The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PBN Daily News: 2024 US Intel Report

Episode Date: April 2, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to P.B.N. Your path back to stability. Cold start to the engine, PBN family. Welcome in to PBN Daily News. Your path back to stability. We had a conversation last night with Rick Austin. All about your path back to stability. I mean, that was, you know, a guy like Rick is, he's one of those guys, he, there's too much, you know, there's too much in there. You got to tease a little of it out at a time. But you meet
Starting point is 00:01:00 these people in life, man, and I don't know, you know, let me just say, I'm just really happy with the legion of superheroes that I get to hang out with. I'll just tell you that much. I've never done a podcast, maybe one with like Dave Jones or something like that, but I've never, never done a podcast like last night where it wasn't where it was the idea of what the power of prepping and what preppers are doing not even can do but are doing for the world right now without me just doing the podcast and telling you sort of like a bad writer you know what i mean and the preppers were powerful and the preppers made a difference and the preppers were you know what I mean? And the preppers were powerful and the preppers made a difference and the preppers were, you know what I'm saying? Last night's show was like a brilliantly written forward about what it is that I believe to be the most true about prepping and preppers who are really in it. The people that we meet, the people that we work with, the people that
Starting point is 00:02:05 listen to PBN in large part. Maybe history gets it, maybe it doesn't, but it's hard for me to believe that we won't look back on these tough times and say, you know, the preppers really figured a lot of stuff out along the way to help everyone.
Starting point is 00:02:28 And by and large, at least the preppers that I know, they did it. I think because so much of the prepping community is awash in Christianity, that you never catch us really throwing it in the faces of the unprepared or throwing it in the face, right? We throw stuff in the faces of the evil all the time, sure. But we rarely ever, I can't even think of, I've never seen it in person. I can't think of it how many times, if ever, if I've heard it on the podcast. It's very—what we say is the most—I guess the most derogatory way we put it as preppers is,
Starting point is 00:03:14 if you're not preparing now, then you're never going to prepare. That's it. But we rarely ever say things like, you know, how many times do I have to tell you? How many years have I been telling you you need to get prepared and it's your fault that you're not prepared? And, you know, I tell the story usually when I go on interviews. And when I was interviewed by The New York Times back in 2020 and by the Business Insider back in 2020, both of those publications wanted me to say something like that. Both of them wanted me to make some kind of statement about the unprepared.
Starting point is 00:04:00 You know, some sort of, do you want to say something to the people, Do you want to say something to the people? Or are you mad that the people didn't prepare after all these years for something like this? They wanted that battle. You know what I mean? I apologize that I didn't get on and talk on Easter. I'm not going to remark about March 31st going forward. I'm not going to remark about Joe Biden coming out on March 31st.
Starting point is 00:04:44 And why am I not going to remark on that? Because these people have no effect over uh these types of things have no effect over the greater plan particularly my greater plan your greater plan god's greater plan it's just you know well i talk about preppers maybe being remembered in history like these moments joe biden's incredible announcement, his amazing, brave, meaningful announcement on the 31st of March will be dust. It'll be dust. It'll be forgotten about. What is worth mentioning is, particularly to minority causes, be very wary of these quote-unquote allies. I know we have all walks of life listening to PBN. And we don't speak politically correct all the time and all that kind of stuff, and I don't care. What I want you to understand, no matter who you are listening to PBN, is you're getting real.
