The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Patriot Power Hour #268 - Season Premiere!

Episode Date: July 3, 2024

Each week on Patriot Power Hour, Ben ‘The Breaker of Banksters’ and Future Dan explore the latest Liberty, Security, Economic & Natural news, providing the situational awareness needed to execute ...your preparedness plans. Questions, Feedback, News Tips, or want to be a Guest? Reach out!Ben “The Breaker of Banksters” @BanksterBreaker on Twitter; Future Dan@FutureDanger6 on Twitter

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Not too long ago, two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee, a businessman who had escaped from Castro. And in the midst of his story, one of my friends turned to the other and said, we don't know how lucky we are. And the Cuban stopped and said, how lucky you are. I had some place to escape to. And in that sentence, he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here,
Starting point is 00:00:46 there's no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. This is the last stand on Earth. The last stand on Earth. Sous-titrage ST' 501 ¶¶ You are now listening to the Patriot Power Hour. This live episode features the situational awareness you need to practice self-reliance and independence. Introducing your hosts, Ben, the Breaker of Banksters, and Future Dan, the editor of
Starting point is 00:02:32 Patriot Power Hour, we are live. It is the summer season premiere, July 3rd, 2024, episode 268. Time is flying. Ben, the Breaker of Bank Banksters here with future Dan. And you, of course, weren't off of air last week narrating the debate live with James Walton and Dave Jones. It's been nearly a week since that debacle. What do you think you saw and what do you think is happening tonight?
Starting point is 00:03:10 It was affirming to me that what I saw with my own eyes and what we all agreed we had seen that night, six nights ago, I guess, for the Trump versus Biden debate, that it was a total meltdown of Biden. And this time, the media reported as such, and the social media erupted as such. The emperor had no clothes, it felt like. I was like, wow, I saw it with my own eyes, and this time people actually agree.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Now that's a problem, because I see a lot of other things people have disagreed with, and when they start to agree, whether that's nuclear war, economic collapse, big pharma takeover, surveillance state, all down the line, well, then you know that we're prepping these days, huh? Yeah. It's pretty ironic tonight though we have five headlines that rate on the heat map dashboard so it's almost like what happened to in the whole world has just stopped and observed the debacle in in in the democrat party having nominated someone who's clearly onset alzheimer's
Starting point is 00:04:29 dementia and may not live out this term let alone another term right and just the just recognize the the power that the democrats have is to absolutely ignore something and then all get together and recognize something in a certain way to their favor constantly. Lockstep, just a mega disciplined approach from their grassroots voters straight through to the top. And they can't do that this week, can they? It's chaos no way but they did snap to group think that we need to get rid of biden because we're going to get our ass kicked by trump they did all agree on that and then it was chaos after that yeah but the biden's don't agree with that tonight they don't but i'm pretty sure most of the democrat voter base and you know power structure
Starting point is 00:05:28 leadership whatever you want to call them if they had a decent candidate they would have already i think tried to sub out joe but no joe wants to stay that's what it seems like he really wants to be in there now is this some sort of 4d chess where they want to really sink the country under biden's watch you know or or what are they gonna hoover trump we talked about that on the debate show as well so there's a lot of uh unknown answers but i always thought it was a really bad idea to have this debate i knew trump Trump would wipe the floor with him, but it was way worse. And honestly, Trump didn't even go that hard. He didn't even push the pace too much.
Starting point is 00:06:11 He kind of just let Joe wither. And it was just a huge strategic mistake by the Biden campaign. And then I almost wonder if the deep state let that happen. They must have known the quote unquote deep state. They must have known that Biden would have had no chance to look like an idiot. So you've got to wonder if they didn't let it happen for some reason.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Yeah, I don't know about that let that happen. There's a plan. There was a plan. There is a plan. The great big secret they. I think it's Biden's wife and son. As long as he's alive, it doesn't matter what anybody else wants to have happen. There's three states where arguably, and it will be argued in court,
Starting point is 00:06:59 that he can't be changed off of them. And once he's recognized recognized on ohio's ballot absolutely no way they can change that name on the on the ballot according to ohio state law so deep state the days you know there's there's certain you know checks on reality another check on reality since we last air was presidential immunity for official acts right i mean it's pretty clear it's just article two power of the presidency right so you know supreme court came down with that the democrats kind of got a one-two reality check and and i i just i i cannot conceive of how it it really does go beyond the bidens who are all alive in the white house that you know with joe you know you're barely sentient sentient but alive as soon as they pass certain dates it's it's a foregone conclusion who the the ballot is
Starting point is 00:08:00 the only way out of it is only way out of it is Harris to do the 25th Amendment. And she certainly could if most of Biden's cabinet secretaries went along with it. So there's like a power struggle inside of the government on that front, I'm sure, right now. Surely going on right now. They better resolve it quick because like you said by default it's going to go with biden and maybe harris and i don't think harris would do too much better so you came i mean as you said it was just as you see it it's very simple to a lot of people they get into tizzy and i guess don't see the simplicity or you've just studied this and know what you're
Starting point is 00:08:45 talking about but it's pretty straightforward power of the presidency and official acts as president you have that immunity you've been saying that you said on the show multiple times in the last year talked to us through that and how this is all a sham, what was going on with Trump. And look, the Supreme Court pretty much went right through it. Similar to where, almost a mirror image, where folks on our side of the aisle, if you say it, thought, oh, they're going to be able to totally overturn the election. And you, I forgot which show we went on. You and I were guests on a show just after the election but before the inauguration.
