The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Patriot Power Hour #297 - Winter 2025 Finale Ukraine, Tariffs, Recession Outlook & More

Episode Date: March 6, 2025

Each week on Patriot Power Hour, Ben ‘The Breaker of Banksters’ and Future Dan explore the latest Liberty, Security, Economic & Natural news, providing the situational awareness needed to exec...ute your preparedness plans. Questions, Feedback, News Tips, or want to be a Guest? Reach out!Ben “The Breaker of Banksters” @BanksterBreaker on XFuture Dan@FutureDanger6 on X

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What do you want? Statement of purpose? Should I email you? Should I put this on your action item list? You decide your own level of involvement! We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. The You are now listening to the Patriot Power Hour, the newest show of the Prepper Broadcasting Network. This live episode features the situational awareness you need to practice self-reliance and independence. Introducing your hosts, Ben, the Breaker of Banksters, and FutureDan, We are live episode 297 of Patriot Power Hour broadcasting live on Wednesday, March 5th
Starting point is 00:01:37 on the Pepper Broadcasting Network. Joining me on this fresh edition excited to bring Patriot Power to that next level and we've started so far this year but getting you trained up so we can both be producers and hosts at the same time essentially is our goal. So this is the season finale we're gonna take next week off and come back in late March. Well, future Dan, we got a video to start the night. I think it's Trump dunking on some, some Democrats. That's what the, that working for us. I don't first task. I don't know if it was a state, it's not called the state of the union because
Starting point is 00:02:39 he hasn't been in term for a year. Right. It was just a joint session. So it's a presidential addressing the joint session of Congress. So help me through this. Am I presenting this screen? Am I running a little video? Is this playing? Go for it. It should play. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:56 So what do you think? This is what essentially Trump did all night to the Democrats. What were some of the dunks you listened to last night that uh you know we're most salient for our future. I've probably the crescendo was when he just pointed out all the successes
Starting point is 00:03:17 and the fact that those people and you point right at the Democrats will not stand up for these successes and anyway, but that was kind of like the crescendo leading up to that was just Victory after victory dunk after dunk. He did that's what he's doing. It's all backed up, too. It's not Superfluous it's not BS. It's all stuff that's happened in the last like 30 40 days. He would 1988 slam dunk contest with some of the greats First contest I believe that they ever did that so that's what Trump was doing last night. He would speak sometimes at the
Starting point is 00:04:17 Republican caucus and then sometimes to the Democrats who all sat all the way through and Occasionally just point at him like right across in front of him and point at him and talk about You know things that he's achieved so Nothing like that I've ever seen but last week we did not broadcast Obviously everybody's talking about what happened in the oval office with the vice president, right? And the and and the president just going the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:04:45 the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:04:53 the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:05:01 the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the each point he made is backed up by real action, whether it's Doge saving money, whether it's closing down the border, whether it's tariffs. We got a lot of time. I want to talk about all those topics and more. And of course, the news blitz, but that that's what I'm loving.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Trump's always been pretty funny and yes, stick it to these these scumbags. But the fact that there's actually solid action behind it, this Trump 2.0 I'm loving it definitely a lot better than last administration. We talked about why he's evolved and also I have a feeling you know almost being shot or I mean being shot and almost being killed may have hardened him a little further. Yeah four years to figure out what he'd do next when he when he got power again helped to the biggest dunk of the night that I saw was just
Starting point is 00:05:52 explaining how closing the border reduced the contacts with illegal border crossers down to all-time record low of 8,000 right in just the, the first month he's in office. And he said, you know, remember the arguments that were being made that there has to be immigration reform.
Starting point is 00:06:13 There has to be changes to the law. And the Democrats were just absolutely locked in on the only changes that can be made or if there's a new compromise bill passed and he just pointed at them and dunked right on them and said, all it there's a new compromised bill passed and he just pointed at him and dunked right on him and said all it took was a new president. So things can be done. Yeah. What about tariffs? Got another video for that. So tariffs first week into office. We played the con the Godzilla videos. This is Trump on Wall Street right now with tariffs. Yep. There they go the banksters You know running into hotels crashing their cars
Starting point is 00:06:55 Cuz he's ripping the place apart with a change every 20 minutes on what country is gonna you, you know, get hit with what percent, yeah, that might be Justin Trudeau, right, right there. I think that was Justin Trudeau in King Kong's mouth. Yeah. So what do we think about the turmoil on wall street as Kong, Trump Kong goes stomping through. the game as Kong. Trump Kong
Starting point is 00:07:45 it's still early in the game but Trump seems to be steamrolling his foreign counterparts just as much as his domestic, but he should, he understands he has the cards. If we're going back to the Zelensky thing from an economic standpoint, America has the cards because we buy all these countries stuff. If we stop or we put a tariff that just matches the tariff being put on our goods it is really going to screw those leaders over and long story short they know Trump isn't messing around so once he actually puts it in place then then they come to the bargaining table with their tail between their legs. All right. So this is a training episode. Help me get to the future danger.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Yeah. All right. Comments text dad. I can't see anything on the screen. It's too small. Damn. Well, we're trying and uh, where, where do we go to get anything showing on the screen? I don't know I didn't I wasn't able to see your shared screen. Presenting and I'm going to share screen at the bottom. You need to really need to probably just share the entire screen at this point. Nope. Yeah, I'll take it. Let's see here. Stop screen, present, share screen, entire screen, screen one. There you go. Now you got the mirror universe going on here I think. Folks are getting to see a little glimpse of the back end I'm dealing with. You have to move it over there. Otherwise, you're gonna the Those are good videos that we saw anyways we watched the 1988 dunk contest as Trump was dunking on
Starting point is 00:09:47 Democrats and King Kong ripping apart New York, but no one got to see that. Hey, we don't know unless we try yeah, so Trump imposes tariffs on Mexico is what we're talking about and Wall Street going You know into panic mode really I do a fair share of listening to Bloomberg radio. Right. Just to keep an eye on what they're saying about markets and all the, you know, the various Wall Street experts that they have on their guest shows pitching, you know, the likelihood of recession. What do you think the likelihood of recession on what
Starting point is 00:10:22 you're seeing with these tariffs moves might actually be Ben? That's something Trump talked about a bit last night was there will be a little bit of a disturbance. I forgot the exact words maybe it was that with the tariffs and with just the general policy you know it'll be a little rocky for a little bit but then it's gonna be great afterwards essentially is what he says and you know if you're gonna cut several hundred thousand workers that's gonna cause a little bit of a recession in the short term of course coming closer to balancing the budget and coming close to uh saving all that money with doge maybe even
Starting point is 00:11:00 cutting taxes that'll boost the economy in the mid and long term. But yeah, in the short term, people get laid off immediately, especially in certain areas. I would expect wherever there's more government workers getting laid off, that regional economy could be hurt worse. But again, that'll be offset in pretty quickly by lower taxes, hopefully less corruption. Well, you know, we'll see what Congress actually does with that part though. But coming back to just the recession, if there's a recession, a Trump recession going ahead,
Starting point is 00:11:34 there's gonna be, you know, that's important for midterms. If Trump loses either house, everything he's trying to get done gets blocked. He'll never achieve it. So recession 2025. That's what they're whispering. But does Trump want that to get the Fed to cut rates for one quarter
Starting point is 00:11:57 before it all comes roaring back on significant growth quarters on GDP? the the the you know, significant pretty much saying, look, we uh oh my gosh. I lost my train of thought about recession, man. Yeah, but what were you posting? Oh, no. It's the GDP, the negative Atlanta GDP. That's
Starting point is 00:12:43 what it is. They okay. The GDP figure, the estimate for Q1, actually it's the end of 2024 for the Atlanta Fed was supposed to be positive, like 1.52%. In the last month, they're now projecting it to be negative one or two percent, which is recession. So there's been a huge negative swing in the GDP prediction and the real number will come out pretty soon. I don't know exactly when that's what I meant to go to. And I went the rabbit hole. Don't go looking for the tweets not worth it. But anyway, I interacted with you and proper broadcast network saying that they meaning the Fed and the banksters whomever will actually, you know, manipulate the unemployment data against Trump. Whereas in the past they were manipulating the data in favor of Biden. Right. By the way, you just, you shared everything right there. I know I am.
