The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Patriot Power Hour Election Special 2024

Episode Date: November 2, 2024

Ben "The Breaker of Banksters" and Future Dan review the 2020 Election, then present 6 Threats to Election Integrity in 2024. Many familiar threats, but some new vectors and actors to consider as well... ---- Plus the KEY dates and deadlines YOU need to pay attention to and prep towards. Election Day, Jan 6th, and Inauguration Day aren't the only very important dates on the calendar! @FutureDanger6 and @BanksterBreaker on X

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ... Sous-titrage ST' 501 You are now listening to the Patriot Power Hour. This live episode features the situational awareness you need to practice self-reliance and independence. Introducing your hosts, Ben, the Breaker of Banksters, and Future Dan, the editor of The following clip is from episode 119 of the Patriot Power Hour, November 2020. We'll hit one episode past the winter solstice and then see where we go into January. January 6th, we're going to have to be back by then because
Starting point is 00:01:46 that's when, if there's a contingent election, if the Electoral College fails to produce a 270 winner, then House of Representatives picks the president. That was January 6th. Put that on your calendar, folks. Wednesday, January 6th.
Starting point is 00:02:02 We'll be back on the 5th. January 6th. We'll be back on the 5th. January 6th, 2021. We said put it on the calendar. Well, it now lives in infamy to say the least. Welcome back to November 2024. How things have changed
Starting point is 00:02:20 but also stayed the same in the past four years. Ben, the Breaker of Banksters. This is being recorded on November 2nd, 2024, just a few days before election 2024. This will be our election special. Let me go ahead and bring on future Dan. Future Dan, how you doing there? Ready to go.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I've really been looking forward to this special patriot power hour which has a feature which is typically lacking from patriot power hour we did show prep we did show prep hey don't sell us too short most of our focus on patriot power hour is current events and news and we're always prepping day by day, gathering that. But this was a special event. This is, of course, Election 2024. So I went back in time, reviewed a lot of our episodes and transcripts from 2020, and you not only improved, I think, the explanation of what can occur between Election Day and Inauguration, I think the explanation of what can occur between Election Day and inauguration. But you've come up with some theories and some thoughts that we'll talk about at the end of the show today about, you know, who really stands to gain and who really might be manipulating the election.
Starting point is 00:03:37 There you go, Future Dan. So we're going to do this special sort of in three parts. First part is going to be retrospective. We're going to talk about 2020 election and what we saw and what we called and what came to be for a little bit. Then we're going to move to what we know now. What is now going to happen between now and January 20th of this year for inauguration. And then, like I said, Ben, we're going to talk about future contingencies that our audience wants to know, how do you prepare and how do you see something that looks unstable rapidly
Starting point is 00:04:20 deteriorate and when things are truly historically anonymous. We're going to put it to context for Patriot Power Hour listeners today, this far ahead, three months ahead of time. So buckle up. Yep, buckle up. This is maybe just the start of a full analysis, but we're setting the stage. And every week going through November, December, January, and beyond,
Starting point is 00:04:51 of course, you can tune in to Patriot Power Hour, the live show, and we'll talk about what's going on then. This is going to be a great way to set the stage, so to speak. So I'll go ahead and take on the first segment, A little bit of history. First and foremost, Patriot Power Hour. We're coming up on our seven years of broadcasting. And gosh, almost five years with Prepper Broadcasting Network. So time has flown.
Starting point is 00:05:17 But yeah, just four years ago, we were certainly on the air. Episode 116 all the way through episode 125. Those are the episodes that I'm focusing on today. So I went back into the archive, found episode 116, which took place late October 2020, all the way through late January 2021, where we recapped January 6th, everything that occurred there almost in real time. So what I did, something really cool. We have some tools available to us now that maybe existed in 2020, but way cheaper and I think way more effective. And that really helped me put this
Starting point is 00:06:01 together. I took all, I took, you know, those nine or 10 episodes and put them into software that makes a written transcript. So I was able to convert all that audio into text and then do different searches and different ways to find trends, topics, et cetera. And I came up with a few of our most discussed topics, especially focused around election future, Dan. So I'm going to go through those real quick, what we were talking about four years ago. Yeah. And let me guess, let me guess right up front.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Some of these are happening again in 2024, but some of these might morph and evolve they're not it's not gonna be the same this year now is it and then later in the show i think we have more there's a lot more angles to this that are now well understood than what we knew in 2020 but but the retrospective yeah go for it man i can't wait to hear what we were talking about. And what I'm looking forward to, well, first and foremost, that clip you all heard at the start of the show was pulled from these transcripts. I was able to find the timestamp, go back and clip some of that. I'm going to be able to clip a lot more going forward.
Starting point is 00:07:19 We're going to be able to use them a lot more with our upgrade here at Pepper Broadcasting Network. So looking forward to bringing it all to a new level. But I have all these bookmarked in several sources for different episodes, but just at a very high level, here's what we were talking a lot about. Voting machine irregularities, Dominion voting systems, vote switching, vulnerabilities to hacking. We were talking about mail-in ballot controversies, legal challenges and recounts in swing states like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Sound familiar? We were talking about that before the election, like the week or two before the election, as well as into early January. Potential foreign interference, we talked about that before and during the election as well. Voter registration issues, big tech influence, huge change now with X being on. Well, I'll say the good guy's side. Maybe that's a little bit too much, but X is definitely not censoring like Twitter did in 2020, but we talked a lot about the censorship and shutdown across big tech, including Twitter.
Starting point is 00:08:35 That's definitely changed to some degree. And finally, electoral college process vulnerabilities. Future Dan did a great job, and he's going to do this again with updated data and updated facts, updated timelines, electoral college process vulnerabilities, potential threats at various stages of the electoral process from voting day through the electoral college meeting up through inauguration. A couple other things, cyber attacks, disinformation campaigns, infiltration of tech companies, especially by China, Chinese Communist Party,
Starting point is 00:09:11 targeting of election officials, even terrorist attacks, let alone bribery, extortion, etc. And again, we were really talking about mail-in voting a lot in 2020 for as you could probably imagine uh so that was a big portion of you know the before during and after election 2020 and i've grabbed a couple clips from there and i'll continue to grab more in the future especially if they relate more to what's going on here in 2024 but uh this is pretty cool technology future dan to be able to throw our mp3s from years ago get it into text format have it organized and go from there and then even pull clips it's uh amplifying my human brain not taking over my uh you know creativity and human drives. So that's how I look at it. Yeah, great summary on all the issues that obviously almost all those are in play again today.
Starting point is 00:10:20 But getting into the details, how they manifest this year, it's going to be different. And obviously a much, much, much bigger spotlight on any possible irregularity. The irony of it is in any election of a country of our size, any group of voters getting into the tens of thousands, you start to get margin of error and errors and procedural errors. And it won't be an absolute perfect representation of the will of the individual voters. You know, there's mistakes, right? There always were. But the extent to which it seems today that these are being exploited by one party to bring about their control of power, it's starting to get naked.
Starting point is 00:11:05 And we're going to look at what the naked truth is in 2024. Looking back, though, maybe I'll go first, but I'd like to ask you, maybe think about it, what this time four years ago was your impression of where we were headed. And my impression right before the election in 2020 was it was entirely up for grabs. But soon after the election started in 2020 and the vote tallies started to come in and we started to see irregular spikes of Trump leading in states and then just batches of votes arriving to push Biden above his total, particularly Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and Nevada, made it clear to me that this was getting stolen. And once it's stolen, it's going to be up to a court to undo that. And that was the part I wasn't certain of, whether that could happen.
Starting point is 00:12:15 But it didn't, right? So that's where I was at right at election night of 2020. Where were you? I was at right at election night of 2020. Where were you? Definitely, that was a nice part of going back in time with these transcripts is putting yourself back to where you were, whether you remembered or not. I was a little despondent at the time. I thought it was up for grabs, but also thinking at this point,
Starting point is 00:12:41 I really expected a COVID 2.0 where the lockdowns would be even worse. Now, instead we got the vaccine rollout, which had its own issues. But I said, if Biden ended up winning, we would really see kind of that next level of COVID. And we didn't see that. Luckily, unluckily, we saw a lot of damages from the vaccine but that's where I was standing but I was kind of like win or lose the new world order's got it in for us uh and I think looking at after the election well how about this before the election we started seeing smoke about different fraud going on different complaints allegations but actually by election day, but especially the weeks after, just more and more came out. Then it was a floodgate of information that we spent a good portion of every episode in
Starting point is 00:13:37 November and December covering abnormalities and allegations of fraud, all that. So it started to peak. It peaked after the election first off, but I feel like right now there's a lot more news of that coming out early, which either means people are looking for it a lot more now and or there's more fraud going on now even. So it's being caught more, but that doesn't mean enough is going to be stopped
Starting point is 00:14:07 if they're really pulling out all the stops. That was just a little trend I noticed there. So in the four years since that happened, I think two things are true. Trump has gained greater control of the Republican Party because in 2020, it was obvious in plenty of places. I'm thinking of Georgia in particular, where there were Republicans who were not helping at all. We're sweeping under the rug the, quote, irregularities and operating as though we finally ridded ourselves of Trump in our party.
