The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Patriot Power Hour #255

Episode Date: February 1, 2024

Each week on Patriot Power Hour, Ben ‘The Breaker of Banksters’ and Future Dan explore the latest Liberty, Security, Economic & Natural news, providing the situational awareness needed to execute ...your preparedness plans. Questions, Feedback, News Tips, or want to be a Guest? Reach out!Ben “The Breaker of Banksters” @BanksterBreaker on Twitter; Future Dan@FutureDanger6 on Twitter

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Not too long ago, two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee, a businessman who had escaped from Castro. And in the midst of his story, one of my friends turned to the other and said, we don't know how lucky we are. And the Cuban stopped and said, how lucky you are. I had some place to escape to. And in that sentence, he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to. This in that sentence, he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here,
Starting point is 00:00:46 there's no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. This is the last stand on Earth. The last stand on Earth. SILENT PRAGUE © BF-WATCH TV 2021 You are now listening to the Patriot Power Hour. This live episode features the situational awareness you need to practice self-reliance and independence. Introducing your hosts, Ben, the Breaker of Banksters, and Future Dan, the breaker of banksters and future dan the editor of patriot power hour live january 31st 2024 the fifth episode
Starting point is 00:02:38 of 2024 and the fifth episode of january well guess what what, folks? It's just going to be myself, Ben the Breaker of Banksters tonight. Future Dan will be back next week. We had a lot of news. We had to make this show happen. So, of course, in the second segment, we're going through the news blitz. You can follow along, But this first segment, usually it's a little back and forth between Future Dan and I, what's top of mind from the week,
Starting point is 00:03:10 whether breaking events or just ideas and thoughts we've had about liberty, finance, natural news and health, and, well, war, geopolitics, and a wide swath of other topics. I guess today, especially since it's just me, I won't pontificate or go on too much of a monologue. We'll get straight into the news splits sooner than later, probably. But I am known to like to talk a little bit. But I always go back to this this from a prepping standpoint especially and of course patriot power hour on prepper broadcasting network this is our uh fourth
Starting point is 00:03:54 year holy shnikes it's true january 2020 i think it was like the 21st of 2020 maybe before covid though but yeah four, more than four years ago made our debut on PBN and you know, featured Dan and I both preppers for sure I've learned a lot since I've joined the show
Starting point is 00:04:18 I've done a lot and I need to do a lot more and I always go back to to one question kind of from a game theory perspective almost. Has anything gotten better in the last week, the last month, the last year? And whether that's at an individual topic level or just in the aggregate of the type of threats that you're prepping for. Has it gotten better? It never stays the same. If it hasn't gotten better, that means it's gotten worse.
Starting point is 00:04:50 You know what I mean? So economically, have you personally gotten better in the last year, two years, five years? Hopefully you have. Some people have. Some people have. Some people have. Some people have. Some people have not. Our country certainly has not with the inflation. And how about geopolitically?
Starting point is 00:05:16 War. Diplomacy. On a geopolitical level, we're definitely not getting better. And we're going to go through a lot of news today that shows we're getting worse. But you with your family, first off, but neighbors and town community, prep or group or otherwise, have you gotten better or worse since 2020 in this example, right? In a way, I've gotten a lot better. In another way, I've gotten a lot better in another way I've gotten a lot worse because during the lockdowns and stuff
Starting point is 00:05:48 I didn't really go out very much and I've also moved since then and I've gotten to know a couple of my neighbors and I'm able to at least do some real life events with some preppers such as the one and only future Dan
Starting point is 00:06:03 an NBC guy and and Walton, Intrepid Commander. I've seen all of them in person multiple times in the last few years, which is great because before then I didn't know any preppers. So that's gotten good. That's gotten in the right direction. But other things I need to work on personally. So I guess what I'm trying to say is look at yourself and then look at globally or at the nation level, state level,
Starting point is 00:06:28 your own city, your own business, all that. And it works for almost everything. It's game theory. Even if you're playing chess, it's like, okay, I'm in this position. I only have certain moves I can do. What's the best move? I just got to figure that move and do it. And sometimes you're backed into a corner and you're kind of screwed.
