The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Patriot Power Hour #270 - J13, 121 Hours Later - An Analysis

Episode Date: July 17, 2024

Each week on Patriot Power Hour, Ben ‘The Breaker of Banksters’ and Future Dan explore the latest Liberty, Security, Economic & Natural news, providing the situational awareness needed to execute ...your preparedness plans. Questions, Feedback, News Tips, or want to be a Guest? Reach out!Ben “The Breaker of Banksters” @BanksterBreaker on Twitter; Future Dan@FutureDanger6 on Twitter

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Not too long ago, two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee, a businessman who had escaped from Castro. And in the midst of his story, one of my friends turned to the other and said, we don't know how lucky we are. And the Cuban stopped and said, how lucky you are. I had some place to escape to. And in that sentence, he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to. This is sentence he told us the entire story if we lose
Starting point is 00:00:45 freedom here there's no place to escape to this is the last stand on earth this is the last stand on earth the last stand on Earth. © BF-WATCH TV 2021 ¶¶ You are now listening to the Patriot Power Hour. This live episode features the situational awareness you need to practice self-reliance and independence. Introducing your hosts, Ben, the Breaker of Banksters, and Future Dan, the editor of Patriot Power Hour, episode 270, July 17th, 2024.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Five days after the shooting in Pennsylvania, Trump narrowly survived. Ben, the Breaker of Banksters here with future Dan. Yeah, so we got a lot to break down. This is still a totally evolving situation, Ben. Absolutely. When I think back on COVID and how things changed over the days, weeks, and months, it was absolutely crazy. Things changed over the days, weeks, and months.
Starting point is 00:03:04 It was absolutely crazy. So in reality, five days is still the first or second inning of at least understanding what happened historically. You and I have thoughts up front what occurred. We talked about it just a couple days after. Actually, I guess 24 hours after, and now we're here five days after. So we've processed. But still, in the big context of things, this is still very, very recent. Yeah, so has your view on what is going on went on and is going on?
Starting point is 00:03:39 Has it changed in any significant way since we broadcasted our special episode this past Sunday? Strengthened my view that let it happen on purpose is absolutely at least part of the equation. And I definitely encourage people to go back and listen to that special report if you didn't because gosh you future dan big big shout out put on a great model conspiracy model but just so well thought out uh so i have some additional thoughts um and some additional evidence has come to light that's really concerning but generally i'm more confident in my position now than before, but I was pretty confident that it was a let it happen on purpose and perhaps worse on Sunday and still am. What about the evolution of people who did not hold that point of view 24 hours later. What are you seeing among any strata of society
Starting point is 00:04:48 that are you seeing any kind of evolutions there? I love seeing, his name is eluding me, but there's a congressman who was a sniper in Afghanistan and Iraq, led sniper teams, huge counter-sniping teams, and he just went off on, I think it was CNN, about how this is such a, not even failure, but he, I believe his words were, I have to question if this was intentional. Of course, the host started to freak out a little bit and said, oh, you're not claiming
Starting point is 00:05:23 Biden did this, or it was anything like that, and he's like, no, no, of course not. Just saying it was so bad. It was intentional and we need to research from there. So even he didn't go all the way, but on the other hand, it's hard to go a little farther, you know, further than that. It's like, okay, it was an intentional, let's figure out who it was, hold them responsible, but also get prepared for what's coming down the pike. How about yourself? What do you think about that and what have you seen and how about your position on it? Well, I think that's the most important
Starting point is 00:05:52 spectrum of our society to have that question is sitting members of Congress from the Republican Party. And that's the real place where there's power to expose this.
Starting point is 00:06:08 That plus military experience. Exactly. Well, it's not his argument from authority that causes any facts to change. It's someone in his position wanting to
Starting point is 00:06:24 explore and find out what happened. It's going to take a lot, lot more. Because if there are conspirators, and I firmly believe there are, I said it 24 hours afterwards, they're under a lot of pressure right now. They are. They could slip up. The way I've thought of it the last few days
Starting point is 00:06:46 is they either gotta strike again and that window might be closing sooner than later or they're just gonna hide out and let the election
Starting point is 00:06:52 actually happen let Trump actually get in the White House then maybe the empire will strike back but they either gotta strike fast strike hard
Starting point is 00:06:59 or they're really like hiding out because they knew they overplayed and screwed up do either of those options sound realistic? Or what's your thoughts there?