Starting point is 00:14:48 And that's not true today, is it? So, you know, the people looking more closely on a more systematic level, that's true this year for sure. And on a topic that's maybe adjacent to this special's emphasis today for Patriot Power Hour, the election of 2024, is maybe we got time. Let's take a little detour. Looking at the perspective of Trump signing into law all that spending during COVID. And essentially gets the campaign four years later, blaming the inflation that clearly resulted from the stimulus, which he presided over, just pinning it on his political opponents. What do you think of that? on his political opponents.
Starting point is 00:15:42 What do you think of that? You know, as I was going through the transcript, I was more focused on election 2020, but of course a lot of what we talk about is economics. And throughout this period of 2020, and I'm sure before and after, was hinting at just massive inflation coming down the pike, just the fact that all the COVID bailouts, which occurred, of course, in March and April of 2020, at least that's when they kind of really started and when the markets were at the most vulnerable.
Starting point is 00:16:16 We certainly talked about that. Bitcoin, huge rise around this time in 2020 from 12K in the summer to 18k so 50 percent rise around election time bitcoin's also up about 50 percent uh what happened after the election bitcoin almost doubled again in 2020 so will bitcoin double again now well it's certainly on a hot streak so is gold and silver but didn't grab any clips from that in that regard but uh but yeah i think the fraud allegations people are looking at it a lot closer but um i don't know it is a totally different world this time around you know so much the same but so much different i'm just impressed out you know if his political opponents were economically literate they would they would try to tell their voters who are not that the all the inflation is
Starting point is 00:17:15 actually what trump signed into law and he pinned them on that one they can't they can't do it they don't have a you know a an electorate that could understand the argument. And so they don't even blame him for the inflation. But boy, has he blamed Biden-Harris for it. And if he wins, that's going to be a big part of carrying him into office for a second term. He got the first term. got hit by covid in no choice he signed that spending it created massive inflation but he got cheated out of an election sat on the sideline for four years campaigned against it and got back to power that that's pretty amazing to me that is uh it's uh and and the democrats can't call him on that because that would be them pretty much a snake trying to swallow its own tail.
Starting point is 00:18:12 They're so involved with gangster fraud, they can't freaking call him out on anything close to overspending or 0% interest rates. That was actually one of my bigger concerns back in the day with Trump. And here's something I noticed. In the last four years, I'm definitely way more pro-Trump. A lot of reasons why. First off, I think he's just overall become a better candidate and a little bit more awake and realizing that the system really hates his guts. Maybe it took him taking a bullet to the ear to realize that.
Starting point is 00:18:49 But even before then, I feel like he realized, okay, my first administration, I might have tried to work with the system a little bit too much, and that came and bit me in the ass. So now he's a little bit more, even compared to what he was talking about in the past of being rebellious and draining the swamp. Now I think he's got a little more of an edge to it or chip on his shoulder, scar on his ear.
Starting point is 00:19:12 I don't know. But I like that. I feel like that's great. And he's bringing in RFK Jr. and bringing in Ron Paul. And, you know, Vance is pretty good. Just surrounding himself a lot more with better folks, I think. Tulsi Gabbard, too. So putting that all together, a lot more momentum than 2024.
Starting point is 00:19:30 And people like me, I think, a lot more likely to go for Trump. Oh, also, he's been sweet-talking Bitcoiners now. I won't trust that because as a Bitcoiner, I don't care what the government thinks. That's the whole point of Bitcoin. But hey, whatever. If he says we're going to get a one million Bitcoin strategic reserve, that's better than saying the opposite, which the Democrats would do. So there you go. anything else historically you know to start off this 2024 election special on patriot thar to review what anything else that was you thought it was going to go one way but then it didn't
Starting point is 00:20:16 so in this episode which was early december we talked a lot about the lack of action by the Supreme Court, ongoing media censorship and election fraud evidence. Maybe you could speak to those two subjects within the election. The Supreme Court, what would you expect from them this time that maybe didn't happen last time, or you could even just kind of review what occurred or didn't occur in 2020 with regard to the supreme court and then the media censorship do you think it's as bad do you think it's worse do you think it doesn't matter what the other media does because elon musk and x are able and are able to power through that fraud so So Supreme Court, media censorship, and X,
Starting point is 00:21:06 do you think those will be different? Yeah, yeah, they are. That's changed. So a lot of what the Democrats have in place resembles to me late-era Soviet Union where no one believed anymore, right? Even Democrat supporters, they can't remain, you know, blind to the fact of, you know, of the censorship.
Starting point is 00:21:31 And they get exposed to family members and friends who hear from other sources. They're not impervious to it. They have to, you know, and look at the viewership, right, of the mainstream media. It's dying. So in the timeframe in 2020, it was still an extremely hot topic to be complaining about the censorship. In fact, on Future Danger, the indicator news blatantly censored. I've kind of changed the scale. It doesn't hit grade one happening now until it's outright government censorship.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Any private censorship, even in corporate media, can't even trigger that indicator anymore. It's got to be straight up. The government has to be doing the censorship to earn that happening now, because so much of the rest of it is absolutely manipulated news. What I think is important, and I'll bring this also to the Supreme Court question you asked me, that has changed. What I think has changed in those respects is think about the six justices that composed the Republican-nominated block on the Supreme Court. court, their life experiences, what politics were for the majority of their lives in this country, the innate trust in a two-party system that, you know, despite political differences, cooperates for the better of the country, that kind of moderate, not patriot revolutionary
Starting point is 00:23:03 kind of approach that we do have here on Patriot Power Hour and much of the alternative media today. No, I'm talking about the middle-of-the-road Republican kind of outlook. That got shaken to its core in 2020. Those people cannot deny what they saw and what we experienced in 2020. Their worldview has changed. And I know this from personal experience with people of this mindset that would have, you know, easily dismissed the potential for all kinds of, quote, conspiracies prior to 2020, they've woken up. They are aware. These are conspiracies, like validated, like we see them as evidence conspiracies. They're not shying away anymore. So that means that censorship, it's crumbling.
Starting point is 00:24:00 And not just at the Supreme Court, but at the core of what you can you know call the republican establishment you know trump trump's in control of it now and they're awake now i think that's changed do you think it's changed enough and do you think the some of the rules and some of the oversight in the states to prevent fraud do you think those combined have changed enough to to make it difficult enough to to commit that fraud or or or do you think the democrats doubling down and or coming up with new ways that we haven't even thought of or even getting some outside assistance. I mean, I guess what I'm trying to say is the defense against fraud has been increased, both people looking out for it and people believing it's possible, as well as actual
Starting point is 00:24:58 tangible ways that states have cleansed their, or purged, if you want to put a slant to it, purged their voter rolls of non-citizens and all that type of stuff. So do you think that's been enough? Do you think that's had a tangible impact? And then how's the empire going to strike back? Well, we're going to see. You know, this election semester, we're going to talk about what to look for, but we're going to find out if there's been enough voting integrity measures put in place. But, of course, it's 50 elections next Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:25:37 And if you don't understand that it's 50 separate elections next Tuesday, you don't understand how the United States of America is constructed. And in the 50 separate elections, some of them, obviously, there's been integrity put into the process. DeSantis in Florida, the governor of Florida, just signed a bill making it a felony to possess more than one ballot, more than one absentee mail-in ballot, right? But that's not every state. That's not any of the battleground states. So we could see a rerun of a lot of this, and the spotlight is on,
Starting point is 00:26:17 and four years later, that spotlight is well-deserved. So we're going to have an election special with so much more detail than we did four years ago but that that's that's a great way to you know preface and kick this off as to you know have a have a look back at where we were at in our previous special ben sure and january 5th january 5th, 2021 is the episode, really. Episode 123 is where, that's evergreen. That's where I'm going to be pulling a lot of clips from in the future, I think. But it was, of course, the day before, January 6th. We talk about the trusted media and institutions going down, down, down.
Starting point is 00:27:01 We talk about all the different irregularities, all the evidence pointing towards voter fraud. Talk about the upcoming joint session of Congress, of course, the next day. And all the way through. So I think we've done a good job of recapping where we've been. I think we are very flexible so that going forward, of recapping where we've been. I think we are very flexible so that going forward,
Starting point is 00:27:24 if it's not a clear win for Trump, if Kamala doesn't, by this time next week, does not concede, and there is contested election, every week we're going to be bringing the new analysis and bringing in clips from 2020
Starting point is 00:27:41 to show maybe some differences, some similarities, and of course, looking forward and analyzing, getting you prepped, because this is, of course, Prepper Broadcasting Network. So with that said, future Dan, I know you want to go through some of the technical aspects of the election and the timelines, key, key dates for Preppers to pay attention to. You ready for that?
Starting point is 00:28:06 Yeah, part two of our election special. We're going to talk about key dates and procedures of the 2024 presidential election. And some of this you played in the previous clip, Ben. It was an early version of what you're about to get now, so we're going to run through it again. Are you ready? Let's do it so election day obviously next tuesday november 5th legal basis article 2 section 1 of the constitution and the election day act of 1845 all right so everybody knows we vote for the
Starting point is 00:28:42 president vice president members members of Congress, and that only includes senators that are up for reelection and all the members of the House. That's happening Tuesday. That's easy to understand. That's about as far as most people understand, really. And historically, in our lifetimes, it's as far as you needed to understand because it was, you know, our elections had integrity but no longer so step two state certification of election results this runs this year been from november 7th to december 20th states certify their election results based on deadlines that they individually set gotta understand that that's not federal law. That's not the Constitution.
