The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Operation Sow 2023
Episode Date: December 16, 2023
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Operation Sal 2023 what?
The Freak is going on PBN Family.
How's it going man?
Up early?
Not that it's anything special.
It's the way of life. I don't even know how people
sleep into 10 o'clock in the afternoon or whatever. 9 o'clock in the afternoon. I said
10 in the afternoon. What an old guy. What an old guy thing to say.
Let me take a sip of this Sheetz breakfast blend.
Let me take a sip of this Sheetz breakfast blend.
Because I can't say that I've ever really done this before.
So we're going to have it out.
I used to do a lot of live stuff.
Alright, we got this, we got this. You know what, there's one more preparation we need to make before pulling off completely.
And that's cash.
The Romanian tradition is to have a pig at Christmas.
And, or I guess to have pork.
I guess it was, I guess what Maria has told me is that it is to have a pig at Christmas.
So what we did last year, well, we had our way with several pigs last year, actually.
We had some piglets that we processed.
And then we also had a giant pig, sort of like what we're getting today, that we really kind of crudely dispatched and split in half and went our separate ways.
Now, today is the beginning of tradition in many ways.
I hope.
I hope it is.
My family, they eat more pork than they know.
But it's rarely a food they ask for.
If it's in its meat form, you know
what I mean, so to go out, you know, to drive, what we're looking at, Mission Sow is a six-hour
round trip for me, um, the price of the meat, though, is, is really a great deal, and, you know,
I do love pork, don't get me wrong, I i think pork is it may be my favorite meat of all
really i don't know i really it's it's weird you know you can have here's the thing with beef
when beef is good it's great i can get over beef, though, pretty quick. You know what I mean?
Like I see people who do like steak every night for dinner. And I'm like, I don't know if I can do steak every night for dinner.
Not not just from the standpoint of like, it's not that good tonight because I had it like the last three nights.
But from the standpoint of I, I really enjoy a nice steak being a special thing you know what I mean
like I like you know what dude tonight we're gonna grill up some ribeyes oh you know what I mean that
I like it to be a big deal I like to make sides I like to make a good you know like a truffle butter
or a garlic and rosemary butter or something good.
To really make it special, you know what I mean?
The thing about pork is it's everything.
The thing about pig, the thing about the sow is that it's everything.
It is everything.
In all honesty, the amount of money I'll spend today on this pig
will, would almost be worth it for the fat alone. Truly. It would almost be worth it in my mind
for the, likely the amount of fat that I'll render off this beast and store literally for 12 months.
her off this beast and store literally for 12 months i just i made a big batch of chocolate chip cookies lady liberty was like oh i want a cookie i want a cookie i want a cookie
so i surprised her with a big batch of chocolate chip cookies and as i always tell you my secret
ingredient to christmas cookies man is real deal rendered pork lard.
Forget about the, you see the butter in the recipe?
Forget about the butter.
Take it out.
Remove butter, add lard.
I'm just telling you, it's amazing.
So I dug through that last bit, that last mason jar of pork fat a couple of them had some
weird yellow yellowing stuff inside of it that I threw it away you know what I mean so I didn't
take advantage of it all I don't know exactly what it was. It might, I might have had to, what might have
happened is in the rendering process, I might have, sometimes you get some sediment at the bottom,
you know what I mean? Like some sediment at the bottom. I do it in a sloke, what's it called? A
Dutch oven? No, not a Dutch oven. What are those things called? I can never remember the name. I
never used them.
I only started using them when I was working full time with kids.
You know, the little thing you plug in.
I think people do call them Dutch ovens even though they're not Dutch ovens.
The thing that you plug in and leave and cook food in it for a long, slow time, I don't know,
I can't think about it right now, but it's, I learned from a guy named Wynn, amazing Wynn,
Wynn is one of those guys, man, Wynn showed up in my life, and Wynn just imparted so much
information, and now I barely get to talk to the guy, because he's hustling in the farming industry,
but anyway, he told me, you know, if you really want to render lard
and not have to worry about it,
you know, like, you don't got to worry about, like,
the meat getting, or the fat browning
or anything like that,
just do it in one of them Dutch ovens,
a little water in the bottom, diced up fat.
