The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Patriot Power Hour #275
Episode Date: August 21, 2024Each week on Patriot Power Hour, Ben ‘The Breaker of Banksters’ and Future Dan explore the latest Liberty, Security, Economic & Natural news, providing the situational awareness needed to execute ...your preparedness plans. Questions, Feedback, News Tips, or want to be a Guest? Reach out!Ben “The Breaker of Banksters” @BanksterBreaker on Twitter; Future Dan@FutureDanger6 on Twitter
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The American Pronunciation Guide Presents ''How to Pronounce Cuban Refugee''
Not too long ago, two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee,
a businessman who had escaped from Castro.
And in the midst of his story, one of my friends turned to the other and said,
we don't know how lucky we are.
And the Cuban stopped and said, how lucky you are.
I had some place to escape to.
And in that sentence, he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to. And in that sentence, he told us the entire story.
If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to.
This is the last stand on Earth.
This is the last stand on Earth.
The last stand on earth. Sous-titrage ST' 501 ¶¶ You are now listening to the Patriot Power Hour.
This live episode features the situational awareness you need to practice self-reliance and independence.
Introducing your hosts, Ben, the Breaker of Banksters, and Future
Dan, the editor of
Patriot Power Hour, we are live, episode 275. Ben, the Breaker of Banksters, here with Future
Dan. Future Dan, it is August 21st, 2024.
Getting closer and closer to the election.
That's for sure.
This is Patriot Power Hour.
Not the news sucks, so you have to prep.
But the news isn't that bad tonight.
It's got some serious direction to it, though.
And we're going to get into all of that.
But before we do, it was one week ago at this Patriot Power Hour block, 7 to 8 p.m. Eastern on Wednesdays, that I think you kicked off or shortly thereafter kicked off your fast, and that fast continues right now.
How are you doing?
It does continue. I'm actually on that fast continues right now. How are you doing? It does continue.
I'm actually on 118 hours right now, almost five full days.
I started, or I guess my last meal was Friday, and so today's Wednesday,
so five days ago Friday at 9 p.m.
I was going to try to have my last meal at 6 PM, but I cheated a little bit.
I'm like, I'm not going to eat for a few days. I'm going to have a little bit more eggs, uh,
and a little steak as well. But yeah, it's been five full days. Essentially. I'm going to
break my fast tomorrow, mid afternoon. So fasted right now, feeling pretty great.
Actually, just in the last few hours is almost the only time I've started to feel a little draining energy, but I had to go to the office today.
I had commuted.
I was stuck in traffic.
I've been in the car for two and a half hours dealing with crap, and I was super energetic
and productive today, so eh, we'll see.
I guess this will be a judge of my mental clarity, but I'm feeling okay, but I'm excited to get over,
you know, to break the fast.
It's been good, but, you know, good things come to an end.
What are the symptoms or sensations or,
I mean, how do you know right now
that you haven't eaten in five days?
Like, what's the standout symptom i would say
a little lightheaded here and there not always um and i would say the best way to handle that
is make sure you're drinking enough water and electrolytes so maybe we talk about that in a
second but occasionally i feel a little lightheaded or a little, just a little like, whoa. Not even dizzy, though.
Like a one out of ten or a one and a half out of ten occasionally.
Like if you need to stand up.
So I think that's more of a hydration electrolyte thing.
And since I was at work, I didn't get as much today maybe.
Otherwise, you do fantasize about food a lot more.
Like you'll just think about even like mundane food in a way like a
strawberry you just think about a strawberry if you see one just be like oh that's gonna be so
good whereas when you weren't fasting yeah i like strawberries i never thought much else about them
uh so i've done that with i was talking to the guys a couple days ago. I was with Dave Jones and Intrepid Commander, and they went like 72 hours or so.
And Dave Jones has gone a whole week before, so he's even going to go longer than I have.
But I was telling them that I didn't even mean to, but I was just looking into my refrigerator kind of habitually,
and I just was looking at a jar of peanut butter for like 30 seconds before I realized what I was doing.
Wait, wait, wait.
You're fasting now on 118 and a half hours.
And you were just checking out what's inside the refrigerator by just coincidence.
You went through the kitchen and thought, I should just look in here.
I'm not like wicked hungry right now. this is a couple days ago i've only looked at i think i've only looked at the refrigerator like four or five times but it says almost everyone
except like once was absent-mindedly uh once or twice i was like getting like some water and i
had a couple like uh carbonated waters that are no
calories, no sweetener, no artificial sweetener either. Just like water, carbonated water. So
that and black coffee. But, uh, a couple of times I went to get some of those, but there was times
where I just kind of was standing by the kitchen for whatever reason and just like open the fridge
just out of habit probably. And what one time specifically i was just i
did that and i was looking at just a jar i don't have much in my fridge trust me i was looking at
a jar of like almond butter and i was like oh that looks so good and then i snapped out of it sort of
like oh shit i can't look at that but uh i didn't realize and i wasn't going in there to look or
like torture myself so that so the random daydreaming of food is, you know, much more.
