The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Patriot Power Hour #263.5
Episode Date: May 22, 2024Each week on Patriot Power Hour, Ben ‘The Breaker of Banksters’ and Future Dan explore the latest Liberty, Security, Economic & Natural news, providing the situational awareness needed to execute ...your preparedness plans.Questions, Feedback, News Tips, or want to be a Guest? Reach out!Ben “The Breaker of Banksters”@BanksterBreaker on Twitter; DethroneTheBanksters@protonmail.comFuture Dan@FutureDanger6 on Twitter
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Patriot Power Hour, episode 263.5.
Slight technical issue, but we're back.
There was only like a 30-second cutout while we were on break, but it's all good.
It's time for the News Blitz, Future Dan.
It's a truncated News Blitz and a truncated show,
but we're going to go the full hour combining both episodes.
Here we go, all right?
Go for it.
The cryo-preserved dead arise.
I've never seen that indicator before on Future Danger,
but here it is in the actual article.
Frozen human brain tissue brought back to life.
In the actual article.
Frozen human brain tissue brought back to life.
In the economic sphere. Global bankers worry about soaring federal government debt.
This is under default.
Discussed by foreign bankers.
Russia launches tactical nuclear drills near Ukraine.
Also the Kharkiv, Kharkov offensive is picking up in Russia day by day.
I've been watching the reports day by day, taking block by block, township by county, by oblast.
They're pushing.
And as we mentioned, episode 263.0, I guess, the original one.
Not that many articles to go through today,
but one more future, Dan, I really wanted to touch on.
It may not be very dangerous in and of itself,
but as a sign of the times,
Biden cancels another $7.7 billion in student debt
for 160,000 borrowers.
More symbolic and kind of petty political points at best for those who believe that's good.
But anyway, that's about it for you, Dan.
Really a little quiet this week.
You know, that news about Biden is just background noise.
that news about Biden is, you know, just background noise, but it goes to the, you know, the attitude of, of, of at least him and his presidency, that the constitution is obsolete, that despite
being defeated in court, he just does it again. Right. So that, that's, you know, headed in the direction of various state,
very dangerous things,
setting precedent.
I'd be happy to give you my hot take on all the rest of those.
if that's where we want to go next,
let's do it.
Go for it.
All right.
So Russia is going to exercise its nuclear arsenal.
It does it intermittently.
It's impossible for us to not detect it when they do it.
Most of the time those are announced.
And it just shows a force, big shows a force.
And the militaries are doing that all the time.
So it's grade five topical kind of background.
But, you know, there's lots of civilians who don't necessarily think in those terms,
and they see that headline, and they worry a lot, right?
Now, that headline belongs on the heat map because if it's happening contemporarily with many other things, it all stacks up, right?
But we don't have those stacks of bad news tonight, thank God.
Cryo dead, rising.
The cryo-preserved dead.
Yeah, in the Book of Revelations, there is a discussion of the dead arising.
And there's certainly people trying to make it happen.
And this experiment is on that path, so it earns its way onto the heat map.
All of these end times types of indicators.
They're there.
They're not the only ones there, but they're there.
Not necessarily a piece of news that's going to lead directly to negative effects
for you and your daily life today,
negative effects for you and your daily life today,
but doing things with brain matter and energizing it and programming it
so it can be loaded onto devices,
including weapon systems,
that, you know, there you go, right, Terminator.
And finally, the article in column three for economics is mumblings, grumblings, beginning, you know,
we see a headline about foreign bankers talking about, you know, potential,
you know, what they're talking about is the potential for U.S. default,
What they're talking about is the potential for U.S. default, which we did discuss in the first piece of this segmented Patriot Power Hour episode.
So that indicator, it's not red hot tonight.
It's not a serious discussion, but it would become that if you saw, you know,
six or more other indicators in column three economics going to grade one SHFT or TF. Yeah, the fan. So it earns its way into the news tonight.
That's not a typical headline to have foreigners talk about the level of U.S. debt. So underneath the surface, as I'm sure you're eager to remind everybody,
is lots of economic news that could be a challenge to everybody's lifestyles for the rest of their lives.
It took us 20, 30, 50 years to get in this position.
It's going to take a few years to get out.
Before we go down that rabbit trail, which I'm always ready to do, I went into the cryo-preserved Dead Arise archive going back to 2017 and even before.
