The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Patriot Power Hour Special Report - Attempted Assassination of Trump

Episode Date: July 15, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 The final battle with you at my side, we will demolish the deep state. We will expel the warmongers from our government. We will drive out the globalists. We will cast out the communists, Marxists and fascists. We will throw off the sick political class that hates our country. We will rout the fake news media and we will liberate America from these villains once and for all. Patriot Power Hour special report July 14th, 2024. It's been about 24 hours since Trump
Starting point is 00:00:42 was shot in the ear. damn close to a headshot ben the breaker bankster's here with future dan yeah i think we've done what one special off-cycle report ever in the history of patriot power that being the wall street crash of march 2020 this is the second one it's just as serious news. Potentially could have been bigger. I mean, well, I've been watching mainstream media only for research of what they're saying, and it's relatively poo-pooed. I mean, they can't totally ignore it, of course.
Starting point is 00:01:19 But if that bullet was half an inch different, it would have been a whole different game. So we've been talking a little bit about Trump assassination attempts and other thoughts about this. But what was your first take? Or actually within this first 24 hours, do you think this was just a failure of security or something more nefarious? Was just a failure of security or something more nefarious? Can we do that after we read the headlines of the two indicators? Candidate assassinated.
Starting point is 00:01:58 It didn't happen, so it's not grade one, but it's grade two red, as close as it gets to grade one, as well as false flags exposed, which are carrying it at grade three. There are signs of potential of false flags. Got a lot of headlines, Ben, all within the last 24 hours. So we're not going to do our normal news blitz on the second part of the show. We're actually just going to run right through it right now, I think is what we should do. So under the false flag exposed, many, many articles. on the second part of the show. We're actually just going to run right through it right now, I think is what we should do. So under the false flag exposed, many, many articles. There's many articles under this,
Starting point is 00:02:34 as there have been in the last three episodes of Patriot Power Hour combined, I would expect. But I'm going to go as quick as I can. Here we go. Witness outside Trump rally says he saw a shooter crawling up the roof with a rifle. Nearby police ignored that. Witnesses screamed for three minutes at police and secret service witness reports another witness reported gunmen to the police before trump was shot these witnesses are even on cnn by the way there's not just articles
Starting point is 00:02:58 about this so it's pretty well known congress moves to investigate attempted trump assassination witnesses frantically tried to warn police rifle carrying sniper in fact the secret service snipers appear to detect suspect moments before shots were fired at trump some footage even shows they might have been looking down scope on the shooter for many seconds prior to the shot, where they told not to take a shot. We'll talk about that. Thomas Matthew Crooks, the shooter. We'll see if a manifesto comes through. There is a video. Massive Secret Service failure led to nearly successful assassination of Trump?
Starting point is 00:03:40 It was obviously a failure. It just wasn't on purpose is the question, in my opinion. Navy SEAL and blackwater founder want to know if this is malice or massive incompetence sort of what i've asked and a couple more local cop encountered gum and just before he shot trump at rally this is something i learned just a few hours ago apparently a local cop came darn near face to face scope to scope with this guy just before it happened. Maybe that was enough to distract or hurry the shooter enough, where the shot was not accurate enough.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Who knows? But apparently a local cop was actually almost stopped this person just before. FBI says shooter acted alone with his father's AR, so we can pretty much say it's the exact opposite of that. Political candidate assassinated. Assassination of Trump attempted at Pennsylvania rally. Incredible images and audio all around of Trump after he was shot. Fist in the air.
Starting point is 00:04:41 American flag behind him. Stands tall, shouts, fight, fight, fight to the air. America flag behind him. Stands tall, shouts, fight, fight, fight to the crowd. That was definitely goose bump invoking. He was bleeding, rushed off the stage. Not only did his ear hit the very top part as close as he could possibly to the head.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Every millimeter counts. That looks like most of the articles there featured Danny. Yeah. All within 24 hours took the uh there's one other headline under news censorship took mainstream media about eight hours for the fbi to state that it was an attempted assassination attempt before that they use any term possible to avoid using the word attempted assassination or assassination. So the news censorship is full bore tonight.
Starting point is 00:05:32 And I think I got a hypothesis how this is possible. Let's go with it. All right. But if we're going to do this, it's structured, right? So without getting too far past the part of the hypothesis I'm talking about, bear with me. And after I've kind of diagrammed what I think is possible, let's tear it apart. Let's explore it. Because it's a hypothesis.