Starting point is 00:05:49 That's what you're getting. No matter what it is you're listening to on PBN, you're getting real. And to me, that's the value that is unbeatable in this moment in time. I can get up on here and say all the right words and all the right pronouns and yippee, yip, I'm yip, I yip. But what my goal is and has always been with PBN is real. If nothing else, I want you to be able to say, I can go to and I can listen to them guys talk
Starting point is 00:06:21 and I don't have to be like, huh, is that guy telling the truth or what's the motivation here you know if i'm talking about a product i want you to buy because they're a sponsor i'll tell you and i don't have any qualms about it because i use all our sponsors we don't have a single sponsor that i have to pull the wall one day i'm gonna get myself a hell even i hell, even I own land with You know, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I grew up as the nice guy, and I still have a large chunk of me that is filled with empathy, and I enjoy being nice to people. I mean, I don't know. But I grew up sort of thinking that that was the highest a person could be. Super accepting, super nice, smooth the waters, have a good time, you know, be laid back, be chill. And I am all those things still. You talk to people who meet me, that's probably some of the first things they'll tell you about me. meet me, that's probably some of the first things they'll tell you about me. But what I've come to realize probably in the last five or ten years of my life is that honesty now trumps all of that.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And it trumps all of that because so many people are full of shit anymore. And that's the warning I have for any minority groups or any minority movements out there, particularly in the United States, who think that they have true allies who like to walk in the streets with signs or like to proclaim today is a special day for minorities. You just think about, you know, what the allies have accomplished for minorities in recent times. You know, think about what all the white marchers in Black Lives Matter have accomplished for the black community. What happened?
Starting point is 00:08:11 I mean, 2022 or 21, which one was it? One of those years with murder rates through the roof, disproportionately African-American murders. Like, come on. Look at Gaza, right? African-American murders. Like, come on. Look at Gaza, right? You got people every single day all over the world marching for Palestine. Look, I worked for a lady who was an interesting model. I'll tell you that much.
Starting point is 00:08:42 But she had a sign on her wall that I hated at the time, and it actually scared me at the time. And I don't necessarily jive with it 100% anymore, or I don't necessarily jive with this concept 100% at all. But there is something to be said about results, right? And the sign on our wall said, never confuse effort for results. And at the time, I was always like, oof, that seems kind of rough. And I still think that way, you know, because sometimes a good effort can be a good effort, and it can, you know, garner just as much, it can garner just as much as results, you know. But in large part, I would, well, it's the old Shakespeare, right? The world
Starting point is 00:09:37 is protesting too much in favor of minority groups and not a lot's getting done. And that's, why is that? That's because the secret is you have to put the lodestone on your back and do it yourself. And that's all there is to it. Do you know what I mean? I don't know. I hope you guys are doing good today.
Starting point is 00:09:57 It's a wonderful morning. It really is. It's a wonderful morning and a wonderful life in all honesty. I, uh... Yeah. I don't know april showers it's gonna be a big rain month here we got a bunch of stuff growing wild perennial annual bunch of stuff growing um all the prepping things you know what i mean members the new routine is out i've got heavy hands for you members i got heavy hands coming for you members i am gonna break down my thoughts on the uh
Starting point is 00:10:34 i can't tell if he's a general or a high-ranking leader based on what i saw come out of uh oh i never changed the name or the background. Well, besides some aesthetic things, this month's routine is upon us. It is upon us. And it's a good one, man. You guys voted for weekly off-grid build stuff. So we're going to do, do i think four different off-grid builds for our weekly routines um i did leave the family activity alone i thought that's a great one we should keep it on there i will get with you guys we'll go over each and every activity line by line there's a new dry fire um a new dry fire drill that i'm going to talk to you about. I'll probably do it in video because you can see the iTarget Pro in action. It's a good one, man. I'm having so much fun with the dry fire aspect of my daily routines.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Bunch of cool stuff. Testing your might, physical fitness, wellness, prepping. What else do we got? Foraging, all kinds of stuff, okay? If you do the routines. And look, in May, we'll do a routine for all, okay? I know I promised that we'd do some with and some with. Some with members and some with everybody.
Starting point is 00:12:03 February, we did with everybody. March, April, we're doing with members. May, everybody. February we did with everybody. March, April we're doing with members. May we'll put something together for everybody. You guys just got to understand that the members do it all for us here at PBN. You know, I mean, really, truly. Like they are, sponsorship is up and down. You know, purchases of other things are up and down. Purchases of other things are up and down. Membership is the steady stream that keeps the network alive.