Starting point is 00:13:34 It's a training episode. I think, I think we had a caveat. And I have any secret Bitcoin addresses in mind. The word I use was caveat at the beginning of the show. Well, this is a training exercise. It's a live live broadcast, but In order to get it done and learned on this side of the microphone. I need performance Oriented and it's a lot more fun to do it live
Starting point is 00:13:57 Even if people learn that we're learning then you know rehearsing this by ourselves Where's that? That on the computer. So there's won't be able to share anything safe. And hopefully safe. And anyway, make sure you knew it, but all considered, even if there isn't a recession
Starting point is 00:14:18 or things start to go in the right direction, I expect the financial press, the banksters to try to sabotage the numbers, if not the economy itself. But hey, I do feel like a lot of Wall Street banksters actually want Trump to succeed. So that's gonna be interesting. Trump, of course, once the rates lowered, someone was, I watched like a nice 10 minute video about how they were saying Trump might be okay with sacrificing some of the stock market growth in order to be able to lower rates back to very low levels. He loves lower interest rates like he wants them low almost not
Starting point is 00:15:03 all costs at all costs but like you you were saying, maybe he wouldn't mind a recession. So you get the lower interest rate. That's pretty much what this other person was saying in a different way. Well, here's the ultimate plan maybe right. The inflation that would be caused by running at low interest rates again during his term. Get ready for $250 bill we're gonna need it. The interest rates again during his proof of it as well. Since about 1913 when income tax and Federal Reserve started up, it's been about a hundred X increase in inflation. So, what used to
Starting point is 00:15:52 cost a dollar now cost a hundred dollars for real compared to 1913. So, anyway, the $500 bill is the old $5 bill from you know 110 years ago. Now, if there is ever a $500 Trump bill because of runaway inflation, but also runaway growth, where's that lead us? I guess it's a wash. I like it because it's cash pro cash, not all digital currency. That in of itself is a positive name. He wiped out the penny, but my little white about the nickel and the dot, you know, that's a good bet and of itself is a positive name. He wiped
Starting point is 00:16:28 out the penny but like my little white about the nickel and the dot, you know, just right up to the closest dollar at this point. I honestly don't care about anything less than 99 cents practically. I know it adds up if you know every
Starting point is 00:16:44 transaction but I wish that was the only rounding error we had to worry about with Doge but wow they're finding more and more corruption more than a hundred billion dollars saved that's just to date let alone recurring fees and new things going forward so that's good again though that's a hundred billions a hell lot of money but that's like what five percent of our annual deficit it's not much. Right. Ready for the heat map dashboard? Let's do it. All right.
Starting point is 00:17:09 We'll just look at one of the articles, but here's your heat map news blitz for March 5th, 2025 live in studio picture power hour episode 297 column one New York FBI field office head forced out days after his office was revealed to have been hiding Thousands of Epstein documents. That's old news just a few days ago AG bondi says she received truckload of hidden Epstein documents from Southern District of New York where essentially the FBI may have had to raid the FBI. More to follow. In fact, it's been a little bit silent and Trump never mentioned this in his address
Starting point is 00:17:58 to Congress. Also call him on security correction. Liberty related news. Mississippi Judge Ben orders newspaper to remove editorial criticizing city council. Proposed Idaho bill would make knowingly spreading quote false information of felony. Seeing these bills showing up in red states too. They're certainly unconstitutional.
Starting point is 00:18:45 I gotta pick something real quick. the I'm going to show everybody there's all these stupid things in these bottom. I don't know what the hell they are. What the point of them are. I don't like them. Gotta find the one that doesn't have us. You know, that's the issue. We want to get rid of that stupid thing in the way I had a **** Patri
Starting point is 00:19:03 Power. This is now become a joint training session. Cinema layout. You gotta remember to go to cinema layout. Okay, I'll keep that in mind now that I've first time I've ever seen it. Yes. You should be gone on this now. See watching a dual monitor in
Starting point is 00:19:17 the studio. We're watching to see if it actually catches up with what we're looking at. Now, this is a champion. There we go. We're good. Sorry folks and that was almost column one I'm going to go to the Column 2, international security news and domestic security news. Striker Brigade combat team Ben and a general support aviation battalion deployed to the southern border. So basically, wheeled armored infantry unit
Starting point is 00:20:07 and transport helicopters all along the border. Now, I I don't have a news headline says specifying where they went. I'm sure that is public knowledge but um flexing military force on the border with Mexico. and at first, it was about stopping the caravans, and now it's all about war against the cartels, essentially.
