The Prepper Broadcasting Network - National Disaster Labor Laws

Episode Date: February 18, 2024

Why you should pay close attention to the words "National Disaster." These two critical words can change everything you know about our country....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the Changing Earth Podcast with author Sarah F. Hathaway and co-host Chen Gibson. Blending survival fiction and fact to bring you entertaining education that will help you dream, survive, and thrive. And now, here's your hosts, Sarah F. Hathaway and Chen Gibson. Chapter 37. The afternoon sun began to warm the transport as they steadily drove north. Cole shifted uncomfortably, wishing the clouds he saw provided shades for them rather than the mountains in the distance. He was distracted from his misery as Chappie leaned forward. Do you think they're really going to do it? Chappie wondered seriously. Cole knew immediately what he was referring to. He had heard the rumor at the refugee camp, responding, I didn't think
Starting point is 00:00:59 they would do a lot of things. The farmers need people to help with the harvest. We have to keep the food supply going, Monroe explained the logic behind the government's recent proposal. But adopting people and families from the camps like slaves? Chappie's eyebrows furrowed with confusion and he shook his head in disbelief. The council hasn't approved anything yet. It's just talk, Cole tried to assure him. They built the walls, Chappie reminded them. And they're going to need people to build more, Monroe added. Cole shrugged, torn between two emotions.
Starting point is 00:01:36 On one hand, he felt sorry for the people's lives that were about to be impacted. But on the other, he was still bitter over the theft that had sealed the fate of Peach Springs. He knew his opinion mattered very little in the grand scheme of things. The council would decide the future of the climate refugees. They'll have work and be able to eat. At least they won't be out robbing and killing, he stated coldly. Monroe was surprised by his emotionless response and was a little
Starting point is 00:02:06 shocked when Ginger agreed. Like those bastards did to us, she added spitefully. Monroe saw the logic of their argument, telling Chappie, they're right. The best thing for the country to do is focus on maintaining order and rebuilding or we will all fall into chaos chappy shook his head in agreement the guys were pretty messed up to rob the hand that fed them the radio on the dash crackled and a voice stated sir we have the warehouse in sight charlie team is flanking right and bravo team is flanking left radio when you make contact virgus commanded 10- sir. We're all on the same page, right? Yes, sir, Monroe replied. Chappie?
Starting point is 00:02:49 Yes, sir. We have orders to fulfill, Chappie agreed. Virgis nodded positively. We'll try to round up people, but more importantly, we need this food. The radio crackled again, but gunfire blared through the vehicle as the voice stated, sir, we've made contact. Taking heavy fire, sir. Move in with the artillery vehicles, but aim for the fighters. We need that food, Verges commanded. 10-4, sir, the soldier confirmed. As the gunfire on the radio
Starting point is 00:03:19 ended, the sound began echoing through the vehicle. It got louder as they approached the warehouse. sound began echoing through the vehicle. It got louder as they approached the warehouse. The vehicles with artillery weapons were strategically positioned to pin down the opposition. The dust whirled through the air, obscuring Cole's view as Monroe pulled the vehicle to a stop. The men jumped out, taking cover behind the vehicle. Yelling above the noise of gunfire and injured people screaming in pain, Virgis ordered, Ginger, stay here. Monroe, take a team towards the door. Chappy, set up a team to guard this area.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Yes, sir, Monroe agreed. He went to the transport that had followed them in and directed six men to join him. Chappy did the same, ordering his men to set up a perimeter in the immediate area. Virgis joined Monroe as they breached the door, but to his relief, the cry from the other side was not one of war, but one of mercy. We surrender. We're out of ammo. We surrender,
Starting point is 00:04:15 a large man called, stepping forward with his hands in the air. Monroe poked his head in, stating, put your weapons down and get on your knees, hands in the air. Get these people secured and the supplies sorted. We're taking half north, and I want it sorted before the federal forces arrive, Cole commanded, knowing time was of the essence. Yes, sir, you heard the man. Get those refugees ready for transport, Monroe ordered his team. As Cole was headed back to the vehicle, Chappie approached. You want me to triage the survivors, he wondered. Cole tried to remain stoic as he shook his head. Chappie returned a curious look. The feds won't waste medical supplies on them, Cole said flatly. So what are
Starting point is 00:04:58 we supposed to do? Chappie's voice cracked with disbelief. Wait for the feds to get here. At least then you won't have to pull the trigger, Cole replied. He turned and continued walking towards the vehicle. Chappie ran to catch up. You can't be serious, sir. Cole looked at Chappie sharply, explaining, You know it's the truth. If they can't make it on their own power, the feds won't have a use for them.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Just keep the area secure. We don't have to mop up here. Cole quickly turned and continued the march toward the vehicle. Chappie stood dumbfounded, listening to the cries for help. Ginger, give me Las Vegas Command Central on the line, Cole directed as he approached the vehicle. Yes, Major Verges, she responded professionally. Distraught from the battle scene, she witnessed. She quickly grabbed the receiver, calling into it. Las Vegas, this is recon team Juliet Hotel. Come in, Las Vegas Command.