Starting point is 00:06:49 But as a prepper, we try to have as many aces up our sleeve as possible to throw another game of skill and a little chance maybe with poker or other card games, I suppose. So what am I pontificating about? I told you I could do this for a few minutes without Future Dan. But we miss him. He'll be back in February next week. What I'm trying to say is I don't foresee very many things getting better in the next few years.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Kind of looking forward. And I see a lot of things getting worse in the next few years. So if you've been prepping, you only gonna have more reasons to prep more things to prep for but i think the good news is more people are becoming preppers still a very small percentage of the population but we've come a long way from doomsday preppers and like when did that come out like 2010 or something i remember i long way from doomsday preppers. When the heck am I, like 2010 or something? I remember I watched all the doomsday preppers right before 2012 Mayan apocalypse time or whatever. And I was prepping a few years before that.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Really, Fukushima got me prepping. I was like, holy cow. They're just going to let a freaking nuclear power plant melt off. Okay, maybe I need to get ready for some crazy stuff going down. Plus, of course, 9-11. You never know when a terrorist attack happens. Blah, blah, blah. But, I'm saying, I don't see much getting better in the next few years where it's economically, health, whether that's another disease, whether that's just force-feeding GMO
Starting point is 00:08:20 to the planet. Pick your poison, literally. So, just keep prepping. But don't give up hope. I don't know. Even though I'm sad and doom and gloom, I'm actually in a pretty good mood today. A lot of things kind of not go in the right direction here, it seems.
Starting point is 00:08:36 But I'm also like, you know what? Fine. What have our ancestors faced in the past? Can you believe what your ancestors had to do to get your butt here in the world right now? If your ancestors were pansies, you would not be here right now. You would have died off long ago,
Starting point is 00:08:53 multiple times over, probably down the family line. So your ancestors weren't pansies. Maybe they weren't all perfect, but don't let them down. That's how I think of it, man, in some regard, too. Like, come on, guys.
Starting point is 00:09:07 So what are we prepping for? I'm prepping for myself, for friends and family, for the human race, and for my ancestors so that they don't look at me like some little punk that couldn't even get through a little thing. When they went through ice ages and massive wars and tribes burning down and disease and famine that killed half the village and stuff like that i mean kovat's nothing compared
Starting point is 00:09:31 to some of that so anyway buck up folks it's time to prep i consider it my duty i hope you do too but you know it's not all doom and gloom i do think we're gonna get through it and i think the more you prep the better chance that uh you personally and us as a society and human race gonna get through it you know we'll do our best with that said we'll do a little less uh my opinion and thoughts and a little bit more news here on the News Blitz. I got, jeez, more than a dozen high-rated articles we'll get into. Here on the other side, Patriot Power Hour. Stick with us. Be right back. Thank you. Patriot Power Hour, Interception. February 1st 2020 episode 83
Starting point is 00:11:07 really the only way now the impeachment is over now that the mueller investigation is proved void of any wrongdoing the exposure of the department of justice deep state in the FISA corruption is well understood in the public. What do they got left? Something economic? Or is this virus coming out of China part of that? Now is the time for patriots to watch from now until November when it might be too late. From now until November when it might be too late. Will those that supported Trump in the past turn on him? Either by just not turning out or by literally changing their mind? If not, he's got a clean sweep, I think.
Starting point is 00:11:58 And I don't feel like people that supported him in the past have fallen off. My own analogy with a little mixed martial arts UFC. We just got through the fourth round of a five-round championship, and we're going into that fifth round, and that's election season. That's championship rounds, right? The Democrats are down 4-0 in the cards, so they need a knockout or they need a submission, right? They need that big, big event, and they need it quickly.
Starting point is 00:13:35 We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Thank you. Patriot Power Hour, we're back. Time for the news blitz. Y'all ready? I'll make it pithy. I'll do my my best and then we'll analyze it after the fact but we're going to try to hit the headlines as best as possible and we'll come back and review some, here we go
Starting point is 00:13:56 we're going to start in the first column this actually has possibly the most, there's four red on black sht level shtf level articles in the liberty column which is pretty rare which means very very serious news so let's go with that start first the n NSA is secretly buying Americans' data without a warrant. Buying it. Purchasing it. The FBI, well, a federal court has stated that FBI seizures from safety deposit boxes violated the U.S. Constitution.
Starting point is 00:14:48 TSA to expand facial recognition scanners to 400 plus airports in America. DHS, CISA, C-I-S-A suppressed and censored concerns over mail-in voting in 2020. All of those articles will review. Very, very threatening. To life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. But there's still more.
Starting point is 00:15:23 to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. But there's still more. POTUS to retaliate without congressional authorization after three American troops killed in drone attack. Bipartisan lawmakers accuse POTUS of violating the Constitution with unauthorized Middle East strikes. Let's transition right into geopolitics and security. Israel attacks Hezbollah airstrip believed to be built by Iran to launch drones. Israeli defense minister says troops will very soon go into action at northern border with Lebanon.