Starting point is 00:06:07 It needs to be tested. How does that sound? Deal. So we'll go kind of set up the whole structure, the whole description of the experiment before we start to actually work through it. Yeah. So this is conspiracy analysis. And when we joined Prepper Broadcasting Network,
Starting point is 00:06:26 had a conversation with the intrepid commander, and he said, you know, he's not going to control the content of Patriot Power Hour. We're free to talk about what we will. But we kind of had words about, you know, what conspiracy talk radio sounds like and where there's a line where it's not going to enhance listenership of Prepper Broadcasting Network. And I think we're on the right side of that line having broadcasted now for over two years with James and team. So grateful for that opportunity.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Four and a half almost. So I'm going to do some conspiracy analysis, right? And so, we've seen a movie a lot like yesterday, and it was 1963, right? And Oswald. So, a lot of this isn't new, right? The construct of a conspiracy, the anatomy of a conspiracy is what I want to talk about. And I think there's some echoes to 1963. Or 68 with RFK.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Yeah, both of them. Sirhan, Sirhan. So, okay. Imagine an organization chart, Ben, of this conspiracy. an organization chart then of this conspiracy. And my hypothesis is it takes two conspirators, two direct conspirators. That's it. That's all it takes.
Starting point is 00:07:58 But they're the second layer. And there's a layer above them or behind them. Okay? So the conspirators are there. Let's call it the C layer, right? And I'm saying this is two conspirators. You could have another model. You could argue one or three or more. I'm going with two tonight.
Starting point is 00:08:27 In the layer above and behind, the C layer, would be what I call the S lair. The sponsors. The suggestors. People that stay secret. People that have no direct knowledge. The people that contemplated how something like this could be pulled off in dark corners, in uned locations for time immemorial, just plotting to kill your political opponent, right? So the S-Lair could be equivalent to, if you want to make it really simple, the Deep State, New World Order, Bilderberg Group, go on and on and on,
Starting point is 00:09:03 whatever that, the Mons did it right whatever so the s-layer okay someone in multiple actors could be in the s-layer and over time have influenced the c-layer the two conspirators right direct and indirect all indirect all tacit. Nothing recorded, nothing goes back, right? Right. So it's kind of by osmosis, the C-layer, two individuals with the right position and power
Starting point is 00:09:37 and knowledge and evilness could do this conspiracy, okay? So you got the S layer. It's also a compartment. It's compartmentalized. It's protected. The C layer, it's a compartment, and there's two members of it that know perfectly well what each one's going to do,
Starting point is 00:09:57 and they're cooperating. And then underneath the conspirators, conspirator A, A in this case will stand for active. And then conspirator P, let's call it conspirator P, passive. So there's the active side and the passive side, and they've got very distinct roles. the active side, one layer below, you got the marks, the fall guys, the patsies, the stooges, the, you know, useful idiots. We'll call them M layer for mark, right? So the conspirators got their marks.
Starting point is 00:10:37 So on the active side, I think in this case yesterday, there's two marks. But you could be able to make the argument by a week from now to me that's only one and maybe I'll come to agree with that. It's too early to tell. And I'll explain what I mean when we talk about the details. Right now, I'm just talking about the model. Right? So, conspirator active, spirit A, has two marks okay one mark is the shooter the shooter is dead and the other mark is the shooter who's a patsy and they're
Starting point is 00:11:17 also dead right now so I'll explain what I mean there what I'm seeing on social media it leaves me to think that in this model, two conspirators, but on the active side, two marks. And then on the passive side, the conspirator on the passive side has mark three, the third mark. So this is two conspirators and three marks, two active marks and one passive mark. marks, two active marks, one passive mark.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Now, mark three is probably in the Secret Service, right? And they're responsible for security, and they're going to be the fall person for what, for all intents and purposes, was a let it happen on purpose false flag. Okay? So we've got three marks. And the active conspirator would come from a background that, you know, sought out and developed agents, marks, people they could handle,
Starting point is 00:12:20 assets that they could get to do things, right? Classic intelligence operations, right? Which could be FBI, CIA. Go ahead with any three-letter agency you want, but that person probably would have to have a skill set in that arena. And on the passive side, the conspirator is somewhere
Starting point is 00:12:44 in Department of Homeland Security or, again, in the Secret Service. So Mark III, who would be responsible for the site and making sure that building was secure
Starting point is 00:13:00 and that couldn't happen, that's about to be the person that Congress finds out about, and they're not going to look very good. Below Mark 3, you've got the Secret Service agents that were there in Butler County and the Pennsylvania State Police. So imagine under Mark 3 there's sort of a web of chain of command between two agencies. And think about all the nodes in that network that encompassed all the individuals
Starting point is 00:13:34 responsible for the security yesterday. What I think you're seeing on the passive side of the conspiracy is this opportunity to put incompetent people, as many as possible, in as close surroundings to the situation as possible. Because the entire conspiracy probably doesn't operate on a black, white, binary, go, no-go kind of standard. It probably operates more on a let's increase the probability of a gap in the defenses while simultaneously running a wind-up psycho to climb a roof and take the shots. And then if the two conspirators are successful, the conditions are set where they pull it off. Okay? So underneath Mark III,
Starting point is 00:14:34 someone responsible for that oversight and security, you get down into the police snipers. It could have been Pennsylvania State Police or Secret Service Police, but I watched video of one definitely was looking at targets before Trump stopped speaking. So we know the first shots hadn't been fired. And then they react very strangely. There's going to be explanations for that later.
