The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Meshtastic: The Ultimate off Grid Communication

Episode Date: October 20, 2024

Chin presents how to make Meshtastic work for you. New air dates for the Audio Drama and the next episode of Family Feud. Changing Earth News!Download the slides: Earth Novels CLEARANCE SALE

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the Changing Earth podcast with author Sarah F. Hathaway and co-host Chen Gibson. Blending survival fiction and fact to bring you entertaining education that will help you dream, survive, and thrive. And now, here's your host sarah f hathaway and chen gibson hello and welcome back to the changing earth podcast this is episode number 468 season 16 episode 3 for those of you that are in the live chat you know that chen's back hey what's up? Hey, I'm revising my ARC plans. I was looking up Noah's Dope. Because who would have thunk that it was going to flood in western North Carolina? Right.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Yeah, I'm leaving the coastal town of Charleston. Yeah. And I'm good to go. Guess what? I'm finally back on the show. Finally. That's nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Remember those tsunami blow-up houses we were looking at? Probably not the worst idea right now. You know, like hung up on other trees that i just haven't you know it's like well just don't walk under that and we're good for now fair it's crazy it was it i mean and i'm blessed because i'm lucky there's there's some there's some like towns wiped off the map up here right it's crazy yeah i was so happy to hear that everybody from our community um did okay for the most part you know that's just a blessing right there and um you know orchard lake my gosh two trees down on the whole property insane like i went back about a week after camp because i left
Starting point is 00:02:02 i left my camper there yeah we had a tow vehicle there to help bring supplies for prepper camp like set up stuff and a whole you know so i had two trailers a pickup truck we just left behind and it popped in the suv and drove home that thought crossed our mind for a second as well leaving the trailer and we're like no we just can't do it i love orchard lake they are the best um yeah they super they worked with me on you know although i think they're they're uh swindling me out of doing a class on mishastic up there so ah there you go yeah you gotta do a little payback pay the piper pay the piper, right? But they were. So finally, two weeks after, I finally got the roads clear enough on my end by my house to actually go back and retrieve everything. So it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:55 I had never seen a devastation like that. And like I said, we were lucky because some people were just like, they don't even have land to build on because the land got washed away. It's just crazy. Yeah. That's what, that's the incredible thing. You know, so much, like the map is different. So. You know, it's North Carolina, I guess parts of Georgia, Tennessee.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I mean, it's just, it's not just like one river that did it. It's like huge swaths of this whole region. Right. Yeah, yeah. The river has completely changed. And then just the amount of landslides and stuff. When we were driving out, seeing, you know, people, half their house is gone. And they're just standing there, you know, like a deer in the headlights.
Starting point is 00:03:46 And, I mean, what are you going to do? We only had half a tank of gas. We had to get out of there, you know. So, yeah, that was a little extreme. I definitely, you know, our thought process was it's going to break in Georgia and never comes up in the mountains. Exactly. process was it's going to break in georgia and never comes up in the mountains exactly and ironically enough i get i get this strange notification when i'm watching youtube today that uh a new documentary coming out on how um the appellations are going to be the new power
Starting point is 00:04:22 center of the united States. The energy revival for the United States. I literally went two weeks without power at my house because... Well, I just find it a little ironic. It gets wiped off the face of the earth and then you know,
Starting point is 00:04:39 they're talking about already a documentary about the towns left behind. How we're going to reinvigorate them. They're going to do stuff. It's going to change. The landscape changed for sure. Yeah. Yeah, crazy stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Crazy. Yeah, no fun, man. The thing is how people banded together to solve problems. And if you were waiting on the government, you might as well just give it up. Isn't that what we always say on the podcast? I think that there aren't good people in some of these rescue agencies and stuff, but the most support that I saw were just common folk and church groups
Starting point is 00:05:21 and private veterans and stuff that knew their skill sets you know when they were enlisted that just pulled together i was watching a video on a uh a group of guys that uh uh green beret guys that were um got access to a private airport like some guy that owned this little airport like one hangar and one strip and you know just a little airport up here in the mountains and so they banded together and they were running a hundred flights a day out of that little air to support you know then they branched out from there to support the local community it's amazing what people could do when they when they use their talents and their skills yes and like i say we've done so many shows on you know when
Starting point is 00:06:13 disaster strikes fema's not even worried about you on your house what they're worried about is they've got to get power back on even if they were doing their job correctly, they're worried about big infrastructure items. Continuity government and infrastructure stuff. Not, you know, I'm cold, hungry. You're stuck in the mountains and you don't have nothing. We're not really even worried about that yet. Yeah. So, you know, it's a prime example of uh
Starting point is 00:06:48 you got to tighten up your bootstraps not any kind of better people to be put to that test i mean i i pray for everybody over there but i know those people and they're good-hearted people and um you know like if this would have happened in California or something, you know, it would have been rather amusing. The other takeaway is you could plan to your heart's content and you can have, you know, two is one and three is better, that whole mentality. mentality. But when that wall of water came and washed away like storage buildings, like if you had stuff stored away at storage buildings or those rental places and all this stuff, washed away. Gone. Yeah. So you got to have some good skills and you got to have a good head on your shoulders
Starting point is 00:07:40 to be able to deal with situations when they come your way because you might not have because you might have $100,000 worth of equipment still up, but then if it ain't there after the event, you still have to have a good head on your shoulders to figure it out. That's so true. Always skills and your mindset over stuff. And your mindset over stuff. I mean, I know people that had a rental building full of stuff that got eight foot of water.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Yeah. Yeah. What are you going to do then? A ceiling. And they took out those plastic totes and the totes were full of water because it had gone up so high. Yeah. Because they were just submerged, right? Wow. That's really. Yeah. those plastic totes and the totes were full of water because it had gone up so high yeah they were just submerged right wow that's that's really yeah it was like the water was like 20 feet above the road right yeah i heard the story about a third third floor apartment yeah it blew my mind
Starting point is 00:08:40 to driving and the creek bed is another 10 foot below us, probably, and you look at a mud line, like a solid mud line across the trees, not like a little, oh, that might be where the water line was. It was like tan up to a point, and then it was green beyond that point, right? So you knew where the mud line was. And the high water mark had to be 20 feet above the road line. That is just insanity. Full size.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Five feet of trucks were flipped over. Yeah. Yeah, we've seen piles of them coming out of there. And I was just like, oh, my gosh. I was just praying for you guys. And hoping that your guys' houses, you know, and everything were so decent. I'm on a mount, you know. everything we're we're about early i'm on a mount you know yeah but hilltop mount but some of that the landslides just took them right down to well that was one good thing building our house we had a lot of problems with uh
Starting point is 00:09:37 there's like uh granite and stuff underneath the not too far underneath the dirt. Right. So I would have never been able to put a basement in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There wasn't much time to wash away. Now, I could have had a problem getting to the house, but the house itself is built on a rock. Good. Not sand, right? Isn't that how the saying goes?