Starting point is 00:07:07 Yeah, I don't think there's an empire. I think there's two conspirators. And at a minimum one, at a maximum three, but I think there's two. And they had marks. And they put their marks into effect. And what happened, happened. And there's no covering for them if the right set of facts come out. I mean, they can be exposed.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Here's a question. Maybe, and maybe you've just answered my question, but one thing that's come to me in the last couple days is whoever tried to put this operation into motion, not the gunman crooks, but any of the other conspirators that were using crooks as a mark, either one, they were super inexperienced and had no idea what they're doing because it was there was a very good chance this would have failed and not a shot would not even have been
Starting point is 00:08:14 fired because of this kid was mentally unstable there were so many people that saw him all it would have taken is one police officer during all this time where he was on the roof or screwing around with range finders. That could have been busted easy. So does that mean they were totally incompetent, the conspirators, totally incompetent, and actually thought this could work? And it damn near did, so maybe they were confident for a reason. Or do they not care about leaving a messy trail behind and it
Starting point is 00:08:47 being shown that yeah it wasn't a lone gunman they were conspirators but you guys will never figure it out plus trump is dead so who cares uh you know it's a historical fact but now trump is dead everyone's freaking out my point is you know you said a lone 20 year old and with thousand cops and secret service all around there's very likelihood he's not even going to get to the roof, let alone get shots off, and then this whole conspiracy would, in theory, I guess, right, still be unraveled, still could potentially find who was involved with this, but what's your take on that? Is there even an answer for that now? But what's your take on that?
Starting point is 00:09:24 Is there even an answer for that now? So there's kind of two ways to measure the effectiveness of the conspirators. There's the effectiveness at accomplishing the conspiracy to murder Trump. And that failed. But it very nearly succeeded. And then there's the confidence or the ability or the success at not being exposed. So there's exposure and then there's results of an assassination. And time will tell how effective they are at the exposure side. Now, I'll just leave that there to think about.
Starting point is 00:10:10 But while I had this response, you know, I was getting ready to respond to your question. I also remember another part of this that I don't think has even begun to be discussed. part of this that I don't think has even begun to be discussed. And it's sort of the ancillary or accompanying information operation on a broad societal scale that this attempted assassination leads one to wonder whether some of this was planned. One of them is, you know, the attention on the female Secret Service agents that are, you know, pilloried on everywhere in social media for diversity hire, PEI, all that, right? So to generate that response and then regenerate, generate a counter response by Biden voters to that,
Starting point is 00:11:07 don't underestimate that that wasn't planned. Another one, right? We got either the suspect, the culprit, or a patsy for the real culprit, Thomas Matthew Cooks. And look at his profile that we know about right now you know a loner wore camo uh you know registered as a republican these these kind of initial facts about him might have been you know very very well why that person potentially was selected to be in that role so so you know borrowed his father's gun.
Starting point is 00:11:45 And so there's a whole, you know, a gun control agenda that goes with his persona right now. There's also the entire aspect of that was uncontrollable, which is, of course, you know, that was uncontrollable, which is, of course, you know, a failure on the conspirators, is Trump survived it and the imagery of him with his fist raised. I saw a video today of, like, I'm talking six, seven, eight-year-olds in Uganda just on a stage in their village or something, reenacting the entire scene as little kids. the entire scene as little kids. Like, that's how far and wide that image has gone. Impoverished kids in Uganda, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:37 acting out what happened last Saturday today. You know, less than 120 hours since it happened. So how the scene, how the legend, how the talking points that are derived from it, I think two of those things, the DEI and the obvious Republican reaction to the DEI and the plan for, hope for, pushback against that, I think that was part of the scheme. And then obviously Crooks, you know, borrowing his father's gun, mental health, the whole Brady campaign kind of talking points are, I think those two pieces were built into the conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:13:18 They were meant to happen as an information operation after the successful assassination. Makes sense to me. But there is some mission creep in that. It's like, okay, well, if there's only a couple conspirators, then how much of that were they controlling and how much of it is just that they have worthless DEI-level security there? By the way, when Trump showed up in Milwaukee,
Starting point is 00:13:43 he just had a bunch of 6'6 guys next to him. No more of that. Who are they? His own private security force, I presume. I don't know. Maybe they were Secret Service as well. But he was like, you know, 20 guys. Big strapping guys
Starting point is 00:13:59 are protecting him now. Not DEI level. But I get where you're coming from for sure that their second third fourth order or derivative effects some of them are a let it happen on purpose aspect so maybe the dei is that um but there's also photo op and as you said their photo kind of blew up in their face but who's to say that they weren't using this? I mean, the way I look at it, the more people involved,
Starting point is 00:14:30 the more difficult it is for them to cover it up, but the more people involved, the more they can stage it as perfectly as possible, at least for meaning and effect. So it's kind of a spectrum. We don't believe in the lone gunman, and we don't believe that it was, I don't believe that it was –
Starting point is 00:14:45 I don't believe that it was the banksters or it was like taken from some underground deep reptilian lair in order to take out Trump. Somewhere in between. I don't think you cut the baby in half. I'm not saying it's in the middle either. But I do think it was more than just a couple conspirators. But maybe I'm thinking more of the patsies and marks as the conspirators and the real conspirators are much higher level than i'm thinking
Starting point is 00:15:09 no no the people that all get known are going to be marks they're not going to be conspirators unless the conspirators slip up and get exposed but uh two other parts of the information campaign that accompanied this physical attack. The timing, the timing within 72 hours of this event, whoever conspired probably well understood that no matter what happened in Pennsylvania, the Republican National Convention would have politicians and they would have to talk about things other than the assassination. If this had happened without a Republican National Convention the next week, it could be literally the only thing that anybody was paying attention to 24-7. But that can't be the case because of the timing. You cannot prevent all the networks from having the talking heads and the sitting politicians.
