The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Patriot Power Hour #278

Episode Date: September 18, 2024

Each week on Patriot Power Hour, Ben ‘The Breaker of Banksters’ and Future Dan explore the latest Liberty, Security, Economic & Natural news, providing the situational awareness needed to execute ...your preparedness plans. Questions, Feedback, News Tips, or want to be a Guest? Reach out!Ben “The Breaker of Banksters” @BanksterBreaker on Twitter; Future Dan@FutureDanger6 on Twitter

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Not too long ago, two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee, a businessman who had escaped from Castro. And in the midst of his story, one of my friends turned to the other and said, we don't know how lucky we are. And the Cuban stopped and said, how lucky you are. I had some place to escape to. And in that sentence, he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to. And in that sentence, he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to.
Starting point is 00:00:48 This is the last stand on Earth. This is the last stand on Earth. The last stand on Earth. Sous-titrage ST' 501 ¶¶ You are now listening to the Patriot Power Hour. This live episode features the situational awareness you need to practice self-reliance and independence. Introducing your hosts, Ben, the breaker of banksters, and Future Dan, the editor of Patriot Power Hour. We are live. We are back. It's September 18th, 2024. Guess what? On this 278th episode, it's the start of our 28th season, Future Dan. It is fall 2024, and the Patriots have Wednesday nights on Prepper Broadcasting Network.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Great set of news to discuss. All dangerous topics, nothing to be happy or proud about. But on Patriot Power Hour, we are happy and proud to be patriots to speak about this once a week at a minimum, coming back from a two-week break, starting our 28th season. Should be a good show, Ben. There's just so much to talk about. And let's recap the summer.
Starting point is 00:03:24 What we thought was going to be pretty quiet we had assassination attempt we had ongoing deterioration in the ukrainian front we had more and more information coming out about covid vaccines as well as the origins. So what was supposed to be normally a pretty quiet season was not. And now we're probably in the most busy season, right? Pretty much that Labor Day through Christmas period is often the most serious, both economically and geopolitically. And we're here, and we already have a heck of a lot to talk about. Yeah, and it's an election year, federal, presidential.
Starting point is 00:04:07 To say the least. Yeah, exactly. I don't want to bury the lead. Sorry, go ahead. Fed made moves today. And when we get to the heat map dashboard, it's going to fall under grade one topical news or economic news disappoints. But I think it would be wise of us to just get that out of the way.
Starting point is 00:04:36 We got to have that conversation about a half a percent cut in the Fed funds rate. Maybe this is a good time to explain to everybody again, what is the Fed funds rate, and how does a quasi-governmental creation of Congress set rates for a free economy anyways? We're simpatico. We've done this quite a while, more than 278 episodes. This is the 278th episode,
Starting point is 00:05:04 but we've done a lot of other episodes and recordings together. I was going to say, I don't want to bury the lead. While there is tons of crazy stuff going on, I want to start with that interest rate cut that just happened about five hours ago. I knew you did. I know. That's why we're all on track together. I was like, let's get it out because I want to talk about all these other things too. But we've got to talk about that.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Well, guess what? Gold all-time high. But you asked me a question. What is the Fed funds rate? I'll try to answer it as simply as possible. The Federal Reserve has... Let's see. I'm trying to simplify it as best as possible. There are a small number of banks called primary dealer banks. let's see, I'm trying to simplify it as best as possible.
Starting point is 00:05:47 There are a small number of banks called primary dealer banks on Wall Street that are able to directly interface and create loans with the Federal Reserve and working together. And there's an interest rate associated with that. It's been a long time since they've cut that rate, about a year and a half. But before that, they had it essentially at 0% for quite a while.
Starting point is 00:06:20 The long-term average is about a 5%, 4% to 5% interest rate. And that's, again, the interest between the central bank and the primary dealer banks, the J.P. Morgans of the world. We went through that full list multiple times. Yeah, the true bankster of the banksters, let's say. The deep state of the banksters. Absolutely. So, that rate was raised over the last couple years.
Starting point is 00:06:53 We've talked about it ad nauseum on this show. To fight inflation. To fight inflation. And it really was mostly a losing battle, but they at least got inflation to fall a little bit. But now they're saying inflation's down enough and there's a risk enough of recession or downturn that they need to lower rates again.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Now, what does that mean? Your mortgage rate will go down. Student loans will go down. Credit card debt, or not debt, excuse me, interest rates will all go down. Interest rate. Yes. CD rate goes down. Treasury rate.
Starting point is 00:07:35 So, if you are borrowing, you're happy. If you're lending, you may not be as happy is a way to look at it. Since we as a nation, both federally and the average you may not be as happy is a way to look at it. Since we as a nation both federally and the average consumer, individual, citizen,
Starting point is 00:07:51 whatever you want to call them, is in major debt, lowering the rate seems to help at least spur more consumerism, but does it help with savings and investment into actual infrastructure and stuff? Not really, not really. So it's, man, you know me, I could talk about interest rates for
Starting point is 00:08:12 dozens and dozens of hours, but let's just say I'm relatively impressed that they could keep interest rates that high for that long, but there was a lot of monkey business going on in the background what i think they're doing they're having to do this for two reasons one politically it'll help the incumbent president when they lower rates for sure number two i've always been of the belief that the banking system is essentially collapsed but in the back but they're able to make the front of the house look a little presentable but they're just running out of runway to be able to do that when interest rates are zero percent they can have all these unproductive and bogus loans and they can kind of paper that over without too much loss but when interest rates four or five percent then it just compounds how much loss they have and it can really go downhill quickly so this is
Starting point is 00:09:12 like a pressure relief valve for the banking system that you know for all we know could be teetering on on absolute collapse and this is a real the main reason they're doing it. But I think it's a split between the political reason to help the incumbent and help Kamala. And then there is some, though, of the banking system is very stressed. And the interest paid on the U.S. national debt for the first time, reached $1 trillion annually. So $1 trillion paid in interest by the U.S. federal government. That number will go down a little bit because of this. Not a lot, but it'll kick the can down a little bit.
