas operation no problems yeah so matter of fact
i can i can make a nice i can make a nice little living making a
kit for that with a tap handle and a tap and uh the the right size allen headed plug that might
be a business opportunity there you go yeah so this is something that i again i don't think
this is going to go anywhere uh but i mean it's something to keep an eye on because these ridiculous laws, these ridiculous bills and stuff, they continuously get brought up, submitted, and all it's going to take is the majority to flop.
And we'll get into that here in a second because it's, I mean, the elections are right around the corner.
So this kind of stuff, I mean, that's the thing is don't forget about this kind of crap going into the elections. Because if you, I'm not saying like vote a certain way, but if you vote normally how you would,
or if you vote and you're a Democrat and you love your guns and stuff like that, that's great.
But if you look at what's on the table,
I can tell you right now,
if the Democrats get both chambers
and the presidency again,
I mean, there's this kind of stuff
that could get passed and get through
and it'll get signed because,
I mean, it will. For mean that for some reason republicans
republicans as well like republicans as far as you know i mean there's some of them that are the
the rhinos that yeah they're hell-bent on they say they're pro-gun but they're not but both sides
are hell-bent on taking away rights of the people. And I don't understand why.
It's crazy to me.
And it's crazy to me that people cannot understand
that they can't see that, that both sides...
There's a meme for this.
I'm sure there is.
The only reason the government will want to take your guns
is because they're about to do something
you would shoot them for.
I can't stress that enough,
is both sides want to take rights away from the people.
For some reason, it just seems like right now the Democrats are hell-bent on taking
away the right of self-protection, the self-defense aspect of it.
So it's just crazy to me.
And so remember this going into election season, and let's try to make it so it doesn't happen
because I would love to.
America is, if you look at the world
and you can see the the downfall of a lot of these countries and you see what happens to
the citizens when firearms get stripped away from them you see it all the time and it's so
history repeats itself and it will happen so So it's going to be crazy.
So, but we've been winning some, there's been some court cases in the works that we've,
that have actually been going in the favor of the 2A.
And basically the, yeah, so basically the ATF has taken some hits on the chin, which
is always good and uh
but and that's the thing is if anybody's been paying attention especially with the frames and
receivers rule and stuff like that the fifth i think it's what the fifth circuit basically and
the fifth circuit seems very pro-gun very very i mean not even necessarily pro-gun but they they
seem very in tune with like the constitutionality of some of this stuff that's been getting handed to them.
And they've been striking stuff down.
Reed O'Connor in particular, because he's the judge in the Fifth Circuit that a lot of this has specifically come out of, but he seems to be much more of – in constitutional terms, much more of an originalist.
In other words, like this is what the document said.
This is what's written in the document.
There is no reinterpreting it.
It means now what it meant then, yada, yada, yada.
Originalist as far as constitutionalist.
But he also seems to be, from my point of view, very unyielding on the idea that legislation should come from the legislature. You know,
I'm saying like that, that to my, from my point of view, reading through his opinions,
that tends to be a, that seems to be a lot of his aggravation is the fact that
if Congress had legislated this, I think he would uphold it because his point is that's
the legislature, their job's to legislate. My job is not to rule in constitutionality,
let Supreme Court do that. But in instances where a three-letter agency has just dripped it up and
shoved it through that seems to be his frustration yeah from my point of view at least yeah and
that's the thing is uh they the fifth circuit has been like they put uh they put i believe a stay on
the on the frames and receivers rule uh they basically
blocked it saying hey no we're gonna do a nationwide injunction all kinds of stuff and
then the atf basically was like no this isn't right they cried to scotus and scotus even though
and that's the thing though is like it cracks me up because the the left cried hard when the a conservative majority took over
scotus that doesn't mean anything really in my eyes because if you look at some of the stuff
especially with the frames and receivers rule scotus sided on the side of the atf and they said
yeah they the fifth circuit they can't really do a nationwide injunction, but here you go, ATF, here's a win.
