The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN 2024 Year in Review PT 1

Episode Date: December 31, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I've been given one of the more debilitating reminders of what a year it has been in 2024. For that select few who traverses the hallowed halls of the Element chat room. You guys are a special breed, you know. The larger this audience gets, the more clear that becomes. The larger this audience gets, the more clear that becomes. But looking over the shows, looking over the year itself, looking over what we've done, as I compiled this eight-hour, just unbelievable extravaganza for you, I was beset by respiratory illness. Okay?
Starting point is 00:00:46 I feel weak even saying it out loud. Because I don't get sick, really. But it's been four days now. Five, maybe? And it's... It's not good. There's nothing fun about it. It's largely stolen the majority of my energy through just an
Starting point is 00:01:09 unending wave of fevers. And while I think I've made it out of the water with the fevers, I have now reached the point where the purge has begun now And everything that's blocking my airways is coming up In such fashion that it's kind of hard to breathe when I'm laying down So I want to first apologize for being silent But getting through this, even this little bit that I'm going to do here as an intro Is hard without coughing All that said Reading through this, even this little bit that I'm going to do here as an intro is hard without coughing. All that said, I'm actually incredibly grateful for it because 2024 was simply too much. And it's brought me to a couple conclusions about this life and about the network at large and about America and about managing yourself throughout a year.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Personally, I will pay less attention to left and right and much more attention to up and down in 2025, heaven and earth. You know, we've got the lesson. The lesson has been given that sometimes the tyrannical right can wear the skin of the left and vice versa. Sometimes the censors... Well, you know what it is? It's that the evil is the evil. And it doesn't matter which side it shows up on. And I think this hyper-focus on what the left's doing and what the right's doing does us no favors.
Starting point is 00:03:08 But rather a focus on the up and the down, the heaven and the earth, the good and the evil. That seems to be making a world of difference in my life. The other thing is rest. in my life. The other thing is rest. When you're stricken with fever, it's hard not to look at a year like 2024 and say, well, of course, you're run down, dude. Crazy year. Presidents were shot, tsunami warnings, the year kicked off. Well, you'll see it all. I did my best to capture not just the happenings and the goings on at PBN, but the things that happened around the world that we remarked on. I cut some shows short because if I didn't, it would have been a 30-hour long show.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Okay? And no one's going to listen to it. You probably won't even listen to the eight-hour version, but you can put it in the background. Listen to it in parts or something. But God bless those hosts. God bless the PBN hosts. I mean, they've done amazing things here on this network.
Starting point is 00:04:17 And, you know, what this has become year over year is a very real treasure of information. It really is. It's a journal like no one else has. It's incredible. So enjoy it, folks. You guys are the reason this thing is here. You're the reason that we exist, the listening audience. Check out 2024 year in review.
Starting point is 00:04:58 7.6 magnitude earthquake hits Japan as this new year just begins to settle in. And we find ourselves as a nation and I think fundamentally as a world petrified over the year to come. This is the Prepper Broadcasting Network. We are your path back to stability and we hope to get as many of you on that path or get the help of many of you to get more people on that path because I think a lot of this, I mean, look, there's a lot to be concerned about in 2024, but I think a lot of this is mental too. And we're
Starting point is 00:05:30 beating ourselves to death with worry and concern over the could-be's and the might-be's or even the would-be's, the will-be's, right? Not the will-be's, but the will-be's. Willoughbys with the Willoughbys. So I guess the fundamental question to ask on this first day of 2024 is how? How do you get on that path back to stability? How do you do it? And I'm going to use a quote that I guess I kind of created. And it's one that kind of drives my every day. Because I think the battle that we face in 2024, if there is a battle to improve, if there is a battle to win to get back to stability, it's the day-to-day. Because you are what you do every day. And when you can fundamentally understand that fact,
Starting point is 00:06:29 you are what you do every day, then you very easily start to understand, okay, well, then what that also means is, I can affect my every day. So today, over on the membership side, we released our January routine. And for the last three months or so, we've been hitting routines and routines and routines, mostly focused on fitness. This one is decidedly preparedness driven and fitness driven. Okay. We're going to play with it.
Starting point is 00:07:05 We're going to run through this thing. I mean it is decidedly for members. So it might be hard. For people to follow along with. Regularly. Not all of these routines that we do. Will be member exclusive. And I may release this one in a week or two.
Starting point is 00:07:24 If you want to get the... But this is my goal. This is my personal goal as the Intrepid Commander here at the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Is to bring you guys a routine for preparedness and fitness and health every month of the year. So that almost every day of the 365 days in 2024, you can direct your energies to becoming what it is you want to be. You can direct your energies to becoming more prepared. You can direct your energies towards that path of stability. Okay, now this routine is broken up into more than just daily things, right? So we have daily expectations. Then we have weekly expectations.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Then we have family expectations, okay? And obviously, it's up to you. You take it as far as you want to take it, you know? You can go crazy with it and do the whole thing, stay true to it every day for the duration of January or not. Do you know what I'm saying? But I've manipulated and folded and figured the sort of layout that I want for these things. I want all of these to include some of the same things, whether it be January or whether it be December 2024.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Now, of course, your day-to-day routine is a massive part of you, right? It becomes a massive part of what you do and it becomes a massive, well, it becomes, you become your routine. That's the wild part. That's kind of the realization that changed a lot for me a couple years ago. It's like, oh, God. Like, you will become your routine. If your routine is to sleep in late and wake up and eat bad food and read a bunch of bad news, and you're not happy with your physical, you're not happy with your mental,
Starting point is 00:09:21 that's completely understandable, right? I mean, it makes perfect sense when you think about it. So in order to combat that, man, you've got to grab hold of your routine. You've got to understand that you are what you do every day. You are what you do every day. And that's the first step on your path back to stability, right? Because who cares about a golden or a yellow brick road, rather, back to stability, back to a world where you're not hinging your life savings on buying food
Starting point is 00:09:59 and paying for the house and paying for gas and struggling to deal with the social and cultural battles you have to fight and dealing with crime in the streets and illness in the house. And, you know, it's just that never-ending thing. And then on the horizon, you have all those things that you cannot control, or at least we assume we cannot control. I don't fully buy that, you know. I don't fully buy this idea that there's nothing you can do about the war in Ukraine. I just don't think we're getting creative enough.
Starting point is 00:10:29 You know, one of the reasons, and think about it this way. We have a pretty big community here at PBN, right? But we're not the only prepping group. We're not the only ammo buying group, right? Why does the ammo go up in price? We talked about it on last night's live show. The ammo goes up in price because a big buyer named the U.S. government says, we want to buy ammo and we want to buy a lot of it.
Starting point is 00:10:53 So collective bulk purchasing is always going to take precedent over those smaller purchases. smaller purchases what happens if all the firearms um groups youtube channels podcasts content creators and their followings and anybody related decided that you know what let's all get together and do our own bulk purchase let's get in bed with the ammo companies at the civilian level and then we buy out all the the ammo so that the Ukrainians can't have all the damn ammo. What happens to the war then? What happens to the war then? And it's not to see them slaughtered, you have to understand. But this whole conflict, this war over there is all about, it's all, the only thing sustaining it is munitions.
Starting point is 00:11:49 The moment the munitions dry up, then Zelensky has to go to the bargaining table with Putin. And you might not like that. Whatever, right? Doesn't matter at this point. What matters at this point is stopping that conflict because we have to start to get selfish a little bit here in America and understand that we can't fight wars in South America, Africa, the Middle East, Russia, the Red Sea, right?
Starting point is 00:12:19 I mean, what do we... And what happens when China moves on Taiwan, and what happens when another little conflict we haven't even thought about starts up, and America wants to be there for all of it, right? Not to mention, our military should be on the southern border. It's that simple. You know, there's an invasion happening. Our military should be on the southern border in mass, and they should be there in mass, and they should be doing things the
Starting point is 00:12:49 way we used to do things on Ellis Island. And that's all there is to it, you know? But I'm, you know, I'm not too tied into this idea of we can only affect the things in our household. Now we can have the most effect here in our own household. That's true. But I think we got a lot more power than you think, particularly as our communities grow. So all that said, PBN family, enjoy your day. Happy New Year to you. If you're a member, get into that routine.
Starting point is 00:13:25 It's an A-B style routine, okay? So you can start with day A or day B, and then you just alternate through the week. And it's not easy. Hey! What are you doing? Come on, get out of there. My dog is digging the most beautiful, pristine, black soil out of a raised bed. He decided to scamper into.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Come on, get out of there. You too. Look at that dirt, Bows. What are you doing? Oh, my God. It's beautiful. It's charcoal black. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Enjoy your day, PBN family. I do appreciate you. I'll be live later tonight, 8 p.m. Eastern for Preppers Live. I may get Dave Jones to come on with me if he's around. I want to talk about the top five things in 2024, preps that you're overlooking and that you need to sew up. You need to shore these things up, okay? Because there's at least five on the tip of my tongue that people aren't thinking about or need to improve on.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Not big stuff, not like you got to build a bunker. Little stuff that's just kind of, you know, it's out there in the fringes and we forget about it. All right. I'll talk to you guys soon. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments? is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prep or mind can dream up.
Starting point is 00:15:06 has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase. your purchase. EN Family, it's time for the Prepper Tip of the Day. Hello everyone out there in Internet Radio Land. This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy, and I'm going to tell you how to detect fallout without a radioactive detector.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Yes, fallout. Now look, I'm going to do some things on EMP in these tips, so stay tuned. But this is an easy way that you can detect fallout in an all-out nuclear exchange, or if you think you may be in a fallout area. Take a white plate and put it outside your house.
Starting point is 00:16:04 plate and put it outside your house okay this is after the bombs detonate put it outside your house maybe 20-30 feet away so that it can be free of any obstruction in your driveway somewhere where it's clear. And then wait 24 hours. A white plate.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Go out, get the plate, and check it. charred black or gray gritty material that seems like it may have been in a fire. Not pollen. Do not freak out. Pollen is usually white, yellow, grayish, very, very fine. This is going to be gritty,
Starting point is 00:17:12 like charred sand okay so that's what fallout is so know the difference and the reason i say 24 hours if you do not get fallout in 24 hours you are never going to get fallout in your position. So there you go. That is my prepper tip for the day on fallout. This is... Kazoo! Yeah! Okay, PBN family. Future Dan got the rock, paper, scissors challenge, and he said he's already winning.
Starting point is 00:17:59 So he got to go in the store first. Now, the challenge he's having is finding things that are his size but this store is chock full of stuff now whether he gets enough stuff that will be the test he still has five minutes and the other two are waiting. James is up next. So I'm going to pause this and then we're going to talk some more. Okay, so how'd you do, Dan? I did great. I got a windbreaker,
Starting point is 00:18:33 an underlayer sweatshirt. I got a decent winter hat and I got a backpack all for $22. $22. So he came in under budget and under time. I am. I am.'m feeling very good about what I picked up
Starting point is 00:18:48 do you want to go mess with James his size is going to allow him to get nice jackets that I saw I did see that but Baxter Breaker is in trouble I don't think there's a jacket he's going to like that fits him he's going to be wearing some suit top here in a minute
Starting point is 00:19:03 you know what I was looking at that nice blue dress in the window. Yeah, and just a pro tip, he's not asking the staff where stuff is. Yeah, I know. So let's see how he does on his time. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to keep an eye on him. So James is in there now.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Dan came out. You got about four minutes. Okay. Okay, Ben is the last one to go in, and he's standing at the ready. And I got to tell you, James took a little different strategy, but I'll let him explain it to you when he gets out. Okay, so we're here with the intrepid commander, and he did pretty good. He got him down to only pennies.
Starting point is 00:19:52 He had to take some of his candles back. I had to wheel and deal a little. They were charging him 50 cents a candle. The lady also was kind enough to turn my fleece into a hoodie. So what did you get? I got this beautiful top of the line Boulder Creek backpack here with multiple
Starting point is 00:20:11 compartments. It's a kid's backpack. I got a great fleece with the high neck since I couldn't find a scarf that really fit me too well. But I still have a plan for that. Nice. I got this enormous
Starting point is 00:20:25 3XL freaking North Face. I was wrong. That has a zipper. There's another jacket over there that didn't have a zipper. Oh, yeah. That would have been a problem. That would have been a mega problem. I couldn't believe this was there, having you pass it. I didn't fit it. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:20:40 I was taking it. I already saw it. And you got a $2 hat? I got myself a Mason Patriots hat. No idea where they're from, but I'm their biggest fan tonight. And a pot. Yeah, I got a candle here because I think we might struggle with fire later, so that'll help. And a pot so we can heat some liquid. $2?
Starting point is 00:21:00 So we can heat internally because I think we'll probably need to heat internally. Okay, well we'll see. We'll see what's what. I feel good. Yeah, yeah, I think he did good. He used his maximum amount of time and I think he came in just like pennies under $25.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Good to go. Yeah, we didn't count on tax either, did we? Yeah, let's see what Dan the man got. Dan's got some nice windbreaker. That's going to really be nice. Not as good on the pockets as you did, I'm afraid. Well, I don't know if those pockets are as good as you think. That was my one issue with that was the pockets.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Wool hat. I've got the best $2 wool hat I could find. And then just another sweatshirt there. Backpack with a bit more space. It's a nice backpack. It looks less like a kid's. It took me a while picking backpacks. Well, and I think it's a little bit
Starting point is 00:21:59 bigger than yours. If Dan wants one, he's going to have to settle for a real nice one that's $9. I know it. I like the cat one. And this one was $7, and I back there. If Dan wants one, he's going to have to settle for a real nice one, but it's nine bucks. Ooh. I know it. I'd like to see that one. And this one was seven, and I picked this. I had that until I found this one. Mine was cheap, because it's so bright.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Mine was only five bucks. Ah, yeah. It's orange and blue. But yours is yellow and black. That's really nice. Looks like someone sponsored it. They got it free at a... I got some cordage. You got some cordage too? Look at that. That's good. I imagine
Starting point is 00:22:31 one of the first things we'll want to do is put a ridge on it. I gotta keep an eye on the time. He's already burned up six minutes. minutes. What did you get, Ben? What's happening? I got, let's see, a long-sleeve shirt, another long-sleeve shirt, a long-sleeve hoodie, and I got a $2 hat, wool hat. Uh-huh. What about a backpack?
Starting point is 00:23:09 And a little, like, satchel, more like. Satchel, yeah. Like a laptop bag, almost. Yeah. Well. And it was about $23.50 before tax or something, so I was like, right there. Right there, yeah, that's good. You and James.
Starting point is 00:23:22 I went with that third shirt. I wasn't sure if I should just go two, upper body, and try to find something else, but I think I did about as efficient as I could. I just can't look back now. Yeah. Did anybody get long john pants or pajama pants?
Starting point is 00:23:40 They didn't have sweatpants. They didn't have much by the way of men's pants. Yeah, they had a lot of women's stuff. I should have went to the women's section, but I guess we... Get some nylons? I could have definitely got me a clean pair of yoga pants. It has an underlayer. There was a workman's top and bottom one piece.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I saw that, a Michael Myers. But it didn't provide any kind of insulation. Oh, it's just like coveralls. It was very thin coveralls. Yeah. It would have been cool to wear first, but it would have been a pain to take a piss every time. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Keep that in mind. Well, let's see. I have to declare a winner on the purchases. So I think, James, you got her all the way around. Nice. Okay. A candle, a pot. If you can light it.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Yeah, if you can light it. Yeah, that's going to be the trick in the way. What was the other thing that wasn't clothing? Pot. Yeah, it's pot. Clothing, pot, backpack. Yeah. Fleece.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Fleece. Now, I really like your windbreaker, Dan. That baby's going to come in super, super, because it is all that going to be tonight. So, we'll see how your selection of purchases go. I did also come in over budget and talk down under budget. So, that's a little bit of a technique, I think, that would be useful in a situation like this, right? Well, they didn't tell you what the clothing cost until you got there to check out. So it was kind of a mystery up until you're ready to lay your money down.
Starting point is 00:25:20 And then the lady said, what are you guys doing? And I said, well, we've got a competition going here. He can't spend more than $25. Well, then they started taking candles out. And it was like fishy sense. First, she turned the fleece into a hoodie for me. Oh. Did you do that?
Starting point is 00:25:36 I don't know if you would get it, which was cool. Yeah. So we're going to go check out the route. Yeah. We're going to look at all the spots and make sure we know what we're doing. Then I'm going to put the boxes. Right? Or can I put them
Starting point is 00:25:50 while we're checking? I think they ought to go down as late as possible to improve the chances that they're still there when we get there. Yeah. I could camouflage them in some way. I'm sure Dave could get them hidden. The question is, would we be able to find it if Dave gives it his all?
Starting point is 00:26:08 That's a good point. Well, we'll go look. Okay, we're getting ready to kick off here, and I'm dropping James off first. Okay, Intrepid Commander, what's your overall strategy? Tonight, I think I'm going to try to do as straight and narrow as possible. And my covert situation's a little bit laughable at the moment. I'm in the parking lot of a popular Trader Joe's. So that's kind of going out the window for me. But I'm going to try to keep it straight on these two roads. And then once I get the cash area, I'm going to see how much time I
Starting point is 00:26:42 can spend building. Yeah. make some things to impress the judge dave jones and then uh yeah sneak my way back i think on that road that we we took yeah and then hopefully by then somebody's there with me hopefully somebody's got the paper to my lighter at that moment the tinder to your spark that's it that's what i need but i mean yeah straightforward i you know we got about 20 maybe 30 minutes of daylight left that's it it's uh it's dropping fast and i got two more guys to drop off yeah so my primary objective when you guys leave i'm gonna go over and look in this box see if i can't find me something we got a we got a donation box to the right of us yeah and then uh get moving while i still got some sun and generate some heat.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Yeah, you got to keep moving. So you get points for anything that you scavenge along the way. You also get points from stuff that you put together from the caches. But if you can scavenge something and make it work along the way, that's worth more points. It's going to be a wild night. There's no doubt about it. Absolutely. Well, good luck to you.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Thank you, Dave Jones. Take care. Adios. Okay, so I'm dropping off Ben, the breaker of banksters. And boy, he's looking mighty good. How do you feel, Ben? What's your strategy? My strategy? banksters and boy he's looking mighty good how you feel ben what's your strategy my strategy i'm trying to do well at all four points of the game so there's four points we call the s
Starting point is 00:28:14 is for uh survival no it's not i already forgot where they are scavenge scavenge i'm already losing some brain power from lack of food scavenge upcycle yeah and that's the s that's the u the r is i don't i already failed this okay but anyway i want to do oh it's the race so we want to scavenge we want to upcycle we want to race and we want to be invisible or visibility yeah vanish vanish so i'm trying to be stealthy but i'm trying to go fast but i'm trying to find things i'm trying to combine them intelligently so i'm trying to do all those at once maybe that's a bad strategy do you think you're gonna make it in time i think i'm gonna make it in time um but i don't know what i'm gonna be coming back with at all
Starting point is 00:29:01 okay well good luck my man thank you sir I'll see you guys on the other end. Okay, I'm dropping the last contestant off. The sun has just went over the horizon. Nice sunset. What do you think, Dan? I think I'm going to pound some water before I step off so I'm not carrying that weight. Yeah, that's good. It's better in me than on me.