Your smell is much more acute, which is a good thing probably, maybe.
It depends, I guess, if you're by smelly people.
But you can smell good and bad things more clearly, if that makes sense.
That's about it.
How far along before you personally think you might get
delirious enough that you might be going to places that you have food stored and you're kind of
semi-conscious about it you just kind of want you know something subconscious just says i gotta get
to that food now maybe when you're really how, how far before you start losing your senses and wouldn't, wouldn't be able to keep away from
looking for that food. So the tiredness would make a huge difference. Sleep deprivation would
just make this so much worse. Uh, that said, I need less sleep. I know I normally I need a lot
of sleep. I'm just, uh, I say it's cause I got a big brain, but I need a lot of sleep.
I say it's because I got a big brain, but maybe I'm lazy or whatever.
Let's just say on average I get eight and a half to nine hours.
I feel pretty good on the work days.
This whole week, I've been waking up at about the seven and a half hour mark.
That's at least a full hour less, and I feel just as good or better in the morning.
I kind of oppose that to in my past, sometimes I'm a night eater or I would wake up in the
middle of the night and eat something kind of, you know, a bowl of cereal, like not good. Right.
And I would feel like crap the next day. I'd sleep like nine or 10 hours and I would still
feel crappy because my blood sugars and my digestion was all jacked up because i ate like two in the morning anyway long story short uh need less sleep but
i know i would be way more delirious and just like maybe even more willing to cheat or whatever
if i was tired for sure so is there any food that you dislike just that much that if, let's say you're ending the fast now,
that even today, right now, you'd say, no, I'm going to pass on that.
I'll eat something else.
I'll wait.
I don't like that enough.
We'll consider this true, real food in the American sense.
So no cats and and dogs for example
i honestly almost everything sounds appetizing to me if i really think about it but on the other
hand i don't have much hunger so that's something really interesting about fasting is after the
first like 24, 36 hours,
you actually lose a lot of your hunger.
Sometimes you'll fantasize about the food but not even feel the same hunger as much.
It's kind of weird. Name some random foods that are kind of gross and I'll let you know.
I don't know.
For me, it was probably green peas.
I don't know.
For me, it was probably green peas.
As I shared last week, the most – the furthest I've ever done this is 36 hours,
the last day and a half of ranger school in the third phase with zero food.
But I can tell you that the day before that, I had traded away a tuna fish,
a meal-ready MRE tuna fish pouch circa 1997
and didn't look back.
I think I got a few condiments for it, but I was fine not having that.
But that was only a day and a half.
You're on day five just wondering if you have a least favorite food
that you'd turn
down right now i would say you were in much worse condition because you'd been months and months of
low food and heavy activity i really prepped well for this fast where i was just eating super clean
for at least three weeks before and i took a lot of supplements a lot of fish oil vitamin d vitamin c all that stuff
that could make your fast way worse so but I I don't like meatloaf very much but I would kill
some meatloaf right now so it's hard to say it's hard to say that there's things I would like a lot
more than other things but I don't I feel like I feel like literally some green olives,
I would kill that right now.
Just give me some cheese.
I would eat tuna.
I wouldn't want tuna that much, but I would eat a can of tuna.
I don't know.
Well, how far does this go?
Where are you aiming for?
So on our show, and you guys missed it, the Fasted Cast.
Go listen to it.
Intrepid Commander, myself, Dave Jones.
We decided in February we're going to do another long fast.
And I'm not going to do this five-plus-day fast probably until February.
But I'll do maybe once a month like a 36- or hour one maybe it's for various reasons but long story
short i'm gonna try to go for a full week then but i'm just gonna go for about five to five and a
half days this time and that way i can achieve something better next time but also i don't want
to burn too much muscle i don't want to press my luck too much because this is like double what I've ever done.
And it's going really well, but I'm also waiting for the other shoe to drop.
So I think tomorrow, depends how I feel tomorrow, but pretty much from noon on,
I'm going to allow myself to pull the ripcord.
And I'm going to try to go to maybe four or five and then just eat for a few hours and go to sleep
because I don't want to like, trust me, once you start eating, you don't really want to
So if I start eating at like noon, I'll probably just eat and eat and eat and eat and that's
not good for you after a fast.
So anyway, we're at nearly five full days and I think about five and a half, maybe a
little more is where I'll end up.
Yeah. and I think about five and a half, maybe a little more is where I'll end up. Yeah, so what do you think the prospects are hanging on to that seven and a half hour nightly sleep?
Are you aiming to do that after this is over?
I got a feeling I'll be real tired and sleepy all weekend when I'm eating,
which is good and bad because I need to heal up
and absorb all that, but you don't want to put it all back on.
And then also, if you swing up and down a lot, it's not good for you.
But what was the question?
Maybe I forgot now.