Starting point is 00:29:31 So Delaware has to do it literally 48 hours afterwards. Arkansas gives itself until December 20th to get that finalized. But the battleground states this year, here's the dates. This will be a very hectic set of about three days, about a week. November 30th, Arizona and Georgia got certified. Michigan on the 25th,
Starting point is 00:29:56 Nevada on the 26th, with North Carolina. Backing up a few days, actually, right after Georgia and Arizona go, November 21st, Pennsylvania has to be certified. And then last of the battleground states is December 1st. So running from December 1st this year, you know, back to where we are now. Well, actually, I should do it the other way.
Starting point is 00:30:22 From November 21st through December 1st, that's when the battleground states have to certify by their state law. Okay? So certification of state election results, that's step two, got to be done by the 20th of December. But right there, last week of November is when all those key states get certified. It's going to be a very turbulent time for the United States of America, a window of opportunity to impose into the news cycle things that are impactful to those outcomes. And that could happen in the United States of America or abroad. Number three, a safe harbor deadline.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Don't think I talked about this in 2020. That's December 10th. The legal basis for that is the Electoral Count Act of 1887. That's currently U.S. Code 3, Section 5. States that resolve election disputes by this date secure their results against congressional challenge during the official counting of the electoral votes as long as the process meets the state's own legal standards could be ultimately decided by the United States Supreme Court.
Starting point is 00:31:42 So that faith harbor deadline of December 10th, which is nine days after the last of the battleground states must certify. That's key. That's when all the court action could be happening, pretty much from the last few weeks of November all the way into the 10th of December. Then there's the meeting of the Electoral College. Legal basis, Article II, Section 1, and the 12th of December. Then there's the meeting of the Electoral College. Legal basis, Article 2,
Starting point is 00:32:16 Section 1, and the 12th Amendment, and U.S. Code 3, Section 7. December 16th, electors cast votes for president and vice president in each state's capital, formalizing the result. These votes are documented on certificates of vote, which are sent to the vice president, who is the president of the Senate, and the archivist of the Congress. And the vice president, president of the Senate is Kamala Harris. It's December 16th. It's December 16th. And then step five, receipt of electoral votes by Congress. That happens on December 23rd, so a week later. Legal basis of that is not the Constitution. That's U.S. Code 3, Section 12.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Congress receives the certified electoral votes from each state in preparation for the official count. Remember, they haven't officially been counted because Congress does that. Step six, counting of electoral votes in Congress. January 6, 2025 falls on the same day of the year as it did four years ago. Congress convenes in a joint session to account the electoral colleges. Vice president, acting as the president of the Senate, presides over the session. So Harris, a candidate, will be presiding over that event,
Starting point is 00:33:36 and it's not the vice president-elect. That's not Vance. That's Harris. Wow. Right? Because she's still the sitting president of the Senate. Contingent election process. If no candidate receives a majority. And you ask yourself, how can that be? And we did talk about it 20 years ago, and it is always a
Starting point is 00:33:56 potential. Because if all of the state slates of electoral votes are counted, there's still a way to get to a 270, 270, or 268, 270, something like that. There's several combinations of our state's electoral count votes that can end up with neither candidate getting a majority. And if there ever was a major third-party candidate in this country that won a couple of states, it would automatically throw all the elections to the Congress every presidential election, which is why you don't ever really see a third party rising in the country, is because effectively it would end up disenfranchising voters. It would put it, you know, this is already a representative system, has been by design since our founders,
Starting point is 00:34:52 but that would just throw it into the Congress. And that hasn't happened since, I believe, 1824, right? There haven't been, like, in 1824 there were four candidates, no one got the majority, and the Congress decided. So it's built in to do that, but it hasn't happened since then. Will that happen in 2025? We'll see. So after the county electoral votes on January 6th, if one of them clearly has the most electoral college votes,
Starting point is 00:35:28 And if one of them clearly has the most electoral college votes, it's always assumed at that point that it's just a pro forma. Congress just validates the results. And that is why four years ago there was the protests at the Capitol because a lot of people wanted to see this decided by Congress based upon the absolute fraud that we saw in several states. And the rest is history on January 6th or the first J6. We got another J6 coming up then. So what happens if it's a contingent elect? Well, let me pause there. Before I get into how a contingent election process goes, if no candidate receives a majority, those are the steps, and the only other step after that is the inauguration.
Starting point is 00:36:10 What's your thoughts on that? Do you have any questions about that or anything our viewers might want to dig into a little bit about each of those steps along the way? I guess be ready around Thanksgiving all the way through december 10th is one big note that i took that's when this really will will take place um i want to learn more about the contingent election first maybe thoughts on why that didn't happen in 2020 and second if it's you think it's more likely it could happen this time would that be more of an advantage for harris or trump and if it comes down to that contingent election
Starting point is 00:36:53 for whatever reason how do you see that going well the supreme court would have to intervene and say this state's election was so you, there's just so much evidence that it was fraudulent, that it cannot count. And, you know, subtract those electoral counts and you'd probably end up with neither candidate getting a majority. That's how that would happen. Any other ways for it to take place? I guess if we're bringing up a tie, if both of them got a full of them got two 70, two 70,
Starting point is 00:37:32 and that could happen any year that there's no one gets the two 71 terror attacks on the state legislature before they can certify. If they don't hit the safe harbor you know deadline or they don't hit their deadline because there's a big attack yeah if a state just can't can't get it done right and and by the way during the civil war all the confederate states they weren't even trying to get it done anymore and the North wouldn't have accepted the results because they're in a state of rebellion, right? So the Electoral College continued through the Civil War, re-electing Lincoln and only doing the Northern states' set of electoral votes, right? So in some scenario where there was absolute chaos in a state and its state could not meet its obligations under the Constitution and the Safe Harbor Electoral Count Act of 1887, then no, its slate of electors wouldn't count, wouldn't show up at the next step, at the meeting of the electoral college.
Starting point is 00:38:48 And therefore, you'd have neither candidate getting a majority. Or potentially, you could. I think that kind of takes it. I don't have any more questions. I think you explained it pretty darn well. I think you explained it pretty darn well. Each state I would have questions about their specific, and I didn't do the deep dive into the swing states and their specific processes and deadlines as much,
Starting point is 00:39:12 but you did lay out overall a great way. Yeah, that's probably coming up. We're going to talk about how all kinds of state laws, federal election laws getting broken, getting overlooked, getting disputed in court can be completely part of recount after recount and court stepping in. And this obviously happened with Bush versus Gore in 2000, right? We've been down this road. right we've been down this road so um we're going to get into the mechanics and the micro in a moment but let's still this is the this is the part of the show where we're talking about what we presently know will or could happen and then we're going to get into election fraud
Starting point is 00:39:56 techniques next and then where this all could go yeah Yeah, so contingent election process, if no candidate receives a majority, the House of Representatives selects the president. Only the top three candidates who receive the most electoral votes are eligible. That's not going to matter this year. Voting by state delegation, each state delegation in the House casts one vote for president, regardless of the number of representatives in that state.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Right? So it's built like the Electoral College. The 50 states have one vote each. It doesn't matter how many people you have in your state. It doesn't matter how many illegal aliens you brought into your state at that point. It's one vote by state delegation. California's 53 representatives would cast one vote, and Wyoming's 53 representatives would cast one vote, and Wyoming's single representative would cast one vote. That's how it works. Majority requirement. A candidate must receive the majority of the state's votes,
Starting point is 00:40:58 so they've got to get 26 out of 50 to win the presidency. And there is a big potential for deadlock. If no candidate receives 26 state delegation votes, the House continues voting until a candidate does get 26 states. And historically, a protracted deadlock is rare but possible because state delegations, each state delegation is going to be split. Right? Every state delegation, except for Wyoming, or I'm not sure, maybe some of those other smaller states. Rhode Island probably has both Democrats. And I'm not sure what New Hampshire and Vermont are at. Vermont's probably one vote. And it's also, you know, that's a lock.
Starting point is 00:41:40 But most of the other states have a mix. Right. They've got to vote amongst themselves. But most of the other states have a mix, right? Sure. They've got to vote amongst themselves. But meanwhile, the Senate selects the vice president. This is where it can get really bizarre. A Trump waltz.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Yes, it's possible. The top two candidates who receive the most electoral votes for vice president in the Senate are eligible. Each senator casts one vote, unlike the House, where each state casts a single vote. Majority requirement, candidate must receive a majority of the Senate, 51 out of 100 to win the presidency. Deadlock resolution, if the Senate is evenly divided 50-50, the sitting vice president, Kamala Harris, cast a tie-breaking vote as they are also, she's also the president of the Senate right now. So that's where it can get into, you know, this is all possible and would be quite bizarre, right? So what that vice president is, a vice president selected from the opposite party in that respect would be
Starting point is 00:42:50 given the official duties of staying at their house for four years. All right. So contingency plans for deadlock beyond inauguration day, no president selection by the January 20th. If the inauguration day comes and goes and the house is deadlocked and voting and voting, or for some reason cannot vote, that does not mean Biden stays president. There's no way he remains president after January 20th under our system. It would be entirely unconstitutional. If the house fails to elect a president by inauguration day, January 20th under our system. It would be entirely unconstitutional. If the House fails to elect
Starting point is 00:43:26 a president by inauguration day, January 20th, 2025, the 12th Amendment and the Presidential Succession Act allow the vice president-elect to act as president until the House reaches a decision. But if no vice president is chosen either, meaning the Senate can't get a vice president chosen, the Speaker of the House may become acting president until a decision is made. And that goes on indefinitely until a president is elected from the current House of Representatives. There's no limit on the number of ballots they can be taking. This is all clearly specified in the Constitution. Supreme Court has no say about what the House does.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Equal branches of government. And yeah, yeah, historical example. 1824, last time this happened. And the House ultimately selected John Quincy Adams after several rounds of voting. So that is, that's what's ahead of us and potentially ahead of us.