Starting point is 00:29:29 On you, yeah. And the first two things, I've been thinking about this for a long time. First two things I'm doing is I'm heading up on my route to the first cash point. But before I get there, I'm finding stones because I'm a big believer and I've watched all these other shows. And I'll tell you what, I think humankind, like one of the weapons that we've always had is the ability to throw stones. Right. So I'm finding a nice lacrosse-sized ball, throwing stone or two. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:01 And I'm keeping my eyes out for squirrel rabbit or anything else well a dog might come after you need that stone yeah and um so and plus i'm trying to go for bonus points for acquiring a weapon early in the process and then i'm going to upgrade from there i'm going to try to build other things that are self-defensive and hunting-oriented. Now, of course, we're not hunting out of season on anything, right? No, no. But there's lots of critters that don't have seasons. Yep.
Starting point is 00:30:33 And I fasted since last night, so I have that on my mind. I'm feeling good about the weather. And another goal of mine is to get to the first cache before the Bankster Breaker and maybe even surprise him and get some vanish points. I saw him and he didn't see me. Dang, well, you've got to hike to get to the first cache. I do. I do. That's why I'm going to put down some water and start hoofing it.
Starting point is 00:31:01 The sun's going down. And this is Gotham Get Out. We're in the suburbs, and we're trying to get out of it. Okay, my man. Good luck to you. Thanks, Dane. I'll see you in the morning. We'll see you in the morning.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Yeah. Welcome to the Gun Metal Armory. Here's your host, Dane D. Hey, what's up everybody? It's Dane. I've got a real quick thing I want to talk to you guys about and kind of give you guys an update on 2024. I am going to be doing some more podcasts in 2024. We're going to talk more about preparedness. We're going to talk more about what we think might be on the horizon, what things are kind of shaping up to be currently in the world, in our country, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:59 We're going to talk about all that stuff, okay? But I wanted to kind of talk to you guys real quick because today is just going to be a quick touch base, and then we'll have longer ones probably next week and so on, okay? Something I wanted to kind of get across to you guys, I was thinking the other day about how many people have come into this country illegally across the border. Okay. And I have no problem with legal immigration. I really don't care. That's, you know, that's no big deal. That's how the country was built, right? Legally. Okay. Going through all the channels, you know, paying the fees and learning all this stuff, integrating into the culture and so on, just like any normal country would do. No big deal. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Where I have a problem is when people start to skip the line and, you know, they get to go ahead of everybody else that that's kind of troublesome. But let's talk for a second, a little bit about how many people have come in. Okay. So the last number I heard was an estimated 6 million people. Okay. In the last three something years. 6 million people. Okay. Some of them women and children, but a good majority of them are military age males.
Starting point is 00:33:22 And what do I mean by military age male? What I mean is 18 to 30 something years old. Okay. Someone who could effectively fight for a military. Okay. Or cause a lot of damage. Okay. So let's just say out of those 6 million people, and that's just an estimate because they don't know for sure how many got away. And they also don't know how many people are supporting them that could potentially be used as a weapon as well. So let's just say 10% of those 6 million people were bent on trouble. Okay. These could be, uh, foreign agents. These could be cartel. These could be, uh, criminals from other countries. These could be anybody. Okay. So let's just say 10% of these people that have come through are intending to do something bad, maybe a sleeper cell, maybe whatever, whatever.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Okay. That's 600,000 people. That's 12,000 bad people per state. Okay. But the problem is that would be all 50 States. That wouldn't be like Hawaii and Alaska and so on and so forth. We all know where most of this stuff is concentrated. We all know where most of this problem situation is concentrated. So if you divide it by all 50 states, that's 12,000 bad guys per state. But like I said, we all know that that's a little bit more unlikely. Okay. So let's just say it's divided between California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Okay. That's more like 150,000 per state of bad guys. Okay. So how many full-time law enforcement officers are there in america what if you could get them all to one area or a few areas at the same time well there are 924,326 full-time
Starting point is 00:35:38 law enforcement officers in the usa that's from the annual survey of public employment. Okay? That's a recent one. So, let's just say 924,000 law enforcement officers. Okay? There's also 1.3 million active duty
Starting point is 00:36:00 military in the USA. Assuming the active duty military would even want to do anything about it. Assuming military would even want to do anything about it, assuming the police would want to do anything about this. And then National Guard. Let's talk about the National Guard. There are 440,000 active National Guard in America, okay? Now, of course, many of them overlap with the law enforcement officers, right? A lot of police officers are National Guard. How many law enforcement officers, National Guard, and active duty military do you think they could bring to bear if 150,000 bad guys were attacking one state and then another 150,000 activated
Starting point is 00:36:51 and then another 150,000 activated? What do you think would happen? Well, if you want to see how much chaos that could potentially rot, look at what's happening in Ecuador right now. There have been 12, if I remember correctly, 12 different criminal organizations that have basically sprung up at the same time because a few of their kingpins have been broken out of prison. because a few of their kingpins have been broken out of prison. They have declared these criminal organizations as terrorist organizations, and they've deployed the military against them. That was the only way they could do it.
Starting point is 00:37:42 So you've got police and military deploying against 12 different criminal organizations. Now, Ecuador is where many of the assets of military-age males are coming in from. They come in from China. They come in from wherever else. We'll just stick with China at the moment. They go into Ecuador. Then they go through Panama. And then they come up through Mexico. Okay? moment they go into ecuador then they go through panama and then they come up through mexico okay so what are the chances that these guys are facilitating exactly what's happening here
Starting point is 00:38:13 what are the chances that these guys in ecuador are setting america up to have something very similar happen and then you've got to consider how many people in our military or in our law enforcement are going to just side with them. Think about that for a little bit. Okay? All of this is to say
Starting point is 00:38:36 2024 is going to get weird. It's going to get scary. So if I were you, I would start preparing and I would prepare now. Okay. If you're not preparing, I don't know what to tell you. I really honestly don't because at this point you're missing the boat.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Okay. Anyways, those are the numbers that I put together. Those are the things that I've been thinking about. And that's the kind of stuff that makes me go, okay, we need community watches. We need, you know, private security groups. We need friends. We need people we can trust. We need, you know, teams that can respond to things on our own. The way that the U.S. is right now was not the way we were intended to protect ourselves. Each state was meant to have its own militia
Starting point is 00:39:32 that could respond and help other militias if need be. Each area, each territory was meant to have its own militia of minutemen that were ready to respond at any moment that something like this might happen. Okay. I don't relish this thought any more than anyone else, but guys, we have to be looking at this stuff. We have to know these things. You have to have an area study. You have to know how to seal off your town. You have to know how to seal off your neighborhood. You have to know how to do all of these things. You have to know how vehicle convoys run. You have to know how to seal off your neighborhood. You have to know how to do all of these things. You have to know how vehicle convoys run. You have to know how to set up ambushes.
Starting point is 00:40:09 You need to know how to set up an L-shaped ambush, a linear ambush, a hasty ambush, a deliberate one, a V-shaped one, an area ambush, or a point ambush. You need to know how to do each and every one of these guys. All of them. All of them. Okay. And you have to be able to do them quickly. You have to know the area around your home. You have to know the area that you live in. You have to know the area that you work in. You also need to know the area that your family goes to school or your family works in so you can go get them out with your friends if you need to. Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous out with your friends if you need to. word of the Lord is right, and all his work is done in truth. He loves righteousness and justice. The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,
Starting point is 00:41:11 and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap. He lays up the deep in storehouses. Let all the earth fear the Lord. Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. For he spoke, and it was done. He commanded, and it stood fast. The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing. He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect. The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he has chosen as his own inheritance. The Lord looks from heaven. He sees all the sons of men. From the place of his dwelling he looks on all the inhabitants of the earth. He fashions their hearts individually. He considers all their works. No king is saved by the multitude of an army. A mighty man is not delivered by great strength. A horse is a vain hope for safety. Neither shall it deliver any by its great strength. Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his mercy,
Starting point is 00:42:16 to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine. Our soul waits for the Lord. He is our help and our shield. For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name. Let your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, just as we hope in you. God, thank you for your mercy, your love, your grace, your sovereignty. Thank you, Lord, that you will never leave us nor forsake us. Thank you, God, for all of the incredible things that you have done. You are righteous and true and holy and just and powerful and wise and forgiving and loving and comforting. You are powerful.
Starting point is 00:43:02 you are powerful God you are almighty Jesus your name is above every name there is no authority higher than you you have the final say Lord be with us today Holy Spirit fill us and quicken us and help us to receive from your word something for our very souls, something that
Starting point is 00:43:28 nourishes us, that equips us, that strengthens us, that draws us closer to you, that establishes us in your righteousness and in your will. Lord, we want to see your will accomplished. That is our firm desire. Lord, you are due a harvest in this generation. You are due a mighty victory in this land and in this world. Lord, we bless you. We praise you and pray that you would strengthen us for what is to come. That you would direct our paths appropriately in the paths of righteousness.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Lord, I pray a special blessing over our families. Lord, protect us, cover us in the blood of Jesus that redeems, restores, that saves, that keeps safe. You have made exceedingly great and precious promises to us, God, and we know that your word will not return void. Give us clarity of purpose. Give us wisdom in our decision-making. Give us calm and peace in our emotions, and help us to revere you and to follow you in every single way. Redeem the time, Lord, for the glory of your kingdom. In Jesus' name, amen.
Starting point is 00:44:53 I have lived my entire life in a secular culture surrounding me. I have lived in a generation that grew up alongside the information age with the consumer internet. We saw the events of September 11th and the housing boom, the financial crisis, the war on terror, we witnessed a society increasingly divided and separated and listless and devoid of the type of power that is necessary to maintain proper cultural norms and righteousness. We witnessed apathy, despondency, destruction, and pain. We witnessed judgment. We witnessed all of these things. And I have my heart a sense of how much the Lord is due. We have sinned greatly as a nation and brought calamitous things upon ourselves. We have fallen asleep at the switch. We have failed to be watchmen on the wall, and we have abandoned the cause of Christ for trinkets. Our priorities have been wrong. We have allowed things that should never be allowed, and we are finding ourselves in a time when what is right is called wrong and what is wrong is called right.
Starting point is 00:46:48 This is a time when argumentation our institutions may have some effect. But there is something so foundational and so core to our culture and to our humanity that is off, that these solutions are insufficient. The proper place of restoring holiness and righteousness and civility and good conduct and love and perseverance meaning, and purpose is going to come from nothing other than a mindset and an attitude of genuine, proper repentance before the Lord and a desire to see his name glorified in this generation. Is that a constant feature of what we long for in our hearts? We can long for many good things. We can long for the safety and the health and the prosperity of our families and our children and our communities. But how much, how actively are we pining for the Lord's name to be glorified in this time?
Starting point is 00:48:29 How much grievous behavior has taken place? How wide do the rivers of sin have to become before we bring everything to God and declare his righteousness? Is this what God deserves? Is this state of affairs abandonment of proper order, of basic principles, of relationship with God? Is it happening in such a way that it will eventually move us into the position of humility and repentance that brings about an awakening and a revival? Let it be so. Is it just one more step on the way to an even greater disastrous judgment? God forbid. Nevertheless, not what I will, but thy will be done, O Lord.
Starting point is 00:49:42 But thy will be done, O Lord. But how deeply do we feel that God is being slighted in this generation? Does God want to see judgment? Does he want to see revival? Does evil need to be judged so that revival can take place? Do we need to repent in order to see the hand of God moving in powerful ways again? Remember the words of Jesus. Jesus says, greater things than these shall you do because I go to the Father. We have the Holy Spirit.
Starting point is 00:50:28 When will we see these greater things? And yes, we don't want to be a generation that simply seeks after a sign for the sake of excitement or thrills or something new and fresh and unusual. We know that when the Holy Spirit is operative, when the power of God goes forth, that signs and wonders will follow necessarily. This is not about the signs themselves. It's not about miraculous healings and deliverances and salvations and all of these incredible things that we want to see, that we desperately want to see. It is about the glory of the Lord and the honor that is due to his name. The name of Jesus is above every name, but that is not respected or honored in the hearts of men. His name is above every name and it be that way, and it deserves to be that way,
Starting point is 00:51:27 because of the love of Christ, because of the power of God and his holiness and his righteousness. There is no better solution. There is no other alternative. God deserves better from this generation. He deserves better from you. He deserves better from me, certainly. But is there something in our hearts that is crying out to God to say, God, you are the one who deserves a harvest of souls in this generation. You are the one who should be worshipped and not all of these other things. You should be the object of our affection as opposed to what we covet and what we dedicate our lives and our idle time to. You should be the one who is glorified. You should be the one who is high and lifted up, knowing that if we will lift up the
Starting point is 00:52:28 name of Jesus, then the power of God will draw people to him. Holy Spirit, go forth, change our hearts, stir us up, give us hearts of flesh instead of hearts of stone. Hearts that understand the times. We want to be wise. We want to be discerning. And we need to be impassioned. Set ablaze by the fire of God for this generation. How dare we not do what the Bible instructs. And follow through.
Starting point is 00:53:01 In service of the Lord. We want to hear those sweet words, well done, now good and faithful servant. Do we not pine for God to be glorified in this era? Do the young people who are coming up who are thrown into tumult and deception not deserve a chance to meet the Savior who has all of the answers for them? Do we not have an obligation, having been placed in the times in which we live and in the places where we are, to bring glory to the name of God? Will he not help us in this endeavor? Do we have to do this on our own? Or will the Holy Spirit guide us and show us and equip us and give us opportunities and give us eyes to see these opportunities if we will only lay everything down and allow God to direct our lives? I don't know about you, but to me, I am tired. I've lived my entire life in a culture that in macrocosm has not just a lack of a desire
Starting point is 00:54:11 to honor God, but it seems a desire to come against God and to stand against godly principles and to overturn these things. Now, this is an observation about things writ large, power structures, the kings of men, the things that we see in the Bible. We shouldn't be surprised by this. But in my lifetime, I want to see revival. I want to see the name of the Lord glorified. I want to see miracles. I want to see a wave of the Holy Spirit taking over this entire nation so that there is a moment of clarity, a period of time where people will get to choose the same way Joshua declared, whether as for us and our houses, we will serve the Lord or whether we will serve others, other gods besides him, ourselves. There is nothing that the Lord cannot accomplish.
Starting point is 00:55:15 May he give us greater and greater faith. Whatever excuse, whatever block, whatever obstacle, it is nothing to him. If we will adhere to the promises of scripture, if we will repent, if we will humble ourselves, if we will pray, we know the standard approach. We know the recipe. We know the scripture. Will we do it? Is there a motivation in our hearts to see a victory for God in this generation? He deserves it. Nothing can stand in his way. Jesus, you are good and your mercy endures forever. You are the prince of peace. You are the king of kings. You are our advocate, our defender, our high priest. You are the Prince of Peace. You are the King of Kings. You are our advocate, our defender, our high priest. You are our Savior. And we need you to be the Savior to this generation as well. We praise you the same way that your people have praised you for generations and generations and
Starting point is 00:56:23 centuries and millennia. God, you are worthy of it all. You were always worthy of it all, and you will always be worthy of it all. So are you not worthy of a mighty move in this generation? Will we see it? Do we believe for it? Do we have the faith for it? Are we actively stirred up and praying for these things? I am tired of being a part of a society that rejects God. But it is the power of the Holy Spirit that will accomplish what needs to be accomplished. There are so many who need healing and restoration and forgiveness and love. There's so many who are suffering and pining under oppression in so many different ways. Let God arise. Let the name of the Lord be glorified. Let Jesus be lifted up. Let the Holy Spirit flow forth.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Let us do everything that we can to follow the will of God for our lives and for this generation. There are children coming up who need to know Jesus. There are people right now who are suffering without Jesus there are people on their deathbed right now who do not know Jesus God help us God save us God restore the years that have been taken. So many years, so many people, so much sin, so much devastation. God, restore these things.
Starting point is 00:58:13 You are able to do it. Redeem the time. Win a great victory. Let revival spring forth in our hearts and everywhere according to the power of your word. revival spring forth in our hearts and everywhere according to the power of your word? Wouldn't you rather live in a time when people knew proof positive that the presence of God was there because people were being instantaneously healed, instantaneously delivered, miraculously saved, completely transformed? Wouldn't you rather live in a society where the manifest presence and power of God was so present that it could be denied by no one? It might be refused, but it could not be denied that God is on the move, that God is at work.
Starting point is 00:58:55 People would still, in some manner, say no to not participating, to not be a part of it. It would just be a spectacle. But wouldn't you rather enter a society like that? Isn't that what we need? Hasn't that been the answer all along? Why have we not been more diligent in believing for this, in having the faith for it? Well, faith is not something that we stir up in our own emotions, in our own minds. Faith is a gift of God. Faithfulness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. So let us be faithful and let us also be full of faith.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Where does our faith come from? Do we know who God is? Is there anything God cannot accomplish? Is there anything God does not deserve in terms of glory being given to his name? He is worthy of worship. He is forever true. He will never fail. And yet we abandon this principle.
Starting point is 01:00:04 We abandon this God. we neglect this Savior. We fall into apathy and refuse to believe for these things based on our own doctrinal presuppositions that can be used in many cases to justify apathy or just say, well, this is what we would expect as we rewrite the expectations away from the counsel of scripture and towards normalizing what is around us to convince ourselves foolhardily that this is just the way things are. No. I want to see miracles. I want to see the glory of God in this generation.
