The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Patriot Power Hour #291

Episode Date: January 16, 2025

Each week on Patriot Power Hour, Ben ‘The Breaker of Banksters’ and Future Dan explore the latest Liberty, Security, Economic & Natural news, providing the situational awareness needed to exec...ute your preparedness plans. Questions, Feedback, News Tips, or want to be a Guest? Reach out!Ben “The Breaker of Banksters” @BanksterBreaker on XFuture Dan@FutureDanger6 on X

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What do you want? Statement of purpose? Should I email you? Should I put this on your action item list? You decide your own level of involvement. We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. © transcript Emily Beynon You are now listening to the Patriot Power Hour, the newest show of the Prepper Broadcasting Network. This live episode features the situational awareness you need to practice self-reliance and independence.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Introducing your hosts, Ben, the Breaker of Banksters, and Future Dan, the editor of Patriot Power Hour. We are live once more. Episode 291. It's January 15th, 2025. Ben the Breaker. Banksters here with Future Dan. Future Dan, come in, sir.
Starting point is 00:01:44 What's going on this week of pre-inauguration of the second Trump term? What are you seeing out there? Well, we could talk more about the fires. There's a lot more information that's come out. We, of course, touched on it some last week. But certainly the fires in L.A. have been taking a lot of attention and it's certainly newsworthy as well but looking forward we have the inauguration coming up in five days less than five days like four and a four and three quarters days as the crow flies i don't know but it's
Starting point is 00:02:21 coming very soon we have a lot of financial news I want to get into as well. We have health news, natural news, all across the board, really. Nothing just like so urgent, out of control, but a lot of simmering fires, no pun intended, honestly. But that's how I've always looked at it is these are just simmering, waiting for an accelerant. Yeah, it's relatively calm, though, internationally and domestically. Quarter trillion dollars in damages in L.A.
Starting point is 00:02:52 They're still searching homes. It's going to be dozens of dead. Major catastrophe on the West Coast wildfires laying waste. But relatively burned out at this point in time not raging like it was it was really just the worst had been yet to come when we broadcast last week certainly and it was almost happening while we were broadcasting so we were seeing numbers from six or twelve hours prior which were bad 1 000 plus structures a few people dead but now 10 000 even more i've seen structures dozens dead missing etc now one thing as the breaker banksters i see this as a human event
Starting point is 00:03:35 certainly but i see it as a financial event a quarter of a trillion that's a lot of money that's what i want are you know powers that be if they're gonna help and deficit spend and bail out and it's in a situation like this it's not shipping a quarter of a trillion in foreign aid it's not trillions and trillions to too big to fail right so we've already run up our credit card is what i'm trying to say as a nation and now we have a real crisis where we need real help and i'm sure they'll make it happen but that's just gonna dig even deeper into the hole from a big picture a quarter trillion though is not even that much money compared to the national debt, Fed's balance sheet, etc. So keep that in mind. It's a big number, but it's actually not.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Nobody said anybody was going to pay for that. Well, they've said that. It does not mean it's been passed. We're talking about the losses. Like in today's dollars, that's the losses in property. A lot of that is not covered. It won't be covered. And let's back up because I disagree that that's what our federal tax money should be for.
Starting point is 00:05:26 California, which if it was an independent country would be one of the top 10 economies in the world, have its own accounts and its own savings to cover its own natural disasters. state is prone to flooding or prone to hurricanes or prone to tornadoes, prone to earthquakes, why is it that regions of the country that are not are paying for that? Great question. I'm just arguing in their paradigm. I'll tell you this. Someone asked me if I'm donating. I said, hell no. Sorry. You know how much I pay in taxes already? I don't have any. I'm being crowded out. My donation is being crowded out and put into my own preparedness and people close to me. Sorry, I'm not shipping my money out to California just like I'm not shipping it to Israel or Palestine or Ukraine. My own personal money is not being donated. And that's a travesty because charity is actually more effective.
