The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Patriot Power Hour #248 (Part 2)

Episode Date: November 23, 2023


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Starting point is 00:00:00 so in 2020 the fact that pbn was kind of ahead of the curve and knew several months before essentially a year before that 2020 election needed to be a focal point for preppers hey thankfully we got through it bad things happen Pretty darn sure Trump got hoodwinked out of it, but we didn't have a total collapse of society. I'm not saying that's going to happen in 2024, but I personally think 2024 at a minimum will be as crazy as 2020 and a pretty good chance it'll be even worse. Yeah, it's got every chance of being just as bad or worse, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Here's my question for you. Do you think people have woken up since 2020, whether it's from COVID, whether it's from Biden being such a degenerate, freaking embarrassment, just an embarrassment, having him represent our country. I'll just leave it at that. Do you think that has woken up enough people to maybe even make a bigger wave towards Trump? Or do you think there's just so much conflict within that it's just going to be a free-for-all? Yeah, well, hey, if COVID-23 is on its on its way launching a month earlier is important because
Starting point is 00:01:27 in recent weeks trump's you know beating biden in the generic bowl for you know for the first time in things like msnbc's poll right they are panicking about that this week so the poll which as someone who has studied a lot of statistics and often on this show, especially economically, says they skew the numbers. I said multiple times they can't skew the numbers 5%, let alone 10 or 15. So the margin of error is way beyond that. If actually Trump is beating Biden on an MSNbc poll that is like undisputed yeah but they know their margin of the steel right what they need uh the first tuesday of next november agree and this kind of goes back to what i was asking and i don't know the answer
Starting point is 00:02:19 but it's like i feel like they barely got away with the steal. Like, it was close. They got away with it. But there's a lot of smoking red flags, you know, smoking guns, red flags, whatever you want to say. Oh, they'll do that again. They'll do that again. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They'll do that again. They're going to have to do even more, I think. But if they get away with even more next time, that's a problem.
Starting point is 00:02:42 But Trump's not going to stop talking about the very fact that he's going to win by a certain margin to overcome that. True. Hey, he's like, I'm handicapped, you know, 10, 15%, and I'm still going to win. I like that attitude. Now, the mail-in ballot harvesting gets harder unless there's like a quarantine, which would be convenient for Joe Biden to see COVID-23 appear out of China this year. Definitely something that's what we look at, and we'll go through the news. And there's a lot of stuff on the table that could or could not happen, but the way I look at it, Biden has absolutely no chance to win.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Yeah, you and I sometimes talk about football. You played football. I played football. We played high school football. And I'll tell you a story of a JV football player. I was a guard. What did you play? Tackle?
Starting point is 00:03:38 I played a lot of positions, but I played a lot of guard in my life. Yeah, we played guard. Guard and tackle. So that's something we have in common as hosts on Patriot Power. We're by background and mentality high school offensive guards. Yeah. Sacrifice your body for everybody else to get the glory. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:53 And lay some good hits when you get a chance, right? That's the fun part. And I remember severely beating another team with a single play running off left tackle as left guard. And the coach just called the play again and again and again and again because it was working. We were gaining seven to eight yards every play. We blocked it, and they couldn't do anything about it to stop it. And then the other team took a timeout, and our coach came out on the field, and I was getting a little exhausted from pulling around the tackle eight times in a row as we marched down the field.
Starting point is 00:04:32 I'm like, can we call a different play? He's like, no. We're going to call it until they can stop it. Why wouldn't Joe and do the same thing? Well, I'll say this. I think that their play is getting a little stale I'm not saying they can't run a counter or a bootleg fake
Starting point is 00:04:49 and we gotta be very concerned about that I feel like I don't know from a high level I feel like a lot of things are being a little too predictable these days or oh of course that would happen I'm waiting for that big
Starting point is 00:05:04 turnaround that big counter. If we're sticking with football, it is Thanksgiving. It's football time. It's American way to go, right? And I just feel like I've been seeing too many plays. Maybe it keeps working. Maybe it's above my pay grade. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:05:19 But I also feel like maybe they're waiting to put a big counter in. I don't know. But I also feel like maybe they're waiting to put a big counter in. I don't know. Well, I think they have arrogance and hubris and would be completely able to do it again. Last time, Trump was in office. This time, Biden's in office during a quarantine. I think they might look at it and say it'll be easier.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Well, I don't expect them to run the exact play, but what you're pretty much getting down to. The fallout won't be the same. Is people not being able to vote in real time, in person, as being an issue, whether as a pandemic or something else. Now, I don't know if I can even think of something besides a pandemic that would keep people away. Maybe that's like their ultimate card and they've already used it and they'll try it again yeah i don't think they have other options it looked like it worked last time that's about as good as it could work but i just don't ah
Starting point is 00:06:15 hey if they try it again god bless them hopefully people will see through right if it backfires then trump wins by the margin of the steel and gets a second term. And two summers from now, expect rioting. Yeah. Maybe. Well, it would be nice in December and January, but I think that first summer would be. I guess that is two summers, so not this 2024, but 2025 is what you're saying. And fiscally, it wouldn't be hard. And it wasn't hard for Trump previously coming in after Obama to ease regulations and grow the economy.