Starting point is 01:00:46 I want to see his power at work in a way that no one can deny. Think of the environment when the church in Acts was being birthed, when the Holy Spirit was poured out at Pentecost. When the Holy Spirit was poured out at Pentecost. Even when the people opposed the church of God, they said, these men have been with Jesus. An undeniable miracle has taken place at their hands. Evil spirits cast out, put to flight at the name of Jesus. The power of that name turning over the entire world, not through physical conquest, not through psychological warfare, not through economic sanction, not through anything kinetic, but through the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit, transforming people, transforming minds, transforming lives, miracles, salvations, the gospel going forth, and a firmness of conviction in the hearts of the people of God that God deserves a victory. Does he not? There will be an ultimate victory,
Starting point is 01:02:02 but does not God deserve a victory in this generation? After everything that we've done to grieve him, after everything that we have put him through as a nation, the rivers of blood that have been spilled, the disastrous agglomerations of corruption and abuse and destruction that we have wrought, that is on our hands. After all of this, that is on our hands. After all of this, does God not deserve a victory over these things to bring glory to his name? Will his name be glorified more in our redemption or our destruction? What needs to happen in order for belief to be stirred up?
Starting point is 01:02:41 We need to believe in faith, knowing and understanding God's power. And as we believe in faith for his power to be shown and his glory to be established, we will see the things that we know will happen. Don't just say, oh, I'll be on the sidelines until I see these things happening and then I'll praise the Lord for it and I'll hop on in sidelines until I see these things happening, and then I'll praise the Lord for it, and I'll hop on in. Believe now. Believe now. Let faith arise in your hearts. This generation needs the Lord. The next generation needs the Lord. The generation after that needs the Lord. As long as the Lord tarries, we need the Lord and we need to see him glorified in our society. What does that look like?
Starting point is 01:03:33 Humility, repentance, love, faith, calling upon the name of God. Our hearts need to be motivated by these things. Our hearts need to be motivated by these things. God will establish his throne and his dominion. He will transform. There is nothing stopping him. A mighty victory is due our God. Miracles, salvations, millions and millions and millions of transformations, the Great Commission being expanded upon, an establishment of peace in our communities.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Only God can do this. Let us continue to cry out for him, to establish faith in our hearts, to win a mighty victory in this generation for the glory of his name and for the advancement of his kingdom. He is worthy of it all. He is worthy of it all. And he has shown his worthiness because of the depths of his love for do we really understand how much God loves us? I don't think we ever could. Do we really understand how much our sin grieves God? Do we really understand the cost that was paid in the form of the blood of Jesus Christ
Starting point is 01:05:04 to establish this pathway to redemption? The cost that was paid in the form of the blood of Jesus Christ. To establish this pathway to redemption. And what it looks like when we refuse it. We don't deserve a victory in this generation. But God does. He wants to show his mercy, his love, his power, because he will receive glory for it. Let us believe together for it. Let us pray and press in for it. Let us orient our lives so that we can be used as vessels to establish the way for it.
Starting point is 01:05:43 God, bring this about in this generation. I'm tired of living in a culture that actively dishonors you and deliberately dishonors you. Lord, bring glory to your name. Let it be done. It has been done before. It will be done again. Let it be done now in our age, in our time, in our generation. Let me not live my entire life without seeing an immediate revival that brings about the power of God that gives you great glory. Let the people sing for joy to the Lord. You are good. You are good. And your mercy endures forever. Your counsel stands forever. And the plans of your heart to all generations. That includes this one. Lord, let me live in a nation who is blessed because our God is the Lord. Lord, you have chosen us as our own inheritance.
Starting point is 01:06:50 in us as our own inheritance. You look on us. You see us. You made us. You consider what we're doing. You are our strength. We wait for you, Lord. Establish your word in our hearts and establish your power in this generation. Jesus, let your mercy be upon us. We hope in you. Our hope is in you. Your love is sufficient. Your power is sufficient. Sufficient doesn't do it justice. You have all love, all power, all wisdom, all authority. So let it be done in this generation. Stir up your people, Lord. Raise up your people. Bring about these transformations. Let your name be glorified.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Oh God, to live in a culture where just once, just for one period of time, that it would be the default persuasion of men's hearts to praise God and to follow him. Oh Lord, that we could see that. In any measure. But we believe not just for a small measure, but for a great victory in this regard. What is stopping this? Your will is for all to be saved, Lord. Let it go forth. what is stopping this your will is for all to be saved Lord
Starting point is 01:08:07 let it go forth your will is for Jesus to be high and lifted up and worshipped and acknowledged for your glory and for your kingdom let it be so let it be so in our hearts and everywhere we bless you Lord
Starting point is 01:08:23 we declare your faithfulness to this generation. You have been faithful to us, even and especially when we didn't deserve it. And we don't deserve this now. It is not for our sake, Lord, that we desire this, but for your sake. Glorify your name in the earth once more. Bring about a revival. Pour out your Holy Spirit. once more. Bring about a revival. Pour out your Holy Spirit. Show forth your power. Show forth your great love that has transformed our hearts and use it. Let it heal this generation. Let it strengthen this generation and let it break the bondages that have been established through so many years and decades and centuries of sin. Lord, wipe it all away. You can do it. You can do it now. Give us great faith for this, Lord. Great faith for it. To know
Starting point is 01:09:14 who you are and to know what you want and to say, Lord, here I am. Send me. The least we can do is believe. Isn't God capable? Lord, you are. Let it be so according to your will. In Jesus' name, amen. I keep on moving forward. Always getting closer. Marching till it's over.
Starting point is 01:09:49 And just like a soldier. I keep on moving forward. Always getting closer. I'm marching till it's over. And just like a soldier. I keep on moving forward. Always getting closer, watching to the top. Just like a soldier, I keep on moving forward.
Starting point is 01:10:20 Always getting closer, watching to the top. It's ridiculous. You're listening to PPN. Your path back to stability. Good morning PBNers, this is Jayford here, reaching out on another morning of Phoenix survival. That is right, I am back this Saturday morning, maybe a little less rants at the moment, but I did want to reach out. So if you saw the title, right? Advancements, repairs, I mean, it's the whole works. So what are we doing to advance our independence and our stability, right? So here at our little homestead at Phoenix for Survival, we have already continued to grow our garden. We have started it. I've got more heirloom seeds coming in and we now officially have the eight baby chicks that were in the
Starting point is 01:11:41 bathroom out in the yard. Now, where does that mean for repairs and advancement? We did buy a coop off of Amazon and I can tell you this, it was less than what we expected. Not only was it smaller than the measurements, it was, um, it didn't have a lot of things that I believe that it should have had. We are having to alter. I need to check the group. Hold on. Everything is set and completely sealed. There's little to no accessibility outside of two doors on there. So the big issue now is adjusting it, getting hinges, now is adjusting it, getting hinges, getting everything else. Let's see who is here. Good morning, my listeners. It is good to see you in the chat. All right. Let me do a quick shout out. I am trying something new. I am actually streaming live on TikTok while I am podcasting, I do plan on getting my StreamYard set up so we can stream
Starting point is 01:12:49 it all the way across each of the platforms, Rumble. That's right, James. I am working on being as efficient as Toolman, Tilm, and everyone else in this group. We're seeing how it goes, though. So far, I don't think think especially with not being able to hear more than just this on my end as you can hear fussy baby in the back he is definitely fighting nap time and teething all right so my morning individuals when y'all pop in definitely say hi because i do have the chat in the background, so I can't see it right on my screen at the moment. So there has been a lot going on in the world lately, as we know, chaos, different articles coming out, different things that are...
Starting point is 01:13:41 We do honestly live in a world of instant gratification. So being able to go to the store, buy what you want, immediately be able to pick up anything is our biggest downfall. We, I can't stand that. I'm going to end this. And poor little man, you can hear him fussing. He is so tired. Two teeth, y'all.
Starting point is 01:14:10 Two teeth. So, you know what? Let me just recap. So, we have the garden, right? My cucumber I bought and plant. I have seed coming in because, lo and behold, all the seeds I had are past, well past date. We are going to try a mass sprout project in our house. We are going to take all of the old seeds and old, you know, just a kindergarten method of a Ziploc bag and paper
Starting point is 01:14:41 towels. We are going to spritz those paper towels, get them damp, put the seeds in there, put them in the light and see where they go. If they sprout, we'll plant them. If they don't, okay. You know, it's checking viability. Yes, some of these seeds are quite old, but we still want to, we don't want to give up on anything because I planted some seeds from 2019. We don't want to give up on anything because I planted some seeds from 2019. I can't, I think it was the lettuce or the purslane. I'm not 100% certain, but one of the sets has started to grow. Good morning, garden girl.
Starting point is 01:15:16 So great to have you. So we are looking forward to that. And in the sense of we get excited about childish projects only because I do have a ton of seeds. And some of them, like I said, life kind of threw me a hell of a curveball. So some of the seeds just got left where they were. And now it's just checking to see what is viable what isn't if it is viable we're gonna sorry grab something off the desk we're gonna see how well those items sprout and if we can do anything with it so it's we're actually enjoying this little adventure that we have going on now after I get off live today with y'all
Starting point is 01:16:07 I am going to be running to the hardware store and picking up some things to adjust the coop that we received like I mentioned it was smaller than we expected and we read the measurements so we knew it wasn't going to be large. But at the same time, we just didn't expect it to be smaller. Yes, I could have sent it back, but a week with a bunch of chickens in our bathroom, well, you know what, we'll make it work. There are some modifications that I can do. There are some things I really just don't like about the coop.
Starting point is 01:16:50 And you know what? That's to be expected. There are some parts of it that I do really like. I mean, it's cute, but there is no door on the main hutch. I don't like that. I do like being able to shut the birds in and be able to, you know, let them enclose it at night because it is not the most sturdiest thing, which we will have to figure out ways to reinforce it
Starting point is 01:17:20 to keep, you know, neighborhood critters out. So, I mean, this is a new experience of having a more urban or urban setup than what I am accustomed to. It is definitely going to be something, I tell you what. So I built the coop, put the coop together, and it was super windy. I did pop on for a live for a very brief second, but like I said, it was super windy. A little man was starting to get fussy.
Starting point is 01:17:55 It wasn't chilly or anything. It's just the wind was intense all day. So I am going to go today. I plan on, so the roof does not lift. That's fine. There's not a hutch in there. What the issue is, is trying to be able to reach in through two tiny doors to be able to access anything is what makes it difficult. So I am going to build a very small nest in box to be able to have outside at the bottom. Yeah, that is our big one is we've got raccoons. Well, the roof, I didn't mean to hit that. The roof is actually pretty secure.
Starting point is 01:18:34 It's the fact that without the weight of the roof, the whole coop would move easily. So for us, I am getting hinges to be able to lift the wire cover from one spot up but i'm also getting additional locks and i'm replacing the locks that are on them so that i can actually lock them we do have neighbors with children who find it curious and they do not understand not going into someone else's yard. I am now at a point in my urban lifestyle here, going on three years, of having neighbors whose children are now ending up in our yard. So not only do I have to make some sort of fortification against critters, I also have to make fortification against children. Yeah, I'm never, I usually didn't have that problem. But now that we have even more kids in the neighborhood, we have the refugees,
Starting point is 01:19:40 which nothing against them. Our other neighbor's kids play with them that's great the only problem is is uh it takes up our yard they are always in our yard at times and so i have to i'm pulling up something on my end because I, here we go. My goal is I have been looking at some items here on Amazon. Not only do we need to get a sensor light, I have to add an extra security camera on the side just because of, yeah, just because. That's what I was thinking. This coop is missing a side door. Sorry, I went back to go online to see.
Starting point is 01:20:36 This one does not have the nest in box. And it also does not have the bottom door open, open in that it is supposed to have. What? Oh, I do not want to have to try to send this back. I'm not going to. I'm just going to modify it. I'll do it myself. There's no point in killing yourself over this. I mean, I got a coupe for $130, which is cheap, even for a tiny coupe, because the tiny coupops at Tractor Supply are $364. I kid you not. Oh, well, you live, you learn.
Starting point is 01:21:12 It works, gets the chicks out of our bathroom, and you know what? It's a start. They are just chicks. We can expand it and add on to it. Not a problem. Garden Girl, how's it going over at your neck of the woods let's see I'm just trying to find I'm trying to find my saved list this is the one I want it I wanted a this one actually kind of reminds me of
Starting point is 01:21:43 a tractor one that we did receive. There was one I was looking at and it was $130. Not bad at all. Has the next nest in boxes, but I think it was like $90 in shipping and it just wasn't feasible. Let's see. What is the shipping on this? Yeah. $90 delivery. And what they have on there, I think I could just do myself. I can make this attachment. See, this is what's going on in our, in our little neck of the woods. We are, In our little neck of the woods, we are overcoming, adapting. I'll tell you what, though. I didn't realize, like, when they're in the bathroom, you kind of drown out the noise. But when I finally got them in the coop, I'm like, wow, they're so loud.
Starting point is 01:22:46 And Chris even said, yeah, they were that loud in the house. And I guess I just had gotten accustomed to tuning it out. Let me see where, where's my saved items? Wishlist or is it saved for later how does this work y'all i know how to navigate it on my phone truth be told computer's a whole different story uh pretty good getting ready to head to soccer i started selling some of my extra plant starch no that is great i mean that's where we're at A lot of us seem to be able to make a little extra means by, you know, selling a few things on the side, whether it be crochet, plants, crafts. There's nothing wrong with that. But have you gotten to a point where it's a barter system ever, garden girl? And soccer. I love soccer.
Starting point is 01:23:53 Oh, is that comfrey? No, what is that? So for those who are listening, yep. Oh, thank you. She's sending me a comfrey, baby. I love comfrey. Melinda Lee, if you are listening, big shout out to Melinda Lee. She has been the biggest supporter over the years who has sent me in the past dried comfrey and kombucha starters and even my how to make my own little little sun up in like, y'all are amazing. I had, Oh, it's like that picture of if you send this much a day, you adopt this child. This is my child. Yes. Here at Phoenix survival,
Starting point is 01:24:36 we get excited about plants and I don't know too many people in PBN who don't. in PBN who don't. So I am excited about that. Oh, I can't wait. Um, you know what? I'm going to be honest with you. I've looked into comfrey. I've studied it. I have never actually bought comfrey. Um, here we go. This is what I want um here we go so I was looking at some things online there is actually this pretty decent it looks very cheaply made uh solar outdoor, motion censored, and it's $30, right? Well, recently I was on a new friend of mine, new acquaintance, who has horses and the nice little country feel, which I respect that family so much. This woman is amazing, who had the same solar light on the side of her barn. And I was asking her about it. She said it was the best $30 investment she made, and it is actually quite bright. So I am looking into investing in
Starting point is 01:25:54 one of these. And then also looking at a security camera. I do like this. This is awesome. a security camera. I do like this. This is awesome. But no, so we are running into, well, the other day we've got quite a bit of torrential rain. I know a lot of other places did. Louisiana got a few tornadoes. James has some work on water procurement. You'll need to be paying attention. If you aren't, you know, you get on Instagram periodically, keep an eye out. That man does a daily live on Instagram. I'm getting where I'm starting to do daily lives on, not daily, but, um, periodic lives on Instagram. I am looking at slowly shifting my, I do have a TikTok, looking at shifting it to the prepper and oh, they have, oh, I don't want to pay that much.
Starting point is 01:26:59 Sorry, I was looking, they have an automatic chicken coop door opener with heating and anti-pinch function, solar powered. Looks great. Unfortunately, I don't have $130 that I can just spend on one of these. Anyone want to volunteer, let me know. I mean, it looks fantastic. It looks awesome, but realistically, that is out of my pocketbook. That's way too beyond what I'm needing. I still like it though. Okay. Yeah. So I didn't mean to fall down a rabbit hole
Starting point is 01:27:52 looking at Amazon, but I think that's what, where we're at as people and as preppers, not looking at Amazon, but trying to see how we can expand, how we can utilize. I have been here going on three years. We were hoping to have moved out of the area this year, but some unforeseeable circumstances have occurred. And now we are trying to go ourselves at a year. One of the members got one of those. Any word on who? So I can ask them about that because it looks interesting.
Starting point is 01:28:35 I'm seeing a slightly cheaper one. It says farm light solar automatic chicken door with energy efficient solar timer light sensor and remote. I do like the heater one considering they're still quite small chicks. It's kind of a gamble to put them out. But in years past when I had 25 chickens, it wasn't anything for me to leave the chicks out with the chickens. I mean... Oh, let's see. Hmm. In Homesteading? Okay. Let me hop over.
Starting point is 01:29:21 So, listeners who are not on the group chat, jump over to PBN Family. Take a look at everything on here. We do have a group chat in Element. We sign up, let us know, we'll get you added in. And we have pages specifically titled for certain topics. I don't know. I came back across your Hot Pockets. There were pizza rolls. What were those that you made?
Starting point is 01:30:02 Hmm. just the amount of information that is in here that we all share with each other. We, we enjoy to any of the listeners who's listening to this on the record or the download, hit me up. If you're the one who got that automated heated solar chicken door, I would love to hear how that worked for you. It may be something for me to save up to. It might be too big for what I have, but I do like the idea of being able to at least give them a little more security, even if the coop itself isn't as sturdy as I'd like, at least that main hutch part is. ABN Family, it's time for the Prepper Tip of the Day.
Starting point is 01:30:58 Hello everyone out there in Internet Radio Land, this is Dave Jones, the NBC guy, giving you another prepper tip of the day. And this is isolation. Isolation is your best friend in a pandemic. A biological agent. A germ. A germ. You need to be able to isolate yourself from the outside world. But more importantly, you need to be able to protect anybody that gets sick. If you have a master bedroom, you have an isolation quarters.
Starting point is 01:31:39 The same person takes care of them every day at the same time. You take them food, whatever they need, and they are isolated from the rest of the house, the rest of the family. And that person, only one person takes care of them because if they come down with the sickness, then they become isolated. But you need to know that isolation is your best friend. If there is, when there is, the next pandemic. If you stay away from everybody, that is your best defense. Your second best defense is cleaning yourself, cleaning your hands, destroying germs. Okay.
