The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Patriot Power Hour #280

Episode Date: October 2, 2024

Each week on Patriot Power Hour, Ben ‘The Breaker of Banksters’ and Future Dan explore the latest Liberty, Security, Economic & Natural news, providing the situational awareness needed to execute ...your preparedness plans. Questions, Feedback, News Tips, or want to be a Guest? Reach out!Ben “The Breaker of Banksters” @BanksterBreaker on Twitter; Future Dan@FutureDanger6 on Twitter

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The American Pronunciation Guide Presents ''How to Pronounce Cuban Refugee'' Not too long ago, two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee, a businessman who had escaped from Castro. And in the midst of his story, one of my friends turned to the other and said, we don't know how lucky we are. And the Cuban stopped and said, how lucky you are. I had some place to escape to. And in that sentence, he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to.
Starting point is 00:00:49 This is the last stand on Earth. This is the last stand on Earth. The last stand on Earth. SILENT PRAGUE © transcript Emily Beynon You are now listening to the Patriot Power Hour. This live episode features the situational awareness you need to practice self-reliance and independence. Introducing your hosts, Ben, the Breaker of Banksters, and Future Dan, the editor of Patriot Power Hour. We are live October 2nd, 2024. Episode 280, Ben the Breaker of Banksters
Starting point is 00:02:42 here with Future Dan. Episode 280, Ben the Breaker Banks is here with Future Dan. We are sure back one week to the night from Hurricane Helene hitting the United States. And I said at the time, 130 mile an hour winds coming in over the Florida panhandle with five foot surge could be a typical September hurricane for Florida. And it was not correct. This has been one of the worst hurricane strikes in American history in terms of nominal dollar loss, 150 lives lost, and many more missing tonight. lost and many more missing tonight. So we're putting this out on Patriot Power Hour.
Starting point is 00:03:31 1-800-RED-CROSS and various other charities are available. We're donating and we're talking to the leadership of Prepper Broadcasting Network about our network's response. But tonight, there are many people in need because of devastation. And some of this devastation, not really something you could do more than bug out from. People were caught in a situation with 40 trillion gallons of rain landing in Appalachia, southern United States. And it soaked the earth, and then the hurricane came in on top of it, wiping away towns. One week ago, we were looking at this as how is it going to turn out? Pretty typical hurricane with some life lost and some power outages for short term.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Not what happened. We have a major natural disaster in the United States of America one week ago. The storm one week later, the disaster goes on. For those that haven't, and hopefully you have, but who have not listened to Preppers Live Monday night, a couple nights ago, I guess September 30th, had Intrepid Commander as well as Dave Jones, as well as some chat, participation, etc. Dave Jones was down there, right in the middle of it. He did, I don't know, 20 plus years in the Army,
Starting point is 00:04:53 and he deployed overseas, and he was in Baghdad, in the middle, in the green zone, but things were still blowing up left and right. He said he felt more disconcerted and more worried and just felt like things were more out of control, less safe in the Asheville area like last Saturday, Sunday, than in Baghdad in like 2006 or whatever. So Dave Jones doesn't play around.
Starting point is 00:05:22 If he said that, absolutely believe him. Dave Jones doesn't play around if he said that, absolutely believe him yep sent Dave a few videos right after he got back and asked him if the same record set is available that we've all seen if you're watching the news
Starting point is 00:05:38 in the area and he was there he just found a way out of it God bless him and his family but there's many more tonight that need our help And he was there. He just found a way out of it. So God bless him and his family. But there's many more tonight that need our help. And 1-800-RED-CROSS or your preferred charities, the news headlines that we're going to go through next segment
Starting point is 00:05:58 are going to detail the facts and the most stunning headlines. But five weeks out from a presidential election, major national disaster in Southeast United States. I felt like they really slow-rolled this, and maybe everyone was caught by surprise. But I swear, they were still calling this tropical storm Helene when it was projected to be well beyond a tropical storm and whatever, whatever that was a mistake or on purpose won't even get down that down to that
Starting point is 00:06:36 route. Whatever. Like you said, the one thing you can't really prep for is a mudslide in your bug out property that's some beautiful land great mountains great bug out property you know it'd be so nice to have 20 acres on one of those mountains but if it turns into a ravine and just totally wipes you out not much you can do about that's one of the more horrible parts about it so hurricanes super dangerous but when they get into that area with the landslides, mudslides, and the flooding, all that, it's something pretty hard to prep for. Like I said, you could bug out, but you would have had to be paying very close attention,
Starting point is 00:07:14 and it seemed like either it strengthened at the last second in the trajectory, and or they just soft-played it for whatever reason. I swear, they were calling it a tropical storm when it was really important. People should have been getting out of the way. But these things happen, I guess. And like you said, donate if you're able to. And it's another good reason to keep prepping on.
Starting point is 00:07:37 And go listen to Preppers Live on Monday if you really want more info about it. Yeah, absolutely. And it's a part of the country that is obviously aware hurricanes can come and affect them, but do not live under the threat like if you have property and live on the Gulf Coast, right, all of Florida and along the Gulf Coast down through Texas. Those people know what it means when a hurricane comes in. But in Appalachia, it was this ferociousness of flooding.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Nothing could have prepared any of us for that. So donate tonight. Stay tuned for more news. We'll be bringing it to you. National Guard is called out. Federal troops are called out. Headlines to come in the second segment. Meanwhile, we've got other parts of the world blowing up, Ben.
Starting point is 00:08:30 We've got economic and election news to cover. Where do you want to go from there? Well, the dashboard is pretty severe and a lot of frequency, which is double trouble, meaning we have a lot of articles across a lot of frequency, which is double trouble, meaning we have a lot of articles across a lot of indicators, and a lot of them are very severe news, not just topical. Where do I want to start? How about, because I don't want to spoil any of these headlines too much, why don't you just give us your gestalt of the vice presidential debate last night?