Starting point is 00:16:01 very soon go into action at northern border with Lebanon. Moving to the Pacific, logistics of war. How Washington is preparing for a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Cultural replacement. Why the immigration crisis is
Starting point is 00:16:23 being deliberately engineered. 25 states support Texas after governor invokes state's constitutional right to self-defense. Fedsurrection, in quotes. Looms large as army of God protest convoy heads to border. We have Hunter Biden partner saying that payments from China were delayed until Joe Biden left office. Steadfast Defender the name of the largest ever NATO exercise to rehearse a Russian attack on Europe
Starting point is 00:17:12 we talked about this last week well it's commenced 90,000 plus NATO troops the US is going to station nukes in the U.K. to counter threat from Russia. Russia's premise said that it'll glass the entire island of Britain if there's a war, so...
Starting point is 00:17:36 Well, U.S. stationing nukes there now. China and Russia disguise attack threats posed by their satellites new level of war economically it's relatively quiet actually there was some breaking news today the Fed
Starting point is 00:18:02 my favorite Federal Reserve banksters did not raise rates. They did not lower rates. As you recall, since mid-2022, so about 18 months ago, the Fed's been raising rates, interest rates from essentially 0% to about 5%, you know, half a point at a time, so I think they did like 10 or 12, maybe 13, probably 13 knowing them, but anyway, long story short, they're not raising rates anymore, but they're not lowering them, the markets did drop a couple percent off that because they're hoping the easy money will come back. But the Fed bluffing?
Starting point is 00:18:50 I don't know. We're going to just have to see these higher interest rates continue to eat into housing market, real estate, etc. But long story short, even that did not spur that large of a downturn in the markets today.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Just a couple percent. Gold, silver, and Bitcoin all about where they were last week as well. We obviously will be covering economics. There isn't that much news there right now. Let's go to health. Final column. Relates to nature and health. Abnormally short children given hormones harvested from cadavers.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Found to have developed early onset dementia. Found to have developed early onset dementia. Rate of infectious cases of syphilis rises 9% in 2022. 9% rise in syphilis in one year. CDC issues a health alert over measles cases. A couple magnitude 6 plus earthquakes. A 6.1 in Guatemala. Guatemala, 6.5 in Brazil. No significant damage or deaths that I'm aware of.
Starting point is 00:20:24 I'm sure there was some damage, but... Volcanoes relatively quiet. There was a period where volcanoes were going off all over the world for three, four months, more than ever over the last eight, ten years. But that's quieted down. Very bright fireball. Spotted over downtown Beijing.
Starting point is 00:20:56 First human brain. Is chipped. With. Neuralink. Neura. N-E-U-R-A. Neuralink. Neura, N-E-U-R-A. Neuralink, not Neuro. Neuralink. This was two days ago.
Starting point is 00:21:20 And a couple more headlines, then we'll start diving into all these articles. This is just the headlines again, folks. We're going to run right in through at least half of these in detail. Last but not least, though, to get U.S. residency, you still are required to get a COVID jab. Nice, nice. Well, all those coming across the border illegally certainly are not required to get a covid jab but those that try to come through legally or come here illegally and then try to
Starting point is 00:21:52 do it the right way later and get residency well they gotta get one so in that regard i would try to stay illegal as long as possible if I came to America. So I want to be forced jabbed, which is the indicator this is under. Vaccinations forced. Red alert level. Let's go start with reading that article and we'll get into some others. We'll kind of do reverse order. How about that? so US citizen and immigration services has a list
Starting point is 00:22:29 of vaccines and many folks would have argued against some if not most of these before COVID I'm not even saying if I would have or not but they put COVID-19 on this absolute required list to be a lawful permanent
Starting point is 00:22:47 resident I wonder if they uh forced everyone to do that to get any sort of you know benefits from the government people probably line up to do that, I guess. But yep, I'm looking at it right there. This is on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. COVID-19 alongside all the others. And of course, COVID-19 is still under emergency use authorization. Alright, let's see here.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Let's go back to Neuralink with Musk. Neuralink aims to let people control computers with thoughts. The startup is a leader in the growing brain computer tech sector. I do remember, I think, I don't remember if it was on Lex Friedman or Rogan or just some random podcast on YouTube,
Starting point is 00:23:54 but I definitely have heard Elon Musk talk about Neuralink. It has a lot of great potential benefits, especially for those type of people who are paraplegic, quadriplegic, even just are older or injured and just maybe they can move their limbs, but they just don't have good control of their body. Or, I don't know, there's just so many disability and injury reasons why being able to communicate and be in the world with just your mind, if your body is crippled, is just awesome.
