The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Merry Christmas, Love One Another
Episode Date: December 25, 2023John 13:34-35...
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sitting in a dark room, cold, quiet.
I stepped out of the holiday warmth to be with you for a moment.
You know, I'm feeling a lot of gratitude for someone you might not expect.
It's for the dark one.
I'm feeling a lot of gratitude for Satan.
I spent the bulk of the year
thinking about the devil
and demons on Earth.
Never have I ever done that.
Never have I ever even given that
thought, credence, any of it.
And in spending a full year
thinking about what is happening on the planet,
on the face of the planet, and who could be behind it all, I have never been thrust deeper,
closer to God in my whole life. I've never been closer to God and more confident
in my relationship with Him than ever before in my
whole life. And it's opened my eyes to this idea that it seems like the more you think about God,
the more you question God, the more you make that sort of a focal point of every single day,
the darker you get, the darker you're pressed into the darkness,
the more you think about the light. And the more you think about the darkness and the more you try
to understand the darkness and give it its credence and give it its space on the planet
and understand, you know what, man? Some people are evil. Some things are evil. There are forces
that we don't understand on this planet, and they are working overtime.
And when you give the darkness its space like that,
it thrusts you back into the light.
For every action, right?
Equal opposite reaction.
This Christmas is by far the most magic of them all for me.
And I think it's primarily because it's so dark.
It's because there is a mere ember in the hearth of the American heart right now.
People know it. People know it.
They're scared, right?
You can never fully understand the stages of a life.
And that's what makes it such an adventure.
I thought that, you know, children of a certain age meant the end of Christmas.
But that's because I never understood that Christmas is the season that engages the entire world in a conspiracy of love.
A new command I give you. Love one another as I have loved you, so you must love
one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
John 13, 34 through 35. This is paramount, PBN family. A society that gives itself over to this
A society that chooses to love
And chooses love for humanity
Over its desire to fix humanity
Or to fix the planet
Or to fix a race of people
Yeah, we'll find it
We'll find our path
We'll find our way. We'll find our way, even in the darkest times.
A society that submits to loving one another has no need for the quizzling bumper stickers
or yard sign proclamations. In fact, it has no reason for crosses or even churches, mosques,
In fact, it has no reason for crosses or even churches, mosques, temples.
It's not to say that we shouldn't build these structures, you know, as a means of honoring God.
But in your day-to-day interactions with God's people, everyone who surrounds you, you give the greatest honor by first opening your heart to love in their presence.
Like, what greater honor can you give God than to open your heart to love his people?
Flawed as they may be, flawed as you are.
Now is the time to fall in love with humanity once again or maybe maybe for the very first time maybe we've never really truly fallen in love with humanity but i can tell you right now there's a
large chunk of the population that thinks human beings are about the worst thing that could ever
happen in the universe i don't think the demons were created before men.
I think Baal was created for man.
Just think about it, right?
We do not rise into indulgence.
That's not how it works.
We fall.
We fall into indulgence.
And that means something, man. When man falls, we fall the same way every
time, all throughout history, right? This is an old, old idea. The women are abandoned,
and you can see the looks in their eyes. You can see the fear in their eyes.
in their eyes. You can see the fear in their eyes. In Romeo and Juliet, the friar says to Romeo, as he's torn between lovers, he says, women may fall when there's no strength in men.
That's in the second act of Romeo and Juliet. I don't need to explain that, right? Lots of people
claim they don't understand Shakespeare. They'll say, oh, I can't read that. I don't need to explain that, right? Lots of people claim they don't understand Shakespeare.
They'll say, oh, I can't read that. I don't understand what it says. I think the real
problem that people have with Shakespeare is the same problem they have with the Bible.
They understand it too well. Oh, they get it. It's too straightforward for a society that wants an out, that wants an excuse, that wants something, some way to sneak out the back door.
Oh, women may fall when there's no strength in men.
They understand it too well.
It's too simple an explanation of what must be done.
You know, another Shakespeare quote that comes to mind is,
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves.
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves.
It's taken us, what, seven, almost 800 years to circle back around to that.
That's responsibility.
That's responsibility, right? Don't blame the
heavens for your problems. Don't blame a whole race of people for your problems. Don't blame
the government for your problems. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.
All around us, man, there are just incredible people doing amazing things, and they do it for
truth. God, Jesus, this is truth. My father once told me that your conscience is God. The feeling
that you get, like, even when you are not taught what God is, but you get that feeling that
something is wrong, that I should not do this,
that maybe I should think this over. He used to tell me, that's God. You're hearing him.
Great advancements are being made all around us, great deeds being done, great people arriving to
this timeline to make their mark. Yet we have idiots at the highest levels telling us that
humans are no good, and this race is no
good, and this gender is no good, and that's no good, and no good, and no good, and no good,
and then on the back end of that statement, they say, everyone deserves love and respect.
Now, I'm going to take you down the nerd hole a little bit, okay? I'm playing a game called Asgard's Wrath right now.
And it's a mind-blowing adventure in virtual reality.
Not just the talent of the team to bring a story like this to life, to make it playable, completely immersive,
but it's built around gods.
It's built around the story of ancient gods that have been around
since, you know, 13th century, even some even before, 2,000 years old.
And these storylines of, you know, families being separated and parents being killed and
exiled and so on and so, they resonate so clearly with the human experience today that they
these stories can incite in you passion and anger and joy and all of that
because that's art man that's the power of art when you step into art and play at the highest
possible level right whatever that thing is to you in In VR, it's art, it's music,
it's story, it's play, it's combat, it's, you know, at the most intimate and highest level.
When you wrap your head around the fact that it took a group of humans to put something like
this, something so amazing together, and all of this is a video game.
How can you feel anything but gratitude and love? How can you say that the
human race is not worth the effort, is not worth the love, is not worth the truth?
Now there's gold lurking in all of us, PBN family. Some of us require a little more mining than others, but there's gold lurking in all of us.
I leave you with a message this Christmas from the birthday boy.
Run with it.
Run with it into the new year.
Run with it through the new year.
And let's see what a difference we can make.
A new command I give you.
Love one another.
As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
By this everyone will know that you're my disciples, if you love one another.
That's John 13, 34.
Have a Merry Christmas, PBN family. I love you all.
You have made my life an utter dream And I thank you
And I hope that this following year
Brings to you just, you know
The things that you cannot believe
And the things that you can believe
And the things that you want
And the things that you didn't know you wanted
But you received because you were supposed to receive them
God bless