And there's actually been seven or eight articles since Patriot Power Hour's been a podcast.
And one of these articles was on the 14th of November 2017, which is like right around our first ever episode.
So you do a great job covering this wide swath of news,
and it does build a trend line over time, or at least maybe not a trend line,
but you can review how this topic has evolved over many years at this point.
Well, you do a great job teasing the products and services available from this show.
But what I suggest now for this episode, go ahead and read us the headlines and the year,
just the year from past to now as quick as you can to give us a feel in the last six, seven years,
what's happened in this arena of trying to preserve the dead or bring them back to life.
A lot of these early ones are claims from 2017.
Frozen brains were woken and transplanted,
or would be within three years, they predicted at that time.
Scientists overcome huge cryogenics obstacle.
Freezing and reviving humans is closer to reality.
And 145 human bodies are frozen in a desert facility
waiting for science to wake them up.
So not huge breakthroughs
at that point but we did in 2019 just before covid mind you doctors freeze and revive human
for the first time grade two second most uh serious type of article and really one of the most,
you know, the biggest breakthroughs here
in this entire set.
And from just a few months ago,
inside the deep freeze ambulance
where people go for life after death.
So people continue to freeze themselves
and seek ultimate science
by kind of traveling through time into the future.
But it has not proven to be true quite yet.
But hey, brain tissue has been brought to life.
So in the lab, we're starting to see bits and pieces of what was crazy science fiction seem to be coming true.
what was crazy science fiction seemed to be coming true yeah i wonder what billionaires have built basically a a tomb for themselves with some sort of backup power supply that that that their their
last will and testament you know has their estate put them in immediately under all kinds of pressure.
I mean, that right there could be a plot to a movie,
but we might not be too far away from,
like, if you got a lot of extra billions,
you know, why not give it a shot?
So that article from November 2019 I was mentioning,
kind of the most, you know,
the highest grade, grade two,
of all the news there,
is talking about how a patient
was killed, for lack of a better term,
and cooled to such a low level,
underwent a two-hour surgery,
and then warmed back up and brought back to life.
So at a minimum, those billionaires and maybe even trillionaires in true power,
they have access to, at a minimum, some crazy surgical techniques, life extension.
In terms of being able to freeze themselves indefinitely and being resurrected,
a little
different story i think but uh but they're doing it you know this is from the maryland school of
university of maryland school of medicine so it's uh not a crackpot theory heck it's a few years old
even well i think some of them are thinking in terms of hundreds and perhaps thousands of years.
You know, with enough time.
But if you can absolutely prevent the decay of the body,
what that would look like, I don't think we'll live to see.
But, again, people are trying.
It's a suspended animation. So they weren't saying that this suspended animation would last forever.
But any sci-fi junkie knows all about suspended animation.
And heck, I think that was in the original Alien.
But yeah, we'll keep an eye on all different types of news here in Patriot Power Hour.
Looking at the financial markets super quick.
Bitcoin's up a few thousand since last week.
They touched 70,000, but it's down to just over 69K. Gold was at about 2,400. It's down just a
little bit off that, but gold right near its all-time high. Silver's been a big winner in
the last week. It's $31 right now now and it was just like 27 28 bucks this
time last week so it's all right that's you know big time movement in just a week oil though been
pretty flat to down which is good you know we don't want oil to be three figures it says 77
and uh, the markets, meaning the stock markets, near all-time highs.
Dow Jones even crossed $40,000 before retreating a little bit.
So not a ton of activity in terms of volume, except for in the Bitcoin gold and silver market.
There has been outsized volume, but the rest of the market's a little sleepy
heading into late May and Memorial Day weekend.
Any other indicators you have interest in diving into?
Maybe do a few retrospectives
on ones we anticipate won't stay quiet for long.
Yeah, let's get into that.
Let's see here.
I'm going to have to find some that are...
You want me to go look for some indicators
that perhaps haven't come up for quite a while
and we can try to see if they'll come up this year?
Yeah, as a matter of fact, that would be great.
And by the way, if you sort...
There's a sort in the columns of Future Danger. The homepage scrolls way, way, way down to the bottom.
And every indicator in the 492 indicators originally designed for the website are present.
And they're sorted in the order.
website are present and they're sorted in the order.
Once you get into the blues, the calms, there are no news,
which tonight is all but a handful of the indicators.