Starting point is 00:09:06 So they didn't go at it, right? They didn't do the Trump-Parris, you know, absolute vicious battle. Definitely the tenor was polite. So I think that was good. What was said, I mean, both of them made their speeches alternating. Yeah, I don't think it's going to change a lot of votes. I felt, well, actually today, in the last 24 hours, Trump has taken the tiniest of leads in the gambling market,
Starting point is 00:09:38 which is probably the most accurate indicator out there. Anyway, him and Harris were neck and neck and have been for at least in the betting markets the last few weeks, but just today Trump edged up just a little. Is that because Vance did well? Is that because Tim Walz did horrible?
Starting point is 00:09:57 Is it both? Is it totally underrelated? Hard to know. I mean, what kind of undecided person would be watching the vice presidential debate undecided voter watching the vice presidential debate kind of rough but in my opinion
Starting point is 00:10:13 Vance did pretty damn well and Walls did pretty bad so maybe it did have an effect I mean there's persuadable voters in any audience and that's what they're scrapping over at this point and that's I mean, there's persuadable voters in any audience. And that's what they're scrapping over at this point. And that's, I mean, the delta, that's the only thing that matters is what you can change right now and the difference between what you got now and what you got on election day.
Starting point is 00:10:38 So I thought I've answered it quite well, better than I expected. I'm kind of a fan. It's really hard for me to say I'm a fan of a presidential candidate. I got my gripes with Trump, but I'm coming around to him. But Vance, like right out the gate, I seem to like him for a lot of different reasons. Again, pretty rare for Ben the Breaker of Banksters, the hater of all politicians, to say Vance is pretty impressive. But he was pretty down to earth.
Starting point is 00:11:06 He, like you said, was the good cop to maybe Trump's bad cop, meaning he was polite and respectful, but also he didn't let himself be pushed around by the moderators or undercut by stupid talking points. He handled it really well and was fairly relatable. So when I watch these debates, I kind of think, what would I say?
Starting point is 00:11:30 I kind of, almost like in the background, like what would I say to this question? And several of his answers were fairly close to what even Ben the Breaker of Banksters would say. Some weren't, but a lot more than I would have expected.
Starting point is 00:11:44 And compared to any other presidential candidate practically in my lifetime uh pretty good so i give him like eight and a half or a nine tim wallace fell on his face several times made himself look like an ass uh caught lying about tiananmen square and it was just embarrassing for him. And I almost feel bad for the guy until I remember who he represents, the type of evil interests that he represents. He's not doing this on accident. He's not just a happy-go-lucky guy that, ooh, I'm a knucklehead.
Starting point is 00:12:19 I made a mistake or two, but I'm trying real hard for the country. I promise I'm from Minnesota. No, it ain't that. I almost feel bad for the old man, but I'm trying real hard for the country. I promise. I'm from Minnesota. No, it ain't that. I almost feel bad for the old man, but don't fall for that. If you're a really nice person like me, maybe you want to give him benefit of the doubt, don't do it. That was my
Starting point is 00:12:36 high-level take. Alright, alright. Get a rant off your chest in episode 280 right off the bat. So something you mentioned earlier about polls and whether there's a bump in the poll made me question what I knew about political polling. Because technology changes. And I was just checking a real clear politics site for their polling.
Starting point is 00:13:02 real clear politics site for their polling. The latest poll listed is Trump 49, Harris 50 from the Cook political report. But I go through the whole poll results.
Starting point is 00:13:18 It doesn't tell you when the survey was taken. I don't know if they can turn around in polling the results of last night's vice presidential debate within 24 hours.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Part of that's because they're manipulating the data, too. As a matter of habit, they don't release raw polling information. It's all about the sampling, which is why no one trusts the polls in the first place. I don't even think they claim they'll do polling results within 24 hours. I could be wrong, though.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Well, it's not polls in a traditional sense, but it is online gambling, which I find is a pretty good market maker and price discovery. But I get what you mean. Real polls certainly take more than 24 hours to get out. And then who knows what kind of finagling they may do one website I go to. And it's, I don't know if it's the best website or not, but I feel like it's a good gauge as it changes.
Starting point is 00:14:22 So slash elections. Like I said, I don't know if this is the best or if this is manipulated or it's fully accurate. I don't know. But I've been watching it. And Trump has been lower than Harris since practically about the time she got in. But there's been some ups and downs. But today, trump is tied with her 49 49 trump up 1.1 percent in the last 24 hours so slash elections but
Starting point is 00:14:55 again i don't do this but you can go gamble on different websites and they give you different odds for the first time trump is the favorite but you still get you're still uh seen as an underdog because you know the house always wins so you got that vig so uh i think harris was like plus 110 and trump was plus 105 meaning you gotta bet 105 dollars to win a hundred dollars uh so long story short though they're neck and neck at least on these polls and all that we'll see how it really pans out so you're talking about derivative of what really matters
Starting point is 00:15:32 in the real world it's a it's gambling on what is the outcome of the electoral college so I'm looking at really clear politics electoral college map and as of Electoral College. So I'm looking at RealClearPolitics Electoral College map, and as
Starting point is 00:15:48 of tonight, we got 104 toss-ups, Harris, 215, Trump, 219. There you go. That's all within, easily within margin of error. well the hundred the 104 toss-ups are
Starting point is 00:16:10 what rcp considers within the margin of error of the available polls for those states and then 215 electoral college votes going to harris vaults are for states that there are no polls outside of the margin area that show them not getting those electoral votes and and trump 219 so 104 toss-ups are that's a big swath of the country with five weeks left pennsylvania north carolina georgia arizona nevada minnesota Nevada, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, all toss-ups. And any two. What the heck's any two? Nebraska. One electoral vote in Nebraska is Nebraska and Maine partition, right?