Starting point is 00:44:33 That's what we know now, Ben. A couple questions. It looks like the House and the Senate would both have a slight Republican majority, but everyone would have to be in lockstep, and that would be very difficult. This is, you know, there's just so many routes to go with this, but do you think it's a stronger potential that the House and or Senate would be for Trump now compared to 2020?
Starting point is 00:45:04 Or do you think it's less likely or hard to tell? Well, here's the hard part to understand. So let me make it clear. We're talking about how to elect the president and the vice president in a contingent election. And the fact that the vice president is also a tie-breaking vote in the Senate, right, the president of the Senate, who isn't a member of the Senate, but the president of the Senate, right? So those positions, Harris retains. She's a sitting vice president, so she is the president of the Senate. She's a sitting vice president, so she is the president of the Senate. But other than that variable in the equation, all the rest is the new Congress.
Starting point is 00:45:55 They all swear in the day or so before this happens. And the founders have this by design. It's like a fail safe, right? So if we can't arrive at a president and or vice president through the electoral college, the Congress that was just elected by the people get to say what it is. So if in some outcome in the next few weeks, the Democrats got control of the House and the Senate, but Trump somehow was – or it was a contingent election. Then it was slant towards bringing it to – and how come for Harris? And it's by design because the Democrats got control of Congress in the two houses. the Democrats got control of Congress and the two houses, right? But on the other hand, if the Republicans take control of both houses and it goes to a contingent election, Trump has a much better chance.
Starting point is 00:46:53 And it comes down to those state delegations and what the balance of power is within them. You know, there's various kinds of politicians, less these days, but, you know, there's ones that are absolutely party line, loyal to their party and their candidates. And then there has been, and there still continues to be, the middle, those that can be influenced, those that would jump ship and vote the other way. And that in the House in a contingent election, we're probably looking at five to ten states where there could actually be a swing with most plausible scenarios
Starting point is 00:47:32 some Republicans swing and vote for Harris. Democrats are remarkably strong at voting as a bloc, so that's not even outside of their own possibility. One Democrat flipping to vote in their state delegation for Trump block so i don't i don't think that's not even outside of our own possibility one democrat flipping to flipping to vote in their state delegation for trump could make the difference they probably need to switch the republican party right after doing it too all right one uh question that i'm we might have brought up last year. I didn't notice it in the transcripts or the clips, but it's certainly relevant now. Assassination.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Let's say it's going to be a contested election and Trump is killed. What happens? Is Vance just slotted up there? Or what occurs if after Election Day Trump's killed but before everything's certified? Will it go to a contingent election? And if it does go to a contingent election, let's say, and Trump's dead, Vance just slots right in or what occurs there? So I think the Presidential Succession Act only applies to people in those positions, right?
Starting point is 00:48:49 So that's a great question, whether the deceased Donald Trump could win the election. If Congress on January 6th elected him president after he's deceased, then the moment that they did, the presidential act, the succession act would kick in and Vance would take that position. If both of them were killed somehow, that could be all hell breaking loose. That could be all hell breaking loose. I'm not sure every contingency of this has been planned for. I'd have to do more research on what happens if there were no surviving members of electoral vote winners. Yeah, exactly. That's a bit of a stomp. One way to look at it is just Trump dies and whether it's natural causes or otherwise and then if they both die which you
Starting point is 00:49:50 presume would not both be from natural causes if they both died at the same time in that small window but i guess you never know maybe maybe they ate some bad food um so i that's that's just kind of like a weak spot i'm probing at, or like, Hey, if they, if the quote unquote capital T they think they are going to lose the election and they have to kill Trump and Vance to pull out all the stops, even if it's blatantly obvious it was them, maybe that's even part of their plan to get people pissed off, kill them off. What happens then? It's not beyond the realm of possibility after what we saw on July 13th. I think right there you're in the territory of whatever took place.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Would it put fear into members of the new Congress, you know, in a way that, you know, potentially could lead to very hasty constitutional amendments. That sounds scary. Not probably not good. It would take, it would take something to get, you know, you know, a super majority, which is what it takes to, you know, pass a constitutional amendment through Congress. There's other ways to pass an amendment, right?
Starting point is 00:51:10 Convention of the States, but to bring it through Congress, you know, you got to get super majorities. So, and then the states have to ratify. So, you know, some wild national emergency scenarios you, you, that, that left us without a solution like that. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:30 And I mean, and, and, or everybody turned to Supreme court, the rule. And at that point, Supreme court would just be making up constitutional law. Well,
Starting point is 00:51:41 um, any other, any of that? Those are the two big, you know know hand grenades i wanted to throw in there we'll be following closely things for us to think about things for the listeners to to think about if that is a permutation that hopefully does not show itself but again we already saw at least one attempt on trump really two if not more that we don't know about. So it's realistic to think that maybe Vance is the only one there by January 6th and it's not been fully certified, or maybe he's even gone too.
Starting point is 00:52:13 So hopefully not, but something to think about. Yeah, that would go down in the history books and be a new precedent, to say the least. It would be a wild emergency on the entire planet Earth. Things would fly apart at the seams at home and abroad. You know, revolution, rebellion, insurrection. These will be, you know, these will feel like, you know, light words to be using if we ever got to that point. Question here. If Kamala, does any of this matter if Kamala does pull out or concedes?
Starting point is 00:52:53 Let's say she concedes on election night or a couple days later, but then Trump is killed. She could come right back in and it would not have mattered, essentially, right? So she could say that she quit, but she didn't? Is that true? Constitution doesn't say anything about a candidate's spoken. That's got nothing to do with what's happening constitutionally. I can almost see that happening. Like, hey, let me, like, if they know that they're going to,
Starting point is 00:53:25 if I'm, I'm getting conspiratorial here, of course, but if they knew that Trump was going to be able to win by such a landslide that they just had to let that occur, let it happen. And by this time next week, Kamala has to acknowledge that she lost that.
Starting point is 00:53:41 However, in the coming weeks, even days, God forbid Trump is killed and or Vance, whatever, and then Kamala says, hey, actually, I'm back in. That's very, I mean, that's plausible. Kind of good PR, and she swoops back in to be the hero. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:02 I just came up with that scenario now. I know it's a very small chance but might as well bring it all out there well hey let's go back to what what matters key dates and the laws so so you're talking about her conceding shortly after the election which would mean that the state certification election results would have been you know you know you know delaware's result would have been in maybe a handful of others others, but many others won't have occurred yet. I mean, she could concede, and the state certifications could end up still making her president. Sure.
Starting point is 00:54:37 You know, even if she didn't want to be. Right, even if Trump's alive, yeah. So the state certification of election results, the state certified the results of the candidates as cast on the 5th of November. It could be a case that state law would invalidate a result based upon the death of a candidate, but that might not adhere to federal and constitutional law, and we get defeated in court. I mean, these state certifications of election results, that happens. It doesn't matter what anybody says. It doesn't matter what anybody did and then changes their mind.
Starting point is 00:55:20 It does, you know, that's what matters. That's how our system works. Beyond a lookout, folks. I think overall what I would say is just because if it does end up that Trump wins by a blowout on Tuesday night, it doesn't mean it's all over necessarily. It's just what I'm seeing, especially if there's some sort of assassination or whatnot. All right. Anything else you want to cover on this segment or you want to jump into your, I believe,
Starting point is 00:55:53 six major methods of election fraud? Is that what we're at? Yeah, yeah. Six techniques that we're seeing, right? And this is based upon headlines, right? This is based on things that are in the news, some of which would be considered mainstream media. Some of it would be considered alternative media. But in any event, these are allegations, and a lot of these allegations have clear evidence of the allegations. So no matter how Democrat you are, you can call it an alleg delegation forever, but at a certain point, it's not.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Six outlying techniques for potential election corruption, Ben. I want to dig right into them. Are you ready? Let's do it. Yep. Have at it. All right. So first, and you basically listed a lot of these early on, right?
Starting point is 00:56:44 So because we talked about in 2020. And I'm going to read you some examples of, you know, of where we've seen this. Right off the Future Dangers archives. Voter registration irregularities. Duplicate or ineligible voter registrations. Duplicate registrations, duplicate registrations, deceased voters, the dead voters, the dead and the aliens. At some point, the dead aliens are coming up.
Starting point is 00:57:13 And this is something that has a long lead time, right? We're sitting here on November 2nd, 2024. It's been going on for months and years. In fact, I would say that at this point, it never stops happening. The constant, you know, trying to register voters is 24-7, 365 at this point in this country. And here's the examples. All right. Thousands of aliens reported in Virginia on the Virginia rolls all the way back to May 17th. We got glitches reported in Pennsylvania in 2017 of aliens voting in Pennsylvania. That was CBS News. Code glitches. California automatically registering aliens with driver's licenses that would potentially enable them to vote. So, you know, the DMVs are part of this process. Later, we're going to talk about the Postal Service and the corruption there. Right. Yeah, Boston, Wayne, granting voting rights to foreign aliens, any cities or localities getting, you know, aliens able to vote in local elections obviously brings about, you know, problems with irregularities.