The ones that are nearer to the top have been more recently active,
and the ones that have never been activated all are sitting at the bottom.
So I'm going pretty much to the very bottom, not all the way,
but these have seen little to no activity.
And I actually found one that just popped out to me, and I can confirm it has no previous articles,
but I could see this maybe having one before end of the year.
You ready?
Accused, suffered trial by predisposed jury.
What else is going on with Trump right now?
Yeah, yeah.
Well, we'll see how severe that actually comes.
I mean, that's a tough call, right?
Would he win a court case?
Would he win a, I believe,
off the top of my head,
Sixth Amendment case at the Supreme Court
for what's happening right now?
I mean, what that indicators for
is just absolute show-top trials
where, you know,
the Fifth Amendment due process,
many Sixth Amendment rights
are just simultaneously just getting thrown right out.
So there is this facade of, you know,
constitutional legal order in that courtroom in New York right now.
Maybe if he gets that conviction, we're going to activate that indicator.
That's kind of what I was thinking of, to be honest.
I was like, if that conviction
happens, that's where I
would see.
Let's go down. There's a lot
of these that seem like
they won't happen unless stuff really hits
the fan, but that's why
they're there, such as nuke
commanders relieved,
troops ceded to a foreign power.
Do you see either of those ever happening?
And if so, under what circumstance?
Well, they're different.
They've got a different nature about them. A nuclear commander, meaning, you know, pretty much an admiral or an Air Force general
responsible for forces that are nuclear, like the submarine fleet or bombers, ICBMs, that happens.
I mean, those people, like you said earlier in one of the two parts of this show, I believe the first part, that human events with perfectly reasonable explanations, those occur.
Sometimes those units get inspected and fail their inspections,
and the commanders are going to be relieved.
It's happened before.
going to be relieved it's happened before so that indicators nature is more um for accompanying other okay you know major major geopolitical events if we were in you know something close to
where we were with the cuban missile crisis and then nuclear commanders were getting relieved
first of all they they definitely classify it.
But if that news broke, it'd be highly destabilizing.
But if, you know, someone gets relieved tomorrow because someone loaded a warhead onto a plane that flew somewhere and it shouldn't have, that's happened before. And if it happened in isolation, it would be just that.
It'd be in isolation it would be just that it'd be in isolation now
feeding troops to foreign command is now that's a totally different kind of indicator right that we
know you know it's reasonable to to ask the question would would future danger even be
allowed to be on the internet or would there even be an internet that regular people could access
if that was happening right so that one that one probably can never get to grade one stuff hits the
fan black on red happening now but you can get news that's stepping its way in that direction
before there there's a total blackout.
You know, grid down, there's no future danger.
Total censorship of the net or kill switch, there's no future danger, right?
So the indicator system, 492 of them, different indicators have different natures about them.
To answer your question, though, I don't see the former could happen at any time.
You got to look at the context and the latter is hard to envision it being on future danger
happening, you know, and still have a future danger going on. It'd be a scenario where,
you know, and still have a future danger going on.
It'd be a scenario where, you know, the White House has absolutely capitulated,
or there is no White House, or there is no president elected, and some parts of the country start ceding their forces like National Guards to, you know,
under the influence of another country.
You know, really, you know,
you know, Red Dawn kind of stuff.
It keeps screaming out in my mind,
ah, what if we just cede our troops' material and checkbook to Ukraine and Israel?
I'm sure there's some sort of laws involved
where we're not technically ceding anything.
But gosh, it sure seems close.
That's a monetary frame of mind.
That's not like a true power frame of mind.
Ceding troops to a foreign nation
means putting them into command
of commanders of another country.
I don't see U.S. military going under the control of Ukraine anytime soon.
Here's one that's at the very, very bottom, but I think is already, yeah.
I mean, this one I can almost guarantee will be activated.
It's just what level will it be?
But I can see this being SHTF.
Pickets at federal property criminalized.
After the election, especially if Trump loses and especially if it seems suspect,
there's going to be a lot of demonstrations, hopefully peaceful,
but I could absolutely see them taking a preemptive,
especially in the federal jurisdictions,
dropping the hammer on people,
really either just totally banning that or trying to,
or maybe even arresting people outright.
Pickets at federal property criminalized.
Well, let's decompose that.
So criminalized means that at least the popular branches of government,
either in this case at the federal level,
Congress and the president passed and signed a law to make that so.