Starting point is 00:15:00 But it didn't look like competent counter-sniping activity from my point of view. And then it goes to the local police officer who went to the roof and ducked his head up the ladder, got a rifle pointed at him and said, I'm out of here. Okay? So Mark III was picked because of weaponized incompetence. The ability to put a structure in place underneath them that greatly increased the opportunity for this to happen. Now, going back to the active side, Ben,
Starting point is 00:15:36 Mark I versus Mark II. Right now, most people are being led to believe that there's just one Mark I, and that's the 20-year-old by the last name Crooks, who the FBI announced last night. But there is a lot of Internet traffic right now with photos. And again, I don't know the origin of the photo of the dead shooter. But if you've seen it, it seems like he got shot in the mouth. shooter. But if you've seen it, it seems like he got shot in the mouth. People put his picture side by side with a character named Maxwell Yerrick. Yerrick. Known anti-fah, arrested and
Starting point is 00:16:14 convicted for attacking police in a previous Trump rally in Pennsylvania. And the pictures are spitting images. I just don't know the providence of the picture. But it's on a roof, and it came out immediately afterwards. And we don't even know what other videos are coming out or who else is sitting on information on their phones. If they're smart, they're probably not sharing it with the FBI, right? So you got the dead on-site shooter. Maybe it was Crooks, but it could have been Yerrick.
Starting point is 00:16:51 And if it was, Yerrick's Mark I. He's dead on-site. And now it's going to invite the question of who has control of the body and the coroner, and do they do a switcheroo? Can anybody get detected? Can the conspirator on the active side control that situation? Maybe they can. And then, Mark, too, I think if the pictures are correct,
Starting point is 00:17:19 and you've got to look at the analysis. This Yurik guy's face looks exactly like the body on the roof, if that picture's correct. So it doesn't look like Crooks. It looks like Yurik guy's face looks exactly like the body on the roof, if that picture's correct. So it doesn't look like Crooks. It looks like Yurik. Blood on the face, shot in the mouth. I mean, it doesn't look like Crooks. So if there's a Mark II, that's Crooks.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Crooks was identified somewhere along the lines as who could be made into the announced perpetrator of the attack. Registered Republican fits with narratives. Having been in a BlackRock commercial might really set people off, especially financially aware people as yourself. And that could be part of the plan don't think that that's not he's not selected for for that purpose if he is mark two and so now you get the compartments the s layer the c layer are compartmentalized but the active conspirator has two compartments both of his marks and the passive conspirator has a compartment for containing Mark III, and then Mark III controls the compartment below of all the incompetents that were on site supposedly protecting Trump. That's the hypothesis I got, Ben. That would be a duo that could do a conspiracy like that.