So the rule went back into place.
And so now it's happening again, especially with the pistol braces is moving its way up to SCOTUS.
Bump stocks, I believe, again, is going up to SCOTUS.
And then what was the other one?
Assault weapons ban from Illinois. Ass weapons ban yeah sorry that yeah my brain like farted on me uh yeah the assault
assault weapons ban now another one has just been granted or has just been pushed in last night
actually from the illinois assault weapons ban uh has been pushed up to SCOTUS to block the ban
from going into place so that it can proceed through the rules. So it can basically proceed
through the courts because the BS crap, the crap that sucks about these, these rules that the ATF
does and some of these laws is that the law or the rule goes into place. The citizenry are supposed to abide by the law or the rule,
and they're supposed to abide by it.
And it's in effect all the way up until it gets basically dismissed
or it gets thrown out in court.
That, to me, is crap because if it's getting challenged in court,
it should not go into effect.
Like, I should not have to abide by
a unconstitutional law and honestly if you look at the illinois supreme or if you look at the
illinois bump stock ban what they have like 0.0 percent or 0.01 or something or 0.1 percent
compliance rate with uh with everything that's going on with their rules of that
which it makes me happy that people are not complying.
And that's the thing.
So that's my thing is while this stuff goes through the courts,
it should not be enforceable at all.
Like whether you comply or not,
but if you get pulled over or something happens
and you get some hardcore chess-beaten trooper
that wants to really really and he's hell
bent on stripping people's rights away they like if he sees you have a gun with a pistol brace on
it it's in the courts right now he should not be able to take you arrest you confiscate your
firearm or do whatever it is because you're breaking if breaking a law which honestly it
it shouldn't even be a law because the ATF
cannot legislate.
They cannot legislate at all.
That's where this, and that's the thing is I'm, this is where I was really upset with
Trump was because I really feel like Trump opened the door.
You and I, when the Las Vegas shooting happened and Trump was like, ban the bump stocks, do all this other crap, and the ATF rewrote the law, or rewrote, not law, sorry, rewrote the rule, basically redefining a machine gun, including bump stocks and all that other crap.
Like, to me, he opened up the floodgates.
And I remember you and I talking about this.
We talked about how he's doing this, and it's going to open up the floodgates, and this is going to get worse.
And it has.
And I really feel like they took that precedent, and they just ran with it.
And so now they're doing it with everything. time that this is not going to end well because if we if we let trump slide on this just because
he's on team red for the moment this is going to end poorly because if you allow this precedent to
go unchallenged sooner or later someone's going to make the argument that like short reset triggers
lighter triggers anything that allows you to fire two round semi-automatic faster.
And let's leave it at that. Now makes that weapon a machine gun. How incredibly dangerous of a
precedent is that? Because you and I know enough about firearms to know that, I mean, you could
get to the point where putting in a frigging, like taking an AR with a six and a half pound
trigger, putting a five pound trigger, that could be interpreted as being a rate increasing device. And that was the specific,
uh, language they were trying to use at first was a rate increase, a firing rate increasing device.
And I said it years ago, a lot, a couple of people said it, a lot of people, a lot of people,
a lot of y'all out there in listener land said,
bump stocks are not the hill I want to die on.
And the thing I've told people over and over and over, I said it about bump stocks.
I'm saying it about pistol braces.
I'm saying it about everything.
Pick a hill.
We'll get to it eventually.
Because this doesn't end.
This doesn't end with just bump stocks.
This doesn't end with just pistol braces.
This doesn't end with the thing you're This doesn't end with just pistol braces.
This doesn't end with the thing you're sneering at because you don't think it's a big deal.
This ends with civilian disarmament. There is no end point for this effort that is not full disarmament.
Because no other end point makes sense.
And as a result of that, that's why I am in the boat of, if this isn't the hill you want to die on, pick a hill.
We'll get there sooner or later.