Starting point is 00:06:51 So from a fiscal point of view, certain expenditures, he couldn't reenter without at least gaining the House. Can't envision a scenario where the House would go to the Democrats but trump would come in right so he's getting at least the house you know there might be some fiscal restraint you know much needed that's obvious to you know he and maga that uh a financial collapse would be pretty much the next move you know put make him hoover yeah exactly well that's what you were talking about before covid came out if people go back yeah patriot power hour we started november 2017 you and i had a few shows even before that going back to 2016 before just a few random shows but before covid came out pretty much this time four Four years ago. You were saying, Hoover, Hoover. They're going to Hoover Trump.
Starting point is 00:07:50 I think you even said that in 2018. But definitely in 2019, before COVID, you said, they're going to Hoover him. What does that mean? We're talking about Hoover, the president, that got totally thrown under the bus. I'm not saying it's not partially his fault. But he got thrown under the bus for'm not saying it's not just partially his fault but he got thrown under the bus for the great depression and he had no hope he got hoovered so please explain maybe a little bit more about that what you mean and maybe talk about how you thought trump was going to be hoovered and then he got coveted instead, the Democrats held the House until the early 90s after Hoover.
Starting point is 00:08:27 94 is when they took it back, right? Yeah, that was the New Deal. That was FDR coming in after Hoover and the Democrats held that kind of power for that many decades in the House. They held the House from the 30s until 94?
Starting point is 00:08:40 Until Newt Gingrich came in. They had it since the New Deal. I'm a young'in, I'm under 40 Nearly 40 But I remember it was a big deal When they got it back And then Dole and all of them were all about it Well I'm a political science major by background
Starting point is 00:08:57 So I'm supposed to know this stuff Not the finance I know this to some degree But I will say this also I met Newt Gingrich in real life And I was like, ah, you're a scumbag. But on the other hand, at least he kind of gave the Democrats some shit. But I'm not a Newt Gingrich fan, let me tell you. But anyway, long story short, I didn't know it was like a 40-year-plus period that the Democrats held the House.
Starting point is 00:09:21 I thought they had it at least a few years in the 80s or something. Negative. What about the Senate? At least that kind of thing. Republicans held the Senate throughout those decades. But at times. Minority of the time. But they had it. No, no. The Democrats had the House the whole way through
Starting point is 00:09:38 from the New Deal. Jeez, that's horrible. And don't think that the modern 21st century Democrats don't know it. And don't look at that as... Actually, to be honest, that's my own ignorance showing through, but I've been educated, and that's why we do this show to some degree. That actually makes it even scarier to me. I didn't know they had such free reign for like 50 years.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Well, I mean... In the House. Start looking abroad, right? Look at the ruling party in Mexico that seized power in the early 20th century and it was that was a true uniparty system they had no legitimate opposition ever at the polls right so um that's you know clearly to me what the democrats seek is to fracture and nullify any opposition you know i you know i vote and and I do it to vote against Democrats because that party cannot be handed that kind of power for generations.
Starting point is 00:10:31 They would destroy the Constitution. They would pack the Supreme Court. This would, you know, we wouldn't have the republic we have now if they could ever get to that level of dominance. Damn, I guess they've been a lot closer to that than i thought they've been on the freaking castle gates for decades i mean wow i guess that that blew my mind what can i say i'm ignorant i guess i just i thought that they had lost the house at least a few years doing that 40 50 year period but uh yeah the presidency presidency swap parties and the Senate swap parties. The house never did.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Sad, but true, I guess. Um, well, guess what guys we're, we're going to the news blitz. We got to get to a couple of commercials.