Starting point is 00:16:58 So Trump and Harris are actually splitting Maine right now, one and one. Nice. Well, we'll keep everyone up to date every week for the foreseeable future until the election. I mean, yeah, it's here before we know it. But guess what? We've got to go to break. We'll be back with the heat dashboard, heat map dashboard,
Starting point is 00:17:21 Stick with us. Thank you. Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid Commander, and I'm holding The Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy, M.D. In this great book, you'll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You'll learn about assessment and stabilization. You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. Look, 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Get the Prepper's Medical Handbook today at Again, that's the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forty. A person who advocates and practices preparedness. One ready for any event that would disrupt their daily routine. That is a prepper. The pictures tell the story, life had many shades I'd wake up every morning And before I'd start each day I'd take a drag from last night's cigarette
Starting point is 00:19:33 That smoldered in its tray Down a little something And then be on my way I traveled far and wide And laid this head in many ports I was guided by a compass I saw beauty to the north I drew the tales of many lives
Starting point is 00:19:55 And wore the faces of my own I have these memories all around me So I wouldn't be alone Some maybe from showing up Others are from growing up Sometimes I was all messed up And didn't have a clue I ain't winning no one over
Starting point is 00:20:13 I wear it just for you I got your name written here And a rose tattoo And a rose tattoo And a rose tattoo I got your name written here Patriot Power Hour, episode 280. Coming up on that seven-year anniversary pretty soon of the show, actually. But for now, we got news.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Today's news. Let's roll right through it. California state outlaws local voter ID laws. DOJ sues Alabama for voter roll purge program that was targeting aliens. ABC and CBS refused to report 13,000 illegal alien murderers on the loose. All this related to elections, voting, censorship. Hydroxychloroquine. Those 17,000 deaths related to hydroxychloroquine.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Never happened. 10,000 deaths related to hydroxychloroquine. Never happened. A few years later, the propaganda's coming to light. U.S. to deploy tens of thousands of low-cost drones to deter Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Now, we're going to get to Israel and Iran but before we do that we'll leave that towards the end of this segment let's first get into the after effects of Hurricane Helene
Starting point is 00:22:00 thousands of National Guard troops deployed it seemed at first that there were not many riots Canhalene. Thousands of National Guard troops deployed. It seemed at first that there were not many riots for looting going on, but unfortunately, looting did erupt not only just in Florida, but in North Carolina and Tennessee as well. In fact, eight migrants arrested
Starting point is 00:22:17 for stealing from flood victims in Tennessee. So, National Guard is on site and I'm sure a lot of people around there are armed but still looting a concern. In Georgia 90,000 residents
Starting point is 00:22:37 sheltered in place after chemical plant fire sends chlorine into the air. Now Chemical plant fire sends chlorine into the air. Now, on to Israel and Iran. A lot has happened since we were last on air just six days ago. We had Nasrallah killed by Israeli strike. Hezbollah leader. Senior Iran guards general also killed.
Starting point is 00:23:11 So multiple guards, you know, revolutionary guards, et cetera, from Iran as well as Hamas and Hezbollah all around. Generals, colonels, top level folks getting killed. I'm sure tons of people being killed were not being told about. The cloak and dagger and assassinations going on is probably crazy right now. That was after they blew them apart with some pagers and cell phones. Also in the last week, just within the last few days,
Starting point is 00:23:46 really, Israeli army begins the invasion, ground invasion of Lebanon. A little more than 24 hours ago, Iran shot 200 plus missiles at Israel in a couple waves. Reports say no casualties really on the ground. Most were intercepted, but the amount of actual damage not necessarily known. So every week seems like Israeli conflict widens and escalates.
Starting point is 00:24:22 So we'll keep a close eye on that. Economically, gold has come off a little bit of its all-time high. Did not cross the $2,700 mark in the last few days. Right now it sticks at about $2,660. But still, pretty much all-time high. Silver, also relatively flat in the last week, but still a decade high. Not all-time, but at $32, still quite high for silver, up huge year-to-date. Oil, I think it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Oil is only at about 70 bucks right now we could talk about potentially why later on but oil pretty cheap make sure your fuel reserves are topped off let's just say that but otherwise economically relatively quiet uh
Starting point is 00:25:21 they expect to cut interest rates again before end of the year but yeah everything else is kind of focused on they expect to cut interest rates again before end of the year, but, yeah, everything else is kind of focused on geopolitics and the election right now, but I have the breaker of bankers, so I'll keep my ear to the ground. We do actually have a huge economic story that has only made headlines in the last day or two,
Starting point is 00:25:47 but may last for quite a while. We'll see port strike across the East Coast and into the Gulf of Mexico too. Billions and billions of dollars per day at risk. The longshoremen have gone on strike. Fluoride in drinking water likely lowers kids' IQs. I drank too much fluoride as a kid. I can't even speak right now.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Fluoride in drinking water likely lowers kids' IQs. More and more studies coming out showing how bad fluoride is for development. Helene death toll rises to 120. Millions remain without power. More and more getting power daily, but still. The worst affected areas, no power or even running water for a very
Starting point is 00:26:48 long time to come still in Nepal other side of the world but 260 plus dead or missing due to floods I remember last week we were talking about dozens if not hundreds
Starting point is 00:27:05 dead and missing in Kenya as well and the last article for the day on the news blitz Hurricane Helene and other storms because it was raining a lot all over the place kind of a mix of a bunch but Helene plus other storms within that time period
Starting point is 00:27:25 dumped $40 trillion with a T. $40 trillion gallons of rain on the south. I want to point out that's only a little bit more than our national debt. So $40 trillion gallons compared to $35 trillion in debt. That's not even that big a number, Future Dan. It's not. And you know it's a bad disaster when federal troops are already out there with the looting.
