The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Matter of Facts: The Current Day, and Maybe The Future

Episode Date: February 26, 2024 the showMerch at: at Amazon: American Insurgent by Phil Rabalais: at MantisX:*The views and opinions of guests do not reflect the opinions of Phil Rabalais, Andrew Bobo, or the Matter of Facts Podcast*The boys take a step back to look at the world around them, and what might be on the horizon.Matter of Facts is now live-streaming our podcast on YouTube channel, Facebook page, and Rumble. See the links above, join in the live chat, and see the faces behind the voices. Intro and Outro Music by Phil Rabalais All rights reserved, no commercial or non-commercial use without permission of creator prepper, prep, preparedness, prepared, emergency, survival, survive, self defense, 2nd amendment, 2a, gun rights, constitution, individual rights, train like you fight, firearms training, medical training, matter of facts podcast, mof podcast, reloading, handloading, ammo, ammunition, bullets, magazines, ar-15, ak-47, cz 75, cz, cz scorpion, bugout, bugout bag, get home bag, military, tactical

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the MatterFacts Podcast on the Prepper Broadcasting Network. We talk prepping guns and politics every week on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify. Go check out our content at on Facebook or Instagram. You can support us via Patreon or by checking out our affiliate partners. I'm your host, Phil Rabelais, and my co-host Andrew Bobo is on the other side of the mic, and here's your show. Welcome back to the MatterFacts Podcast. We've had at least one person apparently waiting for 40 minutes and I don't know what in the world you've done to entertain yourself, Jim. Super fan.
Starting point is 00:00:32 But super fan, glutton for punishment, sadist maybe. I mean, I am pretty positive that if you recounted this experience to a mental health professional, you might be diagnosed with something. But thank you. Well, it's good to know that some people still care about us. Just when I thought no one cared or liked us. I mean, I care. I like you.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Well, I mean, you're getting, well, I was going to say you're getting paid to, but you're not. You know, I told somebody very recently, I'm like, you know what the trick is to making a million dollars podcasting? Start with two. Well, that, and it'd be nice if one of us had a consistent work schedule to so we could have a consistent
Starting point is 00:01:17 recording schedule. I mean, does consistently being inconsistent count? I mean, turn a front inconsistent count? I mean, turn a frown upside down. You got to look on the bright side of things, man. Yeah. So. Stuff is going on.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Yeah, there's, I mean, there here and talk for freaking literal ever about. Well, especially if you subscribe to Ford Observer. I don't know. I don't think you do. I subscribe to Ford Observer. If you, if, excuse me, if I, if you don't, I mean, if it's something in a wheelhouse, check it out. But Sam, and I say Sam, Mike, sometimes I get still stuck on his pseudonym name there. But Mike Shelby and his crew over at Ford Observer, if you guys don't subscribe, I highly suggest it.
Starting point is 00:02:27 I can't remember the price of it now i've been doing it for i think i'm on like five years four years of doing it and i highly suggest it uh you get a daily email every single day you can go to their high side uh which is members only but they dive deep into what's going on in the world and that's kind of like some of the stuff that we're talking about today i based it off of what they're talking about just because i mean they they hit on target key issues that are happening around the world that we don't see in the freaking like the news does not pick up because it just does not serve a purpose so our news does not pick it up it just does not serve a purpose. So our news does not pick it up, but it's stuff going on in the background.
Starting point is 00:03:12 So again, head over to You need to check it out. Sign up for it. And yeah, it's stupid and insane how accurate they are. Like I said, Mike and his team, they predicted the Ukraine war pretty much to the day. They predicted the Ukraine war as far as the invasion and what they have to say about China and Taiwan and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:03:38 It's pretty concerning. But yeah, anyway, I digress. Yeah. So let's just jump straight into it. My personal favorite topic, chemicals in our food. Yeah, and this came about really because, I mean, if you haven't been paying attention, our favorite Cheerios, which has been pushed as heart-healthy food and everything, Quaker Oats, which, I i mean if you're a prepper
Starting point is 00:04:05 you got quaker oats stored uh and it's something that we have buckets of or if not you know just a lot of food of i and that's things that like i was looking at i was like okay well what can i store of and a lot of like that's the biggest thing is one of the big key items on a lot of websites is plain Quaker Oats. They store for a while. And so according to the Fox News here, chemicals found in Cheerios, Quaker Oats, and other based foods linked to potential health issues. Cheerios, Quaker Oats, and other based foods linked to potential health issues. And so, again, this, so, they're not saying, basically, what this article is saying, what I found online, is there's a chemical that's, there's a chemical, a pesticide, basically,
Starting point is 00:04:59 that it's been linked to reproductive and development issues within animals. Not humans. Just animals. Now, what they're trying to link is, is the the link is there a link between animals and the humans which i mean honestly if you think about it we do share quite a bit of dna and and uh all kinds of crap so like i mean it's not far off i mean there's a reason why they do a test on chimps and rats and stuff like that because there's just i'm not saying like we're so close to rats and everything and chimps um but some people are i mean but i mean some people are i mean well people are really i mean and that's why they do a they do uh test on animals before
Starting point is 00:05:40 they do on humans because of how close a lot of the DNA is. And if it's affecting animals in a certain way, there's a good chance that it's going to affect humans. And so they found this, it's a chloromatic wit, I think it's called. And so according to this Fox News article, again, whether you want to trust fox news or not i really could care less uh but this is kind of basically the same uh from across the websites that i found but it was detecting eight percent of the people tested uh three geographical regions
Starting point is 00:06:19 between 27 and 2023 and it's basically a chemical that was found within animals. It was found to cause reproductive and developmental issues. So if you think about how many, what humans consume and how much of it humans consume, it's a lot. of it humans consume, it's a lot. And the reason I brought this up was just because of, you know, we need to start as people, as even preppers, you know, storing food away, we need to start looking at what we're putting in our bodies. We need to start looking at the additives. We need to start looking at the food and making sure that it's true to what it is.