Starting point is 00:05:58 This is Vegas Command, the radio voice answered. I have a direct message for Command Central, she stated. Go ahead, the voice directed. Ginger handed the receiver to cole location 616 delpha gamma alpha clear requesting supply and refugee pickup cole stated message received retrieval squads in route the voice assured him 10-4 over and out cole responded listening to footsteps approach behind him as he he turned, he saw Monroe awaiting him with a nervous look. Monroe leaned in and whispered, sir, there's rebel intel all over the office. I've kept the teams out of there. Cole's eyes rolled as he thought about the feds coming to
Starting point is 00:06:39 investigate. Burn it, make it look like an accident, but make sure we don't lose supplies. Burn it. Make it look like an accident, but make sure we don't lose supplies. Tall order, sir. We're going to lose some food. Weighing the value of the food versus keeping militia information secret, Cole directed. Burn it. They salvaged what they could before a fire was accidentally set.
Starting point is 00:07:02 By the time the feds arrived, it was a pile of ash. Cole didn't stick around long once the exchange of command took place. He didn't want to see what became of the people left to be scooped up into the refugee system. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments? is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prep or mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase. Hello. Welcome to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Present your vaccine passport. Enter your social credit score. And be sure you have enough remaining carbon credits to enjoy today's show. PBN family, your garden is the resistance. day's show. Hello and welcome back to the Changing Earth podcast. This is episode number 435, season 15, episode 37. Hey, Chin, what's up? Hey, Chin's up, y'all. And we also have Ellen checking in from Australiaralia always a welcome guest on the show hey ellen how you doing hey good day y'all so big news that i have to uh do for our our uh our scheduling is that the tentatively this is is what I've heard, I haven't technically been reached out to,
Starting point is 00:08:46 but the Patriot Homesteading Conference in Illinois is tentatively canceled at this time, which really sucks. A bunch of politics are playing into there. I don't really have the skinny, but just trying to stay up on my schedule and whatnot. And that is the word so far. You know, just trying to stay up on my schedule and whatnot. And that is the word so far.
Starting point is 00:09:11 So I'll keep you updated if there's any new news on that. But that's the word that I got this morning. So unfortunately, that just puts us looking forward to Prepper Camp, which is never a bad thing. At all. thing at all i wish we could do like prepper camp like 362 days a year and then life for three days that would be great um much better next weekend we're gonna do the bin show of uh what's available for season three right now with the blooper show because season three is completed. We're polishing, putting the finishing touches on it. It should be ready to go before too long.
Starting point is 00:09:57 I'll give you an air date next week. Don't have that set yet, but season three is done. Finished it. Celebrated celebrated a little too much celebrating but uh we're good to go all righty so let's jump into uh a little bit of virgins this week um well last week we're just got. This week, they're just kind of roaming around. There's this place they learn of that has food stores there. They're kind of talking about the possibility of the refugee adoption programs.
Starting point is 00:10:35 We're going to go into a little bit of what labor laws look like in a national disaster scenario today. They infiltrate the supply center, and we've got militia evidence everywhere. So, you know, Virgis being the guy that he is, he covers that up so that they can't get found out. Yeah. Just burn it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Right. And he set it on. Yeah, burn it. Set it on fire. Yeah, we're going to lose some food, but oops. That was my it up. Yeah. Burn it. Set it on fire. Yeah. We're going to lose some food, but oops. That was my highlight for the week.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Burn it. Make it look like whatever the next page is an accident. Uh-huh. Yeah. That's the best way. And what a position to be in, you know, just walk in that line.
Starting point is 00:11:21 We hear so many things about like, well, they were, you know, they were just doing their job, following orders, doing their job, you know, just walking that line. We hear so many things about, like, well, they were, you know, they were just doing their job, following orders, doing their job, you know. So this is obviously a little bit more. I mean, if he doesn't do this job, he's going to be in a refugee camp. Right. So. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Yeah. So you're a little bit more, like, caught. It's not just money. Oh, I could go find a different job. I could do this, that, or the other. Well, I mean, he's helping keep Chappie and Monroe out too. I mean, it's not just him. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Yeah. The band of the Three Musketeers are staying, you know, walking that line. Yeah, and then they're about to, you know, make sure that a lot of other people are also able to stay free. So, yeah, definitely a difficult position to be in. you know make sure that a lot of other people are also able to stay free so yeah definitely a difficult position to be in that's why it was really fun to expand his character um in that way so well getting into the national disaster labor laws this is actually um one of the topics that i never really thought about before i wrote it. It was just my writing angel
Starting point is 00:12:26 came into me and I created the story. And then talking with people who work for government structures like that, who work with Homeland Security, wondering like who told me about these things that that's supposed to be like clearance level stuff and i'm like nobody told me it just kind of flowed you know like that would seem like the logical situation when you have so many people and you need workers well that's just the logical conclusion to pull right right so that's why this one kind of sticks out at me a little bit um i was actually watching a really cool show on um how america was made it's on history channels and they were talking about the civil war and they were talking about how the union was able to develop private
Starting point is 00:13:21 public partnerships to take over like like, telegraph lines, railroad lines, and put the industry behind the war effort. It was really the first time, like, industry was powered up on an industrial level to support a war effort. And I found that really interesting because, you know, there's kind of, like like the beginning of everything's done in good intentions right but in the long run what becomes of that in the future when you know ai is created for good intentions but where does it go kind of thing it's like the old paul harvey the
Starting point is 00:14:01 rest of the story is what you need to hear. Yes. You can't just, just that little blurb that they try to, you know, the headlines on the newspaper isn't enough to make your decision. Right. It is going to make you feel all warm and squishy. But, but yeah, it's really not. Okay. Garden Girl on our chat line has...