Starting point is 00:09:56 So there you go. There's what I'm looking at. Yeah, so Fifth Plank of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx was the centralized control of credit and lending. And we definitely got it in a very soft, tyranny kind of way, but half a percent cut today affects so, so many things. What's the lead time let's say in the first quarter of the next president's term economically what what do you anticipate the six-month aftermath of this decision on september 18th 2024 by jay powell's fed great question. People will be writing dissertations on this
Starting point is 00:10:48 and graduate papers on this for many years to come. I guess geez when it comes to the Federal Reserve and just the way that they
Starting point is 00:11:03 have this Fed speak, it's more of a mind game than actual math. What I'm trying to say is economists and financial people bake in expected price movements weeks, months, even years ahead of time. And most banks and financial folks expected this 50 basis point cut today when it was pretty much announced, pre-announced about a month and a half ago that at the next Fed
Starting point is 00:11:40 meeting, which was today, it would occur. So all that was baked in, essentially, is what I'm saying. The expected impact of a 50 basis points today, already baked in, not much of an impact. But what happens at the next one in November, huge question mark. If they go another 50 plus basis points or damn, if they actually cut before then in some sort of emergency or you know they may not call it emergency did not fear uh spread fear that's a huge thing so today i think it's already pretty much worked through the system what happened today it's what are the new expectations and what will actually happen that's's going to bring a lot of volatility, potentially.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Raging inflation or recession is the choice I saw on social media today. About six months from now. They're between a rock and a hard place, to say the least. If they kind of half-ass it, it could be that we keep high inflation and we still go into a recession. If they don't do enough,
Starting point is 00:12:49 we might just go straight into a recession. If they do too much, we might get inflation, hyperinflation. So, damned if you do, damned if you don't. I don't know where on the spec, like if you just magically transported me onto Constitution Avenue at the Federal Reserve Building, the Eccles Building in D.C., and just asked me, what would you do, Ben, the breaker of banks?
Starting point is 00:13:09 You got one year to fix this. I'd be like, damn, I don't know. At this point, I almost feel bad for Jerome Powell. Actually, I don't, but in a way, I'm like, damn, good luck, buddy. You're either either gonna get inflation recession depression or maybe both if you really screw it up stagflation that's that's where we're at tonight economically so you know we got that elephant standing in the room out of the way gold Gold surged above $2,600.
Starting point is 00:13:46 It did pull back some. Silver above $31. So all-time high on gold. Silver not at all-time high, but it breached its resistance of $30 that it's been at for quite a while. So before you know it, silver could be $40. I'm not going to make predictions because we have our predictions that we'll review in December that we made earlier in this year. That's one thing we do here.
Starting point is 00:14:08 But I could easily see gold at $3,000 and silver at $40 or $50 by end of the year, especially if they go another 50-plus basis points. If they don't cut any more the rest of the year, that's one thing. But one thing Powell alluded to is they may not only cut again this year but three plus times next year that could be just craziness again so there you go well don't worry we'll keep you up to date here patriot power hour so what's some concrete take action now preparedness advice you would derive from this rate cut today? Still not too late to buy some gold and silver if you don't have any.
Starting point is 00:14:56 If you already have a bunch, maybe just hang on tight because it may be going up. So, you might get one more chance to buy assets at very low interest rates before things blow apart. We like to say on this show, depends how Mad Max you want to get, right? So, if there's massive EMP or asteroid hits, it won't matter if you got a 0% mortgage. But my point is, if you're patient, if you've been building up maybe a little bit of a down payment or something, I can see where next summer there are starting to be some fire sales on land and interest rates could be super low and they're desperate to get it. And before the whole thing falls over,
Starting point is 00:15:47 sprit to get it and before the whole thing falls over you might find your opportunity to to snatch some some land homestead whatever up and then kind of hunker down there because you know that might be your last chance to get it at zero percent they may not be giving really loans out after that especially if you have a bad credit uh social credit score like I would on Patriot Power Hour. Pretty sure my social credit score will be bad. I'm not saying get in bed with the banksters and get a huge mortgage, but hey,
Starting point is 00:16:15 it might be a tool for you. Anyway, hold tight, but I think you might get some opportunities. Well, any proof of that would be right for a 14th Amendment case. Right off the bat. Discriminating
Starting point is 00:16:32 based upon your free speech. I'd like to see where that goes judicially. But the real estate market melting sounds like what you're saying is possible. How does the lowering of rates not heat up housing prices?
Starting point is 00:16:53 How does it not drive all the housing prices even higher? It's just how many more times can they pump the system? They've done it many times, and I think they've already gotten most those folks who would have gotten a mortgage a huge mortgage at zero percent that probably got over their skis not literally zero percent but you know what i mean um how many i guess how many new buyers are there now what i've always said is they're just if there's a vacant homes and people aren't trying to get it they're just gonna give it to homeless people or give it to illegal immigrants. They're already doing that in some areas. So there's always going to be a demand for housing and land.
Starting point is 00:17:31 It might be the government funding it for, again, homeless people or illegal immigrants. I mean, we see in certain states, I think they're giving out all these different programs with 0% or zero down payments to people who aren't even citizens. So expect a lot more of that. But you're right. There should be some sort of pump to the real estate market if they cut rates. But it's definitely diminishing returns returns and they've already used up a
Starting point is 00:18:05 lot of that in the past in my opinion so it probably won't last very long they're probably gonna have to really lower it to get much effect and you might be that might be a good time for for us to jump in there and get something if you're positioned and you want to um right i don't know it's a it's a great question i think that this interest rate cut won't have much impact and the impact it does won't last as long as they want kind of like a a drug addict who isn't getting as isn't getting as tooted as last time or the time before that or the time before that and they just gonna have, and they're just going to have to do more and more and keep chasing that elephant or whatever, right?
Starting point is 00:18:50 So long as cutting rates appears to preserve jobs, which you need to pay mortgages to keep the housing market propped up, you need to pay mortgages to keep the housing market propped up, and or rate hikes bring about disinflation, not deflation, but just the slowing down of inflation. They're going to just keep at this, that whole construct of central banking, the dual mandate of the Federal Reserve.
Starting point is 00:19:25 It just marches on. As long as they have the data that supports a consensus that you and I don't belong to. But when those tools stop working is when the music stops. How far away from that do you think we are tonight? I think what I've been saying for many years is once they raised rates, they would have to lower them pretty quick and maybe even do emergency bailouts. Too big to fail.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Crap again. Like they've done in the past. I figured there'd be one more, at least one more race down to zero percent or even negative interest rates trying to stimulate things maybe throwing out a few thousand dollar stimulus checks to to people this time more than happening covid maybe twice as much and one more of those at least maybe we can go around the merry-go-round a few times and maybe it's really like five or ten more years of this crap that that the economy could withstand right maybe
Starting point is 00:20:31 america was so rich that it could withstand pretty much the shearing by the banksters but i don't know i feel like it's so unstable and the numbers are getting so big relative to GDP. It's not just like a $20 or $50 or $100 billion bailout like it used to be. It's going to have to be $20, $50, $100 trillion. Maybe they could do that once. They can't do that like five more times.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Yep. It's a matter of time before it all breaks into math math. Exactly. So they're're gonna just knock the table over and start a new equation a new system a new math and you know prepare for that that's i guess the end of the vice and we're gonna go to break and come back with a dashboard but it's just hey whether you're trying to get land whether you're trying to get real assets whether you're trying to get storable food whether you're trying to get skills whatever you're trying to get real assets, whether you're trying to get storable food, whether you're trying to get skills, whatever you're trying to do, time is running short.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Maybe you can take advantage of these lower interest rates on the margin, but the music's going to stop sooner than later, I guess, Feature Dan. Yeah, it's a symptom of danger. We know that much. Absolutely. All right, folks, folks we're gonna go to break and we're gonna come back with the dashboard talk about just tons of other news i think we may be even going longer than an hour tonight so that might be a trend for this whole season i'm not saying we're gonna go for three hours but i think we can go longer than an hour tonight we'll see
Starting point is 00:22:02 what's up we got a lot to talk about we'll be right back with the news blitz all right future dan let's do it ¶¶ Thank you. Patriot Power Hour Interception January 28th, 2020, Episode 81 This coronavirus outbreak, last week we were barely talking about it probably two pieces of news it has exploded in importance the type of genetic makeup of this thing does not resemble a bird or pig flu a few days ago a w Wuhan hospital doctor died from the virus. China has locked down millions. 14 cities in central China quarantined. 4,500 cases as of this afternoon. Contagious without symptoms.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Up to eight days you could pass this along. Everyone should be aware that central China city of Wuhan has a SARS and Ebola lab. And it has been suspected of leaking this virus. Remember previous discussions on Papertree Power Hour about CRISPR and genetic editing, what can be done digitally to any form of life these days at the genetic level? Well, that's happening in the city where this outbreak started. We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. I'm glad you brought your friends. They can watch it go down. I got mine too.