So, you know, some of the early warning headlines that would cause that to go from green to yellow,
orange, red, would be attempts at that.
The first one would be, you know, people in Congress proposing it, right?
you know, people in Congress proposing it, right?
States could probably pass, some of these states could probably pass it.
Nothing has stopped California from passing a lot of criminalizing tickets around federal property, right?
So how widespread is it and how far along is it?
You know, will the indicator get activated in the near future?
Will it get fully actualized?
That's going to take a much bigger crisis.
Great point.
There would have to be courts would, you know, if courts ever stopped functioning,
then that stuff could happen at least on a temporary basis.
Well said all around.
Another way to put
it, and we say it here often, is how
Mad Max do you
want to get? How Mad Max do you want to get?
Alright, Future Dan, I'm going to roll an ad
for about 41 seconds,
plus or minus a couple seconds,
and then we'll come right back.
We can finish the show. What do you say?
Let's do it.
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Select a shipping trigger and that's it.
And essentially, future Dan,
this is the concept of daily cost averaging or dollar cost averaging where you just buy a little bit of a
stock every day or put a penny into a piggy bank or buy you know 2.3 rounds of nine millimeter
every day and it's all set up there's no extra fees it looks like a pretty cool deal does it select these set standards on like above that price i'm not buying below that price
i am there are 60 different caliber options in terms of like it being an auction system no i
don't believe it's like like that um i think it's more of a set price so you say
i don't know 100 rounds of x caliber for 129.95 and you want you know that order every three
months and then splits it up in payment so that is idea, though, to kind of have an auction, find the best price, and
kind of does that.
But no, I don't believe that.
I know that you've done this with crypto yourself, setting orders on ceilings and floors and
letting it ride.
What's that term in markets when you electronically trade that way yeah one that i like to use is it's a limit order and it's very
straightforward it just says if the price hits this i buy this many units and then if the price
is this i sell this many units you have the, or it can be the opposite, or it can be the same, depending on how you structure it.
A stop loss, where let's say you have something and it drops in price.
Instead of you buying more, like you might want to do with gold and silver and ammo and Bitcoin,
you actually want to sell it.
You want to cut your dead weight and you actually sell more
potentially. So anyway,
this would be more of a limit order
or the thing with that though is you need
a market
of all different types of
sellers and vendors offering
all these different prices in real time
which can certainly be a lot more
difficult for the ammo market
in that regard.
So I don't think it has that, but good prices at least.
Why couldn't one source, one vendor, you know, set its prices as it needs to
and let users subscribe with limit orders?
Maybe we're throwing that out as an idea for someone to pick up and run with
but locking in your prices now
and ordering them so that
it fits your budget
pretty wise strategy
in these times
I think so
and I've
let's just say I loaded up on some ammo
a couple few months ago I still have a good portion but I've
I've used a little bit of it and I'm hoping to go you get a little more range time this summer so
might have to hop there myself by the way there is some free ammo I think 75 round box for free
when you start up let's go look at the exact details before i butcher it
first off free shipping over 250 bucks um no minimum to buy no membership no extra fees
and this is factory new ammunition it's not like they're you know reloading it in their shed in the
back um so yeah i'll i'm gonna get a little bit more familiar with them with them and
maybe even buy some through them myself like i said i've stacked away a lot of ammo in my time
but but i've also started to use some and that is a uh asset that you got to rotate over time so
might as well purchase it in little increments too. Totally.
So, my take on the President of Iran's
helicopter going down
is it doesn't even rate on
the indicator
Israeli-Iranian war
We've had that news in many recent
weeks, and
one can ask the question, did the Israelis bring that helicopter down?
I'm sure it was immediately asked by billions of people on the planet in the back of their mind, if nowhere else.
And so let's analyze that.
Let's analyze that.
If that happened, and the Israelis could do that to the Iranians, I think the possibility of an Iranian-Israeli war is lower
because clearly the Iranians have no way to respond in kind, right?
True overmatch, right.
There's overmatch.
They'd be truly power.
with what the Israelis and
our intelligence agencies did with Iranian
centrifuges, it's
entirely plausible that
that helicopter was brought down
as a message,
as a show of force
in the low-intensity conflict arena.
Of course, there's a war going on all the time
with all the Middle Eastern countries at some level
working against Israel,
but that doesn't make the news map tonight.