Starting point is 00:09:32 And you laid out to them how that's not how it works. It's at the state legislator level, the electoral college, all that. So the point is, just some basic constitutional knowledge, speaking of 4th of July coming up, you're predicting these things. It seems like no one else could figure this out, or at least the talking heads on media. I guess we should not expect much from them anyway. Well, there's like 30, maybe at times 40% of the adult population, voting population, constituencies in this country that absolutely get out of touch reality, just complete mental illness and, you know, just complete absence
Starting point is 00:10:16 of knowledge of, you know, constitution law, what, if they do certain things, what inevitably follows in courts, right? And I think the Republicans are very well aware that they got cheated. If nowhere else in 2020, in Pennsylvania, counties changing their voting procedures, you know, you know, just regardless of state law and the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania upholding that. I mean, there's so much vigilance now from your standard conservative Republicans at the polls. And we talked about the margin of the cheat, right? The margin of the steal. What it's got to be.
Starting point is 00:11:06 The Democrats certainly look like on a crash course towards an election defeat. I'm not sure there's any days out there that can stop it. I don't see them stopping it except for some
Starting point is 00:11:23 extraneous event. terror, cyber, natural disaster or otherwise. Even then, I just don't see. I mean, assassination of Trump, I guess. Hope it doesn't happen. I said, here's something we can contest each other on. I said, if Trump got a shot today, it doesn't mean Civil War 2.0, end of the world, SHTF, but you did say it would be SHTF if Trump was
Starting point is 00:11:49 assassinated today. What do you think? Oh, yeah. That'll lead to more bloodshed, without a doubt. Maybe not immediately, but in the long run. There's barriers and lines, but in the long run. So, you know, there's barriers and lines.
Starting point is 00:12:06 But he'll have a running mate, and the march will go on. The constitutional system for selecting a president is pretty sound. Like, it's always happened, right? Well, you know, we're coming up on about 250 years. I think this is 248 years. That's a pretty good run. Statistically significant, but I don't sit on my laurels and hope it works out. I know you don't either, and many of the listeners here on Perfect Broadcasting Network either.
Starting point is 00:12:40 So just before this show, NBC guy jones himself posted a daily audio cache said that he's prepping his butt off he's all in got us up to date what's going on in the jones homestead and kind of asked uh asked the listeners are you all in what does it mean to be all in? What steps, you know, kind of reminiscing on the steps of becoming a prepper and whatnot. I will say one thing, though. I had to disagree with him, but I know he's going to be listening. And I hope he will.
Starting point is 00:13:16 He said that they're not even really going to celebrate Fourth of July tomorrow because they're working so hard. They're kind of on a diet. They're busting their butt. No time for celebration and most i've been pretty spartan in my lifestyle recently but damn it fourth of july that evening you gotta grill out a little bit have a couple beers and have some fun because not to sit on your laurels this might be one of the last nice fourth of julys we have for a while
Starting point is 00:13:43 i mean all it takes another pandemic major power outage, war, etc., and next Fourth of July might not be as nice as this. So it's got to take a little time to celebrate. I wanted to point that out. Yeah, yeah, well, to each their own. No one's going to forget what tomorrow's about. This Democrat Party looks like the final days of the Soviet Union's
Starting point is 00:14:08 Communist Party. Like, just being forced to recognize realities that, you know, for so long, they were just simply ignored. That this last week is like, kind of, if you're out there and you're a cold war kid who saw the soviet union before it went down lived through the 80s and watched how that
Starting point is 00:14:32 unfolded you know it's a shame on us to have a political party like that but you got to remember it's only you know 20 30 at the most of of your voters out there that are disillusioned. If the other 70% wakes up to they're the problem, lots of this can be very corrected. You know, I just don't refuse to believe that we're over some press of this like Wile E. Coyote and we just don't know that we have to fall. No, we're not over the edge yet. I think we are, but I think we could hit the side of the cliff, go all the way to the bottom and climb our way back. That would be my analogy.
