The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Patriot Power Hour 274

Episode Date: August 14, 2024

Each week on Patriot Power Hour, Ben ‘The Breaker of Banksters’ and Future Dan explore the latest Liberty, Security, Economic & Natural news, providing the situational awareness needed to execute ...your preparedness plans. Questions, Feedback, News Tips, or want to be a Guest? Reach out!Ben “The Breaker of Banksters” @BanksterBreaker on Twitter; Future Dan@FutureDanger6 on Twitter

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The American Pronunciation Guide Presents ''How to Pronounce Cuban Refugee'' Not too long ago, two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee, a businessman who had escaped from Castro. And in the midst of his story, one of my friends turned to the other and said, we don't know how lucky we are. And the Cuban stopped and said, how lucky you are. I had some place to escape to. And in that sentence, he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to. And in that sentence, he told us the entire story.
Starting point is 00:00:48 If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. This is the last stand on Earth. The last stand on earth. SILENT PRAGUE © BF-WATCH TV 2021 You are now listening to the Patriot Power Hour. This live episode features the situational awareness you need to practice self-reliance and independence. Introducing your hosts, Ben, the Breaker of Banksters, and Future Dan, the editor of Patriot Power Hour, we are live. It's August 14th, 2024. This is episode 274. Ben, the
Starting point is 00:02:44 Breaker of Banksterssters here with Future Dan. You know, Ben, it's great to be back. I don't like a single part of this show's, the nature of the headlines. I don't want any of them to ever happen. But I love doing this show with you because they are happening, and we need to talk about them. We do. We them. We do. We will. We shall.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Good news is there's not too much news, especially compared to the last month. It's almost exactly... Actually, it is. It's the 14th of August, so it's been just a little over one month since Trump's narrow miss.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Now, we do have some more false flag exposed news that we'll get into. It's come out in the past week but one month later what has been a surprise and maybe what has not been a surprise with how things
Starting point is 00:03:40 have proceeded? Nothing. It's going to that dormant period i think uh if there's conspiracy the conspirators are in that mode of preventing detection you know this this will be the period where if they had exposure it's going to come out or it you know it could come out in 50 years as well we'll see but uh i just great to be back and broadcast in august of 2024 thank god trump hasn't been shot since right so we were in the midst of a you know a somewhat related conversation i guess you could say, right before we got on air, which is the upcoming Fast on Pepper Broadcasting Network.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Can you tell me what you're up to and trying to accomplish? So last week I flew solo on PPH, and in the last five minutes or so, I talked a little bit about fasting and also just generally getting your metabolism and body ready for SHTF conditions, which will mean very little food, maybe no food for quite a while, and also doing physical work while you have little to no food for multiple days. So I've been working on improving my resiliency and hardening my body and all that and mind. Really, it's mind. We'll get into that. But I've been working on that, especially the last few months. But really, I've been on that journey for a while as a prepper as well. But anyway, I talked about that, and NBC guy and the intrepid commander himself, James Walton, said, hell, let's turn this into a challenge. We've done a few challenges on this network, Feature Dan,
Starting point is 00:05:36 and the next one is a 72-plus hour fast. So before we get into that, to sort of set the agenda for episode 274 before we forget when i was last on air with you two weeks ago we were in the midst of talking bitcoin and how to uh have have it encrypted on a thumb drive where you can hold the key. Self-custody, as we were discussing about. And started, you know, just to scratch the surface on the topic of how to trade the highs and lows, if it's possible, to take a position in Bitcoin and then increase it or improve it. So before the end of this show, I'd like to touch into those two topics, but I want to hear more about 72 hours plus. How do you get yourself in condition so
Starting point is 00:06:33 that you could do that without suffering immediate consequences? What symptoms come forth while you're fasting and how long before they don't bother you anymore. I'm interested in all of this. I've never fasted myself, and also I've never spoken to someone who has. Nice. All right, let's do it. We're definitely going to get to the news in the second segment, but like we were talking about, a little quiet.
Starting point is 00:07:00 So we'll take our time to talk about this. We've got some other great topics tonight as well, so it won't be a lack of content on patriot power hours so let's see i first fasted well okay let's set uh maybe some rules here i consider prolonged fasting let's call it that to be at least 36 hours right um? They call it intermittent fasting, maybe like 24 hours, or maybe you fast 20 hours and then you eat four hours a day, like one meal a day, or a couple meals in a small window. And that's actually the first thing I would suggest people do if they're never, if they've always eaten three plus meals a day and really never gone more than a day without food,
Starting point is 00:07:45 like consolidate your eating window to eight hours, six hours, maybe even four hours. If you can for a month straight, not eat 20 hours a day and then eat that four hour window, which I would suggest between about three to 7 PM. So not too early, not too late. You know, a few hours before you go to sleep, you want to stop eating. Uh, I suggest doing that and that'll really help get your system ready to fast. And it actually does a lot of the same benefits. That's almost like the cheap man's easy man's fast is to just change that part. And it will help with a lot of your metabolism and blood sugars and hormones. Just that itself could make a difference.