Starting point is 00:25:32 So welcome to my house. Cause these are my people. And this is my life. This is my life. This is what we pray for. This is God's plan. If you ain't from here, you won't understand. This is my country. This is who I am. This is who I am. So welcome to my house. Patriot Power Hour. Time for the news blitz.
Starting point is 00:26:24 The first news blitz of the fall 2024 season. It's September 18th, 2024, episode 278. Let's go. At a high level, this is the most activity on the dashboard since. It's about equal, I think, to the Trump assassination attempt in mid-July. But the variety of news here is much more than that. So this is wide and deep, today's dashboard. So therefore, I'm going to try to be pithy and not talk too much.
Starting point is 00:26:58 So we can actually go through these articles later. Here we go. Media buries the truth about attempted Trump assassin as a Democrat voter. Just today, California governor targets AI-made election deepfakes. Meanwhile, Oregon DMV registers hundreds of non-citizens to vote. Arizona officials suddenly discover 97,000 registered voters may not have provided proof of citizenship. Vice President said police can search legal gun owners' homes to check. Just to have a nice little check.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Show your papers. Show your big iron. Poll finds most Americans ignorant of most constitutional rights. We did see a second Trump assassination obviously failed thankfully but many many many many questions on that we absolutely have to get into meanwhile other information is coming out of july 13th trump questions it himself it was inside job, getting a little more hardcore. So we've got to explore that. Sheriff suggests the conspiracy behind the second Trump assassination attempt. So the sheriff in Florida.
Starting point is 00:28:36 A Connecticut senator says that Department of Homeland Security is stonewalling a probe of the first July 13th attempt by crooks so craziness apparently there were some pipe bombs potentially found today at a rally
Starting point is 00:29:01 explosives reported near the rally on Long Island, police reported near the rally on Long Island. Police hunt for the suspect. It's that time of the season. We got a lot else going on besides just domestic assassination attempts. Police state though, U.S. secures convictions and guilty pleas as Chinese Communist Party directed spying is exposed. So convictions and guilty pleas. Which has proven.
Starting point is 00:29:34 All this CCP Chinese directed spying. That's one of the most important articles of the day actually we have the pager attacks holy cow i saw nbc guy dave jones himself today in person for a few minutes and we talked a little bit about this attack which actually you know yesterday was the first wave a second wave today all those smaller still injured hundreds of people and killed a couple dozen i believe so many many thousands injured dozens and dozens killed from these pagers that exploded the hezbollah was carrying some walkie talkies potentially other devices too so we'll
Starting point is 00:30:28 look more into that but uh wow something straight out like the born identity or some sort of tom clancy novel is real meanwhile israeli war cabinet high uh green lights offensive war against Hezbollah sends an elite brigade of commandos and airborne north. So 10,000 plus Israeli crack units moving in on Hezbollah after thousands of their leaders were injured. Wow. China building up space warfare capabilities prep for war against the US
Starting point is 00:31:10 in Russia Putin's calling for long range strikes by US weapons to be considered an act of war storm shadow and other cruise missile and weaponry targeting inside Russia
Starting point is 00:31:32 and potentially even deeper into Russia and more of it. And Putin saying, no, that is a step too far. We'll see. U.S. scrambles fighter jets to intercept Russian aircraft near Alaska. Army deploys 130 troops and missile defense systems, or missile systems, to a remote Alaskan island. Economically, we already went through that in great detail.
Starting point is 00:32:04 So it's all about the Fed cut today. Finally, nature and health related. A dam collapsed in Nigeria, killing at least 30. Central Europe had some floods that killed at least 18. There was a small 5.1 earthquake in malibu southern california has had the most earthquakes in a single year southern california has none of them have been devastating but definitely a lot of small ones hopefully not portending a bigger one. The sun is doing something that
Starting point is 00:32:48 it's not supposed to, and that could mean big trouble in the months ahead. Severe space weather warned. And that's about it. Future Dan, that's the News Blitz, September 18th, 2024. Yeah, and you know what's notably absent to me is more news about election irregularities
Starting point is 00:33:14 and civil unrest up to and through the election. That's not even hitting the charts right now. Hopefully it'll stay that way, but I think it may not over time. Did you see much of that about this time of the year in 2020 or not? I guess it's very hard to compare September 2020 compared to September 2024, but do you notice any differences there? We did because all the news leading up to the mail-in ballots because of COVID, the big warning signs that that was going to be a means to rig the election was coming along.
Starting point is 00:34:09 election was coming along and we're not getting that again, but maybe it's because a lot of states have clamped down on that. The states are going to do it. We're already going to do it. I saw, you know, Michigan and Oregon, or I know, correction, Oregon or Washington state, one of them went to all mail-in ballots several years ago. It's all been heading in this direction. But this year, no one seems to be talking about it. And Trump encourages his voters to vote early. So the early vote and the ability to count up the ballots and know exactly how many you need to insert that are fraudulent to defeat Trump.
Starting point is 00:34:48 It's just as there as it was four years ago, but just doesn't seem to be any news about it. I think what I'm going to have to do on my next commute into town when I have some time for a podcast, I need to go listen to a couple of our episodes from September or maybe October 2020 that's one of the best things that Prepper Broadcast Network can go back in time listen to old archives so if any listeners want to do this and report back let us know but I might just have to do this and go listen to what we were reporting on and talking about especially with regard to mail-in ballots. But, you know, I found it useful to go back in time,
Starting point is 00:35:32 listen to some of our old shows when I know we're talking about specific topics. COVID was a good one, of course, but there's others too. So something we had to do. But that's a really interesting observation i didn't i didn't make that so so how we reacted then would require re-listening to the shows but what we were talking about then is very easily captured under the you change your heat map indicator true elections are stolen so a short scroll through the archive will show you that. July, August, September, October of 2020. There's a lot of news.