Starting point is 00:10:00 Yeah, yeah, build it on the rock. Yeah. Yep. Yeah, our house in Cali was that way So, well, that's a good thing Because I saw a lot of dirt moving That really, really freaked me out So That's just never a good thing
Starting point is 00:10:16 Well, we're happy to have you back Happy that our prayers were answered You guys are okay Yeah Although, some good shows. That was a great show with Doug. Holy smokes. He brought it.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Yeah, he did. We laid it out. I told him, I don't know what November is bringing. So I don't care how long the show is. We are going through the show. And we are going to just lay it out for everybody. I was working but uh it was great show right he's actually getting ready to i know it just went to the
Starting point is 00:10:53 editor today he's putting out a new book um that's gonna be amazing um hold on i'll get the name for you it's going to be the program and so you can just imagine um it's going to be really really good i've seen a lot of sneak peeks already and uh i'm pretty excited it's probably one i'm going to actually pick up and read so um yeah so we got big big projects going on everywhere. I'm working on some stuff that I'm not going to divulge yet. But I just finished putting together the audio for episode 12 of season 4. So that means the next block is ready to roll. We're going to do a Family Feud game and the Ben show on November 3rd. So you'll have that night off, too.
Starting point is 00:11:48 We're going to do Team TJ versus Team Virgis. Before election night. Yeah, yeah, right? Hey, you know, you got to have fun. Everybody needs to bring six to ten people to the polls. So do what you need to do get out there harass people remind them that you need to get out there and vote
Starting point is 00:12:12 vote early as early as your state allows you to get out there and vote yeah you don't have a right to complain I was going to use the b word but you don't have a right to do that if you don't get out and vote if you're not voting then don't even open your mouth yeah as soon as your your early voting have is for your state get out there and do it let's just do it get it done with
Starting point is 00:12:35 yep there was lines i went friday was the second day for north carolina i went on friday and i couldn't pull it off on th. But there was lines on Thursday because a friend of mine worked the polls and then when I was there there was lines to the door. I think ours opens on the 21st. So yeah, I'm definitely
Starting point is 00:13:00 going to be doing my part. Like I say, if you don't vote, you can't complain. You can't have a show about it. You can't talk about it because you're not making your voice heard. And we have to do the best we can to show up, to turn up. Yeah, you got to do it. I mean, what happens if there's an event on the 5th and weather or car problems
Starting point is 00:13:26 or sickness or whatever and you can't get there. Let's not put it off. Just get it done. Yep. It's going to be longer lines anyway. So just as soon as you can. The door Thursday and Friday of our first two days.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Yeah, I think like I say, I think ours is the 21st. just had a one of our representatives actually came to the door of the house oh yeah knocked on the door hey how you doing i'm so and so and i'm running for this and it was like wow that's really cool you know that you actually take time to show that you know you care so um pretty neat stuff i've been uh i'm not gonna lie i've been a little um so i'm like 110 person either i'm going 110 or i'm not going at all and i've been a little lethargic today i have to admit because it's like you know what i'm gonna lay around and enjoy a day because um you know i walk with the hand of the lord but i have no idea what's gonna happen after november and so i'm enjoying every single
Starting point is 00:14:35 day you know it could be crazy yeah no matter who wins i'm a little worried. Yeah. So, like I say, Jesus said, you know, don't be afraid in different words. 365 times. Fear not. Fear not. 365 times in the Bible. That's one for every day. So we know, you know, he's got our back. But, you know, I don't know what that's going to bring. I just don't know. So we gonna bring i just don't know so we'll have to just
Starting point is 00:15:08 it's gonna be easy we're gonna we're just gonna play it as we go and she'll be sharing it with our pbn community while we're at it so well that brings us into the topic of the day we're're talking comms. One of the very biggest problems in North Carolina was communications. I mean... That was crazy, right? It was! Cell phones, internet, boom.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Down. Yeah. Thank God for JB again. You know. because my mom was freaking out and i didn't really realize why because we were so safe at orchard lake you know and uh so but she was at home watching the news and going oh my gosh you know, my family's there. And without JB, I wouldn't have been able to communicate with her. And, you know, that's really stressful for everybody involved.
Starting point is 00:16:15 So important. So yes, even Sarah, the anti-tech, anti-wanting-to-learn-this-stuff is very interested in learning some different communication methods now because that was that was a big reality check right there oh yeah i'm i'm i'm never let a good disaster go to waste right right so i've been using this like crazy to broaden my networks and um both in in the industry and in the community and i've been talking to people all over the place um because there's no reason to think this won't something like this won't happen again even if it's not a flood it could be something else right so so take us through um i've got my
Starting point is 00:17:07 mesh tastic even in my hand as we speak because i was like we're doing the show on it i you know wow that was our speaker's gift and um so i'm just kind of staring at it going oh boy now i got a chin's gonna make me learn this too now so so let's uh you take it over man it's it's your show tonight so let's walk through it a little bit and uh get to this it's it's it's basically a little radio so you have this little device it's it a radio. It's got an antenna. That Bluetooth pairs with your phone or your tablet. But the only thing that your phone or your tablet is used for is to be the monitor and the keyboard. Right. So I would need a little solar charger for that to make sure that, well, the MeshTastic needs power too.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Yeah. The MeshTastic mesh the little radio is yeah it runs off of electricity so it has a little battery in it so either you have backup power or backup batteries or you know grade power whatever however you get power you have to power the radio you have to power your phone somehow, right? Right. But once you get over that, I mean, and it only, it pulls like less than four amps. I mean, it's just a tiny little draw. The batteries aren't that, they're not that, like a, what is it, a 3,000 millivolt battery was last to me about a week. Okay, that's good.
Starting point is 00:18:51 They're LoRa for long range and they're designed to work on low power. They sip the power. They send small data packets out through the radio and it's made to be used. The guy that
Starting point is 00:19:15 originally designed the system, the software, which is open source software, was a hang glider out in the West. And he was having problems with not having cell phone service. So he wanted a way to communicate with his friends while they're out doing their hang gliding stuff. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:19:37 So they took the LoRa infrastructure, the hardware, the little radio chips and stuff that make up LoRa, and they developed software called Meshtastic. Meshtastic, right? Because the mesh of Meshtastic is mesh networking. is mesh networking. So what they did is they took this little radio that sips energy and can get data out long range, and they paired it with an app that will send data text, basically. If you ever use Signal, the app Signal,
Starting point is 00:20:29 the app for Meshtastic looks just like signal you can do uh direct messaging right to one person or you can do you could set up a group like pbn the host we have a private group right so we we're always talking in the in the in the back channels that's when we call it the back channels, right? Right. It's usually us talking on Signal in our little group, right, about upcoming events or show topics or whatever we're talking about, right? So it works just like that. You can send text messages back and forth. So if I have the Meshtastic app going, does my Meshtastic have to actually be turned on as well?