Starting point is 00:11:14 We're going to get through the news and we've got lots to talk about. Stick with us. Patriot power hour. It's episode 248. Thanksgiving Eve. Stick with us us we'll be right back pbm family i hope you're busy building your alternative everything the wellness company has become the ultimate solution for alternative health care that i have found to date and i'm proud to bring them to the forefront i want you you to visit slash PBN.
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Starting point is 00:13:08 So what does all that mean to you? It means the Titan can charge your smartphone for 88 hours, your laptop for 35 hours, a CPAP for 108 hours, your refrigerator for 26.8 hours. Get to today for the all-American solution to backup power. Patriot Power Hour we're live it's time for the News Blitz feature Dan you ready to roll
Starting point is 00:13:46 let's blitz Ben alright it is November 22nd 2023 8.30pm Eastern Standard Time column 1 in classified docs cases president walks while
Starting point is 00:14:03 his political opponent Trump is threatened with jail. Judicial system direly distrusted by more and more Americans each day. Secret White House surveillance program lets police search trillions of American phone records via AT&T. Unreasonable search and seizure completely normalized. Two black on red happening now. Grade one indicators. That's it for column one.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Security column, column two. We got the illegal biolab in California receiving $1.3 million from Chinese banks. million from chinese banks a book now out probably directly related to the ongoing war between israel and gaza book is making the allegation out loud for the first time that epstein and jeslene maxwell were mass spies, videotaped American presidents in sex acts with teenage girls for the purposes of control. Black Ops suspected. New J6 footage shows Capitol Police may have incited riot by firing munitions into a peaceful crowd.
Starting point is 00:15:23 There's also video out there showing that they were in disguise as antifa and in contact with uniform capitol hill police who uh took them as antifa until they pulled out their badges that was happening and in the middle east israeli base destroyed by Hezbollah, rocket strikes, Israel bombs near Shia shrine in Damascus, hours ahead of the Gaza truce, you say,
Starting point is 00:15:52 why are we not talking about, the Israelis, and the Gazans, because that's not necessarily dangerous, but, Israel striking in Syria, against the Iranian proxies, potentially,
Starting point is 00:16:03 exactly, I don't want to interrupt the news blitz, but Iran gets involved. We'll be talking about that, but this is very specific. It's a different level of war, and it's what we track here. Always watching on the northern border of Israel.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Democrat congressman says Trump has to be eliminated during an interview. U.S. and Philippines conduct joint air and sea patrols in the south china sea that's your security news column three economics this evening of thanksgiving be thankful that these aren't all black on red tonight but we have headlines we have news district of columbia the capital the the leadership, starting to realize debt disaster is looming. I'm sure my co-hosts want to check into that article.
Starting point is 00:16:50 CBO, Congressional Budget Office, projects federal debt interest payments to surge as a percent of GDP. Check the archives. My co-host has made that call years ago. Existing home sales slump to more than 13-year low, and they're on track for the worst year since 1993. Citibank plans to announce first big round of structured layoff spend as gold surges above 2,000,
Starting point is 00:17:20 and inflation-battered Americans are raiding their 401ks to pay mortgages and rent that brings to grade one happening now 401ks are being rated in widely accepted headlines up next uh electronic magno-electronic effects are being exposed. Electromagnetic field effects exposed. Connecticut City rejects 5G, citing evidence of health risks. We've got a city in Connecticut rejecting
Starting point is 00:17:54 the 5G. That was conspiracy theory like two years ago. Alex Jones leveled conspiracy theory 15 years ago. Talked about COVID-23 tonight. Well, here's what's still going on with COVID-19. Study reveals most common chronic symptoms after the vax. We can crank that open and talk about what is most common from the after facts
Starting point is 00:18:19 of the experimental gene therapy known as the COVID vaccine. of the experimental gene therapy known as the COVID vaccine. The Texas Attorney General has sued Pfizer for defrauding the public on COVID vaccines. In the Philippines, deadly earthquake, 6.7 magnitude. Major eruption of a Papua New Guayen volcano. Studies show pesticides are lowering sperm counts worldwide soft kill depopulation exposed level grade five low level unverified and in the clandestine mind control exposed indicator we got an article why brain reading devices could be the next big thing optimizing your life in quotes.