Starting point is 00:36:16 We're not seeing the same headlines now. Great point. I'm not even going to get on my soapbox and talk about how ridiculous some of that is. I can't believe that you don't have to show ID in some places or they even would talk about that. I think mail-in ballots are just overall fraudulent. fraudulent you need to show ID the day of in person to vote unless you very very limited
Starting point is 00:36:47 restrictions like overseas deployed soldiers or something like that. I don't know. I don't want to go down that too much. I do have a question for you though. Dave Jones the NBC guy. When I was talking to him today he pointed out to me
Starting point is 00:37:04 that the vice president certifies the election, and that would be Kamala in January. What if she wouldn't do that for Trump? What's the constitutional remedy for that roadblock that a vice president could do to certify? How could that work? Vice president certifies what Congress decides. And a lot of people push Pence to not certify what Congress decided, I believe, late on the day of January 6th, remotely,
Starting point is 00:37:48 or they came back on the 7th. It escapes me exactly how that happened, because obviously the Capitol was getting overrun when they were supposed to do it. If a vice president just refused to perform the duty of certifying what Congress decided. And then the founders put the vice president in that role. I think we might be in that zone of constitutional crisis where ultimately Supreme Court would have to step in. Someone would have to file suit and Supreme Court of the United States would
Starting point is 00:38:24 have to decide how that works at that point. I mean, they could effectively order the vice president to certify the vote or order the vote certified because the vice president didn't perform her duties. That's what Jones kind of thought a potential remedy would have to be if the Supreme court would do that. Um, they'd have to, they'd have to,
Starting point is 00:38:54 we would not be transitioning according to constitution. The constitutional questions would be stark, historical, and no other court would you know maybe maybe a local court in dc would receive the first filings and it would immediately go to on petition for emergency review by the supreme court i'm i'm confident that would happen as long as the supreme Court is functioning that day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Something to keep our head on a swivel, but in my professional career, I try to look for roadblocks and avoid pitfalls and prepare the battlefield if I know I'm going to have to fight at some
Starting point is 00:39:43 point, try to maneuver. But on the other hand, don't spend too much spinning your wheels, too much time and effort spinning your wheels and fighting hypotheticals because 95% of the hypotheticals never occur and you wasted a bunch of time. So it's a balance of thinking ahead
Starting point is 00:40:01 and thinking of permutations, right? But also not just like spending all our time on just a couple things that could happen when more than likely it'll be something else. I think it's more than likely that some part of the electoral college and the certification by Congress and that entire process is quite extraordinary this year and and and raises you know drives in the direction of a potential constitutional crisis i don't i don't i don't think a lot of that's hypothetical in january 6 2020 is a good example why this time it shouldn't be considered a low-risk event. Oh, the overall risk of them just not letting him in is very large.
Starting point is 00:40:49 It's just exactly how they're going to do it. They got just so many options, I think, potentially. Option A and B and C is assassinated. That does not seem to be working. Option D, E, and F will be steal the election. If that doesn't work, then, yeah, there's just so many other options. But we've got to kind of get there before we can even battle that or game plan that too much, I guess.
Starting point is 00:41:15 It's a balance, though. We've got so much to talk about. Where do you want to go with this? We got so much to talk about. Where do you want to go with this? Yeah, those pagers and that entire supply chain intelligence operation that put explosives on batteries of pagers and radios that ended up getting fielded within Hezbollah may precede a conventional military strike, an invasion of Lebanon.
Starting point is 00:41:46 And if it does, history is going to look back and say that the ability of one side to wound 2,000, 3,000 members of the opposing force ahead of launching an invasion, that's not messing around. That's hardcore warfighting right there. And what I expect to hear about eventually, now that Israel has done something like this, has done something like this, is there'll be people within the special operations and intelligence community of the United States or elsewhere that it'll begin to be known that what our country has called, you know, parts of our government have called special technical operations, STO, or STOs. And you can check it out online, the existence of STOs and the vague definition you can get of a STO is in and of itself not classified. But a STO is a classified compartment that, you know,
Starting point is 00:43:01 typically involves technical or, you know, something physical, hardware, that's getting modified for intelligence purposes. And loading up cell phones to blow up terrorists is not something I think the Israelis invented. I'll just leave it at that. That's been done before, but never on this scale, right? And never in a way that there's zero deniability, right? So it's just an evolution of tactics, techniques, and procedures that have been highly classified for quite some time.
Starting point is 00:43:49 We are on the same page again tonight because i was literally gonna refer to a clip of john brennan former director of the cia who was asked on camera yesterday essentially i wish i had the clip right in front of me but essentially did you even think this was possible and he just he looked pretty convincing must be a pretty good actor because he's like no no this is never something that we considered so maybe like you said he just was surprised he maybe genuinely was surprised by the scale of this, or he's just a really good actor and he's like, oh, no shit, we helped Mossad do this, but I'm going to lie to CNBC or whoever he was talking to. But anyway, Brennan, CIA director, was asked about this
Starting point is 00:44:36 and he said that he was very surprised that this happened. So I just wanted to put that out there. He might be surprised. It could be one of those things where he never asked questions because these compartments that would devise hardware to achieve basically this effect would be a very low level, right? So if I was running the CIA, I would not necessarily want to get anywhere near the details
Starting point is 00:45:08 of that because if i run the cia i end up get you know the one getting you know wanted by un or international courts right. Just as we talked about with the structure that you put together for the first Trump assassination, maybe that even works for the second one. Keeping it very small and keeping the leaders
Starting point is 00:45:37 plausible deniability easy and not just plausible deniability, literally cutting them out so they don't even know. They're not even involved in the process from three derivatives. Helps them. He must have been like, gosh dang. I swear, he did look like he had some surprise in him.
Starting point is 00:45:59 He might have been just surprised at the gall of Israel doing it, or maybe he was just impressed. I don't know, or maybe he truly didn't think it was possible, and it surprised him. If there really is a deep state, then it would be characterized by low-level operatives that go ahead and take the initiative and do these things, that go ahead and take the initiative and do these things, regardless of the political appointee of their agency that rotates out every administration, right?
Starting point is 00:46:32 So he, and I never took Brent as a particularly intelligent person in the first place, so he might really be surprised. But the idea that, you know, we have warfare, sixth-generation hybrid warfare, where supply chains and the devices that are manufactured are absolute battlefield territory. That's absolutely clear. And we're going to witness more of this. We're going to witness. It this. We're going to witness, you know, it's usually in the surveillance realm. Like how many devices are in the United States right now that the Chinese communist intelligence agencies are benefiting from?