Starting point is 00:20:27 And I've heard reports that they're, you know, every day having all types of strikes and attacks and the firefights with cartels and then the Mexico government hand over a lot of leadership. And that's a big part of Trump's tariffs is it is not just economic it's you got to stop these caravans but you also got to stop these freaking cartels from that so crazy yeah I assume my cursor is highlighting these two indicators right across the heat map directly tight this is what you're talking about because
Starting point is 00:21:00 we're jumping to column three in a minute onwards of the blitz of the news FBI informant made nearly 666 thousand six six six thousand dollars posing as a terrorist Government fosters terrorists to prosecute false flag exposed private investigator says Thomas Crooks did not act alone The other foot is gonna drop on that Trump hinted to be on beyond II AG beyond II at the joint session You know, you got a lot of work cut out for you He called out his second is a cabinet secretaries in a couple ways that are interesting we can talk about
Starting point is 00:21:43 Yeah in China just you know last 24 hours says it's ready for any kind of war with America Sec deaf responded that we are prepared to Call them three economic news starting to get more headlines than we have in the recent weeks First quarter is on track for negative GDP growth going to Atlanta Fed Trump imposes tariffs. We showed that article earlier publicly traded Structured credit you're gonna have to break that down for us hit record levels in 2024 Eight consecutive record weeks for the gold sends warning signals about paper assets Gonna need your interpretation that one to Bankster breaker
Starting point is 00:22:24 column for natural and scientific threats got wildfires in South Carolina, especially Submergency this headline is a few days old. So it may be far more acreage burned The Department of Agriculture has a plan to combat bird flu Then and it could involve introducing mRNA vaccines into the food supply the Department of Agriculture March 5th, 2025. Where shall we go from here? It is pretty well rounded. Don't see any COVID news or any other sorts in that, which is great because you know about this time of the year. Five years ago is when it really kicked off. But otherwise, we have a lot of topics to get through. I do see text at 86 says who decides
Starting point is 00:23:26 what false information is. How do they plan on proving the intense? Maybe we can trace back to the article that spurred that and cover that one first. Yeah, but the answer I think will be no one can answer that question. So it's unconstitutional and the first court it gets to should strike it down for violating freedom of the press. I like it. And freedom of speech. This is a proposed bill in Idaho. Yeah, it probably won't pass. But the fact that that gets proposed in America in 2025 is that's that's
Starting point is 00:24:08 you know the nasty and danger. Sure. And bad enough is in Massachusetts or something or California but then Idaho of all places. So they're being taken over to. Yeah. There you go. So no one can decide what false information is because we have the First Amendment in America text data a success. I think Interested in this direction we're going with the Epstein files. that's a good thing. This guy, if people don't go to jail and I mean a lot of prominent people then then it's not really much anything and doesn't seem like it's going that way yet. Well,
Starting point is 00:24:55 those trials, you know, getting further than perhaps we should. How about charged? That'd be good. Stand stand trial. That that to me is like the American way to describe it. People need stand trial and get fair trials. Yeah. Prejudging it. Where is the evidence, right?
Starting point is 00:25:14 There's at least one guilty person out there that needs to be going to jail. No one is. There's probably dozens and dozens. Just laying. She is in jail. Wow. Last I heard. Still alive back to dozens and dozens. Just laying. She is
Starting point is 00:25:26 in jail. Wow. Last I heard. Still alive in jail last I heard. I guess the Johns don't get in jail. Maybe James Denny needs to go to jail. He he was he basically told his people dig in dig in and not cooperate with the president of
Starting point is 00:25:44 the United States. Well, I want to go back to Epstein real quick. It is good that they very quickly said, hey, we don't really have any information here in DC. It's all up in the Southern District of New York. What the hell? And there was kind of, they had to all intends raid them or kind of, you know, show up and be like, yo, we know you have it in there, hand it over.
Starting point is 00:26:04 That was good. What I didn't like is the first day when nothing really came out and they had all those binders that were like phase one and all these people were up like smiling for a photo album. Like, give me a break, it's pathetic. First off, it's not subject to really be like smiling and be shown on your TikTok and stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:22 These are like content creators, I think. Like us, but not like us. They shown on your Tik Tok and stuff. These are like content creators, I think like us, but not like us. They're on, you know, whatever point is it wasn't even, it wasn't even much information. Hopefully they're working the process. It's still very early. Like cash Patel only got in there like a week and a half ago or less, or a week ago, training, training opportunity might need to give these sites permission to show articles or add block up.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Yeah, you do amateur podcasting requires live training. Sorry audience, but we're learning. Yeah. Yeah. So Southern district of New New York supposedly a truckload Wonder what they got. Maybe they're all permanently redacted. There's no original copies anymore Talk about the crane even though it's not on here. Oh, yeah, so what do you think's going on with? Russia right now, what do they thinking? What are they doing?
Starting point is 00:27:27 They are very happy that Harris did not win. I know that. No, I'm talking like in the last 48 hours or less. No, since the Zelensky meltdown. What's their strategic point of view in your estimate? If I were them, I would be more on edge because it's such a volatile situation. Was Zelensky in there? But I'd also be happy, like I said on the other hand, that Trump's there, not Harris or Biden. Maybe Trump can prevent craziness.