Starting point is 00:18:52 That's pretty impressive. What else seemed fishier off besides the potential two active conspirators with the face, how it looked? I mean, the one thing that I said, and pretty damn obvious, even left-wing nuts on CNN are saying it's crazy that the roof was left open like that, being so close. When I first heard the news, I was like, oh, man, someone took a shot from like 800 yards. Wow, they should not be allowed to do that. But no, it wasn't even 800 feet. It was like 400 or 500 feet. But anyway, any other threads to pull at that seem weird in the story from the very beginning, kind of crystallizing it now before it's forgotten down the road. I just remember with 9-11 and with some school shootings and with COVID,
Starting point is 00:19:29 just the narrative changed. It was lost over time. So that's what this show, a big part of it is for, is establishing this archive. Anything else seem kind of weird or anything else you want to put into your model before we go deeper? The only other loose ends I got is, I think a victim in the crowd,
Starting point is 00:19:50 who was, there was one death and two seriously injured people. One of them, I believe the fatality, was hauled out of those bleachers by what seemed to be, meant to be Pennsylvania State Police, like he was a carcass, like with no real attempt to, you know, transport someone who was injured.
Starting point is 00:20:18 And why move him that fast? I mean, that could be just incompetence, or I don't even know if it's incompetence. Maybe that's their protocol and they have their reasons. But it's weird. But if you go back to the model I just went through, Ben, so people would challenge it, I think, on the Mark III level, like how's that person going to survive the scrutiny now and not rat out their conspirator that controlled them? And my answer to that is they probably have, they're held at risk with, you know, threats
Starting point is 00:20:49 to their family or pension, right? Andrew McCabe looks like the same kind of mid-level bureaucrat, evil enough to, you know, perpetuate that Trump hoax and lie to the FISA court, right? It's going to be somebody like that that only did it because they know they were going to be protected once they pulled this off and their sponsors are later informed. See, conspirators have a little power there. Once they pull it off, they can implicate the sponsors if they choose. So they've got to be, you know, at least they think that they're protected.
Starting point is 00:21:28 But Mark III on the passive side, if enough scrutiny was applied by the House of Representatives in the near future, you know, this might be like Vince Foster kind of stuff, like suicided in a park somewhere. kind of stuff like suicided in a park somewhere i was gonna say that whoever that person or maybe even multiple people they better watch it they could easily be dead if they're not already you know dead already from a home invasion carjacking uh fell off a cliff i don't know there's a lot of people that end up dying for way less reasons than that in the political sphere. It was Arkansas.
Starting point is 00:22:09 If you're around the Clintons, you just happen to die quite often. But, yeah, I'm just glad it didn't kill him because if it did, we'd be having a very different conversation right now. Now, if you go and say, hey, Future Dan, that's too simplistic. It's a bigger conspiracy like that. Bigger groups of conspirators can do this. And then you might start entertaining the possibility of additional layers of conspirators and cutouts, right?
Starting point is 00:22:40 So the two direct conspirators who had the position and authority to get this to happen, they might quietly be killed and we'll never know who they are. So that's an anatomy of a conspiracy like this. And I think after JFK and RFK, there's absolute duty of a patriot to consider all of this. I need to go back and watch some more historical documentaries and accounts of assassinations of political leaders because it comes out who was behind it. A lot of times the person who killed or the assassin or would-be assassin is often killed pretty close thereafter,
Starting point is 00:23:26 but even not, a lot of threads there. So I'm going to ask you for a percentage. You know me, I'm a percentage guy. What's the percent odds that this was just a lone shooter and it was just a messed up mistake by the police? It's above zero, but it's got to be less than a 50% chance. With 150 meters away, direct shot at Trump Trump and the building not secured. I mean, no, there's no way we should sit back and just say that's just gross incompetence.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Right. Exactly. You know, weaponized, weaponized incompetence means someone let that happen on purpose. I think that was lie hop. I think it's screaming lie hop. I think the chance of that's not a lie hop is minimal. That's how I look at it too. And people are talking about we've got to cool down the rhetoric.
Starting point is 00:24:40 And I don't know about that. This might be the time to increase the rhetoric, not calls for violence, but let's call them on their bluff like, hey, we don't believe that this was just some lone gunman and some mistake or even incompetence or even planned incompetence. I like how your model talks about,
Starting point is 00:24:59 yes, there is passive influences and they kind of just set the stage for this to occur and maybe it'll naturally occur. I think that's at the very minimum, and that's definitely true. Just society digressing and following some of these patterns. But I kind of want to get into that conspiratorial lane right now and say they expected Trump to get his head blown off a day or two before the RNC, and now that that's failed, they're either going to totally pull back and say they expected Trump to get his head blown off a day or two before the RNC.