Starting point is 00:27:57 We're talking about entire blackout zones, the results of what it takes to get that area back under control. Watch it very closely tonight on Patriot Power Hour and Future Danger. Because a lot of those areas are quite isolated if the road leading in or the two roads leading in is absolutely wiped out and there's downed trees on the areas that's not washed away. You're not able to get into that mountainous area with ravines and what used to be streams become rivers.
Starting point is 00:28:27 You can't be shipping in semis of FEMA gear, so it's definitely a precarious situation. I'm glad they're hitting it full force. They better be. I hate making it political, but you got to. People are doing it, whether it is or not. What's the political impact of this right now? Do you think the Democrats are
Starting point is 00:28:49 pulling their punches in the response, or do you think there's no way they would risk that or would even try that? I think they're scared to death that this goes as badly for Harris as it did George W. Bush with Katrina. That's what I'd be pretty freaked out about.
Starting point is 00:29:13 But do you sense that sense of urgency from the administration and the campaign? I don't, but maybe I'm listening to too much right-wing propaganda about how the left is not coming in to save everything. But it does seem like Biden and Harris are pretty nonchalant about it if they're worried it's going to be a Katrina, but they're just feckless and ineffective. Maybe that's just part of the course. Let me be maybe devil's advocate and give you a straight line argument on what i what i think
Starting point is 00:29:48 you know someone with a moderate point of view might have right now let's do it so you know you know middle of the road you know congress people and senators might say something like, I'm going to try to put together right here. So obviously, state and local authorities are the first line responders. But when they are incapacitated, like this will do, you have the National Guard of the States, Army National Guard, and Air National Guard, with a lot of medical and transportation and logistics capabilities. And given the amount of time that's passed, time will tell whether different state guards did better or worse. But the reality is, and I think this is true myself personally, they're all trying their best.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Those state guards are, they're there for that. Like that's what they all train for and what they're to do is, that's what they all joined for. So, you know, you bring in FEMA and FEMA is supposed to be the of federal, not oversight, not command, not control, but enablement, right, to flow the resources to the state and local authorities so that they have an effective relief response. That's what's supposed to happen. And when the Category 5 hurricane hits New Orleans or Category 4 hits the Panhandle of Florida and soaks southern Appalachia
Starting point is 00:31:24 and causes this kind of destruction. There's only so fast any authority in any country can bring relief. And you might want to point to Japanese responses to earthquakes and nuclear disasters. They can roll out the full relief force pretty fast in Japan from what I've seen in my lifetime. But there's many other countries that would be absolutely grappling much worse with this than the United States of America, including first world countries, right, with this kind of destruction. So I think that the national guards
Starting point is 00:32:06 of these states, you know, have an opportunity to do the, you know, premier level, uh, federalized response, right? You know, and, um, time will tell if we've had problems in any of these states, but it's, it's why federalism works. It's why federalism produces a stronger response, because if you're misguided enough to think that FEMA swoops in and does this all themselves, they're not designed for that. They're not supposed to do that. They're never going to be able to do that. So I think we're going to have a lot of stories coming out in the next week that are going to be highly politicized because, like you said earlier,
Starting point is 00:32:47 it's that season and it's going to happen, right? But I'm not ready to do that. No, I put this about as much as I wanted to, and I think that was very well put. I want to hear what NBC guy who has some background in emergency management, I want to hear what he has to say in a few weeks or even a couple months when he can fully analyze it. But just from my own perspective, I've dealt with insurance claims,
Starting point is 00:33:17 and if a building burns down or there's a massive explosion with injuries or fatality or hurricane damage. For the first three days, no one knows what the heck's going on. It's like shock and awe, and no one can even get to the disaster areas, usually even if they're trying 110% and have every resource available. So pretty much saying what you, you, you know, I'm reinforcing what you just said in my own smaller microcosm of insurance claims. Even companies like Fortune 100, Fortune 500 companies do tabletop exercises and they have exact procedures for crisis communication and planning,
Starting point is 00:34:01 and they still fumble very basic ones let alone an entire wipe out of county after county and rural hilly areas and it's not like it just like stopped raining and everything was okay the next day it was like so so early to judge hopefully everyone i i know that the average guy and gal on the ground is busting their ass. My question is more like, could they have had 24 or 48 hours more warning? Was this poo-pooed for some reason? And or was it just incompetence or a mistake of the forecasting? Hey, that's a rabbit hole. We don't have to go all down in that.
Starting point is 00:34:38 But like I said, I like how you kind of brought that more middle ground or reasonableness. I definitely want to hear what Dave Jones has to say about this down the line, though. Of course, North Carolina is affected. And one of the largest military installations in the world, Fort Liberty is in North Carolina. So a thousand troops being dispatched, mostly engineers out of what formerly was known as Fort Bragg, just across its state. You know, the speed with which that happened shows me that the Pentagon and the White House are not fooling around, right? They were absolutely not going to be accused of withholding that kind of support that was sitting idle in the same state.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Yeah, that's maybe a bridge too far for them, even for a very Trump-centric area of the country. I think it would be stupid of them to do that, too. What else we got on the plate? We got about 20 minutes. Although we can go a little late tonight if we wanted. It is a power hour, so we don't hold ourselves exactly to one hour. But time is a ticking, and we got 20-plus headlines to hit on. Where do you want to start?
Starting point is 00:36:01 Probably should talk about the Middle East tonight. Probably. Probably. I mean, it's getting worse and worse but i almost feel like normalcy bias like oh well it's you know they killed another leader and iran shot some rockets and some of them might have hit some things whatever this is that big a deal i'm like no this is the worst war that israel's been in they call it a war iran calls it a war worst war they've been in since I've been alive. I mean, I guess you go to like the Yom Kippur War, like the Seven Days War or whatever, like in the 70s and 60s,
Starting point is 00:36:33 maybe it can lead up to this level. But this is, at least correct me if I'm wrong, this is super serious right now. Well, the Israeli army went all the way to Beirut in 82. I was a kid. I watched it on TV. I watched the skyscrapers getting shelled and exploding, and that was full-on street-to-street in 82.