Starting point is 00:47:18 You know, from drones you bought at Walmart to, you know, phones and apps like TikTok, you know, on and on and on. This is just the way the world is right now in terms of geopolitical, you know, just how power is wielded in modern nation states. So it has been confirmed, this is a question, I'm not not sure but it has or has it been confirmed that actual explosives were added to these devices or was it a hack of the software and the device itself was capable of these explosions i don't i don't think that from what i've read it from what i've read nothing's. This is an intelligence operation. Nothing's going to ever be confirmed until Mossad retired people go on documentaries 20 years from now and kind of boast about it, right?
Starting point is 00:48:17 Once it's all settled down, then they'll be talking about it and confirming stuff. But in the meantime, nothing's confirmed. But the reports I've read are the batteries of the pagers were swapped out with batteries that contained explosives, miniaturized, highly explosive material, PETN. P-E-T-N. And then the phones were remotely controlled, hacked, to surge the power usage above a level that heated the battery above a level. You notice when you're on your phone and you watch videos for a certain amount of time, your phone gets hot. Right. certain amount of time your phone gets hot right so all i know is they you know took over the control devices and ran videos or whatever long enough that heated up the batteries to the point
Starting point is 00:49:12 where that explosive would go off sounds sounds reasonable i was hoping that not every single cell phone and device out there with a lithium battery could be blown up by the NSA at the press of a button. But I don't think it's like that. It sounds like they had to add some sort of detonator to kind of like almost like a blasting cap to the lithium ion battery. Or maybe even the explosives they put in there was most of the actual. Oh, no. The explosive. No, that was most of it.
Starting point is 00:49:42 most of the actual explosion. Oh, no, the explosive, no, that was most of it. Just the lithium batteries aren't going to blow up like that on phones. Plus, I don't think you could travel through airports with devices that were loaded with explosives like this and not set off detectors. Okay, great point. So maybe they're relatively easy to detect. It's just only if you're looking for it and no one was really looking for it.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Or what I described a moment ago is a complete disinformation cover story, and it's not even close to how they did it. Well, I just hope they can't just blow up all of our freaking cell phones whenever they want. I'm pretty damn sure they can't, but I don't know. Because if you want to be able to preserve this capability, right, then you need to mislead. Going about it this way is sort of a one-shot deal.
Starting point is 00:50:33 It's hard to believe that Hezbollah or anybody else's opponents, from any direction or side, won't be, you know, obviously concerned that this could happen to them again in the future, right? be, you know, obviously concerned that this could happen to them again in the future, right? So, you know, it makes me think that a war in Lebanon is about to really kick off. You know, now is the moment of opportunity to seize the initiative. This is designed to seize the not truly strategic, but operational and tactical initiative. not truly strategic, but operational and tactical initiative.
Starting point is 00:51:10 And if Israel proceeds, now's the time, and we have that initiative, and Hezbollah must be fought this year, that could be going on pretty strong by this time next week. Yeah, it seems like they're mobilizing and moving in on that very quick war cabinet put that together uh it's almost like a for a crass comparison it is football season i love my soma it's like running the statue of liberty play or a hook and ladder or some sort of trick play or a fake pun or something like you get away with it once. You can't do it again. So you better only pull that trick play when you really need it. Israel did that.
Starting point is 00:51:52 And now they're moving in. It looks like run it down their throat. I expect things to really get nasty. Now, I want to parlay off that, sticking with gambling and football. I want to parlay into what's next. The Iranian ambassador was injured. Iran's got Hezbollah's back. If Israel goes in there, rolls them all up and just fricking imprisons and executes tons of them.
Starting point is 00:52:15 And just, you know, is Iran going to let that happen? What's, you know, this could get rough pretty quick, right? Well,
Starting point is 00:52:22 executes a, in a very loaded term, term fight them kill them in battle is that what you mean by execute i would say that but also take no prisoners probably i'm sure some prisoners would be taken if they think they got information but i'm sure a lot would be you know nine millimeter to the back of the head just because that's how wars fought in the Middle East. Unfortunately, a lot of that would happen. But if we don't want it too loaded, then just get rid of that part.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Just say, okay, they go in and kill or imprison or drive out 80-90%. Iran can't let that happen. They might have to if they don't have enough power to stop it. But Israelis don't have a record of, you know, just summary executions by at least the conventional military, right? The Mossad will go to some terrorist house and machine gun everybody inside. We know that from history. But the entire Israeli
Starting point is 00:53:25 army doesn't necessarily do that. And it would be completely demoralizing to their forces that they did. Right. You look at you look at the My Lai massacre in Vietnam and what that meant for morale. My Lai Massacre in Vietnam and what that meant for morale. Most militaries that are trying to win understand very well that that doesn't work. All right. That's good news. I figured they're just going for the... That's more Hollywood than reality, I'm afraid. Now, any war that's big enough, there's atrocities, right?
Starting point is 00:54:04 Because any percentage of any population is criminal. They're going to be murderers, right? So I don't know if I present as going and executing Hezbollah, like capturing them and lining them up and shooting them on sight like an Eisen group. I don't think that would lift morale in the Israeli Defense Force to behave like the Nazis did on the East Front. That doesn't make sense to me. But striking them with aerial munitions, just like the loitering munitions and all that in Ukraine, and we've seen it in Gaza, right? It's just being able to push-button war, just absolutely level. And then you can have the argument about the collateral damage
Starting point is 00:54:48 and where you're performing strikes at military targets and the collateral damage is justifiable because you're fighting an armed enemy. I mean, that's the nature of modern war. And it would be – it'll resemble what has happened in Gaza if they go into Lebanon at this point. And I'm not sure, you know, had Israel not received a missile barrage from Iran and then returned it and struck each other's territory with missile strikes this year, I would be looking at this in a different perspective. But that's already happened this year, right? And everything that Iran did was pretty much symbolic.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Never really drew any blood never never really damaged israel so i think is you know what what the iranian regime's probably all about right now is preserving power itself internally anything else you want to touch on with that i mean one thing one comment i guess is that lebanon's much bigger than gaza strip but you know anything else you want to touch on with that? I mean, one thing, one comment, I guess, is that Lebanon's much bigger than Gaza Strip, but, you know, anything else you want to touch on with the Middle East right now? I do. I do. I want to give you my perspective on the Middle East, and I don't think this is going to change in my lifetime. Alright. So, you know, imagine you were in a simulation,
Starting point is 00:56:37 and you were in a simulation and you were able to be on the ground level in any major city in the Middle East, including Tel Aviv or any Arab capital. And you could hear everything. You could hear what people were saying. You could hear and know what concerned them about their enemies. And that could be, you know, everybody against Israel or the Sunnis versus the Shia or all the other factions pitted against each other, Kurds, Jews, other ethnic groups, all of that. Imagine you're at that level.