Starting point is 00:06:04 So I do donate some. But I'm not donating for this particular cause. Right? not being donated and that's a travesty because charity is actually more effective so i do i do donate something i'm not donating for this particular cause right i do other types of donations but even then i have less resources to donate so i just want to keep that in mind too like government assistance is not even supposed to be like a primary whether it's federal or state but while we're at it talking about it i thought i'd throw that in there yeah absolutely and uh i called it a man-made disaster last weekend it's it's the evidence of that is even clearer tonight of all the things that that that let's just say california in the 1960s this this didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:06:46 It just didn't happen. They could take care of these matters. That region of that state, at a minimum, resembles New Orleans during Katrina, right? Just hapless and incapable of taking care of itself. That alone is dangerous. I have so many threads we could go down, and we'll go down a couple maybe at a high level,
Starting point is 00:07:14 but we're, of course, going to get to news blitz and tons of other stuff going on here. But whether it was arson, that's a whole thread we could go down to, whether that arson was purposeful by a state actor domestic or foreign or otherwise or it's just a homeless problem and the destruction of society generally where people want to see things burn like the joker so that's a whole thread we could go down mismanagement of the force that's a thread how this has been used for climate change propaganda that's a thread so i don't know if any of those piqued your interest or there's others but yeah there's a i don't know we could do hours and hours on the show about this or at least i could yeah no i think uh others are out
Starting point is 00:07:59 there making all these points you know extremely well so. So California is a bit of a basket case, you know, state, as are most of the Democrat-run states. We know this, right? So it's part of our reality. And a lot of people hoping that people in California will wake up to the reality that their government's not going to be good at saving them during natural disasters. And for a state that is at risk of the largest possible earthquakes that anybody could predict in our country, it's about time that that state, which used to – it always had Democrat legislature, but it used to alternate, and Republican governors, Schwarzenegger and others before him, they could gain power because that's the popular liberal across the state.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Say, look, got to have some kind of fiscal sanity, but this could be a wake-up call or not. But it's a terrible disaster. It was a preventable disaster. One way I look at it, well, actually, before I forget, the earthquake angle, talked briefly about that last week like holy cow can you imagine if la got an 8.0 8.5 9.0 earthquake the fires that would break out and just the ravishing of that of course we may not have a hundred mile an hour winds which were a huge part of this but it'd be just way more chaos destruction confusion on a grander scale.
Starting point is 00:09:46 This is a large area and a lot of people affected, but it wasn't like downtown or in Compton or in the very urban core. The great majority of LA wasn't even burned out. The great majority of the money and acreage may be a good portion. So I think they were ready for a 9.0 earthquake or even an 8.0. I don't think so. That would inevitably result in the type of emergency that would put the Army and the Marine Corps on the streets.
Starting point is 00:10:20 There would be martial law. There would have to be. There would be martial law. There would have to be. The reports alluding in L.A. this past week, during the fire, like looters dressing as firemen and being arrested and caught in the act of looting in the scenario that you're describing would be a hundred fold. So here's a question for you. Do you, do you feel there was a lot of arson involved with this? Was it natural causes? Was it a combination? There was beyond negligence in the management of everything,
Starting point is 00:11:03 but let's just call it. It was just incompetence, even though I think it was more than that. Let's just say it it was just incompetence even though i think it was more than that let's just say it was incompetence but when it started do you think it's potential that it was chinese actors that started this up or or arson of someone else even just a homeless gang that decided to start it up and they knew the winds were coming? Or, I don't know, the origin. What's your thought on the origin? I think the most likely explanation is it's going to have multiple causes. Multiple. And some of them might be completely coincidental.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Just a combination of events. Some of it is malicious. Some of it is just out of ignorance. And some of it is straight up accidental. But when enough goes wrong at the same time, everything can come apart at the seams, which is kind of what the Future Danger Heat Map's about.