Starting point is 00:07:04 additives. We need to start looking at the food and making sure that it's true to what it is. And yeah, some of the stuff that is actually more organic and more pure, uh, might cost a little bit more, but at the end of the day, Hey, I mean, if it's going to, if it's going to cause less health issues, uh, over time, then it might be something to look into. Yeah. And I mean, this whole conversation kind of echoes like, you know, probably about eight months ago was when my wife and I really got, really started looking very critically at our food and our diet and what we were buying. And, you know, we made a concerted effort not to get crazy about it, but we started making a concerted effort to intentionally pick brands of food or pick foods that have fewer preservatives, fewer artificial colors, fewer artificial eating less junk, specifically by removing refined sugars and severely decreasing the carbohydrates we were eating, like I'm at a position now where my blood sugar is more stable now than it has been since I was in my 20s. My wife has lost 50 freaking pounds in eight months.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Right. freaking pounds in eight months right and like we we are both in infinitely better health and yes this has been paired with like an exercise regimen but i truly believe that there was no reasonable amount of exercise that was going to fix hypoglycemia which tends to lead towards insulin resistance resistance resistance and type 2 diabetes like that's where I was going. And the dietary changes have put me on a path now that is sustainable and is reasonable. But I've become very critical of what's on the store shelves for exactly a lot of the reasons that you just brought up. It's one of those discussion points where it's like, okay, if this chemical causes something, some bad health effect in rats, but not humans, my question is still, why
Starting point is 00:09:12 is it in our food? Like, I understand that with commercial farming, you know, like pesticides and herbicides and all those things are kind of required because of the sheer volume of food they're trying to grow on X amount of land and the intensity of the yield they're trying to produce. But I still question, should we be seeing that showing up in our food supply? Should it be making its way to the store shelves and into the bodies of our nation? And when I look around at my fellow man in this country, where obesity is going through the ceiling, where cancer is going through the ceiling, where diabetes is going through the ceiling, when all these people are sick as hell. And then I look at people a hundred years ago,
Starting point is 00:09:56 and obesity was not this big of a problem. Cancer wasn't this big of a problem. Heart disease wasn't this big of a problem. I'm just saying you don't need a tinfoil hat to start asking questions about what's going on. And unfortunately, I don't think a lot of people want the answers to those questions. Right. Yeah, and that's the thing is, I mean, so granted, you see these articles and you're like, okay, what should I believe? Because just recently there were some articles that came out that said humans and cows, because of cow farts, basically are putting a dent on the global warming and all kinds of stuff
Starting point is 00:10:38 and how eating crickets is way healthier for you than actually eating a protein base like chicken and beef and all kinds of stuff and granite like some of these places some of these articles some of these quote-unquote like the scientists and the quote the the articles that are based on science uh they can shove them up their freaking butts uh because i'm not eating bugs uh i'm a freaking complete carnivore uh like you're gonna find me eating meat until i they shoot me in the face because i'm not gonna stop uh whether it's chicken or beef or whatever it is i'm not gonna stop i'm not gonna eat bugs because they said it said so so and that's the thing is so that do your own research and that's the whole thing uh this is just one article that i found uh and granted like researching it i found multiple articles basically mimicking the same That's the whole thing. This is just one article that I found.
Starting point is 00:11:29 And granted, researching it, I found multiple articles basically mimicking the same thing. But how often do you see something happening around the globe? And the mainstream media, it's the same message across the board. If you haven't seen the YouTube video, it's multiple times now but it's basically a lot of the uh media that are they they're spewing the exact same message all day long that's happened before and it's happened before it's happened it's happened multiple times that i can recall that i've seen and so again do your own research but basically the gist of this is is look at your food look at the preservatives and just look at what you're putting in your body like that's what that's what we're trying to get across the board here is you know what if you like your oats then eat your
Starting point is 00:12:17 freaking oats i could care less but just know that this is potentially what's going in your body is there a healthier way possibly there might be something healthier out there but research it and find out and do it for yourself because the government does not give a crap about you and they will do what they need to to push an agenda it's up to us to do the research and actually make up our own mind as free-thinking americans and just free-thinking people in this freaking world. Like, we need to push that. And that's what people are lacking, is they're like,
Starting point is 00:12:50 ah, this diet's getting pushed on YouTube. It must be the freaking new fad. When it's completely, no. Just do your own research. I will say that anyone that purports to be a scientist that tries to convince you that a sugary breakfast cereal is healthier for you than a ribeye steak, and if you don't believe that actually got said, Google that. Any scientist that claims that, you have just dropped a hand grenade into all of your credibility with me for the rest of your life.
Starting point is 00:13:24 And that was not just a single scientist, that was a group of them that tried to assert that. They literally rebuilt the food pyramid and included all this junk in it that no rational human being thinks is more healthy than anything else. But these idiots would have you believe that highly processed foods are more healthy for you than eating red meat, and I just can't buy off on that. Now, as far as the whole eating bugs thing goes, Andrew, you know that my wife, beautiful woman she is, is a little odd, and she used to work at the Audubon Insectarium years ago, and she's eaten more insects intentionally than most people probably have, and she would, she has promised to come on the show at some point and talk to us
Starting point is 00:14:12 about how to properly cook bugs to make them semi-edible. I don't know. I have involuntarily eaten bugs before because I wasn't informed what they were before they went in my mouth, and we'll just leave that whole conversation at that. I didn't divorce her. I was a little upset though when I found out what I was crunching on was a cricket. But all that being said, there are parts of the world where people do eat bugs. And, you know, I think it'd be an interesting survivalist topic to have a discussion about because foraging bugs is frankly you know it's a it's a real it's a relative topic in survivalism well but the idea that we're going to eat bugs to save the planet is just right stupid on the face of right but that's what i'm yeah that's what i'm saying is uh
Starting point is 00:14:56 i mean if you look at the if you look at the diet of the humans uh the humanoids over the last thousands of years i mean bugs they have they do serve a purpose they do like you do see have some that are they're high in protein uh and everything did humans eat bugs long ago you know what i don't freaking know i'm not a scientist i'm pretty sure they did uh just from some readings that I've done. But when you look at the food nowadays, they also mixed in red meat. They also subsidized with other things. So by all means, if you want to eat bugs, eat bugs. But I'm not going to sit there and I'm not going to be the first person in line to do it uh permanently uh have i eaten bugs yeah i have uh i have had a questionable job doing retail at spencer gifts i won't go into great detail but i sold some toys toys
Starting point is 00:15:59 uh if you've ever been in that store um i've sold some stuff by eating crickets yeah they're and they weren't that bad uh however uh it's again we're we need to think realistically here and you can't base off you cannot base an entire diet off of freaking bugs or anything like that like um yeah i i can't get, I can't stress like the carnivore diet and stuff like that enough to where the whole high protein, low carb and all kinds of stuff I've seen at work. Uh, and it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:16:34 So yeah, it, uh, yeah, it's nuts. So, Oh, next up NBC and any town are mad about youtubers now this showed up on my my radar
Starting point is 00:16:49 just today as a matter of fact i think it was a vso gun channel on youtube was talking about it but yeah apparently there are some people that are highly agitated that youtube is allowing gun related content on the platform at all which I think for some of us seems a little hilarious because, like, on our side of the fence, we're well aware of just how incredibly shadow banned, downvoted, and censored anything even relating to gun content is. And while we're on that subject, I don't complain about it a lot because I don't think anybody cares, but this podcast has had a copyright strike on every single episode we have posted for the last six months. Every single one of them. I still have to frigging go through the process of contesting the copyright strike because I personally composed all of our intro-outro music, and I know it doesn't have a copyright on it because I would have it.