Starting point is 00:57:05 I mean, at that level, you hear a lot, and it's not always coherent. But imagine you could go above it all by 100 feet in the air and see everything that's going on, but you couldn't really hear it anymore. Right? If you're that close to what's going on in the Middle East and you see how the major pieces are moving, you're still aware of what's driving the behavior of the people. Now, zoom out to 30,000 foot level and look at the Middle East. You can't see the people anymore.
Starting point is 00:57:40 You can't hear the people anymore. You can just see the region, right? I'm kind of at that 30,000-foot level. There's always going to be war in that region of this planet. It's kind of the way I view it. That's going to's ever been. And that might be a pessimistic view on humanity, but it's not really a view of the entirety of humanity. It is my view of the Middle East.
Starting point is 00:58:26 War is endemic there. And if you can cope with that kind of 30,000-foot view that there is always going to be war there, the best we can ever do is try to minimize it or postpone it again. I think it's easier to cope with understanding what's going on that's a great way to put it i'm actually looking at google maps right now so that goes zooming in is a perfect analogy so for the third time we're kind of on the same page there um i would say i'm at least at that 30 000000 view, if not even higher. But what I'm always worried about is how it brings Russia in or Iran,
Starting point is 00:59:11 really escalating things, whether that's just oil prices going up, whether it's Persian Gulf issues, whether it's just terrorist attacks even in America or Europe, if they just unleash it and just they know they're going to lose, but might as well take as many as they can with them if it all just stays contained in that very small area that's one thing
Starting point is 00:59:32 I'm always looking at how unfortunately there's a lot of connections from the Middle East to other areas of the world where there's nuclear weapons for example so oh there's nuclear weapons, for example. Oh, there's nuclear weapons there, too. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:59:51 All right. Do you expect any more pagers to blow up? Now, anything else you want to hit up on the Middle East there? No, just stay tuned. A Middle East war simultaneous to everything else we got going on would bring Pauly to the crisis that's for sure
Starting point is 01:00:11 oh yeah unfortunately I think if things get really bad you know Taiwan will be hit South Korea will be hit Middle East will go crazy hopefully Things get really bad. You know, Taiwan will be hit. South Korea will be hit. Middle East will go crazy. Hopefully they don't try to roll up and... I don't know. Russians said that they'll hit Paris and parts of England
Starting point is 01:00:37 if things get too crazy themselves and they can escalate from there. So Middle East might just be one front of World War III, but yeah, I'd like everyone to just chill out. I'd like to not have that happen, but I prepped for that. I'll tell you that. What else do you want to hit on? We're past the one hour mark,
Starting point is 01:00:55 but we can go a little later tonight. What topics you really got to hit tonight? Season opener special. Extended hours. Patriot patriot power hour episode 278 on september 18th 2024 let's keep going yeah um shot you a video i don't think you had a chance to see it because i sent it to you right before this episode uh from uh policy analyst national security policy analyst he he was making a lot of good points. I don't know his background.
Starting point is 01:01:25 Don't know his title. Don't care. Because it's what he says that, whether it's convincing to me that ultimately matters, not his pedigree. You know, argument by authority, I'm past that. Right? But, you know, the reasoning is there. And he's talking about the things that China's doing right now to prepare for an invasion of Taiwan. And he's bringing a warning out that the things that China's doing
Starting point is 01:01:55 to insulate their economy are exactly the types of things that you would expect them to do to be able to endure the economic backlash of retaking Taiwan. And that Xi has always been in power advocating this idea of reunifying all of China. And he's not going to live forever. Right. So time's running out for Xi. And what the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been able to show China is all the moves that the West made economically against Russia and how to not let that happen to them. And the practices that they're putting into place are stark, they're apparent, and going on right now. If Trump returns to office and reignites the trade war, it's only going to drive them in that direction further. Again, that's no excuse for doing business with brutal tyrannies like
Starting point is 01:03:12 the one in Beijing. I don't believe that free trade with communist states is ever truly possible. It was always a mistake for all the free traders throughout the 90s to think that this was going to succeed. But maybe catch that video and we can, you know, inevitably we're going to be talking about some of these economic moves China's using to insulate itself to prepare for war with Taiwan. And what was pretty much the first thing the West did when Russia invaded was cut off and confiscate their assets, hundreds of billions worth,
Starting point is 01:03:56 and also put sanctions and prevent them from using the swift financial system, all that. So at least for my quote-unquote specialty, the financial realm and economics, China's absolutely getting itself prepared to weather the storm, whether that's working directly with Russia and other countries to trade without using the U.S. dollar, whether that's divesting from U S debt and other Western financial instruments all the way around to trying to build their own domestic economy. So they're not only
Starting point is 01:04:35 able to make money by exporting that they can actually somewhat be self-sufficient from consumerism. And, but when it comes to a war economy things can shift like you said uh i'm a proponent of free trade but you know it's not fair when uh they got a communist dictatorship or any hardcore tyranny uh not only will they not play fair and shouldn't be trusted which is a huge part of free trade is that you trust them. They're going to actively destroy the environment and take advantage of their workers and all the things that we try to do here in the West. They don't care if they pollute.
Starting point is 01:05:13 They don't care if workers have to work 18 hours a day without extra compensation, blah, blah, blah. So, yeah, it's not very fair when they're breaking all the quote quote, unquote, decent laws of economics. I don't know. That's a whole debate in and of itself. But great point.
Starting point is 01:05:33 I definitely got to go look at that post on Twitter and that video. I think you sent me another video, too, when I was driving home. So I'll definitely look into that. Yeah, the other video I sent you was from the Babylon Bee, who put together a video, a complete deep fake of Gavin Newsom's voice and his face, absolutely breaking the law
Starting point is 01:05:58 that the California governor signed in, and really just raising out front to try to be the first prosecuted under that law you know in order to get in order to get it i mean i i really can't imagine it goes outside of a california court before it's absolutely overturned on First Amendment grounds. Hey, respect to that person or whoever's out there trying to be the first to hit the wire and they want to take it all the way to the Supreme Court. It's a little risk to do that, but that's pretty cool, actually. I don't think there's any risk in this case.
Starting point is 01:06:43 It's complete satire. I don't think there's any risk in this case. It's complete satire. They completely satirized the California governor with the very technology that was banned for free speech. To satirize your political leaders. I mean, on its face, none of, it's not, none of these laws signed in California. They are constitutional. There's a huge risk. It's not legally,
Starting point is 01:07:13 uh, able to happen, but don't you think Gavin Newsom decided he didn't actually like you personally. He could find some people to do some things that might cause you to have a bad day. Even if it's just key in your car, not necessarily assassinating you. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Sticking your head up is dangerous, but that takes balls, and that's what patriots do. So that's why I was saying I got respect for whoever's trying to instigate against the system. I like that. Oh, Batman V, it's not a risk. It's an opportunity. It's an opportunity to really establish a history for that outlet or, you know, free speech.
