The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Patriot Power Hour #261

Episode Date: May 8, 2024

Each week on Patriot Power Hour, Ben ‘The Breaker of Banksters’ and Future Dan explore the latest Liberty, Security, Economic & Natural news, providing the situational awareness needed to execute ...your preparedness plans.Questions, Feedback, News Tips, or want to be a Guest? Reach out!Ben “The Breaker of Banksters”@BanksterBreaker on Twitter; DethroneTheBanksters@protonmail.comFuture Dan@FutureDanger6 on Twitter

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Not too long ago two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee, a businessman who had escaped from Castro. And in the midst of his story, one of my friends turned to the other and said, we don't know how lucky we are. And the Cuban stopped and said, how lucky you are. I had some place to escape to. And in that sentence, he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here
Starting point is 00:00:45 there's no place to escape to this is the last stand on earth this is the last stand on earth the last stand on earth Stand on Earth. © BF-WATCH TV 2021 ¶¶ You are now listening to the Patriot Power Hour. This live episode features the situational awareness you need to practice self-reliance and independence. Introducing your hosts, Ben, the Breaker of Banksters, and Future Dan, the editor of Patriot Power Hour, we are live May 8th, 2024, episode 261, Ben, the Breaker of Banksters.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Yeah, good to join you again, Bankster Breaker. Yes, sir, we got a full packed show today, it's 8th of May. What's really been hitting your radar in the. Yes, sir. We've got a full-packed show today. It's 8th of May. What's really been hitting your radar in the last week, sir? It's more of just a broad set of the same kind of headlines coming up. Some of them are black on red happening now, but those are the ones that frequently are. And a lot of topical news. I get the sense that there's maybe a hysteria
Starting point is 00:03:10 about how bad things could get at any minute compared to the actual concrete headlines that show things are bad. Those aren't there right now. Yeah, we're not seeing actualizedized dangerous headlines now there are a couple on here we'll go through the news but as always there's a couple high level for sure but like you said economically and geopolitically specifically we're not seeing world war three we're not seeing great depression 2.0 right now economic column is empty tonight
Starting point is 00:03:40 yeah it is and uh markets have been relatively flat and uneventful the last week as well so everyone's just kind of bobbing along the national debt continues to rise but seems like that's okay so we have this measure of our economy called gross domestic product why isn't there like a well understood broad three letter acronym term for the opposite the debt gross domestic borrowing right wouldn't you know i think okay there there's no easy way to talk about the you know rate of increase of federal government deficits rate of increase of federal government deficits, rate of increase of national debt. And what's the simplest term you could think of that you could just throw out there in your conversation as opposed to GDP? Which when I was younger, it was gross national product. They changed it to gross domestic.
Starting point is 00:04:43 I went to high school. It was GNP. It became GDP after that and just stayed that way. younger it was gross national product they changed it to gross domestic i i went to high school it was gnp it became gdp after that and just stayed that way it's what everybody talks about it's what bloomberg radio is constantly coming back to the growth the growth the healthy gdp feds thinking about the gdp why isn't there an opposite term to to represent the very negative aspect of of our debt it's not as sexy i guess to talk about the debt we want to talk about the growth if you're the cnbc's of the world trying to sell things and the brokers and the whole machinations i guess what i've always thought is very underrated is real gdp and that takes into account inflation but then I'd also like to put in debt
Starting point is 00:05:27 so really let's just take the GDP minus inflation or controlling for inflation and then also controlling for debt maybe at least for foreign holdings of our debt at a minimum because a lot of a lot of the harvard economists say oh we're just borrowing to ourselves here in america it's not that big of a problem well great great percentages overseas so anyway long story short if you're growing five percent per year gdp that sounds really really good and actually the at the Atlanta Fed came out and said the GDP rate is four plus percent, which is allegedly really good. But are they truly taking into account inflation, number one? And what about the borrowing? If you borrow 5% of your GDP worth and then your GDP is only 4%, then that's negative 1% compared to what you borrowed compared to what you got back. That's not even accounting for inflation.