Starting point is 00:16:13 And they have to talk about all of the campaign against Biden, which sucks oxygen out of being able to report on this. So I think that was deliberate. And another part about this, you mentioned BlackRock. I think that's part of it. I think that if Crooks was selected, it was because he was in that commercial and probably physically matched whoever the real shooter was. real shooter was and that enables people like us to talk about banksters and black rock and make wild assumptions that it was involved by design the rothschilds mapped this out decades ago on and on and on which to still most people in this country sounds like crazy talk.
Starting point is 00:17:06 And the people that plan this knew that. And they are hoping for people to really, you know, just go down the rabbit hole. BlackRock was in the commercial and some occult-related and New World Order, like their revelation of the method kind of talk about it. their revelation of the method kind of talk about it. So I think that was built into the information operation that accompanied the physical attack. I mean, it did happen on the 13th. It happened during Bohemian Grove.
Starting point is 00:17:37 So, no, I'm just, I mean, those are both facts, but that doesn't mean I even believe that stuff. It happened during Bohemian Grove. There you go. Does that mean I even believe that stuff? It happens during Bohemian Grove. There you go. You know, like, that certainly might not be an accident. Might not.
Starting point is 00:17:53 All right, folks, we do got to go to the dashboard, but we're going to go to a break real quick. We're going to come back with a news blitz, go through all the headlines. There's a lot. It's pretty much more than we've had in the last six shows combined, but that's fine. A lot of important stuff going on. We'll go through that.
Starting point is 00:18:10 I'll try to be perfunctory. And future Dan will talk a little bit more after that and squeeze as much as we can in the next 40 minutes, all right? Yeah, just a little listener warning. The way Future Danger is constructed, we collect headlines as we get them. And some of the headlines that Ben's going to run us through right after the break in the indicator entitled False Flag Exposed is headlines that would lead to that conclusion if there was more facts and substantiation.
Starting point is 00:18:46 But several of them might be conflicting in respects, and they're not necessarily coherent as one narrative. It's not designed to be that way. So listener warning, this is not a polished cable news show with producers. We're going to read the headlines as they came in, and then we're going to stop and break them all down. Exactly. It's organic.
Starting point is 00:19:10 As things evolve, you want to capture this. I'll make a prediction. I bet a good portion of these links will be broken in one year or less. Meaning these articles are taken down in one way or another. Many links back at 9-11, internet sites taken down,
Starting point is 00:19:27 even COVID from the first few weeks of COVID. Those articles no longer work because they were taken down, especially if it was a mainstream media site, but even others. So anyway, this is an archive and a way to gather all that information, but it's also a little messy. We're organizing it as we speak. So we'll be right back. Stick with us.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Patriot Power Hour. Who wants free ammo? Our new sponsor,, is a truly automated, set-it-and-forget-it ammo purchasing program. Pick your calibers, set your budget, select a shipping trigger, and ammo's coming to you. There's no minimum to buy, no memberships, no extra fees. AmmoSquared was started in Idaho in 2015, and today has over 30,000 customers across the country. Start stockpiling ammo at slash PBN
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Starting point is 00:20:57 You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. Look, 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the Prepper's Medical Handbook today at Again, that's the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgey. Patriot Power Hour. Time for the news dashboard. July 17th, 2024.