There's my first failing.
No, I mean, would you want to adopt a seven and a half hour?
You say you're doing well with it now.
I'll tell you, I've always been five minimum, less than that,
and I'm in trouble, not feeling great.
And seven and a half, perfect.
And as I've aged, going longer than seven and a half is actually detrimental.
I've actually, I'll be yawning all day long if I oversleep,
which wasn't true when I was your age.
But maybe that's coming for you too.
Hey, compared to where I was, because I'm nearing 40,
and compared to where I was when I was 25,
I can definitely not sleep as long.
But I'm sure as you get older, I definitely heard the same things.
And also you go to sleep earlier but wake up earlier too.
It's just the general trend, I guess.
My mother is not like that.
She's a night owl no matter what all the time practically.
But here's the thing.
I didn't change my uh alarms or sleep schedule I just like woke up before my
alarms 30 40 50 minutes an hour before my alarm and I was like oh I feel great let me just wake up
and you kind of feel motivated I think a lot of it is your body doesn't have to spend a lot of
resources on digestion so it can kind of shut down and repair temporarily.
Obviously, you go way too long without eating.
The negatives are way more than the positives.
But I don't know.
I like sleep a lot.
It's one of my favorite things.
It's really good for your immune system and your brain.
But time is really of the essence these days, especially as a prepper.
So I've saved a lot of time on the sleep.
And also, you don't have to do dishes when you go grocery shopping. It's not
too bad.
Yeah, it's shifted in the lifestyle for a little
while. So, we were talking
before the show. You're telling
me you've currently lost 10 pounds
and you're thinking six
of that is water
and I might be displaying
my ignorance. I'm thinking that
maybe on the high side
of an estimate, then
we kind of started to talk about
blood hydration versus
overall hydration.
Can you just lay out
for me how you
arrive at these figures and
what do you think they mean?
Yeah, let's try to run through them super simple not get too deep into them i let's just call it 10 pounds um
so i'm relatively big guy by my frame and a decent amount of muscle i'm no bodybuilder but i
burn more than 2 000000 calories per day,
let's say like the average or whatever.
So I say that I burn at least 2,000 calories per day, even sedentary.
So let's just take 2,000 per day.
One pound of fat, which is my only source of fuel the last four to five days,
is body fat.
After the first day of fasting, you're all body fat or muscle and organs if you
don't have enough body fat. It's about 3,500 calories per pound of body fat, I believe.
So you could say that I'm burning 2,000 plus per day. So in two days, that's 4,000 calories burned.
Let's just call it one pound of fat per two days or half a pound per day
um half a pound per day and i've been going six days so that's like three pounds of fat
and i would say i hope less than one pound of muscle i would like to have like a five or six
to one ratio minimum where like if i lose you you know, long story short, I don't know.
I've heard things as low as you lose half an ounce a day all the way up to a quarter of a pound per day, which would be 4 ounces.
So that's a huge discrepancy.
I did work out some.
I went for a run and I felt pretty darn good on the first day. And I went for a run the second day and I felt even better.
Actually, those were days three and four of the fast, not days one and two.
So anyway, I burned at least half a pound of fat per day minimum.
And it's been six days, so that's three pounds of fat.
Let's just say a pound of muscle, hopefully less, hopefully a lot less, but one pound of that. And that's six pounds of fat um let's just say a pound of muscle hopefully less hopefully a lot less but one pound
of that and that's six pounds of water left it's the only thing really left um i probably am a
little dehydrated i actually got a little bit of cramps earlier today earlier today but i drank
made sure i drink drank more water and took more electrolytes but uh you lose a lot of water that
was in your muscles and just your overall system.
And definitely some in your blood too, but I don't know.
People get really bloated, especially if you eat a lot of carbs,
and you'll be surprised how much water will come out of your system
if you cut out a bunch of carbs or even go fasting.
So it's kind of crazy.
That five, six pounds of water just
falls out of you.
As they say in baseball, here's the payoff
pitch. Final question.
Let's do it.
How do you think this experience
relates to
your prepping strategy?
I've got to think about it
because I think it could revolutionize it,
but maybe I need to sit on it and think about it for a little longer.
But I honestly have no concerns now of going 72 hours on a bug out
or anything else without food.
I almost want to fast in that. I almost feel like my body in a 72 hour period would do
better with no calories compared to limited calories or shitty MREs. Now for a month or
three months or six months or longer, of course you got to eat, but, uh, but I don't want to get
that extreme yet, but I, but my confidence level sky high in terms of no food. But on the other hand, it just shows how important it is to have water and electrolytes.
If I didn't have a ton of water and a ton of salt and potassium and a couple others, it would be way more difficult, number one.
And I'm pretty sure I would have had to quit by now.
And like I said, I was already kind of not really cramping.
But I could kind of feel a little off.
I made sure I drank about a liter of water and took some electrolytes, and I'm good now.
I don't know.