Starting point is 00:58:43 They can, you know, usually just pick up a ballot and vote on the federal as a provisional, provisional ballots, you know, whether they count or not is what all the court cases are about later. So, you know, duplicate or ineligible voter registration combined with delayed or inaccurate roll updates, right? Pennsylvania in 2019 admitted having 11,000 aliens registered to vote. Washington Times analysis found over 200,000 votes cast exceeded the registered votes in Pennsylvania in 2020. It, quote, prompted an investigation that went nowhere. That was WJAC out of Pennsylvania reported that. Pennsylvania reported that. Wisconsin in 2022 at the midterms, 150,000 voters without ballot addresses were found in state voting records. And then this conversation wouldn't be complete without talking about Maricopa County, Arizona,
Starting point is 00:59:46 lawsuits for refusing to remove ineligible aliens from voter rolls, and a lot of other things going wrong there. And another technique we're going to talk about in a minute, which is voting machine manipulation. But that's the big number one technique. This isn't breaking news. This is very much everybody's well aware of this now. But the voter registration is the step one in the techniques. Controlling that, corrupting that, getting ineligible voters on the rolls is the first and long lead time technique to corrupt an election. What do you think of that, Ben? Well, we've been looking at a lot of variables.
Starting point is 01:00:22 I've been kind of looking at it as offense versus defense of fraud. And Trump is on the defense trying to prevent fraud, whereas the left is on offense. Well, most of what I've seen has helped the defense, but this is one where the offense is working around the clock, as you said. And there's been how many illegal immigrants allowed into the country in the last four years? That's something that has exploded in favor of the offense, in favor of fraud, millions and millions, and that's just the government numbers. It's probably twice as much of what they actually say.
Starting point is 01:00:58 So that's definitely, if you were keeping tally, not in favor of Trump right there. No. No. Yeah. That's, this is, this is the longest lead time. It's the biggest weapon that, uh, you know, anyone trying to corrupt the election has. And I think it was the spotlight on it now, like the, the crumbling of the, of the censorship facade. Like the crumbling of the censorship facade. You really have to try to not understand that this is, you know, a zone for corruption in 2024.
Starting point is 01:01:34 You know, for those who care, for those that support, you know, a constitutionally elected president. Technique number two, and this is also in the pre-election period, which is ending right now, last-minute rule changes. We saw this in 2020 for sure. State officials and courts altering rules of deadlines. We saw it just this week then. Verification requirements for mail-in ballot handling near or during election periods, creating inconsistencies, gaps, vulnerabilities. Here's your example. It's June 2018 headline from Washington Times. Judge rules requiring preposition,
Starting point is 01:02:11 shift to register to vote, is unconstitutional. Not sure if that was upheld, but this is what we see out of the judiciary. This technique's called judicial manipulations, right? Legislative and judicial, two branches of government at the state level, often controlled by Democrats. Another example, September 2022, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled, count ballots received after election day without postmarks, adjusting the deadlines. Then Trump is sued about this in recent days. This is one of those little gaps in our system where, you know, are we going to count, you know, ballots that aren't postmarked? Never used to.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Somehow it's, you know, a question now. Yeah, and the court ruled that the ballots must be counted shortly before the election. So, you know, that's happening this year. Another aspect to legal and judicial manipulations, voter ID and verification issues. Adjustments to IDs and verification requirements and removing voter requirements, that is definitely affecting the consistency of eligibility verification. So in Illinois, Illinois State Board elections
Starting point is 01:03:26 acknowledged that some aliens had been able to vote due to, quote, system errors. That was in 2020. And then just last month in California, California banned local voter ID laws. The state making it illegal for local jurisdictions to require voter ID, effectively removing it across any part of California.
Starting point is 01:03:55 That headline's from Politico, right? That's just public. That's happening. So technique number two, legislative and judicial manipulations. Technique number two, legislative and judicial manipulations. We're only scratching the surface of what we're going to see in the coming weeks in this regard. But it starts in the pre-election period. It's underway now.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Yes. And I look at this almost like the authentication. You have the authentication of the voter themselves. That's that first step. And then you have the authentication of the vote they cast in this specific election. They're kind of separate. Obviously, there's correlation between the two. This, at least, you know, and we'll get to the next four, maybe they'll roll into this as well. But I see those first two as what the Supreme Court could try to latch onto to say this state had just too much fraud for us to consider it binding or consider it legitimate. But that's got to be a huge threshold or really high bar to clear for the Supreme Court to say,
Starting point is 01:05:00 look, this state has just too much evidence of illegals on the rolls and too many ballots that aren't postmarked or come in all at the last second with crazy ratios, 98% Democrat, stuff like that. I think that's where the Supreme Court could attack. But what do you think the threshold would have to be or how bad would it have to get? It's already bad. It's already out there, but obviously the Supreme Court's not doing it. Would it have to come out a lot worse? What's your thoughts there?
Starting point is 01:05:35 Well, the Supreme Court isn't a president, right? It's not a Congress. It doesn't make laws. It doesn't preside over anything. It has to have a lawsuit. It has to decide a point of law. It has a final say on points of law. So the legislative and judicial manipulations,
Starting point is 01:05:56 we really expect to see them again in Pennsylvania. That Supreme Court in Pennsylvania, which is the Supreme Court Of the state for state law Right Definitely did things in 2020 That were highly questionable It has to be brought to the Supreme Court In a constitutionally
Starting point is 01:06:17 Valid legal argument Before they can do anything But that's going back to Segment one of this Special episode of Patriot Power Hour, election special 2024. The powers that be in the middle road Republican establishment wasn't ready for it or was ready to go along with it to rid themselves of Trump in 2020. That does, I do not think it is anywhere near as severe a problem for Trump as it was four years ago.
Starting point is 01:06:52 And part of that is because he's, you know, basically promoted candidates and gained control of the Republican establishment apparatus to a much greater degree than he had four years ago, let alone eight years ago when he ran for president the first time, right? So that's part of it. But the other part of it is, even if you're a diehard Republican who is also diehard never Trump, it's pretty clear that you know trump's not the end he might be the beginning but he's not the end of the democrats imposing one party rule through absolutely corrupt elections that that so there's going to be if the defense this goal line stand i think is going to be
Starting point is 01:07:41 stiffer than four years ago is it a good enough goal line stand to think is going to be stiffer than four years ago is it good enough goal line stand to prevent legislative and judicial manipulations that tip the election time will tell well said well said all right let's keep on trucking all right haven't even talked about mailing and have to see ballot manipulation yet this is a hot one it was a real hot one because the pandemic originated from China put us into a zone with mail-in ballots at a level that we've never seen before. And we're not going to see that level again this year. So mail-in FC ballot manipulation is obviously one of the techniques to corrupt. And this is in the ballot distribution and collection period.
Starting point is 01:08:29 We're in that period right now, right? Early voting, FC ballot voting. When they can be, you know, going to be able to count them, that's, you know, underway. Fraudulent ballot applications. We're seeing headlines like this year. Requests were reported in Pennsylvania County. Just days ago, fraudulent ballot request forms reported. Ballot harvesting.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Go and watch Dinesh Sousa's 21. Right. Or 2,000 Mules. You know, how it is. So, you know, obviously obviously ballot harvesting we saw it all the way back 2018 san francisco san francisco getting you know trying to register aliens you know you know to uh you know arizona city council members indicted for ballot harvesting in 2020 election that happened 2022 mishandled invalidated product and or invalid processing right allowing
Starting point is 01:09:28 ballots with missing dates or postmarks to be counted you know we're seeing court cases right now about that in october pennsylvania court ruled updated ballots must be counted alter altering typical validation requirements that's just a week or so ago. In 2022, Nevada Supreme Court upheld counting FC ballots without postmarks. And then when it comes to these mail-in ballots, FC ballots, you have the duplicate or ghost ballots, duplicating them, same voter or ballot sent to deceased individuals, right? It's the way that the dead vote. So that's, you know, everything surrounding mail-in
Starting point is 01:10:11 and absentee ballot manipulation, that was the biggest part last time, and so many people are watching this time. It's going to be an entirely different set of facts that we're dealing with just a week from now, but watch out the spotlight is on it ballot harvesting invalid processing just a fraudulent mail-in ballot we're going to see a lot of news about that and it could result in state certifications
Starting point is 01:10:39 being in question i not i can't imagine that being as as big an issue as 2020 but it's still going to be an issue i think uh although early votings seems to be pushing towards trump a lot more what else you got that you have let's assume you have a you know a you know a preference to cheat to have power right and you have a lot of time on your hands between these elections. You know, wargaming it, planning it, you know, beta testing it, think tanking it, all in secret because it's all criminal activity on how to do it. You know, do it differently four years later, right? Because you don't have the Wuhan red desk to help you this time. I got a feeling that that's been happening.