Starting point is 00:21:09 Only if you want somebody else to receive the message. If you just want to talk to yourself. Then fine. Now, can I like message you from here on it? Well, yes, but. well yes but so um what what the preparedness community likes to do is stay off grid right right so off grid their line of sight radios just like walkie talkies line of sight radios. And I've personally got one to five miles standard communication from one Meshtastic node to the other Meshtastic node. They call radios nodes in Meshtastic. was developed is the mesh part of Meshtastic means that the software takes each
Starting point is 00:22:08 radio and makes it a little mini repeater too. My Meshtastic will send out and receive messages that I send or that my friends send back to me and it will also ask as a repeater for somebody else close enough to ping my meshtastic radio node so let's just say you were you were um we're say we lived in the same town you were 15 miles away and my radio couldn't get you, but my radio could ping off of two people in between us and get to you. So you would get it because it, they call it hops.
Starting point is 00:22:54 It hops. One to the next to the next to the next. So the more that we get these out there, the better the network is. Oh, my goodness, yes. So the more a prepper is going to hear, well, it pings off to somebody else, so they're going to get the message. No. It's 256K encrypted, so that's like what corporate uses to encrypt messages and emails and stuff. So it's pretty well secure from going from one place to the next.
Starting point is 00:23:23 secure from going from one place to the next. What's going to happen is the man in the middle, if the message wasn't intended for that person, they're not even going to know that they pinged it out through them to the next guy. It's just doing a community service by being there and sending it out. So what I've done is I've gotten involved with the Neighborhood Watch. So now I've got my neighbors with Mesh-tastic. And then I've gone into town and we've talked to the mayor, who's pretty cool. He's on board.
Starting point is 00:24:00 He doesn't have purple hair. And the sheriff, who's a constitutional sheriff, he's cool and we've got a cert team we stood up so i've got people in town now right that have these got so i'm building out my mesh network by getting other people involved um i've i've given i've literally given some to the sheriff i've given some purchased myself given some to uh an ambulance crew because they were having problems until they got some donor starlink system yeah their systems went down all this high-tech two thousand dollar walkie talkie radios that they carry on their belts and stuff. Not worth anything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Weren't worth anything. And I warned a sheriff about that. I wonder why that is. Did they use like internet or something? Some of it pings through the internet, yeah. So like your cell phone, right? Your cell phone, if you and I are in the same room together, my cell phone is not really talking to your cell phone. My cell phone is going way out to the tower on top of the hill and back down to you.
Starting point is 00:25:19 And that's what's happened with them. They were getting hit with all these Wi-Fi repeaters and stuff, and they were not able to connect to each other. So like a cell phone, it's a radio, but it's not like a radio like a walkie-talkie where it can talk to anybody. It's got to go through the cell network cellular network through the towers and back out to the next guy and that's where i isn't there like a piece of that with ham too now that like it has to have well it would have to have power as
Starting point is 00:26:00 well well all radios need power right so you have to have some you know you put a generator on a bicycle and pedal pedal pedal whatever it takes but um solar power backup batteries all that kind of stuff but um well you and i were talking you were asking if i could actually talk to you yeah and you know i'm in north carolina you're in texas mesh tacit can you can hook one of your radio nups nodes up to the internet and if we were to do that i could bluetooth from my phone to my node my node would go through the internet and it would find your node in texas and dump out to your phone. Got it. Still encrypted? Still encrypted, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:49 But it would require the internet. So if my internet went down, we would lose connection. So during sunny days, it's a great way to communicate. Right. But you can depend on it for a rainy day. Right, yeah. Unless you have skydive.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Explore it. And if you have friends and family out of town you guys can set these up i know um here in north carolina what they're um they're doing it across the whole state now so i can look on my map you know how we showed you the app has mapped so you can see locations if you want to turn the location on? The whole state is speckled with them now because they're lit up on the Internet, right? So the guys are hooking up their nodes to the Internet, which is cool. cool and it's useful if I could go through those nodes and bounce back out. So if I was in town or on a road trip next town over, I could still communicate with my wife.
Starting point is 00:27:56 But if we had an issue with the internet, again, I'd be... You'd be relying upon them hopping off of each other instead of the internet again i'd be uh right you'd be relying upon them hopping off of each other instead of the internet yeah so until we get enough people it's still kind of infancy for america now europe really has a large uh buy-in on this actually they got they had it so well it was too much of a good thing and they were having to figure out how to deal with too much traffic. Uh-huh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Because people, you could set how many jumps, how many hops your message will go. So I can set my, like if I'm in town, I know all my people are in town, I could just set it to three hops, right? That's kind of the standard. And that's kind of the the standard and that's good but it can go up to i think seven or eight hops and if everybody said the seven or eight hops that just bing bing bing bing bing you know it's just like it's like a popcorn you know like the old popcorn machines and it's just popped corn flying all over the place it is too much congestion in the area um so you want to do the lowest number of hops and still be successful to be considerate to the community at large so you're not uh too much congestion of the airway you know the traffic to you on the mesh network
Starting point is 00:29:19 yeah so i mean that's a little geeky, but that's kind of something behind the scenes. But it's very, so you'll have the, and it's, most of these units are probably smaller than a deck of cards, right? Like the one that you have, it's. Yeah, it's tiny. I got small hands and it fits in the palm of my hand easily. Size like a Zippo lighter. easily size like a zippo uh lighter yeah like a zippo mm-hmm fast lighters right yeah so it's probably about that size maybe a pinch bigger but that's about the size like the one that you have is and i mean there's different companies that make them some make them in a bigger case because they have bigger batteries so make them in smaller cases you know they have bigger batteries. Some make them in smaller cases, you know, smaller batteries. So it's all kind of, you know, if you're just running it every day or plugging it in every day, that's one thing.