If I had to do a 30-mile bug out, I don't even think I'd want any food.
I will still pack some food in my pack. But it's not that big a deal. You definitely don't need to bring five pounds of food and a pot to boil in and stuff.
I don't know.
I think it just opened my eyes that humans can go without food longer than maybe people in the 21st century think.
In America, at least, right?
Yeah, it depends on if that bug out is on foot.
I'll agree with most of that though
i still want to be prepared in case that three day turns into 14 days
because you had to take a side route or something so uh but it was that that was that was great uh
here's maybe one other thing and then we'll go to break and come back with a news blitz and talk some other stuff for sure but um the keeping some fat on your body is actually like a really good idea that's something
that's come to me i'm not even gonna try at all to get a six-pack not that i necessarily could but
i i want to lose a few more pounds but i don't want to lose much more than I have now. Maybe, you know, five to ten pounds total compared to where I am.
But not more than that.
I want to have like a month worth of body fat on me just as like a prep.
Because I don't know.
If I went into like a SHTF level with a six-pack, like that's a bad idea, I think.
So keep that in mind.
I don't know. It's like, oh, six-pack looks good, but maybe it's not as good's a bad idea, I think. So keep that in mind. I don't know.
It's like, oh, a six-pack looks good, but maybe it's not as good for survival or something.
Different frames carry different amounts of body fat.
But there's a reason why having fat on our bodies is part of evolution to survive lean times.
Always was.
Here's another thing i've thought about i haven't fully vetted it but if stuff hits the fan and especially if like the power grid goes down
and your generator's running low or you have some food that may spoil in the next week or whatever
maybe just eat the heck out of it because your body will put that on as fat so like maybe if stuff hits the fan
you just feast for a week on all the fresh stuff
and then
you know
because I'm telling you
I actually did some fasting like I said
like a few weeks ago a month ago
and I almost lost no weight
afterwards because I ate probably a little bit
too much macadamia nuts, peanuts,
almonds, and then lots of red meat and eggs.
All healthy stuff, no sugar, but I was actually able to keep my weight up.
So I don't know.
I'm just thinking like, hey, if you're worried you're going to lose it, just eat it all.
Eat as much as you can and your body will hold on to some of it and that's better than letting it go to waste
I guess.
You're going to wish you did if
you're sitting there after it rotted and you don't have
anything else.
I don't know. These are all things
that I have a new
perspective on but I need to
return to my baseline
and think about it for a few days.
I'm pretty stoked on fasting.
It's something everyone I think should check out and you could, but I think, you know, you can
start, start with the basics, start with, uh, trying to cut out a little bit of the sugar or
a lot of the sugar and try to go 16 hours without food. Try to only eat dinner. Have one meal a day. Or if you get to that, try to go 24 or 36 hours.
And don't push it too fast.
But also, you'll be surprised how good you do probably.
Of course, if you've got medications or other issues, diabetes already,
you've got to be very careful with that stuff though.
But, yeah, I don't know.
That's about all I've got though.
I'm excited to see where this goes in the future for me.
I think it's pretty interesting stuff.
Bigger success than I expected.
How about that?
How about a daily audio cache when you break this thing?
Tell us what you're cooking up.
Yeah, deal.
I'll do a little, I'll record 30 or 60 seconds and then pause it. And then a couple hours later, I'm eating something else. I'll do a little, uh, you know, I'll record 30 or 60 seconds and then pause it. And then a
couple hours later, I'm eating something else. I'll talk about that. And, uh, I could do that.
I think that'd be fun. All right. Let's do the news. Next segment. It's your power hour.
Last broadcast, August, 2024. Let's get to it, Ben. ¶¶ Thank you. Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency?
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One ready for any event that would disrupt their daily routine. That is a prepper. The pictures tell the story
This life had many shades
I'd wake up every morning
And before I'd start each day
I'd take a drag from last night's cigarette
That smoldered in its tray
Down a little something
Then be on my way
I'd travel far and wide And then be on my way.
I traveled far and wide and laid this head in many ports.
I was guided by a compass.
I saw beauty to the north.
I drew the tales of many lives and wore the faces of my own.
I have these memories all around me so I wouldn't be alone.
Some may be from showing up.
Others are from growing up.
Sometimes I was all messed up and didn't have a clue.
I ain't winning no one over.
I wear it just for you. I got your name written here in a rose tattoo.
In a rose tattoo.
In a rose tattoo and a rose tattoo.
I got your name written here and a rose tattoo.
Patriot Power Hour.
We are back.
Future Dan, we're going to get to the news blitz.
Had a little snafu with the tech.
Hopefully it'll pull through.
Before we get to the news blitz, hopefully, though,
what are a couple of the biggest headlines
or issues you've seen this week so far?
Oh, today, the March jobs estimates, you know, running from last year into March of this year, were all revised.
So, 818,000 jobs that never happened.
This is the Department of Congress Bureau of Labor Statistics. The banks knew, but nobody else did.