Starting point is 00:21:28 7.22 p.m. Eastern. We're going to go through all articles and headlines not related to the assassination attempt first. Because there's a lot. And I want to get to them and focus them on it quickly. Then we're going to hit all the Trump headlines and go right to future Dan and talk Trump the rest. But without further ado, American 911 system is on the brink of its own emergency.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Gold soars to record high, $2,465 an ounce. $2,465 an ounce. 39th straight month where inflation on an annualized basis is at least 3%. The Federal Reserve's target is 2% or lower, so they've been failing for three years and three months. More Americans fall behind on car payments. Repos soar 23%. Even a 5% increase would be big. 23%. In the Liberty column, we do have some articles related to Trump and we'll definitely get into those, but some others that are not necessarily related.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Well, this one actually is related to the election, but not the assassination attempt. Democrats vote against Republicans' election integrity bill, and that's wider than just the presidential. Talked a little bit about this on a previous show. talked a little bit about this on a previous show. AT&T loses data from nearly all wireless customers in a hack. Nearly all wireless customers for AT&T.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Data's gone. Into the hands of who knows who presidential photos doctored to hide old age photos of Biden doctored talk about cheap fake White House also edits out edits out Biden mistaking Vice President Harris as Trump from transcript. So from the transcript, they change it. Ex-CDC director says FDA underreported adverse vax side effects in order to prevent vaccine hesitancy.
Starting point is 00:24:02 In order to prevent vaccine hesitancy, CDC director, director of the CDC, ex-CDC director, said that the FDA underreported adverse side effects to prevent the sheeple from being hesitant of vaccines. It was for their own good. It was for the herd's good, the sheeple. Thousands of protesters expected at Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Tonight's the third night. Rogue Army employee trains troops to view pro-life groups as terrorists.
Starting point is 00:24:40 There's a slide deck and everything. Terrorists, there's a slide deck and everything. Training troops that pro-life groups, anti-abortion, pro-life, are terrorists. Chinese social media is abuzz that the president suffered a stroke. This is fresh news, I believe just today. Last 24 hours or so. Xi Jinping may have had a stroke. We'll certainly report next week if we see anything new on that.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Taiwan on alert over waves of missile tests in North China. All right. Here we go. That was the easy part. Let's run through this. We'll start with false flag exposed indicator, which has, I'd say, about 15 headlines, top to bottom,
Starting point is 00:25:45 which is chronological to when it was added to the website. Witness outside Trump Rally says he saw a shooter crawling on a roof with a rifle. Nearby police ignored. Within 24 hours, initial reports and witnesses were screaming for three minutes at the police and Secret Service. Almost every day the amount of time that this person was spotted by many many people increase second witness reported gunman to the police
Starting point is 00:26:14 before Trump was shot Congress moves to investigate the attempted assassination Secret Service sniper appears to detect the suspect. So civilians spotted. Recently, videos come out of them spotting
Starting point is 00:26:33 while Trump is speaking, they got the guy on video. Civilians on their iPhones. Meanwhile, Secret Service sniper appears to detect the suspect before the shots. Video of the supposed dead gunman has surfaced. I am Thomas Matthew Crooks. We talked about this second other potential shooter
Starting point is 00:26:59 or conspirator or just total mark, Maxwell Yerrick. We got to make sure we talk about that after the news blitz what's the latest on Maxwell Yerrick if anything Navy SEAL and Blackwater founder Eric Prince says malice or massive incompetence
Starting point is 00:27:17 what to know about Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheadle. Local cop encountered gunman just before he shot Trump at rally. I had first heard this just before we went on air a few days ago on Sunday evening that a cop had actually spotted this person before he shot. I don't even know if this person reported into the command station, but apparently he saw this person, had the rifle pointed at him.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Alex Jones, stand down, ordered. You've got to go listen to some some Alex Jones if you haven't recently. Holy cow. Ten burning questions every American should be asking about the Trump shooting. I kind of went out of order, so let me make sure I didn't miss any. Here we go. here we go fbi who within one hour on mainstream media on saturday within one hour of the shooting they were assuring everybody that the fbi was taking over investigation as if it was a good thing fbi says trump rally shooter acted alone with his father's ar NBC sources say that the Secret Service identified rooftop security risk
Starting point is 00:28:46 before the Trump rally shooting. Secret Service playing the blame game with the local police, saying the local police were tasked with securing properties surrounding the rally. It was outside of the secure area for the Secret Service. It was up to the police. That's what they're saying. Veteran Sniper says there's no doubt Thomas Matthew Crooks had help. Most bleeping obvious thing left unguarded.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Sean Davis summarizes. You can go read that. Police reaction to Trump shooting hampered by locked fence gates. NBC guy went through that today on his DAC. Secret Service explanations for security failures not adding up.
Starting point is 00:29:44 DHS Inspector General launches investigation. Reported Trump shooter seen at rally with rangefinder three hours before shots fired. I don't think the rangefinder info came out since we last been on air, but when I first heard that he had a rangefinder, people saw him with a rangefinder. I mean, that's crazy cops radioed the quote blanket tactical channel an nbc guy also in his dac today you should go listen to talked about the different channels that would be used in this situation but on the blanket Channel, which I presume means everybody, red alert, blanket tactical stuff's hitting the fan. Nothing was done.