Starting point is 00:19:06 That's from the Wall Street Journal, Ben. All right. And in disease news, anthrax outbreak reported in the Philippines. Philippines getting struck by a couple natural afflictions right now. Earthquakes and anthrax. Chinese hospital swamped with severe child pneumonia cases got that headline on november 22nd 2023 if it ever comes to something we called it tonight and finally deadly landslide in alaska so natural threats are out there as well, all grade 5 low-level topical news,
Starting point is 00:19:45 not indicative of anything potentially macro in a sense of the poly crisis, macro poly crisis events. But those are your headlines tonight, and I'll stop there to get my reaction from my co-host, the Bankster Breaker. Great job. Absolutely. get my reaction from my co-host the bankster breaker great job absolutely uh i opened one two three four five six seven eight articles while you went through them each of those headlines important but it's time to dive deep what do you say it's like being your waiter in uh some kind of meal of of doom news but uh no seriously these are these these things contain important facts
Starting point is 00:20:27 that you know now's the time to speak up and make sure that you know people know and are informed and and that's sort of you know immunizes the the nation against you know where these headlines could take us one thing about life that just perturbs me a little bit is people coming with complaints with no solutions we got a fair amount of solutions we talk about it on patriot power hour but on the other hand we want to at least get the information out there and start talking about it because i absolutely don't have the answers you don't have all the answers but we got some thoughts on what could be the right way to go. And at least we're talking about it.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Right, right. So let's march through these headlines, see what we think. So January 6th. I'm not outing you. I don't think so. I'm pretty sure you're pretty public about the fact you were in the District of Columbia on January 6th. I broadcasted on this network from there. So tell us what you think about the new January 6th footage
Starting point is 00:21:30 showing Capitol Police might have incited the riot by putting munitions into a peaceful crowd. And there's a lot of different reports on this, but it's actually coming out as fact now, not just people saying this. Yeah, I was at the white house uh watching screens of trump i couldn't see him directly but gigantic crowd at the white house watching him speak about 500 000 people were there at that day at least a few hundred thousand it was the biggest
Starting point is 00:22:00 sea of people i've ever seen by far and while we were there the events of this headline were happening at the capitol i wasn't there right yeah you were i mean i personally have been in the dc area a lot and the the distance is quite a while i mean you think maybe dco everything's super close i mean it's miles away it It's at least, I don't know, from the White House to the Capitol is like a mile at least. It was a 15 minute walk, yeah. Yeah, that's what it is. Exactly, 15 minutes with no one in the way and there's just a mass of humanity.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Yeah, it's a nation's mall, it's big. Right. So anyway, long story short, people are like, oh, Trump was literally there telling people to go. No, he was like a mile away and they actually canceled his speaking appointment, which was going to happen at or near the Supreme Court when this was all going down.
Starting point is 00:22:54 But long story short, you were there, tons of people. The great, great majority did not enter the Capitol and were not insurrectionists. But now the footage is actually showing that's the truth. Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot of last three years. You were seen as literally like a treasonous person,
Starting point is 00:23:13 not you literally, but anyone that was involved with that. And I think your quote was the right thing to say. If you go through those doors, that's, that's trespassing. That's a felony. That was dumb for those people to go into the Capitol.
Starting point is 00:23:28 What I said to people that accompanied me there, when we got to the Capitol, there's people going through those doors are going to get arrested. That's the door to go get arrested is what I, exactly. That's the door to go get arrested. And, but otherwise it was in,
Starting point is 00:23:43 at least I don't want to take words out of your mouth but hundreds of thousands of people and how many people there were thinking let's let's start an insurrection and ruin all of america and take over right here right now no one freaking thought that uh i recall what was said within the crowd and and i am skeptical that everyone there was uh you know on the up and up you know there was infiltration and and agents provocateurs without a doubt and i think that you know there's a strong chance that more evidence of that will come out. So we have 40,000 hours of J6 footage that just came out. New Speaker of the House. Capital police body cam footage.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Why was this not released three days later? Because of McCarthy and the Rhino leadership of what would hope to be the Uniparty, right? The permanent minority cuckold conservative. And, and he lost his, he lost his speakership and now the new speaker released it. Well,
Starting point is 00:24:54 Mike Johnson. Gosh, I guess that's the whole point of, if you don't believe in them, just keep pushing and eventually it'll come out. But what about all those people that supported that last, the last speaker of the house who did nothing? Is this next one going to actually do something?