Starting point is 00:18:03 But it's still agitating because there are entities out there that continue to claim the intro-outro music is theirs, and then I have to contest it. And then, of course, they never respond to it because they know better, and they let it go 30 days and eventually it falls off. Unfortunately, what that means is that if this channel were monetized, which it is not, we would get no monetization until a copyright claim was removed. It's annoying. And all we ever do is say that the ATF should be defunded. I mean, nothing really controversial or crazy. No. But.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Yeah, no, they're mad because you can still find gun content on YouTube. And they don't like that. They don't like the fact that people are expressing their First Amendment amendment let alone their second amendment rights and uh yeah what's funny is they want to restrict these like these are the same people that they want to restrict your first and second amendment rights by using their first amendment right and also their second amendment right because half of these people have exec like they have armed guards 24 hours a day like rules for thee but not for you well what's the saying rules for the rules for thee but not for me yeah exactly so so that's what's funny is if you look up any of these people any of these top execs they have top the top of the line security they can follow them around new york which is blatantly or new california which
Starting point is 00:19:33 is blatantly uh anti-gun uh it takes a miracle to get a uh a cpl or a concealed pistol license uh to even protect yourself let alone if you use said firearm you are basically thrown in the uh in the gulag uh and you're thrown in the black hole uh before you're guilty before you're even innocent so uh this is in those different areas where yeah they they have that security to where they don't care. Their people will kill somebody in protection of them, is what they say, and they walk away scot-free. So, yeah, these people are ridiculous. Yeah, but see, as long as it's not them touching the scary black hack rifle,
Starting point is 00:20:24 then their hands are clean, and they can just conveniently forget that they paid somebody else to act in their own defense using violence and firearms. But what frustrates me about this is like this is the specific quote that NBC just happened to capture. And it's a really agitating article because it brings up like Larry Vickers and Matt Hoover, who, by the way, like one of the things that this article called out was that like many of Larry Vickers and Matt Hoover supporters like basically I mean, they seem almost annoyed that people weren't immediately throwing themquote the gun tubers think federal firearm laws shouldn't exist in the first place so the fact that somebody violated them is not really a blip on our radar it's like they broke a law doing nothing violent why in the hell are you idiots persecuting them but the quote was from justin and wagner and very town Gun Safety, YouTube is a cesspool of violent and irresponsible gun content.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Videos that teach civilians military shooting tactics or whose sole purpose is to glamorize fully automatic weapons of war go far beyond educational content for responsible civilian gun owners and shouldn't be permitted on YouTube's platform. And to that, I don't know how to break it to them in, you know, a polite way, but if I had my way, YouTube would have basically videos on how to, you know, convert weapons to full auto and make IEDs and stuff. Because, you know, I'm one of those weirdos in the Second Amendment community that thinks that the Second Amendment was written to make sure that we had the ability to repel tyranny, so we should be able to have every single thing out there that the military has.
Starting point is 00:22:12 That's terrible. They can have hand grenades. I disagree with you wholeheartedly. Hey, they have hand grenades. We should be able to make hand grenades. No, we should not. They have claymores. We should put pipe bombs in mason jars full of bolts and nuts and nails because that's basically a claymore.
Starting point is 00:22:25 No, they should not have that ability. Their ARs have three holes and things inside of them that make them shoot really fast. Their ARs should do the same thing. And anybody, it always frustrates me when these idiots start talking about responsible gun owners. Like responsible means you should have, like, a bolt-action.22 for squirrel hunting, and none of these freaking idiots seem to understand that responsible means you don't use them
Starting point is 00:22:53 unless it's appropriate to use them. The second minute was based solely on hunting. Yes, because I've seen a lot of freaking deer running around with freaking, you know, plate carriers on trying to invade the country. Nope, single-shot bolt-action with friggin you know plate carriers on trying to invade the country. Nope single shot bolt action actually you know what single shot break action
Starting point is 00:23:09 that should be how it is all day every day nothing less and I'm kidding because I know you are. If the government and that's the thing is if the government says hey we should have these bombs
Starting point is 00:23:24 the American people should have these kind of bombs. Like we should have MRAPs. I should have access to Abram tanks. I should have access to the laws. Like, yeah. No, I 100% agree with you. It's pretty ridiculous. Founding fathers, if you look back at like the text and writing and the tradition and all that crap,
Starting point is 00:23:46 it's we should have basically the same arms that the U.S. military had. Dude, when the Second Amendment was ratified, there were people who owned cannons and private warships. I mean, no, stop for a second to think about this. I mean, no, stop for a second to think about this. Private warships, a boat with guns on it to shoot at other people with guns on them. Like that, okay, guns. But like this is the genesis of our country and people were running around with letters of mark and armed warships that were privately owned this would be like in today's okay let's imagine that the united states somebody hit the reset button on it and they were going to
Starting point is 00:24:30 rewrite the second amendment they would rewrite it in such a way that i could have a freaking belt-fed gun poking out the back of my freaking tacoma because technicals is the modern version of a warship with cannons on it. It's just the stupidest argument on earth when people want to put everything that scares them into this big category that says weapons of war, and you're not responsible if you have weapons of war, when that is what the founders intended. All their writings outside of the text of the Second Amendment make it very clear that they expected we,
Starting point is 00:25:10 the citizenry, would have the exact same arms as the sons of bitches that just got through trying to invade them from across the frickin' Atlantic Ocean. Well, what's funny is when people... Why did you let me have that rant without the blood pressure warning? That was the perfect time to put it in.