The Commerce Secretary is at the DNC in Chicago
refuting the data from her own department.
It's a fiasco. It's the second worst revision
in the history of the United States.
The only time a revision was done like that previously was in the 2008-2009 timeframe.
And it shows that after the bounce back from the COVID period of job loss,
the overestimates coming straight out of the department of commerce,
you know,
finally during the election season,
they got to come clean.
So they,
they couldn't,
they couldn't hide it forever.
Here's a question.
Is that because they just mistimed it and they're incompetent and they
missed their mark they wanted to just hold this fraud just to like december and it would have
been okay but it's they messed up or is someone trying to sabotage harris you would gotta expect
this would be negative for the current administration is it possible that the powers
that be or at least a faction within,
is trying to sabotage them and they want Trump,
or at least they want to cause more chaos?
No, certainly not.
What it is is they don't care.
Oof, that's not a good plan for life,
but that's some hubris, I guess, huh?
That might come and bite them in the ass.
Yeah, but do their voters even understand what that 818,000 falsely reported jobs means to anybody?
It can't possibly mean something directly to most of those voters' lives.
If I don't understand.
The voters that are already locked in
don't even pay attention, don't care,
would probably say it's a conspiracy anyway.
The independents,
I don't know if they'd be swayed or I guess dissuaded from voting for
Harris because of this, but it's more that they are experiencing, the average American,
especially independent voter, middle class, whatever, is experiencing a rougher job market
and economy than they've been told about.
And now it's,
you know,
maybe they're not as happy with the current administration and current
economy as Harris is letting on.
I get what you mean.
I've said these numbers are bogus forever and look,
it comes out as bogus.
And does it even matter?
Sometimes it's like, nah, I guess not.
Maybe not.
But on the other hand, at least they have to show the numbers.
I'm sure the real numbers are even worse than this.
But hey, at least they tried to revise a little bit.
Super quick, breaking down the 800 plus thousand revision.
What does that mean?
It means over the last, when was it?
At least most of this year, they inflated the new jobs and pretty much deflated or covered up unemployment and all that.
But not only that, the jobs they created weren't just your average 40,000 a year job.
A lot of them were professional type jobs and they took a huge hit manufacturing took a huge hit a lot took a hit
but you know what actually got revised up by 1 000 jobs they actually added a little bit more
the only one government so government not only didn't shrink relative
they actually added a thousand extra government jobs which is not very productive in my book
and these are just bureaucrats estimating bureaucrats with economic degrees there's no
counting of any of these things. It's all just government estimates.
So long ago, administrations must have understood the power of controlling how those estimates are created, at least since the 90s, right?
So it's just one more chink in the armor.
Back in the day when the Bureau of Labor Statistics was created, probably a lot more
employees of the U.S. government that wouldn't have altered the data or constructed the methods
of estimates in ways that were politically favorable. But in the last 20, 30 years,
But in the last 20, 30 years, I got to believe that's just one more target point of the regime that has control of the numbers right now, the Democrats. this even came out like they already been uh spitting in our face and they actually had to
have some egg on their face this time by showing that their numbers were totally skewed totally
wrong either because of incompetence and or because of corruption you can infer that in my
opinion it's got to be one or the other or both. Incompetence or corruption.
Not random chance.
In my opinion, very unlikely.
It's random.
So, with that said, does it really matter?
I don't know, but it is another chink in the armor.
And there is the old straw that broke the camel's back.
So, Kamala, could this be the straw that breaks her back?
Highly doubt it.
But the economy will be a focus of things.
We'll see what happens with the Fed in September with rates.
So what's your opinion on the banks being foretold?
Because it was late by like 35 minutes today or something, right?
Maybe it was only 35 minutes they knew that's enough that's a lifetime though
in trading oh yeah or maybe it's 35 days ago and true you know people people understand that
you know data like this is is is used by private sector economists hedge funds traders institutional traders and and and
at least at to some level those people trust those numbers right and for such a massive revision to
come in the banks probably in my opinion they probably knew long before. Because it could be a destabilizing type of thing.
Maybe a leak of that came out a couple Mondays ago when the stock market tanked 1,000 points.
Could be.
And actually, this is perfect timing.
The Ted Nugent glitch has resolved itself.
I'm going to go through the news blitz, and I'll start with the economy.
How about that?
Yeah, rocking.
Well, we just went through up to a million American jobs vanish in federal government revision.
Bureau of Labor Statistics March jobs report revised down by 818,000.
Second worst in American history. history well guess what happened today gold all-time high
above 2500 even hit a mark at 2513 let's see where it is right now silver not at an all-time high but
chasing it down quicker than gold even bitcoin about 61 000 so right now yeah gold is at 2513 silver just a
a couple quarters below 30 so long story short maybe people don't trust this system maybe they're
like ah here's another uh example of of me being uncertain of what's really going on maybe i should
allocate a little bit more to Bitcoin or to gold.