Starting point is 00:24:29 So I'll say that to start with. But then, on the other hand, I will never take one of these. Absolutely not. No way. No, no, no, no, no. Gosh, if it was like 500 years in the future from now and they had refined them, I still don't know if I would. Gosh, if it was like 500 years in the future from now and they had refined them, I still don't know if I would.
Starting point is 00:24:50 But it will take a long time for them to get it correct, first off. But number two, just the ability for it to be hacked or either purposefully by the people who put it in there and or other people from outside or other defects and software vulnerabilities. Man, we got enough software vulnerabilities in this world. I think my body does not need to be one. And, yeah, I think it's super interesting. I mean, there's going to be a point where the cutting edge of video games, you're going to have to use your mind you're gonna have to have one of these chips i still think that's like 30 40 years from now maybe even more where it's like the
Starting point is 00:25:33 mainstream and to even play the game really you have to have that i'm sure there'll be like virtual reality and games before that but i mean just like the mainstream is doing that everybody's doing it hopefully hopefully never i don't know we'll definitely be cyborgs at some point i suppose at this rate geez there you go neural link first human received a brain implant this is behind a bloomberg paywall I could read it if I registered hell no let's move on see
Starting point is 00:26:11 even though we are a prepper network and patriot power hour some sort of right wing conspiracy theorist we're not but that's what they might try to categorize us as most of the articles we have are from freaking Bloomberg and Wall Street Journal. It's just they're so over the top
Starting point is 00:26:28 especially when you look at them in the aggregate. We don't have to like we can just go straight to their source. So yeah, there's some Bloomberg for you. Next up. Let's go with not the earthquakes.
Starting point is 00:26:44 I don't want to hear about the syphilis. We already went through that. The abnormally short children given hormones harvested from cadavers. I'm not going to really go deep into that, but there's just a great example of something that it even had a, I hope, had some sort of short-term benefit, but long-term ill effect. Hey, nothing's perfect there's risks involved risk and reward
Starting point is 00:27:08 for sure but I just feel like when those risks are known they're not shared with people until like 40 years later and it's too late so asbestos for example alright
Starting point is 00:27:22 China Russia disguised attack threats posed by their satellites this for example alright China Russia disguised attack threats posed by their satellites I'm gonna we'll keep watching this subject with future Dan for sure as time progresses we've talked certainly about about satellite warfare
Starting point is 00:27:39 space force etc China Russia US European Union etc but others are getting involved too in fact India and I don't know if Pakistan has a good space program they got nukes
Starting point is 00:27:54 I don't think they have a space program per se but maybe I'm wrong but others as well access to space is getting cheaper and cheaper how about the immigration But others as well. I mean, access to space is getting cheaper and cheaper. How about the immigration crisis? I've talked a fair amount about that years ago. Way before the craziness that's going on now. But it was easy to see that was a long-term plan.
Starting point is 00:28:25 There's just so many benefits to the banksters in there. on now, but it was easy to see that was a long-term plan. There's just so many benefits to the banksters and their cohorts across all different industries to flood the West with immigrants, whether that's Europe, African, and Middle East. Refugees.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Some of them refugees, some of them not. Or, at the American border. There's a certain amount. Especially America. I'm going to focus on America here. I don't have to worry about Europe at this time. There's a certain amount that we'd be able to absorb quite well in the country. They should still go through the legal process.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Without getting the required COVID jab. But what can I say? We need some immigration in this country. Always have, always will. So if it was orderly, if we vetted them for terrorist, child rapist, killers, and fraudsters, it'd be great to have a million of them come over every year, but we can't have three million of them coming over here with no order. Instead of one million in a nice orderly fashion every year,
Starting point is 00:29:37 that'd be sustainable over a long time. So that's just from a statistical... My background is economics, finance. Just from an economic standpoint. Labor economics. Those are my favorite subjects. We need, especially because our population, that replacement rate is low in the West and America too.
Starting point is 00:30:04 You need 2.1 children per couple, or I guess per woman really, right? 2.1, we'll just say per couple, children. Otherwise, you're going down, down, down. And America is definitely below that level at this point now some are like like japan's like 1.3 their population can be like cut in half in 30 years and then cut it half again after 30 years later after that horrible for them they're already you know they're already big into robots so they're gonna really really be leaning into robotics even more. But even China is having issues with that kind of one-shot policy.