Starting point is 00:28:04 It seems like Europe's on their own trying to just provoke war 110%. Trump's trying to put the brakes on it. Zelensky's just a freaking drug addict, crazy man it seems. And if I was Russia, I'd be like, I don't trust Ukraine, never did. And it seems like Zelensky's back in the corner. Be looking for, you know know if I were Russia, I'd be really looking
Starting point is 00:28:29 To be blamed by Ukraine or and or Europe You know for for a false flag of some sort. I'd be worried about getting blamed I Don't see him Really you know they're not launching attacks. They're not on offensive right. It's not a ceasefire There's daily activity here's perhaps a live UA map. This is the Ukrainians released yeah, so you know Reporting front line, so they're still fighting
Starting point is 00:29:04 February 27th right here That's 23 They did didn't they yeah, I got you know, they're still fighting pretty hard right now. So so for the audience We're getting to the point talk to the traffic commander tonight we're I'm gonna be able to share screen and we're gonna be able to work off of PCs and separate stations And I got all kinds of Twitter accounts that have the latest right in in in the in the fight in on that front but I
Starting point is 00:29:35 Don't I don't see headlines of major attacks and so they're not ceasefire, but they're not Pressing the issue and they're and they're sitting back letting everything in Europe Ukraine in the United States play out Being relatively, you know Subdued so, you know, I think they're doing their part to get an end of the war Because at this point, they know they know they're keeping the Don Bass and crime, right? They won end of the war for sure I would expect that keeping the Don Bass and Crimea. Right. They want to end the war
Starting point is 00:30:02 for sure. I would expect that. They got what they wanted. They've already been punching the mouth a lot. They'd rather just look. All right. Keep what we have. Don't put NATO forces in Ukraine in Western Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:30:18 The Western two-thirds that would stay Ukraine in the proposed deal. But pretty much Europe and Zelensky, too, are like, no way. Like first, not only do we not want to make that demilitarized, we want U.S. troops there as peacekeepers. And that's obviously where Trump acts, actually, where Trump kind of went a little, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:43 really showed Zelensky. He's just a puppet went too far. That's where Trump got pissed at him. And he was like, look, what we're not going to send our people in there. We're not giving you direct security agreement and guarantees right now. If you won't even do basic economic trade deal as the basis. How about this? I did that part, right? There you go
Starting point is 00:31:08 So I got an idea if the mineral deals doesn't get signed I'm zooming in haven't done this in on the border of Ukraine Poland Slovakia Hungary Romania See that kind of four places where you carrying has a land border with those four countries. Plan B for Trump could be just if we can't get the minerals still signed and they don't feel the Ukrainians need a better security guarantee. Why don't they cede that territory to
Starting point is 00:31:45 United States of America and make Fort Trump? No. Why not? They wanted it. Sounds more reasonable to me than uh Gazelago. That also not very likely but I just want to zoom in and look at the terrain a little bit. I'm talking about
Starting point is 00:32:04 a big installation that would be nothing, nothing that the Russians would ever want to take over. They'd never get that far. And we would pre position and stock everything so that the Ukrainian government that I don't necessarily trust, whatever pieces negotiated to not have elements that are just still so enraged that they wouldn't necessarily trust whatever pieces negotiated to not have elements that are just still so enraged that they wouldn't want to you know start fights on the border because otherwise you know you could do for trump and give us access and you know directly land access to
Starting point is 00:32:40 four different nato partners in the event that nat ever split, we'd still have a relationship most likely with one or more of them to access the territory with flyover rights, etc. The economic development would be a significant thing for giving all of Ukraine's debt and also putting to work to rebuild You know a significant workforce on for Trump would it be a big installation and be permanent. It would be like essentially what we had to do at the end of the world war one or two with the occupation Occupation and the war right in Germany occupied, still has bases that we've had since the last day of World War II. This would be a way to lock down Ukraine and Ukraine would never
Starting point is 00:33:33 have to join NATO because that territory would be sovereign US territory. If it was actually seeded to the United States like Guantanamo Bay or at least a hundred year lease would be fine. the border with sovereign US territory. If it was actually ceded to the United States like Guantanamo Bay and this would be like or at least 100 year lease would be fine. There you go. Okay. Make a little more sense. So, it's along the
Starting point is 00:33:58 Ukrainian border with Poland and Hungary or Romania. There's other three or four countries. Maybe it's you know, several installations along the full line, or I mean, this is like the 400 mile border. All the Ukrainians would have to guard it. Right. And Ukraine would be to the east of it. So they would, in theory,
Starting point is 00:34:19 take the brunt of a Russian invasion and then a counterattack could be staged from Fort Trump. Is that what you're saying? So it kind of be the wall to Europe. I'll be a tripwire that the Russians would never dare take another inch of Ukraine territory Yeah, right. There you go. The missile defense that could be established there Yeah, would be you know just negotiating with the Russians that you know, we would never put our best missile defense there That'd be a real threat to them, best missile defense there, that would be a real threat to them. In fact, it would be a proposal that they could never accept.
Starting point is 00:34:55 If they thought that if the war kept going on, this will happen without them having a say, it would be a massive bargaining chip. Forget minerals. Why do we even care about Ukrainian minerals? All we have to do is open up our lands, which Trump is going to do, and mine, federally owned land in the United States.
Starting point is 00:35:19 We're not the ship rare earth minerals from Ukraine. But having an actual installation there that would end a war and keep it ended in my opinion cheaper than another year of war i bet in money let alone life however and we could pull all of our forces out of europe the wrong every britain uh every installation are uh you know perhaps perhaps not Italy because Vincenza and the and Naples those stations into the Mediterranean are important and Italy is a more reasonable European partner right now than most others but you know Germany doesn't have to host our our forces any longer Britain either bring them right into Western Ukraine in territory
Starting point is 00:36:05 that we controlled on a landfront border. So basically it'd be a gigantic border crossing control station for us to make sure that we have the intelligence assets close by to monitor the Ukrainian government, whatever it may become in the future. If they have elections again, Zolinski might not win Does he turn that regime into an absolute dictatorship? Well having a fort Trump in Western Ukraine would make it a lot harder for Ukraine to go in a direction other than a real reliable
Starting point is 00:36:42 democratically elected ally of the United States. It actually was a one for one reduction in like you said Germany or UK for example. I'm all about it. If it was keeping all those stations exactly the same but just adding a bunch of new stuff that's a little tougher. The Ron Paul fan in me really doesn't want even more over there But if we took a bunch, it's more of a reorganization than adding I guess is my point Oh, I'd be more likely to be on Zooming around Google Earth Let's just have a gander at the land border between Ukraine and Russia
Starting point is 00:37:23 Okay between Ukraine and Russia Okay That map to determine that I can barely do it, but yeah, I'm trying to trace it with the cursor There's a little bit of lag. I think you see it Yeah, um This would pretty much need to look like the DMZ in Korea Yeah, the the amount of territory that The amount of territory if you had like the same depth of a DMZ Is going to be far more acreage that turn that that Ukraine's not going to have available for anything other than
Starting point is 00:37:56 rows and rows of land mines and bunkers and fences Right if there wasn't a Fort Trump They're gonna they're gonna have to DMZ that border otherwise anybody could fight anybody at any point along it and Pressure inside of Russia Lots of pro-war Russians, right? lots of them