Starting point is 01:07:56 And this is an infringement. It doesn't matter the technical means. means the printing press in 1776 is now ai that does fake you know simulations of political leaders to ridicule them which is what they did i i don't see a downside for the for the babylon b no not for the organization itself and the individuals there are brave enough or don't care or don't think there's a risk and they're doing it so that's i like that i mean if we we gotta do some of that we gotta like the map i like it well we're gonna publish your address and name pretty soon what do you say just kidding the uh ben cochran i everybody knows who I am. I know where we start, too. I know where we start.
Starting point is 01:08:48 We're going to get the library of patriot power and get your voice and run it through some of these. We're going to deep fake you praising the Federal Reserve. Just for this free speech aspect. I can do that to you. I like it. There's so much opportunity for this. Well, if Americans ever got scared of making fun of their politicians,
Starting point is 01:09:23 we really are screwed. So that's like a last stand if we end up like 1950s ussr where everyone's way too scared to dare say anything bad about dear leader like we are deep shit so yeah i love it keep it up baby i'll definitely go watch that all the patriots would have to be dead by then. Yeah. That might be their plan. Or maybe they got a long game and they just think, hey, they'll be able to weed us out over the next 20, 30, 40 years,
Starting point is 01:09:55 and the next generations coming up won't be able to replace the Patriotism. I don't believe that. So, anyway. All right. I got a few more minutes. Anything else you wanted to hit on before we get out of here? The second assassination attempt, we got to talk more about that. So, anyway. Alright, I got a few more minutes. Anything else you wanted to hit on before we get out of here? The second assassination attempt, we got to talk more about that,
Starting point is 01:10:09 don't we? Yeah, we do. Seems to me that the amount of force that would be required to not snipe Trump, but just assault and kill him,
Starting point is 01:10:27 like a rogue element of the Egyptian army did at a parade against Sadat, kill him on stage as they marched by. Just that kind of assassination. just that kind of assassination. But of course, in this country, you would expect that the FBI would never be able to find out who did it, right? But just, I don't know, 20 people armed for assault
Starting point is 01:11:00 could walk into the golf course that Trump was on when this latest attempted assassin was found out. I mean, it would probably take 20 people with assault rifles, submachine guns to not just kill the president, they could take out the entire detachment of Secret Service protecting the president right now. I mean, that's how poorly guarded he is.
Starting point is 01:11:32 It seems like that would be pretty easy to do almost, so I'm glad it hasn't happened, but those guys would have to be on a suicide mission, some of them, but with 20 guys, if you get 20 guys in a couple of vans and come out, it looks like that would be pretty unstoppable if they had good training, right? Yeah, I don't even know if it's feasible to do it without getting caught or a large enough amount of attackers, and they might be able to withdraw. I would hope that if, damn it, we'd spend all this money on the NSA
Starting point is 01:12:07 and give up some of our rights, hopefully they could at least stop these things before they happen. Maybe they have, for all we know, but... Well, that's a good point, because people are speculating today, based upon the FBI announcing that they, the current suspect had his phone
Starting point is 01:12:26 monitored for the 12 hours ahead of his arrest. What about the previous week, the previous month? Like, where's he been? Have they not, if they know the last 12 hours, how do they not have the rest of it? Yeah. And that should lead them to being able to find others if they were
Starting point is 01:12:48 involved with the plot, if it wasn't just this one guy. Hopefully there's some good people trying hard to do the right thing in that regard. I don't have much faith in FBI, but I know there are some good people in there and maybe the truth will come out sooner than later, but
Starting point is 01:13:04 I ain't holding my breath. I'm more worried will come out sooner than later. But, hey, hold on my breath. I'm more worried about third time's a charm. Like, holy cow. They're going after them. Do you expect another? Let's not call this, like, pipe bomb thing of a third attack or whatever. But do you expect a third that the public is aware of, at least, attempt before Election Day? Well, Trump will make them aware, right?
Starting point is 01:13:30 How could he be protected in having an attempted assassin, you know, thwarted and him not know? So, no, the way we're headed right now, you know, Butler and then this Florida golf course incident might be the prelude to something worse this year within weeks, right? protective detail of Donald Trump, not the leadership making decisions to withhold resources or, you know, what we think happened in Butler. Make everything possible. If I'm protecting the former president, I'd be concerned that I might not survive an attack on him. Right. So there is part of this where, you know, the personal actors within the government have self-preservation instincts involved.
Starting point is 01:14:35 It's interesting to me though, that the, uh, Senator from Connecticut, Blumenthal, is openly admitting that DHS is not giving the Senate information that it's asking for. And Blumenthal is a Democrat. So what's driving that? Is that some kind of ploy? Is that some kind of, you know, kind of inoculating the environment so that later they can say that, you know, it was a bar bipartisan questions about the performance of somewhere in DHS or the secret service,
Starting point is 01:15:14 or is that legitimate that that Senator is looking at the situation and thinking, if it's that easy to get to Trump, it's probably that easy to get to me too. I would hope that the self-preservation instincts would be kind of leveraged in a good way to keep things from flying apart. In a way, that's the purpose of society and civilization.
Starting point is 01:15:46 We all are self-interested but we realize if we make a few small compromises and work together for the greater good it's actually good for our own self-preservation instead of people just robbing and stealing and burning whenever they feel like it uh that's pretty tough though especially when you get into politics and all this cloak and dagger like what is people's real motivations? And there's so many psychotics out there that it's hard to even know that they know what their self-preservation is because they're like a moth to the flame. But, um, yeah, it's akin to the very real policy of the FAA, and the FAA is equivalent in other countries where remotely piloted passenger aircraft are forbidden, that there has to be a hazard to the operator
Starting point is 01:16:38 of the vehicle, their own life, for that to be sound. Otherwise, you know, the remotely piloted vehicles sooner or later will attract a mass murderer who snaps and sends your airliner into the ocean and it doesn't cost them their life. You can definitely reduce the amount of people that will crash an airliner if you make it that they have to die with it as well.
Starting point is 01:17:04 You'll still find some freaks out there that would be down for that but great point that's one you know if you can layer those type of defenses and psychological barriers and hopefully that builds a safer system uh that's what i used to think now i'm really worried that the entire all the safety nets are pretty damn compromised so that's why i'm a prepper how about that feature dan i got you but this isn't a bruce lee movie where everybody goes crazy attack at and dies from their attack right uh how how you know you know even look at how the war has sorted out in Ukraine and Russia, right?
Starting point is 01:17:45 The armies, which are now both sides have veteracy, like all their soldiers have been in battle. You know, Russia's trying to bring fresh, young, unbattled, tested troops in, but they've got a massive amount of soldiers that have now been in that battle for a couple of years. And obviously, Ukraine is, you know, if you're in the Ukrainian army, you've seen a lot of battle, right? And look at the behavior. It somewhat resembles, you know, trench warfare of World War I. There's static lines. We have front lines again, right?