Starting point is 00:14:27 So if you guys aren't on the chat, you should definitely get on the chat. It's very, very fun to have you guys in the chat. But Garden Girl has a question for Ellen. Have things been pretty chill in Australia right now? And I don't think she's talking weather. I think she's talking as far as what is australia doing um because america has been an interesting place to be these days um it it is definitely heating up here um in regards to uh borders again we had a boat turn up on west Western Australian coast last week, first one in a very long time.
Starting point is 00:15:07 So typically with change of government here, we're very much two-sided. When the Labor government, which is your Democrats' sort of way of thinking, sort of left-leaning. Typically when they are in government, these things sort of start coming forward again. So the borders is becoming an issue. They are really pushing the green agenda here real bad. I was chatting with the guys before we started
Starting point is 00:15:42 and was saying that the taxes that they're putting putting on the australian consumer um will make it a bit too expensive for us to get new cars um there and there's been rather large protests about the green agenda um and people losing their farms to put transmission lines i was gonna ask are you having any, like, the farm uprising, like what's happening in Europe? So not what's happening in Europe. There was a couple of protests in front of our parliament house protesting it. So what they're doing is forced acquisitions of land for transmission lines.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Not so much for solar panels and stuff like that yet but that is coming right yeah because they were pushing um big time green agendas like australia wanted to be one of the major miners of like lithium and stuff like that yeah and having those eyesores yeah so this is the this is the big contradiction about this whole thing so you know massive big coal deposits in Australia we do it that shutting down the coal power power stations last week started the weekend before last Victoria a massive storm came went through, knocked down two massive big transmission line towers,
Starting point is 00:17:10 tripped out the last remaining coal power station in Victoria, and there's still people now, a week and a bit later, still don't have power. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, I've been seeing the big storms. I've been watching gosh. Yeah, I've been seeing the big storms. I've been watching that. Yeah. So there's been sort of an uprising about that at the moment.
Starting point is 00:17:32 But Australian uprising, we lost a couple of days, and then we go home. So a little bit of a tinfoil hat on that note. The Andes Mountains, they're beautiful um a lot of uh the forests and whatnot um but that's like what they really want to tap the andes for uh the lithium resources there and okay so tinfoil hat completely um so how they're doing the laser fires basically we saw paradise we saw Paradise. We saw what happened over Maui. So people are like, oh, the same things happened in Chile.
Starting point is 00:18:10 So I started looking into it. And lo and behold, these are areas right in like the Andes Mountains, where like basically, if you wanted to mine that land and take it over, you want to devalue it as much as possible first. Right? So I don't have any kind of backup to that that theory it's just like putting the puzzle pieces together and you're like oh well i mean if you wanted to buy a bunch of land for mining it for lithium that seems kind of convenient you know and that where the fires are that's right through the andy i mean it's prime that's it that's that's trippy yeah so they they've really like
Starting point is 00:18:56 there's a whole big thing about um you know shutting down the mining and all this other stuff so they don't want us to mine coal they don't want us to mine coal. They don't want us to mine iron ore. They don't want us to mine any of the stuff that goes into heavy industrial stuff. But they're quite happy to rip up the land to dig up rare metals like lithium and nickel and whatever else goes in the batteries. They're quite happy to do that, but they're going to stop the other mining from happening.
Starting point is 00:19:24 And we're down to one steel manufacturer left um they've just over the weekend just closed closed the um the second the second last one and for the country that just means so many imports and that's just more expensive than right and you're reliant on somebody else yes i was thinking the same thing which is it's all at this point we've learned that being reliant on other people for medicine and supplies and stuff is not a good thing right not at all so yeah so that's one of the state reasons that they stated for the power for the shutting down is that the power was too expensive wow but but run electric cars you know because obviously you have the grid to sustain that right but where's the big picture because what are what are they going to use for
Starting point is 00:20:19 power industry yeah i mean what are they going to use for industry? Metal, right? You need metal for, like, everything. So, they're going to, oh, my gosh. Yeah. All right. That's answering the question. All of this is what really gets me concerned because the more that they squeeze on the people and the less, you know, oh, you're going to own nothing and be happy about it. Well, when you own nothing, do you have any say with where you go to work, with what you're allotted from your benefactors, that's scary ground. You know, and it's been that way in history,
Starting point is 00:21:12 you know, as far as like having different labor classes. And really it's like the Judeo-Christian beliefs that gave us this, everybody is created equal. But it's so fragile. If we don't like protect equal but it's so fragile if we don't like protect it it's so fragile and it's just so concerning to see the way that we're going yeah it's it's it is getting very very scary um there's especially from our our our perspective here, that we've – it's executive governance and even it's the right-leaning side of the government as well has not put what we needed into our Defence Force.