Starting point is 00:30:29 So apparently cops did radio and nothing was done. We definitely got to talk about that. Local officer fired at Trump gunman, but the name and details is unclear who took the shot or were there multiple people that took shots at the gunman I think there's just a couple more make sure, okay here we go, we're shifting over to almost
Starting point is 00:30:56 never used and definitely not with American candidates political candidate assassinated we have a few under that indicator. Assassination of Trump attempted at Pennsylvania rally. He stands tall, shouts fight to the crowd. Audience member passed away.
Starting point is 00:31:18 He's bleeding, rushed off stage. Rushed off stage. Finally, mainstream media doesn't immediately admit it was an assassination attempt. They don't know what the motivation was, even though they know he was a lone gunman. And, gosh, I think that's it. Future Dan, did I miss any articles?
Starting point is 00:31:55 I probably missed a couple, but hopefully that was decent. Yeah, we usually don't have that many in one indicator, do we? No, absolutely not. And I try not to pontificate because i wanted to talk about an hour on each one of those headlines but i tried to just move along move along so uh gosh where do you even want to start or have at it i'm here but i want to hear what you had to say too so what one thing i detected that I would suggest be careful of, some of the way you read those headlines implies that you agree there was only one shooter. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:39 We don't have evidence of that. The FBI says they do. We don't have evidence of that. The FBI says they do. We don't have evidence of that. Good point. I almost added when I said if there was more than one shooter, you know, on the shooting crooks, I almost wanted to say if there's only one shooter shooting at Trump as well. But that's where I'm like, if they had more than one shooter,
Starting point is 00:33:00 I think the second one would have been the one that actually hit him from 800 yards away and was a well trained sniper that actually can land a shot, but maybe I'm wrong. Anyway, you're right. We're in the first inning of the historical analysis of this and they'll be talking
Starting point is 00:33:17 about this for 100 years from now. Yeah, I hope the facts are clear by then. But even talking about the guy walked around for an hour or three hours ahead of time, and the guy was seen, and the guy is on new video that showed up, or so we're being told. Just this Crooks, supposedly this Crooks kid walking around. supposedly this crooks kid walking around and there could be a lot more going on between crooks and his conspirator handler and the actual shooter. And perhaps another conspirator who would send a few rounds past the snipers
Starting point is 00:34:00 that were on top of buildings, just to make sure the attempt work, all kinds of confusion and all kinds of angles. Just that apparently in America in 2024 is really, really hard for people to keep an open mind about. I have the opposite issue. I think anything's possible. So it's hard for me to actually cement a reality. But there is a reality in that as bolts were shot, hit Trump in the ear, it kills someone and hurt others.
Starting point is 00:34:32 I mean, there's people out there saying that it's like CGI or a total fake or Trump cut his ear with a razor blade like WWF or something. Those are the people that are totally lost. But that's almost the only firm reality I have is Trump. Someone tried to kill Trump. It really did happen. And I'm trying to cement other facts together. But I also know that a lot of this is disinfo and weird stuff's going on. So you do have to keep an open mind. info and weird stuff's going on so you do have to keep an open mind yeah so let's go back to you know the the kind of the tropes or the or the probably possibly the intended uh
Starting point is 00:35:11 information effects of this you you got the lone wolf 20 year old bullied uh white republican white Republican as something to talk about afterwards. You got the timing of it right before the RNC, so there's a big, you know, there's no vacuum to really bring in any kind of full national introspection about what happened because now we're talking about the convention.
Starting point is 00:35:43 There's the DEI guard force for Trump, and there's the Black Rock angle, and all of it prevents anybody from really speculating on, wait a minute, how are we so sure there weren't more than two shooters? It's pure argument by authority that the special agent in charge who announced himself that night was just, this is one person, this is one person only, and we're not answering any of the questions about anything else. And that's the way the media, the mainstream media, including the mainstream conservative media,
Starting point is 00:36:20 they're just taking it as they're given. media, they just, they're, they're just taking it as they're given. Now the police in Pennsylvania, that part of the operation seems sloppy to me because some of them are speaking and we're hearing about people that, you know, the Butler County district attorney apparently is, is he's saying things to the media and he's not naming members of the force but i would i think everybody that was on that police force in the vicinity of that shooter that they need federal protection not by the secret service but the equivalent because if if anybody involved that was on that scene starts passing away from supposedly unrelated causes, that could be the conspiracy cleaning up, covering its tracks. So many witnesses.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Hell, if I was present in person there, you'd almost be watching over your shoulder. At least I would be. I'm like, I have a witness. I'm not saying everyone there is going to be targeted and killed. But definitely police that were there or police that radioed in on the Blanket Tactical channel and no one responded or nothing occurred after that. If I was that guy, then I definitely would be a little worried. Here's something I want to keep in mind. Let's presume Trump did get his head blown off.