Starting point is 00:37:01 And the precision airstrikes have obviously changed the way wars fought. So, you know, pushing straight in with infantry is not, you know, the preferred approach, not up against Hezbollah. It was against Gaza, right, against Hamas. But the ground war, it's underway, but it seems limited right now. The big question is what kind of retaliation for the missile strike that was retaliation is Israel planning to deliver on Iran? And taking out oil refineries and ports is in the news.
Starting point is 00:37:40 I'm not certain if that's not a manipulation of the news environment itself for the crowds watching the price of oil. But I don't think Israel's playing around. And I'm not sure that the Ayatollah or the president of Iran is safe from what happened from Nasrallah. Iran is safe from what happened from Nasrallah. And I'm not certain that any nuclear facilities that Iran has will be in existence a week from tonight. And it could be a case where that kind of overmatch wins a war. It won't settle any hearts and minds for many people alive for the rest of their lives. It would persist for decades and decades and lifetimes and lifetimes.
Starting point is 00:38:32 But in the sheer exercise of military power, Israel might go ahead and do that stuff. Is that the next step strikes on Iran itself? Do you think that is possible, or even I don't need to put a percentage number on it this year or even by next week, as you were kind of alluding to, but do you think we're pretty darn close to that happening? Like that could be Israel's next step, or do you think that could still be a couple down the road?
Starting point is 00:39:06 It might be tonight. Damn. Every time we get into the weeds on the Middle East, Iran, and Israel, potential war, at a certain point, I just want to zoom out and start thinking about my country. And I think about George Washington's farewell address and the whole warning against
Starting point is 00:39:28 foreign entanglements. So we talk about this because we briefed the future danger heat map on during Patriot Power Hour. And the indicator of danger that we're tracking is the potential for a full-on Israel-Iranian war. Because if it was fought in a way that was protracted, the United States is inevitably dragged into another Middle Eastern war, thus destabilizing my country. So that's why it's dangerous. But if Israel strikes in a way that renders Iran a clear loser
Starting point is 00:40:08 unable to respond that isn't necessarily dangerous for my country the link that I get worried about maybe they won't even get involved with it but Russia and Iran are getting closer and closer so they take out Ayatollah. They hit some deep underground
Starting point is 00:40:27 nuclear sites, research facilities, centrifuges, whatever you want to call it. And what between NATO and Russia changes? Nothing.
Starting point is 00:40:46 I mean, I guess we better hope so. I mean, I guess Russia won't put it all on the line for Iran. They weren't going to throw any nukes around just because Iran gets smoked. No, why would they? It's not in their national interest. Well, they're already losing on their western front, so they get blasted on their southern front. Russia's pretty cooped up and backed in the corner.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Always has been. Always has been. And they've always been paranoid about it. And Iran's a client state. Russia's had many client states, and the Soviet Union had many For varying amounts of time All the way through the Cold War But then they didn't It's the Middle East and it's Russia
Starting point is 00:41:30 And I don't see just an absolute Knockout blow by Israel Being immediately dangerous Now, again, you know The sentiment that would leave leave millions, billions of people for the rest of their lives, I'm not advocating on that psychological dimension that it would be wise to do it. But they did it to Nasrallah. They're not playing around with it.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Hezbollah is on the target list. They are at war with Hezbollah. And if they escalate to Iran, it might be necessary to have Iran back down. Well, I really don't give a crap what happens over there except for dragging us into war and the fact we sell, but also in foreign aid give billions and billions to Israel and others there. So it's just, you know, it is annoying. If there wasn't, if Russia wasn't involved, I wouldn't be as concerned maybe.
Starting point is 00:42:42 But, yeah, all right. Anything else on that one keep watching this bar that will you know come back to the some of the moral and ethical constructs in in Western thought on on how to wage war and you get into theories like just war theory. One of the dimensions is if you're fighting a war, the just thing to do is end it.
Starting point is 00:43:13 To not make it endless protracted warfare. To fight with an objective to win and end and arrive at a peace settlement. And that's never been the Middle East. You know, we actually accomplished it in Iraq and Afghanistan for the amount of time that we could afford to occupy completely. But it was not possible to leave that Western way of warfare. Like, we won, you're defeated, we all agree you're defeated, Germany, Japan, Reconstruction, for that matter,
Starting point is 00:43:52 the Confederacy in our country, reconstructing a defeated foe, burying the hatchet, and having peace. That's not going to happen in the Middle East. But fighting a war to win it is it is just well October 7th is 5 days away
Starting point is 00:44:14 one year anniversary of that so maybe it is a good idea for Israel to hit before they are hit again maybe not I don't know. I'm pretty sure Hamas is in position to do that. No, but it doesn't mean one of their compatriots won't feel the need to try again.
Starting point is 00:44:38 It seems like the Iranian strike, well, first off, I wanted to say, Iran said, hey, we got our revenge shot back. So we'll call it even. We'll stop right now. But that's like the kid on the playground that, you know, he knows he's about to get pounded. But he's like, we're even now. We're even. Like, you know, he took a cheap shot or did something to the big bully.
Starting point is 00:45:03 He's like, hey, we're not. We're even. We're even. Don't hit me again. It kind like, hey, we're even. We're even. Don't hit me again. Kind of seems like Iran's doing that. But on the other hand, if Iran is like, look, we don't want to escalate further. We had to shoot some missiles at you.