Starting point is 00:25:27 It wasn't worth it. So what's funny is when people are like, oh, no, we did not have machine guns and all that stuff back in the day. I want you to Google the puckle gun. Yes. yes like i want and if you if you literally think that there was no quote-unquote machine guns back in the day in the 1700s and everything like google the pucker gun like that wasn't even a machine gun that was a machine cannon for god's sakes i mean it shot freaking bullets this freaking big but that's the thing though it's it's it what uh according to according to wikipedia which this was just like a two second search right now uh but but it was, quote, it was one of the earliest weapons to be referred to as a machine gun.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Being called such in 1722 shipping manifest. What caliber was it? Caliber bore something like from what i recall from seeing this thing like to scale it's basically shooting 12-ounce coke cans at people i mean it's a it's not a little bitty thing uh 25.4 millimeter that's a cannon yeah and uh and it fired nine rounds a minute. Dude, nine 25-millimeter rounds a minute? That was like a nuclear weapon back in the day. Yeah, but that's the thing, though, is if you think about it, I mean, yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:55 That's my discussion with a lot of friends and stuff like that, is should civilians today own modern military arsenal and i hands down say yes if you can afford it i should be able to go out and i should be able to own military weaponry hands down like and that's the thing is that with the founding fathers we like they sat there and they were like well what should they have well, and they worded it pretty freaking clear in the Second Amendment. But it has been so bastardized and misused and rewritten and misunderstood where people don't think about it that way. And then when they think about it, when they think about military arms, they freak out because they're like no american our american people should not own military arms and if you think about okay so if you think about it and you
Starting point is 00:27:52 go back and you're like well military arms what does that really entail really we do have access to i mean look at the m1 grand look at the trench shotguns that they have nowadays like the ithaca trench shotguns uh like all these guns the 1911 like all of these guns the only reason is because the people are scared of what the mainstream media has dubbed an assault rifle quote unquote is they they've made it such a bad term and they demonized it like that doesn seriously, like that does not do anything. And, and the fact that I should be able to own all the military grade weaponry I want without a single blink of an eye or paperwork at that. And the, and if you think about the, the, the school shootings, all the stuff that's been going on, look at, you, you got to look at the person. I mean, how many times, uh, back in the day, like, I mean, growing up, how many times
Starting point is 00:28:50 did you hear about your family or your parents or grandparents having firearms or something in their truck so that they could honey, they could go hunting after school. I remember clear as today, like, I mean, clear as day. i remember going to school with like during bow season rifle season and everything kids had guns and rifles or rifles and bows in their vehicles and they i remember they got searched one time because we had bomb threats from some freaking a-hole who i wish they would have caught him and strung his ass up. But this person, they went through and they were like, hey, there's a bomb in a vehicle outside the school. They went through and they searched all the vehicles in the school parking lot.
Starting point is 00:29:35 You know how many? They actually, and I remember they made a comment about how many guns and bows they found in the vehicles. No school shootings were there. No school shootings were there. No school shootings at all. It's a mental health issue. If you research it, look at the last handful of school shootings that have happened. Over the last, I would say, probably five years, if not more,
Starting point is 00:30:00 a good majority are ones with mental health issues and they're on medication one they've been watched by the fbi police whatever and they just haven't been acted on but uh the the the church shooting that just happened in texas that was a transgender palestinian person who used her child as a human shield like that is freaking horrific those are the people that we're fighting against and then you have people who you have the mainstream media who will not even pick that up because it doesn't even it doesn't fit their narrative if it was a white male who was like you know what i hate the world it would be it would still today it would be all over the media but he would have to be straight and preferably a christian because if you can get all those touch points in there together then we got a party yeah
Starting point is 00:30:55 oh yeah and that's the thing is like so the handful like i mean the the nashville shooter transgender against a christian school they are still trying to bury the manifesto. Even though Crowder leaked it, they are still trying to bury the manifesto. And they're pissed about that. Yeah, they're pissed about it. But if you look at it, it's been nonstop mental health issues over the last dozen or so, if not more, school shootings or just shootings in general. It's been hands down mental health issues. And that kind of goes back to the whole chemicals in our food and all that crap.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Because what are we putting in our kids? What chemicals are we putting in our kids? What mental are they is it causing over this period of time like it's stupid it's ridiculous that we're trusting our our bodies and our minds and everything to the government who have done nothing but in the past they have done nothing but they have done research on humans, on how to mind control humans. Tuskegee Experiment. Yeah. I mean, yeah, just Google. I mean, and that's the thing is I hate using Google as an example
Starting point is 00:32:15 because it is filtered, but you can still find stuff. Look up and do some research. But time out. If you can Google Tuskegee Experiment and MKUltra and you can find stuff, then that tells you one of two things. Either the powers that be
Starting point is 00:32:31 are not scared at all to have that information out there in the public eye, or it is so prevalent that they can't censor it. It turns into the Streisand effect at a certain point. Like, the more you bury it,
Starting point is 00:32:42 the more people go digging for it. But, anyway. But, anyway. But yeah, I agree with you all early. I mean, go all the way back to friggin' Columbine. I cannot remember a single instance where one of these mass shooters has been like a quiet little altar boy
Starting point is 00:33:00 with no criminal history, never had the cops called on them, always been a model citizen, and suddenly one day snapped. Every single freaking time. It winds up being some freaking mentally disturbed dirtbag that's had the cops called on him a handful of times that never should have had access to firearms, who had firearms left within their grasp, usually by parents.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Well, look at the kid in Oakland, in Oakland, Michigan. The parents, the mom, I believe the mom, I think the dad has either been charged or will be. But they're being charged, and they're being found guilty of basically abetting and assisting him with his shooting. Which, honestly, them sitting there and texting him, they have text of the parents. Hey, we need to talk to you. Hey, don't do it. That right there. Okay, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:33:51 But if your kid is showing signs of complete mental breakdown, delusions, what have you, like you have as a parent, you have the, I don't want to say right, but you have the obligation to do something about it. And if that's turning your kid over to the authorities, then so be it. Because if your kid gets loose and he murders a bunch of freaking innocent people and you knew about it i hang you i say hang you next to their freaking kid like not even a trial just hang you pull you out by your freaking feet and hang you until you die like you deserve what's worse i mean i'm never going to err on the side of signing off on the government instituting safe storage laws because I just have trust issues with the government and I have full expectation those laws would be abused. Oh, yeah, they will.