Starting point is 00:15:19 But at least cutting the standard of living in half for a decade minimum will happen. So, I mean, I don't know if that's falling off a cliff or not. For a prepper, you might not care because you might be prepped away. And being like Dave Jones, getting 75%, 80%, 100% of your food off of your own land. But if it's the other way around around you're totally dependent on the system and inflation doubles we have to have a default I want to hear what Trump has to say
Starting point is 00:15:52 about the $1 trillion every 100 days I want to hear him talk about let's go bankrupt let's default on the currency and start from scratch with something that's sound I want to hear that that'll cut 50% of your standard of living for 10 years.
Starting point is 00:16:08 But we'll rebuild and within 10 years after that, we'll be above where we are now. 50 years from now, we'll be colonizing Mars. But if we don't take our medicine, we're totally done. And we only got a few years left. That's how I look at it.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Well, I guess I'm looking at it more in terms of the constitutional framework. Because the Constitution sound is a continuity of the United States Constitution intact, or is it being upheld?
Starting point is 00:16:39 And then an economic Great Depression 2.0 in the 21st century happens during the continued soundness of our civil society. You know, that's one thing. It's not as bad as it could be. So when I'm saying, you know, I don't see we're falling off a precipice. Like, I don't see the cancellation of electives and the abs, you know, the dissolution of states
Starting point is 00:17:09 and all the other major structures, and I don't see the disruption in the process to elect a president. The Democrats know, and they war-gamed it forever, and they finally pulled it off. You know, under the right circumstances in the right states,
Starting point is 00:17:25 you could definitely steal a vote. They did it for Kennedy, right? So they do that. But if the margin against them is so great this year, there's every chance next winter with a new Congress and president that a lot of good things could start happening. I like it. Don't always have to be
Starting point is 00:17:45 pessimistic as a prepper you could also be optimistic and i i'd like that i believe the country still i think we can come back from it we just got to take our medicine and you know not just think oh even if trump does win in november that's going to just all of a sudden fix everything we don't have to worry about anything. It just can't be like that. Real quick, a lot of people talked about things Biden maybe didn't do as well on the debate. What do you think some things that maybe Trump himself did do well, or maybe even some critiques,
Starting point is 00:18:21 but maybe a little bit of thoughts on Trump during the debate and even since, if you but maybe a little bit of thoughts on Trump during the debate and even since, if you've heard a couple of his speeches or appearances, et cetera, what kind of momentum has Trump got and what did you give him as a grade in the debate? Yeah, just good enough to let the rest of it fall apart around him. He's left standing ahead, right? And he was advised on that. He spoke publicly at speeches, just at rallies the day before,
Starting point is 00:18:55 a couple days before, asking the crowd if he should take it easy on Biden or go after him. And he clearly, you know, just, there was times when Biden was rambling and turned over the point to Trump. And Trump just, all he had to do is just kind of lean on the podium and look at Biden and just kind of just look at him. Like, you're making my point for me, right?
Starting point is 00:19:20 It was that bad. And the time that Biden somehow got confused into talking about the potential of being raped by your brother, your sister, your in-laws, it was incoherent. But it was to the point of Trump saying that the prison populations of Latin America are coming in to the United States and, you know, doing horrendous crimes. So, I mean, just being present and not, you know, keeping the spotlight off himself was what he needed to do, and he did it. I remember I remarked that he was being very presidential, very reserved, like letting his opponent just kind of self-destruct,
Starting point is 00:20:09 but also just a far cry from what Trump was like in 2016. And I thought he was hilarious in 2016, and he was just totally trolling and trashing the Republican candidates and later Hillary, as they deserve to be. But he wasn't taking cheap shots, even if Joe might deserve it. He seemed pretty presidential. He probably realized he's trying to get some of the undecided or the middle voters. His base would love him to just go all out and just embarrass Biden forever
Starting point is 00:20:41 with even more memes and all that type of stuff. But that's not maybe going to help him with the greater population and just history and posterity. So I was kind of, I'm not going to say impressed, but I was like, okay, Trump, I like to see that. You know, he didn't have to kick Joe too hard when he was down. He just let him kind of foam at the mouth and roll around on the ground. of foam at the mouth and roll around on the ground?