Starting point is 00:25:12 I hope so. He did this. Hey, that's something. Yeah. Can we start calling out a little bit more though? Like, can we start naming names and go a little deeper than this? I mean, this is good, but I think it's only the start. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:27 And all the defendants and for the, you know, all the imprisonment, you know, eventually appeals will make it to courts that are going to, you know, start to consider what, what exactly happened. Right. If, if, if, if the level of infiltration and provocation of that crowd can be proved in trials, and it could be civil suits, right? Suing the government for being put into a situation where it was entrapment. I was there and I'm like, why are these security doors?
Starting point is 00:26:04 They're at the base of the east side of the capital which is where i was reporting for pepper broadcasting network on spreaker and witnessing the the events on that side of the capital and i saw these security doors they're big steel doors but they have no doorknob or way to access them from the outside they're therefore opening from the inside. Electronic, I'm sure. Well, yeah, obviously. And somebody opened them.
Starting point is 00:26:30 And how did that happen? That was baffling to me at the time. And after things, you know, after people started smashing glass on the east face of the Capitol, I determined that this could get out of hand in a in a dramatically unsafe way and i departed the area and the uh news was breaking that somebody been shot and killed inside the capital and that's when i exited the scene after reporting under my first amendment rights for the pepper Broadcasting Network. You did, and that's still back there on PBN in the archive.
Starting point is 00:27:10 I don't know. I personally, I don't know if you've done this, but I would save that MP3 that you did and keep it on a few individual memory sticks. But long story short, individual memory sticks but long story short what do you think about the fact that this new
Starting point is 00:27:28 footage is it's almost the opposite of justifying it's showing that what they the whole narrative is is false I mean there's people there are a few people that were being stupid and did stupid shit that they never should have done but it's
Starting point is 00:27:44 totally not an insurrection it was not who did it commanded by trump it wasn't a you know i i don't know i just i think it's a joke and the more and more that that it comes out this footage i'll just say this and i'll leave it at this everybody knows the the crazy guy with the horns right with the hat with the horns like the viking guy yeah he got released a lot everybody showed they they showed video later this is like several months ago that they let him in yeah and he was supposedly for a couple years like the face of the insurrection the crazy crazy guy. Anyone who's MAGA or anti-Obama, Biden, banksters is some crazy guy. Now all of a sudden he's been, you know, let free essentially because it was proven that it was BS.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Yeah, I crossed paths with him before I got to the White House. You saw him? Yeah, yeah. He was on his megaphone up by the white house and he made it all the way down there you know he he might have he might have ran because uh i don't know if he's or he took off when trump started talking but by the time he was in the capital and getting into that trouble uh you know well ahead before i arrived um yeah uh i i think there was a deliberate plan to let it happen. Lie hop.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Let it happen on purpose. Let it happen on purpose. And provoke it from within. That's the ultimate. Reichstag kind of stuff, isn't it? That's what I'm literally, I'm trying to find the words for that. It's literally. Reichstag. kind of stuff isn't it that's what i'm literally i'm trying to find the words for that it's literally reichstag they didn't burn it down but they they they left it in a situation where
Starting point is 00:29:30 you know it's pretty obvious what they did right no one knows for sure if it was the nazis that burned down the reichstag but uh in the last segment we were talking about the dominance of the democrat party uh i just want to confirm this during the great depression 1929 that began under republican herbert hoover the republican congress uh fell and the democrats controlled the house of representatives for an under nearly interrupted from 1930 1994 and the senate for 48 4 of 48 of those years and won most of the presidential elections they they they know what they're seeking and they need events like that to get where where they're trying to go great point they can't do that through just straight common sense, logic, getting people to be with them on a normal economic growth pattern. No, no, you need panic at all times.