But by the time we get there, by the time the FUDs are in the streets screaming and yelling because their bolt action rifles with scopes are called sniper rifles and those are getting regulated too.
with scopes are called sniper rifles, and those are getting regulated too.
By the time we get there, y'all are going to have a real hard time convincing the guys like me,
who were begging y'all to get on our side about bump stocks and about pistol braces and about AR-15s,
to meet y'all in the middle.
Because the rest of us are going to be kind of pissed about the whole situation.
Because we've watched the 2A community fight amongst themselves for all this time when what we should have done
was pull our panties out of our collective butt and fight these people. Well, and that's the thing
is just saying they, this is a time where I really feel like the, the gun industry, and I've said
this before, the gun industry is divided. It's so divided. It's stupid. And you got people who are
like, well, $2,000 AR or $2,000 rifle, or it's not good enough. And you got people who are like well two thousand dollar ar or two thousand dollar rifle or it's not
good enough and you got people who are hell bent on you know well if it's not a bcm and or noveski
or whatever pick your pick your brand and so our community is so divided i mean what's that saying
like to get uh divided united we fall yeah or united we stand divided united we stand yeah
divided we fall that's exactly what's going on with our community with the two-way community
in general and this is a time where we need to get together and we need to band together and we
need to fight this as a whole because whether you are a person who likes or not bump stocks but if
you're a person that likes ars or hey you know what know what? I don't have a use for an AR, but I have a bolt-action rifle.
I have a shotgun.
I have a muzzleloader, stuff like that.
Eventually, they will come for your gun because the thing is, though,
is when they keep going to the military use, all this other stuff,
these guns that, oh, the military should only use them.
Pretty much every freaking gun or every style of gun has been used by the military in war.
Every gun has been used.
It's a war.
So funny story since we started this off talking about the operating system of a weapon making it so dangerous.
weapon making is so dangerous. Andrew, would you care to levy a guess how many people were killed by Mauser Kar98 rifles in World War II? A lot. Millions? A lot. Okay. The literal design of the
Ruger M77 hunting rifle that's in my safe right now is not dimensionally, but it is functionally identical to an old school mauser from world war
two yeah so like just the 1911 i have my safe is functionally if not dimensionally identical to
what they were issuing doughboys back in world war one like this idea that well it's it's military
grade or it's for the military is just asinine because a freaking, a, a, a, a
SAS shooter, a chubby guy dressed up like a cowboy on the weekend, shooting with a bunch of his
other chubby cowboy dress guys, not throwing shade on my SAS shooters out there. I know a few
of y'all and I love y'all to death, but stick with me on the, down this road. But that lever action
and that side-by-side coach gun and that single-action revolver were once weapons of war.
It's just – it's a stupid argument.
It's a stupid argument made by people who don't know a lot about firearms and firearms history to people who don't know a lot about firearms and firearms history because weapon of war sounds scary.
firearm history because weapon of war sounds scary but again a 308 out of a bolt action hunting rifle and a 308 out of an ar-10 do the same thing when they hit soft tissue yeah i mean 175 grain
shoots the same amount of an ar than it does a uh a bolt action so and so that's the thing is
we need to band together we need to become a united community and fight this uh head on i
mean donate to fpc you know if you believe in the nra still i guess if you want to donate them
donate to them for some reason they're still the one that scares the anti-gunners i don't know why
goa has been doing a lot of go work yeah goa uh local if you know
i i need to that's my big downfall is yeah i donate to the fpc uh firearms polycol policy
coalition but i need to look more grassroots i need to start i need to donate to some michigan
michigan stuff uh look at louisiana look at whatever state you're in start you know donate
it doesn't have to be much you don't have to donate a ton of money.
But if you can throw 50 bucks at them for the year, okay, that's 50 bucks more than they had.
But start donating to them.
They do a lot of good.
And, I mean, I know the FPC and GOA, like, yeah, they're going ham on a lot of these laws.