And then just, you know, put it on low.
Put it on low and rock it for hours.
You're going to wind up with delicious, delicious fat.
And I'm telling you guys, I just wrote an article about the 30, what is it?
No, I think it was 20.
20 mistakes even seasoned preppers make.
And one of them was not having enough fats and oils.
You know, not having the quantity of fats
and oils to survive a disaster or emergency, you know, long term, because you don't understand,
man, how much, how much you use fat, and how wonderful fat is, and how much, you know,
particularly if you, there are all these weird things in prepping That you don't realize are a problem
Until they're a problem
In other words, you have this fat
I'm going to use the example of fat
But it conveys to other things
I think I can make a jump to firearms
But I'll see, I'll try
You bake every so often I think I can make a jump to firearms, but I'll see. I'll try.
You bake every so often.
Like most people, right?
Unless you're the type of person that's baking all the time.
But if you bake, you need oil.
If your game plan is to eat breads and quick breads and biscuits and all that kind of stuff. You need fats, a lot of them.
Like, just having flour ain't enough.
So, while if every so, like, one Saturday out of the month,
mama makes her biscuits that everybody loves,
and you're thinking to yourself, you know what?
I could just crank them biscuits out every day if we're in a really bad situation and at least we'll be eating well.
I got flour stored, I got bacon powder stored, whatever, powdered milk.
One of the areas that you forget about is fat.
You get to the point where you're like, oh God, if I make biscuits every day or every
other day even, I need some serious amounts of fat to do that.
And you likely don't have that stored.
So, you know, it's one of those.
It's like gun lubing and cleaning is what comes to mind.
You know?
Lubing and cleaning of firearms kind of comes to mind.
See, food is every day.
That's why if you can prepare effectively with food, then you can really understand the process well with everything else.
Because even if you have guns, even if you're carrying guns, even if you're, which you're not going to be,
but even if you're practicing with guns every day and it collabs, I don't know why you would do that because it would be so loud.
And it would cause so many people to come looking. Unless that's part of your strategy,
right? Let's get all the inquiring minds out of the way early.
But let's say maybe you are using guns all the time every day. Then all of a sudden,
you need a whole new, you need a whole new, probably a whole,
well, maybe not a whole new skill set, but you need a whole new set of tools,
and backups to those tools, because now your gun went from firing once a week, once a month,
once every three months, to daily use, and it's a new thing, right? Now you're boar snaking every night. Hopefully you're lubing every night.
It's just a new program.
You know what I mean?
So, you know, that's sort of that post-collapse SHTF stuff that you don't realize you need until you realize you need it.
stuff that you don't realize you need until you realize you need it.
And like I said, food just, for me, and it could be because the way I've been programmed all these years,
food just lends itself to all those issues.
You know, for me, it's easy to say, I need this, this, this, this.
And I'm going to need extra of this if things go south.
You know, I can look at it. It's easy to find the rarities and all that kind of stuff.
But, so yeah, man.
It is Mission South 2023.
North on I-95.
Headed to Winchester to link up with Dave Jones, the NBC guy, wife Maria then we're gonna head due west about another hour and uh check on hog and boy oh boy are we gonna have us some hog I
don't even know what this thing's gonna look like I'm picturing the furry skin on hog I got last
year but we got him at such a deep discount.
I don't think this one's going to be fur-on.
For you members, I'm going to break this thing down into usable parts today.
This is going to be, you know, almost a 200-pound half of a hog, okay?
I'm going to break it down, and then over the holiday season, I'm going to sit down and relax a little bit, which is so hard.
It's exceptionally hard now because of something I don't know if I'm going to talk about in this show or not.
But just a distraction, nothing major.
Just a literal grown-up distraction in this modern technological age.
But a fun one, anyhow, so we're gonna cut ribs,
we're gonna cut loins, we're gonna cut, you know, tender loins, we're gonna cut, uh, chops, we're gonna, well, you know what, I don't know if we'll cut chops, we might cut, well, maybe we will,
maybe we'll do some, all right, we'll see,. We might cut. Well, maybe we will. Maybe we'll do some.