Starting point is 00:30:34 You need war at all times. You need universal basic income. That's the next step. Let me tell you that. Yeah, they can't have economic crisis a lot of time can they nah well it gives them a excuse to go forward with their plan their international left as a lot of people call it i think that's actually the best way to put it yeah i don't even like to call them democrats or leftists i like to call them the international left i've heard that before
Starting point is 00:31:02 but i heard nbc guys said that a couple weeks ago i think and and that's really the way we need to look at it literally in my opinion european psychopaths old money the kings and queens all that put together mashed together with the Rothschilds and all those scumbags and yeah there's some of them in America too but they've been running the world for a thousand plus years they've been running it since freaking
Starting point is 00:31:35 Venice in 1600 ever since then they've been running the world America got out of that through the revolution thankfully ever since then they literally were after us more than ever and we keep pushing them off and I'm glad
Starting point is 00:31:50 we do we got to deal with this bullshit but unfortunately I feel like they got a good advantage on us right now America has grown a lot and now we're like well what are we doing with ourselves if we're not actually doing the right things they are infiltrating us that's all i gotta say if we're
Starting point is 00:32:12 not moving forward trying to fix things then we're losing quick and that's how i see it especially with the financial system well a congressman named mike johnson has uh has put a bit of a break on that in the last week. So it's bad news, but it's good news, right? It's bad news that it happened. It's getting out of the system. Great news that it's becoming public now. Well, you, and I don't want to be accusatory here, but you've called me an accelerationist. I don't want everyone to die and all of a sudden we're in a nuclear war. I don't've called me an accelerationist i don't ever want everyone to
Starting point is 00:32:45 die and all of a sudden we're in a nuclear war i don't mean that kind of accelerationist but i also feel like in my life when you let lies continue to go on and you let them fester it only gets worse and worse like can we bring it to a head? Can we, can we just like have a deciding point where we go the right way or the wrong way? We might lose that, but damn it. If we just keep going along to get along the way we are, we're not going to win this.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Yeah. You'll be, you'll live a life like a Soviet citizen that was born and died within that regime. And I don't want everyone to be bankrupt. I don't know. It's so easy to be kind of vicious about this. Like, oh, you guys let this happen.
Starting point is 00:33:34 We let this happen. We deserve to have an economic collapse. I don't want it like that. But on the other hand, the current economy and the current way people live is not sustainable in the current system and the longer we just push along man it's going to get worse so i don't know i'm not accelerationist i don't want everything to collapse on the other hand every day that it continues the
Starting point is 00:33:56 way it is which it is continuing it's going to be harder to get away from it yeah i agree with all of that too what we got nine minutes left want to crank through some more headlines man we've been time flies but that's what we do here in patriot power hour you know i didn't have one here the washington blinks his debt costs begin to bite but we talk about about finance and the the debt they're gonna keep kicking it down the road. They're going to keep kicking it down the road. Let's keep going to this. How about this? How about this?
Starting point is 00:34:30 I want to talk about this. Connecticut City rejects 5G, citing evidence of health risks. Like you said, 15, 20 years ago. Hell, five years ago. This would be Alex Jones conspiracy theory. 5G is going to turn you gay or freaking you know yeah cancer and now they're like ah well maybe it's not that bad but it's not that good for you either well stanford connecticut's not a bastion of maga is it right or no so exact opposite yeah that's a bastion of banksters yeah and and i look today at the radiation off of
Starting point is 00:35:06 phones like uh you know is is is cigarette smoke cancerous or or asbestos or you know they'll they'll once once all the seats are are arranged and the music stops the major you know telecoms that put this into place um are probably going to face the lawsuits once there's enough evidence to show that you know these things are harmful and what does that lead to centralization and and the loss of you know competition in the marketplace and just greater government control of um our technology so it's it's a win-win. I can see why a Democrat bastion at the local level, act locally and think globally is the way they operate.