Starting point is 00:12:07 And kind of the thrust of this show is we're looking at the poly crisis, the emerging poly crises, really. And, you know, big country, powerful country, it's going to take several things simultaneously happening from many sources to really bring us to a historically dangerous moment. But Southern California is a microcosm. Once something gets out of hand, nobody was protecting those. No one could have protected those properties once the fire grew big enough. There's no known firefighting force that could ever have put it out once it got going the way it got going. That's my analysis.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I wouldn't want to try to pinpoint anything. From a prepping standpoint, I saw several big gun saves and other fireproof saves that worked, so make sure you got that in your house. From a prepping standpoint, I saw several big gun safes, some of the fireproof safes that worked, so make sure you got that in your house. Also, I just think diversify your assets, whether that means different stashes for different prep and gear and gold, silver, firearms, food, whatever. I'm being curious of the condition of those firearms
Starting point is 00:13:25 you know the safe slot you know obviously preserved paperwork and but i'm wondering if they get hot enough to or they keep the warp metal or something any kind especially like optics i'm not sure you're pulling them out of that they've been in an oven right you know i'm not sure you're pulling them out of that. They've been in an oven, right? I'm not sure how fireproof some of those safes are, right? Because gun safes are predominantly designed to just keep the gun secure, right? I don't know. There's probably high-end ones that, no problem, grab your weapons right out of it. They went through X thousands of degrees burning, and they're fine. But I'm not sure all of them are like that
Starting point is 00:14:05 i wouldn't want to be want to be the person testing them out that's actually a great like prepper question or something that i'm sure there's some youtube videos on that but uh great question for sure great you know i mean how hot before forget it it's gonna melt right you can melt metal you can't throw a safe into a volcano, but you know, those are some fierce fires, right? You know, very concentrated. And as you said, a hundred mile an hour winds, that's because of the fire is causing those winds to blow that fast. It's just a sucking that oxygen into the fire is what was happening.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Yeah. I have a fire going right right down my wood stove and you can simply see how oxygen zooms right in the hotter it gets the more flow it it brings up and then obviously it shoots up the chimney and it has its own mini windstorm fire storm within your within your fire uh same thing except thousands and thousands of acres at once and so and they already had very high winds so just accelerated it and there's these different valleys where it just channels it it's like uh oh gosh i forgot the exact name but you know you can blow into a fire i have one of them and spark that. There you go. Exactly. They have the hand ones or the little ones you can blow out.
Starting point is 00:15:31 I have a telescoping, a few of those telescoping. Good for preppers. But anyway, anything else on the fire, then maybe we can just hit the dashboard and keep on running from there. Yeah, Los Angeles had 117 million gallon water reservoir bone dry when this happened. So pay attention to your local government. You may have friends. You may have a job.
Starting point is 00:15:52 You may have a career. You may have gone to high school. You may have a social network location in this country with a government that is that very negligent. is that very negligent. But to be in that situation, knowing you could have just moved away and ridded yourself of that threat, hard to deal with if you didn't do it
Starting point is 00:16:17 and you lost anybody, you lost any property. You got to be in safe places. That's my message to the audience. And Southern California, when it's fire season, not one of the safe places. Have not seen a crazy drawdown in the stock market or some sort of panic that this would have destroyed so much assets that they had to sell off their stocks to rebuild. I haven't really seen much hype, let alone actual effect of that.
Starting point is 00:16:46 I do wonder how many priceless baseball cards and memorabilia and even artifacts from hundreds if not thousands of years ago were burned up in some of these rich folks' homes. That's just how it goes in history, though. Things burn down. There you go. All right. though things burned down you know there you go all right so with the fires discussed and obviously with the fatalities and loss of life it's not a not good moment in american history but next monday will be a historic moment in american history four years ago to the same day, yours truly was Broadcasting Live from the mall and the Capitol for Pepper Broadcasting Network.
Starting point is 00:17:33 And I've had my say on what I saw happen at January 6th, but I want to let it be known that there is video that I took that has remained under lock and key for four years. And at the right time, especially after pardons are granted for those who are jailed for much less than – for much different charges oftentimes than exercising the First Amendment, freeing the press rights, which I definitely was. I'm going to make that – you know what? We could probably just do it on StreamYard. Probably put a montage together and talk through what I saw four years ago come Monday. There you go. Let's make that happen.
Starting point is 00:18:25 We'll talk about the technicals, how we can make that happen, how I might be able to get my hands on that at some point in the next week, I guess, two weeks. Different ways we could do it. Wow. Breaking. I didn't even know you were going to say that. So this is breaking.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Yeah. Yeah, Dave's seen it it you've seen it um but our audience hasn't and there are things that are that need to be discussed actors in the crowds that i filmed that uh need to be discussed and um it's really a preparation for what should be a massive revelation by the 46th president of the United States, or actually 47th, right? Portis 47 is coming in. He was also Portis 45, right? He was also Boris 45, right? But if he follows up, if his administration can manage to gain control of the Department of Justice and disclose the amount of informants that were in the crowd that day, this is a preview to that
Starting point is 00:19:38 because I'm pretty sure I got footage of some of that happening. Nice. With that said, folks, let's go to the news blitz. We already talked about the fire. Let's just go through it. 12,000 structures or more destroyed. 24 plus
Starting point is 00:19:58 dead. Looters disguised as firefighters. 29 arrested other weather uh worldwide there was an earthquake in mexico 6.2 and a 6.8 in japan gosh could la even take a 6.8 almost wonder in bolivia 17 dead from intense rains and floods volcano eruption in Indonesia not much news
Starting point is 00:20:38 out there about pandemics we certainly by this time of year had seen a lot back in 2020. That is, by mid-January, had already seen a lot about COVID coming through, but not as much right now. We do have something on COVID-19, though. Founder admits that the federal government pressured Meta to censor posts about COVID-19 vaccine side effects.