Starting point is 00:12:33 So if you want to be a part of that or if you want to take your preparedness to the next level, if you have the drive to do that, go to and become a member today. You'll be inundated. That's all I can promise you. Let's get into One Threat, One Solution, folks. This is going to be not necessarily a one threat, but definitely something worth talking about. Let's do it. All right, folks, we are talking. We are talking the U.S. intelligence community's annual threat report.
Starting point is 00:13:28 It's a heavy one. Perceived dangers to the world were posed by China, Russia, Hamas, Iran, biosecurity threats, AI vulnerabilities, ISIS, and climate change. Somehow climate change made it in there. So this is a bunch of—this is not a one threat necessarily, you know what I mean? But it just is what it is. It's a sign of the times. I didn't notice, though we were supposed to see an explosion of dangerous white supremacist groups and ideology. They didn't make this year's Golden Globes of U.S. intelligence. Nobody saw that one come. I thought that the white supremacist nationalists in the U.S. would be the longest standing threat to the country. You know, all those...
Starting point is 00:14:20 Okay. Anyway. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a 2024 annual threat assessment of the U.S., which warned of rising threats by power seeking global dominance as well as other emerging dangers. High-capable non-state terrorist group in Hamas. That was one of the higher listed ones. The U.S. intelligence community listed threats such as highly capable non-state terrorist group. What's non-state? Okay. In Hamas. That's interesting to me now.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Non-state terrorist group. Hmm. That's interesting to me now. Non-state terrorist group. Hmm. It's funny to word it that way with what's happening right now in Israel. But anyway, new technologies, fragilities in the public health sector, and environmental changes. China and Russia to undermine the United States on the global stage.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Another threat, Iran's attempt to be a regional menace. That's pretty good. With broader malign influence activities, North Korea's expansion of WMD capabilities, economic spillovers from the war in Ukraine, growing dangers posed by Lebanese Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Iranian-backed militias in Iraq and Syria. Deep fakes and misinformation posed by AI-generated computer viruses or new chemical weapons created with the help of AI. Terrorism posed by small cells or individuals inspired by foreign terrorist organizations and violent extremist ideologies. And the expansion of ISIS. Greater Sahara. ISIS West Africa. Al-Shabaab, and al-Qaeda.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Read the full debrief. So those are the things on the table for the U.S. intelligence community, I'd say, outside, or those are the things that they are recognizing as threats. Heavy terrorism, you know, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy terror, almost nothing, almost nothing about Russia and China outside of, you know, they want to take over. It's, you know, you can look at it many ways. You can look at it like it's a lot. You can look at it like it's a lottery. Am I going to be the lucky one to get the car bombing? You know, all it represents to me, folks, there was a time when I'd read those things
Starting point is 00:16:50 and my adrenaline would be pumping, and I'm like, I can't believe it. I'm going to move away. Whatever you can do. Whatever you can do, not just to prepare yourself, but to explain to the world that you live in and the people around you that there's a way. There is a way.
Starting point is 00:17:12 And the way is through self-reliance and independence. And it's not enough that you do it. It's not enough that you become self-reliant and independent and strong and capable You know We all have to We all have to I really think that
Starting point is 00:17:34 You can bomb terrorists For the rest of my life All over the world But until the citizenry become Powerful and intimidating and terrifying, there will always be terror threats. You look at the nations that are suffering most from terror threats, I mean from actual terrorism, right?
Starting point is 00:17:57 They're people who cannot defend themselves. They're people, and the more weak we become, the more the threat rises. It's through strength that we'll find peace. It's through competence. It's through all that. We have to become a stronger people through and through. And I really think a lot of that shores up a bunch of those issues. And I really think a lot of that shores up a bunch of those issues.
Starting point is 00:18:36 I mean, a calculated militaristic effort to destroy these terrorist groups is important. It would really help. It would really help, particularly with Muslim-derived terrorism, if we could get a serious movement of moderate Muslims or even not-so-moderate Muslims that just didn't want to kill people. of Islam, of the faith, that could explain how they can really focus in and hone in on their religion without having to cut people's heads off and blow each other up. Like, that would be a huge thing to put all over the place. I never see it. I don't see it.