Starting point is 00:06:26 So that sounds confusing and it's not really quick to action, so maybe we need to do that. GDP, I think you leave it alone. Do you trust all the underlying inputs? That's a different question. But just as a measure of the economy,
Starting point is 00:06:42 GDP is a well-established macroeconomic concept, right? There just isn't a well-established macroeconomic concept for inflation, we know. Inflation has many terms and many ways to measure it. But the growth in debt, right? Positive and negative you know debt growth because if you had that term eventually one would hope we could turn this around and we'll have that that number will become negative and that's all it takes to have a real boom economy during both
Starting point is 00:07:19 of our lives you know is is a significant negative whatever that term is. Maybe I'm exposing my ignorance in macroeconomic terminology, but I never hear of a term that measures the percentage rate of national debt, of gross domestic debt, the GDD. Gross domestic debt. Well, they do say debt as a percentage of GDP, and that's like at 120 that's even indicator in future danger but but yeah i think there's no succinct way of speaking of this right it really wasn't as needed until the last 20 or 30 years never really was there wasn't just like crazy crazy huge percentage
Starting point is 00:08:02 of of the budget being dead you know there was there were deficits absolutely before 2008 there were but it was totally different you know that the difference was uh at the end of the 80s into the 90s uh many many many more people were you know macroeconomically literate and and the whole world watched the debt that came out of reagan's presidency through bush and into clinton and then the the gingrich congress did things about it when they gained power made compromises with clinton and uh the jet the debt trajectory was going down right you know and then when the next bush came in it it started to climb gradually but back then he would be attacked by his political opponents for you know the the the debt spending yeah so so that's the big change yes but but the economy got better when external actors in the economy knew that
Starting point is 00:09:08 we were further away from the problem the potential hockey club you know hockey stick kind of debt curve that we have now makes us get on every week on patriot power and anticipate that there could be a crash a major collapse financially. But we're not seeing that quite now. Now, the old adage is sell in May and go away, meaning sell your stuff as a financial, if you're a financial broker or work in the stock market or bonds, et cetera, sell in May, go on your vacations for a few months because, really, only bad things occur in the summer. And usually it's pretty quiet as well.
Starting point is 00:09:50 So we're seeing a little bit of a drain on some of the assets out there. We'll go through some of the prices in the news blitz. There's never been a major collapse in the summer, though. Right. Well, it's like, well, you don't need to be at work. You can sell in May and then just go away because not much is going to happen. And if anything, it'll be down a little bit and you can just come back in September and October. That's when it'll get kicked back into gear.
Starting point is 00:10:12 We might be seeing a little bit of that. Maybe this summer we'll be quiet. Maybe not economically. So gross domestic debt would account for perhaps not just public debt but private debt. There's an entire drain on the economy, right? Oh, great point. It's not just national debt. So if it's to be treated as a serious action within the macro economy,
Starting point is 00:10:38 and when the system has had too much, a collapse must occur, right? Everything goes on tilt then you know in theory it should be able to happen on any day of the year of any month of the year that true watch out in the summer watch out a day before christmas watch out it's not if if a crisis occurs on that kind of schedule you know that the powers that be have lost control. If it happens on some random July day and it's supposed to be quiet and everything goes crazy, then you do know it has gone out of control.
Starting point is 00:11:13 They haven't controlled the narrative. I'll definitely say that for sure. The last week of December, no one expects this then, right? What if it really does happen then? What if it happens right through the 4th of July weekend, a real financial collapse, the closing bell of the day before the you know federal holiday for independence day the the market's in free fall right i would say if it interrupts any of the banksters vacations
Starting point is 00:11:36 or holiday times a little bit of a sign that they've lost control because if they're in control of it they'll schedule it around their vacations and holidays that's totally true and this is well known in the industry as well that uh they purposefully i mean we've talked about collusion between the banks and different financial corporations they can be like well we're gonna have to deal with this probably have a recession here in a couple months but let's uh let's hang out in the hamptons for for a month or two first um but if but if they can't keep it under control similar like what you said with with uh geopolitically whether it's with taiwan whether it's the middle east otherwise if things are happening that don't have a pre-spun narrative by the media and by all the different sources out there,
Starting point is 00:12:27 then, oh man, it really may have come out of nowhere. There really may not be a plan behind it. Yep. Well, I'm hoping we can get the trajectory on this new concept. It's not even an accurate term. Gross domestic debt is an amount, not a rate. It's not even an accurate term. Gross domestic debt is an amount, not a rate. GDP is a rate of growth or negative growth, contraction.
Starting point is 00:12:52 So GDD would be maybe considered the same, right? Let's just say as of today, we just said whatever the gross domestic debt is versus gross domestic product, whatever that ratio is right now, let's maintain that ratio. gross domestic debt is versus gross domestic product. Let's just, whatever that ratio is right now, let's maintain that ratio. So if we grow 5%, then we can borrow 5%. But if we don't grow any,
Starting point is 00:13:13 we can't borrow anymore. Like if we, that'll, I know for a fact that that stasis would be broken almost instantly because we are
Starting point is 00:13:20 certainly borrowing more in the aggregate than we are growing. And that's why it's unsustainable. If it weren't, though, with our superpower status in the early 20th century, is there any reason why that status couldn't maintain itself for another 100 years? I think, well, it could kick it a lot longer than I've expected. But I think they've already been burning through 20, 30, 40 years of that credit.