Starting point is 00:08:33 And that's like some basic training and some tips I would suggest. But it takes a little while, especially if you like wake up and eat breakfast at 7 a.m. every day of your life. And then you eat a snack and then you eat at lunch and then you eat a snack and then you eat at lunch, and then you eat a snack, and then you eat at dinner, and then you eat a snack, and then you eat some chips and some ice cream, and then you go to sleep. It's way harder to go from that to fasting rather than eating just in a three, four, five-hour period. What are the symptoms you've got to endure to do it? Well, there's actually a lot, and they come in different waves.
Starting point is 00:09:08 And I would say the first – well, okay, first off, the symptoms come in waves, but I feel like the benefits come in waves too. So there's times where you feel better than ever. You haven't eaten for 36, 48 hours, and you're just on a high. You're very clear. You're able to – like you can exercise pretty much at the same levels. So there's, like, kind of certain peaks and valleys. And sometimes you feel pretty low.
Starting point is 00:09:35 I feel like I've done a 72-hour fast a few times, but I'm not, like, some super expert. But I've done it a few times in the last few months. And my worst feeling was probably about hour 56 to 60, because that's when you really are totally out of glycogen stores. You're totally out of any calories to be burned except for pretty much your body fat or your muscle. And if you do this right, it's going to be a great majority fat. You will lose a little muscle for sure. Especially the longer you go.
Starting point is 00:10:10 But the worst, I feel like the worst point that I've done is about hour 60. But you bounce back from that. But I feel like there's several different, you know, we go through each kind of window. And we'll be talking about that on preppers live as well but uh that's where last thing i want to say before maybe if you had any other questions we want to expand on that is you can get away with that first 24 hours you don't feel any negative or very little negative impact if you're used to not eating for 16, 18, 20 hours and then having your meal, your body, kind of like the circadian rhythm though, like if you're used to having your first
Starting point is 00:10:51 and only meal at like 5, 6 p.m. for about half an hour around that time, you are going to be really hungry. It's going to hit you. I used to smoke cigarettes. I don't anymore. It's been a while. Nasty habit, but it's almost like a cigarette urge. You're like, oh, I got to eat. I got to eat. And then about 20, 30 minutes later, if you can last through that, you're not hungry for at least another 12 hours. I'm telling you. So that's kind of that first window. After that, you're not really too hungry in the second 36 hours, but there are times where you kind of feel a little nauseous or maybe a little lightheaded. But if you do the right things, it's not too bad. And those pass as well.
Starting point is 00:11:30 So, again, it's like waves of good and bad and sometimes better than other. And probably each person is different. But, actually, you don't really get that hungry except for at about hour 16 to 24. You kind of want some food. I'll tell you that what about your stomach growling that's actually something i really was concerned about when i started off because i was like oh i'm just gonna get like all this acid in my stomach so i'm gonna get a sick
Starting point is 00:11:58 stomach or like it's gonna growl and it really doesn't happen much. And I'm drinking black coffee straight. So on my fast I drink a fair amount of water and then I have some salt and potassium and other minerals but no sugar at all and no sweeteners either. Just like salt, potassium, magnesium and like a couple other things. So I was really worried that I'd be drinking
Starting point is 00:12:24 like all this coffee and stuff and not eating and my stomach would be growling and hurting, but at least mine, no problem at all. So the first time someone attempted something like this, they should build up to it. How far should you go without eating, and for how long should you go, and how often should you have done that amount of time before you attempt to go on for 72 hours?
Starting point is 00:12:53 What I did, and I'm no doctor, so no medical advice, but what I did is about 36 to 40 hours. I did that successfully a few times before I tried to go further. So my whole plan was, hey, I can go the whole day without eating and go to sleep. So that's 24 hours plus sleep, right? So let's just say, I don't know, if you roll it all together, if you can go that first day without eating and then you can sleep seven, eight, nine, 10 hours, all of a sudden you're at hour like 30, 34, 36. So at least myself, I don't get very hungry in the morning,
Starting point is 00:13:38 almost no matter what some people do. Um, I haven't eaten breakfast very often in my life though. So it could be different for people, but for that first eaten breakfast very often in my life, though, so it could be different for people. But for that first four to six hours in the morning, I wasn't hungry anyway. So I'm already at hour 36, and then cruising to hour 40, 42 is pretty easy. But then by about hour 42, maybe I started to feel a little weak or just not so great. I was like, okay, hey, I did 40 hours. I'm good. So I strung together a few successful
Starting point is 00:14:05 40 hours and then I'm like, all right, I'm going for the big one. Yeah, totally. I did the last 36 hours of ranger school with no food, but I also did it with no sleep. It was on the nine and a half and 10th day of the third phase. It was on the nine and a half and 10th day of the third phase. And I was telling you earlier in the show, I could eat. I did eat when that was over and had a meal and then fortunately found out I was graduating. So very happy day. And I ate as much as I could now i was obviously younger and uh maybe maybe the metabolism
Starting point is 00:14:50 factor explains it but i had no problem eating until i was full so you talked to me earlier about that's not a good idea and i would agree probably in you know civilian regular condition that's it's probably good move to not gorge yourself i can manage it then but perhaps not now how do you handle it great question i've done the best or the worst of both worlds i'm still somewhat undecided so i have somewhat gorged myself. I didn't literally eat everything I could as quickly as I could, but let's just say I put down a few thousand calories of healthy food, not like McDonald's and shit, but like macadamia nuts, hamburger, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, like relatively healthy stuff, no sugar.