All right, we'll see.
We're going to cut this.
We're going to break this thing down into usable parts and pieces.
We're going to collect the tremendous fat.
Sorry for all the snorting like a pig myself.
I was sick the other day, two days ago. Was it two days
ago? No, yesterday. Yeah, yesterday. The night before last and yesterday morning, I was kind
of feverish, like debilitating fever. Not good. Achy, dead tired, you know, that kind of feeling, came over me out of nowhere, man,
then it was gone, like a phantom, like two ships passing in the night, no, not like that at all,
it was on me for sure, but it was off me quick too, two ibuprofen, my wife came in, gave me two
ibuprofen, and I woke up the next day, took one more ibuprofen and that was it, gone.
I don't normally do that either. I usually suffer, but I had stuff to do.
I usually let the fever do its job and suffer. I don't often take that way out.
When I was like, I got to get some sleep tonight.
You know, nine times out of ten, PBN family, that's what gets me.
That's what gets me anymore.
I don't get tired and ineffective from staying up late and getting little sleep.
But if I do it too many times, I'll get sick.
Nothing bad.
I'll get that, though.
It's almost like my body's like, all right, put the emergency brake on this guy.
He's out of his mind.
We need to remind him that the human body needs rest, particularly if you're going to, you know, because I go, man.
I go for most of the day.
I'm going.
You know, not always physically, but I'm going You know Not always physically
But I'm always burning
You know it's a 4.30
5 o'clock every day
Every day
You know I
I might not
Sit down
And relax sit down
Like I sit a lot For the nature of the writing and podcasting.
But it's a different sit.
You guys know probably you work in, like, chairs, like office chairs, right?
Like, the way you sit in an office chair compared to the way you fall into a couch or a bed or something like that.
It's different.
So I'll rock for you know hours
at work and work is not always sitting either work is sometimes workouts work is sometimes
prep stuff around the house you know there's a lot of stuff to do on a regular basis you know
and then it's immediately work ends for family you know work ends for school pickup
and then school pickup evolves into after-school activities anymore and then after-school
activities evolve into the evening right which might include well most of the time includes
dinner and dinner includes cleanup and cleanup, you know what I mean?
And it's this big thing, right, where there's always something to be done.
You know, and there's dogs and chickens and homeworks.
You guys know, you're living the life.
You guys know what it is.
You know, and by the end of all that, it's 8, 9 o'clock, you lay down in bed and it's like, oh my god, I can't go to bed just yet, but it feels nice to lay,
sometimes it feels so heavenly to lay down, I don't know if you ever feel that, like I'll
lay down and take the gravity off my body, and not that I'm achy or anything I don't
have any pain really but I'll lay down sometimes and it's like whoa like it's a next level it's
like my body's like you should do more of this this is what you should do more of
yeah like sometimes I'll lay in my bed upstairs in my room and watch a movie.
It's rare, but I'll do it.
And it's just so nice, man.
It's crazy.
Like in the evening, it's been so many years with kids and stuff
that I haven't been able to just kind of lay alone and chill out and watch a movie.
Lady Liberty, she's not a huge movie fan she'll fall
asleep on a movie like she's a tough critic and she doesn't bitch she'll just you'll look over
like i'll be captivated and i'll be like what can you believe she did that and i'll look over and
she's snoring you know it's always been that way too she's always been it was such a weird thing for
me because film for me was I mean it's a big deal you know I mean movies are a big deal for me
a movie done right can like float me for three months with motivation and inspiration seriously
I'm not even kidding like if I go see a really good movie, I can be, like, riding on that
high for a long time, because I don't know, I love story, you know what I mean, I really do, I love
story, I love story done well, I love learning, I love characters, all that kind of stuff, I just
really love it, and I think, I love to read, too, don't get me wrong, but I think film, man,
and it's done right, and it's rarely done right anymore, you know, but when you get into a movie
that is, I don't want to say fair and balanced, because it's so goofy to say,
when you get into a movie that's made sort of like a 90s flick before the introduction of everybody's a puss, let's go with that.