Starting point is 00:21:55 And when America asked us to supply a ship to the Gulf to help out in the Gulf of Aden with the Houthis, we couldn't supply one. Wow. Yeah, because we don't have enough munitions. Yeah, like England had problems with that too. They had like no aircraft carriers that were serviceable.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Yep. Wow. Wow. That is not good news on the world front. Yeah, so it's just, it's scary and I just can't wait until I'm out of that so I don't get called up to go. Because I know that, one, we don't have the resource to be able to do what we need to do
Starting point is 00:22:47 and two, I know what the enemy has and I don't want to have anything to that jazz. No lies. No lies. So you just need to write a letter that your sister's not allowed to play any silly games. Yep.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Hey! Sorry. Yep. Hey. Sorry. Let's go. Yeah. So I don't know what exists in Australia as far as if they declare a national emergency. And I always tease it's a race
Starting point is 00:23:22 between our Earth and people right now. And it seems like people are like oh we're going to world war three blah blah blah blah and then like well we're not doing that right this second but the world is now flooding and we've got disasters everywhere you know so it's kind of that race so um whichever way it happens to fall into a national emergency, everybody's like, oh, what's the big deal? Doug is the one, Doug Hogan's the one who introduced me to the executive orders that the United States has in place
Starting point is 00:23:57 for this type of event. It started in 1962 with JFK. And his, like, if you look it it up I'll link it in my blog but if you look it up his was like kind of delicate as far as like yeah we're gonna take control of the manpower but like it's just to make sure it's properly structured to give us like the most efficient way of being agile and being able to handle these disasters or war-type scenario, that kind of thing, when it comes up. Efficient.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Right, yeah, and agile. So, of course, we have things like the draft, which there's been a lot of talk on that as far as because they don't have the recruitment numbers, and that's one of the things hurting you too right ellen as far as like yeah that's right yeah yep we um we're not we're not recruiting enough people um because the job market in australia is so good so um which put which puts pressure on the people who are remaining. And, yeah, it's not good.
Starting point is 00:25:11 It's not a very good place to be at right now. Right. Yeah, and that's the same kind of word I've been getting from people involved in our special forces and whatnot as well, is that the recruitment numbers are just not there. Nobody wants to fight for the current regime. There's a type of personality that is a warrior, right? But then the atmosphere right now is not conducive to that personality. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Why would they enlist to get abused? Right. So why would they enlist to get abused? Right. Yeah. As well as the youngsters of today. They don't want to go to war. They want to play war on their computer.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Yeah, that's one thing. Right. But they don't like authority. They don't like getting told what to do. And I've experienced it firsthand. It's almost almost can you blame them though yeah look at the look at our our leaders yeah yeah you know what kind of example i mean oh my goodness leadership reflects attitude so yeah i know when you know i was growing up i didn't even have a computer until we were teenagers and now these kids today if they don't have something in their hand from like in
Starting point is 00:26:32 you know in grade school they're um you know they get picked on and all this other stuff it's like it's yeah um and i i see it i see it i've seen. I've had to deal with them. And that's one of the reasons why, as well, I'm going to get out of the military is because of that, because I just can't deal with them. I lose my temper. Like, just do what you're told. You've got a line. But you can't.
Starting point is 00:26:59 When you bring them up on this stuff, like when you say, hey, this is not the appropriate behavior, they say, oh, you're bullying. Yeah. You're bullying. Yeah. Oh, Ellen, we need to swap stories. I got written up for telling somebody to do their job. Yep.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Yep. But you did it in a mean way. So, yeah. Oh, my goodness so and that and that's the societal change right so that's that's that is in society now so um if it does go to it you know you'd have especially if with the australian navy if we got told you know china was moving on taiwan and we're sending our fleet up or whatever um you'd get three quarters of the people that are supposed to go to sea go and slack themselves off right luckily that's one problem that china's having
Starting point is 00:27:59 though too as well is they they nickname it the little princes because they had that one child law for so long and everybody wanted a boy and so now they have all these spoiled boys that aren't really into going to war you know so that's that's kind of a good thing i would say um yeah and i and you read you read like you read uh you know beyond the china and it following research and stuff like that and i've got to move before they've actually actually got to move before but in before a pacific date in in the future otherwise their military is going to be too old. Like, their actions are too old because they can't, they're having the same thing as us
Starting point is 00:28:49 on a much larger scale, though, that they can't recruit enough people either. However, it's a communist country, they'll just... Yeah, they'll just mandate it, mandate the labor force. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and that's what was really concerning to me about, like, the refugee crisis that we're experiencing.
Starting point is 00:29:10 You know, lots of other countries actually have, like, refugee camps, literally. Like, Greece built one that looks like Alcatraz out on this island. It doesn't look like a very fun place to be. We have one in the nation of naru right okay yeah and um um syria they they all have i've done a show before on you know the different refugee camps and stuff but um you know in my story it's like we have all these people who lose their land and people who don't so you can't just have people overwhelming, people that don't have land anymore and need stuff overwhelming the people that still have it.
Starting point is 00:29:51 So you have to find some kind of a balance. Like I didn't write it as a malicious thing, right? I wrote it as like, this is a societal response to a problem that they had to get control over. And it was just as the years ticked on and then you have all these people just sitting there that you could easily put to work and so you have to develop a system to do that and it's just it's a very logical conclusion like a very logical set of how it would go right it's just because that's what's in the country's best interest. But obviously, it's not in like everybody's interest. But if you look at what's happening right now in our country, this is basically the problem. We're going to have so many people that are non-natives to the United States, I'm not talking like Native Americans,
Starting point is 00:30:47 I'm talking like, you know, just fresh immigrants versus people who are already lived here, that if they don't do something about that, it's already causing a lot of problems, obviously, and it's just going to cause a whole bunch more because everybody who's trying to help will only want to help for so long, you know, till it's like, hey, I'm working my butt off to pay my taxes and you're getting all this stuff for free. Right. That my taxes keep going up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Yeah. And New York City is a collect example of that now. So everyone's starting to fight back in the sanctuary city. It's like, no, we don't want to no more. Well, and New York City is a collect example of that now. So everyone's starting to fight back in Sanctuary City. It's like, no, we don't want you no more. Well, and I also... Because it finally affected their quality of life. Yeah. It's easy to be all high and mighty when it doesn't affect your quality of life directly.