Starting point is 00:45:17 You shot down most of them. Hardly anyone got blown up or killed. Can we just stop? It would be nice if Israel just stopped. That just doesn't seem like they're going to. They're not going to stop against Hezbollah. How far are they? And they can strike in Iran at will.
Starting point is 00:45:34 We know that. So what do they design their retaliation for the missile strike to be? But if they go strong and knock out nuclear facilities and go after leadership targets, I'm just telling you, I wouldn't be surprised. Well, we have all these in archive, and if you make that prediction correct, we will absolutely pull that in the future because you even said it might be
Starting point is 00:46:06 tonight which i was like damn i guess you are quite serious um what else you got on the radar tonight well we talked about the flood in our country we talked about middle east and breaking news tonight that didn't make it to the heat map is more indictments by the unconstitutional special investigator appointed by the doj without authority under any law um just raising headlines pretty much seems to me like moral support to the anti-Trump movement, right? Just Jack Smith is bringing out more political prosecutions, you know, allegations, which I think they really believe that's going to go somewhere, but how could it possibly?
Starting point is 00:46:57 And leave the United States with a president that can govern. So that's happening tonight. NewsNetship is running strong. The news that voter ID and fraudulent ballots are going to be an absolute firestorm again is relatively muted. I would have thought there was more news, and maybe it's just it's all going to be really ramping up when people are at polling stations witnessing what's going on. So, well, it's almost everything else in the world that's going dangerously for us
Starting point is 00:47:42 is all in parallel and of a second tier of importance to the outcome of this election. Can you say that again? Are you saying that the election is more important than everything we're talking about or vice versa? I think it is. I think it is. So much hands on it. Everything else, you know, the Southeast United States will recover. Life has been lost. Lives have been shattered.
Starting point is 00:48:11 They will rebuild. And in time, you know, that will heal. And the Middle East, it can escalate to, you know, on the brink of nuclear war. If Iran actually has weapons and feels as though they've got to use them or lose them, right? But we've talked about what could any adversary of Israel strike that wouldn't also, you know, absolutely wreck, you know, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, and the mosque on top. So I'm not sure that we're going to see ebbs and flows in the Middle East. I'm not sure that's going off the rails.
Starting point is 00:48:57 I'm not sure anything's going off the rails other than this election. If this election goes off the rails, everything else could. Sure. Yeah, the way I look at it is every headline here, we know for a fact the Harris administration, if they got into power, would make each one of these worse. And that's what's currently going on with the current administration. So everything we've talked about tonight would be worse with Harris.
Starting point is 00:49:26 And with Trump in, I think a lot of it would be at least plateau. And some of it would improve. Some of this stuff would improve day one, day 90, year one. Some of this, it would take a few years. Some of this is so baked in it would take multi presidential terms to fix the economic disgrace we have
Starting point is 00:49:54 and the massive debt. However we can start taking the right steps with the Trump administration with Harris I know for a fact it's going to get worse and worse. Worst case scenario, Trump, things are
Starting point is 00:50:09 status quo. Worst case scenario, Harris, it's like all of this stuff gets twice as bad in the next four years. Yep, I think we're in agreement on that one for sure. Hey, you know, something about that vice presidential debate I wanted to mention.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Vance was pretty slick in speaking as though Harris had the first administration that he's running against, that she was the president all along. He repeated the Harris administration administration harris administration leaving waltz unable to uh you know respond what are you supposed to say no it wasn't her administration it was biden's and so you know he can't say that and he just ran the table with that rhetorical device, I think that's why a lot of people are probably going to agree that he won that debate. I certainly caught on to that. I was like, ah, real nice. I like that tactic, and I'm sure some people caught on consciously, and I'm sure just as many or more subconsciously are like,
Starting point is 00:51:26 huh, Harris administration, I guess it really is that right now. Even if you say only the last couple months, if you're like, oh, well, it really, Biden was in charge and everything, but he's just old and they won't get rid of him, so it's become the Harris administration the last couple months. Even if you think that subconsciously, there's no getting away from, she's in charge now, and there's no way Tim Walz or her or any one of their supporters can argue otherwise. Yeah, it's a rhetorical trap, right?
Starting point is 00:52:00 And I think that Democrats in this country increasingly just leave themselves exposed to their political opponents, trapping them into dilemmas that they can't explain themselves out of. They can just ad hominem attack, try to change the subject. It's all they got left. And maybe not on a conscious layer, but on a subconscious layer, everybody knows it. Whether you're voting for them or not, everybody knows it. And this is the type of moral decline of an ideology that brought down the Soviet Union. Peacefully, relatively peacefully, too. So I see ourselves, if we head on a path that is towards the light, towards, you know, reinvigorating America, that this party, after after COVID essentially went insane.
Starting point is 00:53:09 It's going to have to take its election losses and find moderation again. Or they could manage to steal enough votes in the right places to hang on to power. We've got five weeks to find out. Well, we try really hard, and I do especially, not to get conspiratorial, but who's to say there's not going to be a Trump assassination attempt in the next five weeks? I mean, we've already had two-plus attempts. It's almost, I would say, more than a 50 50 chance there'll be another one in the next five weeks so that by itself let alone some other black swan october surprise whatever you want to call it
Starting point is 00:53:54 uh not out of the woods yet at all but i certainly agree that most everyone i'm not going to say everyone subconsciously understands the democrats have become weaker, stupider. And just, you know, Harris and Wallace is the best they got. That's a pretty far cry from Obama at his prime in 2008 when he was actually able to convince everybody, right? He was very slick. They ain't like that no more. They're not Bill Clinton. They're not slick talking, slick Willie there.
