The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Not Drones. Manned Vehicles over NJ White House Reports

Episode Date: December 12, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, welcome to the podcast. Present your vaccine passport. Enter your social credit score. And be sure you have enough remaining carbon credits to enjoy today's show. Demian family, your garden is the resistance. I just got a gray man brief on the White House briefing the nation on the subject of drones in the sky over New Jersey and over Philly. I don't know if what they've told us is any better or any worse, but I will tell you what initially came to mind. These are manned aircraft. The word out of the White House is that, yes, you're seeing things in the sky.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Yes, it's around military bases. Yes, it's in southern Jersey and over Philadelphia. The sightings have been. And the truth of the matter is they're large because they're manned aircraft. And they're being lawfully flown. Here's where it gets interesting. They're manned aircraft being lawfully flown. But we don't know who they are.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Fundamentally. We know they're not coming from an enemy off the coast. PBN family. There was a vehicle, a crudely assembled vehicle used to deliver the Hamas troops to Israel on the 8th. If you remember it. It was like a fan powered car, go-kart thing that was parachuted. What is this idiot doing? And what was really interesting about that...
Starting point is 00:02:16 Sorry, somebody in front of me is driving like a complete moron. What was most interesting about that was when I read that these vehicles were manned. The moment that I read these vehicles are manned vehicles, that's what popped into my head. Immediately what flashed before my eyes was this concept of delivering enemies through the air on the 8th of October. Was it the 8th or the 7th? I've been saying the 8th so much now I'm starting to think it's the 7th. And maybe it is the 7th. In Israel.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Okay? And when the White House comes out and says something like... When the White... Oh, God. Something like when the, oh God, I've got, I've got people who are about to get into an accident that are road raging in front of me right now. Like the, the nation could be under attack and I've got people who are having a road rage fit in front of me right now. Two cars. And it's just bonkers.
Starting point is 00:03:25 You know, we are so distracted. We are so uncannily distracted by our own little problems that manned vehicles could appear in the skies above us and drop out Islamic beheaders with AK-47s, and we'd probably argue with each other as we were being gunned down, in all honesty. I'm listening to a podcast sent to me by one of our members. I started listening to it yesterday, and I'm getting through most of it today. It's the latest Sean Ryan show.
Starting point is 00:04:02 I don't know the woman's name, but it's the latest Sean Ryan show. And it's, it's interesting, man. It is all about, it's all about the Islamic army, the new Islamic army. Like this is a thing. This new Islamic army is a thing. And it's, it's headed up by Osama bin Laden's son. Yes. The CIA won't admit that he's dead. I'm sorry, the CIA won't admit that he's alive. Though he is alive, according to this woman. And he's basically creating a massive coalition army of Sunnis, Shiites, and the whole shebang. Linking together Al-Qaeda and ISIS and the Taliban, making deals.
Starting point is 00:04:47 This is what she's saying. I have no idea if it's true or not. But she sounds like she knows what the hell she's talking about. So when I wake up to consider, and she talks a lot about this homeland attack that they're planning. So when I think about manned vehicles in the sky, you know, the president, well, the White House coming out and making the announcement that these are manned vehicles in the sky,
Starting point is 00:05:11 I don't feel good about it. I don't feel good about it. You know what I mean? My father used to say, and I never felt this way, I knew that Barack Obama was wrong for the country the moment I saw him, but I didn't think takeover. I just saw a king. Well, you know what I saw, actually? I saw a pharaoh. I don't know. The first time I ever saw him, I hadn't seen many people who
Starting point is 00:05:41 looked like him before, and he reminded me of a pharaoh and i when i saw my you know you know how you have an instinctual field does anybody allow their instinctual feelings to come out of anymore or have we been so uh beaten by being pc that we don't even allow our instincts to speak to us anymore for fear that we might be that we might think the wrong thing. You've got to remember, I was young. I was probably 20 in my early 20s. That was the first thing that came to mind. Pharaoh.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Not like biblical Pharaoh, but like a Pharaoh, a king. In that form. Someone who would rule tyrannically and that kind of thing. But what I remember my father saying was, I feel like he's going to take office and there's going to be guys that appear from the back curtains with AK-47s and announce it's a takeover. And I thought that was a little extreme. And I thought that was a little extreme. With the Biden administration, I don't think anything's extreme. This is Obama three.
Starting point is 00:06:55 This is the most criminal of all presidencies to date, I'd have to say. And I would not put it. This is what I fear. This is what I fear most right now If the people in the White House And the people that run the nation Knew of an attack An imminent attack A homeland attack by Al-Qaeda
Starting point is 00:07:13 And the Islamic armies What I fear most is they wouldn't give a shit What I fear most is they wouldn't tell anybody They would facilitate a ship off the coast Or maybe they would put enough You know Enough in the way of those Trying to find this ship off the coast, or maybe they would put enough in the way of those trying to find this ship off the coast that is shedding these manned vehicles into the skies over major, highly populated areas, and they wouldn't do anything about it. Look, the left's getting really crazy with justification. All the justification they would need is America's no good anyway.