Starting point is 00:13:45 So maybe they've got 60 years left. The world turned after 2008. Before then, it was... I say was sort of a rumblings, but you're right. I mean, 2008 was certainly... The debt wasn't spiking astronomically before 2008. From a debt point of view, you're right. COVID is what's really done it but uh that was an
Starting point is 00:14:06 accelerant for sure and and people look at the debt to um you know gdp ratio and look at world war ii we're still not at those highs as a percentage you're right you're right but we don't have any uh we don't have any ammo to spare financially like we did end up in another major war, we're already running huge deficits. We can't add a huge amount to it. But anyway, we could talk about this all day, but I think we've got to go to break, sir, and come
Starting point is 00:14:35 back to the news blitz. What do you say? Yeah, let's hit it. Alright, everybody, be sure to check out Patriot Power Hour, we're back. We're live every single Wednesday, 7 p.m. Eastern. Go check out some of our archives.
Starting point is 00:14:53 I think some of our COVID archives are really, really interesting to listen to after what's come out recently. We've got a couple articles in this news blitz that we'll be talking about. Maybe we were a little ahead of our times a few years ago. We'll see. Patriot Power Hour. We'll be right back. Thank you. Patriot Power Hour Interception February 1st, 2020, Episode 83
Starting point is 00:16:00 Really, the only way, now that impeachment is over, now that the Mueller investigation is proved void of any wrongdoing, the exposure of the Department of Justice deep state in the FISA corruption is well understood in the public. What do they got left? Something economic? Or is this virus coming out of china part of that now is the time for patriots to watch from now until november when it might be too late will those that supported trump in the past turn on him either by just not turning out or by literally changing their mind if not he's got a clean sweep i think and i don't feel like people that support him in the past have fallen off my own analogy with uh little mixed martial arts ufc you know we just got through
Starting point is 00:16:59 the fourth round of a five round championship and we're going into that fifth round and that's election season that's election season that's championship rounds right the democrats are down four zero in the cards so they need a knockout or they need a submission right they need that big big event and they need it quickly we are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Thank you. We'll be right back. this is the patriot power news blitz brought to you by this is future dan on may 8th 2024 7 22 p.m eastern bringing you the news as it is tonight state department hiding documents that credibly suggest covid19 lab leak that's according to house investigators bringing us to grade level two red news censorship that's the state department's
Starting point is 00:19:34 censorship from covid era black on red grade one news automakers confirm warrantless location data sharing with the federal government unreasonable search and seizure again proven normalized in the usa column two on the russian front french president vows to send troops to ukraine if russians break through front lines as the ukrainian army retreats this spring shortly afterwards news of the french foreign legion commanded by french officers sent to the ukrainian front so that's a nato force in the country more chinese illegals apprehended at southern border in two days than in all of 2021. Categorizing that as grade 5 topical news under the future danger indicator. Advanced force operations suspected.
Starting point is 00:20:37 41% of voters think civil war likely within five years. Carrying that under the indicator insurrection declared article about who is funding university unrest that's filed under foreign black ops suspected column three there is no economic news that points to any immediate dangers tonight and column four astrazeneca pulls covid vaccine from the european market vaccination effects have been exposed finally deadly flooding across the globe haiti brazil Brazil, Kenya, dozens of lives taken in flooding. Nature is relentless. That's it for the news blitz.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Ben, the breaker of banksters, will now bring us some context economically in lieu of actual headlines indicative of dangerous news. Yeah, let's take a quick look at some of the financial stats recently. Again, no big news out right now from that perspective. But we did see the Atlanta Fed suggesting that GDP is growing at an annualized rate of 4.1%. That's still a preliminary number, and we've seen those numbers revised down but the most recent gdp number these are real gdp numbers real election year gdp we're looking at about two percent in q1 so ending march 31st just about a little more than a month ago two percent real
Starting point is 00:22:27 growth that's down from allegedly five percent real growth q3 last year so july august september of last year allegedly five percent real growth annualized rate now down to under two percent which is the lowest of the last five quarters some some of that was covid uh welfare running out for people i think a lot of this is still effects of that it took three plus years for all that stimulus to work its way through that's why the inflation has been rearing its head a little bit delayed reaction too many dollars chasing too few goods yeah and but i will say this and you've said this before america does is a badass economic engine so even with all this horrible crap there are some real growth stories out there it's just a lot of it's far and few between and a lot of it is uh you know could easily reverse if interest rates normalize even
Starting point is 00:23:29 further meaning go up and or if there's not a a bailout the next time there's a freeze of the credit system what else do we have economically cpi that last came in again through march 2024 growing 3.5 which was hot that's the reason they left they didn't lower rates like they were hoping so 3.5 annualized inflation and that's really being led by kind of miscellaneous categories not the food and energy so if we do see in particular oil spike above 80 dollars then that'll be compounding but oil is right now at 79 dollars and about a month ago about this time last month it was at 87 88 which is definitely a red zone that's gonna cause some inflation in of itself but it's down 10 plus percent since then, but has a little bit of bounce back in the last few days. So long story short, inflation's still around. They can't lower rates,
Starting point is 00:24:33 but they're also seeing a lot of destruction from the high rates and the different banks under stress and failing and nearly failing. But right now apparently everything's okay it's kind of an equilibrium on that point of view the markets are flat not much activity the volume is real low let's look at the nasdaq for an example quite flat the last couple months and this doesn't have it right here but i know the volume has been pretty low, meaning there's not a lot of activity up or down. It's just going along to get along. So selling main, going away, I suppose. Gold, $2,300.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Silver, $27. I think both are still a decent buy, in my opinion. Bitcoin's just above $60Kk relatively flat from last week but down in the last month or two but but again economically everything uh is seems a little too quiet almost so a couple questions for you what kind of uh price increase on gold would you have to see to warrant the triggering of the future danger indicator of gold soaring? That's question number one. Okay. Question number two is on top of oil.