So again, pretty calm night in this late May 2024 early summer evening.
That it is.
That it is.
A couple things I wanted to get into on my own prepping.
I purchased something that I think is just so important to have
and maybe people don't give it its true importance
when stuff hits the fan.
You ready?
An extra pair of bug-out boots
and an extra bug-out bag.
I already have a really nice pair of boots
that I've used for all of our different excursions, whether it's Gotham
Get Out, Ozzer Highland, Dark Trail March.
Really, Ozzer Highland is about the time I broke in that pair of boots, and it's still
in pretty good shape.
But I went ahead and spent $200 on some Made in America, badass, essentially what they,
not even essentially, literally the same sort of boots they give to deploying soldiers,
waterproof as well, so a little upgrade.
And I went for a couple of runs and hikes with them this week.
They fit like a glove, and I'm just so happy that if power goes out,
you're going to want an extra pair of boots.
I also got another bug-out bag.
Power goes out, you're going to want an extra pair of boots.
I also got another bug-out bag.
And this is another big reason for this is the old two is one, one is none.
I often would bring my bug-out bag into my car and then bring my boots into the car.
Then I'd have to take it out of the car. Now I can just leave them in the car.
And if I have to leave some stuff behind or I can't carry it all,
I know I have the same duplicate set at home or if I lose something or whatever.
So in other assets I've been buying, I've been buying even in triplicate different types of preps.
So I just wanted to kind of just get that out, some prepping I'm doing.
Get that out.
Some prepping I'm doing.
And over Memorial Day weekend, I'll also be reassessing all the packs of my bags as well as my food situation.
I think I'm going to double down on some food storage this summer.
So I wanted to have that out there.
There's nothing like good footwear to have, especially if there's no more vehicles or electricity. You're going to want to have some good boots man
yeah yeah and doing an inventory this time of year and checking out what you have what you don't have
and looking at prices of things looking at quality of things you bought all that online though that's
my my concern is i mean it's a hassle right part of, I guess, in the post-COVID era
where e-commerce really tipped
to being the predominant way people buy
and the consequential situation
that there's just less brick and mortar,
less opportunity to go to a store,
get hands-on touch feel uh maybe you bought this in person you know and saw before you bought it but
i'm i'm i'm guessing here you ordered it and either way if you order it you got to uh
gotta be prepared to muck around what if you didn't get what you wanted right so
prepared to muck around what if you didn't get what you wanted right so yeah definitely a risk definitely especially with clothes i prefer to get hands-on i prefer to shop more strategically
like making lists of exactly what my needs are and making sure i can go and touch it feel it try it on
look at its quality compare it with others before i buy. But I don't know.
Maybe it's a generational thing.
You happy with what you got?
Did you buy it online?
So the boots were the exact same manufacturer as the original boots I had,
which I actually did buy in person. And they fit so well that I just blindly trusted that the same fit for the same size.
And it was.
Maybe a little lucky there.
bag was all online
and that was a little bit more of a
let's just go with the reviews.
What I do as best as possible
is go on Amazon,
find two or three
of the best versions of what I
want and then go find somewhere else
to buy them, if possible.
Now, if Amazon's like
30% cheaper
than buying it direct from them on their website,
which happens, it's rare.
I have occasionally bought
through Amazon, but the point is these boots
were the exact same price on Amazon as they were
directly from the manufacturer, and like I said, they were made in
America. Belleville, actually,
was the brand of boots um so I bought it directly from the manufacturer cut out freaking
Bezos but I used him to research and go by the reviews I think Amazon has great search functionality
great reviews but I try not to actually purchase through them but I it is a little generational too
like I'm just I'm willing to roll the dice a little bit more.
That's burned me here and there,
but it is what it is.
So I want to touch one other topic tonight for,
you know,
with the absence of news,
maybe something more philosophical.
So if you look at the
history of humankind,
where we came from,
how we came out of
the Paleolithic
the earliest stone tools, skins,
thick bone,
that kind of
early man lifestyle
to where we are today
the entire progression of human history
there's been just this hope and aspiration
in all the communities
all the villages, the tribes
for centuries
that things are getting better.
We're on a forward path.
We're progressing.
Generation after generation, we're better off.
We have better tools and clothing and food supply is secure.
And I would suggest that in the mainstream population,
it doesn't listen to prepper
broadcasting networks, that, you know,
to entertain the idea of becoming a prepper, to need to be a prepper,
somewhere on a subconscious level, many, many people reject it.