We're not seeing huge, huge, huge flights to Bitcoin or gold right now,
but gold above $2,500, that's big.
And Bitcoin above $60K is always a nice spot.
That's what we're seeing here.
Is it going to break one way or the other into September and beyond?
Some people think gold could easily hit $3,000.
But, hey, if we have an economic collapse,
a lot of the air could be taken out of the tires in the short term.
Remember what happened in COVID in 2008?
Gold and silver and Bitcoin dropped.
Well, Bitcoin went not in 2008.
But long story short they could
drop big time before they bounce back big time potentially so anyway gold 2500 let's get on to
the rest of the news blitz i'll try to go quickly more than one in nine americans live in poverty
new stack come through let's go to natural news and health not too much going on we do have uh
the chai comms conducting emergency drills for a pneumonia of unknown cause across china
keep an eye on that devastating floods in chad's desert claim at least 54 lives volcano erupts in russia
after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake sending ash column five miles high pretty big earthquake
with a volcano right thereafter keeping tabs on this stuff top topical news, geopolitics and war,
got a lot of fires burning worldwide,
literally and or figuratively,
Israeli assassinations at near daily rate in Lebanon,
there's also lots of airstrikes,
so not just the Gaza Strip, having all this activity, In Lebanon. There's also lots of airstrikes.
Not just the Gaza Strip.
Having all this activity.
American soldier.
Pleads guilty.
After selling military secrets to China.
There was a.
Attack on.
JBSA Lackland Air Force Base.
Pretty much they.
Came up to the guard shack. And and unloaded and were fired back on.
Kind of odd.
We're keeping track of it
in case it leads
to a bigger trend.
Body of alleged Trump shooter cremated
10 days after assassination
attempt. The body is gone.
New video appears
to show DC police units planting a j6
pipe bomb even though there's not necessarily article on it the operation in kursk is getting
pretty extreme ukraine's pushed in got many many hundreds of square kilometers and have blown some
bridges they're fortifying and maybe even pushing further on the meanwhile,
Russia is taking many key strategic areas more South in the Eastern front,
which could cut off Kharkiv.
So both sides are just going,
going at it big time.
Both are winning and both are losing.
It seems, uh uh keep an eye on
that for sure final article of the news blitz texas attorney general launches investigation
into reports of organizations illegally registering non-citizens to vote so not just uh the legals that are signed up to vote they didn't do it themselves okay very
unlikely they they came here like hey let me sign up to vote somebody helped to vote just like
they're helping them get across the border just like they're helping them get jobs get uh residents
get paperwork some legal legal, some otherwise.
So anyway, future Dan, that's News Blitz.
We've got about 15 minutes to go.
Where do you want to head?
So the Chinese are rehearsing the next infectious disease outbreak.
It's drills in 10 provinces of China.
disease outbreak it's it's drills in 10 provinces of china not to say that there is a mystery disease in china now but they are practicing for it well we've seen drills turn into real things
but of course they do put put on a lot of drills as well, military, pandemic, and otherwise.
So hopefully just a drill.
I don't want another pneumonia of unknown cause coming through.
But, hey, these days you've got to be ready for anything, I guess.
Yeah, and we're not a regular news show.
We're looking at what potentially leads to real crisis.
Meanwhile, there's Chicago,
the Democrat National Convention,
and all the demuragery of the 2024 election going on.
We're not talking about that until or unless
it relates to you know seriously bad news overall though
with the exception of black on red grade one government statistics being falsified
relatively calm summer evening with relatively fewer indicators activated
than we had at least last month when the ex-president was shot.
Compared to that and compared to COVID, it's quiet.
But it's not that quiet,
and I got a feeling things are going to pick up even more in the next few weeks.
But you're right.
You got to take some perspective.
And as we always say when things
aren't going too crazy take advantage of that time because you never know when this will be
just dozens and dozens of shtf level articles all at once and maybe it'll be a little too late to
get your preps you know right so something that is clearly related to all this that we never really put our finger on
or talk about but i was thinking about it just just today is going on back and forth between
the parties between the you know the campaigns there is discussion of tax policy.
Last week, the Democrat nominee, the vice president,
basically announced that she would bring forward price controls.
You want to talk a little bit about price controls?
Thanks to Breaker.
Literally, Economics 101, they teach you about price floors and price ceilings.
And this, you know, obviously this is a price ceiling.
You can't go above this certain price.
A price floor would be like corn subsidies for ethanol or something where there's a subsidy being paid.
But anyway, what happens?
There's something called dead weight loss.
That's the economic term for it.
When you mess with the natural market forces and adjust either the quantity or the price.
Now, price and quantity are the x and y axis on the graph
And there's supply as one line and demand as the other line
That's like literally the economics 101 graph
You're doing quantity versus price
When price goes up, those suppliers, the people that make things
They want to make more
Like if you're getting paid a bunch, you want to make more things to get paid even more.