Starting point is 00:07:55 They voted Donald Trump in again. They voted a felon in. They don't deserve the life that they have. And maybe this will wake them up. They're obviously sexist. They're obviously racist, the American people. They weren't prepared. America was, remember I told you this way back? This really stuck with me because it seemed like a call to arms. America's not prepared for a minority female president. That was what the excuse was when Barack Obama, I'm sorry, when Kamala Harris lost. It was a blame thing.
Starting point is 00:08:30 It was like a self-righteous kind of blame kind of situation, right? It was this idea that, yeah, it's not Kamala's fault. It's not the left's insanity. It's the fact that America is not ready for a minority woman to run the country. It's that simple. So because of that, again, look, you have this justification of anything. We now have a justification of death. We have a justification of death on the left because somebody is a rich CEO of an insurance company, a health insurance company, right? The guy who was shot, there's a lot of people on the left going like, this is the beginning of something good, right? Like this is celebratory. This is
Starting point is 00:09:18 a good thing. This will send the message we need to send to the insurance companies. this will send the message we need to send to the insurance companies. Like there's some kind of mafia, right? But again, by any means necessary, PBN fans. I hear no one say this. I hear almost, I don't think I've ever heard anyone say by any means necessary. And it's core to their belief system. And the further down the line they get, the more you see it. So if you have to teach a Trump voting population a lesson because they didn't – because now you have a felonious – is that the right way to use that word?
Starting point is 00:09:53 I don't even know. I have to look that up. Felonious. Is that like of having many felonies? I don't know. But now you have this going on and you have to say to them, you have to say, well, this is what you get. You get what you deserve. Or did they just pay the Bidens money? One of the things that stuck out to me in the Sean Ryan show was the fact that we've been paying the Taliban $10 million. I think it's $10 million a month. I think it was $10 million a month. I think it was $10 million a month to run all their operations.
Starting point is 00:10:34 The United States, $10 million a month. So, you know, just wrap your head around that. PBN Family, didn't mean to take you down this dark path on a Thursday afternoon. But when I saw the news that the White House came out and said that they're not drones, they're manned vehicles and they're flying lawfully. I'll tell you what, it made me more nervous. It made me even more nervous, in all honesty. It made me think, oh, great. Who's in them?
Starting point is 00:11:07 So now you don't know what the vehicle is, and you don't know who's in it. Great. You don't know what bomb vest they have strapped to them. Wonderful. It could be a deadly cocktail of listening to the Sean Ryan show, and then my crazy brain, which is a fictitious monster it creates all kinds of things and uh stirring it up together that could be the situation either way keep prepping on folks you know what i mean make 2025 your most serious year yet. I'm serious. I can't.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Like. This is where we're at. Trump's going to need some time to get in there and clear things out. And there could be a time. And this is the most terrifying part of it all. Ready? And I'll stop scaring you. Because this just came to mind.
Starting point is 00:12:07 If you're going to attack the United States, right? You got a guy like Donald Trump's coming in. He's going to cut all kinds of jobs. Right? He wants to fire all kinds of people. Which means turnover. And it's government. So it doesn't mean that your turnover is going to be seamless. There's no way it's going to be seamless.
Starting point is 00:12:41 So what you're looking at is some period of time where intelligence agencies and other parts of the government that deal with terrorism and counterterrorism may be undermanned. May be void of people in critical positions. Now that sounds like a time for a homeland attack, if you ask me. Stay prepared, folks. Stay prepared and at the very least, take a look at your community. And try to understand what it is you're really capable of. Start to think about the darkest things you could think about in terms of an attack on your town, city, community. Start figuring out what exfiltration might look like if major roads are filled with armed gunmen. These people come to massacre, and if they have a plot to attack the homeland,
Starting point is 00:13:36 they're going to massacre. It's clear that our civil defense needs to be fired up again. We need a better solution. I'm only one man. If you have an idea and you need help with it, I can help with it, but I can't do everything, you know? I don't have the time to do any... We'll get to the point where I can't do anything good at all.
Starting point is 00:14:05 So if you have ideas, we can build them into our network. We can build them into other networks. We can create programs. And they don't have to be for profit. You know what I mean? It can be for the protection of the nation. I don't care if we take civil defense. Or some group takes civil defense and owns it and just rips it out of the clutches of the current civil defense infrastructure, whatever that is.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Who cares? But what I'm telling you is we need a much different society than the one we have if we're going to be faced with enemies within. You understand? I don't know if we can get there. I don't even know. But at the very least, you need to be able to hunker down, let the bullets fly, duck your head down low, keep drinking, keep eating, right? Stay alive through it all. Stay sane through it all. And be prepared to abandon ship should overwhelming force come your way. Enjoy the rest of your Thursday, PBN family.
Starting point is 00:15:13 And go to, okay, the membership website. And if you're not a member yet, you should really consider signing up. You know, the things that we're going to do next year are going to be big. And we'd love to do them together with you. All right. Talk to you soon, folks. See ya.

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