When you get into, and it doesn't even have to be about tough stuff or anything like that.
Like Oppenheimer was one of those films that I saw recently that really blew me away.
It was one of those movies that was like, this is the true story-ish,
as much as you get from a Hollywood film, there's no manipulation, there's no, I didn't feel like
there was a lot of social engineering going, I didn't feel engineered by the movie, you know what
I mean, I felt like the themes made sense.
I felt like it was a good flick.
And I didn't feel engineered.
That was nice.
There's been a lot of good movies like that lately.
I think we're going to see more movies like that.
As uh.
You know.
Movies like the Marvel's tank.
And people go like.
I don't get it.
How did a. How did a movie with three unknown
female superheroes and a completely unknown female villain do so bad in the box office
what do you I don't know what these people think. You know what I mean? Miss Marvel, Captain Marvel.
I don't even know the third girl's name.
And I don't know the villain's name.
Oh, I thought it was going to be a blockbuster hit.
Like Iron Man, Hulk, and Captain America versus Thanos.
That's what we thought it was going to be like.
Come on, idiots.
I mean, it's crazy to watch, man.
But I think it's going away.
I think it's going away.
So, I don't know, you know, we're going to chat for a little bit.
I don't know how long I can talk to you.
I'm getting to the point right now where my signal might start to fade.
This is why I don't do live travel.
Because I never know when the signal is going to go out.
And then when the signal goes out, show's over.
Doesn't matter how important what I'm telling you is.
How many of you out there begun Kettlebells in Christ?
How many of you are doing Kettlebells in Christ?
I know the garden girls in there
I'm happy with it
I really like the routine that I came up with this go-round
You know, I was a little nervous about that first week for some
And then I was nervous about the second week for some
Because I felt like the first week for people who were fit
was kind of a boring week, I'm not gonna lie, you know, like 50 swings was sort of the toughest
part of that workout, and I do a lot of swings, so it was kind of like, ah, you know what I mean,
and then we went from that to a lot, like 50 reps of everything, and that's a good kettlebell work like that's a solid week
two is a solid kettlebell workout what on earth is happening on i-95 south holy shinoli
oh my they better clear this up before i get back good god miles of traffic
miles of traffic.
Miles of traffic, 6 o'clock in the morning.
Oh my God, Golden Corral.
How you doing?
That's not Golden Corral.
What is that place called?
I said Golden Corral.
I never even stepped foot in a Golden corral what's that place called with the
front porch i love it they got the front porch they sell the rocking chairs they got the store
inside the kids take you take you to the cleaners and every time you step into place but they got
the best fried chicken at any chain anywhere and some of the best coffee, too. Oh my god, my wife would laugh at me so hard
right now. I can't think of the name of it. You guys know. You're yelling it. You're yelling
it at these speakers right now. I say Golden Corral. That's not what it is. So back to
the pork PBN family family When you get a half
I guess that's what we can talk about
When you get a half of a pork
What are you doing with it?
What's a guy like me doing with it?
We're gonna trim the ribs out
We're gonna save the ribs
We're gonna make delicious ribs
You know
And to make delicious ribs
You wanna dry rub your ribs
And we put disaster coffee in our rib dry rub
And then we're going to
It's not just coffee
But that's part of it
And then you know we're going to slow cook them
In the oven or on the grill depending
Probably on the grill
I ain't fired the grill up in weeks, months, maybe.
Then we'll make a homemade tomato-based, ketchup-based barbecue sauce.
Something delicious, something vinegary, something sweet.
We'll tear them ribs up, man.
I'll likely take the picnic and save it.
I'll reserve the picnic for...
Which is the shoulder, essentially.
That will be the roast beast.
The roast beast this year.
Will come from the pork picnic.
I may be losing you guys now.
I'm going to do this, but I'm going to do how I'm going to utilize this half pig later.
I'm going to say goodbye here and now because I think I'm going to lose you.
And then we'll talk pig use, cooking, butchering, so on later.
I appreciate you guys.
I hope you enjoyed the live sow mission.
And there'll be more to come today.
Talk to you.