Starting point is 00:26:07 knowledge of history where the the potential of a president taking the strategic petroleum reserve during an election year and draining it to keep prices of gasoline low was was was shall we say um accused of an administration accused of even contemplating doing that right compared to this one who's who's clearly doing it with abandon. They just don't care. That was taboo at some point in time ago. When's your estimate of when that is? So two questions for you. Start with gold.
Starting point is 00:26:38 The actuarial admission, these are the actual numbers that actuaries do in insurance calculations, show at least a 20% increase in cost of goods from 2020 to 2024. 20%. Gold has not gone up 20% from its all-time high, at least, since then. Meaning, I don't think gold truly soars unless we're at least at $2,500, which we haven't seen yet. So it's at $2,300, and it's up for maybe $2,000. But what about rate of increase over a short period of time?
Starting point is 00:27:14 What constitutes soaring in your eyes? I think if we end up at $2,500 before the election, you can call that soaring. And we're pretty close to it. We're not there yet. But it would have to be at least higher than the rate of inflation. And it's not even there yet. Or 2,300, it's about there. It would have to almost add another 5%, 10%, 15% to be soaring.
Starting point is 00:27:36 And it doesn't sound like soaring. But gold, just like a couple percent move in a year is pretty huge in the gold market. So soaring is relative compared to Bitcoin, which goes up or down 10% in a year is is pretty huge in the gold market so soaring is relative you know compared to bitcoin which goes up up or down 10 in a day that's a little different you need like 100 increase to be soaring or crashing on that right um so gold though it's it's kind of been a laggard and took a little while to catch up but it's been been gaining steam and it got cut down a little bit in the last few business days but it's come back strong so people are still buying it out there i wouldn't call it soaring yet therefore that's why i kind of think it's still a decent buy now it would have been way
Starting point is 00:28:15 better if you bought it 1800 or 2000 but you know buying at 2300 now might be better than 2500 2700 3000 in a year two years three years so during a financial crisis we've seen gold prices get suppressed but if it ever spiked in a one month period what kind of percent gain in one month would you say no that's soaring that's like we haven't seen that before that's crisis indicator because it is spiking like never before. It would be more than 3%. I would say, yeah. I almost want to say like a 7% to 10%. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:28:53 What about the SPR and the political use of it? I never remember anyone ever using it, really planning to use it at all, let alone for political purposes like it was 2022 for the midterm election when like half of it was used up over a few months right and again it i can see where it was would be blasphemy or not even can't it can't put the national security at risk to lower gas by 30 cents. I don't know for a fact, though, if that was considered or just totally shot down in the 70s or whatnot with the oil crisis back then. I don't even know if they had that SPR back then, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Nixon used it. Okay. Yeah, but that was also during the 73 War in Israel. But through the 80s, after the Cold War ended, it was as if both sides would publicly accuse the other of contemplating doing it. And that was a powerful political charge against your opponents. And Obama didn't even do it. I think Trump grew up in that era where it was not something that was done. And for that matter, during his presidency, could he have even gotten it done?