Starting point is 00:35:54 This could be a big turn right now towards consolidating control of the telecoms. It wouldn't even take that long. This is so funny stanford connecticut which for those who may not know is literally the rich suburb of lower manhattan so i mean rich people that work on wall street live in other areas for sure but let's just say stanford connecticut is a lot of where they live or they at least got one house northeast of uh yeah manhattan yeah exactly so they're like ah we'll live out in connecticut but they're the millionaires 10 100 millionaires maybe
Starting point is 00:36:38 billionaires not that many but a couple live there. But look at this. The Board of Representatives in Stanford, Connecticut. I mean, oh my gosh. I don't know if you have a homeowners association, but if you are the Board of Representatives, pretty much the homeowner of Stanford, Connecticut on steroids. It's the government. It's the legislature. They rejected an AT&T and Verizon 5G equipment.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Yep. Like, almost no one could do that. The fact that they're doing that is just... Any locality could. No, but the fact that they would do that. Like, they are the most, as you said, let's say liberal or go along with the technology. Yeah. Obviously, we're seeing they're like, ah, everything's good as long as it's not in my backyard.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Yeah. Just to be clear, border representatives are just like the ruling council of the town, right? It's the way they govern in that city. Yeah, well, I just presume that if you're a multi-billionaire, or let's say multi-millionaire living in Stanford, Connecticut, you probably have a little influence on your town council more than someone living in Iowa, let's just say. Well, then again, there's a lot of very wealthy people there. So the democracy that produces that board of representatives let's just say well then again there's a lot of very wealthy people there so they they you know
Starting point is 00:38:06 the the democracy that produces that border representatives you know i wouldn't question that necessarily especially because it's all democrats so what you know they probably do cheat against each other just as bad you know we've seen evidence of that but uh well here's the question everybody who makes their money that lives there i guarantee at least 20 or 30 percent of their portfolio is based off information technology but they won't allow a 5g in their backyard yeah so now your question what i'm asking about before that vote happened how many people were you know in position to short at&t stock i'll give you that i'll give you that. I'll give you that. What else we got? How about this? Study reveals most common chronic symptoms after the vax.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Yeah, and this is... I think you said it right. It's not a vaccine. It's experimental gene therapy. I just want to say up front, this is a serious matter because, you know, unlike yourself and myself who stoutly ever refused to take that vaccine, there's going to be listeners who did. There's going to be listeners whose children did. This is serious stuff for families that went ahead and did the shot.
Starting point is 00:39:17 But nevertheless, the long-term societal effects of the vast amount of people that may be afflicted from an experimental shot. We're going to talk about it. What are they? Insomnia, palpitations, meaning your heart beating in an arrhythmic fashion and you not knowing why and you're scared of heart attack. of heart attack uh my alga tinnitus which is just your hearing and and ringing of the ears headache burning sensations dizziness this wasn't 10 this wasn't 20 this is at least half of the participants in the study, which was funded in part by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Yeah, the NIH. We've talked about Fauci's NIH.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Well, he's saying 50% of vaccine recipients are having some sort of side effect. Yeah, it's just burning sensation. It's just dizziness he's not saying it's just palpitation no but he retired h the nih that he was ahead of for quite a while yeah he's out he's out the door now that this is out oh well that how convenient yeah um not good news but uh kind of leaves us naked in the event of COVID-23 if vaccine reluctance, if the whole pendulum swings the other way and no one's trusting any shots. I guess I'd ask you this, Ben, in a hypothetical scenario. What kind of death and destruction around you would you have to see before you would trust any kind of vaccine in the future. It'd have to be pretty miserable conditions and basically anybody
Starting point is 00:41:05 you know who's still alive is because they took the shot before you'd say, alright, whatever the damage to the shot is, now I have to have it. Everybody acted that way the first time. You talked earlier about counter moves and trap plays in a football metaphor.