Starting point is 00:21:06 It's pretty clear Biden's just been a puppet of Obama run through his wife. Yeah, Jill. Well, I'm not even going to say conspiracy theories, but a lot of people are saying either
Starting point is 00:21:23 Michelle Obama or even Hillary might be trying to make a run. Michelle came out just the last day and said, no way. She hates politics. She'll never get in there. But who knows? You made a great point early on about already being on the ballot. There's all these other issues with the donations and the PACs and all this where the money's locked up and it's just like an administrative hassle. But someone said, I don't know who said it, but they said, ah, we'd have the Democrats been bothered by having to follow the law.
Starting point is 00:22:06 So they might figure out a way. We'll see. Yeah, I mean, the only alternative they can probably have, you know, most easily is Harris and the cabinet just remove him from power. I mean, the 25th Amendment allows for it, right? And then she'd be on the ballot. But she's going to need to do it before Ohio law locks out any change in names. Do you know what day that is?
Starting point is 00:22:37 August something. August, okay. Here's, actually, I don't even know the... Okay, so there's immunity ruling, right, with the Supreme Court? Yeah. Is Trump still being sentenced on July 11th, about a week from tomorrow? Or has that been thrown out because of this? Or what's going on?
Starting point is 00:23:03 No, the lawsuit in Nework's not about anything they're not connected the um they're not able to make a connection with it either okay right so the immunity was a ruling about you know acts by trump on january 6th and the inciting rebellion kind of charges, right? Inciting insurrection. And what the Supreme Court said to the lower court was, you know, official acts are immune, acts are immune, but there's the Supreme Court also recognize that there was no specific allegations of, of, of the, you know, which acts are official and which acts are unofficial. Right. So, you know, it's going to go back to a lower court and they're not going to be able to
Starting point is 00:23:57 make that case and the case will fall, peter out and fall apart. Right. Right. So the Supreme Court didn't strike it completely down you know in one ruling they just left it where it ought to have been left where it's unprosecutable because it was there was no unofficial acts of crimes committed by Trump they're not gonna be able to prove it right just kind of neutered it and so what's going on in new york is more i guess his personal life and and uh civic then not they weren't able to tie any of of that immunity to that case
Starting point is 00:24:35 successfully in an appeal yet no those would all be unofficial acts having a business and you know filing things in a fraudulent manner, which is what's alleged. I mean, that's all private, you know, unofficial acts. So you wouldn't be immune from prosecution for those crimes. But from what I understand, they kind of linked together a bunch of crimes that had always been misdemeanors. had always been misdemeanors and then attack, you know, by attachment of other charges, you know, elevate it to a felony or some kind of, you know, lawfare, you know, modern, you know, hard,
Starting point is 00:25:17 hard for the common person to understand law. But from what I remember on the judgment, what, you know, some of the scholars were saying that there was no definition of what the attached crime was. So none of the, you know, probably gets thrown out on appeal somewhere along the line and it'll have to go all the way through the New York system. I'm not sure if the New York Supreme Court ruled on it or not, but then Trump will appeal it higher. They're going to try to put him in jail, and they're going to try to put him in jail even after the ballots are in, while they're still counting, and while the Electoral College is going on. They'll try to jail him right up until the day he's sworn in. And it's like a fetish of Obama, I think, behind the scenes,
Starting point is 00:26:12 to create a constitutional crisis in any possible way this year that they can. Right? It's Obama, Alinsky, Soros kind of corner that party. And it's going to be interesting to watch how many, you know, Democrats in legislatures, both the Congress and state level, want to lose their seats while this goes down. Well, that type of crisis would deface the country forever and potentially put at question the republic and would kind of down to the core. No, the Supreme Court would have a ruling and people would decide that that's where it stands. It would be a crisis, but I think the system's pretty
Starting point is 00:27:05 immune. I mean, they've happened before. Whatever happens this year is probably going to be brand new, though. Right. I mean, I feel like, speaking of the Supreme Court, I feel like they're the firewall
Starting point is 00:27:22 that's holding back a lot of this tyranny from progressing further, but I feel like they're literally just on one swing vote or one judge, like 5-4, 6-3. All it takes is one or two swings. You do trust the Supreme Court to uphold this type of stuff? It depends on the case. But, you know, five board decisions can be overturned by future cases
Starting point is 00:27:54 that bring the same points of law into consideration, right? I mean, Roe v. Wade stood until it fell. How about the threat of packing the court? That's what I know a lot of right-wingers say. Oh, they're going to add 20 new judges. They're going to pack the court. Is that even possible? How would that look?