Starting point is 01:11:30 All right. Technique number four. You ready, Ben? Yep. Voting machine tampering and malfunctions. Pre-election set up and election day. video out on X just within the last 48 hours of people, you know, clicking Trump's name and having machines on camera, on cell phone camera, just flipping the terrorists, right? Obvious, right? Software hardware issues, errors and glitches, they'll call them, right? It'll just be glitches,
Starting point is 01:11:58 Ben. Mercer County, New Jersey, November 2022, all voting machines went down on election day requiring paper ballots. Watch out for that. Watch out for all voting machines went down on election day requiring paper ballots. Watch out for that. Watch out for all the machines going down. That could be cases where people start to chicken out. That could be cases where someone's manipulating machines and somebody else notices and suddenly, oh, the machines aren't working. Throw it all to the paper ballot and have plans like a moment ago, all, you know, absentee ballots or provisional ballots, any kind of ballots where a person didn't come in in person and cast. It kind of, you know, if the voting machine tampering isn't working, some of these, you
Starting point is 01:12:39 know, shift to plan B if you're corrupting the election. If the votes are counted, not all states do this, you know, inside of the machines, you know, data security breaches, leaked passwords, unauthorized access, right? We got examples from Maricopa County. Again, Arizona state secretaries reported that voting machines were compromised during an audit. That was from the Epoch Times. It didn't matter. Congress had already, you know, accepted the electoral vote for Biden, and it was over, right?
Starting point is 01:13:13 By the time, you know, in May of 2021, it was coming out. It didn't matter anymore. October 24, October 2024 this year, voting machine passwords leaked In Colorado By the Secretary of Colorado Secretary of State of Colorado Who also said that The passwords that her operation leaked
Starting point is 01:13:35 Weren't going to matter It was all good So that's where As far as the US Mainstream media took it But the UK Independence article Was actually a little bit more balanced on that. And so right now, Colorado, data security breaches are suspected. Access and compliance issues, refusal to turn over voting machines,
Starting point is 01:13:57 routers, logs for audits, limits the transparency, hinders post-election audits. Of course, that's the whole point. They can't audit them before the states certify their returns in December, right? So all it has to be is run out the clock on that one if we're going to keep with the football metaphor, and the clock will run out on a defense that needed to get the ball back, so to speak. So that's technique number four, summarized by the word dominion and their voting machines. It's really, I think that's the threat that can't be underestimated. Hopefully people aren't.
Starting point is 01:14:42 I feel like this year a lot more people are focusing on illegal aliens aliens which is good because that's a huge threat and it's grown but don't forget about this and other maybe cyber attacks wait wait wait wait who cares about illegal aliens it's any aliens if you don't have u.s citizenship you can't be voting for the people that run my life. I'm a citizen of this country. I'm governed by the vote of my fellow citizens only. It's not just the illegals. Yeah, good point. Permanent residents, green card holders, they have no right to govern here.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Number five, chain of custody violations. This is all after the election. Ballot transportation and storage. We saw suitcases getting pulled out of counting rooms after the observers were kicked out of the ballot counting rooms. Suitcases full of ballots being, you know, in Fulton County, Georgia in 2020, Philadelphia in 2020. Ballots reported kept in unintended suitcases at a polling station. Town Hall is a source. October of this year in Florida, a box of ballots reportedly fell off a truck on a Florida turn bike was later recovered so there you go once the ballots are cast the local polling stations report their totals they use machines frequently to do that and then the actual cast ballots go
Starting point is 01:16:19 places in the in the potential for a recount in years where there's no recount, that the margin was, you know, no one disputes it. You know, I don't know what the records-keeping laws are. It's going to vary state by state. But for that period of time where a recount might be, before it's even known if it's necessary, where are the ballots going? How are they being stored? And how are they being corrupted and how are they being corrupted and
Starting point is 01:16:46 messed with what's getting added to them what's going who's going in there and counting and ripping up ballots making them disappear right that's all part of this tech you know one of the six techniques to corrupt an election goes right back to what stalin said doesn't matter you know what the vote was doesn't matter what the vote was. It doesn't matter who's counting the vote. Well said. I mean, it's all old news to me, but that doesn't mean we should have a blind spot to it at all, almost complacent to it.
Starting point is 01:17:19 So it's worth going through it all. Well, the question is, we that we saw this in Philadelphia, truck in Florida, Fulton County in 2020, DeKalb County, Georgia, by March of 2021, chain of custody records for absentee ballots were just straight up missing.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Like after the fact, there weren't any records that any court could look at, right? How's that going to go this time? That's where I think there's going to be some evolution. That's where I think the legal defense is going to do things that the offense is going to have to cope with. They're going to have to cope with the scrutiny
Starting point is 01:18:02 that wasn't there four years ago. That's almost the only hope. I think it's a big notch for preventing this fraud, but without that, it'll happen again for sure. So it's kind of like the hinge. Everything on the margin makes a huge difference. So let's recap the first five techniques, starting from how long before the election they happened, through the election, to the techniques that happened at and after the election. We've got voter registration corruption, legislative and judicial manipulations to enable predominantly the registration corruption, but other things.
Starting point is 01:18:46 That all happens before the election. The mail-in and absentee ballot manipulation, that's happening now. That's happening before the election because you're able to cast them. There's deadlines to cast them, so do votes count? Do they not count? How do you pad the numbers? Oh, by the way, some states count now. They're counting right now.
Starting point is 01:19:06 They're reporting totals of these mail-in and early vote, early in-person voting now. Other states don't. So the terrain isn't even. Cheating this system is a state-by-state operation. The voting machines tampering with those, that's number four. Number five, after all that, especially with the paper ballots, the chain of custody. But even in the data for the electronic votes, the chain of custody, those are the first five. Now, what kind of is the capstone, the backup, the unifying technique to corrupt elections for those first five main categories is going to be obstruction of oversight and audit spend. This is election day going all the way forward to the state certification of the vote in December.
Starting point is 01:20:00 Restriction of observer access. We saw it in Philadelphia in 2020. Republican poll watchers denied entry. We saw it in Philadelphia in 2020. Republican poll watchers denied entry. We saw it in Detroit in 2020. Observers barred from accessing the Detroit Adjacency Ballot Counting Center. I think in one video they taped up the windows, the glass windows, so no cameras could look inside. So restricting the observers.
Starting point is 01:20:24 That, I think, the defense is ready to fight back on with lawsuits. Like, you know, they're probably prepared now to drop a lawsuit in any of these blue cities. This is where you really see that happen in battleground states. Audit resistance. Officials refuse to comply with audit or recount requests, withhold necessary equipment, hinder transparency. We saw this in Maricopa County. The audit resistance technique, sub-technique of obstructing oversight and audits, that was pretty much the poster child for that is what happened in Maricopa County in 2020. You know, the poster child for that is what happened in Maricopa County in 2020.
Starting point is 01:21:06 And then inconsistent recounts. Going all the way back to the hanging chads of year 2000 in Florida. Discrepancies between initial counts and recounts. You know, that all lends itself for obstruction of, you know, the true vote, right? We're trying to true the vote. This is the place where, you know, this is the final six technique, untrue the vote would be what you call it. Large-scale hand recount in Georgia
Starting point is 01:21:33 revealed vote discrepancies compared to initial counts in November of 2020 in Georgia. So, you know, expect recounts. It's part of our system now for as long as we have this sort of, you know, knife's edge balance of power between the parties. So, you know, that was a structured sequence, Penn, of how corruption techniques span the entire election process from early voter registration to legislative adjustments on election day, you know, with the machine concerns, the post-election audit resistance. Those are the six main categories that, you know,
Starting point is 01:22:11 we've been able to really distill using future dangers, archive headline, you know, headline archive. And we didn't have that. We didn't have that analysis four years ago, but we do today. And if you've been on the outside looking in and didn't really pay attention before, this rundown, this far into Patriot Power Hour special episode, election special 2024, should be able to bring you up to speed on where this country's at. Yeah, we've been on air about, what, one hour, 22 minutes,
Starting point is 01:22:46 and it's been action-packed. Tons of information, tons of review of what occurred in the past and what could occur in the future. I think you're not getting this level and depth of information in such
Starting point is 01:23:02 a short period. Almost nowhere. And no ads, by the way. But I will say, be sure to support Prepper Broadcast and Network, So there's the ad. But it's been an awesome special so far. I know we got a little bit more to go for. Why don't you go ahead and bring us home?
Starting point is 01:23:24 Yeah, let's do the third segment that we announced up front, which is, you know, taking it to the next level, Ben. Like looking at, you know, the what-ifs along the way. So I went through that, you know, timeline of our election system. State certification of votes is critical. I want to, you know to round out the show by talking about espionage on perhaps historic, unprecedented scale committed against the United States of America. I want to talk about that last.
Starting point is 01:23:59 Before we do, as we do on most patriot powers, we try to be multidimensional and think about things in terms of their second and third order effects. topics that you've hit upon a little bit along the way tonight, which is potential for false flags in this period between now and January 6, 2025, and how economics could come into play if there really is a they, a new world order, or enough of the moneyed elite that act in a way that gives rise to those, you know, kind of, you know, catch-all terms, and the they want to undo a clear Trump victory, what are you looking out for that would give you early warning that we're getting into a crisis of a level that would affect your prepping plans, perhaps? I'll take the terror attacks first off or any assassination, etc. And it doesn't necessarily have to be against Trump either.