Starting point is 00:30:14 If you're going on a week hike up the Appalachian Trail, then you want something with a bigger battery, right? Fair. You know, like mine that ran seven seven eight days on the battery that was inside the case i mean that's the kind of thing that you're going to want for like going out hiking or weekend camping trip or something so you don't have to worry about recharging it for the trip ryan had that really cool solar charger that was just for devices i've been thinking about yeah one of those yeah yeah very interesting so it's it's it's cool because it's encrypted it's free the software is free you don't need a license fcc lets you do it
Starting point is 00:30:57 without a license um and you can turn on the locators right to know like where your team's yeah so let's just say that y'all are going um on vacation to new orleans okay right so it's a crazy town people get lost or stuff could happen or yeah somebody could fall in a gutter or something whatever too many beads around your neck because you you know whatever yeah yeah and you could turn them so i typically run with it off just because y'all don't need to know where i am 24 7 right but you could turn it on you could turn the location on and then you'll know what everybody is which is super helpful you can all say well we're going to meet back at this pub for lunch right right and at this time and if somebody doesn't show up well you could check ping them a message if they don't ping back you can you know
Starting point is 00:32:00 figure out where they are so it's super helpful it's great for being out um hiking um yeah if you lost one of your groups uh one of your members and i was thinking like tactically um in a grid down situation how cool is it to be able to know exactly where people are like exactly where your team's at yeah and you can send messages back and forth. Cool add-ons. ATAK, A-T-A-K, which has really been used by the military for like a mapping and data sharing software that they use for communications. It does like mapping and sharing of data, file pictures, files, and texting. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:32:56 But there's a civilian version of it, and it's been recently adapted to run with Meshtastic. So you can get this super cool you can put like waypoints on it and you ever use like one of those garmin navigators where you can put you can drop way points and they're different symbols or like here's where i saw the buck last last week or yeah yeah this is where a good hunting spot is or is this where a good water spot this is where i saw a blood trail or that kind so you can set up different symbols and drop symbols and share them on a map on a shared map um i think with some units you can share pictures mesh tastic isn't uh that big of a packet that i
Starting point is 00:33:40 think i don't think you can share pictures but you can share the maps with the symbols. So that's cool. And you do texting through the app. And so there's a map on the actual app of the MeshTastic? The app itself is basically built around a mapping service. Interesting. In the military, they would use it for tactical reasons. Troops check their assets and attract the assets of the enemy. So you would have your symbols for the good guys and the bad guys. And you could track movement and everything else.
Starting point is 00:34:23 And the bigger version, you could send pictures. They could take a picture and send it. Right. Yeah, well, we, you know, work with maps and, you know, quite a few grids so that we know what the grid is and nobody else does. And so that'd be interesting to see if I could integrate it into that system. You would set up your group, and only the people that you would invite to the group or share with the group would see what's on that information. Oh, that is a really cool idea.
Starting point is 00:34:51 And that's all encrypted. Yeah. So do a search for ATAK. A-T-A-K. ATAK. And it's an add-on. Okay. It's an add-on.
Starting point is 00:35:02 And recently, this summer, I think, they put it as an add-on officially through Meshtastic. So you didn't have to do any fancy magical potions to get it to work with it. It's part of the... Yeah, it just streams smooth in. Like, a year ago, I heard about it, and I tried to get loaded, and it was all kinds of side-loading stuff, and I never got it and I tried to get loaded and it was all kinds of side loading stuff and I never got it running. But now they have it where it's part. I mean, I've been busy with other stuff, but I need to get back at it because it's it's a it's an add on through Mesh Tastic now. That's super cool.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Yeah. Yeah. So that's going to be the next step. But it's just like anything else so uh any other radio um you can upgrade your pieces parts um you can upgrade your antennas you can do external antennas for outside the house so if you want to build your own repeater you can have a system in the house but have the antenna outside kind of like you would do with ham radio. You could do a little weather-resistant case with a little solar panel attached and the mesotastic radio inside, and then put that anywhere and everywhere, right?
Starting point is 00:36:22 Buildings, up a tree. I saw your slide on a tree. I saw your slide on a kite. Yeah, no, drones, so if you need it for Say like if you're doing community
Starting point is 00:36:40 bad things have happened and you want to do community comms you could say you know at nine o'clock in the morning nine o'clock at night we're going to have a uh a check-in so somebody could go out to a field of their house pop a drone up in the air it'll give huge coverage for the area because the higher it's line sight. So the higher, the better. And the less obstacles in a way, that's why the higher, the better. So you pop a drone up there or a kite up there or a weather balloon up there, tethered, you know, on a string. Get some high test fishing line and just reel it out.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Then reel it back in. Or if you get nervous that you think somebody's spying, just cut the line and let it go. You know, whatever. It's gone. Yeah. Yeah, so you don't want to bring it back in. Give your location. So, this is one thing that I have a problem with drones is you got to launch them and they got to land.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Yeah. And somebody's going to be there to get them. Even when they have drones that go on their own missions, basically, it'll leave its own housing, go out, and come back. But it comes back to its housing, which you have to supply power to. So there's going to be something built by it. But anyway, so you could use a drone. And you can make little harnesses to mount the mesh-tactics rad drones and they're light and like yours is pretty light right super light they're light enough that you pop it up there a little uh personal story i experienced was i had a so
Starting point is 00:38:20 mesh tastic you can set up private channels and there's also the default channel, which is an open public channel. It's not encrypted, right? It's kind of like Channel 19 on CB radios. Uh-huh. So I saw a ping on the open public channel, and I looked it up. It was a guy flying overhead in an airplane, and he'd left his, I think his call sign was his tail number right so i looked that up on the flight app he was 158 miles away when we made contact crazy right so that he was up in the air yeah he was up in the air and i was on top of a mountain where you know where i look so it would you know line of sight was perfect
Starting point is 00:39:05 and 158 miles away that's personal i know that that happened so that is but that's so what what you want to do is you want to get a whole bunch of like church steeples water towers radio towers like the volunteer fire station that has the radio tower in their back lot you know yeah all those is the top of um business buildings if all those places you want to get um mesh tastic nodes put up the little solar nodes put them up there you really don't have to service them but maybe once twice a year and um those will be the airplane flying overhead, quote unquote, to give you really better range. And give everyone a place to link to.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Everybody you can make contact with to talk in, to drop in. I mean, the radios right now are running $60 to $100, depending on which one you buy, right? Or you can buy the guts, just the chip. They have a little kit, like DOI kits, and those are $25, $30 a pop, and then just put it in your own case, or 3D printer case, or Redneck gear up a case.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Redneck engineer up it, some duct tape. Whatever. I mean, I've seen them use seen these like plastic uh not like alto tins because those are made of metal but right plastic versions that like gum come in it and stuff like that like food products would come in they just make little cases out of stuff and uh put it in their pocket that That's pretty cool. Yeah. I know, so like the solar-powered Knowles, you can buy them pre-made up.
Starting point is 00:40:51 They're like $150, $200, right? Which isn't too bad if you think about what you're getting. I saw a YouTube video where they bought a solar garden light from harbor breeze solar solar light and then they cut the light off and put so it came with a battery came with a solar um controller a solar panel in that housing that was weather resistant they put put the mesh tastic chip in there, use the battery that it came with. And the, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:30 the solar power, yeah. Put an antenna on it and use it for 20 bucks. Plus the 25, 30 bucks for the chip. They had a, a solar DIY solar repeater, which I went and bought
Starting point is 00:41:46 and I'm doing myself. That's a really cool idea. It's just going to self charge. I did the soldering already. I just have to attach the external because I bought a larger external antenna.