Starting point is 00:28:18 This is kind of a quiz future Dan on constitutional hypotheticals. But hey, it is the 3rd of July. But what is this pack in the court? Is that reasonable? Is that a real threat, or is that malarkey, as Joe would say? That was already proposed by Democrats under Roosevelt. That's where the term comes from. They already thought about doing it since the 1930s.
Starting point is 00:28:44 And is it full? Like, why did they fail? And do you think they'll fail this time if they tried? It was way too shocking for most of Congress to accept. The public was outraged at the idea, and most of Roosevelt's party wouldn't go along with it. So you need, like, a like a super majority type of thing 65 70 percent of congress plus the president to make that happen or what i gotta do my uh constitutional research but uh
Starting point is 00:29:18 something like that it's not a slim margin it It's pretty tough to do, I guess. Certainly the states could amend the Constitution and the Convention and redefine the Supreme Court any way an amendment wanted to, right? It theoretically could abolish the Supreme Court, which would be the type of sabotage you'd need to see to have the, you know, the republic would be falling, but it'd be falling because that large a percentage of the states wanted something like that. So it's, you know, absurd to talk about, but theoretically possible. But the other way to amend the constitutions
Starting point is 00:29:55 from within Congress and yeah, that's super, that's definitely a super majority. That's definitely a super majority. Right. So that does not seem likely to happen on either side anytime soon. I guess you never know. I guess I forgot who it was. I think it was maybe like a history professor in college. I don't remember exactly who it was.
Starting point is 00:30:26 But they said one of the genius things about the checks and balances is that in the American system, in a way, it kind of stops things from happening as much as it facilitates things from happening. Like, sometimes preventing different actions, bills, or even coups is way more valuable than not having gridlock. So people bitch and complain about gridlock, but maybe gridlock's actually not that bad in the federal government, I guess is kind of what he was trying to point out to us.
Starting point is 00:30:56 I think gridlock is more a term you use to describe, you know, the politics of Congress and how to get votes passed for bills to pass but you know checks and balances and separation of powers yeah absolutely sound design and uh you know would take extraordinary it would take extraordinary really terrible set of circumstances, natural disaster or international war, right? Or, you know, I don't even believe, and I honestly, you might differ with me on this. No amount of economic damage, no amount of, you know, famine and poverty alone could necessarily disrupt this system, right? I mean, Roosevelt took it straight through the 30s. It never faltered.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Well, it got transformed pretty badly, you know. But I'd almost blame the Fed before as much as anything. So I get what you mean. Those are all laws. They can all be repealed. The constitutional structure itself didn't, you know, what Roosevelt did is he ran for four terms, breaking convention that Washington set. So they had to amend the Constitution to prevent that again.
Starting point is 00:32:21 But, you know, even during the New Deal, the constitutional order, you know, there's been many, many rulings that have, you know, even during the New Deal, the constitutional order, you know, there's been many, many rulings that have, you know, by the Supreme Court that have really opened up the Commerce Clause. And by the way, another Supreme Court ruling that has hit since the last week that we were on two weeks ago on the season finale of Patriot Power Hour, spring 2024. We're opening tonight the summer season, 2024. Yeah, so another piece of news was the Chevron decision. And the Chevron decision essentially gave massive power to the regulatory state by Fiat ruling a Supreme Court in the 1980s and this supreme court has put opened it up wide open for new challenges and essentially if you boil it all down it what it comes down to is there's so
Starting point is 00:33:18 many you know areas of modern life that the powers that be in Washington for decades have wanted to regulate. But it's very, very technical. So over the course of the decades, from the New Deal all the way through the last century, Congress wrote laws that allowed agencies to create regulations or administrative law. And Chevron upheld that trend in the 80s, but the Supreme Court basically found a flaw in the legal reasoning, and the door is wide open for challenges against the regulatory state.
Starting point is 00:34:01 I think that's good news. state. I think that's good news. Well, that's the agents of government that eat your substance but I guess the Supreme Court thinks in some of those cases they're going a little bit too far. So it'll be interesting to see what gets challenged or overturned or not between now and then. I would think a lot of the EPA in particular was one that popped out of my mind. I would think a lot of the EPA in particular was one that popped out of my mind.