Starting point is 00:34:54 But I also am that person who says that if there is any hope of children being in your house ever, you have a responsibility to secure your firearms. I've had my daughter have friends over here to spend the night. One time I've had parents ask me, because they figured me out pretty fast, and they were like, I suspect you have firearms in the house. Are they secured? And my response was, that one comes down and goes in the safe after I'm done recording, and the only other firearm in the house that's not secured is the one that is currently on my hip, under my shirt, and if you think your 11-year-old can wrestle it away from me, they can have it.
Starting point is 00:35:33 And that is like my standpoint. That is responsible gun ownership in a nutshell, is that for my own child's safety and for the safety of anyone else that would come into my home, I keep my farm secure the thing is so when one of these parents when one of these parents leaves guns lying around and the kids get all of them and do some stupid stuff with them my immediate response is you as the parent failed in your responsibility to guard your child and other children though it's you as
Starting point is 00:36:02 a gun owner because Because I'm single. I am a single person who I have no kids that I know of. And it's the thing is like when I have friends come over that I know they have kids. I don't know if they're bringing their kids over. But I know they have kids. They're like, hey, I'm coming over. I secure my firearms. Like I either close my door door which has a rifle in there
Starting point is 00:36:28 and i put the rifle like freaking tucked away in the within the closet where you cannot find it unless you are literally looking for it or i secure everything in a safe and chant and nine times out of ten i put everything in a safe. And that's the thing. And the other thing, too, is if I know, just like you should know the condition of your firearm at all times, you should know the location of your firearms at all times. So if I decide to leave a gun that's like, hey, you know what, I have a rifle that I tossed in my closet. You know, it's okay. It should be good up there.
Starting point is 00:37:04 And they have a kid that comes over here, and all of a sudden I don't see the kid and they're like, the kid is big enough to where they're running around or doing whatever. I don't care whose conversation I'm in the middle of. I'm stopping and I'm looking for that kid. And, you know, and luckily again, I have never had an issue where the kid was upstairs or anything, you know, like, or even remotely next to my room or, or anything. But it's, Hey, what are you doing? Okay. You know? And so, and that's the thing is like, I mean, and that goes, that goes into as far as knowing, like you're just knowing other places too. Uh, if I go to somebody else's house and I see a gun that's sitting on top of their fridge or whatever like that, I'm not going to
Starting point is 00:37:49 sit there and be like, Hey, you should secure that. It's going to be, well, I'm going to watch it. And then if I see a kid, like, Hey, if for some reason that's getting near and granted again, I'm, I'm reaching with some, uh, with some stuff, but it's up to you as a as a responsible uh gun owner to sit there and be like hey what are you doing stop them get them get them away from it and then if it becomes an issue then maybe address it but yeah i mean i don't know it's ridiculous people don't want to take responsibility and i think to jim's point like that is how i would answer his question because he asked how old is old enough to trust with a gun? I think different for each individual.
Starting point is 00:38:30 I would pose it to a person, to a parent like this. The moment in which you trust your child with life or death, trust them with a firearm because that's what a firearm is. Yeah. It is the power of life and death. My daughter is 11. She's been getting gun safety speeches since she was 4 years old. Because
Starting point is 00:38:51 I have firearms in this home. I want her to be safe around them. She knows how to shoot. She knows gun safety. But also because I'm going to send her into other people's homes and I would like to believe that having had conversations with those people, they'll secure their firearms. But just in case, I don't want her to find this thing and be like,
Starting point is 00:39:09 this must be a toy and play with it like she recognizes a firearm. And in my house, we never had toy guns in this house, which was some people think get a little weird about. They say that's a little over the top. But to my point, it was we have firearms in this home. Everything that looks like a gun is a gun, period, end discussion. There is no, there's no mistaking it. But that is what I would post to those parents. When you trust your child with life or death, trust them with a gun. And if the answer to that is, I don't trust them until they're
Starting point is 00:39:40 18, fine. That's your, like, that is your decision as a parent, but wrapped up with that decision comes accountability. If you give your kid a gun and they do something bad with it, I personally think you ought to be on the hook for it too because you gave your child that thing and they misused it.
Starting point is 00:39:59 That is the only way to put this decision firmly in the parent's hands is that the parent has to share the blame with the child. And once the child's 18, that's on the kid. Adult. It's not the kid. But anyway.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Okay. So, go on ahead, Andrew. Run. Nah, we'll start this. So, Trump versus NATO. So, Trump has been recently, he was basically, if you don't pay, you don't play. I completely took that out of context. That's not what he said. But that's pretty much like a good wrap up of what he said. basically, he said in a conversation, and I want to say, I want to quote from it, is, well, sir, if we don't pay and we're attacked by Russia, will you protect us? And Trump quoted the unnamed leader as saying, I said, you don't pay, you're delinquent. He said, yes, let's say
Starting point is 00:40:57 that happens. No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage Russia, them, quote unquote, or Russia, to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. I've said this in the past. NATO, the UN, we need to pull out completely, hands down. It's a waste of money. It's a waste of our money. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:18 I'll be right back. Go on. Go on. Yeah, I mean, my personal feeling on NATO is, like, I just, I have a personal issue, which is not meant to be construed to be like 100% isolationist, but I have a personal issue with the idea that the United States should have ever been or should continue to be the police officer of the world. or should continue to be the police officer of the world. I do believe that if we have strategic partnerships and if we have allies in other parts of the world that we should be there to assist with their defense.