Starting point is 00:19:22 I see sparse people, you know, and a lot of them wind up leaving. They go moderate, then they go away. They leave. Islam altogether. So, you know, we need that. We need that. I don't care if the religion calls for you to be humble or not to talk about your religion or whatever the things are. You know, we need a group, not a CAIR group. Again, it's another ally group. It
Starting point is 00:19:47 does more harm than good. We need a group to come out and say this is the right way to Muslim, and we condemn these other people. That would help, but I think what would help most is a public that learns to act quickly and dissolve the threats that exist. A public that is frightening and intimidating and strong and prepared and capable. That has to be our goal. That has to be our goal. That has to be what we strive towards. And it doesn't mean you have to figure it out. All it means is you have to be the first person in the group. That's all. You have to look at that plan and then look at yourself and say, am I meeting the standard?
Starting point is 00:20:43 And if you're not, then meet the damn standard, right? Get to that point. Get to that point, and I promise you, one of the first things that happens when you get to that point is people start talking to you, asking questions, you know? And then you can divulge as much as you want. Well, this is what I do. This is how often I work out. This is how I train with my gun and do this, right?
Starting point is 00:21:04 The worse things get, the crazier things get, the more people are going to appreciate competency, right? The more they're going to appreciate people who are capable. So yeah, there's a lot of threats out there. You can get lost in it. You can, you know, spend your whole morning talking conspiracy theories. You can do a bunch of things. Or you can take yourself to the pinnacle of your, you know, capability with all things that you do. And I think that's enough. I think that's contagious. And I think that's enough. But of course, it all starts with the base level of prepping. Okay. Let's get into the SHTF Chef.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Now that is a delicious cut of long pork. I opened an old screwed up French cooking book last night. I had like a third of a bottle of red wine left over that I haven't used in months. And I had a whole chicken in the fridge and I said to myself, and I had a whole chicken in the fridge, and I said to myself, you know, it's very rare that I drop a saucy French traditional meal on the family. My family eats very weird. To have me be the man I am, my family eats very, very weird. You know, like, I pictured us eating a very different way.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Minimalist, no sauces, grilled, you know, usually highly seasoned foods. Very different than what I thought I would be cooking as a chef, cooking for a family, you know. But last night I said, you know, sometimes daddy got to cook what daddy won. And I did a classic dish called cock au vin. Calm down. C-O-Q. And it's designed for, well, it was designed for cooking rooster. You know, a tougher cut or a tougher animal, an older animal. Break him down, cook him, stew him, essentially, in red wine and chicken stock.
Starting point is 00:23:40 This dish is tremendous, man. It's an amazing dish if you have things like bacon, onions, button mushrooms, and potatoes. And that's basically all you need in some red wine and fresh herbs. The way it works, I break the chicken down bone in style. I break the chicken down with the drum stick. I break the chicken down with the thigh. If you don't know how to break a chicken down, a whole chicken, you should really learn it. It's very easy. I did a video of it a long time ago. I think it got lost when we got hit by the scourge virus from YouTube and they deleted a bunch of our member content. So maybe I'll make a new video for those of you who don't know how to buy a whole chicken and turn it into two drumsticks, two thighs, two breasts, two wings, right? And, I mean, you can break it down into—
Starting point is 00:24:33 you can also use the carcass then, the chicken backs, to roast and make stock. Right now I have a chicken back in the oven. Just realized that I totally forgot about last night that it's trash now because it sat in the oven all night. But I was going to roast it and I was going to make stock with it. So you break your pieces down. Some people coat them in flour. I'm not a big fan of all that. Start by searing the chicken in the pan. You know, hard, good golden brown color on the chicken. You can leave the skin on. Out of the pan, get your bacon. I sliced the bacon into about one-inch pieces,
Starting point is 00:25:17 maybe one-and-a-half pieces at the largest. Get the bacon going, add the onions, add some crushed garlic cloves until everything smells great. You can add carrots and all that if you want. Butt mushrooms next. Once all that stuff is broken down, you're going to deglaze the pan or hit the pan with about a cup and a half to a quarter of red wine.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Let that cook down. Let the alcohol cook out. Add your chicken pieces back in. Add the same amount of stock as you added red wine, okay? And then from there, you can add small new potatoes or sliced potatoes or halved. I used halved red skin potatoes I had left over from St. Patrick's Day,
Starting point is 00:26:07 a big bunch that I bought. And simmer uncovered once all that's in there for about 35 to 45 minutes. Okay. I think I'd err on the side of 35 minutes. Well, no, go with 35 to 45 minutes. Maybe go 40 minutes. Okay. I think I'd err on the side of 35 minutes. Well, no, I'd go with 35 to 45 minutes, maybe go 40 minutes. I'm thinking about how the chicken was cooked when I pulled it out. There were thought the thigh meat was not quite, I mean, it was all done, but it wasn't quite as tender as I would have liked down to the bone. But then again, the chicken legs were, they were just perfect.