The FPC is constantly their um their printer they what printer go burr
is basically what they lawsuit printer yeah so that's a thing i don't i make a point never i
make it a point not to often recommend any one specific organization because like i have
organizations i specifically do not recommend but the ones that I intentionally don't recommend,
I just give everybody this same standard. Who's doing the work? If you have an organization that
is out there pounding pavement, filing lawsuits, screwing with politicians, screwing with the ATF,
doing their jobs, then I think those are the organizations that need and deserve our support.
Then I think those are the organizations that need and deserve our support. That's why I always point out GOA, FPC, Second Amendment Foundation, National Association for Gun Rights. I see those four doing work, for money on the phone so that Wayne can have another suit, I might actually recommend them again.
But until they do work, I just don't care.
FPC, those four that I recommended, those are the ones I tell everybody I don't recommend any one of them over the others.
I just say look into them.
Look at the issues that are important to you and tell me who did the work in those areas.
And that might be the one you need to look at.
But judge an organization based on their efforts, not on their rhetoric.
That's the only thing I'm going to say about it.
Yeah, because that's the thing, though, is we got organizations like the FPC and stuff that are fighting for us.
Because you have stuff like you have basically
like the seventh circuit and this is one of the things this is one of the reasons before well
before we kind of start wrapping this up a little bit um if i can get fill out another rant that'd
be nice i've already had two this episode andrew do you want to go for the record yeah uh so
basically the seventh circuit uh and this is kind of what's been able to push the assault weapons ban in Illinois.
This is what kind of gave the green light for the Illinois assault weapons ban.
And this is now why it's getting pushed to the Supreme Court is the Seventh Circuit basically came out and says that the AR-15s fall outside the quote unquote bearable arms.
And so therefore, it's not protected.
And so therefore it's not protected.
They state, the judge itself, the judge states that, was it Diane Wood, I think is what her name was.
She basically states that the AR-15 is not in common use.
And so therefore is not protected.
Which, what was the number that we came, 22.4 million?
Is that what the number was? a third almost a third are ar-15s specifically not even like sig mcxs or friggin like ak's or any other similarly functioning gas operated semi-automatic rifle just ar-15s is a third of
them yeah and the next article down just interesting little tidbit ar-15s are responsible
for less than three percent of homicides in the u.s well that's the thing is if you look at um actually i did have it pulled up
and i i closed the tab but basically i found a it was breakdown of the firearms used uh in the last
shoot i think it was 1980 something to 2023 october 2023 they broke it down handguns are they handguns greatly outweigh
any firearm used any any firearm and so that's what if you want to get into the argument of
why are they so focused on the ar-15 like that's what cracks me up is if you look at their focus
if they really wanted to focus on crime if they really wanted to focus on stuff they would they'd
really focus on handguns and they'd really focus on uh stuff that would actually stop crime
in reality they don't want to stop crime they could care less if you look at some of these cities
they're actually releasing people from jail.
They're actually not arresting for certain crimes anymore.
And on top of that, they're actually putting people back on the streets,
and they're not enforcing some of this stuff.
They're actually not coming out.
What is it in Illinois?
They just passed what was the purge law, as people were calling it,
because there are certain things that, like like was it kidnapping and stuff like that like
like the cops they wouldn't come out for it or if they if you did something i can't
i can't remember exactly what it was now but there's certain laws there's certain things that
they they were like yeah we're not going to arrest you but we're going to give you a ticket and you
have to come to court you're supposed to come to court for this kind of stuff because yeah
a criminal is going to do that criminal is going to walk you a ticket and you have to come to court. You're supposed to come to court for this kind of stuff. Cause yeah, a criminal is going to do that. A criminal is
going to walk himself into court and, and do that. No, but that's the, that's what the,
they want is this kind of stuff. And I mean, there's actually a, Oh God, it's a,
it's a new Mexico, man. It, I wasn't planning on bringing this up, but there's a mayor that is in the hot seat because apparently she sent a gangster to go talk to somebody who's been criticizing her.