Starting point is 00:31:38 And I've also heard that the truckers are going to do a boycott of New York. Yes, I saw that. the truckers are going to do a boycott of new york yes i saw that so if they're like supplies stop coming and they have a powder keg situation ready to explode they say it was like 70 or something of all goods get trucked into the city yes yeah and the truckers are like fine if you're if you're gonna pull that kind of yeah and i mean i totally understand all the sides of it it's just like wow that that situation is right for explosion you know if that happens because once people aren't eating then the game all changes again so that's going to be very interesting and uh i just hope it never comes to a situation where um you know there's a like a class of people who think they're just all that and everybody else should be just working for them.
Starting point is 00:32:33 That's goes against the principles that founded this country altogether. But it's easy to see how it would roll in that way. And, you know, a lot of individuals just want to keep their eyes closed about it. And we literally have the executive orders in there to put your labor on the line. The government can say, oh, no, no, you can do this job. You're going over there. You're going to do that.
Starting point is 00:33:04 I mean, Alan, you enlistedlisted for it so you kind of asked for it but i'm kidding but you know young and gung-ho right yeah now you're like uh no, can I withdraw that, please? Yeah. I'll miss the money. Yeah, fair enough. I have to set myself up before I, you know, that's what I've got to do. I've got to set myself up. Yeah. I keep going over to freaking America all the time, though.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Just fly into Mexico, walk up to Sarah's house, we'll be all set. Yep, yep. I keep telling her. It's no problem. Well, you might have to come in through Arizona now. Well, that's okay. A gas fence near San Diego.
Starting point is 00:33:58 All the Chinese are using. Yeah, I was reading that actually today. Just give Fletch some some gas money he'll come pick you yeah no problem well my big quote for today was you know the road to hell is paved in good intentions right so yeah i mean because we have you want to take care of everybody it's just like what we talk about when um it was it's a long-term survival situation. And you have stuff, I mean, that's what we're in, right? And you have stuff, you know, ready to go
Starting point is 00:34:32 because you were thinking preparedly. And now, like, do you watch these people just kind of freeze to death on this curb, you know, because they didn't think about that. They didn't do that. Or, you know, do you reach out and help? So we're really stuck in this conundrum, I believe, because we are founded on Christian values. And so that does lend us to want to help. But then at the same note, you know, you don't want to get taken advantage of as well, which
Starting point is 00:35:01 is right. I mean, do you feed 100 people for a day out of your stocks or do you feed your family for 100 days yes you know yep yeah because everybody has one meal and are you mean are you evil for for putting aside for you know for doing a thing and putting aside so your family can have food for that long you know it's so true i mean yeah yeah it's just i was i was once called selfish i'm like yeah that's your opinion however um i'm not going to feed you if you turn up at my door if the worst does happen they call me selfish then right yeah yeah it's like you'll be you'll be getting turned away i mean that you have just as much opportunity to prepare now and be ready for
Starting point is 00:35:52 those things as anybody else yeah and and there's uh you know especially now that you know things are getting way expensive um and there's a lot more people in australia that are like starting to realize like hey i need to get i need to get stuff put away because you know a bag of rice it's going to be two dollars two dollars next week it's going to be three or four dollars so like um and they're starting there's in the last probably about last month and a half there's been so many new people joining the the groups that i'm i'm in here asking for advice and all that sort of stuff it's like and then um yeah it's yeah you know it's it's awesome to have ellen on because like he like we think it's an
Starting point is 00:36:40 american you know it's like local that we're like you're prepared and all this other stuff. But it's a global thing. It's global. Yeah. Yes. She's facing the same struggles as we are. Yeah. Yeah, 100% we are. Because these corporations, too, the private-public partnerships are now global as well.
Starting point is 00:37:03 So, yeah, we're absolutely all in it together. Yeah. So, you know, the, um, it, all the,
Starting point is 00:37:13 you know, food manufacturers and stuff like that. You know, one thing that I thought, you know, was Australian owned, not it's been bought out, uh,
Starting point is 00:37:21 by this massive conglomerate that owns virtually everything else. And I'm like, wow, you finally sold out. So one, it's too expensive to manufacture stuff in Australia anymore. So that's why the companies are selling the stuff out. And the massive thing about us, though, is that we don't have land connections. So we can't get everything that we get has to be brought in by ship or if it's small, by air freight. So you just start restricting that by making it more expensive,
Starting point is 00:37:57 by having errors blocking off a major route for container ships that go around the world, that starts affecting us. We're paying more in transport costs. We're paying more in fuel tax, gas tax, everything like that. And it's like there's no wonder people are starting to hit breaking point. There's people who can't afford to pay rent because rent is so expensive here just everywhere yeah um and there's people living out of their cars that that i've got full-time well-paying jobs that they can't afford they can't get a house
Starting point is 00:38:35 yeah and they're living in their cars and that's just not in america that's here too like um and it's this global push the the the you'll own nothing and be and be happy about it and so if everybody owns nothing okay then we're gonna exist in a in a you know utopian environment where we just all share everything and it's all communal no there's gonna be somebody who owns it and allots it to you. Yeah. Yeah. Because you can't get rid of human greed. I wish we could.