Starting point is 00:41:57 But I do believe that what NATO member countries have done for quite a long time at this point is that they have utilized the United States as their de facto military. In other words, because we're all NATO members and the United States has this really, really large, impressive, technologically advanced military, all the other NATO members scale their militaries back and scale their funding for their militaries back to be able to indulge in social programs and nonsense with the understanding that we were basically footing the bill for their defense. And this is where you kind of get into this argument, because some people say that, you know, the claim has been made that the United States foots the bill for about 70 percent
Starting point is 00:42:43 of NATO, and that's not strictly accurate in dollars. But when you consider the fact that if ever there was a major engagement with NATO members, we're going to be the one sending the majority of our military to go deal with it, because the rest of these countries have such incredibly small
Starting point is 00:43:00 and underfunded militaries. Then it kind of lends credence to that figure. So like my whole thought process on NATO is, I'm not totally averse to us being in NATO. I'm not totally averse to us having strategic partnerships and allies with other nations. I do have issues with the idea that the United States needs to maintain all these foreign bases and such an insanely large military at such a cripplingly high cost just so we can exert power in the rest of the world when our own nation is having problems.
Starting point is 00:43:35 We have literal U.S. service members and veterans sleeping on the freaking streets with nothing to eat, with no job, sleeping on the freaking streets with nothing to eat, with no job, with some of the most diabolically insane, horrible mental and health care available. Thank you, VA. When we have the sheer avalanche of problems we're having on the home front, and yet we are shipping money overseas in terms of military and foreign aid, and using our own military overseas on our dime,'m sorry but i kind of cry foul like at a certain point the gravy train is stopping
Starting point is 00:44:12 all of you idiots get off at the next station figure out your own friggin civil defense we need to bring our boys home i don't know if y'all noticed but we kind of have this little thing going on the southern border and we could kind of use our military right now to secure it if anybody gave it in just think it out loud yeah and i mean that's the thing is uh yeah i mean i i am 100 against nato i'm 100 against the uh the un uh we should i think the u.s needs to pull pull out immediately and utilize that money towards our own border and towards our own defense. Yeah, I mean, the whole thing with NATO is they attack. Basically, if somebody attacks one of them, they attack everybody kind of thing. It's like, hey, you're my buddy.
Starting point is 00:45:02 But at the same time now i i really they you know what these countries they should be able to fend for themselves it's well enough into the the century to where you you should have the ability to fend for yourself uh and if you don't i'm sorry uh and and that's how it's always been is the person with the bigger stick, they will take over and so be it. And that's the thing, though, is if a country, I mean, you take Nazi Germany, for example, the way they were just kind of mowing through some of these countries, if you have one country that is affecting multiple other countries and you have that country that is threatening to, that could be a threat to your country, such as the United States,
Starting point is 00:45:57 then yeah, by all means, I think we could step in and try to help a little bit. But we don't need a resolution and we don't need an agreement to do it. I think that it's a waste of money and it's a waste of resources. I mean, Ukraine, for example, right now, I mean, the whole thing with Ukraine, or not the whole thing, but a lot of it is basically it's the fact that they're talking about becoming NATO members, and they still are. And why are they doing that? In my eyes, they're doing that to possibly try to drag the United States and the world into another world war, which we're very close to being on the verge of. Ukraine, I think Ukraine needs to fend for themselves.
Starting point is 00:46:39 We should not be sending a single penny to Ukraine. We should not be sending a single penny to ukraine we should not be sending a single bit of arms we should not be sending personnel which where we are we should not be sending people to ukraine we should not be sending a single freaking dime to ukraine let russia and ukraine sort their shit out the u.s should not be involved but we are because it's a proxy war against Russia. It's a money laundering scheme is pretty much what it is. And it's been proven to be all that pretty much. And so, yeah, we need to, in my eyes, if I was president, if I was elected president tomorrow, I would stop all assets, all funding, everything to NATO, Ukraine, and UN.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Day one. That would piss Hillary Clinton off. Oh, yeah. I'd probably end up suicided with two bullets in the back of my head. Yeah. You would definitely hang yourself and shoot yourself in the back of the head twice. Yeah. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:47:37 And have a weightlifting accident all at the same time. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, Jesus. But, no. We're going to get kicked off youtube for this episode i can see it now probably so i just want to throw this out there we don't have to spend too much time on it but i find it funny uh is egypt is building a wall so egypt to keep the palestinians out yeah uh egypt is yeah egypt is uh pretty pissed off right now um at israel and uh they're building a concrete block wall right on israel's border and uh it's raising some concerns because egypt uh because of what israel basically going to war and massacring the Palestinians.
Starting point is 00:48:27 And I say massacring because I don't exactly agree with 100% with what they're doing, especially women and children and everything like that. But they are pissing off their neighbors, and one of them being Egypt. And Egypt is like, you know what, F you guys. We're going to build a wall and if needed Egypt is talked about and they're going to war with Israel uh over this whole thing so uh it's something to keep your guys's eyes on eyes on yeah well I mean the situation I want to say in the Middle East but honestly like the number of small the number of
Starting point is 00:49:06 conflicts that are brewing right now means that any one of them sparking large enough could just bubble over into something else very quickly you know like the like all the action between russia and ukraine right now could very easily spill into neighboring countries very quickly. And any one of those countries would be well within their legal rights to defend their borders. So it's worth looking into because you have to bear in mind, like, a lot of the reason behind NATO being formed in the first place was to support globalism. Because if you have all these member countries okay we don't have time to get into it right now remind me at a future date to bone up on world war one history you know pre-world war history which is not my strong suit but there was basically a series of strategic um alliances between all the european nations And it was specifically crafted to make
Starting point is 00:50:07 sure that nobody could go to war with anybody else. Because if so-and-so went to war with this person, then this person would call their buddies and that person would call their buddies and you'd have this huge war. So it was kind of like this series of alliances was kind of like the nuclear weapon of its day. It was mutually sure destruction. Like, you wouldn't dare pick a fight with this tiny little country because they are going to call their five big buddies and it's going to be a brawl. But that's literally how World War I started. Like, how do you think
Starting point is 00:50:33 that this tiny little, these two tiny little countries having a tiff turned into the entirety of Europe going to war with each other? It was because of strategic alliances. That's what NATO was supposed to support. It was basically to ensure that never again could we have a situation where you would have another world war because everybody was in alliance with each other. Well, it doesn't seem to be working very well right now. So I kind of question its purpose.