Starting point is 00:25:29 And now that that's failed, they're either going to totally pull back or they're going to bring this up a whole order of magnitude, whether that's a war, economic crash, everything in between. Because I think if you're, and I don't think it's 0% either, I think it's 10% chance that this was a random and just kind of, you know, total incompetence and an asshole kid did it. 10% chance. It's probably less, but let's just say 10%.
Starting point is 00:25:54 With a 90% chance, we need to just be rallying about that, talking about that, and expecting the Empire to strike back. They missed their mark. They're going to have to go for broke because I don't see them backing off. Yeah, but the problem with the they pronoun
Starting point is 00:26:11 is are you talking about another pair of conspirators who are positioned and able to do this again? I don't think the two conspirators who failed yesterday, if it's a two-person conspiracy, which I think it could be, they're not in position to do this again soon. So what other days are you talking about? Or, you know, you could just escalate it up to the sponsor layer every time. Sure. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Yeah. Those nefarious powers, secret hidden powers want this to happen. But it's got to come down into actors. It has to come down to the sea layer. So if that happens again in a matter of weeks, then the infiltration and the group think of very evil people in our government, they've gone insane. You know, that's Caligula. they've gone insane you know they you know that's caligula um speaking of which we just jumped on the air right after biden spoke or rambled about unity etc and i'm not entirely
Starting point is 00:27:15 certain that you know if you're going to say a conspiracy exists that he has you know honestly anything to do with this right i mean this looked like a desperate move so that, you know, it just saved the Democrats from Trump, regardless of what happens with Dementia Joe. Well, now they got another excuse to lose to Trump, I guess, because there's no way Biden's going to beat Trump after this. I mean, just simply put, Trump's going to win like 40 states, I guess, because there's no way Biden's going to beat Trump after this. I mean, just simply put, Trump's going to win like 40 states, I think,
Starting point is 00:27:50 at this rate. Yeah, or there's going to be another horrific police brutality and there's just riots in the streets. Okay, so here's the thing. When you're talking about going to the sponsor, I obviously do go to the banksters,
Starting point is 00:28:05 one of those sponsor-level groups or labels. My expectation is they have dozens and dozens of assets in place throughout the country and worldwide in all different ways, whether it's localized mass shootings, whether this was quite a special presidential attack, but starting forest fires, cyber attacks, just what we saw in Russia with the opera getting shot up would only take five or ten men. We've talked about the open border and millions and millions of people if even only one percent of the illegals that have come through in the last four years that's
Starting point is 00:28:49 tens of thousands of potential terrorists and so yes i would expect that the like the assets and the kind of active uh marks and conspirators are they're used up. But the sponsor level, they got a lot more tricks in their sleeve. And I think that the fact that this failed either means they got to go in their shell and hide out for a while because the trail's hot, or they got to double or triple down. And unfortunately, I think they're going to do the latter. Yeah, but they got to get more conspirators because they don't get their hands dirty. They already have them on the payroll. Everyone's just getting paid, kind of waiting.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Most of these never do anything. They're just kind of those sleeper cells. And 99% never actually do a terror attack, but now is the time for them to get called up. I'm thinking that's potential. Right. But at the conspirator level, that brings in direct personal risk. And it requires
Starting point is 00:29:45 more than just money. It requires ideology. You've got to be a fanatic to do political murder. It's not accomplished by people just straight up for money. They have to believe in it. And they've got to be
Starting point is 00:30:01 positioned for it. With the scrutiny that the House of Representatives could easily apply to the Secret it and they got to be positioned for it so with the scrutiny that the house of representatives could easily apply to the secret service of the fbi starting tomorrow will there be willing conspirators to do this and that's that's where it comes down is how brazen is this right what kind of what kind of deep state now if you want to start throwing around pretty brazen i think i think it's pretty brazen because they did 4K tried to shoot Trump's head off. So if you start throwing around term, go ahead, go ahead. Yeah, if you start throwing around term deep state, it would be all kinds of compartmentalized groups of small numbers of conspirators that are brazen enough to attempt this.
Starting point is 00:30:46 And I honestly believe that we saw at least two of them try to do it yesterday. So can you dive deeper into the two of them? We have the shooter, Crooks. We have the other one. Maybe you can state his name again. How did you learn about these two different names?