Starting point is 01:32:31 Alcohol, 70% or more. Hydrogen peroxide, greater than 7%. Clorox, chlorine, totally neutralizes any kind of germ agent. So that is my prepper tip for the day. Isolation. Think about it. Take care and prep on. pbn family the unthinkable has occurred i'm coming to you, the unthinkable has occurred. I'm coming to you live. The unthinkable has occurred here in this country.
Starting point is 01:33:29 We have reached a brand new low tonight here in the United States of America. Donald Trump has been shot at a rally today in Pennsylvania. He's been since escorted to the hospital. And by all accounts that I've read and listened to thus far is doing well. There are other people shot in the crowd and it doesn't sound like they're doing well at all. Two things come to mind right off the bat if you want the words from the commander. Number one being the fact that I expect to hear from the President of the United States. I expect that he be woken up. I expect that he be given his bottle and brought to the microphone
Starting point is 01:34:12 and the podium to talk about what a terrible and unbelievable situation this is. Now, we all know that's not going to happen. Now we all know that's not going to happen. Second, for a situation like this to unfold is to become legend. And I'm going to be honest with you. When I saw him put his hands up in the air and yell, it looked like he mouthed the words fight. It brought tears to my eyes. It really did. It was as it was the witnessing of history and the changing of status from what Donald Trump was to what Donald Trump now is because he has been there has been an attempted attempted assassination. Now,
Starting point is 01:35:06 the issue here and the issue that needs to be addressed is the fact that for the last eight years this has been set into motion. For the last eight years we've seen a myriad of comments coming from the highest levels of influence and the media that have all led to this moment.
Starting point is 01:35:31 The highest level of the political spectrum and the most extreme fringes of the political spectrum on the Democrat side and some even on the Republican side. We have watched this man drug through the fire and the flame and the broken glass by the media for eight years. For the last at least two years in particular, they have been on a particular tirade that I've talked about almost my entire career behind the microphone, which is by any means necessary. I told you before Donald Trump was even a political candidate that the most dangerous thing you can say is by any means necessary. When they turned that into, we must save democracy by any means necessary.
Starting point is 01:36:16 And when you have the media, when you have celebrity, when you have politicians, when you have presidents talking to the people, brainwashing the people day in and day out that by any means necessary we must protect democracy from this monster.
Starting point is 01:36:44 I don't want to set the world i i just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country maybe there will be to chase at least for a moment trump and the maggots off the stage there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives. Donald Trump, I think you need to go back and punch him in the face. I thought he should have punched him in the face. I feel like punching him. I'd like to take him behind the gym if I were in high school.
Starting point is 01:37:21 If you were in high school, I'd take you behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. I will go and take Trump out tonight. Take him out now. When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? They're still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump. Show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Can you push back on them? Can you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere? I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. Please get up in the face of some Congress people.
Starting point is 01:37:54 People will do what they do. I want to tell you, Lord Dutch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. We're going to go in there winning. This is just a warning to you Trumpers. Be careful. Walk lightly. And for those of you who are soldiers, make them pay.
Starting point is 01:38:23 We are your lizard overlords. Stop listening to these preppers. Eat your crickets. Fight in the streets. Own nothing. And love it. We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. What is up, guys? It's your boys, L. Douglas Hogan and...
Starting point is 01:39:08 Ryan Buford. Welcome, everybody, to the show. Man, what a crazy week it's been. Tell me what you did this Thanksgiving, Ryan. Oh, man. So we had about 18 to 24 people around for Thanksgiving at my place, flying in from all over the country and friends, family, coworkers. It was a blast. A lot of dogs. I think we counted, at one point, we had eight dogs and all those people around my house. So it was kind of a little bit chaotic. Two or three days worth of prep work just destroyed within about 40 minutes.
Starting point is 01:39:41 18 to 24 people? We were expecting 18 and 24 showed up so wow so did you have enough food to go around oh yeah we made sure to have extras on hand and we actually had some leftovers too so i'm kind of still plowing through that but it was a good time you know and i mean i was really kind of blown away i mean a lot of people think, oh, well, I'm just going to go to somebody's house, you know, if shit hits the fan or whatever. And more and more I realized, no, that ain't happening. I mean, I'm not set up to feed an army, especially not on a daily basis. I mean, it took weeks of prep work just for one meal.
Starting point is 01:40:22 So, I mean, I can't imagine having, you know, a heavy household full of people constantly. I mean, that would be, that would be a chore for sure. Golly. Yeah. I probably would have ran out of food, but yeah, I wouldn't certainly wouldn't give your address out to nobody right now. So, you know, you got a little food. Wow. No. So, well, yeah, what we did, I guess we got, we got a tradition here um is we just instead of cooking and cleaning and doing all this other stuff and you know going out and about and just we uh we just go out to cracker barrel um make a brunch of it so late breakfast early lunch and uh have to have them cook for us and then um and then the kids part ways they go to
Starting point is 01:41:01 their their uh the other side of the family yep and spend some turkey time with them i mean i think in the future we'll probably wind up doing that we generally don't do a big event like this regularly we'll we'll we can handle it once or twice a year maybe or something like this every other year or two or three years in a row but this is the biggest by far so but yeah we had we had corned beef chicken sand or not chicken turkey we did a full turkey and salmon and all the all the stuff all the fixes and you hosted oh yeah yes hosted at my place so full house it was definitely a full house um in the evening so yeah so i work second shift uh my my town where i police
Starting point is 01:41:46 uh they take care of their police officers they pay us triple time so yeah i uh i i i policed with uh with a smile on my face um it was good to know that i was getting paid uh you know good money to triple time yeah you know to to do that and i can't complain about it why would i why would i want to complain and then the day after thanksgiving also was the same thing we get triple pay for for thanksgiving all holidays so it worked out very well and i can't complain about that and quite happy yes yeah i i did the opposite i uh i actually took a nap at four o'clock and didn't wake up until next morning so after the event i was done so first time i slept 14 hours like that before my life so you had like what like a like a like a food coma i don't know what it was i think i was just
Starting point is 01:42:38 after all the the ramping up to it and then hosting and doing all this stuff and i just crashed hard. Wow. Had an opportunity and took it. So sometimes you got to sleep when you can. Yep. That's what I tell. Absolutely. That's what I tell my wife.
Starting point is 01:42:52 Like, cause you know, I, it's, I can't, I can't plan a lunch break in the line of work that I do. I, cause the criminals don't care when you, you know what you're doing. I'll get a call anytime. And it's, it's one of those jobs. You don't get you, there's no holidays off. You know, I're doing. I'll get a call anytime. It's one of those jobs. There's no holidays off. I get my weekends off. That's scheduled, and somebody else is covering for that time off.
Starting point is 01:43:10 But during the day, there's no relief. So you eat when you can. If you catch a break, a lull in the time, just some downtime. And I never say the Q word on duty. I'm not working right now, so I never say it. I don't say quiet on duty because it seems like when I do that, everything just turns upside down and shaking together and and throwing up uh so i we all try to avoid that probably stupid stition but it is what it is and then we eat what we can and uh i'm glad
Starting point is 01:43:35 you found uh time to take a nap yeah especially like that um last week we talked we went through um about a dozen or so of trump's nominations and uh a video an audio actually recently um surfaced um pam bondi and we talked about her last week i guess she's going to be trump's attorney general if i remember right yeah um there's something i want to dig uh i want i want to ask you your thoughts on this. I don't know if you've heard this or not. I didn't send it to you in advance either, so kind of ad lib this and kind of catch you off guard. It's about the Second Amendment.
Starting point is 01:44:13 It's about gun rights and stuff like that, so it's something you should be familiar with anyway and be able to give me an ad lib answer. But listen to this real quick here and tell me what you think. Gun violence restraining order. So if someone is civilly committed, and typically you can hold them for up to 72 hours, but people are getting out within 24 hours, the majority of them.
Starting point is 01:44:35 So what we want to do is let law enforcement come in and take the guns. They are a danger to themselves or others. Which you can't do right now. Well, because without being adjudicated. So because they're a danger to themselves. You want them to take the guns and not go through six months of legal trials and everything. Exactly. But we also have to give the mentally ill the due process in which they deserve, President. So what we're doing is they're going to be able to take the guns when they're taken into custody or into the hospital, and then when they're released released within 24 hours or 72 hours
Starting point is 01:45:06 later typically it's 24 hours but law enforcement will have 72 hours to determine whether they should give those guns back or they can go to a judge and say your honor please keep these guns we feel this person is still a danger to himself or others. Okay. So your thoughts first, I want to hear what you think about that. And I'll tell you what my thoughts are. So it's reminiscent of the red flag law, red flag laws that some states have. And I think I have a really hard time with that because people can go up and say, oh, this person did something to me.
Starting point is 01:45:41 He's unstable. And then all of a sudden they lose all their Second Amendment rights in that county or state. And it's up to the police or law enforcement to hand over their property back. And it's messed up because I don't know if you remember the Liberty Safe fiasco a couple of years back. I don't. Basically, Liberty Safe is a safe manufacturer. And they there was a guy who was arrested while he was in prison. Not prison, in a holding cell or something like that. The police contact Liberty Safe and got the back door access code to his gun safe and emptied his gun safe while he was incarcerated. safe and emptied his gun safe while he was incarcerated. And I think it was under one of these things. And there was a huge ordeal about Liberty safe and their ability to even do that
Starting point is 01:46:31 and that kind of stuff, because, um, the concept to me is major infringement of rights. And I could see it in a specific example, how that might be something useful, but I can also see how that might be something useful but i can also see how that could be flipped around and used in such a way that you know uh an ex-girlfriend or ex-fiancee or ex-boyfriend for that matter decided to come around and say oh he did this to me or she did that to me and she's mentally unstable and next thing you know your your ability to own or possess firearms is basically thrown out the window and in some states you cannot um like you can't possess a firearm if you've ever been how do you say uh treated for depression or anxiety or any kind of mental illness it it puts a hindrance on or a red flag
Starting point is 01:47:27 on your your ability to purchase a firearm right and or conceal carry that might be the hiccup too yeah um and and then also i want to back it up this audio just to the point where she starts talking about the menolio because she's like we want to also on the same hand we want to give them uh due process so in other words we're just we just can't go in and blanket red flag law these guys and say hey this guy's mentally ill yeah you know is this is this the uh who is this woman this is pam bondy this is the one yeah this is the nomination we talked about last week that uh trump and it's funny because the first words out of her mouth is is she's it's like she's telling trump out of her mouth is, it's like she's telling Trump what he's going to do.
Starting point is 01:48:06 She's like, you're going to do this. Listen to this first part, and then I'll fast forward it here back to the middle. You're going to bring in something called the gun violence. You're going to bring in something called the gun violence. Listen to that again. You're going to bring in something called the gun violence restraint. Yeah, you're going to bring in something called the gun violence restraint. Yeah, you're going to bring in something called the gun violence restraining order. And then she goes on to say we also want to give the mentally ill due process.
Starting point is 01:48:33 Listen to this. So what we're doing is they're going to be able to take the guns when they're taken into custody or into the hospital. And then when they're released within 24 hours or 72 hours later, typically it's 24 hours, but law enforcement will have 72 hours to determine whether they should give those guns back, or they can go to a judge and say, Your Honor, please keep these guns.
Starting point is 01:48:57 We feel this person is still a danger to himself or others. The part I have, there's a lot of problems i have with this first of all it's a slippery slope it's a very slippery slope um but to her arguments and the points that she's making she said that law enforcement will have 20 or 72 hours to determine if they're still you know first of all i'm not qualified to make that kind of decision and and for somebody to to put that on my shoulders as a police officer and saying here officer hogan you have 72 hours to determine you know if he's or she is still mentally handicapped or mentally inept or you know uh intellectually disabled whatever the the allegation is against
Starting point is 01:49:38 them whatever they got committed for or civilly committed for i'm not licensed professionally to make that decision and so for anybody a higher authority like in this case say the federal government or illinois state police or anybody to say here it's up to you to determine if they're still mentally ill or not and what happens if i say okay he's he's not i because i'm not professionally trained i'm not licensed to do that now granted i for 25 years i'm probably a bad example i'm not licensed to do that but i have 25 years working with the mentally ill so maybe i am a bad example but let's say an average police officer that's not got the training and experience in dealing with mentally ill like i do that they would say okay you know i i you
Starting point is 01:50:21 sound like you're good to go now you know you see You know, you're not threatening to hurt yourself no more. You said you're not going to hurt yourself no more, right? That's right. I'm not going to hurt myself no more, officer. Okay. Well, here's your guns back. And then he goes and he kills his family. Right?
Starting point is 01:50:35 Yeah. That's on you as the officer. It's on me. Let him go. The liability falls back on the law. I'd be indemnified because, but they always try to hang the lowest the common like the lowest common denominator in this case you know uh being a police officer i would be indemnified uh unless i'm doing something that's not legal okay then then then i would be i could
Starting point is 01:50:58 be sued civilly since i would be acting under color of law which in this case i would be but it'd fall back on the department and the department within would try to hang me could they press charge against me civilly no because i'm acting under the color of law but they could terminate me you see i'm saying because i made a bad decision i broke policy or i'd made some kind of bad decision my judgment's off something along those lines i don't like the idea of it yeah i don't either i i the thing is is personally my firearms and the firearms in my family a lot of them are heirlooms and that's how we collect as a family so things that i have are are firearms that my grandparents had and for someone to just come in and say oh we don't think
Starting point is 01:51:43 you're especially when someone who understands the value of some of these firearms says, oh, I'm sorry. You know, all of a sudden my mental ability to be a harm to myself or someone else becomes worth less than the value of my guns to someone who wants them in their possession. You know what I mean? Once it becomes property to the state, it just is, I mean, who's to say it's going to stay intact? Right. You know, if it goes missing in an evidence room or something like that. Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid Commander, and I'm holding The Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy, M.D.
Starting point is 01:52:48 In this great book, you'll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You'll learn about assessment and stabilization. You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. Look, 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the Prepper's Medical Handbook today at Again, that's the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forty. A person who advocates and practices preparedness. One ready for any event that would disrupt their daily routine.
Starting point is 01:53:28 That is a prepper. The pictures tell the story This life had many shades I'd wake up every morning And before I'd start each day I'd take a drag from last night's cigarette That smoldered in its tray Down a little something Then be beyond my way
Starting point is 01:54:05 I traveled far and wide and laid this head in many ports I was guided by a compass, I saw beauty to the north I drew the tales of many lives and wore the faces of my own I had these memories all around me So I wouldn't be alone Some maybe from showing up Others are from growing up Sometimes I was all messed up And didn't have a clue
Starting point is 01:54:35 I ain't winning no one over I'm wearing just for you I got your name written here In a rose tattoo In a rose tattoo in a rose tattoo. In a rose tattoo. In a rose tattoo. I got your name written here in a rose tattoo. Patriot Power Hour.
Starting point is 01:55:09 Time for that news blitz. June 18th, 2024. Episode 267. Season finale. Here we go. Florida congressional candidate suggests suspending habeas corpus for Trump to arrest Democrats. Chinese cyber police agent runs online network helping illegal immigrants flood into the U.S. Chinese may be probing American military readiness through base breaches,
Starting point is 01:55:48 lawmaker says. Eight suspected illegal alien terrorists arrested in New York, Philly, and L.A. January 6th, Capitol Police chief says speaker staff blocked additional security, which was requested. Dozens of North Korean soldiers repeatedly breached the DMZ.
Starting point is 01:56:17 Hezbollah rains rockets on Israel after strike kills commander. Israel after strike kills commander. Google API leaks reveal search giant rigs results for COVID. If you were an avid listener of Patriot Power Hour, you know that came out last week. But now there's some add-on to it, which actually increased to the maximum SHhtf level or grade nih caught feeding gain of function disinfo to journalists and federal reserve chair admits fed government is overstating jobs so just more and more news blatantly censored not just the google leaks but national institute of health nih
Starting point is 01:57:02 caught feeding gain of function disinfo to journalists as well as the fed admitting that federal the federal reserve that is i mean that the federal government is overstating jobs and their job reports let's go on to a little more economics not much relatively quiet but also uh increases in most of the markets maybe not the gold silver bitcoin down a few points percentage points last week home foreclosures on the rise. By 2034, the federal government debt's going to exceed $50 trillion. That's a prediction we're going to make.
Starting point is 01:57:56 The over-under on federal government, $50 trillion. Got to mark that down to remember. Talk about the future Dan. Consumer prices up 3.3%. They're bragging about it. Inflation is down. You know, it's not as bad as it used to be. Blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:58:14 3.3% is still a lot. Massachusetts had an hours-long, the entire state or commonwealth, 9-11 system, 9-1-1, was down for hours and hours and hours. The Florida government declares emergency as state is swamped by heavy rain. I think they said more than a month worth of rain in an hour sarasota something like that
Starting point is 01:58:50 maybe even more rare drug resistant flu variant found in the u.s not much seismic activity or asteroid activity. Seems that natural disasters are, as always, knock on wood, not hitting strongly right now. Feature Dan, that's the news blitz. Yeah, awesome. So several of those we need to get into the details. But out of this blitzkrieg, some of these active indicators, yeah, more predictions.
Starting point is 01:59:28 Summer predictions are in order. Summer predictions. So let's start with Korean War restarting. That's actually the name of the indicator. Korean War restarts
Starting point is 01:59:44 of low-grade, the lowest possible topical news, dozens of North Korean soldiers breaching the demilitarized zone. I asked you in the past, we haven't done the percentage odds and all that type of stuff, but do you think, I asked you, do you think i asked you do you think the korean war restarting is the same you know it goes one and one hand in hand with taiwan and china or do you think it's more likely korean war is going to restart or more likely taiwan's going to be attacked. I think it's about another way to frame the question is what's the chances it doesn't start? And I think it's like a 85, 80, 85% chance we don't see the Sino-Taiwanese conflict begin in the next six to 12 months. But that number might be a little bit higher or a little bit lower.
Starting point is 02:00:53 I think, you know, high 70s, mid 75s, if other conditions, you know, cascade, right? If nothing else changes and things go the way they are, we're not going to see a war in either of those theaters. But there's financial collapse and election chaos in the United States. A war in Korea is, to me, more likely than Taiwan invasion. So I'm putting this down for posterity's sake. So I'm putting this down for posterity's sake. About a 75% chance that there's not going to be a restarting of the Korean War between now and let's just call it June 2025.