Starting point is 00:37:57 What would have happened then? What would have been the impact? I almost think of this as a two-stage thermonuclear device where the first stage boosts and ignites the second stage, and that's where the real big explosion comes from. Instead of being kiloton, it's megaton. And that's if Trump really did get his head blown off. Number one, what would MAGA have actually done? 99% of us would have been peaceful, but 1% would have been violent somehow.
Starting point is 00:38:26 I know it, unfortunately, but I'm glad that didn't happen. But number two, what would have been an inside job or a terror attack where they would have next killed Biden or Harris or blown up, I don't know, massive shootings, some sort of domestic terror attack where they say now the militia's involved and all the MAGA militia's gonna avenge Trump. So that psy-op could have been ten times worse than what's going on right now, if that makes sense. So thank God he didn't die,
Starting point is 00:38:57 get his head blown off. We gotta hope it doesn't happen in the next freaking any time. But does that make sense? I think people underestimate how effed up things would have been if he did get his head blown off. Things are just as effed up now. There's no difference.
Starting point is 00:39:17 That thing shaved his ear. And there's models now that somebody modeled the face and used advanced imagery to do a grid on the entire Trump's entire head. And then you could see this on social media and depict it from a top down view and show you the turn of his head that as it happened from top down and how with a bullet piercing his ear, what it would have done on the same trajectory one second earlier there's no like what if he'd been killed in fact the conspirators would have been pretty much better off you know far far better off right i mean they would they'd be hoping that it would
Starting point is 00:39:58 end up like like jfk and and then seven years from now there'd be the church committee too right that all of it would have been so obfuscated and evidence lost or destroyed and manipulated or people cut out of the equation along the way that there'd be, you know, it'd be all the rhino Republicans saying it's time for us to move on. There's no moving on from this. And we got 60 something more days of an election where he's going to be making speeches. And you better be sure he's going back out to bigger crowds. Because he's going to show the whole world whether or not the Secret Service is going to stand up and do its job. So this is only act one between now and this election. But if he got his head blown off and the next day a truck bomb went off
Starting point is 00:40:45 at an FBI building, I mean, I think we would be a little more effed up than we are right now. But you're right. I mean, we're still 80% of the way there, but I still think there would have been a... I think there was another trigger, another that those conspirators
Starting point is 00:40:58 would have pulled off if then. An if-then statement. And the then didn't take place or hasn't, hopefully. It's not going to but that's just how uh one permutation i'm thinking yeah and you know what there's a couple other uh information operation uh you know follow-throughs or blowbacks or or intended consequences by the conspirators that I think are unfolding just in the past few days. One of them we haven't talked about was supposedly this 20-year-old had explosives and some kind of detonation. I wanted to mention that.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Walked a distance from a vehicle. I mean, you're starting to, you know, when explosives are found in this circumstance, I don't even see how that would contribute in any way to the assassination if Crooks was the lone assassin. So could those have been planted in order to further, you know, obstruct and bring out even more, you know, accusations that it being inside job, allowing across the country, within families, within friend groups, people to start ostracizing the guy that's talking about, you know, the, you know, the inside job. Cause it's so, so, so many people that are scared to death of the idea that we don't have a competent federal police force like the FBI, right? It's still a majority opinion in this country, although everybody's questioning it tonight. You can't not question it. Another possible planned follow through of this is, this is the type of thing that wouldn't even have to be planned, right? Like the conspirators would know after this happened that someone in the Department of Homeland Security would raise the fact that the Iranians were thought to be attempting to assassinate Trump.
Starting point is 00:43:14 That was going to come out of a besieged Department of Homeland Security and a besieged Secret Service within a few days anyway. They're going to be covering their ass any way possible. Because remember, most people in that organization, if you assume it's a low-number conspiracy that did it, two, three people with exactly the right position and power and knowledge, they would know that the DHS would be covering its ass shortly afterwards, and throwing out that whole Iranian angle puts certain conservative talk shows into a mode of talking about that instead of what really happened. Great point.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Well put, and that's how you spun around in a circle. Same with, could be Putin. I think that Putin, now they also say putin loves or i mean that trump loves putin but i still think they would uh you know iran putin kind of one in the same their allies kind of the same axes of evil 2.0 these days and another another probably fully intended consequence and and And possibly even something that, with a wink and a nod, a conspirator knows even more powerful people. You know, I classified that as the sponsor lair.