Starting point is 00:31:04 They're not obviously reporting. Okay, go ahead. Well, Crooks is announced by the FBI. Right. Who's the other one, though? That's the FBI's name. Yeah, Maxwell Urick. Somebody in Twitter, X, put his picture next to a picture of what looks to be like the deceased shooter,
Starting point is 00:31:26 and maybe that's a deep fake. I don't know. But if it isn't, and it's the same face that was dead on that roof, it looks like Yerrick, who had mugshots from his conviction a few years ago. By the way, the AP articles of his conviction and mugshots are not easy to be found on the Internet today as they were 24 hours ago. So he would be the ideologically motivated Antifa guy ready to sacrifice his life to take out Trump, and then Crooks would be the ignorant patsy that they could put the tagline on every single channel and news article,
Starting point is 00:32:01 the first bullpoint registered Republican. That's their little cutout guy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because he wouldn't have the ideological motivation to do anything of this kind. It took a Yerrick to be Mark I, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Right. I think just people getting paid off and everybody running around like it's a Marvel movie of bad guys just motivated by, you can't even tell what, running to their deaths against the hero. That's not the way this works. You've got to cultivate those wind-up dolls and convince them to do this. MK, Ultra, of course, Sirhan, Sirhan, dilated pupils. You can take it in that direction all you want. But I don't think it's that hard without any of that exotic rationale to say that, you know, the Fed's got the conspirator on the active side,
Starting point is 00:32:55 probably a Fed, possibly in the FBI, decided to recruit this person for that reason. And then, of course, it can't be an anti-fah identified as the shooter. So they have Mark II to be the role of the patsy. Now, if Maxwell Yerrick shows up and does a press conference tomorrow, this hypothesis goes out the window, but I don't think he's surfaced since this all came out.
Starting point is 00:33:21 goes out the window, but I don't think he's surfaced since this all came out. What other observations or thoughts about this on this special report? It is Sunday, July 14, 2024, about 8.44pm Eastern. We're still going to do a Patriot Power Hour later this week, but we had to be on air.
Starting point is 00:33:40 What other observations, thoughts, questions you got or holes you want to try to poke into that model you wanted to discuss maybe yeah yeah i mean i've given this a lot of thought i mean it could have been the uh first shot of the second american revolution the second shot heard around the world last night that's that's the kind of direction this could go i mean just imagine if there are more conspirators and the willingness to do this again
Starting point is 00:34:07 in the coming weeks. That Trump was almost killed on J-13 and then less than a month later he was killed. Right? I mean, that changes all the equation. Let's just say
Starting point is 00:34:23 financial collapse and inflation and the federal debt won't be topics we're talking about. No, definitely not in the short to midterm if that happens. Are there any other articles on future danger that I missed? I think I hit most of them.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Is there anything new that's come up in the last hour? Biden's speech was pretty lame as always, nothing special out of it. Do you have any takes on that, or have you seen anything new come on across the headlines in the last half hour? I haven't. I mean, that's where it's been for the last 24 hours. Unlike most shows, quite clearly, I did a little show prep for this one.
Starting point is 00:35:03 But I think by Wednesday, the model I described tonight could reform, right? The new hypothesis. And it's going to be fascinating to see where the spotlight goes inside of the Secret Service. Who's the fall person there for this lapse? It's in its infancy trying to see how that side of this potential conspiracy
Starting point is 00:35:32 plays out. Gets revealed. We'll be back Wednesday night. I guess that'll be the 17th. Just a few days from now. Future Dan, we're here to document the news and analyze as best as we can. We'll definitely keep the listeners up to date.
Starting point is 00:35:53 And another reason to keep on prepping, folks. If you thought it wasn't serious yet, well, maybe this will get your attention. So anyway, have a good night, Future Dan. We'll talk soon. I just want to make the audience aware you called this about 10 times since the beginning of this year and and go back to the archives i think the words if they don't kill him came out of your mouth repeatedly not the type of thing we like to be a about, but you were talking about it on Patriot Power Hour. Really appreciate the chance to do these shows with you, Ben.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Same with you. Same with you. That model just lays it out. Future danger is the backbone of the show. We're going to keep it going, keep it up. Wish I wasn't right. I'm just glad it wasn't actually successful. Pray for the country.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Pray for Trump's health pray for some civility and keep prepping on everybody we'll be back later this week catch you later Thank you. I am paying for this microphone. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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