Starting point is 02:01:36 Yeah, it's a 25% chance that it does. That's high. That's high. But I mean, I'm not saying it's wrong per se, but I mean like 25% chance a Korean war starts. Wow. Well, what are the North Koreans doing today, yesterday? Breaching the DMZ?
Starting point is 02:01:54 Like, that regime does that stuff. And Putin's in the capital tonight. So, maybe they think they can do that because the Russian president's entering North Korean airspace and they provoke, right? I think the Koreas could go at it much sooner than most other places on Earth. Now, how far does that war escalate, right? It's just the truth. They've had skirmishes.
Starting point is 02:02:21 They've shot each other's boats. They've had commandos come out of North Korea and wreck havoc in the South. It could be a low-intensity resumption of the Korean War. But those sides have a much higher probability of going at it on a clandestine and limited basis. on a clandestine and limited basis. And probably I'd have, you know, Israel and Iran and Iranian proxies are order of magnitude more likely. They're doing it constantly pretty much now.
Starting point is 02:02:56 But anywhere else on earth, two seriously well-armed nations like North and South Korea, the only other place that might have the same propensity to be a hot spot, in my opinion, is India and Pakistan. You read my mind. I was actually going to ask you what were your percentages on that, or do you think that's even scoring on the Richter scale?
Starting point is 02:03:25 We haven't heard a lot of news from there lately, but there's been a lot of cross-border exchanges of fire for many decades. So you've got to know that that's there, and they're both nuclear-armed countries. If I was going to pick two nuclear-armed belligerents who might just do it, India and Pakistan are near the top of that list because their arsenals are at risk of each other, right? And especially Pakistan, use it or lose it kind of mentality with their nuclear arsenal would, you know, it's different, right? China doesn't have a use it or lose it
Starting point is 02:04:01 mentality, nor do we, nor do the Russians, nor does any nation that has submarine-launched missiles that are nuclear-armed. You have that retaliatory capability. And India and Pakistan, I'm sure India has nukes on capable Navy. I'm not sure
Starting point is 02:04:20 what Pakistan is able to do in that regard. So that's a lot less stable. And we think North Korea has nuclear arms, but not many. So, you know, they too would be at a use or lose kind of risk if they thought that even conventional strikes, advanced hypersonic conventional strikes could put all of their nuclear weapons that they may have in the dozens, I think, or less than 100, and who knows how functional they are. If they perceive the threat that any of that could be wiped out in a preemptive strike, they might decide to do their own preemptive strike. So the Koreas, Pakistan, India, and, of of course the Middle East, Israel against Iran.
Starting point is 02:05:08 Those are all real hot spots that have much higher than what we would have predicted before Russia went into Ukraine. That Russian-Ukrainian war is really destabilizing the other regions because thresholds are getting crossed. Blood is getting let. Governments are becoming inclined to resort to force in ways that we haven't seen since the end of World War II. The Overton window of warfare is moving pretty quick even, huh? of warfare is moving pretty quick even, huh? That would be the fear that, you know, when Pax Americana ends, when our nuclear umbrella and our force destabilizes, we have like all-time
Starting point is 02:05:56 high number of troops in Jordan right now. If they all were removed from Jordan and other places in the Middle East, the region would come apart at the seams. So, a couple numbers I want to try to get from you. We'll stay on Israel and Iran. Let's just say Israel and Iran, or just the various parties involved. I guess you could even throw in Yemen and just the overall Middle East. But let's just say that quagmire over there, that cluster
Starting point is 02:06:26 you know what over there what is the percentage chance it'll be worse in the next 12 months compared to what it was the most recent 12 months, because it went pretty crazy since October of last year, sort of cooled off we got a couple topical
Starting point is 02:06:42 there was a commander killed and a couple attacks back. But long story short, do you think it's cooled off or do you think it'll be equal or worse in the next 12 months? Well, let's define worse, right? We got baseline that. So just a month or so ago, Israel and iran were striking each other with missiles so worse than that same or worse than that yes yes let's just say same or worse than that direct attacks on each other's territory and kidnappings and killings and inside israel as
Starting point is 02:07:22 well as what they're doing in gaza so throwing that all together plus all the money put in there, aid and weaponry and otherwise, just all of it rolled into one. Super hard to quantify, but will it maintain or get worse or is it actually going to ease off a little bit? Maybe it'll come back in five or ten years or do you think it's going to really pop off? come back in five or ten years? Or do you think it's going to really pop off? I think the conflict in Gaza is going to wind down.
Starting point is 02:07:50 I think the exchange of fire on each other's territory in an open way has an 80% or higher chance of repeating itself in the next 12 months. Perfect. I think it's a pretty high number and probably about right.
Starting point is 02:08:10 Pakistan and India war. How do you quantify war? However we quantify the Korea war restarting, let's quantify that with Pakistan and India. So you said there's a 75% chance of no war in the next 12 months between the Koreas, whether it's clandestine or nuclear or anything in between. What about Pakistan and India? 75 to 80%, about the same. And that 20 to 25% of chance of war is much higher now because of what could come about in the United States, right? If our command and control and our peaceful handoff of political power through elections
Starting point is 02:08:57 is in doubt, then these parts of the world could decide to, you know, take strategic advantage of the lack of decisiveness in America. And that's why those are elevated. But still, you know, 80% chance there isn't a war. There are nuclear-armed countries. They have huge populations immediately at risk of an exchange of those Zooks. But, you know, the fundamental difference between Pakistan and India, Iran, Israel, Israel and all of its neighbors, the Koreas, it's very fundamental.
Starting point is 02:09:39 The basic differences on what is Ukraine between Russian separatists and the Kiev regime and the regime in Moscow. And that is a full-blown conventional war right now. So we have an Article 8 suspected illegal alien terrorist arrested in New York, Philly, and L.A. Between now and this time next year. Let's keep it on 12 months. What are the odds that here in U.S. territory,
Starting point is 02:10:14 domestically, there's terror attack or attacks, plural, with a cumulative death toll of 2,000 or more? I would hope that something like that or even something 10% the size of that would break the back of willpower to have the FBI exist in both political parties.
Starting point is 02:10:38 And for that reason, because institutions protect themselves. I'm thinking that the chances of that kind of strike in the United States are at an all-time low. Now, if the FBI is thoroughly corrupt, as some suspect, and the deep state is thoroughly tied together, and institutional prerogatives and congressional oversight and funding have no meaning to what really goes on. I can't guess that number. But assuming that that network, although highly frayed and seeded with deep, deep, deep distrust now, is there, I still think that the powers that be would have enough wherewithal to prevent something like that. And after 9-11, to me, one of the strongest circumstantial pieces of evidence that it could have been an inside job is the fact that it hadn't happened since.
Starting point is 02:11:43 That apparently it wasn't very difficult to prevent an attack like that. Right? So if it happened now, there's no way the FBI walks away looking like it tried its best and there's nothing they can do. I hope you're right. Do you have a percentage you want to put it on? We don't have to agree you want to put it on? We don't have to agree.
Starting point is 02:12:06 I can put yours or mine. I think I'm going to put mine at about, gosh, 15%. 2,000 people getting killed? You're talking about a 9-11 equivalent type lethal attack. Or multiple. It could be like eight or ten shopping malls attacked all at once. I mean, it could be like 8 or 10 shopping malls attacked all at once I mean it could be organized by state actors even
Starting point is 02:12:29 so you're putting out what chance I'm struggling between about 10 and 15% but I think it's very possible you know whether that's a sleeper cell attack by China whether that's inside job by Democrats whether that's a sleeper cell attack by China, whether that's inside
Starting point is 02:12:45 job by Democrats, whether it's just some cycle able to car bomb a football stadium and kill 2000 people in the parking lot three hours before a game. I mean, that's probably a little too high. Crowd behavior where more than one of those happens, you know, at the same time, but not directly linked. where more than one of those happens at the same time but not directly linked. If they knock out power for 96 hours to L.A. or New York somehow, there will be 2,000 people dead.
Starting point is 02:13:17 So I would include that too. Well, that's a whole different kind of prediction now, isn't it? Pairing these things and putting second order effects if a grid down occurs what's the percentage chance of of this well now obviously it skyrockets right so it would be had to be a specific terror attack i mean so that is that's a good point i mean i should probably say you know it's more of a direct death so we're thinking more of a 9-11 rather than a you know taking down the grid um i was actually thinking more like three or four of these events like all the same
Starting point is 02:13:51 day potentially so a few hundred for each one um i mean the vegas shooter there was 100 plus dead and you know mass shooters a few of them easily kill 100, 200 people at each location. You know, if half of the NFL stadiums were attacked on the same day, there would be hundreds dead, if not thousands. So I hope they don't do that. I hope the FBI is stopping that type of crap. But I'm putting it at 10% to 15%. And in the past, I would have put it at about, you know, 3% to 5%.
Starting point is 02:14:22 But I'm doubling, maybe tripling it because of at about you know three to five percent um but i'm doubling maybe tripling it because of the you know instability of domestic and geopolitical so there's some kind of you know looking at some kind of knock-on effect where during a heat wave sleeper cells had managed to find a way to interrupt the power supply to large regions or large metropolitan areas, you could reach 2,000 dead just from, you know, the number of people that live at home, you know, with, you know, medical equipment that has to be powered, right? And pharmacies being out and people missing critical drugs. Hard to measure. You wouldn't come up with a number for that immediately,
Starting point is 02:15:10 but it would come out in the statistics that that area suffered some kind of mortality rate that spiked and consequently it killed 2,000, you can estimate. it killed 2,000, you can estimate. So if you look at, like, a knock-on effect of, you know, this combined to that to result in this, yeah, every time you do, like, if that happens plus that, now you get to that kind of death toll. The curve is, you know, exponential. I will not be going to any sporting events or large gatherings of more than 50 people anytime in the near future.
Starting point is 02:15:53 Definitely not until at least January of next year. After the swearing in of either precedent, if it occurs, I just feel like, wow, it's just a time of chaos right now but some people say don't live in fear and all that but uh at least have an escape plan or carry concealed if you're able to in those locations uh anything else on the terror attack i think that was most of uh
Starting point is 02:16:17 the predictions or did you have any other categories or news articles today that you wanted to try to see where it's going to be in 12 months? Now's the time. Well, we're going to go off of active indicators tonight, but we're not going to dwell on the headlines. We already blitzed them tonight. But just read me a list of some other indicators that are active tonight, and we'll take a shot at some kind of percentage chance that they go to black on red,
Starting point is 02:16:44 grade one happening now. Let's go with 911 overwhelmed. A rare indicator on future danger. Let's go look at the long-term history. It's shown up a few times, but not often. Only a few articles in the last six years 9-1-1 no by the way no shtf level uh articles so it's never actualized at the highest grade what do you think the chance at 9-1-1? What would define 9-1-1 be an SHTF
Starting point is 02:17:28 level? Not being able to access it, that is. 9-1-1 overwhelmed. What percentage do you think in the next 12 months? Well, if it had not been brought back online within a few hours, it would be grade one
Starting point is 02:17:44 for Massachusetts right now. And it's a very dangerous situation in the modern world, right? Definitely. And the more we rely on these things, and 911 is a great thing and help people, but most people don't plan for a backup. If 911 doesn't work, they're going to be kind of screwed sometimes. It's the criminal terror that
Starting point is 02:18:06 would would be completely possible and the people that would do that realizing that now is the time that's what makes it dangerous what's your uh percentage chance on shtf level 911 overwhelmed never happened during future dangers life, but what do you think that will change in the next year? I don't think it's ever happened in a statewide fashion. So what we saw tonight was probably a glitch, maybe a hack, but if it ever went on for any amount of time, it would be really bad for that area.
Starting point is 02:18:44 I'd say it's a 10% chance in 2024 in blue states. And if you had a knock-on effect of other very severe indicators, it could be overwhelmed not only because the system failed eternally, but too many people call it at the same time, right? That's exactly what I was thinking, actually. If we have a chaotic election, I think that goes from a 10% chance up to 30%, 40% chance during rioting that follows election disputes.
Starting point is 02:19:22 Right. Good way to put it. And I was, I was thinking that possibly the primary way we would see this nine one, one overwhelmed be fully actualized is too many people trying to call the course with cyber attack or some other issue. But, uh, too many people trying to call seems like just as reasonable or more
Starting point is 02:19:44 reasonable than any of them how about another one what else is active tonight let's go with federal government defaults well that that chance in the next uh 12 months is is near zero because they just won't admit it whether, you know, whether the math really said they were. You know, it would take longer than a year for them to ever admit it, right? So this indicator requires everybody to openly recognize that the U.S. government defaulted. But earlier you teased the possibility of predicting the chance of hitting federal government $50 trillion in debt. The headline tonight says 10 years from now. But I think what would be interesting is to hear from you, Ben. What year are you going to take the over 50% chance?
Starting point is 02:20:37 I like this. This is going to be one of my favorite ones ever, I think. Well, just before we do that, I went back into the archive. I'm going back to May 4th, 2017. This is six months before we even started Patriot Power Hour. And this, back then, May 4th, 2017, seven years ago, a little more,
Starting point is 02:21:01 cost of interest on federal government debt rises to above half a trillion dollars and just around that same time is when we hit 20 trillion in debt today go to the handy dandy u.s debt clock in about seven years we've gone from 20 trillion to i think 34 let's check for sure yeah 34.8 we're almost at 35 so we've gone 15 trillion let's just round it 15 trillion in seven years that's 2 trillion a year so we need another 16 15 or 16 trillion to get to that $50. If at the same pace, it would be about seven or eight years from now. They're saying $10.
Starting point is 02:21:52 They're totally sandbagging. It's really going to be $5. I'm going to say January 1st, 2028 is my over-under on $50. Yep. I agree with that. I'm with you on that. And by the way, so I'm going to write that down first off. 1-1-2028.
Starting point is 02:22:19 It's going to be here. Hey, y'all. welcome to today's show. I think we're actually going to get through about three medicinal trees today. At least one of them is super common where I live. It's the hickory tree. And what would barbecue would be without hickory wood? I mean, it is like, what three trees define North Carolina? Pine, certainly, oak, and hickory wood i mean it is like what three trees define north carolina pine certainly oak and hickory that's north carolina in a nutshell so uh that's one of the three we'll get to and um and then what i'm going to do is get back to assembling my new bicycle
Starting point is 02:23:01 yes believe it or not this whole hillbilly has a bicycle. I just bought it. First one I'm going to be on, I don't know, I was probably 13 the last time I rode a bicycle. I'm 46 now. You can do the math. I'm excited about it. No, seriously, just, you know, recently I've been thinking a lot about solar flares and what if the grid goes down and what are you going to do? Well, you know, eventually I'd like to have a farm with a lot of horses. I grew up with horses. I grew up, my grandfather had a surrey.
Starting point is 02:23:36 He had buggies. He had all kinds of stuff. Actually, what they called a limousine, which belonged to the governor of North Carolina in the 1800s. You know, a surrey, a very nice one, black with leather seating and everything, really quite fancy, that you would have had at least two horses to draw. And, you know, I'm good with horses, but it really hit me one day, you know, for just running around town, you know, I don't really live in a town but you could call
Starting point is 02:24:06 it a village if i go two miles in one direction i'm to my favorite fishing hole if i go two miles in the other direction i'm at the post office and there's a gas station convenience store you know a gun shop there are a few few necessities if i them. A shop that just sells Donald Trump memorabilia and a little sandwich stand. So that's cool. I've got everything I need right there. Blue Ridge Parkway, of course, all behind the house. I could go hundreds of miles in either direction if I wanted to with very little traffic danger. But then again, six miles, I think, to town, so that's a bit of
Starting point is 02:24:48 a trek, maybe like five, totally doable on a bicycle though, absolutely, I can get groceries, there's a drugstore, bank, library, the courthouse is there, I could pay the tax bill if I wanted to and I just kind of got to thinking you know I pay so much in gas just to drive my big heavy 1989 Chevy pickup truck around I could save a whole lot of money if I rode a bicycle there's also you know wear and tear on vehicle maintenance always the danger of getting in an accident or something breaking and tearing up. And I just thought, you know, I need to do more for my physical health, obviously. I mean, I am 46 now and I'm not in the shape I once was, especially over the last couple of years. You know, I had COVID twice.
Starting point is 02:25:41 It takes its toll. It really does. I need to get back in shape. Well, how about if I get a bicycle? you know I had COVID twice it takes its toll it really does I need to get back in shape well how about if I get a bicycle so I found a really great bicycle for about a hundred bucks and I'm going to put it together this evening and go for my first ride in 30 some years tomorrow god willing I won't kill myself and uh you know I love to use a Tenkara rod for fishing. If you haven't looked into Tenkara, you really ought to do so. Tenkara is a collapsible Japanese fly rod.
Starting point is 02:26:12 It's actually very traditional. They used to make them out of joints of bamboo. It's not like, you know, an as-seen-on-TV type thing. It kind of combines cane pole fishing with fly fishing. That's ideal for me where I live, where we have so many small trout streams that are stocked. And, you know, I figure I can put a basket on there for, I don't know, 10, 15 bucks. You can buy one off of eBay or make one yourself, which I'll probably do. A rack on the back. I can do some foraging out on the bicycle. I can do some fishing out on the
Starting point is 02:26:44 bicycle. Heck, I can actually do some small game hunting. I mean, that foraging out on the bicycle. I can do some fishing out on the bicycle. Heck, I can actually do some small game hunting. I mean, that is sort of like the Northern England tradition. I mean, where I live is essentially identical to Yorkshire. And in Yorkshire, there are a lot of guys that are sort of, you know, kind of lower middle class, working class guys, or they're just traditional. They could be, you know, kind of lower middle class, working class guys, or they're just traditional. They could be, you know, money, but probably not. And they'll take their nets out on a night, or they'll go out with a ferret, and they'll catch a brace of rabbits, as they say. I mean, it's like a dozen, what is that? I don't even remember. Six rabbits, maybe a dozen. I don't know. But seriously, and yeah, I'm not going to draw too much
Starting point is 02:27:27 attention on a bicycle I can stash in the woods so I got one in green so it won't stand out if you know what I mean so I'm looking forward to this uh from now on Judson has a bicycle in fact Judson may not do a whole lot of driving whatsoever uh except in the winter time obviously I don't want to ride a bicycle on winter roads ice and snow and all that and i wouldn't take it a long distance and i'm certainly not gonna put on spandex or try to race somebody no i'm gonna be in my boots and jeans and you know just a hillbilly on a bicycle but uh i'm what was what's weird let's think about it um guess it was sunday and i was looking at the tracking number see when it was going to be I'm, what's weird? Let's think about it.