Starting point is 00:42:01 I just have to attach that waterproof and put it i'll just bring it up into a tree yeah you can get some like huge antennas too yeah so the one that i have for my house is like a two-foot antenna the one that i'm putting on that solar system is probably a six inch antenna okay um that's some mag mount antennas for mesh tastic that just mount on your car like a cb antenna would mount on your car right so the benefit of that is when you're inside the car the car acts a little bit like a faraday cage it interrupts some of the signaling but if you put the antenna outside your car on and you put the mag mount on the roof the roof acts as a ground
Starting point is 00:42:41 You put the mag mount on the roof. The roof acts as a grub. Yep. The performance of the antenna. And you don't have to waterproof it or nothing because the radio is inside. You just take your radio, unplug the antenna, put the – just like I've been telling everybody to do with their walkie-talkies. Take your walkie-talkie. Take the walkie-talkie antenna off. Get the bag mount antenna with the adapter.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Put that on your walkie-talkie. And now you have one in your car yep easy like road trips you'll get much reception if you guys get separated a little bit um you'll be able to talk to each other which you might not be able to do um if you get five ten miles away your walkie talkies might not work yeah but that's why we didn't even bring them this year yeah boy we wish we had now so i um i when i was riding over to camp i had my rv and then my buddy had my pickup truck with the utility trailer and i had walkie well my my car had had a regular gmrs radio rate like mobile radio and then in my pickup truck i had a walkie talkie with the antenna on the roof and we talked the whole time yeah because of that roof mount yeah yeah yeah for sure so and you do the same thing with mesh tastic you put one on the outside
Starting point is 00:44:05 and then if you're like at a parking lot the one on your car is acting like a little mini repeater so the ones that you're walking around yep that makes sense your car with the bigger antenna to get out a little further
Starting point is 00:44:20 yeah and you can probably charge that off of you know like your car you can plug charge that off of you know like your your car you can plug it right in yeah yeah because like yours will last a day maybe two days on a battery charge um so if you just plug it in every night you're fine um you could also put a little solar node on like on the dashboard of your car um i know that windshields impede some of that solar charging function, but I would think you're fine. Yeah. Yeah, it depends
Starting point is 00:44:50 on the state. Like, California would just toast it. It gets too hot. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, depends on the state that you're in. Yeah. You can plug it into the... They have USB ports in new cars.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Those cars do. Or they have a little cigarette lighter. Yep, plug it in the cigarette lighter. Yep. In my day, there was a cigarette lighter. Yeah, fair. It would adapt to plug the USB port into. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Yeah, and that's easy peasy. Now that's a good idea as well so the cost of the entry is very reasonable it's cheaper than radios um like and to do like a repeater system like
Starting point is 00:45:36 a ham repeater you're going to spend a couple thousand dollars easy to do a repeater and you have to get a license GMRS you can do your own repeater without you have to get a license gmrs you can do your own repeater without uh special permission from fcc but you're going to spend at least five hundred dollars probably on um said you know getting a couple radios or buying a pre-done lunchbox um you know you're probably five hundred dollars to get one of those up and running.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Yeah, and that sounds like it's actually cheaper to do it if you just have the guns. $500 to spend on a whole, you know, you're getting, whatever, 75 nodes, you know, something like that. Right. Yeah. So. Well, that, and they're starting to get rid of a lot of, like, in California when I was leaving years ago, they were starting to get rid of a lot of like in California when I was leaving years ago. They were starting to get rid of the ham radio repeaters then. That's insane. Yeah, which I thought was just crazy talk.
Starting point is 00:46:34 I was telling my, like the sheriff and the cert team and everything. It's layered communications. It's not just one thing. It's not just, okay, everybody should roll with a cell phone. Everybody should roll with GMRS. We should have a handful of ham guys in the club, in the group. Yep, in the group. And roll with Meshtasic.
Starting point is 00:46:59 They all have their strengths and weaknesses. Yep. And they all build upon each other. You can't just depend on one thing. Oh, no. I love GMRS, and I use that almost on a daily basis, but I can't depend on it because it might not get out far enough. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:18 So hand would be better for distance, but, you know, it's kind of a nerdy thing. There's a little more um science involved in it so yeah yeah i still gotta mesh tastic is like super simp there's there's tons of youtube videos out on it i know uh you've got the class right on your website. Yeah. Yeah. I shared the link to the, to the, to the files. I did a little video for it on the website and then they can download the PDF there too. It's under the learning link and it literally says mesh tastic com on it.
Starting point is 00:48:01 That's what I presented that class. I'm not saying it's the end all be all, but it's a good like one-on-one entry level to start understanding before you buy a bunch of stuff, what it is, kind of how it works. YouTube, everything I've learned has been off of YouTube.
Starting point is 00:48:17 I don't have anybody locally that was showing me the ropes. Right. I was the one in my community that did all the research and reading you know documents and watching videos and buying some of the equipment and making it work so heck if i can do it y'all can do it oh yeah yeah yeah okay the trick will be if i can do it then y'all can do it and then the other thing you saw i just just shared with you today, like a suggested shopping list. Right. I kind of whittled it down to a couple items here, a couple items here, a couple items here.
Starting point is 00:48:53 You know, pick one out of these three nodes depending on what your needs are. Do you like a little one to fit in your pocket? Do you like a little more robust one in case you drop the case? Do you like one that has a longer battery? bed you know so it's not a long list i whittled it down to like a short list here's some stuff that i own that i know that works yeah because ro was actually curious about that like where do i buy them excuse me i got a frog in my face it's the one that i use i sent that It's the one that I use. I sent that suggested shopping list out to my search group.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Now, I pulled some of the location data out of it, and I just sent you one today that you're welcome to share with everybody. Yeah, that was his question. He's like, I get it. I understand how they work. Where do I buy them from? So that's cool that you did that. And I showed you the model and i provided the link on where to get it and all three so uh the the companies would be um the music muzi works right muzi works okay and they're the ones that you got at Prepper Camp. And then AltaVox, A-L-T-A-V-O-X,
Starting point is 00:50:14 and then that's a little more robust one with a bigger battery. That's the one that I now carry with me on a daily basis. And then Rockland, R-O-K-l-a-n-d and they are like the radio shack of um this mess-tastic world where you can buy all pieces and parts oh love that you can upgrade your stuff it's really kind of like legos or like ar for like adults where you could piece and par you can buy something and then you can improve upon it so if you can't i mean rockland also sells like the whole unit too so you don't have to break out the soldering iron a lot of them help them there's um a whiz block w-i-I-S-B-L-O-C-K, WISBlock, which is basically snap-together components that they literally snap together. So you don't have to solder them together.