Starting point is 01:25:21 It had to be against Trump either. It could be against the state legislature or even just civilian attacks against schools or Oklahoma City on another level. So hopefully that doesn't happen, but I'm always looking out for that around an election. I was in 2020 and I think it's even more likely now after what we saw in Pennsylvania with Trump nearly being assassinated. I mean, I always have to remind myself, literally, an inch would have changed everything. Who knows what kind of chaos we would be in right now if Trump had been killed a few months ago. So no reason not to think a terror attack and or assassination or other black swan. If you want to go into the economic point of view, first off, if one of those terror attacks or black swans occurs, economically, certainly we'll hold it hostage. And the bailouts and the banksters will always be ones who benefit. So if you are focused on who benefits,
Starting point is 01:26:31 always be looking at the money elite on Wall Street and in London and a few other places in the world. Now, if they can't come up like if this goes beyond december goes beyond january let's say for whatever reason they're not able to come up with a president and they are and the speaker of the house kind of by default does becomes the president i expect that would cause so much uncertainty and and just overall issues in the market normally that you'd certainly see a recession coming from that. But anything worse than that uncertainty that hopefully would be solved down the road, anything worse than that, oh yeah. It's already a house of cards
Starting point is 01:27:20 financially. It's already looking to mathematically fall apart and we've already said if trump wins they're gonna hoover him so if if it's indeterminate or trump advance or take it out somehow any of those permutations we've talked about in the last hour and a half besides a clear cut victory for trump could you know result in some pretty bad uh economic waves down the line. And as I've said, they're going to cut rates to zero and do another massive round of bailouts. I suspect that'll happen no matter what, but it'll really have to happen sooner if things really get sideways here. So you just made me realize
Starting point is 01:28:04 that there could be a Trump hoovering attempt. You've heard of the Trump assassination attempts. Well, this would be an assassination of his historic credibility with an eye towards long term power, right? the moneyed elites, the anti-Republican small r, anti-Democratic small d, anti-U.S. constitutional framework moneyed elite, they might have two chances to do this. And whether they have the nerve to attempt a Trump hoovering 1.0 is what we're looking at in the next two months, two and a half months.
Starting point is 01:28:50 If Trump wins by, has on the trajectory for a clear or a clear win with a very, very, very thin margin. And there are court cases out there that could undo that very narrow win.
Starting point is 01:29:12 Let's say he comes in with 272 electoral votes, and there's a bunch of court cases by the Harris campaign to try to undo that and flip at least one state to her. campaign to try to undo that and flip at least one state to her. Hoovering Trump, in other words, bringing about the banks simultaneously collapsing, the economy going into free fall, the Ponzi scheme, as you called it earlier, the House of Cards, all falling down during that period could be done with essentially a terroristic intent to terrorize members of Congress, newly elected members of Congress, to go sit in the joint session on January 6th and potentially in a contingent election, assuming that there's no majority clear winner for some reason at that point. Swing the soft middle rhino Republicans that the Democrat power in Congress has been barely interrupted besides the Gingrich Revolution and a few other times.
Starting point is 01:30:32 It's essentially been controlled by a Democrat party. Would they count on rhino Republicans, squishy middle Republicans, who, by the way, Ben, will have just been elected to either two or six-year terms, if it's a matter of the Senate, but two for the voters in the House for the president, swing enough of those state delegations in a contingent election, would economic and or terrorism, whether financial or physical, be about to occur in order to win a contingent election for at least that portion of the money to lead that's got the nerve to do this,
Starting point is 01:31:16 the supposed NWO. I guess they're calculating this right now. I think they don't even have an answer really, and it's kind of layered. They had to have decided at some point, though, that Biden didn't have a chance, so they were going to throw Harris in there, hoping for the best.
Starting point is 01:31:41 Harris looks like it's going to be a loss, but as we've discussed all day, it's a long trip. It's not going to be all resolved on election night or the day after. A lot of key dates in late November all the way through December, all the way through January 6th again, all the way through inauguration, and even beyond potentially outlined a lot of that. Now, foreign interference. I know that's kind of where you wanted to cap this off on.
Starting point is 01:32:13 What's your thoughts? Yeah, I want to get to, I want to get to the who, uh, Trump hoovering 2.0 is, is actually, you know, they, they could, they could attempt to do it now, and they might collapse everything, and they may fail, and he still arrives in a presidency where now he would be able to pass bills through Congress with the panic of the new Congress that it might not otherwise have. So hoovering him this November, December could backfire in their faces. So if they don't have the nerve to do it and they don't see a way to do it in a way that would bring up, you know, surely bring about their results. I think they keep their powder dry. And I think in the final six months of Trump's second term, just like the end of George W. Bush's term, you're going to see the freefall. You're going to see the freefall with the hopes of bringing in a
Starting point is 01:33:14 Democrat president in 2028 that can be the next FDR and rebuild us in Obama's image. And so a hoovering of Trump, I'm'm making the call i'm saying there's a high probability the only question is is it you know a 1.0 this year to affect an election and hand up panicked congress with a economy falling apart into the hands of kamala harris next year or is it going to be just postponed four years? At this point, I'm pretty sure they do almost everything except for nuke D.C. on Inauguration Day, pretty much anything except that to stop Trump getting in.
Starting point is 01:33:58 I think he would do so much damage, they absolutely don't want to have to wait until a few more years into his plan. But they are looking long-term. They look decades down the road, not just years or months or election cycles. And I'm sure they have that in their calculus. But I feel like it's a lot more likely they're going to pull almost everything that they can to prevent him from getting in there, even if it ruins their already ruined credibility when it comes out in March of 2025 or April or a year later, and it's amplified and even
Starting point is 01:34:34 more damning than what we saw after 2021. I feel like they're pretty darn desperate. We'll see, though. I guess that's what we'll be reporting on here live. They're not immune to the law. They're not immune to a President Trump's administration. Doesn't matter how many billions they got if they lived the rest of their life in a jail cell. And not all of them are necessarily on board with this.
Starting point is 01:35:03 All of them are necessarily on board with this. And lastly, they were talking about the money. They don't have their own nuclear weapons. I'm pretty sure of that. So it's us against them. They are not omnipotent, right? They are not undefeatable. They can be stopped. stopped and whether they have the nerve to basically simultaneously collapse the banks,
Starting point is 01:35:33 to panic the newly elected Congress, whether they got the nerve to do that, you've got to admit it wouldn't be hard for them. That's the power they got. They can hit the kill switch on the banking system. Some of these CDOs and derivatives that are rotten to the core and the whole mark-to-mark conversation about admitting that they're rotten to the core, all it has to be is a little bit of transparency and truth-telling, and that whole thing could slide apart, come apart at the seams. And I don't believe that they haven't thought about this.
Starting point is 01:36:01 Like, if you're already multi-multi-multi-billionaire, you can maneuver your money to make money if that happens, right? Sure. I'm worried about that contingency this year. Alright. I think that's really all I had. Any other thoughts before we get off
Starting point is 01:36:20 this special? Of course, we will be live next week, the day after the election on Patriot Power Hour. But for this pre-election special 2024, any final topics or thoughts? Yeah. Yeah, capstone. A real theory that I'd like to put out there for your consideration. Go for it.
Starting point is 01:36:43 And I've been to that this before, but now I finally laid out my thoughts and done some analysis. If a foreign adversary's intelligence service were attempt to influence or corrupt the 2024 U S election, I want to bring you Ben some, how they might leverage the vulnerabilities that we talked about, those six techniques to corrupt an election, to enable it, to be a force multiplier, to enable Democrats in the United States to do it.
Starting point is 01:37:16 You ready? Yep, let's go. All right. Infiltrate the voter rolls. Gain access to voter registration databases. An intelligence service can manipulate the records. That's really in the zone of, we think, in cyber attack, but it might not be. It could be on-the-ground actors, right?
Starting point is 01:37:36 Don't forget the amount of military-age men from China entering this country illegally this past two years. Exploiting ID verification loopholes, foreign operatives might exploit states with weak ID or proof of citizen requirements, systematically create or falsify documentation, or help Democrats do it themselves. Intelligence services could sow confusion
Starting point is 01:38:01 and promote delays in the voting rolls being updated. Sow confusion by flooding voter registration systems with invalid applications and covertly supporting, you know, paying basically for lawsuits to block voter roll maintenance. basically, for lawsuits to block voter roll maintenance. That's how they would help target the registration technique we talked about earlier. Technique number two, manipulating the judicial and legislation process. Funding or influencing lobbying efforts, right? You know, funneling resources to legal challenges, right? Again,
Starting point is 01:38:47 supporting candidates or officials are favorable to less secure rules. We think that the evidence continues to come out from Swalwell in Congress to Walz's, allegations of Walz's connections with the Communist Party of China
Starting point is 01:39:03 and many others in the Democrat Party. Foreign actors, Chinese intelligence, covertly funding and supporting these candidates, these politicians. It's pretty clear that's happening. That's how they do it. And introducing propaganda for confusion, different disinformation campaigns,
Starting point is 01:39:24 targeting public opinion, media narratives. China probably has office building after office building full of select very intelligent people who are basically think tanks that can communicate through the discreetest of means to their allies in the United States to maintain power. Technique three, mail-in absentee ballot manipulation. Intelligence services could use stolen identities, synthetic identities, request large volumes of absentee ballots.
Starting point is 01:40:00 These are not things that they have to get an American know, an American Democrat surrogate to do. They can do it themselves. Yeah. Funding and organizing ballot harvesting networks. Undermining ballot security protocols by, you know, promoting or litigating for fewer ballot security requirements. You know, just, you know, allowing ballots without dates and signatures. This is all stuff that could be well-planned and well-thought-out with additional brainpower from Asia. Technique four, tampering with voting machines. This is straight-up just Chinese cyber attack, right?