Starting point is 00:38:22 hundreds of thousands of Lots of them. Hundreds of thousands of lost lives and the families that are still always going to want to fight this war. The same thing on the other side. Are we going to DMZ this? No one's even getting to that level of specificity. That's the hard things that they're trying to actually think through and You know, I suggest you know just put Fort Trump on the west side and I don't think you're gonna need that DMZ I
Starting point is 00:38:55 Don't think you're gonna need Russia wouldn't accept NATO troops throughout there. So you're gonna have to find What you know think about the nations that are not a member of NATO that would have to occupy the peacekeeping zone Who Ireland the But that that they're under French officers and that that's the NATO force. No, I You know, maybe an opportunity for North and South Korea to have separate zones that were nowhere near each other to occupy that would You know because because Russia would want countries in the world That are pro Russia Like Cuban peacekeeper keepers in that zone. We're talking about it couldn't be a NATO force, right? So it's got to be other countries.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Brazil, Brazilian. Yeah. Throw like bring like and think about the cost of paying all those countries to put token military forces in the way. Right. I get it. Like you said, a tripwire and just a buffer and just the pieces on the chessboard that make you not want to even start a fight like like Trump has always made it sound easy to end this
Starting point is 00:40:09 war. It never has been and I'm perfectly sure that he knows that but that's not what he's gonna say because then you never achieve it. I do at first when he used to you know when I first interpreted the way he would say that, it was always just saying superficial stuff to be elected. Now, years and years later, especially now that he's acting on a lot of it, I'm like, no, you're right. Part of the strategy is to make it overly simple just to get some people behind it. It doesn't mean you're lying, but if you go into all the details on the stuff we're talking about right now, during a joint session of Congress, that's not not gonna work. You have to be confident and you have to break it down simply You know, you're not trying to mislead people that's gonna be simple, but you have to be like we're gonna do it
Starting point is 00:40:54 We're gonna make peace. It's gonna you know, both sides will compromise Let's do it. You have to have a pot be positive about it as well Mystic let's zoom over to another part of the world and if you know the history of the wars of Israel and its Arab neighbors the parcels of land Gaza's only one of them right and Every single one is contested they have UN You know Findings about them resolutions you in resolution security council resolutions You know it it is from the night late 1940s onward
Starting point is 00:41:31 just a patchwork of grievances and and and um You know real professors of international relations might you know quibble with my use of the word irredentism In the case of israel, but definitely is a term Irredentism that describes Many of these issues in the caucuses, right? Because you know what the Soviet Union was and what it did and what it left It's what we're dealing with zoom down here to Georgia South of Sesshia. These you know, these are Zoom down here to Georgia South of Sessia these you know these are
Starting point is 00:42:10 you know many many of these issues, but obviously the biggest and Most dangerous one to world peace is the one that everybody's trying to solve right now We think we think all parties are talking about wanting to be at peace Salinski if you didn't know it before he went to the White House, the Oval Office, he knows it now. One extreme, I don't know. Here's a question. If you think it's extreme, I think it's probably pretty
Starting point is 00:42:37 extreme. Resolution would be Putin gets all ports including Odessa making western Ukraine landlocked. I don't think that would be acceptable to even for Trump proponents. Right? No, no, that wouldn't work. You know, the Ukrainians would never accept one more inch of their territory lost. They're just having a hard time coming to terms that
Starting point is 00:43:02 the territory that was taken is probably lost. but there'll be a little patches in certain places The Russians might want to just hand back Only after they took it where do they take under under Obama? Yeah 14 I believe so Yeah, this is not easy problem to solve and by the way Moldova at one point had Russian forces stationed there It's a patchwork. It's just a patchwork and worse transnistria that a
Starting point is 00:43:40 territory that's They don't have a land bridge to and some little thing near Moldova I think is transnistria maybe it's another name similar Russia has another one of these like weird outlier territories yeah it's transnistria Google Earth is not a political map right not a great one anyways yeah but pretty sure it's down in here so anyway there's not that many but i mean tens of thousands of russian troops and personnel in that area um they haven't had any fighting yet though which is interesting look at this the ukrainians have a national park looks like no one's built there yet.
Starting point is 00:44:26 That's where the minerals are now, actually, most minerals on the east, apparently in the east. But going back to the minerals, there is, you know, it is money, but compared to what's in Africa and more importantly, what's on. Siberia, it's uneconomical. It's not even real. It's nice. That's a facade. It's not it's you know, building back their country. It would fund them. It's a good way to fund them.
Starting point is 00:45:05 And maybe the companies that went in there would have some profits out of it, but it's a loser economic proposition because those same companies could mine in the United States of America, and it'd be more, you know, you don't have to ship it. Right? And I don't know the exact ones.
Starting point is 00:45:23 My understanding is the US doesn't really have a lot of these at all for very, very. the There's a ton in like Siberia. That's not even be wrong. So we can be friendly with Russia trade with them Let's see what this is a great question I'm getting complimented by We about 1.8 metric tons of rare earth California, Wyoming, Alaska, Texas and Arizona and then Ben, you know the the untapped The untapped resources says, you know, it's it hasn't even thought about Happening to everything we got it would be far more economical than doing it in Ukraine. No, it's like in a 10 cents on the dollar back from Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:46:29 This kind of what Trump was trying to say better than zero cents or what else would he put it in there? Just to just as a talking point or as a concession to increase the the It never has been in public right now and Canada and I have caught a glimpse but didn't confirm that apparently the British might have had a rare earth's agreement with Ukraine in tentatively in the works it could be possible that Trump got wind of that and just stepped on it. Okay. Makes sense. Like if true, it makes sense. Who knows if it's actually true. I certainly was not a fly in the room, but interesting. What else we got? We want to talk a little bit more about tariffs where we stand there. And I mean, let's talk about these military assets being moved first because it relates to the tariffs on Mexico. Okay
Starting point is 00:48:07 so a striker brigade combat team somewhere in the low thousands of combat troops are in the area and Hague Seth the Secretary of Defense Apparently since we last broadcast had a closed-door meeting with Mexican generals, essentially threatened military action. And that caused me to debate on whether, when editing Future Danger, to have the indicator war unconstitutionally waged activated.
Starting point is 00:48:46 But I didn't do that because there's no evidence that they wouldn't go to Congress for a declaration of war or authorization of force. I even went and checked out the 1848 Declaration of War onxico to see how that congress wrote it. It's it's it's quaint Really? It it talks about how? Volunteers have to bring their own weapons and horses, but they are Owe by the u.s. Congress a uniform Things like that. Yeah, so Doesn't have to be alive but congress has to pass it but I did I did a double check it It's simply a law, really.
Starting point is 00:49:26 A declaration of war is a law. So, it can pass with 50% of both houses and a signature of the president. So, what would it take to actually have something like that pass through Congress to authorize strikes in Mexico, in your opinion? What would have to happen? Yeah, what would-
Starting point is 00:49:44 To get that passed? Yeah, I'm gonna head towards the, you know, immediately to the accusation of a false flag, I expect. Yeah, well, that's exactly, it's so almost too easy. So remember the main, remember the main, something big and horrendous and bloody on Americans to run to run a declaration of war through Congress to take military action in Mexico. What is the? How's the Congress shaping up? They haven't had any big battles really quite yet, right?