Starting point is 00:30:48 So that's all great. But first off, it's got to be orderly to have immigration. Number two, when they come in illegally, then powers that be that help them out, they can hang that over their head all the time they can force them to do whatever they want and all intents and purposes it's certainly not the american dream and this of course always happened in the past too whether it's the freaking irish or the polish or well yeah the slaves all different immigrant immigrant groups got screwed over to one degree or another somehow some way but yeah why do we have first off why does that
Starting point is 00:31:32 have to continue why can't we learn from our lessons number two the just pure amount that are coming over right now just outstrips um any other time in history for sure so so yeah definitely get crazy down there i don't know what to even say about this army of god protest convoy one's coming from the west coast one's coming from the east coast apparently they're all saying they're very non-violent they are absolutely trying to not have some sort of january 6th conflagration which is good no violence no no way apparently they're all just coming down to the border to number one like so everyone can videotape all and see all the crazy stuff going on across hundreds of miles. And also, I guess it's like, well, obviously like a protest. Get people's eyes on it, right?
Starting point is 00:32:33 Like the Million Man March, but down on the border. So they're not, of course, the mainstream media is going crazy about this. But they're in a conundrum. Some of them are and some of them are keeping real quiet about it. On the other hand, they don't want to draw too much attention to it. So hopefully there's no violence of any sort. I don't think they plan it. And hopefully any provocateurs will be a failure there.
Starting point is 00:33:02 But yeah, I guess if you're down in Texas, if you want to go check that out, report back in to PBN. Our very own Future Dan, part of Patriot Power Hour, was there on January 6th. He absolutely did not, did not, go into the Capitol or do any violent activities.
Starting point is 00:33:23 He was pretty far away, but he got some interesting footage. Anyway, he streamed for a very short time and he was able to get a broadcast out on PBN on January 2021 about one year after we joined the network. But then the cellular network
Starting point is 00:33:41 failed because there were so many people there and or they cut it. Anyway, let's get back to the news. We're grinding. We're grinding. I don't think I'm going to do a full hour tonight, but I've got about 25 minutes left. I think I've got 15, 20 minutes of news. I'll cut it a little short.
Starting point is 00:33:56 We'll see. Let's keep going. Hunter Biden partner says payments from China were delayed until Joe Biden left office. Gotta look at this one. Excuse me. And by leaving office, they mean from the Obama administration,
Starting point is 00:34:19 not like leaving office that he's in office now. This is back in 2017, I suppose, right? Trump took office. That's when Biden left office that he's in office now this is back in uh 2017 i suppose right trump took office that's when biden left office that first time and that's when china paid hunter biden and associates started work started working with cefc a chinese firm linked to the ruling communist party in 2015. But the payments for the work did not start flowing until January 2017. Like I said, I guess. I didn't even read that part yet.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Today's interview. So this is from Representative James Comer from Kentucky. Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Oversight Committee January 26th Statement Today's interview says Representative Comer Today's interview confirmed Hunter Biden
Starting point is 00:35:19 And his associates work With the Chinese government linked energy company Began over a year before Biden left the vice presidency. But the Bidens and their associates held off being paid while Joe Biden was in office. I mean, I don't know about you, but don't work for someone for more than a year and then get paid after all that. I mean, come on. Hell, most of the time these days you've got to prepay. You're not getting net 365 days to pay your salary.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Hell no. Let's see. In a prepared opening statement, Mr. Walker, who was testifying, said that he spent years pursuing legitimate business with Mr. Biden. This is the partner, Hunter Biden's partner. This Walker gentleman spent years pursuing legitimate business with Mr. Biden, meaning Hunter, Spent years pursuing legitimate business with Mr. Biden. Meaning Hunter.
Starting point is 00:36:28 And that President Biden was never involved in any of the business activities we pursued. So, either that's true. And Hunter Biden did his own thing. Maybe he wanted to. Maybe he wanted to get out of his dad's shadow. Or this dude's lying. And probably because he's scared he doesn't want to die
Starting point is 00:36:46 I mean this takes enough he's probably going to be dead in two years or less anyway after this so more and more evidence and this isn't just Pepper Broadcasting Network Patriot Power Hour
Starting point is 00:37:03 saying oh yeah I bet Biden got paid off by China. No, no, no. This is a partner of them. There's all types of other whistleblowers and stuff too. So where there's smoke, there's fire. We know Hunter Biden's dirty. Apple doesn't fall that far from the tree.