Like, okay, that's highly illegal, but this person, they should be able to defend themselves.
Well, what are they going to defend themselves well well they're gonna defend themselves pistol i mean and that's the thing it's up it's crazy to me that pistols are the most commonly used
firearm in crime or just in firearm deaths but yet they're going after the ar which is
a minuscule number why if you ask yourself why because i have a theory well let's hear your
theory because it probably it probably lines up to mine.
Well, my theory is that the reason why they're so fixated and fetishistically concerned about AR-15s is because the people – the useful idiots are scared of them.
that really understand the end point of the agenda here.
Understand that the AR-15 specifically,
but gas-operated semi-automatic rifles represent enough of a firepower advantage
within a bearable arm,
because that's literally what a bearable arm means,
is that you can carry and utilize it by yourself.
I don't know how the hell you get to the idea
that AR-15s fall outside of that definition but let's go there as to enable a person to resist tyranny and like this is this
is where i get i used i i'm happy to say that the hardcore second amendment community has largely
come around in the in the time that like i've been loosely loosely involved in it because like
i can remember a time and you and i've talked about this, and I will not name names, and I will not make smoke or trouble for people who, you know, did not want to associate with me at that time because I was the crazy one in the group.
But, like, there was a time when a lot of people in the Second Amendment space didn't want anything to do with me because I was the one saying yeah everybody should be able to have machine guns and rocket launchers like the nfa should
be struck down we should we should ignore unconstitutional laws like that was me and a
lot of people in the segment community were very upset about that were very uneasy about the idea
that well we have to be law-abiding i'm like but if the law tomorrow if a law got passed tomorrow that said turn all your guns in discussion, would you turn them in or would you say the Second Amendment says this?
That has trumped this law you broke.
You know, like to me, the idea is that there are two there is a legal concept in play here that to me has always been the crux of the gun argument in the United States of America.
There's a legal press, there's a legal mechanism or legal theory called mala prohibita, mala
in se, meaning something is illegal or something is bad because it is illegal.
Basically, I passed a law that says this is bad, so it's bad.
And the mala in se says something is intrinsically evil.
In other words, like even if I didn't pass a law, most people wouldn't do it because they understand it's just understood to be bad. Murder, crimes of a certain nature, I don't want to say the word on the podcast in case there are small ears around, but crimes against people's bodies. Those things are naturally understood to be intrinsically evil by
the majority of the population. And even if there wasn't a law against murdering people, most of us
wouldn't do it because it's not right. But then you get into gun laws and you get into the situation
we're in in Illinois right now with a less than 1% compliance rate. That is Mala Prohibita versus
Mali Insay demonstrated because the state said it's bad.
And the people, very obviously, because they didn't turn in their guns, said screw off.
So that to me is always the back and forth here.
The Seventh Circuit is trying to get their head out of a noose by saying that AR-15s fall outside the definition of bearable arms, even though you can obviously pick one up by yourself and handle it.
A freaking eight-year-old can handle an AR-15.
If you get on YouTube for five minutes, you can prove that theory freaking demonstrably wrong.
They are absolutely in common use because fully one-third of the rifles in the United States of America are AR-15s,
so that's not common use.
I don't know what the hell is at this point.
The argument the Seventh Circuit is making, again, let's say for the briefs of moments, I think this is a knowledge gap.
This is a lack of knowledge.
The judge just got it wrong.
But the things they're saying are so easily, demonstrably incorrect, factually incorrect.
I don't think they're stupid.
I think they're liars.
I think they know they're liars.
Well, it's a, it's, I think, I honestly, I don't think they care about the truth.
I think it's, it's an agenda and that's all it is.
And the, the agenda is for disarmament.
I mean, it's, it's either for disarmament or in the interim.
And the agenda is for disarmament.