Starting point is 00:34:53 And it won't be the main thing that the second Trump presidency would look like. But if there is a second Trump presidency using the Chevron ruling to dismantle the regulatory wing of the deep state, it's definitely on the table. It could be a major legacy. The kinds of things Reagan did that, in many respects, opens up the economy and makes it boom. And if you're dead set on, you know, convinced that there must be a second depression and a devastating financial collapse, well, so be it. a devastating financial collapse. Well, so be it. But things like this could forestall such events for,
Starting point is 00:35:33 we're talking decades, big parts of people's lifetimes. Definitely ease the pain and we can grow. There's no reason you can't grow 10 plus percent a year, every year, forever. I believe that and that would get over any major depression or as i said before 50 reduction standard of living that's still better than almost every country out there still okay not every country but even if you cut american standard of living in half there wouldn't be that much starvation and death from it, and we'd be able to bounce back.
Starting point is 00:36:08 But we've got to take our medicine. And I'm sorry if you're relying on a pension in the state of California. You're not going to get all that money. I hope you've been hustling or prepping, because if that's what you're hoping to get your money back, you won't. But if you have been busting your butt or you started a business, there's a lot of ways that people will actually succeed and probably grow through it if we do it the right way. And I think it would forestall or kind of at least blunt the edge of this next economic
Starting point is 00:36:42 collapse in America. Now here, one thing I wanted to say before I forget, here's maybe one of their aces in the hole of overturning the American system is if they bring in, they've already brought in, what, 20 plus million illegals in the last decade? I think the official numbers are like eight million
Starting point is 00:37:06 under just biden so let's double or triple that because that's what it really is so let's do that for another five or ten years then all of a sudden you got 50 60 70 80 million they'll be able to vote in most jurisdictions pretty quickly if not immediately and they're not going to have any institutional memory generational memory or really idea what freedom is now some of them will i actually know a couple that came that are immigrants that love trump and they hate freaking democrats they call them commies and all that and and that's great and nice but most of them would just be told who to vote for to get the next meal if 20%, 30%, 40% of this population is first-generation immigrants. That's one of their plans, I think.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Oh, it clearly is, clearly is, and in Europe. The question is, could they ever vote in numbers that get to supermajority and then they start amending the Constitution to pack the Supreme Court, etc., etc., so on and so forth. I think we almost got to prevent that. That's almost like one of the main things we got to worry about and try
Starting point is 00:38:15 to, that's kind of like a ticking time bomb because the way things are going now, that's almost sure to happen in the next 20 years or less, I think, but we got a little bit of time. Maybe we can turn it around. Yeah, I think the states are going to start stepping up and enforcing, you know, against immigrants. So they'll be concentrated in states who want the, you know, the numbers.
Starting point is 00:38:41 You know, the numbers. And part of this is the fact that the Constitution counts, it does headcount in states to apportion congressional seats, not citizens, right? And changing that to citizens would probably take a constitutional amendment or, you know, it would have to pass the Senate, which is almost a supermajority. You've got to have 60 votes for cloture. You've got would have to pass the Senate, which is almost a super majority. You got to have 60 votes for cloture. You got to have most of the Senate. So I just don't know if they're going to be able to vote in red states. And they're clearly going to be counted to keep the amount of seats that these blue states have bloated.
Starting point is 00:39:23 These blue states have bloated, right? You know, elected representatives per capita of U.S. citizens in these states. It's going to be dramatically different between New York and Texas. But constitutionally, it all sorts out once, you know, you start electing congresses. So the next congress is going to be so important what they do what they're able to do and when trump comes into office you know the resumption of an eight-year term if you think of it that way you know when you when the president gets their second term they're considered a lame duck so who he picks for his vice president which which is obviously the frontrunner pretty much
Starting point is 00:40:06 automatically for the 2028 GOP nominee, all of this is going to play out. We're going to know all of this by the season opener of Patriot Power 2025 one year from today. All of this
Starting point is 00:40:22 is going to unfold. Oh my, we're going, just this season, between now and the fall equinox and towards the end of September, mid to end of September, we're going to see a lot. And then, of course, the season after that will be the actual election. And I guess the inauguration would be the winter season. Regardless, let's go to a couple breaks real quick. We can go through the dashboard, see what other kind of news is on there,
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Starting point is 00:41:46 by William W. Forgy, MD. In this great book, you'll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You'll learn about assessment and stabilization. You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home look 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in america get the prepper's medical handbook today at again that's the prepper's medical handbook by william w 40 by William W. Forgy. All right, folks, Patriot Power Hour, July 3rd, 2024, News Blitz. Pretty quiet out there. Banksters are at the Hamptons.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Hope everyone has a great 4th of July tomorrow. But let's go through, there are a few pieces of news I want to hit. Let's start economics. Continuing jobless claims rise to the highest since November 2021. Remember, that was deep in COVID. November 2021. Still had not come out of the COVID recession so far as getting the growth back.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Still had the emergency 0% interest rates. So jobless claims the highest since November 2021. Pending home sales unexpectedly plunged in May to a new record low. Also seeing huge, not only cutbacks in sales, but cuts in prices in certain areas, especially those that had a huge boom during the pandemic. during the pandemic. Texas, Florida, etc. Down 20% plus the price, that is.