Starting point is 00:50:17 They're still getting ready to pass that budget. I know Trump was talking to Mike Johnson a lot. Nothing's gone to floor votes. So it's like they're getting ready to square off and fight it out. The progress starting when next week. No, well, weeks from now to be more gentle to be more gentle about our constitutional form of government. They have to propose bills vote on them in each chamber and go to
Starting point is 00:50:41 go to Reconciliation Committee between the Senate and the House uh summation. They're doing all that right now, but they're not really passing stuff yet because they're in that process. Is that what we're saying? Because obviously the new Congress was sworn in January 6th. So it's been two months. So what they do is they share the bill among the Republican caucus in the House and in the Senate privately and see if they can get the majority vote. But I was listening to again Bloomberg Radio because it's a good source for seeing things from the other perspective which I think is important even though you don't agree with it. And they bring on Republican members of Congress. There's a member of the House, I didn't
Starting point is 00:51:44 catch his name, but last time we broadcast, we had a little debate about how powerful are budget hawks, deficit hawks, and you were always of the viewpoint that they're weak, that there's barely any of them in Congress, to which I noted, there may be only 10, but the Republicans only have a majority of two in the house So one of these guys is one of those 10 and he's saying he's a no vote right now
Starting point is 00:52:13 staunch republican in every other matter but he's not going to vote for something that increases the the the spending so Nine days to go on that and there's gonna be, you know, the democracy will work its way out like it always has. Sure, they'll pass a bill because hanging a government shutdown, whose neck does that get hung around? You know, and how long would it go on? There might be a shutdown for some amount of time. You know, Republicans might want to do it and it might even hasten
Starting point is 00:52:45 resignations from the government under Doge. I don't know. Well, I know a lot. Trump has a lot of power and he's certainly doing everything in his power to further his policies but of course, a lot of it. the
Starting point is 00:53:02 purse strings and spending and a lot of power rests with congress and I know there's a lot of battles like heating up, like will Trump be able to get X, Y or Z through Congress or not? Seems like those battles have been kind of fought out yet. Or I guess what you're saying, a lot of them are in the early to mid stages, but don't have, uh, guess we don't have any bills coming out in the next week that we're aware of that are super important Maybe there will be I'll say this I will know congress is fixated on the spending bill or bills
Starting point is 00:53:33 there might still be more than one but um, I would think that some that that perhaps if Mexico got very unstable from tariffs and The cartels decide stand up for themselves. This is what they got, this is what they do, this is their way of maintaining their systems and their wealth, that things get really bloody in northern Mexico. And it's going to start resembling a war zone
Starting point is 00:54:03 with a striker brigade on the border anyways. Will the Mexican military rise to the occasion the country of Mexico and it's going to start resembling a war zone with a striker brigade on the border anyways. You know, the will the Mexican military rise to the occasion and regain control of that country from from narco terrorists and and then again because it's Mexico
Starting point is 00:54:20 does the Mexican military gain all the power is gain all the people watching us live. This the season. We've been on almost an hour. I think we go a little longer than an hour, almost 20 people watching us live. This is the season finale. We'll be back in a couple weeks. That said, we always reserve the right to
Starting point is 00:54:55 jump on if there's crazy news or we just get the inkling to pop in but generally speaking, we'll be off next week but with that said, we let's go another 101520 minutes if you're down for that. Oh, we got more to cover. What are publicly traded? What are publicly traded structured credit?
Starting point is 00:55:12 What's that mean, Bankster Breaker? All right, well, let's define publicly traded. Pretty simple, it's on a public exchange, whether that's New York Stock Exchange, Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Now what is structured credit? What most people would probably think of is the credit default or uh subprime loans that were all pooled together. Essentially, secured, they take a pool of debt, discrete loans, all these different loans and they just throw them all into a pot, melt them together, mix them up and then sell you what comes out the other side. Maybe more like a hot dog. Just put all the these loans.
Starting point is 00:56:06 What you don't know that good or bad. Now what happened in 2008? These are called CDOs in 2008. Yeah. Credit fault obligation or commercial commercial debt obligation. Sorry. So in that case, this is what happened. A lot of people know this already.
Starting point is 00:56:21 I won't go into much detail, but let's say there were a hundred loans, right? Yeah, they would all be meshed together into one debt object or debt tool that people could buy publicly traded right now what would happen is those hundred loans let's say 50 of them were subprime they're probably gonna go in foreclosure or have issues right there so they were very distressed bad loans made up that hot dog mix right but when the hot dog came out they would go ahead and say hey this hot dog's great it should be 98 only two percent will fail whereas actually like 50 will fail then what
Starting point is 00:57:12 happens is your pension fund your insurance company your bank buys all this crappy debt and then when the debt freaking defaults everything goes bankrupt here you go yeah the big short If you've seen the movie, the big short, that's a great example. But there's a lot of movies and just documentaries about taking all these debt instruments, mixing them all up and selling the result and all the fraud that can go into that. So chat GPT calls CDOs, what was that? Pretty much slicing and dicing and combining different data. How were CDOs related to derivatives? Well, CDOs are derivatives. I mean, CDOs and derivatives are the same thing. Derivatives, the price is a derivative of the underlying asset, which is the loan. So underlying mortgage asset,
Starting point is 00:58:05 but we've talked about commercial debt. You know, in the current days, fast forward from 2008, it's not just subprime residential mortgages or all the commercial debt from work at home and just overall recession coming up and all the interest rates and debt and all that crap. So point is, we're back to the future. It's 2025. Time is flying, but it might as well be 2008 because they're actually now more of these debt instruments. That was what I was thinking earlier. Debt instrument. Obviously after 2008 in the crash, the amount of this stuff went to very, very low because half of them went
Starting point is 00:58:48 bankrupt and anything that was remaining or any pretty much no one wanted to get involved with it, right? 10, 15, 20 years later, essentially, people either forgot their lesson, got greedy or who knows why we can talk about that, but
Starting point is 00:59:00 they're doing it over again and now it's back to above wherever was 2008 we're looking at the future danger history on the archive of no derivatives nosedive and All low to moderate level headlines spanning 2 in 2017 2 and 18 and then a lot less 19 2 and 21
Starting point is 00:59:24 And then a lot less 19 to and 21 Then you know basically one almost every other year since but we're having that headline tonight Wall Street Journal Giving us a little bit of a warning sign. Could this be the the the you know Original point on future on future danger where we you know saw it actually go black on red in perhaps 2027 if trump were quote unquote hoovered will it be derivatives will be part of that oh it will be whether it's then or whenever the next crisis comes along even if it just in theory because as long as these derivatives exist, when stuff hits the fan,
Starting point is 01:00:07 they're either going to pay out, which pays people like the big short. So there you can use these to make a lot of money when things go down or and or like I said, when your pension fund, when your state, when your municipality, when all these, you know, even your corporation may have some of these bonds on their balance sheet and it goes, you know, upside down. All of a sudden you have liquidity crisis like 2008 and there's bankruptcies, layoffs, and then it just snowballs, you know? Yeah. Publicly traded structured credit.