Starting point is 00:41:23 This could be one of the biggest ones of all time. It's actually something that I've thought of deep down and kind of worried about it. Because before this whole COVID stuff went down, I would have been much more likely to get a vaccine. I'm not even saying I would have, but let's say it was 2016 or 2017, and I thought a virus was coming through that would kill 10%, 20% of people. That's really high. It wouldn't even take that much.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Well, back then I thought it would be that. But now I say never. A fifth of us dropping dead from a disease and you'd still sit tight? Back then I would never. A fifth of us dropping dead from a disease and you'd still sit tight? Back then I would have. Now I don't trust it. I think the vaccine would be just as deadly or worse. I think something with a 3 or 4% death rate, which COVID-19
Starting point is 00:42:16 wasn't. No, exactly. That 3 or 4% of your demographic, your age group, your level of health uh you know falling prey to something like this uh you know now you know people that are dying left and right worse than covet 19 yeah that's a tough place to be in experiment experimental shot or or take that risk well in like 2017 2018 if i never went through the
Starting point is 00:42:46 whole covet thing then i would have a different look at it where i would have been like oh wow like you said three or four or five percent of healthy people died from it and at least that many on top had very serious long-term if not lifetime issues from it before covid if i saw that ratio i would have been like wait maybe i should get the get the vaccine i don't know like i actually trusted some some medical systems back then but you do it again i i'm gonna say if 50 of people were dying from it i still wouldn't take the vaccine because I don't, I think the vaccine would be more poisonous. That is how untrustworthy I am.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Even if it's a logical, I've never taken a vaccine. Even if I know I will die from it, I'm not taking it. Easy to say now, but if you know that the, if you can witness with your own eyes, I got 10 people I know and they got the shot and they're not dead
Starting point is 00:43:45 yet and uh you know something like a 50 you know kill rate was happening in the country that that i'm not sure you'd come to the same conclusion under those conditions hey i can't i can't guarantee that but at least my gut feeling now is that maybe it would kick it along a couple years, but that stuff would still get me bad. But maybe not. Hey, I don't want to hate vaccine makers. I don't want to hate medical health systems in Western medicine. I have a lot of respect for some of that. But, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Any freaking faith I had in vaccination is gone probably for my entire life. So it's a model. So if I'm a victim of that or I end up not getting a vaccine and I'm stupid because of it, it is what it is. So on a macro level though, it, you know, it could, the pattern could be a mild bioweapon, a,, an obviously dangerous vaccine. Next comes a much more lethal bioweapon paired with much more vaccine hesitancy producing a two-stage attack that's more lethal in the aggregate than had the first one been as lethal. Yeah, well, people have told me this before,
Starting point is 00:45:06 and I can understand where they're coming from, that I'm going to be the one that leads the next pandemic because I'm the vaccine denier, and the next time I'm not going to follow the rules. Fair enough. I will say this. During COVID, I was very cognizant of being separated from others. And you and I had this conversation and I probably went too far,
Starting point is 00:45:28 but I didn't go out very much at all. And I still even don't. And I don't know. I feel like I'm way more scared about what they're going to inject in me than what I could breathe from somebody else at the supermarket. Let's just say that. Yeah. I suffered five vaccine shots administered by my government.
Starting point is 00:45:48 I'm sympathetic to the point of view. What else we got? I've only got a few minutes left. Let's see what we got. Why brain reading devices? Oh, my gosh. Oh, this is a Wall Street Journal paywall. I don't even know if we're going to see it.
Starting point is 00:46:05 We're going to have to crank through that. I will say this. One great thing about Future Danger, if it's CNN, if it's Wall Street Journal, or if it's Alternative News, all of it is there. But when we click on the Wall Street Journal, those assholes think they're so good they don't even need us. Bottom line is they're touting how uh you know ai is gonna
Starting point is 00:46:26 you know be be in your mind as and to help you perform in superhuman ways and i think being the guinea pig for that technology is best left to the simpletons who thought that uh you could actually come up with a vaccine for a bioweapon. Yeah, well. That wasn't more helpful than the bioweapon. We're pretty much done for the night, but I think the way you put it is perfect. And that's the way I've always put it. It's not a vaccine.
Starting point is 00:46:58 It's an experimental gene therapy. And, hey, if I know all the strengths and weaknesses of a gene therapy and i'm fully vetted i could make a decision there's so many people that had no idea what they were getting and they were hoodwinked into if you get a vaccine you will never get covid you will never spread it you will save your children get the vaccine give it to your 12-year-olds. Like, that is such bullshit. It pisses me off. So, humans are fallible, and I don't think scientists have control of these things. I'm just praying that, you know, they don't release something that they lose control of. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Absolutely. Great show, buddy. 248 in the bag. We're almost to 250. We will be back next Tuesday and run Tuesday, or I'm sorry, we'll move to Wednesdays. Double Bear Tuesdays are a thing of the past, but it's now Wednesdays for the Patriot
Starting point is 00:47:52 Power Hour on Prepper Broadcasting Network. We're going to run straight through the solstice to wrap up the season, but as always, with major critical events, we are going to be live, and I look forward to being the one that breaks it all down with you, Ben. For sure.
Starting point is 00:48:06 You guys, see you next week. Pitcher Power Hour. Thank you. I am paying for this microphone. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you

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