The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Patriot Power Hour #248 Pt. 1

Episode Date: November 23, 2023


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you. I am paying for this microphone. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show You're listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at Patriot Power Hour. We're live. November 22nd, 2023. Ben the the breaker banksters here with future dan it is the eve of thanksgiving 2023 so happy thanksgiving ben happy thanksgiving sir i got a lot to be thankful for we can talk a little bit about it i suppose but i'm just glad we're still trucking along here on
Starting point is 00:01:59 patriot power hour on pbn we are what's the latest news that's going to define this week in this show well each and every week is a special episode let's say what i like about this show is we try to keep it as current as possible if something happened a week ago we may not talk about it maybe we won't have too much to talk about on the other hand when things break we hit it as hard as we can i'll say this heading into this holiday weekend i do want to talk about bitcoin and i want to talk about alternatives to the fiat currency world yeah yeah before we get into this for context tonight somebody took a passenger into a u.S. border checkpoint in Niagara, New York, with a car going at least 100 miles an hour and barrel-rolled it into a fiery ball. So that has got a lot of attention tonight.
Starting point is 00:02:58 And as this show airs, I think what I'm seeing in Twitter is that Fox News said that the FBI was investigating terrorism. But that's not apparently what it was. So who knows? A week from now, that entire narrative could be long forgotten or totally changed. That's how I like to look at this show. It's like, look, we don't really talk about these topical news items however we do keep record of them and if two four six eight months we learn this is part of a bigger thing we'll try to connect those dots but but yeah it looks like just knock on wood a crazy person
Starting point is 00:03:40 suicidal perhaps i don't know about a terrorist attack but it is uh it's definitely going off tonight yeah and uh earlier today i saw a headline chinese hospitals swamped with severe child pneumonia cases we got that as news low level but uh earliest reports that chinese hospitals are overrun by some kind of pneumonia right now well think about this time in 2009 and we were doing our show back then we should do a deep dive deep dive back into october november of 2019 now on some of our patriot interceptions we've we've shown've shown what we were talking about in January, February
Starting point is 00:04:28 March of 2020 but we were talking about some of this in the fall and so this would be about the time I'm not saying there's going to be a huge new epidemic coming but if there was something coming this type of news is what we're trying to track here and
Starting point is 00:04:43 keep track of. For COVID-19, it was the last week of 2019 that first headlines that I could find became available. So this is earlier this year, a month earlier. True. And looking back, I've seen things about the World Games in Wuhan, by the way. But that was more of like October, November, and some people think that was the genesis of it. But you're right.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Military games. It was hosted by the Chinese. It was military games. Okay, exactly. Like forces that were sent there to compete in all kinds of events, sporting events, whatnot. Right. It's almost like a diplomatic effort to have everyone working together in the spirit of sportsmanship, see who's better in a friendly way.
Starting point is 00:05:34 It was. And that really went south pretty quick. I don't even think. We never heard much about it. It was never reported deeply at all because it got pointed to the fact that that had happened that some military might have brought COVID-19 into the country. So, A, we're trying to look at what's occurred. We're trying to project to the future.
Starting point is 00:05:57 And we do talk about the past, but we don't do too much speculation on this show, in my opinion. I can't say if a month from now something that's happening in a certain province in China, getting a headline, spreads and becomes COVID-23. And I won't be wearing a mask because I don't know if COVID-23 would be the lethal one, right? So imagine that going into another u.s election like two in a row well federal presidential election if there's something that we got to look forward to better or worse it really is that so we are a little less than a year and i know nbc guy and intrepid commander and others on this network talk a lot about the election preparedness plan, the countdown to how things will get crazy no matter who wins.
Starting point is 00:06:54 And they were pretty darn right in 2020. I mean, we had just joined the network. We were right in the middle of COVID. And James and others were like, hey, election. It's going to be totally crazy. We're actually putting together our emergency op center at Prepper Broadcasting Network
Starting point is 00:07:16 so we can all talk to one another in case things get a little too sideways. And at least from what I've heard from James and NBC guy, they thought it went even crazier than they expected you

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