Starting point is 00:15:48 like relatively healthy stuff, no sugar. And I, I, I felt like I could eat a heck of a lot more even. So you could do that or what they say, you know, what folks suggest I've done my fair amount of research written as well as YouTube video, et cetera. Um, you gotta kind of warm that system up, especially if you're going 72 plus hours. So they suggest maybe some beef broth and then, and then an hour later have a few scrambled eggs. And then maybe an hour later you can have a full meal, something like that, just to get your acids flowing, just to kind of like get,
Starting point is 00:16:17 get the machinery running again. So I'm pretty sure, you know, as a, as a ranger or, you know, your ranger school, it just about to graduate. Uh, it was, as a ranger or, you know, your ranger school is just about to graduate. It was fine.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Your body was like, I don't think I need to warm up. I'll eat whatever the hell I want. And think about our ancestors. They often went many hours, even days without eating. And then when they actually got a kill, right, they would gorge themselves. I'm sure they weren't like, okay, let me eat four ounces of protein and wait 30 minutes and then have a little bit of fat. It's optimized perhaps scientifically, and the older you get, I'm sure you have less resiliency. But our bodies are meant not to eat for a couple days, a few days, and hopefully bounce back pretty quick.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Yeah, and for anybody who's seen the documentaries or the fiction, a great example is one of the episodes in Band of Brothers. When they came upon the Holocaust camps, they didn't know this. They gave the survivors that were there all they could eat. all they could eat. And in the scene, in that band of brothers episode, the doctor, you know, realize what they're doing and be like, no, no, take the food back. You can't do that. They're not going to hold it down. It's going to hurt them worse. So I guess it's a function of time. The longer you go, the more you got to warm that up. But you're saying even after 72 hours you're gonna take a little precaution to come out of it yeah i would and it's relative i think it's what you eat as much as how much you eat so chugging a can of mountain dew and then eating you know some mcdonald's with some
Starting point is 00:18:01 seed oils and you know a bunch of bread and just cram it. Carbs definitely will spike your blood sugar. So a big part of disease these days, heart disease and otherwise, strokes, etc., high blood pressure and diabetes are huge factors to lots and lots of deaths. And that's pretty much related to overeating sugar and carbs. So I'm currently keto. I'm not going to be keto the rest of my life. But I pretty much don't eat any bread or noodles or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:18:39 I eat vegetables and fruits for sure. But I think it's important not to eat processed carbs at least. Don't eat a bunch of sugar that night after you're done fasting. And if you can help it, try to eat a small portion and then wait an hour or two. But it's hard though. Trust me, it's mental. And most of this is mental, but actually one of the hardest parts is once you start eating after a fast, it's super hard not to keep going because your body's like, all right, bring on the buffet. You know what I mean? Now, I'm a big fan of the alone show.
Starting point is 00:19:12 And the season that's ongoing is, in my opinion, one of the best ever. And you watched an episode a few weeks ago with me. And they're talking about well after know, well after three days, well after five days. There's a zone for many days where you just stop thinking about the food, but now you're shedding the muscle mass and the fat in, you know, at a certain point, you know, they call it on that television show, the starvation game.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I mean, you know, you're starving at that point. Have you ever contemplated, you know, they call it on that television show, the starvation game. I mean, you know, you're starving at that point. Have you ever contemplated, you know, or maybe I should say it this way. I know you have contemplated, but where is the limit where the, the, when the body starts breaking down the muscle, right? Cause I remember at ranger school when that started happening to everybody and we just smelled like ammonia. Like you just stunk of it because the muscles were burning away. So I spoke to you and you introduced this segment. Your answer to my question in this segment was 72 hours plus.
Starting point is 00:20:21 So what kind of plus do you think you might reach for and what kind of trade-off are you willing to make because at some point the muscles are getting burned off so i the research i've done is from a lot of different angles i've researched what bodybuilders say and i've also researched what doctors put out there about fasting and they have different objectives right but i feel like they have very similar results so like the data plays out whether you're a doctor trying to find health or you're a bodybuilder that doesn't really care about health you just want to get ripped as hell and not lose muscle and when i kind of correlate that in my brain, or I guess, collate that in my brain, less than 36 hour fast, especially if you're not having much sugar in your
Starting point is 00:21:14 diet will be almost all body fat burned. And then after that, from 36 hours plus, it slowly but surely, more and more muscle gets burned up. And maybe at some point it hits equilibrium and goes from there. I will say a lot of this would depend on how much physical activity you do too, though. So if you're in ranger school and didn't eat for 36 hours, you're already burning a whole bunch of muscle, as opposed to if you're just sitting watching TV for 36 hours. So in the proper broadcasting challenge coming up, how much past 72 hours could you contemplate going before you just don't want to make that sacrifice on losing muscle mass?
Starting point is 00:22:05 Well, for the network and the show and just to extend my all-time record, maybe I'll be willing to lose a little bit of muscle mass this time around. I'm definitely going 72 hours. I was contemplating going into the next day. If I made it like 96 hours, I could make it to the next Patriot Power Hour.