Starting point is 00:39:09 That'd be great. It'd be awesome. But you can't. No. It's part of the human nature. And you'll always have that. Yeah. And then they'll decide, like, oh, are you even allowed to have that shipped in? You know, you guys are already kind of under that gun.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Yeah. Yeah. So I'm going to move to my little block if I don't move over to you. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. And then, you know, do the whole friggin' – what's it called? The Wolverines. What is it it they block off the town that oh yeah yeah yeah yeah well i was thinking like uh escape new york you know but block it it's you've seen jericho yeah um yeah yeah yeah so block off the little town like that and just have it you know patrols and all that sort of stuff you ain't coming in yeah and big thing that for us is that
Starting point is 00:40:10 um for for one of the things that we we worry about here is chinese invasion as well so yeah because we have the resources we have the resources that they want and they don't and because it's not on their home home ground they don't and because it's not on their home home ground they don't care if it's a national park they'll just rip it up they don't care the great barrier reef they'll just they'll just go in and rip the whole thing up because it's not there it's not there right yeah it's not homeland china so um that's that's the concern that most of us have is that is that on the larger scale but you know in the now though it's the concern that most of us have is that, is that on the larger scale, but you know,
Starting point is 00:40:46 in the now though, it's the natural disasters that are happening. So floods, fires. That's why I say always the race, mother nature against humanity. Yeah. Who's going to bring it down first?
Starting point is 00:41:00 Yeah. So, I mean, we, we have, we have a whole heap of national direct disasters here um which you know we we call them cyclones here because they spin the other way um so yeah i'm used to having some sort of things packed away because you had to be in
Starting point is 00:41:19 in northern australia because if you got smacked by a cyclone you could be out of power for two to three weeks and you have to rely on what you put away um that sort of stuff so um yeah but it definitely in the um in australia itself a lot of people are starting to realize that hey that's this is this is uh this is dangerous well that's. It's good to have people waking up. I get hits to my podcast. I mean, I have people from all over the world, and it's really amazing to see. I would probably say almost a half and half ratio of hits from the United States versus the rest of the world, ratio of hits from the United States versus the rest of the, of the world, which is so cool, um, to know that just like Jen said, everybody's in it, you know, everybody's involved and just being
Starting point is 00:42:13 prepared is not like an American thing. Um, but it is so foundationally American. And I think that's the big problem with what, um, they're trying to do to our society right now is just make us into these, you know, reliant upon the government whelps. And we're a country built on independence. And yes, community. Yes, working together. But making it for yourself and being able to buy your own homestead and do your own thing and be self-sufficient. And there's a lot of pride in that. And so basically they're just asking us to like just forfeit all that pride and, you
Starting point is 00:42:53 know, all that belief in our country and the, the wonderful things that it is and just, you know, kowtow to what the, what the world order is. And I have a big problem with that one. what the world order is. And I have a big problem with that one. You know, there really should be like a book series done, like this little house set out on this big prairie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Kind of sounds like that kind of lifestyle, right? Right, exactly. Well, in Australia, honestly, you guys aren't much different as far as the independent values go. Because your ancestors were plopped there. And you had to figure it out, right? And you built... Ours got on the boat voluntarily. Theirs were kind of put on, right?
Starting point is 00:43:41 Right. But still, you had the sense of like like we're building this you know this place for our for our people um yeah they most of the convicts only had to do a year or two years hard labor and they got their own slice of australia so right um and they and they went out and went forth and did what they had to do. So, yeah, it's, yeah, that independent sort of thing. But I do feel that it's getting squeezed out of society a lot more. It's amazing how fast the generational attitudes can turn over yeah so you uh if you like a few people like were wanting to put that have their what do you call them in america nature strip we call them a nature strip so it's the part the bit of in front of your house which is
Starting point is 00:44:39 where all the services are and it's not owned by you it's owned by yeah so it's like the right away yeah it's called a nature strip so it's wearing the pipes go and all that sort of stuff anyway so a lot of a lot of a few people have like said all right we're going to put a submission in so we can make that uh community garden or you know as a grow whatever as people can just go by and pick it and they've been said no you can't do, you can't do that. You can't do that. You can't rip up your front lawn to make it a veggie patch or whatever. Of course, the appearance stuff. We don't have HOAs specifically here.
Starting point is 00:45:16 It's what we call councils, like what they are in America. And councils make these rules. Are they government or are they, like, self-imposed groups? They're government, so that's our local government. Sort of like the mayor of towns, right? So we all have a council which is run by a mayor, but they don't have prevalence like they do in America. It's just like a...
Starting point is 00:45:44 But it's what we call local council, and they have just been – they control everything like a HOA, but it's more extreme. Yeah, we had both. When I was in the subdivision, the city had like codes and building department. Yeah, the county. And then we had our own little self
Starting point is 00:46:07 governing like just yeah the nanny that was like down the street wanted to tell you park three cars outside or something yeah so uh we had both of them in the subdivision i lived in yeah yeah that's that'd be horrible yeah it's nice to live on your own land and not have people. I mean, I still have to deal with government, but it's not like it was in a subdivision. So I have two massive big trees on the property that I rent through Defence, through the government. A massive one at the back and a massive one at the front.
Starting point is 00:46:40 So both trees shouldn't have been planted there. They're massive eucalyptus um they're about uh one of them is about a meter uh meter round which is what three to four foot around um i have asked for both of them to remove be removed but the council said no because they're they're uh they're they can't be removed because we need trees in our suburbs it's like it's well it's destroying the fences and God knows what the one out the front is doing to your pipes. No, they've said no.