Starting point is 00:44:33 You know, the powerful people, the they, the big, dark, deep state they, who have no direct knowledge, legitimately didn't know that two or three of the conspirators were actually going to try it this past weekend but in the past they've suggested and talked about how to do such things in the in the abstract many times um maybe maybe you know people that control social media have people that immediately leapt into action calling this a false flag in the other direction, that Trump actually staged this. There is that crowd. And no reasonable, serious people believe that whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:45:18 But because it happened, it's like an inoculation, so that if we on patriot power hour start talking about conspiracy we are meant to be categorized in the same group as the idiots who think it was a hologram certainly good news is this isn't mine and i don't think you're yours either uh first rodeo i think covid with, and especially the vaccines, the jabs, that was definitely my line in the sand. And I said, I don't care
Starting point is 00:45:51 what my family says. I don't care what the government tries to tell me. I don't care even what my employer says. I'm not getting it, no matter what. And after that, it seems like this is easy to speak out that this was an inside job compared to trying to resist the COVID shot pressure as an example. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:12 I know our listeners aren't cowering, but maybe go that extra step and talk to more people instead of just your inner circle maybe would be a way for us to improve. Right. inner circle maybe would be a way for us to improve, right? Yeah, for me, you know, COVID is one thing, but the stolen election was far greater in magnitude to me. That's another great example. And, I mean, 9-11, I've been talking about 9-11 for 15-plus years. I was only like 16, 17 when it happened. But that, when I i saw the first time
Starting point is 00:46:46 i saw trump go down and but then get up it wasn't live of course and they already said on the chiron that trump survived because it's about 20 minutes later you texted me and then i turned it on uh but it was same flashbulb moment and just like always remember when I turned on and saw the replay of the second. Actually, I saw live the second plane hit the towers on 9-11. So, yeah. Anyway, we're running pretty low on time. Only about 10 minutes left. We will be doing special reports if and when needed.
Starting point is 00:47:21 I got a feeling like we needed all that rest these last few months. if and when needed. I got a feeling like we needed all that rest these last few months, not as active because this next few months, few years, is going to be pretty wild. But what else you got to cover today? What other thoughts or angles you want? Yeah, you just made me reminisce about, I think, the month before 9-11.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Like, the biggest news that summer was shark attacks. Like, it was a total news vacuum. And we kind of had that in May and June, relatively speaking. Of course, Trump was, you know, being prosecuted in court, and that, you know, we talked about that. But we had many weeks with five or ten headlines in total on the heat map dashboard and tonight false flags exposed carrying it at grade three not red hot not black happening now but the exposed the potential for exposure of a false flag it's it's it's mid-level temperature tonight we have more headlines in that indicator than than probably you know on average for the last three months and to wrap up the show
Starting point is 00:48:34 i just wanted to bring out an article that i shared earlier today that i think we disagree on couple of them so i'll just throw them out there. You can introduce them to the audience. Ron Paul's take, which I think is defeatist, and the talk of Jamie Dimon in Trump's cabinet, which I think is Trump 4D chess. Well, I don't have it pulled up. Let's start with Jamie Dimon.
Starting point is 00:49:04 If we can get to Ron Paul good, or I kind of want to see what Dr. Paul evolves with over the next few days. Maybe that's the fetus in and of itself. But we'll talk about him if we've got enough time. I don't have the article pulled up. I didn't do my homework, I suppose. But Jamie Dimon, let's hit that right now. He has it named, Trump has it named, Jamie Dim named jamie diamond as his treasury secretary but it's just kind of circling and seems like it's very possible um apparently mr diamond the
Starting point is 00:49:34 you know the face of the banksters really since 2008 jp morgan the largest commercial bank in the world by far. Big recipient of the bailout money, all types of bankster schemes and frauds. He's been so anti-Trump, but he's turned on it. Now he's kind of liking Trump over the last, I don't know, year, six months. Anyway, Kudlow, who's an apologist for the banksters himself, is in Trump's camp. i thought that was bad enough but now they want to make jamie diamond as a treasury secretary you think this is some sort of i don't think they do 4d trash okay this is political then i i think that the quote is that someone asked trump about this after Diamond made a bunch of positive public statements about
Starting point is 00:50:26 Trump. And in Jamie Diamond's defense, economically relative to where we are today with Biden, you know, some of what he was saying is you wouldn't disagree with it. And then Trump, when asked about that quote, said that Jamie Diamond is someone that he would consider. And then Trump, when asked about that quote, said that Jamie Dimon is someone that he would consider. And I think he would consider that out loud to whoever would run with the headline for as long as possible because it makes headlines. It gets people talking about it. And that doesn't mean that he, for one second, would ever do it. Or you want to get a little bit more exotic with your speculation, bringing him into the cabinet as Treasury Secretary inoculates him from any potential staged financial collapse
Starting point is 00:51:16 in his second term, because you'd have the bankster of all banksters as the face of that happening. I get that as a defensive strategy, maybe. This is a tough one. It's a raw nerve for sure. When they're putting 5-5-6 past your head, you might want to be in a defensive posture. Well, no, no.