Starting point is 00:21:07 That's, of course, Mark Zuckerberg. Yeah, admitted that he was pressured to censor posts. Well, I had posts censored. Also, had one of my channels on YouTube shut down. I know, Meta's not YouTube, but same thing. All about COVID-19. So, there you go. Highest grade news tonight.
Starting point is 00:21:36 It's actualized. It's SHTF. It's smoking proof. News blatantly censored. Move on. Security. North Korea launches a projectile. Second launch of the year.
Starting point is 00:21:56 They blew up a lot of their bridges across to South Korea. Been saber-rattling a bit more than usual. We'll keep a close eye on that. Inauguration, January 20th. High noon, Eastern time. Braces for the worst with troops, drones, and fences. Economics, federal government budget deficit grows 40 percent year over year in january so the amount that the government is overspending or you could say under taxing they're going to try to tax you more and they're going to spend more but that deficit
Starting point is 00:22:46 since january 2024 up 40 percent holy cow 711 billion dollars for the quarter october 1st to december 31st so the fiscal year first quarter oct, October through December, $711 billion deficit. That's almost three Los Angeles fires worth of deficit. So they're just adding a fourth on today, I guess, or this week. Money supply growth accelerates, hits a month high this is super urgent it's bad enough when the money supply grows five six seven percent a year that causes some big time inflation but i mean covid was just unbelievable since covid this is the highest amount of money, money supply growth, let's call,
Starting point is 00:23:51 in 27 months, more than two years. Inflation's still pretty high. A report did come in today that was a little lower than maybe expected. Could that be the last window dressing on a Biden report so they can try to tank after that and expose all the skeletons in the closet, make it look bad for Trump? We'll talk a little bit about that.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Real quick on the markets. Let's start with gold. $2,700. It's up, you know, since last week. Gold's up at least $80. It's not at $2,800, which is the all-time high, but it's at $2,724. Silver up nicely. Pretty much at its 10-year high. It's at $31.60. It's had a nice bounce back. Just before Christmas, it was $30.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Now it's $31.60. Bitcoin has had crazy, crazy volatility all 2025 so far. Less than a week ago, Bitcoin hit a low of $89,000. It's at $100,000 now. If you really liked Bitcoin at $108,000 when it was hitting all-time highs and you were patient and just waited a month or two, you could have snagged some up for 90K. Bitcoin's back above 100K already, so that's an easy 10%, 11%, 12% gain.
Starting point is 00:25:21 I don't suggest selling for such a gain. I say hold on. Future Dan dan that's the news blitz yeah what do you see any patterns you see any anything you can glean from looking across all this financially i just can't believe they'll be able to keep this going much longer they're trying to keep the lid on inflation while not falling into a recession or even depression in the labor market. But that's why they had to start cutting rates, right? But they're just between a rock and a hard place. I've said a few times that I still think they have a few wiggles they can do.
Starting point is 00:26:01 A few bailouts they might be able to finesse. But they're running out of steam, and I think it's perfectly primed to Hoover Trump. You think that won't happen for a few years. I don't know if they could keep it from happening that long. And if it goes that long, maybe he could try to make a soft landing. Maybe that's a silver lining. What's your thoughts? Oh, he could be the hero for fixing it.
Starting point is 00:26:24 And he'd blame it on biden that's why i don't think it could happen until it's the end of his term and then history could be left to judge him as being the one whose economic policies brought it about speaking of his economic policies last week i was pretty harsh on this idea that Trump advocates out loud at least about how tariffs will make us rich again. Us being the federal government's – put a dent in the deficit. But you just read the number, right? Three-quarters of a trillion dollars every 90 days that the tariffs can't fix that. It's going to be austerity or nothing.