Starting point is 00:30:18 Would the bureaucracy have even done it? But clearly, Biden's doing it, right? It wasn't just uh considering it he did it and he was pretty much said i wish i had the quote we'll go maybe if i could find out some name we could play it but i won't follow up on that i know that but he was saying he'll be able to fill it back up at a lower price so in a way he's trying to play oil trader here that is not what the reserve is for to try to you know manipulate the market command the right not command the market not for political purposes not to try to make a quick buck not to be a commodity trader with the u.s government's backing none of that is at all supposed to be what it's for. So just one example of what I would consider fraudulent activity going on in the markets.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Yeah, and think about the news in the Middle East in the last month. And then compare it to the early 90s when Saddam invaded Kuwait and we saw $100 a barrel oil briefly. and we saw $100 a barrel oil briefly, right? And I think it was George H.W. Bush that was under pressure to not win against Clinton by tapping into it to lower the prices. And what should the price of gasoline be right now if Biden wasn't doing that? And then what would GDP be right now if biden wasn't doing that and then what would gdb be right now if he wasn't doing that it would make a difference it would make a difference and some folks say and it makes sense that our reserves are still in the ground like if stuff
Starting point is 00:31:56 hit the fan within a couple months we can spin up all types of drilling throughout the country not refining that's a good point not Not refining. And number two, would the Biden administration and the EPA even allow that, even under emergency? There would probably be so many loopholes it would take three years to get the permits, even on an emergency authorization. Well, the right kind of emergency with the right kind of Congress could see the abolishment of the EPA. And if it comes down to a World War III situation or a Great Depression,
Starting point is 00:32:23 that might have to happen. Same with rare earth minerals. Actually, it's the exact same scenario where it's the refining that's the biggest problem. We have a lot of it in Utah and Nevada. We have all types of resources in America. Not even counting Alaska and our great ally to the north, Canada. Like, so many resources, but we don't go after them because of regulations. Hey, I don't want to destroy the
Starting point is 00:32:45 planet either and all that but uh let's just say our number one competitor china certainly is not being held back by any of the regulations we are and i don't want to be like china that's for sure but also those regulations are being used as a weapon against american people in a lot of ways so you got the debt clock up. I'm looking at all the numbers ticking, and every one of them is going up. How good would it be if any of those ever went down? Well, there are some revenue per citizen. If that goes down, it would be a problem.
Starting point is 00:33:19 The Keynesians say it's impossible for the debt to go down, and it shouldn't go down. And it would be a big problem if it went down down because it would be a Great Depression 2.0. So they think it's okay if debt rises as long as the growth is more than that, I suppose. My argument is that the growth has not been more than the debt and inflation for the last decade. Definitely not in the last few years. And that can be seen by things like the price of a new car, price of a home, college tuition, health care, which is one of my favorite sites.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Again, Hey, stock market is up a hell of a lot, but pretty much everything else is too. And all the low-hanging fruit has been picked already. That's the problem. Every dollar of debt you add is way more damaging than the dollar you added yesterday. In my opinion, when you can't service this debt and the interest rate is going up. The Keynesians, they probably still think we have some runway.
Starting point is 00:34:23 But all these numbers are degrading, and just over the last few years, all the ratios have certainly gotten worse, like debt to GDP, debt per citizen, debt per taxpayer. Those have all gotten worse. U.S. federal debt to GDP ratio. 1960, it was 53%. 1980, it was 35%. 2000, it was 53 1980 it was 35 2000 it was 58 today it's 122 and a quarter percent i'm looking at this
Starting point is 00:34:53 interest on debt net the total amount is increasing by about uh ten,000 per second. It's just screaming up every second higher and higher interest on debt. And that number is practically like China's defense budget, which China's defense budget has just grown multiple times in the last five years. And we're paying interest on our debt, you know that uh china can refund a lot of that not all of it but a good portion of it and the trade deficit which has also been in china's favor they're able to put that back into real resources real infrastructure and real military here's a us debt stat that is declining and
Starting point is 00:35:46 conceivably it's positive US trade deficit with China it's ticking down tonight it is quite a slow pace but it is slightly decreasing now it did peak and China's holdings of US
Starting point is 00:36:03 debt peaked a couple years ago. So they've been trying to slowly but surely divest and get away from the dollar after relying on it for a couple decades to grow themselves. And I'm like, all right, thanks for helping us out, turning us from the third world into your number one rival, and now we're going to leave your ass because we see that you're falling apart and we'll try to rebuild our own here. We got U.S. total national assets climbing at hundreds of thousands of dollars, millions of dollars a second.
Starting point is 00:36:37 But you're going to probably tell me that U.S. total national assets is skewed by all these debt numbers. So it shouldn't be trusted, right?'s tough it's tough the exact numbers shown here of course are uh guesstimates averages trying to piece together official information kind of in between it's not literally tracking every dollar of unfunded liabilities but they true it up often. But assets are going up, but debt's going up too. It's like, which one's going up quicker? If the assets were going up way faster than debt, then that's fine. We can have a lot of debt.
Starting point is 00:37:18 If we're growing gangbusters, it's not that big a problem. But it's not going very well. Let's just say that the debt, at worst, the debt is growing more than the real economy. And I think, and that's without a major depression. Imagine if we do have a 2008 type of financial crisis now. Then that debt's still going to be there, but all that growth will go away. Then we're in trouble, you know? $100,000 a second our U.S. total debt is growing.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Well, I guess, what? At least a few years of my taxes gone every second. So there you go. I funded the U.S. government debt in about a snap. That can't be sustained, can it? No, it's not. The crazy part is, though, a lot of other countries out there, in the West in particular, are even more upside down and screwed up. Like Europe and Japan are so messed up that the U.S. dollar actually hasn't collapsed that much.