Starting point is 00:51:17 So it's pretty cool because you can buy the basic starter kit you snap the internet snap the battery you set you snap the the mesh tonic the mishtastic little um uh processor onto the motherboard basically is what you're doing yeah and you can you can snap sensors so you uh soil moisture you can snap sensors to do uh liquid levels like so um it would have been nice at the dam right you could tell how hot yeah icing at the dam and it would ping that out just on a regular. Nobody had to be there. And if it was solar powered, so you can do motion sensors, all kinds of cool sensors. That's pretty neat. Yeah, because you could set up a good defense for yourself that way. Sensors, light sensors, UV, like motion sensors off of UV, off of uh there's a whole bunch of different one of my
Starting point is 00:52:28 buddies is gonna geek out on this so hard like yeah like the guy that just wants to buy the crap go go see um matt over at uh altavox or because he just sells i shared all that in the chat for everybody and i'll put it in my uh blog for everybody who's listening in over at uh that moosey works or if you want to go like total geek and just build out the system and do cool stuff then rocklin is is your man but all three of those companies really took care i reached out to him when i got back uh from camp and said you know i heard you know my sheriff was having comms issues and i really want to help my community and they were donating stuff to me they were giving me like stupid discounts um that's and so i like head start so i want to say all three of those
Starting point is 00:53:27 companies are excellent companies to you know to work with because they they care about their customers um they're not just uh i know like simon the moosey works was like reaching how did it go how did the cert meeting go how did the and the same thing with um with matt box he's like how is the meeting did that you know what you know what doing is there any like input you want to give me to we can you know improve or you know they're really open to suggest so all three of those companies i can say nothing but good about it's not like ordering off some of the stuff you get off amazon but yeah they don't care. They really don't care.
Starting point is 00:54:07 They don't care about you. They're just putting it up and shipping it off. These guys are awesome. I mean, they really helped a community in need, and I want to get them as much business. I'm not getting any kickbacks.
Starting point is 00:54:22 I mean, they took care of me when I asked them because of an emergency. So you're going to take care of them now. Yeah, but that's just a testament to who they are and what their ethics are. So Garden Girl said Meshastic would be good
Starting point is 00:54:39 for us and the in-laws 30 minutes away from each other. Okay, so A littlelaws um 30 minutes away from each other um okay so a little far uh minutes is depends on how flat it's texas and it's it's by dallas so it's a little bit flatter than it is in my neck of the woods i don't think 30 30 minute drive going to cut it. There's going to have to be strategically placed nodes in between. Repeaters along the way. You're just out like Reagan-O-Mod and like traffic lights and stuff. So look up Austin mesh.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Because Austin, Texas has set up a mesh for the city of Austin. Oh, got you. This guy just took it upon himself because he wanted a way to communicate with people and not have to text through the cellular backbone. Well, we get hit with some big storms here. I'm not surprised. I mean, stuff goes down in Texas. Yeah. So basically the city of Austin is pretty well covered.
Starting point is 00:55:51 And the more that. Austin's a little south of where Dallas is, but still. Yeah. Well, I'm just showing you that as a study and what could be done. And the more communities that get involved. So what I would start with is your property your homestead your family and then step it out to a neighborhood watch and then step it out to try to get countywide other neighborhood so i was at the um
Starting point is 00:56:22 cert meeting and the guy said i want to have you to do a talk to my neighborhood watch. So I'll be doing that. Gotcha. So just start increasing the circles around you further and further out. And then you're in. See, I figured, like, Rick had us all on locators with these. If they want to do, it's called MQTT, I think, is the connection that you have to make through the Internet.
Starting point is 00:56:49 So they could use the Internet and do this across the Internet. And it would be secure. It would be like using Signal. Right. And then as you get closer to each other, then you wouldn't have to bounce Internet anymore. So like when they're all together, then they could use it. And then when they're far apart, they would bounce through the internet.
Starting point is 00:57:14 So, like, on family outings, they could use it. When they're together at home, they could use it. And then if they run it through the internet, they could use it from... And it could be either or, right? Like, once it's hooked to the internet, don't rely upon the internet. You could have it run both. Right. It could...
Starting point is 00:57:31 One node to be hooked to the internet, one node... So your family chat group would connect locally and through the internet. It just depends on the recipient, where they they are how they're going to receive it that's pretty darn cool yeah it doesn't have to be oh i got to do the internet channel oh flip over to the local channel no you don't you would just have it all okay the other comment that's pretty cool here on the chat is um mesh tastic is gold and not a huge investment in portugal we created a full self-sufficient network to connect to our group from south to north yeah that's what i'm saying right so they get hammered by storms as
Starting point is 00:58:14 well buy enough notes for your family to use on your little on your block and then buy some for the neighbors or entice the neighbors to get involved and do a community watch. Because you could say, what if we have a power out? What if we have the next storm? I mean, where we are. Anything.
Starting point is 00:58:38 You know that all circuits are busy or no dial tone. Yeah, and these still work. Yeah. Fair. I love that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:50 And we'll be able to know where we are. Like if you say, I'm going to go do the rounds through the neighborhood to make sure everybody's okay and you don't come back in two hours. We could say, oh, you're at this house. Or, oh, why is she in the middle of the woods? Yeah. You know, does she have to take a pee break or did something happen? I don't like to have, like, my son's phone on locate. I just think it's, you know, come on.
Starting point is 00:59:16 I grew up in the last rogue generation, you know. But there's times when it's like, okay, well, you're going to your friend's house that's down the road, you know. when it's like okay well you're going to your friend's house that's down the road you know that's a time when it's like okay well i'd really like to know when you got there and when you're coming back and stuff if phones locate who knows yeah who knows where you are yes does you know who knows and who's intercepting now i'm not saying that they can't crack the nut and figure out Meshtastic, but it's pretty well done. Yeah, it's going to be way more challenging. And you choose who you want to share your position with. Love that.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Yeah, more private than just turning it on and having some creeper in a white van with you know all right so exactly so everybody's got homework we got to start getting these into the hands of our families we got christmas coming up that's been a jb was like everybody's getting one for christmas i think it's cool right like the kids like oh there's cool tech it's like oh i can super secret spy stuff yeah you know i can talk to my friends yeah you could talk with your friends you can have a friend group you can have a family group you can yeah and honestly i don't see the point of not hooking it up to the internet while we're in you know good days blue skies mode they just know that if you're you can't depend on it to talk to your
Starting point is 01:00:47 family just like you can't depend on your cell phone to talk to if you're running across the internet if the internet goes down you don't have sky what no what if you do have like what if you had um the sky link or whatever the good one is? Yeah, probably. Right? Could it get your signal out to them if they didn't have internet? I think so. Yeah. Yeah. So if they both
Starting point is 01:01:16 ran Starlink, I would think that they could hop. Both ends have it. Yeah, then we could hop it still. But then they could hop from, yeah, both, both, both ends have it. Yeah. Then we could hop it still. But then they could use Starlink too. But they could have the Starlink in the house and be outside sending texts.