Starting point is 00:22:25 I've never gone more than 74, 75. I stretched it slightly past 72. I felt like I was on a marathon, like just go another 10 minutes, another 20 minutes. So it's not easy at all. But we'll see. I'm definitely going the full 72 hours, and it's going to start this Friday after dinner. I'm going to start it at like maybe 6 p.m. Eastern. On Friday
Starting point is 00:22:50 will be my last food, last calorie intake. And then, yeah, I think Preppers Live will be like 7 p.m. on the 19th on Monday. So that'll be like 73, 74 hours in. And then, I think after the show, I'm just going to go to sleep and wake up and work.
Starting point is 00:23:08 I can work from home that day, hopefully. And then I'll be on like hour 85. Question is, how am I going to feel that day? I've never made it to that like midday of that fourth day. I don't know how I'll be feeling. Here's a cheat that I do the first couple days, but I don't know if I can maintain it, is I go for a pretty rigorous, tough hike through the woods.
Starting point is 00:23:37 I put about a 30-pound pack on and go running up and down some stuff, burn about 500 calories in about 45 minutes. So it's pretty intense. Not super crazy, but you're going relatively fast and tons of hills and weight on me. So anyway, after that for four, six, eight hours, I have a, I feel great and I'm not hungry at all. So I do that like the first couple of days of my fast, but by day four, I don't think I'll have the energy to go on. I think I'll be dragging ass. So maybe I'll go on like a light walk and try to get some of those same effects
Starting point is 00:24:11 because last thing, we got to go to break. Then we're going to do splits. We can talk a little more of this and some other stuff too, but mental is the problem. Like you don't really even feel very hungry after the first 24 hours, but you're like looking forward to that treat it's like pavlovian or like where's my reward i just got done uh working for a few hours why can't i eat or you know oh it's it's friday afternoon or it's saturday
Starting point is 00:24:37 morning i want some pancakes like that's my tradition where's my donuts no you're fasting so like that mental come down of, Oh, I don't get it. Eat like that's actually sometimes worse. Uh, but like, again, I quit smoking cigarettes. It's almost similar to that. Like, you know, after, uh, drinking a cup of coffee, you want a cigarette and you know, that's the mental part in association with other tasks is a big thing. Fasting, hopefully if you have a wife, a husband, a girlfriend, boyfriend, or even just a friend that's a roommate, hopefully you can do it together or avoid each other
Starting point is 00:25:17 because it's not so easy to fast when people are around you eating, though. I'll say that. Right, right. Well, we did Azure Highland. We did Azure Highland 2, Dark Trail March. round you're eating though i'll say that right right well we did azure highland and we did azure highland to dark trail march then we did azure highland toff of ghetto and the point of those exercises was to challenge ourselves in conditions that we may very well face in a grid-down collapse scenario. And certainly I can't think of one that is more basic and more, you know, and to be able to be anticipated than the potential to have to go without food
Starting point is 00:26:02 for extended periods of time. I'm not sure I'm ready to join you on this one, but I would love to interview you a week from tonight after 120 hours, Ben. I'm going to do my best to make that mark so that on Patriot Power Hour next week, I'm still fasted that 120 hours. I'll do it safely. I'll pull the ripcord if I need to, but I'm going to make a real effort for it.
Starting point is 00:26:29 And, you know, I want to push that envelope, maybe kind of like the end of summer cut, something like that. But I'll do it safely. And you know what? I'm in. Screw it. Let's do it, baby. I'll be back next week. God willing, I'll be fasted for Pitcher Power Hour
Starting point is 00:26:46 alright we're going to break folks stick with us we're going to do the dashboard and uh we can while we're listening to a couple of nice commercials I will regret the commitment I just made but I'm a man of my word I and I'm going to stick to it.
Starting point is 00:27:06 So, gosh dang it. I might have to work from home the first few days, though. All right. Anyway, I'm looking forward to it. It is a huge, huge ability and almost a skill to do, I think, as a prepper. So, whether it's 16 hours or 120. But knowing you could do it again if you had to. And if you have to, again, knowing I've done this before,
Starting point is 00:27:30 I can make it through it, that could be very valuable on the outside. Very true. It shifts the window. I used to think 36 hours would be impossible. Now I'm like, ah, 72 hours, it's not even that hard. Let's go 120. So it definitely improves your resiliency if you do it the right way again
Starting point is 00:27:49 it is dangerous if you do it the wrong way gotta hydrate gotta have the right stuff consult your doctor if you already have like diabetes and stuff like that because it's dangerous if you're not healthy already to go too hard on it so I tell you what if you're into the 90, moving past 100 hours next week,
Starting point is 00:28:10 just let me know. We're going to do it broadcast live, and I will bring you the meal of your choosing made the way you want it. Maybe like a big, fresh, seared ahi tuna steak if you want that. Maybe like a big, fresh, seared ahi tuna steak if you want that. Oh, man. And we'll pull in and do a joint live show, and you can enjoy that meal at the end. Yes, at the end.
Starting point is 00:28:37 That's the key because as soon as I eat it, I want to eat more. And I'll get sleepy too. But only after the news blitz. Only after the news blitz next week. All right. Damn it. It's going to be a great end to the summer, eh? Folks, we'll be right back.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Got a couple commercials. Support Prepper Broadcasting Network,, and our sponsors. Be right back with the news blitz. Who wants free ammo? Our new sponsor,, is a truly automated, set-it-and-forget-it ammo purchasing program. Pick your calibers, set your budget, select a shipping trigger, and ammo's coming to you. There's no minimum to buy, no memberships, no extra fees. AmmoSquared was started in Idaho in 2015, and today has over 30,000 customers across the country. Start stockpiling ammo at slash PBN and get 75 rounds of 9mm for free.