Starting point is 00:38:27 The Japanese yen is down 40% or 50% compared to the dollar in the last few years. The Japanese economy is essentially collapsing now after 20 years of this modern monetary theory that they pretty much developed all the zero interest rates and all that with Japan for about 15 20 years and now they've run out of that and now everything's collapsing and they can't stop it because they used up all their all their trickery
Starting point is 00:38:56 really the Bank of Japan the equivalent of the Federal Reserve but in Japan now buys all the government debt there's no free market buying Japanese debt. It's only the central bank. So Snake is fully eating itself. And we're not that far away from that.
Starting point is 00:39:10 We have people that actually still buy our debt, but that amount is shrinking, and the Fed keeps buying a lot. So this website also has demographic numbers. It's tracking 336 million people are the u.s population 161 million are in the workforce 100 million are not and that 26 government employees out of the 161 million workforce. And the country also has, we have less millionaires in the United States than we do government workers. At 23.5 million.
Starting point is 00:40:00 So 200, nearly 300,000 less people are millionaires than there are government employees. Yeah, man. That is a huge amount of government employees. I wonder if that includes contractors. It must, but maybe it doesn't. No, that's not contract. No way that's contractors. That's civil service.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Jeez, local, state, and federal. 23 million. That's more than 10% of the workforce. I do believe that's... 15% of the workforce. I believe that's the entire Department of Defense, including the uniformed members. Probably teachers and everything, but that's a hell of a lot. Teachers? What teachers?
Starting point is 00:40:41 Government employees are teachers. Teachers are government employees. I'm not sure if it's in that but my point i took it for federal u.s government workers um it says government employees it doesn't you're right that could be state employees too i bet it would be that's still like 15 of the entire working population so it better include all that 58.7 million u.s retirees 8.3 million disabled working age people in the country 40 million food stamp recipients right no food stamps i think you'd be having some riots huh now these numbers don't aren't aren't calculated they're not running higher every second like
Starting point is 00:41:22 you know some of the others like the like the more non-demographic numbers. They can't get demographic numbers running in real time. So I wonder how often this website's updated. But if you take it for what it is, how far off could those numbers actually be? I presume they true it up at least once a year, if not a few few times a year whether that's a median new home or average new car or the like you said the the demographics unemployed it's probably entirely federal reserve statistics a good amount of this is directly from the bureau of labor statistics or other like yes commerce official numbers yeah which again we've talked all this that we've been
Starting point is 00:42:02 saying today is not even questioning the numbers. I believe the numbers are totally rigged. But even assuming the numbers are real, it's a bad situation. That's where we're at tonight. But there are no headlines. There's no crisis headlines on the heat map. There's a lot of other topics that we should probably uh address let's get after it um astrazeneca pulls covid vaccine from european market due to a rare condition or side effect
Starting point is 00:42:37 so they say uh is that how they're catching this yeah It's just a really rare... Let's put it up there. I was reading some... Damage to young people's hearts that caused it to get pulled. Unusual but rare blood clots were detected in a small number of immunized people. Yeah. This is in Europe, actually. In Europe, they're well down the socialist road but for better or worse they have some strong regulations with food and medicine
Starting point is 00:43:12 um and their e-regulators concluded astrazeneca's shot well the regulars concluded the shot didn't raise the overall risk but the doubts remained and because of that they decided to go ahead and pull it anyway the company did not the regulator yes so there's a little bit of safe face saving here the government's pretty much saying to astrazeneca get this out of here but we're gonna say that there was no damage done by it and then let you deal with the short-term blowback of being you know pointed to as having pulled this this i'm just waiting to see how many americans who took the shot or were very you know pro-vaccination can can wrap their heads around this now i mean it's it's getting pulled in europe because it's dangerous how long before our country what's what when does the fda pull off this this is switch this is kind of like the
Starting point is 00:44:11 whitewashing and like the half truth to cover the rest memory hole talking about because at the very end of this ap article they go on and say number one the billions of doses of astrazeneca vaccine were distributed to poorer countries through a un-coordinated program so you probably didn't get astrazeneca in the west um pfizer and moderna were later determined to have better protection and most countries eventually switched to them they did say that astrazeneca was used a lot early in the uk because it was developed at oxford but even the uk donated a lot of those to the international and then had the moderna and the pfizer the safer more effective ones later on so in a roundabout way they're saying well maybe this one wasn't as good but you probably didn't do it anyway. Don't worry. Pfizer and Moderna were good.