Starting point is 00:51:45 It's the other way around. Offense is defense in my book in this instance. He needs to be calling out the Federal Reserve. Banksters say they fund Obama. Obama tried to have me killed. Just say it. I don't give a crap. You have no evidence, Trump.
Starting point is 00:51:58 You know it's true. 90% true. Why would he get more votes? Why would he get more votes? At this point, it's past the votes. We're at war. There's not going to be an election. There's not going to be an election at this rate.
Starting point is 00:52:10 He loses the war if he doesn't win. He's going to prison. If he didn't get his head almost blown off, then I would say that's good politics to try to, you know, keep the banksters in check with regard to a financial collapse by having a strong, if not diamond, then at least some sort of pro current financial system, keeping Powell in at the Fed, even as an example. That was last week or a month ago or two years ago type of stuff.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Go forward after July 13th. He ain't obviously going to come out and call out the banksters for trying to blow his head off but a lot of the banksters are involved with the sponsorship of all this is in your model and he must know that so maybe he's just this is just him trolling diamond i don't know but it's uh oof that i won't be able to get over that part that's tough but whatever you know that's for another episode yeah i'm going to follow on jamie diamond becoming trump's treasury secretary but on the dr ron paul headline which essentially is his article that says you know why we'll never know who really did it.
Starting point is 00:53:27 I'm calling bullshit on that. That's complete beta. That's not a patriot. That's not true. And there's no reason to preach that. There's, you know, man is fallen. People make mistakes. The conspiracy cannot be very large.
Starting point is 00:54:06 It would fall apart. It would inevitably have revelations. Maybe not immediately, but to be a conspiracy where no one is ever held accountable can't be that high. And that'll be their success or failure in the long term, and they can fail. So these articles like why we'll never know, just not the future, Dan. Bullshit. We can find out. Well, I will say that this was written I guess, what, July 15th? So that would be Monday.
Starting point is 00:54:24 I think there's a lot more damning evidence that's come out just in the last couple days that might make Ron Paul a little tougher on it but hey one of the biggest problems I've always had with Ron Paul is he wouldn't even go far enough on some of this stuff
Starting point is 00:54:39 but in this like six seven paragraph thing I think most of these paragraphs are fact, but I could get where you're coming from that. It sounds like, Oh, let's just throw our hands up and don't even try to figure out what happened in Butler PA. That's definitely what the headline says. I don't think that he's advocating that we don't even try, but it's also like, maybe
Starting point is 00:55:03 we should look at a bigger picture and talk about DHS, just the entire fact of DHS being involved. The DEI goals, the overall mainstream media censorship and smearing of Trump over the years, and just even on live TV, people saying he should be killed and taken care of and stuff like that. So I get where you're coming from. And I wish he would go a little more hardcore. He's, you know, I think he will be a little tougher going forward. But I don't know. I don't think it's total defeatist. But I guess we will disagree there.
Starting point is 00:56:05 I'm making a prediction tonight that Biden will appoint some attorney, some U.S. attorney, this time lawfully, constitutionally, not Jack Smith style, to be the investigator of that entire incident so that at a minimum, when Trump takes office, there'll be some kind of precedence that, you know, that, that, you know, the, the standard CNN narrative will say, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:14 the violent president just can't violate the, you know, the integrity of the investigation. And what Trump needs to do is fire whoever that appointee is during his inaugural address. I like it. Like sentence number five or four, maybe. All right. Future Dan, that's about it.
Starting point is 00:56:36 We've got to make way. I believe the Intrepid Commander is on tonight. Just so much. I almost want to call it great content, but this is not a great topic. But long story short, PBN's had a lot of intriguing content this week, and I'm sure the shows for the rest of this week will deliver as much. Future Dan will be back next Wednesday, the 24th, but we reserve the rights to
Starting point is 00:56:59 show back up. It was a good show. We'll be talking about J.D. Bantz, someone we've never talked about on this show. He speaks tonight, and tomorrow night, Trump will address the nation for the first time. We'll have all that next week on Patriot Power Hour. Deal.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Catch you guys later. Thank you. I am paying for this microphone. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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