Starting point is 02:28:09 I guess it was Sunday, and I was looking at the tracking number to see when it was going to be delivered, and I thought, I'm actually more excited about this than anything I've been excited about since I was a kid. So, like, literally buying a bicycle makes me feel like I'm 10 years old again. You know, it's crazy, you know, just simple, stupid thing, but it should really help my health. And, you know, in my mom's neighborhood down in the Sandhills of North Carolina, there was a little old lady who used to ride her bicycle every single day. You'd see her go to the post office, the grocery store, just riding around the neighborhood for fun. That woman lived to be over 100 years old. She was just a little
Starting point is 02:28:45 rail of a thing. I mean, she probably weighed less than her bicycle. But I mean, honestly, she lived to be over 100 years old, probably because she got out and got some exercise in the sunshine and got some fresh air. Now, you know, I bought a road bike. I'm not really one for bicycles on trails. When I go out on a trail, I'm looking, one, I'm foraging. Two, I'm looking for fishing opportunities. Three, I may be stalking game. I'm hunting. Four, I'm looking for areas to trap that means slow down walk stop sit look around observe I you know people go flying past you on a mountain bike on a trail and that's just recreation that that's not um this is not practical for me for me a bike that will take me five miles to town and back without you know too much trouble
Starting point is 02:29:45 I mean and that would you know it's not something I'm going to do every day that's far more practical so I'm literally looking at this as like okay so there is an old tv show it's an English show it's called last the Summer Wine. And I always consider it like the English version of the Andy Griffith Show. For some reason, most English folks hate this show. In fact, the ones I've, I mean, I don't think I've ever, no, I have met one in my entire life. I've met one person from England who actually liked the show. It ran for, I think, 38 years on BBC. It was the longest running British sitcom.
Starting point is 02:30:32 And it was beloved by the Queen of England, and so it stayed on the air. It's, I think, absolutely brilliant. I think it's funny, it's endearing. You know, the younger folks in England thought it was like an old folk show and i think maybe the older folks in england thought it was like sort of an old-fashioned way of life they wanted to get away from so maybe it wasn't as popular as it should be i think it's absolutely brilliant honestly and if you can pull up some old episodes of last summer wine do so uh you're gonna enjoy it i mean it's a slow-paced show
Starting point is 02:31:06 and it will take a while to get used to the yorkshire accent i remember it used to come on pbs when i was a kid like again like 13 14 years old and i couldn't understand a word they were saying i've come to absolutely fall in love with the show and hit me today no one on that tv show in this little rural village in Yorkshire, except for Wesley Pegden, his wife, Edie, and that's a totally different, you know, you'll know them if you get into the show. But for like the first 10 years of the show, no one had a vehicle, no one had a car. They rode their bicycles everywhere. And it just kind of hit me, Why can't I ride my bicycle everywhere? So I got a road bike that I can ride. And I think this is going to be fantastic for foraging and gathering
Starting point is 02:31:53 wild herbs. You can probably expect, you know, I have a Rumble channel. It's, well, I've got Southern Appalachian herbs that I put the podcast on and then I've got more videos on herbal medicine 101 you're probably going to see a whole lot of wild crafting and foraging videos of me just like driving around riding around on my bicycle stop there's some you know some dock there's a big stand of burdock there's some poke there's you know blackberries you know i i guess what i'm saying is like it so fits my lifestyle i cannot believe i haven't done this before now but if you're like really um concerned about like you know emps or solar flares and the kind of stuff i am i mean literally and you know you may think this is a little crazy
Starting point is 02:32:45 this crap they're doing transhumanism is very much to me like the tower of babel and i thoroughly expect god to strike it down any day okay is does that make me some you know christian nationalist what you know whatever uh bible says god will not be mocked, and they are literally trying to make what they call, what is it? Oh, I've forgotten. It'll come to me later. Is it the synergy or something? A virtual God online that would be the sum total knowledge of all humanity, plus what all this computer could figure out on its own. Synchronicity, that's it. That would be like a virtual god. As a religious human being, I firmly believe something real bad is
Starting point is 02:33:35 going to happen soon. And our phones and our computers and our cars that are full of computers and all kinds of electronic crap probably aren't going to work and a bicycle is probably not a bad thing to have plus it's good for your health and they're actually fun um honestly assembling this bike that i just took out of the box is probably going to be the most fun i've i in a month. I love putting stuff together. If you're a guy, you probably get that. But tomorrow when I take it out, and Saturday, I'm Catholic, so we have a Saturday evening service and a Sunday morning service. I'll probably go about four miles to the church on Saturday evening at 4.30
Starting point is 02:34:24 or Sunday morning you know I love this old I may have told this before on this show I know I told it on another show recently I do three podcasts three separate podcasts a week so I mean like actually a total of I don't even know eight episodes a week so sometimes I lose track but Justin Wilson the great Cajun chef that used to be on PBS used to tell this story he said there were these two little boys grew up in Louisiana one was Baptist and one was was Catholic and they were both from Cajun families and they were best friends they were inseparable you know they just could not stand to be apart so the parents said okay on, on Saturday night,
Starting point is 02:35:06 you can stay the night with each other, and you'll go to church with him on this Sunday, and the next Sunday you'll go to church with him. So the first Sunday, the little Baptist boy goes to church with the little Catholic boy, and the little Catholic boy tells him everything. Now, if you've all never been to a Catholic Mass, it is very different than Protestant, okay?
Starting point is 02:35:23 There is what we call the liturgy it's 2 000 year old tradition you know uh 2 000 plus actually by now so the little catholic boy is telling well this is what we do now this when we kneel this when we stand this when we say this prayer this when we sing this hymn this you know it's good through the whole thing and he just you know explains it to him and the bapt Baptist boys are just fascinated, you know. Next Sunday, the little Catholic boy goes to school, the little Baptist boy. And he does the same thing. He says, you know, we come in and these are the hymns we sing.
Starting point is 02:35:54 And the preacher's going to go up there. And then the preacher takes his watch out and sits it on the lectern. Now, if you all grew up Baptist, you know what I'm about to say. The little Catholic boy says, what does that mean? Baptist boy says to him, it don't mean a damn thing whatsoever. I guarantee. Oh, if you ever sit through a few, you know, 45-minute, hour, hour-and-a-half long sermons, you know exactly what I mean. And, you know, even though I have converted Catholicism I have such a
Starting point is 02:36:27 a love for the old Southern Baptist churches I grew up in and the churches of my grandparents and yeah I love that story I love everything Justin Wilson did he was a huge influence on me in many ways but let's get into these here trees the Ademdea trees as Justin Wilson did he was a huge influence on me in many ways but let's get into these here trees the Ademda trees as Justin Wilson would have said and the first one is going to be Brusonetia papifaria yeah otherwise known as paper mulberry because nobody could pronounce that I you know when they put down these what they do they call them, etymologists or something, they make these like fancy Latin names of plants. You would think they would at least put it, keep in mind, let's give a tree a name, something that somebody can pronounce. No, they don't. In fact,
Starting point is 02:37:17 they seem to pride themselves on putting as many syllables as they can into a word. But as I said, that's called the paper mulberry, and it's naturalized in my region. It's not native. People brought it in. And of this tree, all I got on is one little entry in Plants for a Future. Medicinal use of paper mulberry. It is astringent, diuretic, tonic, and vulnering.
Starting point is 02:37:45 Now, if you've been listening to the show, you know what that means. If you're new to the show, astringent means it tightens and tonifies tissue. Diuretic means it removes excess fluids from the body. Tonic, well, it means it tonifies, but generally when someone says tonic, they mean it tonifies the digestive system. It makes the stomach work a little better. And vulnerary means it helps heal wounds. The leaf juice is diaphoretic and laxative. There's another, you know, 27-letter word.
Starting point is 02:38:19 Diaphoretic, it helps with fevers. And laxative, you probably know what that means uh speaking of old southern characters you remember that uh yeah i love james gregory i hope you love james gregory james gregory is the funniest man on earth he said you remember that commercial it was an xlax commercial and it said xlax is our family's friend i want to know where those people go on vacation so i can avoid he said the the the set the uh the motto for x-lax you know it works while you sleep i don't want that i don't want that at all i want to be up and ready to go. But anyway, yes, paper mulberry has some laxative quality and is also used in the treatment of dysentery.
Starting point is 02:39:10 So it can help you go and it can dry things up when you got diarrhea. It is also poultice for various skin disorders that set vulnerable quality. The stem bark is hemostatic. The fruit is diuretic,hthalmic stimulant stomach and tonic ophthalmic i guess it's the only weird word in that means it's good for the eyes can help with eye inflammation uh the root is cooked with other foods as a galactagogue now what's a galactagogue. What's a galactagogue? It means it actually increases mother's milk. A lot of herbs do that. About what, two years ago, there was this big shortage of baby formula. And I was on Twitter, and there are thousands of women freaking out
Starting point is 02:40:01 because they can't get baby formula. And I said, don't worry, y'all. I actually know probably 100 herbs or more that will increase lactation. Not a single one of them was interested. Several accused me of being a male chauvinist, and I didn't know anything about women. We're in a bad place when women don't want to do what God designed them to do, but they want to buy something from a store, and if it isn't available, they want to complain to the government. I'm just going to put that out.
Starting point is 02:40:36 That may be the most controversial statement I've made, but there wasn't a single woman, and I'm talking literally out of hundreds if not a thousand that wanted to know what herbs would increase breast milk i guess they'd rather their baby starve to death and that's the world you live in today and that is a is a shame We'll just put it that way. Now the next one I'm going to get into is caprinus. Caprinus. That didn't sound right, did it? But it's actually the name. It's carpinus. Let's see if I can get it right. Carpinus hornbeam. I may have cut that out. That didn't sound good at all, but that's hornbeam. four hornbeams have been used in
Starting point is 02:41:25 herbal medicine carpenus metulis hornbeam carpenus carolinia that's the one we have mostly american hornbeam carpenus americana carpenus cordata and carpenus laxiflora only the carolina is native to my area and the hornbeam is in the birch family So it's pretty much usually the birch we talked about last week Native Americans were known to have used the bark as a stringent against diarrhea The leaves may be used to stop bleeding and heal wounds A Bach flower remedy uses hornbeam for tiredness and exhaustion Now Bach flower is sort of like homeopathy
Starting point is 02:42:04 It's not standard or herbal medicine you'll just have to look that up actually on my southern Appalachian herbs podcast I did a really good interview with with the homeopathic herbalist Tori we talked a lot about Bach flower remedies and they're they're actually apparently called botch because you about buck flower remedies and they're they actually apparently called botch that if because you know they're english and they like to say botch instead of buck but you know um i don't say it that way and i don't know why you should i also don't say herb but anyway virginia ironwood is in the same family. It's Austria Virginiana. And it's closely related to hornbeam.
Starting point is 02:42:49 It grows in my region, obviously. I'm just like, you know, not that far from Virginia. It has more traditional use than herbal medicine. And it was much used by Native American tribes in the region. And there are several. I'm not going to try to list them all. barks astringent but also analgesic it's used for sore muscles toothaches bruises sores and sprains so analgesic means like pain reducing like a aspirin or Tylenol it is used as a blood tonic and for stopping bleeding and hemorrhaging ironwood is also used for rheumatism and arthritis in a soak.
Starting point is 02:43:27 So that is a super useful plant. And also an extremely valuable tree. I mean, that whole name, Ironwood, kind of tells you that's a pretty darn strong wood. So much sought after in the Appalachians, actually. And then we get into the one I actually mentioned at the start of the show, which is Korea, actually hickory and there are 18 varieties of hickory known in medicinal use and 12 that are native to my region this is literally one of the most important trees North Carolina we've got butternuts, pig nuts, mocker nuts. Much of the Confederate Army actually dyed
Starting point is 02:44:09 their uniforms with dye made from hickory nuts. You want to know what's called a mocker nut? Try to crack one open. It is the most difficult nut to eat, but another name being sweet, pig nut hickory. It's actually, I mean, it's somewhere between a walnut and a pecan. They're both the same family. Absolutely delicious. I'd probably rather have hickory nuts to eat than, well, I'm big on hazelnuts. I love pecans, but I, black walnuts, I probably would prefer hickory nuts, actually. Chestnuts, a real old-fashioned chestnut is really good, too. I have to put in a plug for that, but hickory nuts are amazing, and my favorite way to use them, because you really, they get broken up when you crack them. I mean, it's really
Starting point is 02:44:57 impossible to get a whole hickory nut, which is why you never see them in a store. Make ice cream with them. Do vanilla ice cream with hickory nuts and wow a shot of bourbon forget it that's going to be like the best thing you ever had in your life or a hickory nut pie you can make the same as you would pecan pie put some bourbon and chocolate in there and you will thank me for that that will blow your mind and you will not ever find anything better you can put in your mouth. Seriously. The cracked chopped nuts are fantastic with sausage. Scrambled eggs for breakfast.
Starting point is 02:45:33 I mean, yeah, really one of my favorite things. And the pecan is technically, so is the walnut, in the same family. Pecan is technically, so is the walnut, in the same family. Pecan will usually be called Korea-Illinois encines, even though, I don't know. There were plenty of pecans around here before anyone ever got to Illinois. Don't ask me. But, hickories are common and plentiful in North Carolina. Traditionally, wood has been valuable for both furniture making and smoking pork barbecue. That's what North Carolina is known for.
Starting point is 02:46:08 We're known for cotton, tobacco, furniture, and barbecue. Okay, and hickory wood is essential to at least two of those. The nuts are crazy tasty. And the pecan is probably the most widely grown. Droop, it's not actually a nut, it's a droop. So if you wanted to say tree fruit that isn't an apple, yeah, pecan would probably actually surpass it. The main thing about it is the bark is astringent.
Starting point is 02:46:40 It's good for treating wounds. Very likely, like walnut walnut the leaves has some vermafuge or anti-parasitic properties all members of this family which are the juglendaceae family secrete juglone from the roots it's a plant hormone that prevents other plants from growing close enough to compete for resources such as you know sunlight water etc space traditionally it's believed that juglone used in is useful in making the human body inhospitable to worms parasites etc so you know got my tongue a little tied there but inhospitable jugl, as it repels other plants from growing around the walnut, hickory, pecan trees,
Starting point is 02:47:29 has been believed to keep one free of parasites in the body. I don't know whether the juglone actually does that or not. I do know that the leaves of these trees are good against intestinal parasites and rubbed on the body can help keep bugs off. They're really very useful actually. And, you know, as a kid, the horses used to eat pecan leaves or walnut leaves or something. You know, the old folks would say, don't have too much, but they know what they're doing. They know what they need. It would keep them free of worms and parasites it seemed to work that's all i can tell you i don't know it's ever been proven but um i would certainly think that would be a good thing to do um hickory smoke was also used in the curing of meat to prevent infestation by insects. So again, these plants do seem to have
Starting point is 02:48:28 vermifuge or insecticidal properties. One thing I do know, hickory smoke makes any meat taste good cooked low and slow. I cook my pork over hickory. I cook some of my turkeys over hickory. I smoke my beef over hickory. Hickory is like the magic ingredient. I might add some cherry and applewood, you know, oak, just more for the heat than anything else. Hickory is like, hickory is North Carolina in, in a bite of meat. Let me just put it that way it is like yeah um hickory smoked bacon oh wow so anyway um resources of the southern fields and forests states the barks of this this family of plants are astringent uh mr fred sterns of detroit i don't know who fredarns is, but apparently he did some studies on hickory, has called attention to the bark of several species of hickory in his paper on the medicinal plants of Michigan,
Starting point is 02:49:33 published in the Professional Pharmacy Association's 1859 publication. So, all right, take that for what you will. publication so all right take that for what you will mr chuffenberry of the same state has found great advantage from the chewing of the inner bark for dyspepsia that means stomach upset and has used tincture made for the same bark and intermittent fever many in the neighborhood used it and the infusion is found equally effectual so y'all that wraps up three great treats three very useful trees and um yeah we chatted about a few other things i hope you enjoyed it i'm gonna go put together a bicycle have a great week and i will talk to you next time the information this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or condition.
Starting point is 02:50:26 Nothing I say or write has been evaluated or approved by the FDA. I'm not a doctor. The U.S. government does not recognize the practice of herbal medicine, and there is no governing body regulating herbalists. Therefore, I'm really just a guy who studies herbs. I'm not offering any advice. I won't even claim that anything I write or say is accurate or true. I can tell you what herbs have been traditionally used for. I can tell you my own experience and if I believe an herb has helped me.
Starting point is 02:50:52 I cannot nor would I tell you to do the same. If you use an herb anyone recommends, you are treating yourself. You take full responsibility for your health. Humans are individuals and no two are identical. What works for me may not work for you. You may have an allergy, a sensitivity, an underlying condition that no one else even shares and you don't even know about. Be careful with your health. By continuing to listen to my podcast or read my blog, you agree to be responsible for yourself, do your own research, make your own choices, and not to blame me for anything ever.
Starting point is 02:51:34 Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil. The future has already arrived. long or not, we're all out here doing it. We're all out here surviving in America today, 2024. And much has changed. Much of our motivations have changed. Much of our preparations have changed. And truth be told, I thought it my best effort to drill down into exactly what it is, surviving America today. So thus ends the chapter of the I Am Liberty show and begins this new show.
Starting point is 02:52:40 One of the standout things about surviving America is going to be there will simply be episodes. Today is surviving America episode one. The last time I did a first episode of a podcast was probably 12 years ago. And to be completely honest with you, one of my regrets was that I never numbered my shows. And I want you to understand, by me producing Surviving America Episode 1,
Starting point is 02:53:09 the power that you have to just do what you want to do when you want to do it. In other words, I've probably spent hours thinking to myself, should I have numbered my I Am Liberty show episodes? Because I have no idea how many I did. No clue. And I always thought, what a bad move. I probably should have done that. I could have had fun with the numbers.