Starting point is 00:45:06 So, hey, there's no problems. I don't know. There's definitely some deep psychology here. Awesome opportunity to help red pill people who have been in denial. Yes. Yes. Red pill people who have been in denial. Yes. Yes. And we've talked about a lot of this stuff coming out in the last few months,
Starting point is 00:45:30 which is not good because I don't want it to be true. But it is true. So let's get the truth out. Let's see. We had those floods. And I know in America we've had a fair amount of tornado activity. But it is the spring. It is May.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Hasn't been extraordinary. Crazy activity occurs. Deadly, right? Exactly. Just a lot of damage. Resnick's floods, though. 55 dead in Brazil and 13 in Haiti, 228 in Kenya. Low-level news has been important to watch.
Starting point is 00:46:04 If there's any trends how about Ukraine how about French president vowing to send French troops, NATO members sending their own troops if the front lines are broken through if Russia is able to
Starting point is 00:46:18 press through, break through France is going to make up for World War II and hold the line themselves apparently macron is saying i don't know about that you think he would actually do that number one number two is nato gonna tell him to stop saying this stuff or they get or are they telling him to do this to kind of be the first one through and then other countries will follow along i don't think nato tells france what to do but france works within nato for sure so um 100 foreign legionnaires in ukraine is basically
Starting point is 00:46:59 surfacing a presence that russians had to have suspected was there all along including u.s special forces all the western special forces the british special forces must be advising and and training and directly supporting you know the ukrainian army so the russian is it's it's like um theater it's it's like making announcements on the public stage to show that you're doing something and we gotta carry it though. We gotta carry it as news because it's
Starting point is 00:47:35 crossing a threshold. It's like we're announcing now that we have troops, NATO troops in there, but it's the French Foreign Legion, so there's really a handful of French officers that are actually there, but the French President, I mean, regular troops will be sent there if Russia breaks through, he's saying, which would be a lot bigger deal, right?
Starting point is 00:47:50 Well, he considers French troops to be, you know, Foreign Legionnaires are French troops. Okay, but they're not, like, by the tens of thousands. Not yet. Not publicly. And, of course, if you're serving the French Foreign Legion, as long as you don't mess up you're you're gonna become a french citizen so here's a question for you um
Starting point is 00:48:11 ah if oh i forgot my question there's a second show in a row i forgot my question if you ever want to learn about the work man if you ever want to learn about the French Foreign Legion, though, you should read the book Mouthful of Rocks. It's about a Brit that joined the French Foreign Legion in the 80s. It was quite eye-opening to what that institution is. It's nothing quite like it on the earth. I should.
Starting point is 00:48:45 I need to do some more reading. I will say the... Oh, damn. I'm having blocks. I can't think of anything right now. Talk about too many different things at the same time. Yeah, I'm falling apart here. I'm looking at this more Chinese illegal immigrants thing,
Starting point is 00:49:04 but I wanted to say something about stupid France and their stupid... Oh, I remember falling apart here. I'm looking at this more Chinese illegal immigrants thing, but I wanted to say something else about stupid France and their stupid... Oh, I remember what it was. So if they're coming out now and admitting this, how long ago do you think they were actually in Ukraine? So if they're admitting it now... So two years. They're two years behind. So what's actually going on now that they're not going to admit for another two years?
Starting point is 00:49:21 That's what I was stumbling and bumbling to find. Nothing that the russians don't automatically uh suspect we're doing in the first place right so i i'm not when the history books are written and things get declassified it'll be interesting to know um how close the regime in ukraine was to collapsing when the russians first invaded right but the the air power and and the loitering munitions the the mortar fired loitering munitions and and and uh just the isr capability to just see the battlefield know where every russian is down to their heartbeat in in the country that is great it's been a you know it's like a video game with having the mini
Starting point is 00:50:06 map with everybody uh spotted red all the time and i mean it's pretty pretty easy to hold them off but they're in retreat this summer right and and abrams tanks that we gave have have proven you know ineffective because you know if if you're aware of the abrams tank it takes like a ground crew to run it it's like an aircraft right we don't put any warplanes in the sky without having dedicated maintenance crews to repair them and to ready them every single time they fly the abrams tank is not exactly that fragile but it doesn't go very long without needing you know help right and its fuel consumption is measured in uh gallons per mile not miles per gallon exactly yeah so now now there's russian abrams tanks or captured abrams tanks by the russians i think? I saw that.
Starting point is 00:51:05 All types of European vehicles. Some in pretty good condition, some blown to hell, but all on display in Russia. Here's what we're fighting against. All the different countries' material, if not men.