Starting point is 00:29:35 That's slash PBN. Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid Commander, and I'm holding The Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy, M.D. In this great book, you'll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You'll learn about assessment and stabilization. You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. Look, 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the Prepper's Medical Handbook today at
Starting point is 00:30:27 Again, that's the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy. Patriot Power Hour. Time for the News Blitz. 14th of August, 2024, episode 274. Let's roll. Relatively quiet. We do have some very important new information coming out on the Trump assassination attempts. We'll get to those at the end.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Let's start with federal government borrowing five billion billion with a b as in bravo a day five billion a day fiscal year 2024 so starting october 1st of last year till now i believe uh so five billion a day federal government government records second biggest July deficit in history as 25% of tax revenue goes to pay the interest on the national debt. So one quarter of tax revenue is paying interest right now. That's pretty crazy. And the deficit, i.e. how much is being added to the debt, second biggest in all time in July.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Yeah. Otherwise, economically, Bitcoin is, well, this past week it's stable, but the week before had a bit of a crash just after we were talking about it on the show. Went down from about $65,000 to $50,000. But right now it's about $65,000 to $50,000. But right now it's about $59,000. You could have bought it at $50K and been up 20% in the past few days,
Starting point is 00:32:14 but it's a dangerous game. Be careful. I buy a little bit in whole. Just like gold and silver. Gold at $2,448. Silver at just under $28. Oil $77. So there has been a little volatility,
Starting point is 00:32:32 but overall things haven't moved too much this summer, up or down. Equity markets, yeah, they had a bit of a crash to start August, but they've mostly bounced back. Even Japan regained a fair amount of what they dropped. So we're always watching for this economic collapse. It seems like it'll be any day, but it's not today. Let's keep going. Ukrainian nuclear plant engulfed in flames amid combat.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Not a meltdown, thankfully. But always watching. Russia of course. Pushed into Ukraine. Or excuse me. Ukraine pushed into Russia proper. And there's a nuclear plant near Kursk. Where they're attacking. Is that an objective of theirs?
Starting point is 00:33:19 That's something else to watch on. That was a different nuclear plant by the way. Multiple nuclear plants in the war zone and within spit distance. Ten of the deadliest superbugs worrying scientists. You can go to Got the link right here. right here and they have the uh very detailed uh latin derivatives of a lot of the uh strains and super bugs viruses and bacteria but uh they also have an explanation and links to articles by the who so if you want to try to get ahead of what might be the next major pandemic. Check that out.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Now, false flag exposed. More and more information coming out daily. If you haven't seen this yet, Butler cop, Butler, Pennsylvania cop on body cam says he told Secret Service to cover the warehouse used by a shooter, and they agreed. I told them to cover that warehouse, to cover that roof last week. I'm pretty sure it was the exact quote. Congressional Special Committee for Trump Shooting Seeks Documents and Briefings.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Records show Trump shooters trips to DHS-linked gun range. Some indicate he had company, so he wasn't going in there on the range himself. So more and more being added to the scale of let it happen on purpose or maybe even make it happen on purpose. Future Dan, that's the news blitz. Not much. I mean, each one of those is important we can talk about, but from a volume standpoint,
Starting point is 00:35:12 it's not too much crazy stuff going on right now at least. Future Dan, are you there? Hopefully I didn't freeze. No, we're good we're good i'm back yeah there's more there's more there's more coming on the false flag exposed and i saw something on social media indicating trump has vowed to return to Butler, Pennsylvania in October. So, yeah, I'd like to break down on the assets that you gave us, and it kind of segues back to what I mentioned earlier in the show, and we were talking about two shows ago.
Starting point is 00:36:01 So I could say that I don't want to put you on the spot, but I probably do it all the time on Patriot Power Hour, so you're pretty good on the spot, though, so let's do that again. Self-custody and limit orders. We kind of scratched the surface, but I got to be honest. I didn't take away actionable, like,
Starting point is 00:36:24 how do i do either okay from our episode a few weeks ago so maybe we could pick it up there let's do it let's start with self-custody it's once you already have bitcoin however you got it did someone send it to you did you mine it yourself with a miner which is advanced and costs money but people do some bitcoin mining or did you buy it from an exchange using your fiat currency there's different ways to get bitcoin but once you get it however you get it you can either leave it with an exchange think of that as like with the bank right i highly suggest not doing that the alternative which is the equivalent of hiding
Starting point is 00:37:16 your money under the mattress but in superior in many ways but uh if you don't hold it you don't own it if you don't have the private keys to your hardware wallet or your Bitcoin account, then you don't own it. But you can with self-custody. So the easiest way to self-custody is you can purchase a hardware wallet. There's a lot of reputable ones out there that have pretty much open source code and a lot of people have tried to break them and see if they can scam them and they don't last. The hackers, that is. They're not able to with properly constructed hardware wallets, what those wallets do is use an algorithm and a cipher, essentially a reverse cipher actually, to create a unique Bitcoin address in the algorithm,
Starting point is 00:38:29 then there are grains of sand in the Sahara desert. And actually it's like billions of times more than that. You know, I'm doing a pretty piss poor job of explaining it, but there is trillion, $1 trillion times 1 trillion times trillion dollars times one trillion times one trillion times one trillion times one trillion possible combinations and it's impossible to randomly guess them is my point yeah got so it's secure that way but can you give me a how-to i i
Starting point is 00:38:58 buy one of these hardware wallets does it come with the Bitcoin keys holding a certain amount on the blockchain? How do you get it? How do you get it onto your wallet? How do you get it out of your hardware wallet? Like the mechanics, man. So when you,
Starting point is 00:39:18 the hardware wallet comes with nothing on it in terms of actual Bitcoin. You have to set up the wallet with your secret password and then of actual Bitcoin. You have to set up the wallet with your secret password and then send your Bitcoin to your wallet. And the wallet's a thumb drive. Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Now, if you memorize the password, which is between 12 and 36 words in a row, unique words, you can memorize it or write it down on a piece of paper and you actually don't need the wallet, the piece of hardware, but it's simpler to have the hardware and you need to generate that super secret password I was talking about and you can either do that by pencil or with that.