Starting point is 00:27:10 And with the House of Representatives so closely divided between parties, the compromises necessary to pass anything mean there's going to be more of this we're going to be running massive massive deficit during his term at least till midterms and then you know maybe if there was you know the presence of you know the democrats in the party were – or in the Congress. If Democrats took a massive midterm defeat, which would defy history, right, because usually the president in power, his party suffers at the polls, right? But if somehow the Republicans gain the votes necessary to bring about spending cuts, then maybe this financial cliff could be avoided. But the way it's running, I don't see it happening. No, even reducing it by 50% would be a great, great effort,
Starting point is 00:28:20 and I would support that. But I also think that's damn near impossible, and the only other option is just to continue to debase the currency. Here's something for your future, Dan. Do you know that the U.S. dollar is actually strengthening compared to other currencies? The U.S. dollar has been very, very strong the last couple of months. That's kind of funny, don't you think?
Starting point is 00:28:47 Yeah. The strength of the dollar in the last few months, it's just getting cheaper. That's what you mean, right? Well, here's my take on it. The DXY and what they call the strength of the dollar is compared to other crappy fiat currencies and they're having a free fall you think inflation and depression level
Starting point is 00:29:15 collapses right at the gates here in the u.s well think about europe where they've been under massive austerity in their own way because they've been at war. Natural gas in Germany has just been so much more expensive and it's just caused so many problems there. Plus, you know, Europe's not the engine of growth, I want to call. Then, Japan. They've, it looks like something snapped. We reported on it a few months ago. I should do more research into it but long story short the yen has collapsed and it's finally that carry trade
Starting point is 00:29:50 seems to have fallen away meaning uh meaning printing their way out has failed for japan and that'll happen to us pretty soon as well and then of course china having a lot of problems their growth is still high it sounds high right but it's their lowest growth since like 2008 on an annualized basis so they're still growing allegedly but at the lowest rate and you know i don't trust those numbers so put that all together and plus a little bit of fear people are actually flocking to the dollar but the dollar compared to gold silver real estate bitcoin it continues to drop just not as fast as the others that's my take yeah i mean about Yeah, I mean, about China's numbers, I mean, those economic numbers are national security issues for the Chinese. Like that's not even – no one should even pretend that those are not completely manipulated to whatever the interest of the Communist Party of China happens to be.
Starting point is 00:31:02 So it's never not been exaggerated and inflated. As a thought experiment, would they ever try to convince the world that their growth was low on purpose as a feint while maybe they ramped up for a war, for example? I can't see why they would do that. That would damage their economy at the time when they would want it to be at its peak possible strength. I mean, like, just the numbers and reports temporarily
Starting point is 00:31:42 before it could come out the truth. temporarily before it could come out the truth. No, well, to temporarily report lower economic numbers, less contraction, well, not even just growth, but negative growth. I don't think that regime would ever do that. I can't understand how that would be an advantage to them. So with that said we got to assume the best possible you know what they want to do is make it as high as possible the growth number and if the best they can do is this bad then how poor are they really really
Starting point is 00:32:19 really doing it could be a lot worse than they're showing if their only incentive is to boost which i pretty much would agree with that they're hitting this low of numbers their propaganda machine can't even boost it higher than this that's really bad i think i think the mistake that um people make is to look at those economic numbers and pretend like, you know, that's a free economy. So that, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:50 it's all state owned enterprise to some degree or another. So they can, they can fake, they can fake a lot for a long time. We know the Soviet union did. And then it all fell apart. Well, I also think when these numbers fall apart enough, they're just going to stop releasing numbers and then it all fell apart well i also think when these numbers fall apart enough
Starting point is 00:33:06 they're just going to stop releasing numbers and then it'll just you know they're going to go back to their natural state of statism and totalitarianism and a little bit less veneer of uh free market so yeah i think they'll quickly be falling into that i'm almost surprised they're releasing these numbers that's kind of what i'm like why are they even showing such bad numbers and how much longer will they show them and if they get worse what will they do we'll be reporting here on patriot power hour for sure yeah i think one of trump's prime objectives is to disconnect us from the Chinese economy. Yes, nice. Let's do it. And I'm not sure how much that can – any president has the power to do it, but he's got a lot of power in terms of setting tariffs.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Congress just basically wrote laws that delegated that power entirely to the executive branch. And they did it because most other countries' executives had the same power, right? So it was on purpose to put our president on equal playing field. But in the time that those laws were written, it was the philosophy that, you know, lowering trade barriers, lowering tariffs worldwide, you know, general agreement on tariffs and trade, the GATT and NAFTA,