Starting point is 00:54:26 So they're falling apart. It's pretty sad, pretty pathetic. They're going to do the best to steal it. We'll find out. But I'm still extremely concerned of assassination attempts and other black swans and whatnot. But even if that
Starting point is 00:54:42 stuff happens, the cat is out of the bag to some degree. People already see this incompetence, and all this will be preserved forever digitally. I myself have many hard drives of not only our podcasts, but other podcasts and articles and lots of stuff, so the truth will get out. of stuff so you know the truth will get out yeah so i i think that whether they manage to hang on to power or not they you know the soviets one party system on the power for a long time but you know it's not lifetimes away before our federal system at the state, local level, reacts to policies that aren't even policies, that just have insane impacts for Americans. And that includes a lot of people that are first generation, here from born abroad and here. Reality can convince most people who are not highly partisan that what they're getting is not what could be had.
Starting point is 00:55:49 So we're going to have to put together an election special again. of what we went through four years ago, Ben, talking about how the actual process, once states hold their 50 separate elections, all the electoral ballots are brought forth and meetings that take place all the way through November, or I'm sorry, December and January. Probably a good point for that special. Let's put that down on the calendar tentatively.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Let's aim for two weeks out from November 5th. So we're going to be looking at what? October, last week of October. Yeah. Let's aim for first election special. Tell people just the basic facts of how the machinery of the Electoral College works and all the places that we witnessed in 2020, you know, the loopholes were exploited. Right.
Starting point is 00:56:59 And I'm going to go deep dive into at least two months' worth of episodes around, you know, like October, November 2020, and maybe even some from January 2021, early to mid-January, right? And so I'm going to hopefully pull some clips. I like it. Let's put that stake in the ground. I work better towards deadlines. So October 23rd, it looks like, will be two full weeks before the election. So it will be 13 days before the election.
Starting point is 00:57:33 I think that's a good time. We don't want to do it like six days before the election. Probably a little too close. Awesome. Absolutely. That's the plan. What other topics should we address this fine October night with episode 280 of Patriot Power Hour? If I could just say one more thing for Vance, I thought he handled questions about the border very, very well. I'd give him a 10 out of 10.
Starting point is 00:58:06 They tried to paint him as some sort of authoritarian tyrant, mass deporting children's parents. In particular, they're like, what about the children that were born here and their parents need to be deported? Will you rip families apart? That's how they asked the question. And very reasonably, and I agree with this, he says, number one, we're going to go after the million that have come across,
Starting point is 00:58:35 the million of the seven plus millions, so the one-seventh that have criminal records. Those will be the highest priority to be deported immediately. After that, you probably don't need to go round people up to deport them. You need to prevent employers from being able to hire them and get away with under the table. So these people, the six million that remain, half of them may leave after five or ten years because they can't
Starting point is 00:59:05 get jobs or they maybe would actually go through the proper process after the fact but long story short he's like i'm not gonna fall into your bait he can't say on the debate that we're not gonna do that because they would somehow chop that up and find the one example where someone's stepfather got taken away from the kid or whatever, and that would blow up in their face, whatever, blah, blah, blah. So he wasn't able to actually refute that, but he did say, look, what we're really going to go after are the criminals. After that, there's many other ways we can get these folks to kind of self-deport themselves. So screw you.
Starting point is 00:59:47 We're not going to turn into a bunch of Nazi brown shirts ripping people out from their children. Because, of course, that's the emotional lowest common denominator that the moderators were going for. And he did a pretty good job of kind of judo throwing that, I guess is my point. He did that a few other times with like springfield ohio and stuff so anyway i was like okay that's more like what we need there yeah it's it's easier for him than it has been for almost any republican in that position in my lifetime because the lines of attack the rhetorical lines of attack are just so worn right right so Right. So worn out. So he's the product of, you know, benefit from, you know, the Mitt Romneys and the John
Starting point is 01:00:31 McCains and the Bob Dole's who couldn't answer anything, you know, appropriately like that. And that concept of clamping down on employment, you know, to promote or cause, affect self-deportation is sort of a supply-side economics approach in there that is kind of a double rhetorical whammy to the left, right? You know, their gut would be to argue against that even working as a means to affect deportation. But in their hearts, they know it'll work. They absolutely know that it's not going to take five, ten years for people to leave. They'll be grabbing buses, grabbing airfare, and going to work in their home country or another country because they can't hear, right?
Starting point is 01:01:26 The part that I was dissatisfied a little bit with Vance's answer was on, you know, paid pregnancy leave, right? Paid parents leave and having it as a federal program. leave and have it as a federal program. And rather than, you know, with full-throatedly express trust in a federal system where that is decided on a state-by-state basis, he played into the hands of the narrator and his opponent and spoke around the edges of coming to some kind of agreement in Congress at the federal level, which philosophically, that's not, to me, what the federal government should be legislating at all. Sure, yeah, the libertarian in me would certainly like to go a little harder against that.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Either pick his battles, or maybe he thought, hey, I'll kind of give this one up, or kind of placate a little bit. I don't think he probably believes that stuff. Maybe he does, though. That's the problem. I don't know what he believes there. It's true.
Starting point is 01:02:34 He is trying to. We spoke earlier about how many people are actually persuadable in the audience, and the answer to that is some of them are. And because it could come down to three or four states with 20,000 or less ballots deciding, I thought it was a shrewd tactical move to give an answer that way. But ideologically, it doesn't align with what I'd like to see. But Trump has never been that kind of libertarian. That's not their philosophy, right? It's not Rand Paul running for president right now.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Very true. Exactly. So libertarians out there that must have it exactly the way they need it might want to reconsider what they're going to get if they don't vote against the worst of two evils. I can agree with that now, 12 years later. Back in 2012, the Republican establishment had not come far enough for me to make that leap. But 2024, when everything has come after Trump.