Starting point is 00:39:59 But before we do this, what hardware do you need? You got to have a PC, a phone? How are you connecting to the blockchain? You can do it by shortwave radio, technically. But 99% of people will connect it through their PC or laptop. But if you don't trust that, there's ways to connect to the bitcoin network without going through a computer or through windows you can even like no third party no no website how do you like all right say i'm sitting up behind my laptop what do i do where do i go so you have your wallet and there's two pat there's pretty much two addresses.
Starting point is 00:40:45 One is your secret password. The other is public, and that's what you give people. Say, hey, send me Bitcoin to this address, or of course you can send your own Bitcoin to this address. And that's the public address. So that's equivalent to your email address or, hey, send me a Zelle payment to my phone number. Everybody knows that number, and it's fine. You can publish it everywhere. People put their public Bitcoin address on their website, in their Twitter, or whatever, on their storefront.
Starting point is 00:41:18 So you send your own Bitcoin to that address, or other people send their Bitcoin to that address, and now it's in your hardware wallet. And no one has access to it except for you. So I'm connecting to an exchange. I got it on a hardware wallet and I'm connecting to an exchange
Starting point is 00:41:37 and I'm putting money into an exchange account and then I can sell it and get cash. That would be one way to bring it off of self-custody and convert it into another form of wealth, right? Yes. I've only really done one-way transfers to a hardware wallet, meaning once I put it on a hardware wallet, I don't really take it off.
Starting point is 00:42:04 But you can for sure. Keep it all on a hardware wallet and then once I put it on a hardware wallet, I don't really take it off, but you can for sure. Keep it all on a hardware wallet and then transfer it off and sell it and then buy some more and put it back on. I do work through the exchanges some, so I have a little bit of mine on the exchange, and that's where I do my buy-sell. Well, let's get into that next. But hardware wallet if you buy one it's a thumb drive throwing it into your pc you're logging into coinbase and what what how does it come off of
Starting point is 00:42:37 that thumb drive or how's the keys allow a transaction with the bitcoin that technically it always stays on the blockchain right you're just you're just accessing you're just the one in control of it is that the steps correct the bitcoin does not live on your hardware wallet or even live in coinbase it lives in the bitcoin network everywhere and nowhere at once it's all about do you have the password to open the specific address that has your bitcoin in it or not it's in the ledger which is the blocker yep yep so it's uh i think it's kind of weird to get your head around but what someone said, ones that sort of made sense to me,
Starting point is 00:43:26 is like a mailbox at the post office. Like at any time, you know, they'll add new mail to your post office, but only the person who comes in. And a lot of people can see the, you know, go in there and access their own box, but they don't have your key to your mailbox so they can't access it now of course in real life they could just use a sledgehammer and break into
Starting point is 00:43:52 your box in the cyber world they can't hack it because it literally would take tens of thousands of years with the fastest computer guessing every combination before they would hit it in theory or guessing every combination before they would hit it in theory. Okay, so for limit orders, you bring a little bit onto the exchanges. What was that drop in Bitcoin since last week? How could somebody have traded that? I'll just tell you what I did. When Bitcoin was about $66,000, I had some fiat currency on an exchange. And I had orders where it said, if Bitcoin goes below $56,000, buy X amount.
Starting point is 00:44:34 If Bitcoin goes below $52,000, buy Y amount. And if you have it set up properly, and it's easy to do. You can do this on Cash App. You can do it on Coinbase. There's all different types of exchanges now. But even Robinhood is starting to do it. So everybody's getting in on it because they're like, oh, actually, Bitcoin is legit and people want to buy it. We can actually make money if we buy into it ourselves.