Starting point is 00:37:23 But hell, his dad's got enough crimes and problems himself. We could just ignore Hunter. I guess. Let's move on. More immigration news. Won't get too much into it. I already talked about it. But why the immigration
Starting point is 00:37:39 immigration crisis is being deliberately engineered. Lots of reasons. Whether it's the electorate, whether it's near slave labor, whether it's a cover for other things, drug trafficking and lots of other stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Yeah, yeah, it's all of the above. So, this goes into Texas and the 25 states supporting Texas. I know it's a little bit old news. It happened a few days ago. I didn't think there was going to be a shootout at the border. I sure as hell would hope Americans would not shoot at each other
Starting point is 00:38:21 for something as stupid as this. It was really the balls in the court of the feds because they're the ones being overbearing to say the least. They're being overbearing about not doing anything. That's how messed up it is. We're going to come in here, Texas and stop you from doing things.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Just put it up wire so people, tens of thousands per day, can't just walk across the border. Israel and Palestine and Hezbollah and Hamas and all that
Starting point is 00:38:57 continues to wind up and get worse. Of course, three U.S. service members dead. Dozens injured, three critically. Man. Apparently this got through, I guess it was a kamikaze drone rather than a missile, I guess. What's the difference, I guess?
Starting point is 00:39:22 At this point, they're kind of starting to merge. I guess is what's the difference. I guess at this point they're kind of starting to merge. But this base is supposed to be very well protected. And it's shot down many, many of these attempts to hit. But this one got through. They said it was some sort of mistargeting or issue with the system. Hopefully they got that fixed.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Hopefully also they didn't just let one through. To spike the war drums over here. But POTUS retaliating. Without congressional authorization. Bipartisan lawmakers accused POTUS of violating the constitution with this but going after it I don't think we've seen the I'm not saying it's going to be shock and awe but it seems like the longer they wait to really
Starting point is 00:40:16 unleash it and they have not yet it seems the bigger the retaliation may be and if they actually hit Iranian forces or God forbid Russian forces on accident or something, holy cow, be careful. So, fingers crossed that does not happen. I'm not saying we shouldn't kick the shit out of anybody that blew up our servicemen,
Starting point is 00:40:38 but, yeah, this doesn't mean we need to start World War III. Yeah. So, okay. We'll keep a close eye on that. It comes back to, and we talked about this last week, featured Dan and I, the congressional authorization. And is it a formal declaration of war
Starting point is 00:41:00 or something similar but lesser that was done, you know, in the past. And it's kind of like, I guess Congress sort of allowed that to happen, but it wasn't like a full-on declaration of war. But, okay, maybe that passed in the past. No, they don't even need that half measure anymore or pseudo-authorization, pseudo-declaration of war. No, they don't even need that anymore i'm just gonna blow them
Starting point is 00:41:26 up so bipartisan lawmakers let's see who let's see the democrats the party of peace let's see what they're saying here we're gonna california democrat oh that's rough I can't even believe there's a Democrat in California that would know what the Constitution says. But this one is saying that President Biden violated the Constitution by launching a new war against the Houthis. See, that was always something very interesting of the Democrats. within themselves with regard to fundamentalist Islamic terrorism versus anti-war. How do you square those circles? You have a lot of the squad and all these other high high profile, very left Democrats that are like essentially pro terrorist. But now Biden wants to go blow up the terrorist.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Now they don't like Biden anymore. That's really interesting. So not say we should trust, uh, the workaround that the, you know, we should not join forces with those very left leaning Democrats by any means. Um,
Starting point is 00:42:52 but it's interesting to see them get pissed at their own leader for blowing up the radicals that are, you know, attacking Israel and attacking America. So let's see here. Here's what they wrote. We believe the U.S.'s unauthorized strikes in Yemen violate the Constitution and U.S. statute.
Starting point is 00:43:14 We ask that your administration outlines for us the legal authority used to conduct these strikes. So this is actually talking about Yemen, some of the earlier stuff they've bombed Yemen 10 times since January 12th they're not even talking about the big return fire that's being planned
Starting point is 00:43:36 coming up I think in the next day or two I don't believe that got congressional authority either we'll keep watching that israel certainly shouldn't be carpet bombing the shit out of gaza killing 10 20 000 but uh guys also should not be harboring terrorists that go in and kill a thousand israelis but man nothing's black and white let me tell you that nothing's black and white, let me tell you that. Nothing is black and white. A couple other big articles to finish the night out with here. I actually saved the best for last, or the most actualized and intense SHTF-level articles.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Last few here for the night, let's do it. NSA secretly buying Americans data without a warrant. They're buying it. Purchasing it with fiat currency that they print out their ass. I mean, did I say that part?