Starting point is 00:51:02 What is MAMS in America? So MAMS in America, MAM is the military term for military-aged male. Oh, gotcha. Yeah. And so if you look at- We call those invaders where I come from. Yeah, yeah. And I mean, this kind of ties into the past conversation we had a week or so ago with just the border security and the invasion
Starting point is 00:51:27 that's happening and i wanted to bring this back up because it's again it it's stronger than ever we've had record amount of military-aged males crossing into the united states but didn't we just get through talking about a church shooting at a megachurch in Texas? I'm pretty sure it was an illegal immigrant, transgender, shot up a church. Am I the only one remembering that from very recent conversations? Yeah, I don't remember that. Okay. And now here we are talking about military age males, and I'm sorry to be the one to
Starting point is 00:52:03 break it to you, but I don't care if you're wearing a dress or not. Your DNA determines what your gender is. Yeah, I mean, that's the thing. So, yeah, this is something that we all need to be watching. Again, the news isn't covering it because it doesn't fit the narrative. But, yeah, we need to be watching the southern border and even the northern border too to be watching the southern border and even the northern border too uh but mostly like i mean mostly the southern border especially since the military age males
Starting point is 00:52:31 that are coming across they're from africa they're from china like there's actually been an influx that they've been releasing uh it's been chinese immigrants military age males from china that are crossing the border uh why is that uh the amount uh what was it yeah the amount of uh the the amount of immigrants that are crossing the border uh it's it's an invasion uh hands down uh it should be met with lethal force uh in my opinion uh hands down lethal force uh where our border patrol agents um the texas national guard uh they they should be able to use lethal force um and so you don't think they should just give them bus tickets uh no not bus ticket the bus tickets and that's a thing though and that's where i disagree with the whole uh the governor habit and stuff like that where he's busing the the immigrants the illegals uh across the u.s to delaware oh we're gonna disagree on that uh you know what's that we're gonna disagree on that but please
Starting point is 00:53:35 continue no i mean i i it's funny i find it really hilarious uh but i completely disagree with it because in the way that basically he's busing them to these districts and these areas, these Democratic cities. And like I said, I find it funny because these Democratic leaders are, I quote, quote unquote leaders. They're losing their minds because their people are starting to get pissed off, which is actually a good thing. They're losing their minds because their people are starting to get pissed off, which is actually a good thing. But at the same time, they're still, they're busting them across the United States and they're dropping them off in a city. Like, they're putting them where they want to go, in a sense. Instead of shipping them across the, instead of shipping them back across the border, they're shipping them across the United States. So, two things.
Starting point is 00:54:31 First of all, I disagree because I think that part of what had to happen in the course of this whole unending cultural debate about quote unquote illegal immigration was I really feel like people who didn't have an informed opinion about it needed to have an informed opinion about it, needed to have an informed opinion about it. And there is no greater informing to be done than when a couple of buses drop a few hundred illegal immigrants into your backyard and suddenly becomes your freaking problem. Because prior to that, everybody was basically calling the state of Texas racist and bigots and everything else, because how dare you not want brown people in your state? Even though I hate to break it to you, I'm from Texas originally. There are people of every freaking race and nationality you can think of in that state.
Starting point is 00:55:11 We don't seem to care as long as you don't act up and you behave yourself appropriately. So I feel like until we diversified, until it was no longer a border state problem, when it became a Chicago problem and a New York problem, and it moved further inland to some of these little liberal enclaves where people were by far and large supportive of illegal immigration. That's what it took for people to start having the conversation in Chicago about, well, how the hell are we supposed to support all these migrants that just showed up? Well, how the hell were any of these border cities supposed to support it, you freaking morons? They've been dealing with this for years while y'all were supporting these policies. So that's one. Simply on the face of the fact that Governor Abbott basically exported the problem to the people who claimed through their words they wanted to help and gave them a taste of what they were asking for. And they didn't like the taste of it very much.
Starting point is 00:56:12 So, buzz off. But the other problem is, legally, I don't think Texas could have loaded these people up in a bus and drove them through a checkpoint back to Mexico. I don't think our own border security at those checkpoints would allow that. So it's one of these weird situations where, like, I understand where you're coming from. Why shoot them all over the country? Why not just send them back home? I don't know if that could be done. And you certainly can't bring them to a hole in the fence and kick them out. At least not, you know, not not without the threat of machine guns behind them, which would go over like a fart in church.
Starting point is 00:56:56 It's just it's one of those situations where, like, I'm not super critical of Governor Abbott taking illegals that had already come into the country, already been allowed in by Border Patrol and the Biden regime, and move them around the country to places like Martha's Vineyard that said they wanted to help them. But be damned if as soon as the migrants show up at Martha's Vineyard, they promptly stuck them on a bus and moved them somewhere else because they really didn't want them there unless they were working in their gardens or their kitchens. Frickin' hypocritical bastards. really didn't want them there unless they were working in their gardens or their kitchens freaking no i agree with you on that because the fact that uh yeah they're getting pissed off now that uh they're getting shipped across the united states like that's what's really pissing them off and that's what's pissing people off and the people of chicago and everything like it's actually interesting seeing illinois uh and even new york and even some of these other cities when the politicians are like hey if you have an open door or if you have an open room you should probably open it up to a migrant family or just a migrant himself like they're asking people to open up
Starting point is 00:57:56 their their doors and and the liberals who I believe are voting for these people they're actually putting their middle fingers up and saying no i'm not doing that that's where i'm drawing the line um i draw that i i make this same kind of uh the how do i want to put it i look at it the same way as the uh the fuds for the second amendment you have you have people that are like well i don't i don't like an ar-15 so now it's okay if we ban it or i don't like i don't like something and it's okay if we ban it or i don't like i don't like something and i'm okay if they ban it as far as like maybe bump stocks uh the uh um oh the pistol braces the binary triggers like pick your pick your heel he'll die on basically but you have the fuds who are out there saying well nah it's not my bolt action or it's
Starting point is 00:58:46 not my flintlock or it's not my black powder uh so it's okay i don't mind if they ban it you know i don't think anybody should actually have it uh but at the same time they throw a fit they're gonna throw a fit when it comes to their doorstep and that's what's happening right now with the immigration with the illegal immigration and stuff is is it's come to their doorstep it's they're they're completely fine with it until it comes to their doorstep and it's and it's hit there and that's when they're like nah that's where i draw the line and it's just like well you drew the line way too freaking late like why didn't you draw the line when i said hey we should shut the border down. Because NIMBY. Familiar with that term?