Starting point is 01:01:32 You know, if you guys are outside having to work outside or something, you could still be connecting to the one in the house using the Starlink to get to the next town over where your family is. So, you know, you wouldn't have to be sitting there by the tablet or the keyboard watching for the next message to come through. You could be at work. I like it. Yeah. All right. We got homework to do. Got homework.
Starting point is 01:01:56 I mean, it's not perfect. There's pros and cons with everything. But it's a good addition to your comp package. That PACE plan everybody's talking about after the storm pace yeah so okay all right let's i want to do some changing earth news this week because we haven't done it in a couple weeks and uh crazy still crazy stuff going on guys this is it's always the race of the people versus the planet. It was what I always talk about. And even though we didn't have like super amount of activities,
Starting point is 01:02:30 still the earth is kind of being like, you guys think you got stuff going on? Well, just hold my beer for a second. So I really want to do the change in earth news tonight. And then we have a meeting tonight as well so uh after the show so we gotta kind of stay on a time table here so let's go ahead and do some change in earth news chin thank you so much for bringing that to the group because like right now i'm just trying to give people tools that they can use because of course yeah You guys might want to think about it sooner
Starting point is 01:03:06 than Christmas, actually. Because November, I'm just saying. Or have it all ready to rock. Yeah, yeah. You have to have the app downloaded on your phones.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Or old phones. It doesn't have to be the one that you carry. You can have some old ones. Put away old tablets or buy some cheap tablets. Yeah. So have them put away. Pre-done. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Okay. Here we go. Changing Earth News. Dream. Survive. Thrive. dream survive thrive this is changing earth news all right changing earth news so um obviously the cleanup in north carolina endlessly. It's going to continue. It's going to be years. Like, years. So, still doing that. Milton hit Florida.
Starting point is 01:04:13 I could talk to you all day about strange things that happened with Milton as well. You guys can hit me up off my website. You can reach me. You can reach me in chats and whatnot if you want to hear some of the interesting theories that went around Milton. But there was quite a few tornadoes associated with those as well that they're starting to get a lot of the data out on. Tornadoes, they always have to pull data. And then you find out later that, oh, it was an EF3 that hit this area because they're pulling data off of them. So rarely is it like the 20 foot wide tornado that went for or the two mile wide tornado that went for 20 miles.
Starting point is 01:04:57 You know, that's just a extraneous circumstance. So they're starting to get more and more data out on that. We had a massive X class flare come off of our son. It was an X-9. And honestly, that one was really short duration. That's the one that I thought was going to bring it much more. Do you remember me talking about that on the back channel? I was like, this one, guys.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Eyes on this one. And it didn't really affect us. And then we had this, like, smaller X-Class, but it was a long-duration flare. And that's the one that sent Aurora all the way down to Cuba. Like, people were seeing Auroras in Cuba. seen auroras in Cuba. So it's a major sign of the earth's shielding being very too much too weak, guys. This should not happen. So we're definitely seeing some of the changes on our planet associated with this. So I would say that just from what I've observed watching this stuff happen, obviously I'm not trained at all. I'm just an observer. The long duration events seem to be
Starting point is 01:06:15 more impactful even than size. So it's really about how long that burst lasts. So it's really about how long that burst lasts. It's going to depend on how it hits the planet. Okay, let's jump into it. So October 13th, 2024, there was 410 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 5.5 southeast of Easter Island. Mount Adams in Washington State continuing to shake. And guys, if you are on the West Coast,
Starting point is 01:06:50 I am going to put a warning out about the volcanic activity. I am concerned. I know that they're on watch in Alaska right now, that they are showing minor unrest on a lot of those. And the ring of fire is absolutely lighting up. Kamchatka and Russia, they're erupting. I mean, Indonesia is going like crazy. Middle America, really the United States of America is the only place on the ring of fire that's not erupting volcanically right now. So I am going to say, you guys need to keep an eye on those volcanoes. And then once one goes, it can get the other ones going.
Starting point is 01:07:31 They're thinking now that a lot of the magma is just huge chambers. They're actually all tied together, which seems very, very plausible to me. With the Earth changes that we've been experiencing and the effect that these the solar is having on our planet that's bound to disrupt our internal workings of our metals and stuff like that um so mount adams has been showing a lot of activity and definitely if i was on the west coast would keep my eye on those volcanoes the The Sahara Desert is turning green, guys. This should show you our poles are changing. The earth is changing. It's the changing earth news, right? It is
Starting point is 01:08:15 happening right before our eyes. They literally received two, they received a year's worth of rain in two days. So the desert is flooding. And it's turning green, like satellite-wise. It's turning green again. We know it was in the past in Earth's history. It's an amazing time to be alive. There's so much that we don't know that we're going to experience. So it's going to be a wild ride.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Hold on tight the solar also affects people's brains so uh usually there's times of societal unrest during big uh solar activities so there you go october 14th 2024 there was 330 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a 5.2 in the South Pacific Ocean near New Zealand. Singapore had a heavy rain event flooding there. In Sri Lanka, they also had major flooding event in their capital of Colombo. The roads were just flooding over there. Severe drought in Zambia causing electrical blackouts because there's no hydroelectric power.
Starting point is 01:09:26 That's how low their water levels are right now. So we're definitely, I've been talking about this for months, seeing the extremes of the low pressures with the high pressures. You're either getting slammed with rain or you're not getting any. We haven't been getting very much down here in Texas at all. On the 15th of October, there was 357 earthquakes, or 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 5.3 in the Solomon Sea near Papua New Guinea. Eight earthquakes in South Carolina over the weekend,
Starting point is 01:09:57 so you've got to wonder how much the water affects the earth, and that's pretty much what it's doing. South Carolina tends to move around a little bit more i'm not really sure why but uh they had eight earthquakes over the weekend october 16 2024 there was 409 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a 6.1 earthquake in turkey by malatya i'm sure slaughtered that. I'm sorry for anyone over in Turkey. Luckily, that was a little bit more of a rural area than the last major earthquake that happened in Turkey, praise the Lord. So not as much damage, not as much loss of life from that event.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Still a big earthquake to happen there. Numbers coming in is that there's at least still 92 people missing in the north carolina area after hurricane helene so um the search goes on there oh and your neck of the woods chin i'm so glad you guys are okay it was crazy um in ellen's neck of the wood victoria australia they had a major hail storm six centimeters in size hail coming down so we got to keep our eyes on the hail situation as well as we come into wintertime they're supposed to be in there like springtime going into summer so there's something very strange going on with that as well. They had major freezes. It's been a very slow kickoff to their summer.