Starting point is 00:44:38 So, Oregon Democrat. Oof, it's so hard for me to even read it, but we're going to go for it. So, Democrat. Oof, it's so hard for me to even read it, but we're going to go for it. Some of the Democrats are a little anti-war, and some of the Democrats actually care about privacy. It's just so hard to believe, but maybe there's a couple more of them.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Back in the day, a few of them actually did, but now, at least they're giving lip service to it, though. Senator Wyden out of Oregon, Democrat, says the practice of data brokers quietly obtaining and reselling and internet metadata without users consent has been a legal gray area for quite some time the thing is it's not just like the facebooks of the world, Amazon or some other location search demographic building advertiser trying to figure out how to get ads targeted at you to squeeze a little more money out of it, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:45:36 That absolutely is all true. But the ringleader, or at least the main focal point of this, is actually the NSA. Oh, wow. National Security Agency Intelligence. The senator wrote to the director of national intelligence, Avril Haines, stating, government needs a wake-up call and there need to be new rules limiting the purchases of data for the NSA and others. Only the data that Americans have consented to be sold. Now, I'm sure there's some sort of legal argument that when you're in public, you can be filmed in public. And when you're on the internet, then maybe the fact that you're at websites should not be private.
Starting point is 00:46:31 I'm not saying I believe in that. That's one thing. That's kind of civil. But the government being involved in that and purchasing that data or being involved in any way is just like out of control. What? The U.S. government should not be funding and legitimizing a shady industry whose flagrant violations of Americans' privacy are not just unethical but illegal. I mean, the funny thing is, though, most of this is just the NSA facilitating this going on.
Starting point is 00:47:04 NSA doesn't really need to buy much of any of this data. I think this is more like a cover for their action. But, of course, they get it straight from the source. The telecommunication companies actually run all their data right through the NSA. Maybe the NSA doesn't need to buy it. They already, they own the data. They are the data. Think about that one.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Here we go. FBI seizures from safety deposit boxes. Violated U.S. Constitution. A positive development in one regard. So not everything's just negative here but super important article FBI seizures well Beverly Hills this occurred in Beverly Hills
Starting point is 00:47:56 excuse me 2021 violated the US Constitution a federal appeals court ruled January 23rd, about a week ago. Agents raided U.S. Private Vaults, a business that allowed people
Starting point is 00:48:15 to rent safety deposit boxes anonymously. They believe that criminals could be using the service. The search warrant stated agents could only open the boxes to inventory their contents and identify the owners for return of the property however agents brought drug sniffing dogs and planned to set aside cash worth more than five grand and was going to seize that money so there probably was nefarious stuff going on to some degree, but how many people could have got swept up on that either by mistake
Starting point is 00:48:49 or something planted on them? Well, if you just had, I mean, first off, as preppers, would we keep cash in the safety deposit box at the bank? Hell no. I mean, I hope you're not. Okay. Because that'll be, you're not going gonna have access to that if stuff hits the fan but i understand whatever maybe in a diversified uh financial prepping scenario you could have
Starting point is 00:49:14 five percent of your assets in the bank or something right whatever i mean if your house gets totally raided and you lose everything there before stuff hits the fan. Well, it's nice to have stuff in the bank that's protected or insured. So, okay, banks have 98% of the time it's nice to have your stuff in the bank. But when you really don't want your stuff in the bank, it's probably a little too late. So, anyway, we as preppers, not going to leave cash in the safety deposit box at the bank, I'm pretty sure. And this ain't even the bank, really.
Starting point is 00:49:44 This is U.S. private vaults, like some shack on the side of the road. So yeah, it's probably facilitating drug laundering and people getting worried about the cops or just being robbed because they were pushing pounds of powder. But guess what? When people who rented the boxes
Starting point is 00:50:03 asked the FBI for their belongings after the raid, by the way, 700 safety deposit boxes were searched. The Bureau refused to give their belongings back and was going to file for forfeiture or transfer of ownership to the government. But guess what? This actually didn't work. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit states that, guess what? Well, it comes back to the Fourth Amendment, and this is a violation of that. And this is a violation of that.