Starting point is 00:34:38 which was just North America. But, you know, and the entire idea of a European Union that removed custom borders between internally, right? Big, big, big movement after the end of the Cold War to, you know, free up the economies. And as I said many times on this show, I'm a believer in that. As long as you're trading with free countries, right? If you're trading with communist regimes, it doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:35:09 No, no. And we talk about this quite a lot, and I agree with you wholeheartedly. Now, past China, let's real quick touch on North Korea. We got North Korea troops confirmed in Ukraine and in Russia during the attack by Ukraine into Russia in that small area. North Korea at least seems to be speeding up or increasing the number of launches. They've done a lot in the past,
Starting point is 00:35:42 so it's not like this is unprecedented by any means but what's your take on the korean peninsula i i think those you know those actions by the north are designed to get trump's attention to get trump to the negotiating table, and they're not particularly dangerous. I think, you know, the North Koreans must be aware of, you know, how well the military capabilities of the United States of America served in preventing Ukraine from being overrun. I don't think there's anybody in North Korea with any power that seriously wants to fight to invade the South at this point. Well, we saw how difficult it is to take ground with modern drone. I'm not a military man.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Is it ISR? is that the proper acronym intelligence surveillance reconnaissance it's kind of this acronym for you know by any means necessary you know knowing where the enemy is knowing what it takes to target them and the isR umbrella over Ukraine has been historically effective in preventing that country from being overwhelmed. And in fact, it helps target inside of Russia, right? Lots of strikes in Russia. You know, that's all space-based assets, letting the Ukrainians know exactly where and when to launch the munitions that we're giving them, the long-range strike. You know, so basically a Ukrainian pushes a button, but everything else was set up to succeed for them in a tremendous way. Sure.
Starting point is 00:37:47 And South Korea, not only is that a much smaller border than ukraine and russia it's very well surveilled and mapped out for generations and locked away and but conversely and i've been to south korea and flew into incheon which is where they landed. The U.S. forces landed on Incheon to the west of Seoul and marched across and saved Seoul's ass. But long story short, the border is only like 10 miles away. So from think about from New York City,
Starting point is 00:38:18 a city actually probably larger than New York City or damn near density wise, 10 miles away from North Korea. So if North Korea does attack, I don't think they would be able to actually invade and take anything over, but they might just destroy all of that city and infrastructure and make L.A. fires look like nothing.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Of course, the retaliations would be crazy, and that's pretty much mutually assured destruction if they unloaded all their artillery and missiles, don't you think? No, it's not mutually assured destruction. That's one of the controversial things Rumsfeld did when he got to be Secretary of Defense for the final time. He'd been Secretary of Defense under Ford, but he came back under George W. Bush. And some of the operation plans for the Korean Peninsula were relatively not aggressive.
Starting point is 00:39:15 And he said, no, we're changing that. We're going to have plans that if the North Koreans ever do anything to break the peace, that's it. We're going to end that regime. And that was in the early 2000s, right? The capability to do that now has only grown. The North Koreans have not kept up with any – yes, they're – that's why they strive really hard to get – and probably do have some nukes in submarine-launched capability, a second-strike capability, something to hold some of the assets in the South at risk. But generally speaking, the North Korean regime would cease to exist within – pretty quickly if it tried to have a war, which is why, although we watch under the indicator of the Korean War restarting,
Starting point is 00:40:11 these minor, fairly routine over the course of the decades, kind of fire a missile here, do something with the roads or the bridges or do something near the DMZ there. That's just, you know, that might be the regime and the Norse overtures, like starting plays towards a negotiation. And it could result in a crumbling of that Stalinist regime, just like at the end of the Cold War did for Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, and maybe even the prospects of a peaceful reunification of the peninsula. Of course, the difference is there's China, right? And China has had North Korea as a buffer state and propped it up for a very, very, very long time. China does not want a unified Korea that's aligned with the United States right on its
Starting point is 00:41:08 border. So there's, you know, in all likelihood for the rest of our lifetime, the Korean Peninsula is going to remain, you know, pretty much the way it is. All right. Here's one for you. As a purveyor of news, or I don't know what you want to call yourself, as owner of, what do you think about the founder of Facebook, now Meta, Mark Zuckerberg,
Starting point is 00:41:39 admitting that the federal government, Biden administration, at all pressured Meta to censor posts about COVID-19 vaccine side effects, and of course they did. That coming out and the fact that you may be, I don't know, do you consider yourself being shadow banned in the past, right? Maybe even straight up banned. What kind of stories do you have? What do you think about this news blatantly censored?