On the other hand, if there's a restriction in that price,
especially artificially in the short term,
like the government saying you have to lower your prices,
well, guess what? You're not going to want to
make as much. And then all of a sudden there's going to be shortages. And then when there's
shortages, what happens when there's less quantity? Actually, the price goes up. So
there might be a very short-term benefit. Maybe that'll be eaten up so quickly that with the shortages and expectation of shortages
that you could probably expect not only prices to go up, but quality to go down.
Exactly right.
And the entire experiment following Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto all the way through the Russian Revolution and the entire Second World during the Cold War, you know, trying to do this.
That brought so much death and destruction to this world that it's dangerous when a U.S. presidential
candidate suggests it.
Now, in fairness, they got stupid enough in the early 70s, and Nixon tried it, and it
did not work.
So the real danger I see is how many voters for that kind of economic policy could there really be out there?
And for how long would they put up with it before everybody agreed you cannot control prices?
Hey, the other side of the coin is that price floor, and that's the minimum wage.
They've already pushed hard
on minimum wage last few years right and i think some people are waking up that hey my mcdonald's
went up is twice as expensive because minimum wage is 15 or 20 dollars so i think maybe they're
gonna not hit that as hard and maybe try to go on the other side which is the price controls that's
just maybe a thought but uh yeah it never has worked
it's pretty much mathematically impossible for it to work and when it came out i i would even meet
breaker of banksters when i when i heard of this i was like almost like stunned or like what like
they're actually like going with like mao and and stalin who both killed millions and millions of people.
In Stalin's case, a lot of them were in the Ukraine,
who were starved out in the early 30s
because of collectivism of the farms and all that.
And the same thing in the 50s and beyond in China.
So I'm like, whoa, whoa, whoa, wow.
I say this on my radio show all the time, that the Democrats are freaking commie scum.
But they're actually doing it.
It's kind of surprising and makes me think, oh, man, I better get just, you know, stay serious, be serious, get serious.
Yeah, maybe they don't intend to do it at all.
But it just sounds good to the dumbest of their voters
that's you know that's two that too they could be testing the waters as well like you know maybe
they'll do it at some point down the line maybe not but yeah yeah they came straight out and
kamala hasn't really even floated any other economic policies besides that either.
So it's like, okay, what else are you going to do?
So you ad-libbed a little, bringing some Russian-Ukraine war front news.
I'm not sure that news necessarily earns its way onto the future danger heat map
because it just doesn't't i'm not sure that
the ukrainian invasion of russia really changes the status quo in the long run
i'm not a military expert but i would say that this has been a big escalation and the only
reason ukraine was able to actually attack Russia proper.
Is because they've gotten.
100 billion plus in military aid.
As well as the HIMARS and the drones.
And all the support.
And training.
So like.
When Russia invaded Ukraine.
It was bad.
I think it was really.
You know for tensions.
And it is a global.
Threat. But like. This is. Russia invaded Ukraine. It was bad. I think it was really for tensions, and it is a global threat.
But this is, I feel like it's an escalation.
And the only reason this is happening is because America and the West helped it happen.
Russia knows that.
And so they can't be very happy.
I'm not going to say a tactical nuke is going to go off next week, but this is very, I think it's worth at least some discussion,
even though you were absolutely right when this first happened
two and a half years ago, almost exactly two and a half years ago,
February 2022, and it's August 2024.
You said it would turn into a multi-year slugfest, attrition,
civil war, Slavic civil war.
And that's what's happened.
Yeah, and the nerve to go into Russia is interesting.
But, I mean, we saw, you know,
Rogozin run a convoy towards the capital of Russia.
That was just incredible news at the time.
I don't know.
It's kind of like the frog boiling in water metaphor.
Like maybe tactical nukes can be actually used in certain occasions there,
and it still continues without escalating.
So I personally believe that any nuclear exchange can't be stopped
and rolls right up into full thermonuclear war worldwide.
But I'm wondering if the people that control those weapons
aren't toying with that idea, especially in Russia.
They might consider that a method to put a shot across the bow.
And it would, but in the Western news cycles, for how long?
Could you imagine a day in the next 12 months where there has been a nuclear weapon used on
the battlefield in ukraine and 30 days later like the trump getting shot we're not even
seeing headlines about it that was actually the analogy i was thinking in my head like oh
i wouldn't have ever thought trump would have got shot, let alone survived it so closely, but almost didn't.
I was thinking the same thing.
I don't know.
I don't know if it would be.
I'm also, at least from the research I've done, and even the Rand Corporation and others say,
tactical nukes use like 80 plus percent of the time it's full thermonuclear war heck watch that
game with or the the movie war games with matthew broderick and every simulation ends in total
destruction i don't know maybe there could be a 10 kiloton bomb used on one battlefield one time
and it's kind of it kills a bunch of uk of Ukrainians but also is a threat and then
everyone's like okay we're not going to do any more of that
okay Russia's serious we're not going to
you know I don't know if that'd be the end
of the war but and then 30 days
later nothing happens
I sure as heck ain't rolling the dice
hoping on that one though
well Israel is
assassinating Hamas
in Iran openly. I mean, some of these things are creeping along with just Overton window pushing and pushing and pushing.
economy, 800,000 fake jobs reported for a long streak of months, all the way up to last March, and then it doesn't come out until five months later that that was a bad number.