Starting point is 00:43:50 In inventory, the amount of homes for sale but not selling tripled or quadrupled in some of those areas. Federal government deliberately flying previously deported illegal aliens back into the u.s foreign invasion officially invited this is actually the
Starting point is 00:44:12 most actualized highest graded article of the day okay again the u.. federal government deliberately flying previously deported illegal aliens back into the U.S. We will certainly cover that. Former presidential advisor sent to federal prison for contempt of Congress. And the markets have been open but relatively quiet all around. And future Dan, that's the dashboard. And the markets have been open but relatively quiet all around. Future Dan, that's the dashboard.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Yeah, let's jump into some of those headlines. Let's make it happen. How about this one? This one pisses me off. I hate tax day, April 15th. And I love 4th of July. And taxes are just something that really irks me. So the fact that I pay many thousands of dollars in federal income tax every year, but the Biden administration is deliberately spending that money to fly not
Starting point is 00:45:29 just to bring back deported illegal aliens on a bus but to fly them back when i'm not even flying anywhere this summer for a few different reasons partially i don't want to be too far away from my preps but point is i don't have five hundred dollars eight hundred dollars a thousand dollars to blow on a ticket uh to go to vegas or go to la for fun you know what i mean but uh i guess the biden administration doesn't care hell you know the thing is though they're not even using tax money this is all deficit spending this is all debt this is all stealing from future generations anyway. Yep. It is frustrating, but it's the sign of the times.
Starting point is 00:46:13 That's what this term has been about. Just bum-rush the border. Bum-rush the border. There are at least a couple clips out there of Biden when he was running in 2020 talking about how people should surge the border and come to America. That's what we're for. If he wins, surge the border, come to the border. We'll help you, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Well, this is for Cameroon.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Remember, just because they're coming from the south doesn't mean they're from Mexico or Guatemala. They're from all over the world. So Cameroon remember just because they're coming from the south doesn't mean they're from Mexico or Guatemala they're from all over the world so Cameroon uh there were 80 to 90 of them deported between 2019 and 2021 obviously when Trump was president despite their asylum claims all being rejected as invalid and hey man some of them maybe they deserve it some don't that is a tough situation i'm sure but they were demoted or excuse me deported and guess what with the biden administration they were swiftly let back in into dolus airport in virginia um according to immigrant immigrant rights clinic at texas a&m university so getting some getting some tickets i don't know maybe according to Immigrant Rights Clinic at Texas A&M University. So getting some tickets.
Starting point is 00:47:27 I don't know. Maybe they're getting a cell phone. Maybe they're getting some debit cards too. Who knows what's up? Yeah, I'm looking for a whistleblower in one of these agencies, and it would be real good if they came out before the election. But somewhere in Customs and Border Patrol, ICE, other places, you know, there's going to be evidence coming that this is being enabled. How many foreign intelligence agencies would put people into the country that have the papers and the ID of a recently deceased person that matches their profile enough to just to go vote in certain districts to try to, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:15 meet that margin of the of the steel, right? You know, for months, people have been concerned about the number of, quote unquote,-age Chinese men entering the country. But you know what? They don't have to be here for advanced force operations, sabotage, et cetera. Not necessarily, right? They could be here just to tip the election to the puppet in the White House. Hey, if they're in the exact right precincts in the exact right states, things like that make a huge difference.