Starting point is 01:18:23 Hadn't really seen that anywhere on a battlefield. Saw it a little bit in the breakup of Yugoslavia. There was definitely lines dug in. But most of the war that you've been used to in your adult lifetime has been very dynamic battlefields, right? Special Operation battlefields show up or sweep know, or sweep all the way through Iraq and then have an insurgency. And the insurgency pops up in places at times, but there's no static lines. But now that you got two sides in Russia and Ukraine, with the survivors thinking about their self-preservation at all times, you don't see as much aggressive ground combat.
Starting point is 01:19:09 This idea that there's just berserkers that'll come out of the woodwork and throw their lives away, you can find mentally disturbed people like Crooks, or perhaps Yerrick. Where'd Yerrick go? Or this latest one in Florida. You can find the wind-up doll crazies. Not necessarily easy to find large amounts of them.
Starting point is 01:19:34 There's single use, too. There's single use. The Japanese certainly pulled it off, right? ISIS pulled it off. Kamikazes and suicide bombers, but does that behavior take root in this country with people throwing their lives away in a insurgency slash sixth generation hybrid warfare, you know, low intensity conflict? I don't think so. I think every one of these moves has everybody involved concerned about their lives and concerned about being found out and spending the rest of their lives in a cage because they're absolute criminals hatching criminal conspiracies to assassinate presidential candidates.
Starting point is 01:20:22 Yeah. Well put. All right. Any last topics? Let you make that call, Ben. What do we got left on the heat map on this special episode of the fall premiere? Patriot Power Hour. Yeah, the only other one I was eyeing
Starting point is 01:20:45 to potentially talk about might as well go for it was the vice president said police can search legal gun owners homes to check a little more than a week ago we had the Trump versus Kamala debate not going to rehash that by any means
Starting point is 01:21:03 but one line from her is that that just stuck out to me is that we're not coming to take your guns blah blah blah very denigrating acting like we're crazy and talking about her and tim waltz are gun owners and tim likes to go hunting and all that crap but there's just so many clips of her talking about weapons of warning to be taken off the street and all these how you know this is before when she was a senator this is when she's vice president and this is her recently talking about what she's going to do if she becomes president it's just like i don't understand how you can lie so obviously either they just feel no guilt when they lie or just the cognitive dissidence or she truly believes that you know removing assault weapons quote-unquote assault
Starting point is 01:21:55 weapons is not coming after your guns i don't what was your take on that and what's your take on this that police can come to your home just to check on them? Clearly violates multiple amendments. Would never be sound in a constitutional finding. She knows that. My take on that, I want to elevate kind of the perspective, zoom out again on this issue and tell you what I've seen in my history, my life.
Starting point is 01:22:30 I was really young when Ford was a president. Don't remember him. I remember Carter getting elected. So Ford, I know studying history, they called him dumb. So Ford, I know, studying history, they called him dumb. And then Reagan was clearly painted as being dumb. You know, he's just an actor, right? And then George H.W. Bush was evil, painted that way very strongly, even by patriots in hindsight.
Starting point is 01:23:08 So for his political opponents at the time, he was easily painted as evil. But then George W. Bush was portrayed as dumb, and Trump's been portrayed as evil. So I still have the Democrats in various degrees, but I would argue that this kind of ad hominem attack has been a mainstay of the Democrat Party my whole life. And with Kamala Harris, you're kind of getting to, it's always one or the other, out of stupidity or out of evil. But with her, you know, no one thought Obama was stupid, right? You know, some people tried to make sense of him that way, but in the long run, that's not the case. He's not to be considered stupid, nor was Clinton stupid, right? So they're going to be in the other category. But with Harris, it's, you know, Biden too.
Starting point is 01:24:10 Harris-Biden together, we're kind of melting it down into just one thing. There's no differentiation that the evil being done stupidly or the stupid being done evilly, it's just we're hitting a meeting middle point, which is that this country is producing these leaders. And in November, it might be possible for enough people to realize that that's happening and for us to spare ourselves from it. But time will tell. All right, there you go.
Starting point is 01:24:48 A full 90-minute Patriot Power Hour essentially in the books. Future Dan will be live every Wednesday all throughout the rest of the year, I suppose. That said, I might not be able to be live next Wednesday. I might have a work dinner, but we could do Tuesday or Thursday potentially. We'll talk through it. Or maybe we'll prerecord it and publish it Wednesday. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:25:14 Maybe I'll even bail on the work dinner. I don't know. But a free dinner sounds good. So anyway, otherwise, though, we will be live essentially from now until Christmas break. It's considered a compensation. Nothing's free. There you go. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:25:31 It's my time. My time, my effort. I've got to have these small talk with people and all that. Can't talk about this type of stuff. Got to talk about football or, I don't know, maybe Puff Daddy. No. Hey, how about that we didn't talk about any of that but uh the whole p diddy being arrested and now these top record executives are resigning uh it's kind of like an epstein 2.0 is that your take on it or any thought on that real quick before we get out of here well music artists ultimately aren't powerful powerful pedophiles being exposed we do look for that because of the
Starting point is 01:26:11 destabilizing effect that would have right right and in government so congressmen senators governors presidents vice presidents who are proven pedophiles that would that could tear us apart a rapper singer not sure that that that's just common criminal behavior in my book so what it seems like and more will come out it seems like he did a lot with epstein did though is he compromised people um and set them up so it was a whole kind of smuggling slash compromise and it maybe not top politicians like Epstein but a lot of folks who let's just say try to sway public opinion on a lot of things whether vaccines whether ukraine whether voting for a certain candidate those people are swayed from blackmail potentially so i think it's a little bigger than
Starting point is 01:27:12 that but i i don't think it's epstein level but for the entertainment industry it's the equivalent and unfortunately the entertainment industry has been weaponized against we patriots, I suppose I could say. So that's the link I see. It might arrive at that point where if someone with actual power that's dangerous, that is behaving that way, is exposed, again, because Clinton was on those flights, then we'll be talking about that. But in the meantime, I'm going to leave that one in the category of, you know, Hollywood's sick.
Starting point is 01:27:55 What's new? Fair enough. All right. I'll talk to you next week. One day or another, we'll make it happen for sure. And we always reserve the right to jump on air with all the craziness happening. Who knows what will happen next day or next week? Not on a Wednesday or not our normal time.
Starting point is 01:28:13 So great show. Great start to the season. Looking forward to it, Ben. Talking to you about it. Not looking forward to the hardships that our country may have to endure. I'm looking forward to talking to you about how to stop it by speaking out. That's what Patriot Power Hour is about on the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Good show, Ben. We'll see you next time.

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