Underneath the surface, there's so many systems that could be pretty fragile right now.
So we broadcast every Wednesday night on the Prepper Broadcasting Network.
This is Patriot Power Hour.
We're talking about these things as early as anybody else is.
It's all about that systemic risk, and that's why Future Danger is such a nice tool
for us to not only see what's going on now but drill back in time.
But as you saw with COVID, as we've seen with a lot of different things,
but especially COVID was the one that really showed us on our show
how one column can affect every other piece of news
on the entire dashboard if it gets crazy enough.
So, yeah, systemic risk and the old domino effect,
everything, it seems like a lot of things are on the precipice,
and I got a feeling if one or two of those fail,
it could lead to more failures, which could lead to more.
So that's why I'm a prepper, I'll tell you that.
And for people who are inclined to believe that all of this is centrally controlled,
the powers that be, whoever they are,
are just absolutely perfect puppet masters.
I beg to differ. These people think that that's what they are, but some of the forces that they're
tampering with that are economic or national security imperatives, sort of rules of human nature in the aggregate that cannot be defied in the long run, let alone column four news that stems from the natural world, just threats there.
or column one with trespasses on liberty that eventually go too far.
All these things can break, and that's what we're doing is we're trying to watch that, analyze it, tell people seriously,
this is exactly where we stand tonight.
So I'm glad to have a chance to do that with you on a weekly basis, Ben.
Yes, sir.
Episode 275. Crazy to think
we've been doing this since November
2017, and we actually did a few
shows even before that.
Coming up on the seven-year anniversary
soon enough.
Hey, we're just getting
started. I got a feeling
this fall and beyond could be
even more important than all the other
Patriot Power Hours we've ever done.
So we've paced ourselves, but we've also saved some energy for when things get
a little crazy.
But on the other hand, it's a long haul, so we try to hit that good balance.
So when you come off the bone broth for the first meal,
what's the actual real first meal you got lined up?
Oh, man.
And you were telling me this is a horrible idea, but I'm doing it just as the capstone of discipline that I'm trying to build here.
Because a good portion of why I did this is just to increase my resiliency and increase discipline.
But I'm going to
have an appointment
at this appointment tomorrow.
And then I'm going to go grocery shopping right after.
And then I'm going to come home
and have the bone broth for a few hours.
And then I'm going to have
a half dozen
scrambled eggs. I don't know if that counts
as a meal.
Steak and eggs.
What I'm going to do after that is probably have a steak, maybe even with eggs.
I might as well.
And or what I was thinking, what I want to do, and I was talking about this on the Fasted cast,
and Maria, a.k.a. Dave Jones' wife, who's all into this and has done many long fasts,
agreed with me when I said this.
She was listening.
That after a fast, you need to repopulate your gut with friendly bacteria.
So a little bit of yogurt or kefir.
I'm going to have a little of that.
And then I think for the last thing of the night, I'm going to have some Italian sausage slash hamburger
kind of mixed up with some sauerkraut.
Fry that up.
It's going to be yummy.
So almost no carbs.
I'm definitely not going to have like a bowl of Lucky Charms, even though that would be
one of the first things I'd want to have.
So the next day, the next day I might have some tacos or something, some celebratory one.
You offered me tacos today, but I passed it.
But I'll take a rain check.
So anyway, I'm getting really hungry now.
I'm going to go ahead and go to sleep for the next hour or two, power through, enjoy my brown broth eggs steak.
Actually, that is probably one of the hardest things of fasting is eating again
because you're kind of like, oh, I deserve to eat now.
If you eat 8,000 calories the day after a fast, it's not only going to get you fat again,
it's just not so great for your hormones.
The whole reason you're fasting is to try to help your blood sugar,
help your pancreas, help your liver,
and not eating for five days and then eating 8,000 calories at a buffet.
Hey, you might want to do it, but probably not the best idea.
So there you go.
I'm getting hungry, so I'll stop talking about it.
So stay safe.
Get some water.
Make sure you're hydrated.
Get a good night's sleep.
And on your way to the dentist while you're finishing your fast but still fasting, be safe on the road.
Hey, I appreciate it.
I'll definitely do everything safe.
And if for some reason I wake up tomorrow, like, really feeling bad, I'll definitely just eat.
And maybe even cancel my appointment and not get on
the road,
but that should be good.
But I appreciate it,
Good show,
Great show.
Patriot power hour signing off.
See you next week. Thank you. I am paying for this microphone.
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where we promote self-reliance and independence.
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