Starting point is 00:59:30 N-I-M-B-Y, not in my backyard. And anytime you see anybody that gets NIMBY on a certain issue, like it's Rosewater and Belly Dancers, as long as it's way over there, I don't have to deal with it, but the minute it's in my private little gated community, now I have a problem with it.
Starting point is 00:59:45 That sort of person will always piss me off to no end. I do, however, have one criticism of Governor Abbott. Why'd he wait? Why in 2024, because it's an election year, all of a sudden he's freaking getting religious about locking down the border. Why didn't that fat moron shut the border down his first freaking day in office why did he wait i'm not saying he shouldn't have done it i'm saying he should have done it on day one like all of his rhetoric and all of his bullcrap about i need to defend my state well you did need to defend your state for the last couple
Starting point is 01:00:22 of years you freaking idiot. And that's my gripe. My gripe's not that he did something. It's that you freaking sat with your thumb in your butt for this long and now all of a sudden it's an emergency? Like, that's what aggravates me. Well, and that's the thing is that it serves a political purpose now.
Starting point is 01:00:40 And this is why I absolutely detest populate. You remember at the top of the show where I made the comment that some human beings are closer to rats genetically than others? I met politicians. Yeah, right. And if there's a politician out there that thinks that doesn't apply to them, like, I probably haven't met you yet. I might not like you if I get to know you, and you definitely wouldn't like me if you got to know me. I'm just saying like I I true the joy of being me for the listeners is that I can vote for a person
Starting point is 01:01:14 on a Friday and by Monday morning I am right back where I started thinking he's a scumbag that's trying to screw us over and we need to keep an eye on him because i just don't trust politicians and you shouldn't either even if you have especially if you vote for them you should be watching be assured well you should we as americans and this is like fundamental to our cultural dna is to distrust our government if you trust your government you're not being an american we're supposed to mistrust them that's the point. It's the only way we keep them honest is by assuming they're out to screws, because they usually are. So,
Starting point is 01:01:51 can we do this last bullet point in like 10 minutes or less, or do we shelve it for another show? Ah, shelve it. Okay. I'll leave it with the listeners, though, and we'll make sure I keep... Andrew will stop me from deleting this bullet point for the next show. But I wanted to talk about what I wish I knew when I started prepping
Starting point is 01:02:14 because, like, Andrew and I have been into preparedness – well, we've been – first of all, we've been doing this podcast for eight years. And, you know, like, with the benefit of eight years of hindsight and many years of being into preparedness before that i know i look back on some of the things we've done and think to myself wow i wish i could go back in the past and tap myself on the shoulder be like no don't do that do this instead yeah right and no but um but that's the thing, though, is, like, so I would like actually we'll try to make a better job at scheduling the show in advance so it lets people know, let the Patreons know. Because I'd like to get a topic. This topic, I think, would be good to hear from multiple people.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Like, get some input from everybody. So, again, where's my mouse at here uh so again what i wish i knew when i started prepping if you have something to put into this uh shoot fill our eye a message um just comment on this whatever you got. Just, I'm curious to get everybody else's input on this. So, uh, we'll, uh, we'll figure out a date, uh, for this to, um, for us to pick this back up, but think about it and comment. Cause I'm curious to see what other people have. That would be a good one. I think. Yeah. And I would also say that like that, that topic is not just something for like the newbies and be like oh well you know 10 years of experience maybe the new guy can learn something because i tell people all the time that like
Starting point is 01:03:51 even have even after literally doing a podcast where prepping is in the tagline even after eight years i still get people come to me and be like hey how should I do like storing beans and rice and stuff like this? And like, you know, people ask me like, what are the first things I should get when I'm into prepping? And my first reaction is I've been doing this for eight years. Y'all just got interested. So like, I would encourage people that if you are into preparedness and especially if you're not shy about being into preparedness, Because there are a lot of people out there that really do keep it close to their chest that they're preppers.
Starting point is 01:04:30 And I get it. I really, really get it. I used to be super cagey about it. But then I kind of felt the pull. That's why I started podcasting. I felt the pull that there were people that needed to hear the message. And if that means I get to be the town weirdo, I don't care anymore. But like, for those of you who are not shy about being into preparedness and you do talk to other people about it, you will encounter people who could benefit from your hindsight. topic, that episode helps you do anything. It might help you remember the things you've learned to take for granted if you've been in preparedness for 20 or 30 years and you just assume everybody
Starting point is 01:05:10 knows that because I'll tell you what, about 10 years ago, there's a bunch of things I didn't know that I figured out the hard way. Not because there wasn't anybody available to tell me, but because I didn't know what I didn't know. I didn't know what questions to ask sometimes. I had to beat my face against the wall and be like, oh, that's a wall. Don't do that again. Well, all right. So I'm going to stop you there because before you over-explain the topic and before you go 10 minutes over, let's stop it right there.
Starting point is 01:05:39 And, again, if you guys, if anybody listens to this, if you have something to go along with this, I'm really curious and we'll share it. So I'm really curious to see what you have to say. So shoot one of us a message, emails. I don't care how we get it. The simple way to do this is if you are watching this on YouTube or Rumble or Facebook or X, just leave a comment underneath this. And I'll try to remember to run back through those distribution platforms and check. If you're listening to this in audio only,
Starting point is 01:06:12 There's a contact form that goes to me and Andrew's emails when it doesn't end up in the spam folder, which sometimes that happens. Yeah, but no, I'm curious to see everybody's input on this. So, yeah, no, hit us up. Yep. uh uh input on this so yeah no hit us up yep well let's punt this one out the door it's 707 central on a monday afternoon and we'll talk to you another week bye everybody bye Thank you. We'll see you next time.

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