Starting point is 00:45:00 So you've got to have some fiat currency on the exchange, though. And that's a risk because if stuff collapses, you ain't getting it back. So keep that in mind. But I had, you know, let's just say a few thousand dollars on this exchange with a few different orders set. And while I was sleeping, Bitcoin dropped a lot. I purchased it at low amounts. and by the time I woke up, it was already higher than what I had purchased it at.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Now, that's dangerous because you might buy it, and then it drops another 10%. So, yeah, you're playing a little risky game, but I believe in Bitcoin as much as gold, at least, as much as any financial instrument. I believe in it. I'm all in in that regard so you're setting floors you're also setting ceilings right if it's some kind of eyes sell a little yep you can even build a conditional buy sell order where you say if it drops below 56,000 by you know x amount and then that'll that'll take place as soon as that order is fulfilled you could have it say if
Starting point is 00:46:17 it gets above 64,000 as an example so a a big gain, automatically sell it all. So you kind of have the computer buy it at a low and then sell it at a high automatically for you if you set it up correctly. And you talked about multiple floors. You can certainly do multiple ceilings, but now we're getting to the nitty gritty. What are the strategies? You know, what proportion of the first floor would the second floor be or the third floor before to, to,
Starting point is 00:46:54 to implement some kind of growth strategy? I mean, how is this really done by the real day traders of this stuff? Oh man. Well, at first you got to buy my course no i'm just kidding there's a lot of courses out there a lot of legit people but also a lot of scammers and everything in between they do this for stocks and bonds and options and a lot of it's the same logic
Starting point is 00:47:16 uh but i would say bitcoin's a lot more volatile. It's not going to be the same in a lot of ways. Yeah, it's like a factor of five. A lot of stock traders will get devastated if their portfolio's down 5%, but you shouldn't feel that way as a crypto or
Starting point is 00:47:40 in particular Bitcoin person unless it's down at least 25% because it's up and down so quick. My personal strategy is whenever it's going down, I buy. Whenever it's going up, I sell. Maybe it's not the most optimized, but I buy low, sell high. I try to do that. Right, but what kind of curve are we looking at?
Starting point is 00:48:05 The more it goes down, or are you just doing big buys when it goes a little bit down and throwing a little bit more money afterwards, or does it scale up? Great question. I kind of take a gauge of what the price action has been the last couple few months. You do? Okay. And if it breaks out of that, either up or down, that's where I'll set mine. So there's always like between 10% to 20%, let's just say minus 15% and plus 15% from where it is currently. If it's a very stable market at that time, if it goes up 10 or 15%, I'm not doing anything. If it goes down 10 or 15%,
Starting point is 00:48:55 I'm not doing anything. But once it starts getting outside of that kind of standard deviation or that zone of kind of what we've seen recently, then I start to dip my toe in and then the low, let's just say the price is going down, right? Down, down, down. If it goes from 60K to 50K, I might buy a little bit, but if it goes from 50K to 45K, I'll buy twice as much as I did before. If it goes from 45 K to 40 K I'll buy four or eight times as much. Now it's super dangerous to do that. You can say that's almost like going to Vegas and just doubling down on a roulette every single time. I'm always going to make money. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Until it hits double zero. Uh, but I believe in Bitcoin enough and it's paid off for me so far knock on wood that if it does drop 20 30 40 50 percent and I just keep doubling down it has always snapped back
Starting point is 00:49:55 up way above and beyond and I'm just massively in the money on the other hand when it goes up 10 percent I don't do anything but if it goes up another 10 percent then I'll sell a little bit. But if it's doubled, like what it did in the first half of this year, it went from $25,000 to $70,000. From $25,000 to $50,000, let's say, I sold a little bit just to rebuy at a lower price maybe.
Starting point is 00:50:20 But once it went from $50,000 up to $60,000 up 60 up to 70 i was i was selling a decent chunk but most of that money i kept and set new limit orders with that said okay i sold this i bought this stuff at 25 000 i sold it at 70 i'm gonna rebuy everything i just sold and more so like reinvesting my profits at 55 $55,000, right? So a little bit of it is just licking your finger, putting it in the wind, and just kind of going with it. My number one thing I would suggest to people, though, is at least keep consistent. Especially with that type of strategy I just said. If you don't double down every single time and you break from it, then you're going to get massive losses.
Starting point is 00:51:04 And yeah, if Bitcoin goes to it then you're gonna get massive losses um and yeah if bitcoin goes to zero you're kind of screwed so maybe you should have a limit of how much you will invest even if it goes down 80 percent um but bitcoin's gone down 50 60 70 plus percent multiple times and within a year it's you know hitting record highs so it's risky i think so uh again i would say last thing 90 of my bitcoin self-custodied i don't play these games with it i just bought bought it and put it on my hardware wallet right but that 10 that's what i'm buying and selling with so eventually if bitcoin gets up to like $200,000, I'll probably have already sold all my kind of trading amount.
Starting point is 00:51:53 And then the question is, do I put more in there to sell or do I keep holding it? I don't know. I'll probably hold it. But I want to sell a little bit. I want to buy a homestead. So in a way, I want to sell some of this. But I don't know. It's always a changing
Starting point is 00:52:05 calculation in my brain so a few more questions uh along the way uh let's say it's time to bring money out of this exchange or platform that you're you're making these limit orders let's say you have gains and you want to bring it on to your wallet, your self-custody hardware wallet. So now you're just attaching that to your laptop. You're logging into the exchange and you're paying what? Your hardware wallet
Starting point is 00:52:36 that amount to take it off the exchange? So here's the cool thing. You only need to attach your hardware wallet when you're sending from your hardware wallet. If the hardware wallet's receiving, it does not have to interface with anything. So if you're not sending Bitcoin, you're only receiving because you already know the public address. So it's almost like someone going to your mailbox and adding more to it.