Starting point is 02:53:30 You know, I'm a thoughtful guy. I could have come up with some fun things to do with those numbers. And you know what? See, surviving America is not just going to be about what bad things exist in America, okay? It's not just going to be about the bad because it is a beautiful time. It is a beautiful time. We're on this incredible ship. It's sort of like the ship from, what was the movie with Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt?
Starting point is 02:54:00 It's like that ship. That's what America's like. And we are going through some sort of asteroid storm, right? And what that ship looks like on the other side. Passenger, is it called, I think? It's a pretty good movie. So if you had to give this podcast a tagline, it's fundamentally this. And it's not for the purposes of unification through a podcast. It's more of a reminder. And it is.
Starting point is 02:54:30 We are all in this together. You might hate Kamala Harris. You might hate Donald Trump. You might hate guns. You might hate, what is it, Drag Queen Story Hour. I don't even know who is sitting around going like, yippee, I can't wait for the next Drag Queen Story Hour. But regardless of where you fall on all those things, guess what, baby? We're all in this together. said, don't hate the game because you're in it, mate. Right? We're all in this thing. So I published a sub stack today. My sub stack is currently free. It may be free forever.
Starting point is 02:55:29 I'd prefer it not be free forever, but it may be. And it was all about the true picture of America from, you know, fundamentally, like, what are Americans after? What are you after? Like, what are you doing? What are you after? What are you doing? A lot of you out there listening to this show right now are after self-sufficiency. You're after self-reliance and independence. You are into that. But you're after other things too, you know? And it's a little cynical and so on. The link is down below in the description. I guess we should do a little bit of... Right now, I feel like PBN at the moment is like a battle carrier group coursing through the content creation ocean. That's what I feel like right now.
Starting point is 02:56:09 We got a new show. We got the big Rumble cast going right now all about security and defense. I'm going to let that run for a couple days. So if you miss a show, don't worry about it. Great shows up there on Rumble Live. Go find us. The other huge thing we've got going on,
Starting point is 02:56:32 now pay attention if you're not a member, this is something you have got to pay attention to. For the members, there will be another opportunity in National Preparedness Month, but I said to myself, we're like three to four days out, right? Three days out from National Preparedness month. Why did I say four days? One, two, three. Okay, so we are, if you count today. I've got a four-day flash sale on membership. Ten bucks off. Use the promo code READY.
Starting point is 02:56:58 Okay? This is my whole idea. You get the membership. Within the next four days, that's it. Four days and it's over. I've set the expiration code, all that kind of stuff. So you go to, start your membership, gain access to all the videos, all the podcasts. I did a great podcast. I'm going to give you some information from a listener on it. Yesterday about tools and homesteading tools and stuff, just top, top notch. But you get the videos, you get the series, you get the courses, you get the full
Starting point is 02:57:31 scale bug out overview. No one still to this day that I know of has ever done the full scale bug out overview like I did. And of course, it was with the help of other people. But, you know, just just to take on it. You get the discounts. You get the element room. You get all kinds of stuff, okay? Take that like a football handoff, the PBN membership, right? It's like a football handoff. You got the ball.
Starting point is 02:57:58 You're a running back. Boom, you hit the line with the PBN membership, and that line is national preparedness month. You know what I'm saying? We're down to the wire, folks. Make this month count. Hit it hard. Many of you out there listening are not members.
Starting point is 02:58:15 I appreciate you all. Don't get me wrong. Without the audience, we're nothing. But I'd be remiss to tell you that you're missing out. You're missing out on a lot of thoughts and a lot of products, and we started a new membership show called Family Gear where I'm actually showing off the gear that I use, which is new for me.
Starting point is 02:58:35 And one of the cool things about not being on a YouTube platform all the time or even Rumble and video is we've created this audience now where people don't even know what I look like. Man, I kind of like that. So,, use the code READY. You've got four days. Count them. I know it's midweek. Maybe you've got to wait until Friday to get paid.
Starting point is 02:59:05 I don't know what the situation is. The annual membership with the discount is $50 for the year. It's an incredible deal. Get on it. All right. So some of the things that I want to cover today and every day on the Surviving America show are fundamentally stats about Americans, health issues, maybe some parenting stuff, obviously prepping. And we created a very special way to end the show with the help of the members, of course.
Starting point is 02:59:43 I'll explain that later. Okay? I'll explain that later. What I'd like you to ruminate on is, you know, what really moves the American people today? I ask this because of the Kamala thing, and I know it's a media manipulation in large part, has me really sort of like, is the media apparatus this big, really sort of like is the media apparatus this big or are the american people this devoted to no trump or am i spending too much time in news probably that i don't know i don't want to go into the election thing in this episode what i do what i did ponder like said, on my sub stack and so forth is what are we and what moves us really, truly? We really cussing like conflict.
Starting point is 03:00:43 I mean that. I mean, we like the cuss out of conflict. It's just one of our things. I don't understand it. I'm not really sure about it. Oh, my God. I just made a change to the show outline. That'll change everything in my life.
Starting point is 03:01:03 I may bring it up. I may not. But it won't happen on today's show. You know what? I'm going to duplicate it. On top of that, though, I do want to talk about economy. I do want to talk about this story about over a third of—this is pretty impressive. Over a third of Americans have side hustles. Here's why. Now, I don't know if we need the here's why. But, you know, it's this is an interesting take on American life. The side hustle. Nothing new all through my nine-to-five life.
Starting point is 03:01:46 I spent all my time chopping and slicing and julienning and thinking about that book that I wanted to write or thinking about that catering business I wanted to start or thinking, right? The side hustle is most certainly more than money. Over a third of Americans have side hustles, according to Bankrate. 36% of Americans are now earning money through side gigs. I know several men in particular who are on their side hustle grind, man. While Americans continue to battle high inflation, this is from I don't really know much about the street. To battle high inflation, many are turning to side hustles to supplement their income.
Starting point is 03:02:30 According to the recent BankRank study, we read that. 36% nowadays have a side hustle. Back in 2017, when we started doing this research, it was only 19%. Now, you can look at this and on the face of it, you can say to yourself, the side hustle is growing, and it's growing because economic times. That's very possible. The side hustle and the economic pressures we put on ourselves are also to some degree self-inflicted. You can't deny that. You can't walk around America. are also to some degree self-inflicted, right? You can't deny that.
Starting point is 03:03:08 You can't walk around America. You can't drive around America and see the types of cars that we drive and see the types of houses that we live in and say, we are being exclusively economically destroyed by the government. Now, they're not helping. They haven't helped in my entire life in terms of, you know, not just running up an insane debt and taxing us at every turn. But the reality is, too, you know, my father made a really interesting comment the other day.
Starting point is 03:03:40 He said, you know, everybody has an SUV now. Everybody got a truck or an SUVv you know what i mean like even if there was an affordable sedan if people who have credit and money and go to shop for a car that they want and have the ability to buy it or maybe not even but have the ability to buy it, or maybe not even, but have the credit to get it, they're going to get an SUV or a truck. Most people. Unless it's somebody who's got a lot of money and they might get a sports car. But the age of the sedan is either coming to an end, at its end. Think about if we didn't have the Tesla. There would be even less sedans on the road.
Starting point is 03:04:27 So some of the wounds are self-inflicted, folks. And that is just what it is. But again, the side hustle is just that. It is a reminder. 36%, that's more than a third. That's a lot of people. 36% of Americans are working their whole job, coming home, working more for money, for the promise of a future that is better than the life they live now. Now, we have to be careful about that, too.
Starting point is 03:04:55 We have to be very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very careful about that. There's a Jordan Peterson clip where he talks about how, how it's, it's epic too. How, uh, you know, it hasn't, history was not the story of man dominating woman. History was the story of man and woman striving together through very, very, very, very, very, very difficult times. And he says very like that many times. And it's one of the only times I heard anyone use very like six, seven times in a row. And I thought it was perfect. I thought it was absolutely justified to explain tough times to our generation.
Starting point is 03:05:40 I thought six, seven varies were important. But anyway, so what you have to be very careful about, man, with all the side hustling and the hustling in general is you wind up trying to create a life that could exist. You know, I – maybe I'll get into it. I don't know. You know, I Maybe I'll get into it, I don't know You wind up trying to create a life that could exist Abandoning the life that does exist And I'm telling you, if you've got kids, man
Starting point is 03:06:12 And you know what I'm about to say That life is abandoning you Right out from under your feet Right out from under your nose That whole experience is disappearing I mean, it is. It's like dust blowing with the seasons. You know what I mean? This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart, and it is the disappearance of the child. And I don't mean like parents not having kids. I mean
Starting point is 03:06:38 the disappearance of your child, the death, the many deaths of your children. This is a real thing. This is a real thing. Most people just don't look at it that way. Like you had a one-year-old one time. Remember? Remember when you had a one-year-old? Maybe you had a one-year-old and a four-year-old.
Starting point is 03:06:58 They're dead. That's over. Not in the literal sense. They're just 10 now, 13, 15, 18, 35, whatever. But that little face, that little talk, that little run up to you, that little game you guys used to play, it's over. And no matter how much money you side hustle or hustle or accrue, all the gold in the world, You stacked up gold to the moon. You couldn't push it across the table and get one second of that little face back. This just in, PBN family, given to me by a secret, top secret, top top secret, secret confidential source.
Starting point is 03:08:04 Secret, top secret, top, top secret, secret confidential source. Also known as my wife, who briefed me earlier this week about the Y2K of 2024. Joe Biden is out for the 2025 election. Kamala Harris is in. Joe Biden will be napping between now and November. And you will be looking at an election that is Harris versus Trump 2024. An election that seems almost unlosable by Donald Trump, who's been shot in the name of freedom and liberty. And versus a shell of a human being, fundamentally.
Starting point is 03:08:45 A shell of a cackle. And I have no idea how anything in this country could happen other than a Trump victory. To me, it is almost starting to feel fixed. Not fixed in the sense that it's something bad. Fixed in the sense that it's a surrender. I had an amazing quote in the chat. The chat was on to it long before I was I was actually boxing When my wife came in the door
Starting point is 03:09:12 And news came in Enjoying my day You know Sunday Sweating to death That nub in the chat room In in the open chat over at Element. If you're not in Element, you're missing out big time. Go to, live show, join Element. Welcome Gen X Prepper to Element.
Starting point is 03:09:38 She had some trouble getting in, but I'm telling you folks, while it is a little bit of a pain to get into Element sometimes, the initial, you know, getting through the door, it's well worth it. You know, you put a couple hoops in the way of people and you find out, wow, you get an astounding group of people to talk to and hang out with. Because the idiots, they don't want to jump through hoops. They just want to leave a comment and, you know, get back to drooling on themselves. But that nub, longtime listener member here at the Prepper Broadcasting Network, great guy, came out in the open chat and said, I think Joe Biden dropping out of the election is the most unifying thing he's did in his entire presidency. And if I could applaud you that nub, I would.
Starting point is 03:10:22 But I have a phone in one hand. OK, do I have an applaud soundbite? We used to nub, I would. But I have a phone in one hand. Okay? Do I have an applaud sound bite? We used to. No, I don't. But, yeah. So, look. I'm sitting down here by my broccoli sprouts at the moment.
Starting point is 03:10:37 I'm sitting down. I told the members. I didn't tell. I don't know if I told the regular audience. But I told the members that we're going to go fall garden this year. We're going to go pretty strong on the fall gardening. It's something I threaten to do every year, never really get around to doing it. And to be honest with you, I'm going to break a rule that I really don't break ever. See, the thing about my garden year over year has been a reduction of diversity. Really. My perennial plants and
Starting point is 03:11:08 native plants are tremendously diverse. My annuals, not a lot of diversity. You know why? Because it's a pain in the ass and it doesn't yield. me anyway for me i find that you know you you spend a lot of time quote-unquote learning what doesn't work when you go super diverse so for me from a food production standpoint i grow stuff that works period i have honed in on things like uh leafy greens things like radishes things things like all kinds of beans. Beans do really well in my soil. What else? Cherry tomatoes tend to do really well.
Starting point is 03:11:51 Big tomatoes, not very well. I don't grow big tomatoes. I lean on other people for big tomatoes. I lean on neighbors. I lean on community garden. I used to lean on my father-in-law, who was the absolute master at growing enormous tomatoes. And by the dozens and bushels, he's gone, his garden is here, but, you know, he's gone, and man, I wish I could,
Starting point is 03:12:13 if there was one person I could sit down and talk to about all this stuff in the country right now, it would be him, it would be my father-in-law, I mean, I'm lucky enough, look, I can go talk to my father, my own father about it, now we finally got him into Virginia. But, you know, I do miss sitting on the front porch drinking a Coke with Conrad talking about the lunatics in politics. preppers guys that I've come to understand is all news is layered with prepping all news is buffered all good news bad news all news is buffered by preparedness in other words when we take these stories in we're weeding the garden or we'll soon to be or we're you know what I mean like I'm doing this podcast like I said next to next to this bed. And I had no idea, first and foremost, how quickly broccoli sprouts. I mean, I know that broccoli sprouts have a nutrient, maybe it's a nutrient, in them called sulforaphane. And sulforaphane is like really good for you, man.
Starting point is 03:13:22 Dr. Rhonda Patrick, my nutritionist. like really good for you, man. Dr. Rhonda Patrick, my nutritionist. There are digital experts or experts that exist in your life through the digital sense only. I may be one of them in your head and in your lineup, but there are experts out there in the digital world that exist. And if you find the right ones, if you can sift through the shit and find the right ones, they'll help you for the rest of your life. And Dr. Rhonda Patrick is one of them. And she was on a sulforaphane kick for a long time, and she was sprouting massive amounts of broccoli sprouts, freezing them and putting them in her smoothies just for that one component.
Starting point is 03:13:58 And now I see why because, yeah, I just planned these. So we're going pumpkins and, you know, we're going pumpkins. Sorry, my little dog is having a seizure over there. A seizure of fun. We're going pumpkins and we're going beets and we're going Swiss chard. And I already had squashes, fall squashes growing. Lavenders and what else? Kales, those kinds of things but you know for the the thing i was
Starting point is 03:14:29 getting at is for the cauliflower and for the broccoli these are things i never really grow never i've i've seen them um done really well in the area but never in my own backyard so i'm interested to see how they do. Could be a failure, but we'll see, you know, that's all part of the deal. Fall garden going heavy. I might do some more pumpkins. I started reminiscing of a garden I had some time ago when I had baby, the little mini pumpkins, you know, the jack, what are they called? Jack, what do they call? Something, Jack B. Littles or something like that. And they had taken over the garden fence and it was so nice.
Starting point is 03:15:10 As the leaves were turning, the fence of the garden, which was much smaller back then, was overtaken by these Jack B. Littles and it was literally like they were woven into the fence. So we may do a little more garden. We also have a tremendous amount of children in the neighborhood now and new parents so i'm thinking about doing some jack belittles up on the hill so that everybody who walks by um can take one you know what i mean community's a thing pbm family you know if if you wake up in the middle of november in a in a cold sweat because somehow Kamala Harris won, you'll still have your neighbors.
Starting point is 03:15:48 They'll be the ones closest to you, and you'll be able to sit there and say to them, so what now? Now, I haven't thought about what now, and that's definitely another thought and another issue for another time, but I did want to get on. I wanted to get on for for a quick sec oh totally forgot so if this news scares you to death as it scares me um all weekend okay all weekend those of you who are not members we are running a membership special just out of the sheer chaos. This is just sheer chaos special. No holiday special, no anything good's happening in my life.
Starting point is 03:16:30 Well, that's not true. We did hit 100K subscribers over at Instagram. That's crazy. I don't know why we don't have 100K listeners to the podcast, though. That doesn't make sense. We're going to have to fix that. But anyway, Y2K24, promo code Y2K24, and you get your annual membership for 50 bucks. 50 bucks for a full year of content, a full year of member videos, member
Starting point is 03:17:00 podcasts, member documentation, free courses, first looks at all kinds of stuff from things that we're producing, new shows that are coming out, new intros, new outros. The members got the first look at the world of Ready when it came out, all that kind of preferential stuff. That's all. These guys pay the bills. They help pay the bills. They are fundamentally the heart of the machine okay so if you've been
Starting point is 03:17:28 thinking about becoming a member this is the weekend to do it i might just carry it all next week i'll probably carry it all next week but don't don't delay you never know with me i'm a little bit nuts okay so uh promo code Y2K24. And that's just because of the big internet outage. It gave me the idea. Let's run. Let's give these folks some good news. Something to be excited about because clearly things are way out of control in our world.
Starting point is 03:18:00 You can grab hold. You can grab hold. You can grab hold. And the best way to grab hold is to get on that path back to stability, to get moving towards self-reliance and independence, folks. I'm going to go look at the acorn squash. This gooseberry has taken off like you wouldn't even believe. has taken off like you wouldn't even believe. And I think what we're looking at on this left side of my yard is the beginning stages of our first Rick Austin-style food forest. You will find out how it goes. But we have many of the core elements of the food forest happening now. We have our apple trees.
Starting point is 03:18:43 We have our bushes. We have our apple trees. We have our bushes. We have our perennial bushes. We have our... We even have our vining plant right here if we started running these acorn squash up. I think they're acorn. It might be butternut. I don't know.
Starting point is 03:18:59 These squash that I'm petting right now are in the hugelkultur bed. And I didn't think anything good was going to come of this bed. Because what no one tells you about a hugelkultur bed is you're building an ant mound. They don't tell you these things. They just show you how amazing everything's going to work out for you and you're never going to have any problems. One thing we do good at PBN is we admit defeat, man. We will admit defeat.
Starting point is 03:19:31 You know what I'm saying? Like when things go wrong, we'll say, well, that was a bust. In fact, I got to get you guys a picture of my hydroponic system. It was absolutely ransacked overnight. Overnight, something ate every one of my kale plants down to the nub. I'm going to start a nest of eagles in my backyard for any little thing. This never happened to me before. I looked out the window this morning drinking coffee, and I looked at the hydroponic system,
Starting point is 03:20:01 and I was like, is it not running? Something looks weird. And I look out there, and I see at the hydroponic system and I was like, is it not running? Something looks weird. And I look out there and I see zero kale. And like two nights ago I was standing there looking at the kale and I was like, oh, this is good because I had put some new Swiss chard in it. And I'm looking, I'm going like, okay, what happened? Gone. Eaten down to the nub. Everything.