Starting point is 00:26:52 At the end, I had plenty of salt, plenty of fresh cracked pepper, a lot of fresh cracked pepper in this dish, okay? At the end, you're going to remove your chicken from the pot. from the pot. What I did is I took finely chopped fresh thyme, rosemary, sage, maybe about a tablespoon in total of it all, and put that in right before, right where we were about the 30 minute mark, okay? Then once we hit the mark of done to say about 40 minutes, I pulled the meat out, made a roux. If you don't remember how to make a roux, look it up. We did an episode on roux here. Make a roux, thicken your sauce, and pour it over your meat and serve. And serve it with rice, whatever.
Starting point is 00:27:42 So, you know, you'll have the potatoes that are cooking in there, so you can do it just as is. And that is coq au vin, PBN family, and that is tremendous, delicious, unbelievable dish. Age-old dish from the French. They know what they're doing, those French, when it comes to food. Having a good French cookbook is nice. I would leaf through that thing all last night. But it's a good recipe. It's worth trying. There is something to be said about keeping wine on hand for cooking, especially coming into the warmer weather,
Starting point is 00:28:16 having good white wine around. Red wine is a winter cooking thing, but having good white wine around for white wine, butter, sauces, garlic and white wine sauces, It's a good one. Okay, I'm going to read you a little Khalil Gibran, and we're going to get out of here. Okay, I've got plenty of work to be done. This is from A Tear and a Smile. Let me find the name of this passage because I don't actually know the name of it. Communion of Spirits. Khalil Gibran, Communion of Spirits.
Starting point is 00:28:53 It's a longer one. I'm going to read you the last page because it's great. Maybe you can find some similarities in your life. Day's heavy hand is laid. Curtains are drawn back from the windows and doors thrown open. Tired eyes and troubled faces are revealed and despairing souls betake themselves to toil. Within their bodies, death dwells side by side with life
Starting point is 00:29:18 and the shadows of fear and misery stand astride. Their tightened features as though they are driven to the shambles. Behold the streets groaning with the press of hurrying covetous crowds, the air filled with the clank of iron, the grinding of wheels and whistle of steam. The city is become a battlefield, wherein the strong contend with the weak, and the healthy harvest the labor of the poor. How beautiful is life, beloved Tis like the heart of a poet
Starting point is 00:29:49 Full with light and spirit How harsh is life, beloved Tis like an evildoer's heart Full with guilt and fear Talk to you soon, PBN family Thanks so much for the support We do appreciate you. PBN family, come in.
Starting point is 00:30:13 I need your help. I need backup. The Collapse Survivor app has killed me off two times now. The current simulation I'm trapped in is almost too believable. You will also get real-life threat alerts from Fortitude Ranch and have the option to manage your entire prepper inventory. Go to the App Store, download the Collapse Survivor app, and be prepared to test your might.

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