Starting point is 00:47:12 No, can't cut those. No, we can't cut those. Fire risk on top of that, yeah. Yeah, yeah. If we get ambers from the nature park, which is about one half a mile away up in a hill, if we get ambers coming, if that goes up in a bushfire, if we get ambers and land in that crown of that tree out the front, the whole street's gone. Yeah, eucalyptus just, that's hot.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hot fire, quick burning fire so um yeah it's uh yeah it's yeah and that's like they they'll tell you you can't cut cut a tree down where where it is actually causing damage they'll say no just deal with it and i'm like this is just insane and and then so counter so counter oh, we care about all this. We care about all that. But then it always seems to, you know, contradict itself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:12 What? And then they wonder why people don't want to, you know, sign up and go trust these people. Nope. I mean, it's pretty obvious. Okay, let's jump into some changing Earth news because we got to get through that before we're done. You going to stick around? Yep.
Starting point is 00:48:32 All right. I figured you would. Okay, hold on here. We're going to play the weather music. All right, so there has been some huge plasma ejections from our sun, but nothing is earth-facing. So we get so lucky from the sun, it's not even funny. Like any one of these plasma ejections, CMEs, whatever,
Starting point is 00:48:59 could take us out, you know. And they just don't seem to come at the earth, which is great for us. But you know, how long does that last? So I don't know. But we got lucky again. So it was south, it blasted off south, it was a huge ejection. It's really beautiful if you like to watch that kind of thing. Southern California is about to get hit with more rain so that'll be interesting they've been having some really big landslides uh things like that because they're just overwhelmed with rain it's been uh i work in northern california so um we've had some of the fallout from those storms but not heavily but they are getting socked again the other thing is a lot of people down there don't have
Starting point is 00:49:45 flood insurance because they have to pay so much for earthquake insurance and flooding is not something you really think about when you're talking about Southern California. So it's a really rough situation for them down there. Okay, so going back to Februarybruary 12th we had 421 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a 6.1 in the volcano islands near japan in indonesia east java had two powerful tornadoes touched down damaging two villages there in the the United States, Alabama experienced flooding. They had ponds overflow. The roads were actually getting ripped up from that flooding and water movement. In northern Oman, they had flooding submerge the north. Four people did pass away from that event. 200 people had to be rescued and villages were literally being cut off from one another because
Starting point is 00:50:45 the amount of flood water in the united arab immigrants they had heavy rain and intense hail massive damage from this hail happened um strongest hailstorm in 40 years but it turns out they were just out cloud seeding for two weeks before that. And so trying to increase the amount of precipitation in that area. And then, you know, lo and behold, it all turned into a gigantic hailstorm. So, you know, maybe we don't know as much as we thought we did, and we probably shouldn't be, you know, messing with the environment so much, being that we don't understand what really goes into making that tick. As I mentioned during the show, Chile had another mega wildfire light up.
Starting point is 00:51:36 200 residents had to be evacuated because of this new fire. 520 hectares of land has been lost, and five structures have burned down due to that new fire, 520 hectares of land has been lost and five structures have burned down to that new fire. On the 13th, there was 384 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 5.1 in Papua New Guinea. In southern Turkey, they got three months of rain in just 12 hours, major flooding from that event. One person did pass away. People were literally trapped at home or at work because the rivers or the roads just turned to rivers and it happened so fast they couldn't get out of wherever they were. In New Zealand, they had a
Starting point is 00:52:19 state of emergency at Christchurch City. 650 hectare fire. 80 properties were evacuated. Luckily, only one home was actually lost. Southern Australia, Ellen, your neck of the woods. Your east coast was hit with strong storm. Thousands of lightning strikes. I've been really impressed.
Starting point is 00:52:40 It's probably impressive for you, but man, you guys get lit up with lightning down there, especially when the solar storms are going. It's probably impressive for you, but man, you guys get lit up with lightning down there, especially when the solar storms are going. It's crazy. Yeah, that's what most of it causes, the bushfires too. But we've had so much rain that the bushfires haven't been that of an issue this year. What about Victoria? A couple of fires out there in Victoria, Gardens National Park?
Starting point is 00:53:05 Yeah, but not the extent of what out there in Victoria, Gardens National Park. Yeah. So, yeah, but not the extent of what it was in 2020. So there's like five. Yeah, fair enough. But they're not the extent of what we've had previously. Yeah. You're going to always have fires during summer. No matter what, it's just a law.
Starting point is 00:53:22 It's like California. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. California actually needs those fires for the environment to do what it's supposed to do. Yeah. So Australian bush is, it's centuries of evolution, right? Yep.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Plants get used to having the fires and half the native vegetation relies on the fires to be able to regenerate yep same in california yeah they don't open the pods unless the fire's gone through so yeah all right on the 14th of february we had 391 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a 6.0 in the philippine sea by micronesia in southeastern brazil they got 70 percent of their february rainfall in 40 minutes created massive flooding ripping up their roads they had homes and businesses literally filled with mud from the mud going on the move during this event so that that's mud is way worse than water um you know with water you're dealing with like the molds that could happen
Starting point is 00:54:33 afterwards getting everything dried out but when it's literally filled with mud you are digging out that is just worst case scenario in cyprus they had two tornadoes touched down unprecedented damage to the city five homes destroyed and over 50 homes damaged southern japan they had the strongest eruption in sakurajima they had volcanic lightning and the nearby villages are going to receive some volcanic ash from that event in the united states States, we got hit in the New England areas with a powerful nor'easter. They had heavy snowfall, power outages due to that. One gentleman did die on a snowmobile.