Starting point is 00:51:22 We only got a few minutes left. We've been going pretty pretty strong today time's flown automakers confirm warrantless location location data sharing with u.s agencies this was shtf level huge threat to liberty going on right now we've talked about this in different ways i think over time but what can you break down with regard to the automo automakers collaborating with the three letter agencies true fascism that's that's more than yeah more than uh or orwell could even imagine right that's that's the merger of uh corporation and state to subject the population and i don't think this is new at all this has been part of automaking for at least four decades i think it's it's pretty clear that the intelligence agencies in the deep
Starting point is 00:52:16 states needed back then to go to automakers to understand what you know can be done to vehicles so that they can do this because we exported we exported vehicles in the 60s and 70s and even through the 80s in a tremendous numbers so putting them overseas and then be able to you know conduct espionage on them made a lot of sense during the cold war but you know the digitization of vehicles now and just the the free handing of american citizen information to the government probably selling it it's probably under contract with with nothing seeming to stop it there's not a power in washington that that can you know muster any kind of opposition to this i mean there's voices in congress but it's you know just just uh you you obliteration of the fourth amendment is what what that is today if you buy
Starting point is 00:53:13 and use one of those cars i guess you're voluntarily obliterating your fourth amendment but it wasn't too long ago before people would have been outraged by this idea no more that's the that's definitely a tough thing when you do buy it you should know you do technically have they have to tell you all that they do and it's in that fine print but is there a way to buy a new car these days without this i don't think so it's not absolutely not so i would i would volunteer to buy a new car that didn't have all this shit, and I would probably pay more money for it, let alone strip down the technology, all the extra technology.
Starting point is 00:53:50 I should get a cheaper vehicle out of that. Could you even buy a phone that you can take the battery and the chip out of anymore? That's gone. It's been several years, I feel like, since you could take the battery out. So with the tracking of automobiles, it's been true for decades that certain antennae are built into the frame of the car. They can be pinged with certain signal assets to report back information about it. German automakers started to do this, unbeknownst to anybody, so that when Mercedes or BMWs went past certain sensors, the car would give away its maintenance status. And the owner would receive some kind of contact, phone, email, real mail, to tell them it's time to maintain their car. So there's like a commercial
Starting point is 00:54:45 purpose for this espionage but now it's just the barrier between that which arguably the manufacturer of the car has the right to install that and operate that if it's the terms and conditions of the private sale and contract between the buyer and the seller right absent any government interference that's that is the free market. But fascism, right? When you tear down the wall and the government now is working hand-in-hand
Starting point is 00:55:11 with the maker of products to spy on us, it's... Warrantless location data sharing. It's not like they've got a warrant. They think they've got three children in the trunk of this car and they need to try to find it on the interstate.
Starting point is 00:55:28 That's crazy enough in and of itself. But it's not even close to something like that it's warrantless and mass yeah they can reverse engineer anything they don't need a warrant for that bit of information because now they can detect you've you know under suspicion of a crime and fabricate another route yeah to to bring about the prosecution that's one of the things that pisses me off the most. People say, oh, I don't do anything wrong. I don't have to worry about it. I'm like, they could totally set you up. Don't you understand? You don't have to do anything wrong.
Starting point is 00:55:51 They could set you up, plant things. Once they actually know all your data, they can manipulate it. Actually, we literally only got like a minute left. I did want to talk about this, if we could. State Department hiding documents that credibly suggest covid 19 lab leak this is from house investigators house select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic has revealed that classified documents from the state department credibly suggest that covid 19 originated from a lab related accident in wuhan not a wet market like they were saying three or four years ago yeah um i wonder
Starting point is 00:56:28 what trump would do in a second term to gain control of a bureaucracy like that uh state department is the you know top of the list of the worst globalist infested bureaucracies that we have um it's one of the oldest departments in our federal government it's almost inconceivable not to have you got to have something performing the function of the state department right to have relations with other countries and it was i i i think at the end of the clinton's term they left their presence in the in the deep state under the control of the Democrat Party, we're seeing it 25 years later. They embedded it.
Starting point is 00:57:11 And now we have a major... I wanted to confirm this before I said it, but I thought so. Thomas Jefferson, first Secretary of State? He was. What do you think he would think about what the State Department is doing right now? I think we need some more amendments to the Constitution, I think.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Yeah, I think so, too. I lost my mouse, and we need to get out of here, so let me go try to find it. You got anything else to say for the show? Yeah, how are you going to end the show without a mouse? There you go. There you go, I found it. It was just behind the computer. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:57:47 So Patriot Power is usually relatively free of production issues and background noises and this and that in the background, but we're not immune from it either. No, not at all. Not at all, especially in the confined spaces as we are found right now. But with that said, let me get that music going, ladies and gentlemen. We'll be live next week, God willing. What do you say? The 15th of May will be next Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Yeah, we'll bear down straight through the end of the spring season in the middle of June. So we're at it. We're watching. Relatively calm night tonight, but we're here watching it, and we're ready to comment. We'll jump on any time if things go south in a hurry. Stick with Patriot Power Hour on the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Thank you.

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