Starting point is 03:20:22 The whole thing's gone. So I guess we're going to be doing some fall, different fall stuff in there as well. I wonder how, hmm, I wonder how some squashes and stuff would do in there and some pumpkins. That'd be kind of fun. Not a root vegetable, you know, more of a fruit-producing.
Starting point is 03:20:42 Vine up, it would vine up all over that thing. It would run to the sun. It would follow the sun out into the yard. That would look kind of cool. That might be something to do. We may have to try that out. Harris v. Trump 2024. Get your popcorn, PBN family.
Starting point is 03:21:00 The debates are going to be like nothing you've ever seen in your life. I, and you know, now we don't have a situation where we've got a guy who's old and tired and, you know, napping. So there'll be debates. Um, Donald Trump, I guess, has to be careful how he treats the lady. If you will call her that, you know, ladies will be watching. They don't want to see Donald Trump beating up on a, on a lady on a lady, even if she is a corrupted kind of an idiot. They still don't want to see it, so don't go too crazy on her, Donald. I think if he keeps this demeanor of sort of patience, sort of laid-back confidence, he'll largely be unbeatable. They'll have to do a plutonium sushi on him to get him
Starting point is 03:21:44 out of there. They'll have to do a plutonium sushi on him to get him out of there. They'll have to do a plutonium sushi number on him. If I were him, I'd be on the phone with Blackwater, to be honest with you. I'd be on the phone with a military contract group of assassins or something along those lines and be like, you know, we're going to have one of you guys with one of my secret service guys at all times and this is just my own personal decision i'd get the most i'd get the most american fervently american personal security guards i could find so maybe not blackwater like i'd be like if you don't have have a bald eagle tattooed on your back or chest, you can't work for me. And I'd have those guys surrounding me if I were Donald Trump. So, it's a wild time, folks.
Starting point is 03:22:36 I don't know what people do. You know, physical fitness really works for me in terms of dealing with anxiety and stress and all that and the stress of what's happening in our country. Obviously prepping. You see, fitness, and while you don't hear me mention the prepping things that I do every day, I work out every day. You know what I mean? And those two things in my head are the same thing.
Starting point is 03:23:02 Okay? Like physical fitness in the various ways that I do it. And if you're a member, you know, you have the prep or fit and health backlog to understand it and the routines, then you know, you know, that's part of the deal. But whatever it is you need to do, you know, to deal with these kinds of situations, it's, it's. It's a wild world out there, folks. I promise you, though, we'll survive Trump and Kamala. What's most unnerving, and what I'd really like to hear,
Starting point is 03:23:34 and I may even call my congressman and ask them, but what I'd really like to hear, and I think if the government was run by people who cared about the American people at all, then someone would come out, be it Kamala or anyone from the government high level and say, look, you may be worried because you don't know who's running the country. You may be concerned because if Joe Biden is saying he's dropping out for the next election because he's unfit, then what makes you so confident that he's fit right now? Here's the plan to govern the United States on the lead up to the election while we have an unfit president at the helm. To me, that's a no-brainer.
Starting point is 03:24:26 You know what I mean? It's a no-brainer. You know what I mean? It's a no-brainer. Let's tell these people who's running the nation so that it doesn't exist a vacuum where they worry about it. And of course we won't see that. Instead we will see, we will make believe we have a president for the next three months. Well, in fact, we'll make believe we have a president for the next three months. Well, in fact, we'll make believe we have a president for the next six months. Which is why I've said,
Starting point is 03:24:51 I think that the three-month par level for your preparedness by November is the bare minimum. In other words, you need to be able to stand on your own two feet from November to January, bare minimum. You need to be able to stay warm, feed, water, care for, protect, all of the above, your family. It's very rare preppers put a par level on things, you know, for a group because it's hard, but I'm very comfortable telling you. Put away what you need, develop the skills that you need. Develop the fitness
Starting point is 03:25:26 and health that you need to stand on your own two feet for at least three months. Talk to you soon, PBN family. Don't miss the Changing Earth podcast tonight. Always epic. Sarah Hathaway, Chin Gibson. Talk to you soon. Welcome to the Raising Values Podcast, where the traditional family talks. You can find us on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify. And be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. You can support the Raising Values Podcast through Patreon. Bill and Gillian are behind the mic, and we hope you enjoy the show. Welcome back to Raising Values. We're having a malfunction with a cat. Well,
Starting point is 03:26:15 we've been having a couple of malfunctions lately just with life, I think. Life. Yeah, we'll go with that. Should we just go with that? But the cat right now is trying to, now she's under me. Hopefully she'll stay away from the camera and the table and we can not have to stop the broadcast just to fix things. But we've already had to fix things today. Anyway, hello and welcome welcome back it's not our normal sunday as you can tell it's tuesday and it was a quote-unquote snow day for us there was no snow not not where we were there's ice a little bit there was like icicles and ice on roofs roofs roofs roofs roofs sounds weird but it's probably grammatically
Starting point is 03:27:07 correct on the tops of people's houses and that's all but we do have tomorrow off as well because it's supposed to be super super cold and i know that our friends up in the north are laughing at us because super cold at um what 19 degrees tonight is like nothing for them so but like i am forced to laugh like i am forced to remind our northern friends every time this happens you come down here when it's 95 degrees and 100 relative humidity and then we can have a discussion about how we react when it's cold yeah like this is a tropical climate down here almost yeah it's i don't know i went for a walk today and below freezing temperatures it wasn't horrible except when you got to the end of the street and there's like all the industrial buildings and um the wind was
Starting point is 03:27:59 picking up i don't know for some reason it was just like really, really cold anyway. Anyway, so we are back on a Tuesday because Saturday night was really weird. And Sunday morning was not the day to record. Wouldn't you say so, dear? I'd say so. I'd say so. Sunday was not the day. But anyway, so fighting fair is what we were scheduled to talk about. And, yes? You're looking for me to bail you out.
Starting point is 03:28:38 I'm just letting you go. Bail me out of what? No, fighting fair is a subject that, like, i think we have alluded to in the past i don't think we've done like a specific episode on it but we've certainly talked about it especially in the guise of like the differences like some of the growth we've had as a couple over the past 20 years give or take i think we're gonna spill a lot of beans today. It's going to be hard to... There's going to be tea spilled, huh? It's going to be hard to keep it all contained. And it was... Okay, so it was ironic because Saturday night, we had a big blow up fight and we don't fight. We really
Starting point is 03:29:20 don't. And Saturday night was like the night, night of course why not have a blow up when the next day you're going to be talking about fighting fair and all that other stuff so um it was a very um long night and i was not ready to get up in the morning and talk about fighting fair when I don't feel like it was a fair fight on either of our parts, but it's going to dredge up some bad stuff, huh? I ain't worried about it. I'm not worried about it either. And I did too, but, um, you know, I think it's, uh, anyway, I think you learn how to fight with your spouse or your loved ones or whatever on what you see growing up. Do you agree with that? I would agree with that a lot, which I know for me was like, you know, I didn't see my parents fighting a lot when I grew up. Because like to me, those fights were always supposed to happen behind closed doors.
Starting point is 03:30:23 It was not something children were to be involved in. It was a private matter between husband and wife. And especially if my brother and I were somehow central to the fight, there was a 0% chance we were going to be involved in it because mom and dad were always going to present a unified front to the kids. You know what I'm saying? I've always laughed whenever i hear people talk about oh well you know the kids pit husband wife against each other and i'm like i never saw that growing up like as far as i'm concerned my parents shared a brain which i know
Starting point is 03:30:55 i know now as an adult they obviously didn't but that was that was the way they fought it was always behind private in private it was behind closed doors. It wasn't something that spilled out in the neighborhood or the friends group or the family. It was private. It was between the two of them. So I grew up not learning how to fight with my spouse. I grew up with the expectation that, like, this is something we're going to hash out privately after the fact. We're not going to do this in front of other people.
Starting point is 03:31:27 Yeah, and I agree with you there. I mean, that's something we've always agreed on, especially after we had Piper. Before we had Piper, we agreed on that. I did not grow up in a house that hid fights. I grew up in a very, oh, try to be nice about this. I grew up in a very... Scream try to be nice about this. I grew up in a very. Screaming.
Starting point is 03:31:47 Screaming, violent house. Not necessarily physically violent all the time, but violent house. And so there was always screaming and there's still always screaming. And you can blame it on being an Italian. You can blame it on being just a southerner or whatever. You can blame it on being just a southerner or whatever. You can blame it on all sorts of things. But the fighting in my house was never private. It wasn't ever private.
Starting point is 03:32:17 And so I've tried as an adult to really, really, really stay away from doing that in my family because I didn't want our kid to grow up in a house that had that atmosphere all the time. And I know she's going to see us fight. I know she's going to hear it. And she said the other night she turned up the volume on the TV so she couldn't hear us in the bedroom. And I'm glad she did that. But you know, and I apologized to her. I was like, I don't ever want her to hear that. It was always scary times for me when I was a kid growing up in a household that was so screamy all the time. Especially in the 90s, 80s and 90s, when divorce rates were starting to skyrocket and things like that,
Starting point is 03:33:09 I was always scared that this fight was going to be what ended my parents' marriage. And I would always, you know, after they calmed down or whatever, I was always asking, are y'all going to get a divorce now? Because all of my friends in school, all their parents were getting divorces, and I just figured, no, this was it. This was when my parents were going to get a divorce kind of thing. And they, they didn't, they did when I, after I graduated high school, but then now they're remarried again. So, but, um, yeah, it's just something that I didn't want to continue in this house. But I can remember going to family therapy when we were young and the therapist looked at all of us and said, well, basically looked at my parents because
Starting point is 03:33:55 I was a child and said, none of y'all fight fair. You don't fight fair at all. You, you bring up things that are going to hurt and you know you're there I learned that when you fought with someone you your intention is to hurt them and it wasn't to get to you know an agreement or a conclusion or to express what was happening or what made you feel the way that you feel you know know, feel and all that stuff. It was to hurt someone. And that, I think that's how I fought for a long time was to hurt someone. But, and I have to, you have to be honest too. I think sometimes that's how you fought too. You were hurt. So, you know, the phrase hurt people, hurt people. I don't think anyone is innocent of that.
Starting point is 03:34:46 You know, your feelings are hurt, so you want to hurt their feelings too. You want to rub it back in their face. And a lot of times our fights have been like that. I would say ever since Piper was probably three or four, our fights really started to get more of, well, they started to get fewer and fewer. And they also stopped being so backstabby and more constructive. I think at some point,
Starting point is 03:35:20 the two of us both, I feel like the two of us both went through our own little character arc, but we arrived at the same point where when we first started fighting, it was to prove who was right. Yeah. Somebody was going to win. Somebody was going to lose.
Starting point is 03:35:33 And, you know, that was just the way it was. And I think at some point along the way, we both came to realize that like what we really wanted the most from the other person was just to like, shut up for five seconds and listen to what I'm, listen to me trying to say something happened and it scared me. It frustrated me. My feelings were hurt. I didn't feel valued. I felt belittled there. There's an emotional harm
Starting point is 03:35:55 there. And it's not that I want a pound of flesh because I was hurt. I just want you to hear the way that made me feel so that we can move past it. And I feel like that's been on both of our behalf because I can remember for years. I don't and I couldn't tell you like where it was in that character arc where I finally had a great aha moment. But I remember a moment where you and I were fighting and like everything you were throwing at me, I was basically thrown right back at you because i was like i was trying to fight from a standpoint of i'm right and i don't remember when exactly this was but i do it stands out my mind i remember the moment you told me
Starting point is 03:36:35 i don't want to talk about who's right or wrong i want you to understand how i felt and the white bowl went on and i was like oh that's what this is about this isn't about who's right or wrong or about you did this now I want you to do this to make up for it you literally just want me to shut up and like understand my feelings validate your feelings yeah and pretty much well but that was also a light bulb moment for me because I feel like that was when I started changing not so much the way i fight but the goal like as to me with me or with everyone well not that you fight with everyone no but here's the thing i've and i've had this conversation with piper i don't think she's quite old enough to get it yet but i've always said like what the biggest
Starting point is 03:37:22 change i've undergone from childhood to adulthood is that I make decisions much more tactically than I used to. Like if I blow a fuse on somebody, it might look from the outside like I've totally lost my cool. I haven't. I am choosing to blow at that person or i'm choosing to get aggressive with that person because i am i've made a decision that like this is the way i'm gonna i'm gonna be able to get my point across and nothing else is going to solve this problem most of the time sometimes my emotions do boil over but it's not as it's not a default it's not like oh i'm mad i'm gonna lose my cool it's like it's much more of a controlled i am i'm going to raise my voice because not raising my voice didn't get the point across but so what was the other night then oh the other night my feelings
Starting point is 03:38:17 were hurt and i didn't feel like you were i didn't feel like you had any interest in understanding that my feelings were hurt. It felt to me as though you'd already decided my feelings shouldn't be hurt. I should just get over it. And that was what sent me into orbit. Because at that point, I was like, I can't even get her to understand what she did to hurt my feelings. Because as far as she's concerned, she did no wrong. And I just need to get over it. Do you think it could have just been a miscommunication? It certainly could have been. Do you really think that I don't care about your feelings? Okay, well turn the question around.
Starting point is 03:38:53 All those years ago when we were fighting and your feelings were hurt, do you really think I didn't give a damn what your emotions were? Well, are we back to all those years where you were just trying to win the argument? Or who was right? One could do. I mean, that shoe fits pretty easily on both of our feet. Well, I'm not. Okay, to simmer down.
Starting point is 03:39:16 I'm not accusing you. I'm asking. She's accusing. I'm not accusing. I'm really asking to try. She's trying to be right. To try to understand. I'm going to. I'm really asking to try to be right. To try to understand, not necessarily be right. I'm just saying, I really think there were extenuating circumstances with that argument on Saturday.
Starting point is 03:39:42 Even though, yes, your feelings came before anything. So to kind of give you an idea of what sparred everything on Saturday, guys, we were at the grocery store. I was obviously in the way of someone who wanted to get past me. And instead of saying, excuse me, ma'am, may I get past? He said, move, and then hit me with his buggy. And I saw red, and I almost jumped over the counter of the, you know, we're checking out or whatever. And I just kept staring at him and fuming and saying things under my breath that I would hope that he would have heard. They weren't under her breath. I was mad. He hit me with the bug heard. They weren't under her breath. I was mad.
Starting point is 03:40:25 He hit me with the buggy. Like, you can be polite. There was a thousand people in there, I swear. Anyway, so Phil asked where the barcode was on the item that he was checking out. And I said, I snapped at him and said, it's anywhere, well, it's on the whole bottom of the box. Because Aldi does a whole barcode.
Starting point is 03:40:47 Like the whole thing is on the bottom of the box. And he said, I'm not the one you're mad at, hon. Or something like that. I'm not the one that asked you to move. I don't even remember what you said. Because I was shaking. I was so mad at this man. Not this man. Not husband, but this man who had
Starting point is 03:41:07 hit me with the buggy to get me to move. I was so mad. So I grabbed the pizzas and I start walking out of the store. And when we got to the car and Phil got in the car, I said, I wasn't talking, I wasn't saying anything to you. I was telling you where the barcode was. I wasn't talking, I wasn't saying anything to you. I was telling you where the barcode was. I wasn't trying to be ugly to you. But I didn't apologize and I didn't ask, you know, sorry, I hurt your feelings kind of thing. And so he stewed on it all day and spoke to me all day as well and acted like everything was fine. And then.
Starting point is 03:41:44 Because true to Ravale form, we were going to your parents' house and I was not about to cook off a fight with you at your parents' house. I appreciate that. Anyway, so that's the back story of what happened on Saturday. But to be fair, the reason it pissed me off so bad was because I perceive that tone, whether it's from you or anybody else, as a lack of respect. And it's demeaning, and I don't tolerate it.
Starting point is 03:42:13 Like, it's part of that, the whole discussion you and I had that night was like me trying to remind you, like, I don't tolerate that tone from anybody on earth except you. It doesn't, I don't like it from you but anybody else in the world i'll snatch them up by their collar because i'm not going to be talked to you like that not by another grown man not by a child not by anybody it's not happening you i have to try to like get you to understand be like babe talking to me like I'm stupid in front of our daughter and, you know, out in public is a little demeaning. I mean, if I'd have snapped at you in front of other people, it made you feel about this
Starting point is 03:42:52 tall. Yes, I know. And I've apologized. I've apologized about 20 times. But anyway, so that's what happened. And, but I do feel like our old ways kind of got out, came out on Saturday. Our hurt for hurt, tit for tat kind of thing. I really do feel like it was just such an unfair fight for the both of us
Starting point is 03:43:15 that, you know, we were both just, we, first off, we were screaming. We don't ever really scream at each other, hardly ever anymore. First off, we were screaming. We don't ever really scream at each other, hardly ever anymore. Also, I don't know if you see our camera, but it's weird looking. We're a little blurry and fuzzy. But we don't scream and holler at each other like we used to before Piper was born. You know what the problem is?
Starting point is 03:43:42 We don't have the natural light that we usually do when we do this in the morning. Maybe. But we totally did scream and holler at each other on Saturday. And God, I mean, if you're going to put your business out there in a podcast, I guess you're going to put your business out there in a podcast. But yeah, so when I, when I woke up on Saturday, I was getting ready to go on. And I had, woke up on Saturday, I was getting ready to go on, and I had said the night before, and I guess I just didn't realize it, that I didn't think it would, I did not want to talk about fighting fair tomorrow, that I did not want to do the broadcast. I didn't want to do the episode. I didn't think it was, first off, I knew that I was going to wake up still very upset and still probably very pissed.
Starting point is 03:44:26 So I did not want to sit next to you Sunday morning and talk about our fight with such raw emotions, still very much raw Sunday morning. I woke up the next morning completely over the whole thing because she apologized, and that's all I ever wanted. Of course you did, completely over it. All gone. I know you were like skipping around the house like everything was fine like nothing happened and I'm sitting there going I'm so sorry that you had to hear all that Piper. I'm really sorry that me and daddy had a fight last night. I'd already apologized to Piper that night. I know you're
Starting point is 03:45:01 such a good dad. Oh man. I try.

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