I mean, it's either for disarmament or in the interim.
It is about laying the finger on the scale to make sure that the state always has more ability to use force.
Like, all this time we're having this argument about whether or not civilians can have gas-operated semi-automatic firearms.
We're totally overlooking the fact that the freaking state, whether we're talking about local, state, federal, law enforcement, military, you name it.
All of them.
All of them fall into this boat.
They all have an infinitely greater amount of firepower at their disposal than the average civilian does. most of your cops running around here have got freaking like full auto freaking m4 sitting in
their freaking trunks that i can't have without having to go through go get my government
permission slip and then spend 25 g's on a transferable one they got given they got a
given to them so like that that at the end of the day is my issue understanding that whether you believe believe it or not, whether you agree with me or not, you're allowed to.
I just think you're wrong.
But the truce intent of the Second Amendment was to ensure that we, the civilians, the population, the people, would always have the ability to tell the government no.
This I am not comfortable with.
This is an abbreviation of my rights.
And it would always give us the ability to say no loudly and violently if necessary.
And I don't believe we are at the point today where we need to violently say no to the government.
But I don't think that time will never come either.
So our relationship with the government is always one of we have to have the ability to keep them on the straight and narrow.
Otherwise, there's no incentive for them to stay on the straight and narrow.
And that's what the Second Amendment is.
Well, these laws all seek to do nothing but make sure that we put our finger on the scale.
We decrease the firepower available to the civilians such that the firepower available to the to the state is high enough to squash any
resistance i i see it that way you can see it differently but that's the way i see it yeah
yeah but uh yeah it's it's insane i don't know it it's it's crazy because sometimes there's things
that legislation gets put up uh some of these bills and i look at them i'm like what are they thinking
like i don't like do not understand the thought process behind this and that's the thing is
and that's why i always think about it i think about it as an agenda versus uh stupidity yeah
there are some especially when you watch them debate and they talk about uh pistol braces and
how pistol braces actually increase the rate of fire and how,
yeah, it, it's ridiculous. Uh, I mean, but that's the thing is that's where it'd be nice to,
through our show, through PBN, through just the community in general, we need to start educating
people to, to show them that, Hey, this is not dangerous. Like these aren't dangerous. Like,
yeah, they're intended to kill kill like that's what a gun is
intended for it's intended to kill something but i mean whether you are in self-defense and that's
the thing is and that's a that's what i really wish they would track which it's almost impossible
to track but the cases of self-defense with a firearm i really wish that there was a better way to uh they're i mean they're
saying it's at least like i think two to two hundred or three hundred thousand times a year
if not more that a firearm was used in self-defense whether it was pulled or just basically someone
grabbed you know they basically brandished a firearm and it deterred a crime like that's
that's a use with a that's a that's a use of self-defense with a firearm.
And the thing is that you only have statistics for that to track if it was actually reported.
And sometimes they weren't.
If I'm a civilian and a criminal tries to roll up on me and I pull my gun out and he runs off, he's definitely not going to report that he tried to do something dumb and somebody pulled a gun on him.
So if I don't, that goes uncounted.
So I personally feel like – I don't even want to get drug into the argument about, well, the statistics say there's this many because they're going to bring out their own statistics that contradict it.
I know. At the end of the day, what it really boils down to is it's just a very – it's a very simple precedent where the people in this contractual agreement we the people have with our government where we consent to be governed by them.
And that's an important point.
We consent to be governed.
They consent that we have a right to keep and bear arms that shall not be infringed.
they consent that we have a right to keep and bear arms that shall not be infringed.
And I look at it as if you, the state, want to rescind the agreement, you have to rescind all of it.
If you want to rescind the Second Amendment, don't be too surprised when the people rescind their agreement to be governed.