Starting point is 00:42:07 And is the pendulum swinging back to the good guys here? Facebook definitely banned Future Danger's link. And there was a point when articles and posts from Future Danger posted automatically. And that was absolutely shut off at the time of Trump's first election right afterwards. But, um, I don't really care about the private side of this and I don't really care whether you believe Zuckerberg or think he's completely, you know, fake and in this kind of turn.
Starting point is 00:42:46 I don't care about that. What I care about is the news that says that everybody's ashamed of and never lets be repeated. Well, I hate to look at it this way, but I am an insurance risk management, etc. I try to disassociate myself a little bit. I tried to disassociate myself a little bit, but as more and more deaths and injuries come from the vaccine, you pair that with the censorship about the side effects, and baby, you got a case. Yeah, at some point, though, how big before it's unprosecutable? Well, it's too big to be prosecutable. So, exactly. I'm not. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Those people still try to sue about it. But you're right. It's just damaged society so much. And billions, if not trillions in damage. It's practically uncalculable. Horrible at saying that. But, yeah. No. It's not insurable at all.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Yeah. And I think it's a good direction. Whether you believe Zuckerberg is just the poor victim of the pressure of these agencies or he was all for it until he was against it, like John Kerry, I don't care. It's a setting example of what the Biden regime was. care. It's a setting example of what the Biden regime was. And then, you know, one thing you can count on is whatever amount of time in the future when somebody tries this again, and they'll try, that it's, you know, it's going to have to morph and change for them to get away with it again. Because the way it was done during COVID was so nakedly you know you know just trump's reelection is a repudiation of that right what i'm hoping and i know this is true to
Starting point is 00:44:54 some some extent is a lot of people wake up because of this whether they're 60 years old or 18 because my big probably the biggest stage of my awakening was the financial crisis 2008 2009 and because of that let's just say i learned about a lot of other stuff and without that i might have just been your average finance bro saying hey invest in a u.s dollar it's a good yield right now that would be pathetic pathetic. Uh, I hope I wouldn't have turned out that way, but sometimes adversity turns, you know, could turn into a good thing. And now I'm the breaker of banksters. Well, maybe there's someone out there. It's in med school who in 10, 20, 40 years will make a big difference in the next scam because they're learning about this now or in the future will
Starting point is 00:45:45 that's how i look at it too hey i want to be optimistic about trump i just see this as a speed bump towards uh the plan to enslave and kill off most of humanity maybe trump can turn it around i know he's gonna slow it down expose a lot but it's what's done after that you know in the year 2028 2030 2040 that's going to be just as important or more important i think so yeah the more we can out now the more that in retrospect can be pointed to lessons learned and other people waking up and stuff you know yeah i think it was um obviously the hitler youth was an example but it was obviously the Hitler Youth was an example, but it was really the Cultural Revolution in China, where an entire generation of Chinese that were born after the revolution in 1950 would be, you know, pitted by, you know, through government indoctrination against their parents' generation,
Starting point is 00:46:46 against their parents' generation, to absolutely wipe out the last, you know, privately held sentiment against the brutal, brutal communism of China, right? And that was an example to our opponents in the West, because it doesn't matter to them what an outcome of any particular election was. If they can seed in the mind of the next generation, the children unborn and the ones, enough of the unborn or the ones too young to appreciate what, you know, just little kids, they don't know. Get into their minds, get them on track to the next power grab, or continue to convince them that the mere act of reproducing and having natural families is evil or not worth it. that much I know. There's a dedicated worldwide movement to that that is not going to stop in our lifetimes, Ben. We just have to fight it every week on Patriot Power Hour.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Couldn't say it better myself. Anything else on the dashboard or any other topics you want to hit on tonight? Well, we talked a little bit. Just getting a little bit out of the envelope, right? And when we first spoke to James Walton about joining Prepper Broadcasting Network, he kind of gently let us know that wild conspiracy theory
Starting point is 00:48:18 isn't really what he was looking for on the network, right? Yeah, definitely. But I still want to come back to the Green Beret who supposedly set off a cyber truck in front of Trump's casino in Vegas and what he was apparently saying in his manifesto or his last words about weapon systems that can defy gravity.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Well, you know what? It's been about five years since we joined. I think next episode is our five-year anniversary on PBN, but I think you're due or you can take the liberty today to hit this. Well, I was thinking about before the show. If 100 years from now, there's no such thing. There's been no scientific breakthrough. This was all pure fiction and just an urban legend that quickly passed.