Starting point is 01:11:29 We'll put it that way. And kind of a slow integration into our winter, but we're still in October. It's fall, you know. But they're supposed to be going into spring, summertime. So it's been a very, very slow process there. October 17, 2024, there was 400 earthquakes or 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was in the south pacific ocean near new zealand in bangalore bangalore india they had major flooding event they've been getting hit um after hit over there as well sicily italy i found this interesting. The locals were without running water
Starting point is 01:12:06 due to a massive drought. Keep that one in mind as we move on. October 18th, 2024, there was 321 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger. Biggest of which was a 5.4 in the North Pacific Ocean near Tokyo, Japan. France had major flooding event um literally cars just bobbing down the road in the flood waters much like we've seen and the sakajirima volcano in japan awoke up it started erupting pakistan has had a major food crisis as droughts choking the farmlands out there. And then October 19th, 2024, 305 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger. Biggest of which was a 5.3 in Makassar Strait in Indonesia. There was five earthquakes off the Oregon coast.
Starting point is 01:13:04 Just too much noise over there by those volcanoes for me to be real happy about it. Florida, the flooding from Milton still isn't subsiding. So normally the flood waters would be retreating, but that hasn't happened yet. Vancouver, Canada, they had flash flooding causing road closures. Arizona finally got some storms in. They had rain and hail and snow on their first storm. So you go from being hotter than heck and dry to just boom there it is today october 20th there was 337 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a 5.4 in the south pacific ocean near fiji um roswell new mexico they had thunderstorms and flash flooding they really really needed the rain. Off the north shore of BC, they had torrential rain, flooding incident. And then Sicily, Italy, I told you to keep that one in mind because they were just in drought.
Starting point is 01:13:55 Extreme flooding sweeps across the nation. So they literally went from famine to feast with the water situation. But you know once it's that dry for that long once you get that much rain it just runs off it can't absorb into those soil fast enough when it comes in that quickly hurricane ashley is set to hit the uk today it's packing 80 miles and 80 mile an hour winds with it so we're gonna see the news on that as we go into tomorrow. Tropical Storm Nadine had its eyes set on Belize. We have one more down in the Gulf that's kind of forming.
Starting point is 01:14:33 They think that one's going to turn out into the Pacific. Kenya, Calife County, there was intervention to supply water to them. They're having drought scenarios over there. West Coast volcanic activity. So Mount Adams, Mount St. Helens, all making noise. And now they're measuring major magma intrusions in the Three Sisters volcanoes in Oregon. So that's why I am kind of, you know, yellow alerting up on, I wouldn't even put me possibly going into that orange level, right? We're at like yellow orange where I would
Starting point is 01:15:15 be very concerned. I would have my eyes on it if I was living over there still. Um, Medicine Lake in North Carolina, Northern California is actually a giant shield volcano they've had their eyes on that situation as well and then also down below mammoth is the long valley caldera another super volcano that's a lot less well known than yellowstone a lot more likely that it would have a bigger eruption than yellowstone. So I definitely am keeping my eyes on all of that. And the reason I'm keeping my eyes on all of that is because we currently have 35 volcanoes erupting on our planet. Used to be crazy to see like 28, 29. We've been pushing up those numbers for months now. We were at 36 three weeks ago. So yes, we have come down one on the eruption level,
Starting point is 01:16:08 but we added two more to the minor activity level. So literally 35 erupting, 35 showing minor activity. That is a lot of volcanic activity happening. I've never seen numbers like this and I've been watching it for years. 24 volcanoes showing unrest. So currently we have 94 volcanoes on our planet showing some kind of activity. And you want to talk about car pollution or what people could do, just one, the Long Valley Caldera alone
Starting point is 01:16:42 or Campi Flegre over in italy let's show a mega activity another super volcano just one of those volcanoes could put us in the dark for 40 years i mean what what humans can do is nothing compared to what those volcanoes can do in a second so um it is i am a little concerned about that. That's why I was like, the earth is like, yeah, yeah, okay, you guys got some stuff going on. Well, you know, you really need to pay attention to the natural world that you live in. Wildfires in the United States, we are still at a preparedness level of four. We have three new large fires in the United States, 27 total, a total of 1,162,000 acres on fire. One of those fires is contained.
Starting point is 01:17:30 Idaho was the number one state on fire, which is also in magma zone. So nine fires, 473,000 acres, zero contained. Number two is Oregon oregon again we've been talking about magma on the move there seven fires two hundred and forty four thousand acres zero contained number three is wyoming two fires one hundred and eighty five thousand acres none of those are contained number four on the list is california do have one new fire. They have four fires total, 55,422 acres. So they're actually doing pretty good. But yeah, there we go. So make sure you get your mesh-tastic comms up, guys, because I just don't know what things look like right about
Starting point is 01:18:20 now. And that's why I'm really encouraging you to enjoy um every day we're so blessed to have each day and not enough time is spent thanking jesus and the lord for the many happy days that we do get to have and uh we're gonna need to really hold on to them. When we saw what happened where you're at, Chin, it was an instant reminder of like, wow. Okay? I mean, we deal with some hurricanes out here in Texas.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Louisiana, right? I've never seen come out of the mountains and just seen mountains just sheared off like just dirt gone um piles of cars and tires on the side of the road and i went back the the turn off right there when like you turn by the sign for the campground there was a mudslide right there yes yeah right there yeah we were so blessed to be nothing happened to orchard lake because literally the waterfalls were just rushing out of those
Starting point is 01:19:33 hills that's incredible right so i mean if we didn't we've got to learn as we go and i don't think uh enough of us spend time um being grateful for all the good things that we have in the world and uh realizing how precious they are and how important it is to defend them so yep there we go all righty well we need to get the heck out of here we will be back next week another great show and then the week after that we'll be family feuding it out we're gonna have a binge day we're gonna have fun it'll be election day um it'll be all kinds of good good times and then after that week we're gonna start playing the audio drama again and oh buddy hold on to your seats guys chin knows what's coming so hold on it's gonna be a wild ride oh um i have books on sale because i
Starting point is 01:20:30 bought too many books for prepper camp and obviously we didn't sell too many books in a hurricane so i have books the whole book sale i've never sold it so cheap 100 bucks for all 10 novels you want a good christmas present something like that head on over to changing earth this is the last print of the original cover so after this they are gone never to be seen again um and like i say i got them all on sale so if you're interested head on over there pick them up i send them out signed you can do a little special message if you want for your loved one but um i appreciate you guys helping me out, help move some books for me. That's
Starting point is 01:21:14 Dot com. Yes. All right. Until next week, remember, dream. Survive. Thrive. Thank you for joining Sarah and Chen for this episode of the Changing Earth podcast.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Don't forget to pick up your copy of Day After Disaster, Without Land, The Walls of Freedom, Battle for the South, Dark Days in Denver, and The Endless Night at If you love the Changing Earth series and podcasts, become a supporter while you're there.

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