Starting point is 00:48:57 I wish I had the article in front of me. It came out yesterday. I'm not going to attribute it. What can I say? I'm not a journalist. One of the offices of this administration came out and said that deporting illegals would lower the amount of people in the labor pool, meaning businesses would have to pay more so there'd be more inflation. So we'd get rid of the illegals. You'd have to pay whoever's left more money,
Starting point is 00:49:29 and that would actually cause inflation and be bad. So they were talking out both sides of their mouth, saying if we get rid of these illegals, it's going to be higher wages for the Americans, but that's actually bad because it's inflation. You should not get higher wages because you will contribute to inflation, not our reckless debt spending. It would be you, the wage earner.
Starting point is 00:49:49 It was crazy, man. Yeah, well, there's this political sphere that, if I could be so bold, perhaps at times you belong in, that could be described as the CNBC slash Fox business slash Bloomberg. You know, the people, you know, who look at the world through a lens of finance, right, and economics, and some kind of argument about how inflation would increase if such deportation occurred really meaningless to me now look through it through that lens first i mean i i could see through that lens but it's not my primary viewpoint my primary viewpoint is you know just absolutely you know undermining elect you know the state elections the 50 elections that decide the presidency
Starting point is 00:50:47 and the House of Representatives and the Senate, right? And so, yeah, it's a sideshow to me. What matters is whether the electoral system sounds because of this massive illegal immigration. It was major deflection and you know trying to blame inflation on the people at the same time saying we can't deport them it was all just a smoke screen deflection and i got a feeling they the people in charge the deep state also agree with you they don't care about a little bit of wage inflation they're much more interested in the political aspect of of those immigrants so um but you
Starting point is 00:51:33 the idea of a deep deep state you know honestly look at it's inside of the democrat party or you could even say the democrat party has its own deep state right the clintons owned it and controlled it until they didn't now obama does but there's pressure on it tonight and the infrastructure that clinton's built isn't gone so we're watching you know that party come to terms with how if they're going to replace a candidate and do a contested convention, there's no, like I said at the beginning of the show, I don't think
Starting point is 00:52:12 there's any they out there that can control what's unfolding. There are a lot of factions and parties and power centers grappling with reality. One more article to hit on here. The continuing jobless claims and pending home sales
Starting point is 00:52:32 unexpectedly plunge. I am seeing one big canary in the coal mine and I'm not going to end this show by getting into some wonky finance but the Japanese yen is melting down and if the Japanese
Starting point is 00:52:53 yen melts down it really is kind of a revolving revolving door of the western financial system I know they're in the far east but Japan is firmly under control of the Western financial system. I know they're in the Far East, but Japan is firmly under control of the Western financial system. And long story short, this could really just destroy the entire bond market. And we're already seeing Japanese firms and banks in America liquidating their U.S. treasuries. So what does this mean? Well,
Starting point is 00:53:29 the bank runs are happening in other parts of the world. The wars are happening in other parts of the world. The famines and other stuff's going on in other parts of the world. We're still holding it down decently here in America, but one way or another, but you've got to keep on prepping, and I don't think those walls are going to hold too much longer. We've got to try to reinforce them and make some safe areas, I guess. But, yeah, Japan has already experienced 40%, 50% reduction in their standard of living in the last two years. Yep.
Starting point is 00:54:07 It's a very sound argument. I can understand that. I'm not going to count out the fact that our economy on this continent can maintain a higher standard of living for a lot longer simply by the geography and the population compared to Japan. But, you know, it has to be watched. It has to be talked about. We have to be aware that that's happening there.
Starting point is 00:54:31 That's the case. All right. Well, future Dan, perfect timing. End of the show. Another good episode. Good to start the season off just before 4th of July. Happy birthday, USA.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Anything else you wanted to talk about real quick? Yeah, I want to just remind everybody, the signers of the Declaration of Independence, many of them suffered for it. Many of them died in poverty. Many of them imprisoned or killed by the British. It is happening again now with the prosecutions of Trump. He's doing it while the rest of us watch. But the outcome this time, I think, is going to be just as healthy as the last time.
Starting point is 00:55:17 And I'm not necessarily, you know, a tremendous admirer and fan of Donald J. Trump and how he approaches politics. Lots of spaces where he's on one side and I'm thinking the other way. But what's unfolding in the White House tonight and with him and the prosecutions and the election, this season of Patriot Power Hour 2024 summer is going to be an extraordinarily news-packed season. So stick with us. If you listen regularly, thank you. Looking forward to continuing to service Prepper Broadcasting Network with our news analysis, and we greatly appreciate your listenership. Very well said. We'll be back
Starting point is 00:56:06 live next week. Have a good fourth. Thank you, Dan. You too, Ben. Thank you. I am paying for this microphone.

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