Starting point is 01:00:42 That's what they're calling it this time. Yeah. Uh, another question for you. All right. Let's publicly traded structured credit. That's what they're calling it this time. Uh another question for you. Alright, let's pop open this headline. Eight consecutive record weeks for gold sends warning signals about paper
Starting point is 01:00:58 assets. That gold hasn't cracked 3000 yet but dang it's close and it's been it's doubled in the last 12 14 16 months. I think Eight straight weeks to start the year Positive now the last couple weeks. It's only gone up a little tiny bit, but you know, it's still going up and up and up Scroll down a little bit. Oh, you're doing it. I'm looking on the wrong screen I'm going to scroll down a little bit. Oh, you're doing it. I'm looking on the wrong screen.
Starting point is 01:01:28 China. Well, okay. We don't have to go too far into the Fort Knox but it is somewhat related. I do like that Trump is all about it. He loves it. He wants to go to Fort Knox. I expect the actual gold to be there but you do whether it the accounting for it, like, Oh, well, actually,
Starting point is 01:01:46 this is, you know, been loaned out or really some shenanigans like that. But I actually believe the physical stuff will still be there. So at this point in time, if it's there, where it went, how it got back there, we may never know. But everybody would just act like, you know, so what doesn't matter? Sort of. And that may end up being what happened. It could know. We may never know but everybody would just act like you know, so what? Doesn't matter. Sort of and that may end up people happen. It could
Starting point is 01:02:14 also be like uh think of it this way. They always say China owns tons of US farmland. Well, if we split the switch, they would no longer own it, would they? If it became a strategic resource in the time of war, we would just take all that farmland from them. Same thing with this gold. It might say, Oh, the Bank of England owns a lot of this or some Wall Street firms or who knows what my point is. There could be some funky business going on with the rights to the gold in Fort Knox, but I expect no one actually
Starting point is 01:02:42 shipped it out the back door. It might though. I'm not saying it did it. That's you know, I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I think the gold's there, but there's some shenanigans going on in the gold market and that Fort Knox could be involved with that from the financialization point of view. Can't remember. Trump talked about bird flu last night. He's not really touching this because it's like the only talk
Starting point is 01:03:05 about the Democrats have is the price of eggs. So, yeah, how are we going to make sure we don't get mRNA vaccines put into our food, Ben? Going to have to eat it, you know, from someone who's producing it themselves. Well, I've really done a good job of that in my last since COVID but especially the last couple of years, almost all my meat and all of my eggs
Starting point is 01:03:32 110%. Well, a lot of my meat either come from Amish and or Dave Jones and my eggs all from Dave Jones and the warden Maria and guess what? I don't have to worry about that crap. Now I'm really worried about just pretty much these injections being done without you being told. So I really don't eat fast food anymore because I'm already presuming McDonald's and Wendy's has these sort of injections going on already. And you know, maybe that that's conspiracy but I've seen worse already
Starting point is 01:04:06 come true so I don't eat past food anymore and you can even trust organic free range maybe maybe not but yeah you got to presume that KFC you know their chickens got our mRNA vaccines in it maybe not but I'm pretty sure they will in the near future. Now, that's what RFK is in there to try to prevent or reverse. Um but yeah, I it used to be just don't eat fast food because it's kind of bad for your heart or like, you know, we've got some saturated fat. It's a whole new level. We're worried about this stuff and yeah, exactly. The nanoparticles and freaking microplastics and stuff. It's a whole nother thing. This has to get taken care of and clamped down on the the the
Starting point is 01:04:50 the the the the the the very expensive, constantly at risk flock of poultry before eventually it passes through the genes. One hen from one mRNA vaccinated lineage into your homesteads livestock and it's there. That's true. Definitely. It's reminds me of uh you know I grew up a lot in
Starting point is 01:05:33 Indiana and even if you want to grow organic corn, well, guess what? You're surrounded by the Montana GMO fields. So, you're going to get a bunch of their uh like pollen and all the you know all the crap a lot of it, maybe not the genes itself, but there is cross pollination to your organic crop from the GMO stuff. That's a mile down the road too. Yeah. Well, we're talking about animals now too. Right. Yeah. And, you know, I could see a day where this goes all wrong. It's done wrong.
Starting point is 01:06:04 And then later proven to be harmful, and we're going to isolated parts of the planet to repopulate our food supply without the pollution of these experiments. There's definitely some sci-fi movies about that where pretty much all modern strains of agriculture die off, and they have to start a whole new seed line and obviously uh takes a while to do that and a lot of people will starve in the meanwhile. So hopefully that's high enough priority to get attended to by
Starting point is 01:06:31 this you know this congress. I honestly think Musk part of the reason he wants to start moon moon and uh especially mars colonies is to isolate civilization from those sort of events where you know, you know, you know, imagine 10 million people living on Mars and 200 years. If Earth biosphere gets totally destroyed, at least Mars is there or vice versa.
Starting point is 01:06:59 He says it all the time, like type one civilization. So if Earth is totally destroyed, at least some humans will live. No one listening to this podcast gets to go to Mars. No, I think unless someone's really young child is joining us in this, we managed not to be profane on this episode. So hopefully they are. I think I said that word, but we don't get to go to Mars. I think I'll be able to go on low Earth orbit for under you know 20 grand someday if I wanted. We'll see. Go orbit 300
Starting point is 01:07:37 miles in the air for an hour. That'd be pretty sick. Five orbits of the food systems. So having multiple planets, it would be helpful for that in the long term. But yeah, that's several centuries down the road. What else on this season finale season finale? Probably should look back since December when we, uh, at the solstice right before our Christmas or after our Christmas break, we came back in January. It's been January We had a lot of risks a lot of worries about will there be a transition of power with something come in didn't happen I think Most of the world is
Starting point is 01:08:37 in awe of what this administration was ready to do how is ready to jump into the control seat and start flicking the switches of power And bringing in new sets of equipment doge to Flick switches that had never been flicked That was it took a lot of people by surprise took almost everybody all the way through the Zelensky meltdown in big picture. I did not see it being this successful this quick meeting Trump's administration rolling in. Like you said, we were even worried if there'd be
Starting point is 01:09:31 assassination or something happened where Vance had to come in or who knows that didn't happen. Trump came in, it's been steamrolling his opponents over the last couple of months and just the the precision I'm impressed with. I think I called it fitness on another show where it's just like you said he's been planning for multiple years. He's got way better people in his administration and cabinet and he's a lot more pissed and hardcore. Put that all together. They came out with a plan and they're executing it. And especially when they went after USAID upfront, that's like a perfectly precise attack because that was used to
Starting point is 01:10:11 fundraise for Democrats for brainwashing of society, for getting illegals in here to vote for Democrats. So going after that, like upfront was huge. And CIA operations. Yeah. And a lot of Ukraine shit was going on too. The war in the background against war is through USA ID. The bureaucratic war in the background with the CIA is not being reported, but it has to be raging.