Because, you know, if you have to prepare,
then everything in the course of human history
is, you're going to be alive at the time when it all goes backwards.
It's so
cognitively painful
on a subconscious level for people that they don't want to go there.
They don't want to think about it.
And what I would suggest is if you look at that entire history,
especially in the first part of it,
there was a lot of need to be constantly prepared
because things could go dramatically worse in whatever tribe you're in,
whatever village you're in, you know, however your subsistence living, you know, you're at risk,
right? And so there's some of us that have a subconscious kind of drive to be ready for that.
kind of drive to be ready for that.
But I think it's probably hard-coded into populations, and it's probably going to be a minority.
It probably was in ancient times, the minority,
who always kept their eye on everything's good now,
but where are we going to be?
How ready are we if it stops being good and gets bad real fast?
So that's kind of just philosophical thoughts that I have tonight
about prepping on a world history timeline in a very macro point of view.
Yeah, there's a lot of defeatists out there
or those who would say people like us are defeatist
because we're not prepping.
But I consider them defeatists
because they've given up the good fight.
They've given up fighting against the tyranny
and all the bad stuff that's gone on in history.
They think that's not going to happen again
or it's not happening now. Of course it's going to happen. It's pretty on in history, they think that's not going to happen again or is not happening now.
Of course it's going to happen.
It's pretty clear.
And if they're not preparing, then they're going to be part of the problem,
not the solution.
So they've already given up.
They're defeatists.
That's kind of my definition in a roundabout way.
I wish more had that hard coding of being prepared.
You got to think that's a massive evolutionary perk.
Those who prepared lived longer.
But maybe we haven't had the need for that as much,
at least maybe not since the Great Depression,
where if you're not prepared, you will die in America.
since the Great Depression where if you're not prepared, you will die in America.
Even then, you may not totally, you know,
might not be guaranteed to die if you weren't prepared.
But it's way different now.
People are definitely not prepared today.
People have, I think, the average is like $1,500 saved.
Most people can't afford a few thousand dollar emergency.
And with AI coming to lay everybody off, the debt spending out of control,
and we're not even out of depression yet.
It's going to take a lot of welfare, a lot of money printing.
And universal basic income is what's going to come out of it pretty much is how I look at it,
which will be more welfare state and more debt spending.
And a proposed postponement of the actual correction that our markets are long past receiving.
It'll maybe get worse down the line and here's a only a couple minutes left on the second segment of episode 263 but prepping is a great long-term solution that promotes
long-term growth because those short or even medium lengths of time where things go wrong
for whatever reason if you could get through that without taking too much damage to your population and too much damage to your actual capital.
And by capital, I mean factories, infrastructure, power plants, like capital C capital, not like money necessarily.
money necessarily. If you could hunker down, keep your people educated and fed and healthy,
and keep your infrastructure from being torn down either by socialists or by war,
then you can come out of it and kick some ass. And humanity is pretty resilient.
So that's what I'm hoping to do personally. And I like that for humanity where we face up to all the crap we got to, we try to get through it and we can kick some butt on the other end.
But yeah, kicking it down the road is only going to make it worse
and give them more power over those who will cede it to them.
Before tonight, this late May 2024, things are calm.
this late May 2024, things are calm.
That's the news tonight is from a pure spectrum of dangerous news,
things are calm.
Lots of political news out there, lots of rumblings,
lots of reasons to keep on prepping.
But in terms of actionable intelligence of things are about to go down real bad,
we're pretty far away from it.
And the good news is these things, you know,
the heat map dashboard kind of does this.
It goes cool, but then it heats up.
But it's always been gradual.
It would take some extraordinary event out of the blue to crack that heat map all black on red for next week.
But it's possible.
Keep on prepping.
Keep on prepping while it is Memorial Day weekend.
Respect for all those who
gave their lives for the country.
That's another reason to
keep prepping and keep the American
dream alive. Future Dan,
enjoy your weekend,
and I'll see you live next Wednesday, all right?
Don't forget the boys on Omaha Dog Green and what they went through on June 6th.
We're going to come back and talk about that
and possibly get into some worldwide arms training analysis
as we previewed last week.
Good show, Ben. Thank you. I am paying for this microphone, Mr. Steve.
Thank you for listening to the Prepper.