Starting point is 00:50:47 They went too far. Too wide of a net. Even though they probably captured a few fish they were trying to get. They got too many innocents. What do we want? Nine. It's better to have nine guilty go free than one innocent go to jail. I'm not sure if I absolutely agree with that ratio, but it's not that bad. You definitely want innocent people protected.
Starting point is 00:51:10 And if that means a bad guy gets away here and there, it's better than innocents being taken out. But here, this is the opposite way. Anyone was caught up in this net. 700 safety deposit boxes. 700 savings deposit boxes. Even if 10% were legit people and 90% were criminals. Only 10% were legit. That'd be 70 people who just got screwed bad.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Anyway, that was ruled against. They got together. They sued. They freaking won. it ain't over yet but you can still try to take this damn country back defend yourselves and the court while you can we're almost done with the show a couple more
Starting point is 00:51:56 TSA to expand facial recognition 400 plus airports the TSA and their naked body scanners have become more and more let's say accepted accepted over time. But they've also kind of toned down a little bit. Their tactics of groping and grabbing and lots of, you know, inappropriate stuff, let's say. Not as much of that.
Starting point is 00:52:19 They kind of leave it up to the naked body scanners now. And now they're going for facial recognition. Leave it up to the naked body scanners now. And now they're going for facial recognition. And yeah. It's just a tool. But do you trust the people wielding that tool? I don't.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Well. Expect it at railways. And soon to be at schools. And all over the place. Maybe even your grocery store. I think one more article. I just think I hit the wrong button. I hit the wrong button. Let me try to reopen this.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Reopen the page. There we go. One more article. Here it is. Department of Homeland Security, CISA, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, knew it was wrong to censor concerns about the security of mail-in voting ahead of 2020. Yet it proceeded to censor concerns about the security of mail-in voting. Nevertheless, well, okay, how about this? A tranche of documents published by america first legal alleged that dhs
Starting point is 00:53:48 was aware that mail-in ballots were less secure than in-person ballots i mean that's pretty obvious but they had to point that out nevertheless they came out sisa dhs and the government as a whole undertook an unprecedented censorship campaign to mislead the american people about the truth common sense dictates again another thing where i pretty much takes the words right out of my mouth i didn't read this part yet but here you go common sense dictates and i was talking about common sense common sense dictates ballots submitted via mail
Starting point is 00:54:25 are inherently less secure than verified in-person voting by a citizen who shows identification. The American people were lying to you. Absolutely. Total scam. All the BS we got to go through with government IDs, registering your vehicle and taxes
Starting point is 00:54:43 and getting your business license and all that bullshit. And you can just show up. No. Not even show up. Just mail in some ballots without ID. I think it's the biggest farce out there, man. They need to get to the 21st century
Starting point is 00:55:00 cryptography. Pure unadulterated transparency in the vote where I can go onto the blockchain and see that my vote was cast how I cast it you can remain anonymous
Starting point is 00:55:16 or at least the public won't know who you voted for unless you tell them what your voting number was for example you can do that but everyone would only voted for unless you tell them what your voting number was for example you could do that but it would everyone would only be able to vote once there'd be no way to commit fraud if it was purely transparent and uh man sounds something like they could do this off of the Bitcoin blockchain. I swear to God. But I'll say this.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Any, uh, just like any digital currency the government cooks up, same with digital elections. It'll be bogus as hell. Even though they could do it, make it unhackable and
Starting point is 00:56:01 transparent, unable to be defrauded. They could do it. They will not do it. Absolutely not. Again, same with cryptocurrency. Bitcoin, in my opinion, is the truth. The rest are all frauds, especially CBDC. And guess what?
Starting point is 00:56:23 Trump came out and said if he's president again, he is not going to let the U.S. government issue a central bank digital currency. Alright, folks. That's about it. Great show. Hope you guys
Starting point is 00:56:41 didn't get too annoyed with my voice. Hit on a lot of different topics. Reach out to me if you got any comments, questions, concerns. Dethrone the Banksters at Dethrone the Banksters, You can see it in the description of this podcast as well. Go subscribe and join
Starting point is 00:57:07 Prepper Broadcasting Network as well. We love them. Alright folks, with that said I'm getting out of here. Make your way for the Trap of Commander. It's a great show. Episode 255 in the books next week. 256 Future Dan will be back
Starting point is 00:57:25 first show of February have a good night Thank you. I am paying for this microphone. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at you you you you you

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