Starting point is 01:40:38 And, of course, we always hear about what the Russians are trying to do in this domain, which I think is clearly part of a well-thought-out information plan, information operation to blame it on Russia while you're doing it, something that I'm certain would be on the minds of the Chinese. In fact, I think any news report you ever hear about how China and Russia are combining forces and their fleets doing exercises together is all propaganda that the Chinese can use to point to this idea that they couldn't be behind pushing the narrative that Russia interferes in our elections. They want to interfere with our elections, and they want their surrogates, the Democrats, to blame the other superpower besides us on Earth that they share a border with. I'm not an adherent of the idea that those two countries could ever ally in an effective way against us. China views Russia as much of an enemy as we do. Disrupting the chain of custody for ballots,
Starting point is 01:41:53 right? An intelligence service might coordinate with insiders, use physical disruptions, stolen ballot boxes, right? Forging documentation, tampering with ballots. This is something that, again, the cadre, the military age Chinese men that enter the country might be here for distributing counterfeit ballots, obfuscating documentation, you know, bribing or coercing election officials to mishandle or misplace, you know, critical chain of custody documents, right? So there's a carrot and a stick. You know, there's plenty of Democrats who want to do this kind of corruption under this theory, but there's also a lot of Chinese that could, you know, covertly step in and help make it happen. And then obstructing oversight and audits, it's the same thing. You know, intelligent operatives, you know, would have cultivated local influence, and that would be very targeted into the key battleground states, you know.
Starting point is 01:42:52 And you talked earlier about assassinations of not just candidates, but what about all the state election officials, someone who witnessed something that they could immediately bring forward as evidence in court, you know, they end up in the river somewhere, you know, in November, right? Something that, you know, the wet work, the dirty work, something that, you know, the corruptors, the domestic corruptors of our election don't have the stomach for or would prefer to outsource. Well, that would be just one more way to offshore something from the United States. Coordinating with insiders to resist audits, well-placed network of local content, contacts. You know, they're going to find sympathetic officials and make them more sympathetic. That much I know. And, you know, a foreign adversary might also, you know, use legal
Starting point is 01:43:53 resources to launch or support lawsuits all covertly, you know, all the way through the, you know, the legal challenge phase of the six techniques. I think that is happening in the United States of America, Ben. That's where I was going to go with it. I think all of that and pretty much all the attacks that we're talking about this whole show are happening. It's just to what degree and how much can it influence the election and how much will we catch in time to make a difference if if we can so that's the that's the battlefield ahead i guess
Starting point is 01:44:31 so the question is who's gonna stop this and before you answer that question, I'll say that it comes from two sources. And the hashtag and the slogan Trump has campaigned on is too big to rig. That's the chief and most
Starting point is 01:45:00 constitutional method to defeat this is to have the margin of victory so great that none of this matters anymore. Because there is some margin upon which even the Chinese intelligence operation to corrupt our elections couldn't overcome. Right. about it, I might look at it as less big picture. You're going to say, well, why isn't the FBI going to do something about this? The FBI's role and responsibility is to counter espionage in the United States of America.
Starting point is 01:45:42 And I think that leads us to a conversation of what to be looking for this year. What to be looking for that would validate this theory, proof of this theory, Ben. What are some signs, at least from the DOJ point of view, what do you think? So if this was the case and we have basically a Chinese operation to maintain control of the United States with one party that it knows it can dominate and exploit in power to prevent an administration that will bring about tariffs that will actually demolish that state-run economic facade of a capitalistic system, which is China, you would see, and if DOJ and FBI are corrupted at a level sufficient enough by Chinese intelligence to neutralize the FBI, to prevent it from doing its role in seeking out these networks that would be aiding the Democrats in power.
Starting point is 01:47:11 The DOJ, specifically the FBI, using their influence to discourage or outright block state-level audits and investigations into voter registration rules. Under the guise of protecting voter privacy and minority rights, the DOJ could advise state officials to withhold data on registered voters who may be non-citizens, blocking verification efforts. Remember, they just have to run out the clock. They don't care if that all comes to light in February next year. It just has to be until state certifications. The DOJ could advise states that are attempting an audit or recount that they may be, you know, what they're doing might constitute a violation of civil rights, particularly in urban areas where the votes are heavily cast for Harris. DOJ may threaten lawsuits, probably will do lawsuits against states that try to audit certain precincts, citing racial discrimination. Expect that.
Starting point is 01:48:01 citing racial discrimination. Expect that. Deterring state legislatures from contested results. DOJ can remind state legislators and election officials that questioning certified results could result in federal investigations into interference in the federal election, creating a chilling effect, right? So intimidating tactics by the FBI. Very, very much a neo-Gustapo approach, which I think we have seen ample evidence of in the last four years, if not eight years. Control over the mail and ballot
Starting point is 01:48:34 fraud investigations. The FBI could advise state and local authorities to avoid unnecessary reviews, unnecessary reviews, and it could use its national security authority to frame such actions as potential threats to election integrity. FBI might also downplay reports of ballot irregularities, dismissing them as isolated events or the result of human error. We already saw that. We're going to see it again. Discouraging chain of command investigations. So this always comes to the DOJ with the FBI as the dogs that they release upon local authorities, coming down, intimidating, pressuring to go in there and claim. And perversely, they're going to go to those officials and complain that them examining the chain of custody logs could amount to intimidating local election workers and undermining public confidence. That's how they'll approach it.
Starting point is 01:49:37 Yes. But they're, in fact, doing what they're saying they're trying to prevent, right? I've seen a lot of that probably last cycle, but especially this cycle, I've seen a lot of just framing it that it's a threat to democracy to review the voter registration and make sure it's accurate. Like we're total doublespeak,
Starting point is 01:50:03 and that's what you're talking about. Yep. On technique four with the voting machines fbi could delay or deny requests to inspect voting machines under federal uh they might seize the machine they might just go and take the machines and then say well they're a subject of investigation now, and then just slow roll it and say, you know, Biden might actually order, you know, this is a national security issue. FBI is going to seize the machines. And then, you know, non-federal auditors never get to have that information. And meanwhile, they're going to promote a narrative of machine security, right? FBI's going to come out there and say it was all on the up and up. There were no problems with any voting machines. Nothing to see here. We watch for those headlines.
Starting point is 01:50:57 Technique five, interviewing with the ballot chain of custody. FBI could work with sympathetic state officials to stall or block audits. They might argue that investigating the chain of custody would, you know, again, intimidate poll workers, discouraging, just basically discouraging the local officials. And one of the most, you know, incipient powers that they have would be just they're going to ignore whistleblower complaints. If poll workers or other election officials report corruption, the FBI and DOJ, they're going to be on the job to do nothing about it in the next few months. Watch for those headlines.
Starting point is 01:51:36 And finally, suppressing oversight and preventing audits, threatening legal consequences for state-level audit attempts, DOJ could issue warnings that post-election audits of Harris votes may be seen as, you know, election interference again, and try to just, you know, do whatever they can to stifle transparency. So the DOJ and the FBI stepping in into this role this year is going to do nothing but expose the farce of a politically neutral federal law enforcement department and agency and blocking and restricting access to security resources and evidence. to security resources and evidence, that is what I predict this year. We're going to see headlines that we didn't see four years ago.
Starting point is 01:52:33 That's what's going to be different then is there are enough people aware of this, and hopefully for the humble, small, but growing Patriot Power and Prepper Broadcasting Network audience getting the word out and connecting the dots. If China had influence over the DOJ and FBI, and these agencies could engage in a combination of legal pressure, selective enforcement, suppression of oversight, and public messaging strategies to obstruct state led efforts to investigate or contest the election results. I see it coming. Great stuff. Great stuff.
Starting point is 01:53:15 All right. Well, we're going to be live on Wednesday, the day after the election. We're going to be live every Wednesday thereafter, and maybe even more than once a week. live every Wednesday thereafter and maybe even more than once a week. We'll be following this whether it's a simple win by Trump in a landslide or
Starting point is 01:53:31 something else. All the way through, we'll be there at Patriot Power Hour a future day. I really enjoyed putting the time in to actually do pre-show prep for Patriot Power Hour. We're pretty much an ad hoc weekly radio show podcast. But stepping back and doing the analysis, which I know you did in the past, I really appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:53:59 I hope projections for this year by my pre-show preparation serve us well. Let's bring it home to the Prepper Broadcasting Network. What does this mean? Besides just being a big, big warning sign that America's
Starting point is 01:54:20 superpower status is definitely being contested and our elections are not safe and sound and have integrity any longer. That city on the hill that Reagan spoke about, the shining light to Western civilization for democracy with a small d, actual democracy, representative government, is on the decline. As Trump has said many, many times, this is a big, big turning point. We won't have a country left if he doesn't win is the way he's phrasing it. He's keeping it simple. I think in sort of a summation of this election episode, I'm not sure I'm going to go that stark. It could be the end of his political career,
Starting point is 01:55:06 but it's not the end of our patriot movement effort to restore, to regain what we once had. Tonight's show is our attempt to speak out and do that, and I've enjoyed doing it with you, Ben. Same here, same here. Hey, at least we're ferreting out the bad guys. They're having to expose themselves, win or lose. Trump's done a hell of a good job of recon by fire, literally and figuratively.
Starting point is 01:55:35 All right, future Dan, have a good night. We'll talk next week, all right? Going on air the night after the election, right, Ben? Yes, sir. Wednesday, the 6th, we'll be live. And PBN's going to have specials on Monday night as well as Tuesday night. So, I mean, just tune in every single day, whether you can live or get the archive. There's going to be tons of good content out there.
Starting point is 01:56:04 We'll be there.

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