Starting point is 00:49:14 That would be sort of a testament to how destabilizing the entire society is, that these kinds of ideas are actually, you know, being discussed more widely. But I'm thinking that if there was a scientific breakthrough that explored how to do that with lighter-than-air aircraft that, you know, can defy gravity through some means, maybe absolute revolution in micronuclear power technology that would be able to concentrate that amount of electricity
Starting point is 00:49:50 in a space where gravitational fields could be disrupted, changed, right? You could start having Star Wars Imperial cruisers floating over the horizon, right? That's what this Green Break claims that that the United States has the technology and that China has it now, right?
Starting point is 00:50:14 And if Trump knows this, right, he's got a major opportunity, right? He can declassify anything at an instant as president of the United States. That's a fact. Constitutionally, that's a fact. So if these exist and payloads can be placed anywhere in an opponent's territory with little to no ability for them to resist these things. If there's stealth and they can suddenly appear places, just like dozens of sci-fi movies you've seen about alien contact. And if indeed
Starting point is 00:50:57 like atomic weapons, the United States of America has had them first, I would say that every nuclear arsenal in the world, perhaps not our allies, because we know where their stuff is and we trust them, right? And the blowback of surveilling them later wouldn't even be worth it because they already tell us where their stuff is. But every nuclear arms, every sensitive location in China and Russia and North Korea and Iran, you know, we may very well have surveilled
Starting point is 00:51:32 it with ISR packages on vehicles like that. You know, forget about weapons payloads, right? Just, you know, we know where everything is in a way that we, you know, never could know for sure during the Cold War, right? And we could take it out. You know, we could put a drone of this type over nuclear silos and just know if you're even contemplating using nuclear weapons, right? If we had that level of awareness, it might go a long ways to explain how we did not fear the Russians in supporting Ukraine. The Russians are really checkmated if they don't have the same technology. But honestly, everybody's checkmated if the superpowers have this technology. everybody's checkmated if the superpowers have this technology, right? It would be unthinkable to launch devastating nuclear war because it's absolutely assured that it'll occur to you
Starting point is 00:52:35 in return, right? If that's true, and this technology exists, You and I have talked about the kind of revolutionary breakthrough in economics and commerce that it would take to witness the growth necessary for our current budgetary and federal debt issues to really not be as bad as they seem. Any amount of absolute economic growth could really not make the debt we've incurred that bad. If those vehicles exist, if Trump could somehow cause them to become public knowledge, maybe negotiate treaties, and bring that technology to become public knowledge, maybe negotiate treaties, and bring that technology to the commercial sector, imagine the turning point that could be. I love it. I love it. A little conspiratorial, but I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Even if we don't even talk about those exact drones, there's just so much technology that's not being publicly available for commercial use that could really boost the economy it'd be huge and i've always i had a little bit of an epiphany when i was in undergrad at school but honestly it started back in grade school playing games whether it was like organ trail or masters of orion which is kind of like civilization if you ever played that or sim city like i realized the only way to progress is you got to get your technology improved and it's always a race and then in undergrad i learned about malthus and
Starting point is 00:54:19 the malthusian model of growth and how he said there's only finite resources so we can only support a certain amount of population otherwise you got to cull the population whether it's a herd animals or humans whatever and while there's a little bit of substance to that what i learned and i remember my professor talking about it too but what really stuck is the variable that's not accounted for is technology, and technology can grow exponentially, not just linear. So if you outgrow it with technology, you might have a chance. So that's what it all boils down to, and so that's why I definitely appreciate what you said there. Great stuff.
Starting point is 00:55:01 With that said, this is episode 291. I think it's one of the better episodes of all time. Definitely a great episode here in 2025. Future Dan, any other topics? Otherwise, take us out. Yeah, I'll take us out, and I'll say this. During Trump's first term, he hinted at being briefed at absolute superweapons that were totally classified, and it made the deep state really nervous
Starting point is 00:55:24 because he even mentioned their existence. Could this be that? Anti-gravity transport systems? Are we on the breaking point to seeing something like the internet, which was first planned in the U.S. military, come along and revolutionizing our economy, stand by. We're going to track it every week
Starting point is 00:55:48 on Patriot Power Hour. Thank you. © transcript Emily Beynon I'm going to go. The Six Principles for Disaster Preparedness The six principles for disaster preparedness. Use them to build a base of preparedness that will keep your family safe in the face of the next disaster. Find them and more at Prepper Broadcasting

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