That's just the way this works. Like, we are not a nation that has been ruled by a king. We are not a nation that has been ruled by a dictatorship. We are a nation that is willfully abrogating some of our sovereignty to the government. We are consenting to be governed.
if you want to govern us, you have to honor the agreement, which is the U.S. Constitution. And if you throw that out the window, the whole thing goes out the window. And then the only thing
between us and the state is angry people and propaganda. Angry people and propaganda.
That's what we should have named this episode. Matter of fact, I could name it
angry people and propaganda, but it doesn't really fit for most of the conversation just the very end so wrapping this up i want to
uh throw out a meme here because it's really funny if i can do it without screwing up too
much just don't hit end recording or leave studio those are the two things that ah crap don't don't play with my emotions so this is uh this is a classic meme because
you know they they bring up one of the one of the arguments that you always hear from the anti
the anti-gun crowd is it wasn't what the founding fathers intended. You did not have the AR-15s back when the Constitution was written and all kinds of crap.
So I feel like this was a very fitting meme or whatever to end the show.
So for those of you listening, own a musket for home defense since that's what the founding fathers intended.
Four ruffians break into my house.
What the devil?
As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle, blow a golf ball-sized hole through the first
He's dead on the spot.
Smooth bore.
I mean, I just got to laugh at the whole smooth bore because they have that in the text of
the Go Safe Act.
So, draw my pistol on the second man.
Misses him entirely because it's smooth bore and nails
the neighbor's dog i have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with a
great with loaded with grape shot tally-ho lads the grape shot shreds two men in the blast the
sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapskillion
bleeds out waiting on the police uh to arrive since triangular bayonet
wounds are impossible to stitch up just as the founding fathers intended i mean if that's the
direction we want to go i i just need somebody that can weld i have a buddy that can weld i
just need to make a cannon we know somebody who makes cannons actually i think they went out of business dang it yeah i have not
been able to get a hold of of uh john but uh the their websites down their social media has changed
like i i think that i think he i think he shut that business down dang which is kind of heartbreaking
because you know but we still know somebody but we still know somebody who makes canons i mean
does it mean i i know multiple people that are into weird stuff
and have the ability to 3D print and weld things.
Yeah, so anyway, basically wrapping up the show.
A lot of crap going on.
Watch your butts with the new flu season
and the RSV and the, the pneumonia coming through.
And, uh, yeah, go, go research this, uh, the go safe act, judge for yourself, whether or
not you want to support it.
I hope if you're a gun owner, I just hope in general, if you're a person who enjoys
your rights as a person and for everybody else, you're against it.
I don't care if you're a gun owner or not, but it is nothing good.
And I hope it doesn't go anywhere, but it's not anything good for us in the two-way community. And just as a
community, we need to get together. We need to start coming together and we need to stop fighting
amongst each other of the Gucci crap of the day. It's, we need to get together and we need to
vote accordingly. And I mean, there's a lot of gun owners out there, whether you are 80 years old or 12 years old.
Well, you can't vote when you're 12 yet until they make that rule.
But whether you're 80 years old or 18 and you can't, you know, and you can vote, vote like your frickin rights depend on it because they do.
So, yeah. And I would also say that what we desperately need in this community
is to hold our elected officials extraordinarily accountable. When they do dumb stuff, we got to
call them on it, even if they're on our team, especially if they're on our team or they think
we thought they were on our team. And we need to start making it very clear, even at the,
even in the primaries that we gun owners are a voting block.
I don't know that we necessarily need to become a single-issue voter like I am,
but definitely need to start making it very known to our local politicians
and state politicians and certainly federal that if you vote against our interests,
we're going to vote against you.
And once we set that line in the sand, it needs to be enforced.
But matter of fact,
podcast heading out the door,
take care of yourselves,
take care of each other,
get some fricking fresh air and sunshine.
If you want to survive,
whatever COVID 2.0 super flu is coming next,
vote like your life depends on it.
Cause it just might.
And we'll talk to you on a week.
Bye everybody.
Bye. on it because it just might and we'll talk to you on a week bye everybody bye Thank you. We'll see you next time.