Starting point is 01:03:39 No, no, no, no. No, no, no. But, yeah, one of the best things about Trump is he just brings out the worst in his enemies, which is great for everyone to see the scum that they are. So, yeah, just that alone and the fact that he took a bullet. I'm definitely, all right, Trump, I don't agree with you with everything but you know definitely on on team trump this go around um but oh before i forget and this is the last thing i wanted to say on vance's i got last episode or a couple episodes ago i said look they need to have
Starting point is 01:04:18 more than just trump he's old even if he wins he's only gonna be around for four more years like who's the next generation? Well, now I'm like, damn, Vance could be a president four, eight, 12, 16 years from now. So that's good to see. I don't know about 16, unless he lost an election in between. Yeah, you're right. So, possibly. He may not be the nominee in 2028, but he might.
Starting point is 01:04:49 And about a potential third Trump, publicly known third Trump assassination attempt, straw man to argue that the Secret Service and only Secret Service is protecting the former president. And therefore, the performance of this federal agency falls at the feet of the current administration. It's a useful straw man to assume that, you know, that that's actually the way it is i cannot believe that uh out you know within the inner security of of the secret service trump doesn't have his own private security that is nearest to him at all times and that's a secret service itself is at distance now out in public at rallies his private security is going to be you know transparent but i'm not sitting here buying tonight that after two attempts one of them hit
Starting point is 01:05:54 him that he's got all of his security you know in the hands of the secret service tonight i i don't think that's the case i would have hoped it never was, but after July 13th, definitely not. And then after what happened a few weeks ago in Mar-a-Lago and whatnot, yeah. Really, really hope so. Now, being a little hyperbolic and a little over the top, but if you asked me on July 12th what kind of coverage even Trump got, let alone, you know, when he was president, but even now, I would have said they got satellites and drones watching every square centimeter within a five-mile radius in thermal and freaking x-ray vision. And any threat would be eliminated with some sort of space laser.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Again, I'm kind of joking a little bit, but my point is I expected the military to be overwatching and being able to see, okay, there's a guy on the freaking barn roof or that building roof, Crooks, for minutes and minutes, and I thought someone else would have stepped in but i guess not uh maybe i totally over overestimate our uh space capabilities or whatnot but but yeah hopefully it's not just uh the current secret service covering trump's ass right now well you know something let the israelis know that Nasrallah was in that bunker,
Starting point is 01:07:28 and they're not going to take a shot at that and bury 400 people without knowing they're getting him. So a lot of people suspect that we're able to give Israel that kind of information when we decide to give them that information. that kind of information when we decide to give them that information. But ordering the military to perform that kind of surveillance on a domestic political candidate, I don't think the pathways are there. I mean, of course, the president can order the military, but this president, who's in charge? Like, would the military even take, you know, a document that's supposedly signed by Biden and go ahead and do something like that? Or would the chain of command balk at it, right?
Starting point is 01:08:14 Because they got to face Congress and the next administration, feeding locations to who knows who to put wind-up doll psychos into kamikaze mode against Trump. But knowing this, Trump must have his own security. He has his own security when he's running in the Republican primaries in 2016, right? Before Secret Service was granted to him. He can afford it, right? And there's no shortage of patriots that would step up and do that, former special operators, et cetera. So it's a useful rhetorical device to act as though the secret service is the only entity protecting him tonight i i'm pretty sure that he's taking precautions at this point
Starting point is 01:09:13 all right that's about all i got for for the night any other last uh second items you want to touch on so one of the last things i said last second items you want to touch on? One of the last things I said last week was that this Hurricane Helene may end up being a very typical storm, and it wasn't. So what I just said about Trump and his protection, I'm hoping I'm right. Yeah, no need to get into the commentary curse. We got enough problems going on. We don't need to add to it. No, all good reasons to keep prepping.
Starting point is 01:09:51 That's what I say. Keep your ear to the ground. You and I were talking just a little bit earlier today, and you said one of your key parts of prepping is being able to move quicker than 90, 95% of people when things are going on because you're paying attention so close to real-time news. Whether that's from a natural disaster, whether it's from civil unrest, whether it's from cyber hacks, who knows what. I think every prepper needs to be a news hound, to say the least. That's what we try to do here on Patriot Power Hour, be a bit of a news hound, but also
Starting point is 01:10:30 get some analysis, get our thoughts, and defend the republic, right? Yeah. There's a lot of indicators of future danger. Some of them are, you know, can't be prepared for, right? Absolutely can't. They are absolute. If you're in that local area,
Starting point is 01:10:45 you're, you're facing the devastation no matter how you prepare it. But there's a lot of them that are slow motion disasters. And, and after watching this since 2005, nine year anniversary of future danger this month, the archives are almost for that duration, about seven years. There's thresholds that you have to be aware of, that we aren't crossing tonight, that we're not that close to a crisis. But we're not far away from several of them breaking very badly, very quickly, right? breaking very badly, very quickly, right? So, you know, the whole construct of the Future Danger website is to allow you to gauge where you are in the policy crisis. And we are very heated tonight. There's a lot of dangers going on abroad, at home, simultaneous to a very consequential political election. We're going to bring you news and reporting and breaking news and special events if any
Starting point is 01:11:48 of this worsens dramatically on Prepper Broadcasting Network. And although I do not look forward to those pieces of news, I do look forward to speaking out about them with you, Ben, on Patriot Power Hour. You know it. You know it. Patriot Power Hour. You know it. You know it.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Well, we'll be live again next Wednesday, episode 281 next week. Today is 280. I guess I got ahead of myself a little bit over my skis. Anyway, Wednesdays, we'll be live, and we definitely reserve the right to go live pretty much any time, any day as things escalate. But otherwise, that's the night. That's a good episode in the bag, Future Dan. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:33 Proud to have done it with you, Ben. Thank you. I am paying for this microphone thank you for listening to the prepper broadcasting network where we promote self-reliance and independence tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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