Starting point is 00:53:04 You don't need to show them your private key. You don't need to plug it in. They already know where your Bitcoin address is. If you give it to people. If it's not held on exchange. If it's not on exchange, where is it? I mean, if no one knows what it is, then no one's going to be sending you mail, I guess. But if you tell people where to send it, they can send it to you without you plugging in your wallet.
Starting point is 00:53:33 And the Bitcoin network will acknowledge that. It's changed possession, and you are now in possession of the Bitcoin they sent you. And you do not need to plug in your wallet, your hardware wallet at all. Gotcha. need to plug in your wallet your hardware wallet at all gotcha but if you want to send if you want to send bitcoin from your wallet somewhere else then you it's almost like you have the i don't know there's all these analogies and they all suck but you have like the the signet or you have like the seal and you're able to press that you know, and that's your hardware wallet, or your 24-word passphrase. You can input that, and that will authorize Bitcoin to be moved from your account to someone else. So that you need either the hardware wallet or the password to send, but to receive, you do not.
Starting point is 00:54:23 I think I might have to watch you do this to fully grasp how that works. But another question about the limit orders. When you're on a platform and setting limits, do those have a cost? Do they expire? If they expire, how long can you set them for? What's the mechanics there? Great question. long can you set them for what's the mechanics there great question different platforms are have different options the the platform i use your limit orders can you know have no expiration so
Starting point is 00:54:59 they can be there forever you know for a while So you can set you though, your limit orders to last for one hour, 24 hours, seven days, whatever. So you can definitely manage your risk in that way and be like, I want these orders in place for this week, but if they don't execute, I want them to cancel and I don't want any orders left. Right. So you can do that um what was your other question there's a good one i forgot do they have a cost oh yeah okay funny thing is the cost is equal or less than just going to the exchange and it's called a market order where you just buy whatever it is right now like oh i don't even want to mess around with playing with these limits and shit just give me some bitcoin here's some fiat cash
Starting point is 00:55:50 give me bitcoin right now that has a fee usually between 0.5 percent or half a percent all the way up to three percent depending where you're at if you're paying 3%, you should not be, but some are. And doing a limit order, I've seen some places where it's less, the fee is less because the exchange actually wants those limit orders on their books to build liquidity and actually have the ability to make a market. So they want you to use a limit order and they'll actually sometimes give you a slight discount on the fee. So you should expect, let's just say like a 1% fee. So if you invest a hundred dollars, you're going to pay a dollar fee almost no matter what. Final question. If you have a hardware wallet and I have a hardware wallet, how do we transact Bitcoin directly?
Starting point is 00:56:49 I give you my public address, which is a string of characters, like 20 characters or something, some weird-looking password-type characters, 38Q7 blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, random but not random. So I give that to you. You plug your hardware wallet in or in you know with your passphrase either way you go in and you then will copy paste the address i gave you and
Starting point is 00:57:17 say pretty much give instructions i want to give 0.1 bitcoin to this address. Which is my address. And then. When you put in the secret password. Or connect your wallet successfully. It will broadcast to the Bitcoin network. And say okay. Wallet A wants to send to wallet B. Wallet A. We can confirm it's the legitimate owner.
Starting point is 00:57:42 It has it's legitimate password. Now if someone else gets your password, you're screwed. There's no customer service to call. So you've got to keep your password super secret. But the Bitcoin network is able to authorize that, which goes beyond right now. But mathematically, they can prove that you are the owner of the keys and that you requested to send some Bitcoin on the ledger to me. and that you requested to send some Bitcoin on the ledger to me. And then the Bitcoin network will verify that and create blocks and do the verification. That's what the miners are doing with their computer power to verify that you're not given a fake password
Starting point is 00:58:17 or that you're not trying to send 50 people a transaction when you don't have enough money that's called double spend and that's a huge issue bitcoin fixes you're not allowed to go so currently like clearing houses and banks are the only thing that people stop people from doing false checks right and sending a bunch of fake checks out to people and then running away bitcoin takes care of that automatically that's a huge feature so i know i'm rambling running out of time hopefully. That's a huge feature. So I know I'm rambling, running out of time. Hopefully that's helped a little bit. We got I Am Liberty following Patriot Power Hour tonight. You know what?
Starting point is 00:58:54 Actually, I saw I Am Liberty was posted today. I was really busy at work. I didn't get to listen to it. I think it might have been last night. But I don't know if he's doing another show tonight, so I don't necessarily want to keep going through it, but I Am Liberty is on my queue from last night to listen to. We'll have to tune in at 8 p.m. tonight on Prepper Broadcasting Network
Starting point is 00:59:17 to know if we're getting preempted, but we're not really getting preempted because we're wrapping up our one-hour Patriot Power Hour on Wednesday nights on the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Episode 274 in the books. Yes, sir. Another good show. Hey, not a ton of news, but this whole thing of the federal government borrowing $5 billion a day in fiscal year 2024, you can't fake Bitcoin. You might think it has no value, but it can't be faked.
Starting point is 00:59:46 You can't fake gold. You can't fake medical supplies. You can't fake health. That's for fasting, right? All these tangible items that are not your bank account, not your 401k, invest in those, not in the $5 billion of fraud every day that the federal government's borrowing. That's my final spiel there, Featured Dan. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Hear, hear. We'll be live next week, all right? Let's do it. Catch you guys later. Wish me luck on my fast. Talk next week. Thank you. I am paying for this microphone. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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