Starting point is 01:10:34 I'll tell you what I'm seeing that I didn't expect, uh, twice in a matter of a day or two, oval office visit first by the pm of of great britain and then Zelensky um trump spring and vance in on the couch right across from the other world leader and Vance is stepping up speaking out and and and and he went to mutic and called out europeans widely for you know basic human rights of of You know all everything embodied by our first amendment, right?
Starting point is 01:11:13 As well as you know other You know fourth and fifth amendment rights that we see violated in europe, you know in an alarming rate He's going right at the pm speaking up about it in a manner and tone that is persuasive. And obviously the blow up with Zelensky was when for some reason Zelensky decided to kind of talk down to the number two American in the room. Boy, did that go badly. So the continuity that I see Trump having in place, allowing this to happen and building up JD, we're less than four years away from his potential. He'll run for president, right?
Starting point is 01:11:54 He is the lead right now for the Republicans fans. But I mean, Hegseth is in the room while this is happening. Rubio's sitting on the couch next to Vance bringing in his team and and and putting them right neck on his side face to face with world leaders. Vance, you know, stepping up his number
Starting point is 01:12:16 two in that capacity. I didn't think I'd see that. I like it a lot. Got to uh hopefully the Trump was a nice healthy long life but you know, he's pretty old and even in 20 years, he'll be gone. So you got to build up that next generation and advances. What is he 41 or 42? We're only talking less than four years from now retaining power of the very room that they're in the Oval Office. Well, I don't you think Vance is going to be the presidential nominee in three years? He's got to be the front runner. Could be.
Starting point is 01:12:43 I think it's way too early to say that but I hope so. When is the incumbent president's vice president you know not you know unless they self-declare they're not gonna run like Cheney When when are they not you know? Immediately thinking about being the next one to run for their party. That's all the Democrats do Right when was the last time the Democrats didn't do this to caucus to Clinton? Yeah, maybe they don't think Vance is too young and ran after Clinton. Biden ran after Obama. I'd rather have Vance running when he's 44
Starting point is 01:13:17 than Kamala ran after Biden. That's all they do is the vice president's next. That doesn't mean it's the right thing to do for Republicans. Well, it I mean, it's the right thing to do for Republicans. Well, it's it's it's a good job. It's still early but I like him so far. It's clearly picked to be, you know, very, very, very pro Trump option to, you know, he
Starting point is 01:13:37 didn't do anything until 6 months ago. So, he's still got a while ago before he's a real candidate. I think but he's doing, he's on track. If he keeps this up for another 3 and a half years. Sure. That's why he's in the Oval Office doing this with world leaders. I wonder what training session I'm going to look out who what other world leaders are going to stand before JD Vance and take a speech right now.
Starting point is 01:13:56 They might they might not actually want to do that or okay. That's actually what surprises me that the banksters in the quote unquote new world order are engaging and like they're getting routed and their pathetic attempts are nothing. Well, you're just talking about the political leadership of the countries in. Yeah, well, and the freaking I don't know just all around. It's just a little bit of an emperor no clothes like wow, the resistance wasn't really that bad in the first place, meaning, I don't know, it seemed like 10 years ago, like let's say 2010, 2012 Obama's second term seemed like there was no way we would ever get out from Terminator, dystopian new world order. But we are right now. We're not out of it, but that's good. That'd be in my thought that they would put up a way bigger fight right now. They're getting totally decimated.
Starting point is 01:14:48 They're not even reconsolidating and trying to push back. I feel like I'm Trump yet. I'm sure they will sometime, but they're still like super disorganized getting routed. It's awesome. Who's that? Just call them the Democrats, I guess, but you can call them the banksters. You can call the fricking foreign leaders.
Starting point is 01:15:06 They don't have power right now. Right. Well, they're not even trying to consolidate the small amount of power they have and work together. I never believe they're I never believe they're invincible. It's just you know,
Starting point is 01:15:21 they're not even not invincible. They were a cupcake team the whole time. It's like you thought, you know, if you're doing a football analogy, we thought they were number one in the nation but they're, you know,
Starting point is 01:15:31 there's nothing. They're like a JV squad. They're over ranked. Totally. Yeah, they don't but I'm almost ashamed of it. I was so ashamed of them. I thought we could always overrun them but I thought it'd be a lot harder
Starting point is 01:15:40 than this. That also makes me think that this is a little too easy to be true. So, what was the next to of drop or I'm never I'm prepping just as hard as ever I guess but uh almost seems too easy but in a good way but yeah I'm not expecting to be this easy the whole time because if it is they'll be totally rolled up and they'll be in prison by this time next year at this rate there Warren Buffett delivers our financial weapon of mass destruction I was I was I was about to quote that and it just showed up on our background scroll. I think people can be well advised to prepare for, I'll say
Starting point is 01:16:20 it again, 2027. Any earlier in the emergency powers that Trump would have would allow him to pivot onto any crisis and Potentially come out on top as the solver, but by the time he has no time left and it's a presidential campaign that's when it gets dangerous and Financial weapons of mass destruction derivatives we talked about tonight March 5th season finale of winter season the I'm going to jump over here to Stream Yards itself. It must still be here. You're on it. It's on the left screen that they're not. God drag it over.
Starting point is 01:17:13 If you drag it over, they're going to get the. That's alright. See how the tunnel of that they can do that too. Just it's actually great to have three screens. That's the best production. We're learning together. So, media
Starting point is 01:17:26 assets, if I recall, scrolling to the bottom and it's the PPH clothing. Last one. Last one. You were there. Lower. Hit the play button there. And I'm not going to talk over it because we've discovered this. That's not smooth yet. Yeah, it doesn't
Starting point is 01:17:40 work too well. We gotta test it a little better but good show. But shout out to our listeners. One who did notice this is the Rambo Theme taking us out first blood correct first blood taking us out tonight Patriot power our episode 297 in the books I'm sorry. and and and and I'm sorry. Thanks for watching!

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