Starting point is 00:55:16 He ran into a downed utility line. On the 14th of February, there was 413 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 6.0 in the central Chilean coast. Iraq saw heavy flooding in Kurdistan. Northeastern Ecuador saw heaviest rain. They've been getting a ton of rain since the 24th. They have two people dead in that event.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Massive amounts of flooding and landslides. about 20,000 people affected, 30 homes destroyed, and 3,000 plus homes damaged. On the 16th of February, there was 439 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 5.2 and not 2. of which was a 5.2 in Venatu. Ontario, Canada got hit with the heavy snowstorm. And then the next day on the 17th, Toronto got hit with a massive snowstorm as well. On the 17th, there was 403 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 4.9 in Venatu. The Dominican Republic of Congo has been dealing with the worst flooding in 60 years. They have lost 221 lives. They've got a lot of displaced people and just people have lost everything due to that flooding. So that's a major event down there. Dubai also saw heavy flooding on the 17th. We had a 4.7 earthquake in Fall City, Texas, a 4.0 in Acapulco, Mexico. And then New Jersey was hit
Starting point is 00:56:48 with another snowstorm, 10 to 12 inches of snowfall on that day. On the 18th, which is today, so far there's been 356 earthquakes or 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 5.6 in Tonga. And we have that incoming storm kind of putting its bullseye on Southern California again. As far as volcanoes, we have 28 volcanoes actively erupting on our planet. That's the same as last year or as of last year, as last week. We have 18 that are showing minor activity. That's up one since last week. And we have 31 showing unrest. so we did add one to the list this week most of them are erupting in indonesia but the ring of fire is really starting to show a lot of unrest so that's just an eyes on situation as far as wildfires in the united states we have zero
Starting point is 00:57:38 acres reporting three fires contained and those fires were coming out of north carolina oklahoma and texas but all of those fires have been contained and they're not reporting any active burning right now so all in all pretty i mean we've got some mega flooding events but as far as it goes um i would call that a calmer week the the earthquake activity is up. That volcano activity is up. We're going to have to keep our eyes on that. But a little quieter week than we had in a while, I would think. We had to dig a little bit deeper for news. So that's always a good thing.
Starting point is 00:58:21 We could use a minute of calm after the winter and the crazy, crazy storms and everything, like the cyclones that have been hitting you guys there in Australia and everything. So you got double whammied there for a little bit. Yeah. Doesn't really affect me here, though. Right. Yeah. Up north.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Right. Yeah. Well, that's that's a crazy thing about her about the hurricanes too like when sandy came through um it was literally like an hour well okay say two hours from my house and at my house it was like sunny nice nothing going on and then just two hours away they're getting absolutely just creamed with this um hurricane so you know geographically it can be very different story from one area to the next yeah and um like we'll get the whole because i live on the other side of what we call the great dividing range so it's
Starting point is 00:59:18 the massive big mountain range that goes on the eastern coast of australia so i live on the eastern coast of Australia. So I live on the other side of that. So the coast will get absolutely smacked and we'll be 42 degree Celsius days. No rain, nothing. And it's like the whole area will get – and it's like, yeah, we're sweating. We're good. Yeah, we're good. It was a beautiful day for us. Yeah. And then we'll get smacked was a beautiful day for us. Yeah. And then we'll get smacked and then there's nothing on the coast.
Starting point is 00:59:56 It's just, yeah, it's funny how the mountain rangers can have a really big effect on the weather. Yeah, for sure. For sure. Alrighty, guys. Well, like I said, I'll keep you posted on the Patriot Conference tentatively right now. From what I understand, it is not going on. So if you've made plans to come out there, you might want to check that out. Check out their website. But we are going to be doing the blooper show next weekend.
Starting point is 01:00:20 That's always a lot of fun. Definitely JB is going to be here with me. We might just do a girls night. Sorry, Chin. But you'll get a week off. We might get Mr. TJ Swenson
Starting point is 01:00:35 to come hang out with us. We'll see what that looks like. And then we're going to be airing the end of season 3 pretty soon. And then we're going to be airing the end of season four of season three pretty soon. And then we're on to the next one. So that's lots of good, good news. Always appreciate if you guys support the changing earth.
Starting point is 01:00:57 I really, really appreciate that you guys do that for me. If you want to help out and become a supporter, go to changing earth series dot com. That's changing earth series dot com. And you're going to find all the podcasts over there tons of learning material um the audio drama all the novels all all the goodies everything about the changing earth is over there all righty guys i'll see you next week for that big event thank you you Ellen so much for coming on the show. You know you're always welcome whenever you get a day off. We'd love to have you here with us. No problem.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Yeah, appreciate you. And of course, Chan, thank you for hanging out with me on Sunday. Mm-hmm. Now you can go finish tractor work or whatever you're working on today. That was fun
Starting point is 01:01:48 hanging out with Ellen this evening. Yeah. Last night, she's like, what about tomorrow? I'm like, what happens tomorrow? The look on your face is like, what? What? What am I doing? Ah, yes.ah at her finest and he's going to prepper camp so i'll see you all there yes yeah you guys get on get your tickets
Starting point is 01:02:16 to prepper camp it's gonna be a ball it's gonna be in september so um make it happen. All right, guys. Until next time, remember, dream. Survive. Survive. Thank you for joining Sarah and Chen for this episode of the Changing Earth podcast. Don't forget to pick up your copy of Day After Disaster, Without Land, The Walls of Freedom, Battle for the South, Dark Days in Denver, and The Endless Night at If you love the Changing Earth series and podcast, become a supporter while you're there.

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